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Chakras and body parts

Mar 8, 2004
The aim of this topic is to gather information about which body parts are ruled by which chakras. Unfortunately, the is very few about this in the main website. The only thing other helpful thing I could found was this sentence: "All of the chakras, both major and minor directly affect the organs of the body that they are in proximity with. This is a reciprocal relationship in regards to one's health, as an unhealthy organ will affect the power of the chakra and visa versa."
I went to the Zodiac Signs page and formulated an hypothesis: that Zodiac Signs can help us address this matchmaking. Without waiting any further, I will address my main question:
  • Aries rules the head, face, sinuses, brain, eyes, and the nervous system (together with Gemini). Does this mean the sacral chakra rules these parts of the body as well?
  • Taurus rules the neck, throat and ears, as well as the muscular system; while Libra rules the kidneys, the liver and the adrenal glands. Are these parts of the body ruled by the throat chakra? Comment: in my opinion it is plausible for the neck, throat and ears, but less so for the muscular system and everything ruled by Libra.</li>
  • Gemini rules the hands, arms, shoulders, chest, lungs, nervous system and respiratory system; Virgo rules the bowels, the intestines and the "alimentary" (which I have yet to understand what author means by that, since it was not in biology class when I was in high school). Are these parts ruled by the heart chakra? Comment: in my opinion, it would do for the parts rule by Gemini, as the chest is where the chakra resides, the shoulders are extensions of the heart chakra, from there the energy can easily transition through the arms until the hand chakra, furthermore respiratory and nervous system both extend for the whole, connecting everything; the same can't be said for what is ruled by Virgo.</li>
  • Cancer rules the breasts, the digestive system, stomach, body fluids and lymph gland. Can you see any connection from it to the sixth chakra? I cannot. It seems an over stretch already thinking that since the Moon symbolises the feminine principle, it could rule the breasts but not all the remainder.</li>
  • Leo rules the cardiac system (I don't know why it's written like that, as there's not cardiac system, but there is a circulatory system which the heart is part of). I see no connection with the solar plexus chakra, other than the fact this chakra is the centre of the soul and in TCM the fire element is related to the heart.</li>
  • Scorpius rules the reproductive and sex organs. It is ruled by Pluto, which rules one side of the pineal gland, and it's co-ruled by Mars. The sacral chakra seems a good candidate for those organs.</li>
  • Sagittarius rules the "hepatic", hips, thighs and arteries. I don't see connections with the crown chakra, to be honest.</li>
  • Capricornus rules the skeletal system. It might be appropriate for the root chakra.</li>
  • Aquarius rules the circulatory system. It is ruled by Uranus and co-ruled by Saturn. Uranus in turns rules the aura, but I don't why the aura should rule a body part, honestly, and the root chakra in my opinion does not seem related to the circulatory system.</li>
  • Pisces rules the lymphatic system and the feet. It is ruled by Neptune and co-ruled by Jupiter. Neptune rules the other side of the pineal gland, Jupiter rules the crown chakra. I see no connections here as well.</li>
    Why did I write all that mess? Starting from a question asked by stevenbradley46, I thought the answer given to him was incomplete. I wanted to know more on the matter as well. If you train a body part, we SS know you're also empowering the chakra that rules that body part. So which chakras rules:
    A- the arms?B- the chest?C- the abs?D- the back?E- the shoulders?F- the thighs?G- the hamstrings?H- the calves?
    I think overall cardiovascular endurance is ruled by what rules the cardiovascular system, muscular endurance by what rules the muscles and same goes for muscular endurance. While generic rulerships would be: overall endurance for Saturn (root chakra), overall strength and athleticism for Mars (sacral chakra), overall stamina and recuperability.
    Here also the only chakras that are mentioned to rule something by the main website:
  • Root chakra - no word on that.</li>
  • Sacral chakra - lower abdomen, reproductive organs, kidneys.</li>
  • Solar Plexus chakra - digestive system, stomach, pancreas, muscles.</li>
  • Heart chakra - no word on that.</li>
  • Throat chakra - neck, thyroid gland, throat, mouth, voice, ears, hearing, and trachea.</li>
  • Sixth chakra - eyes, vision, pineal gland.</li>
  • Crown chakra - brain, pituitary gland, nervous system.</li>Two chakras and many body parts are missing. Can someone help with this? Should I instead focus on what the Planets rule? I put links, so I avoid writing too much again. Still with that information, I hear nothing about arms (only Gemini), chest (still only Gemini), abs (no clue, aside from the lower part ruled by the sacral, no account for the upper part of the rectus abdominalis and the obliques), the back, the shoulders (only Gemini), the hamstrings and the calves. The thighs are ruled by Jupiter ad Sagittarius, but why would the crown chakra be associated with it?
    Sources:http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakras.htm
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... etSun.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... tMoon.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... rcury.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Venus.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... tMars.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... piter.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aturn.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ranus.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ptune.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Pluto.html
@stardust. Ref chakras and zodiac
This is awesome! Maybe J.A. or Ms Lydia can answer some of your questions.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Sun, Aug 27, 2017 at 2:04 AM, starduststreakoflightning@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   The aim of this topic is to gather information about which body parts are ruled by which chakras. Unfortunately, the is very few about this in the main website. The only thing other helpful thing I could found was this sentence: "All of the chakras, both major and minor directly affect the organs of the body that they are in proximity with. This is a reciprocal relationship in regards to one's health, as an unhealthy organ will affect the power of the chakra and visa versa."
I went to the Zodiac Signs page and formulated an hypothesis: that Zodiac Signs can help us address this matchmaking. Without waiting any further, I will address my main question:
  • Aries rules the head, face, sinuses, brain, eyes, and the nervous system (together with Gemini). Does this mean the sacral chakra rules these parts of the body as well?
  • Taurus rules the neck, throat and ears, as well as the muscular system; while Libra rules the kidneys, the liver and the adrenal glands. Are these parts of the body ruled by the throat chakra? Comment: in my opinion it is plausible for the neck, throat and ears, but less so for the muscular system and everything ruled by Libra.</li>
  • Gemini rules the hands, arms, shoulders, chest, lungs, nervous system and respiratory system; Virgo rules the bowels, the intestines and the "alimentary" (which I have yet to understand what author means by that, since it was not in biology class when I was in high school). Are these parts ruled by the heart chakra? Comment: in my opinion, it would do for the parts rule by Gemini, as the chest is where the chakra resides, the shoulders are extensions of the heart chakra, from there the energy can easily transition through the arms until the hand chakra, furthermore respiratory and nervous system both extend for the whole, connecting everything; the same can't be said for what is ruled by Virgo.</li>
  • Cancer rules the breasts, the digestive system, stomach, body fluids and lymph gland. Can you see any connection from it to the sixth chakra? I cannot. It seems an over stretch already thinking that since the Moon symbolises the feminine principle, it could rule the breasts but not all the remainder.</li>
  • Leo rules the cardiac system (I don't know why it's written like that, as there's not cardiac system, but there is a circulatory system which the heart is part of). I see no connection with the solar plexus chakra, other than the fact this chakra is the centre of the soul and in TCM the fire element is related to the heart.</li>
  • Scorpius rules the reproductive and sex organs. It is ruled by Pluto, which rules one side of the pineal gland, and it's co-ruled by Mars. The sacral chakra seems a good candidate for those organs.</li>
  • Sagittarius rules the "hepatic", hips, thighs and arteries. I don't see connections with the crown chakra, to be honest.</li>
  • Capricornus rules the skeletal system. It might be appropriate for the root chakra.</li>
  • Aquarius rules the circulatory system. It is ruled by Uranus and co-ruled by Saturn. Uranus in turns rules the aura, but I don't why the aura should rule a body part, honestly, and the root chakra in my opinion does not seem related to the circulatory system.</li>
  • Pisces rules the lymphatic system and the feet. It is ruled by Neptune and co-ruled by Jupiter. Neptune rules the other side of the pineal gland, Jupiter rules the crown chakra. I see no connections here as well.</li>
    Why did I write all that mess? Starting from a question asked by stevenbradley46, I thought the answer given to him was incomplete. I wanted to know more on the matter as well. If you train a body part, we SS know you're also empowering the chakra that rules that body part. So which chakras rules:
    A- the arms?B- the chest?C- the abs?D- the back?E- the shoulders?F- the thighs?G- the hamstrings?H- the calves?
    I think overall cardiovascular endurance is ruled by what rules the cardiovascular system, muscular endurance by what rules the muscles and same goes for muscular endurance. While generic rulerships would be: overall endurance for Saturn (root chakra), overall strength and athleticism for Mars (sacral chakra), overall stamina and recuperability.
    Here also the only chakras that are mentioned to rule something by the main website:
  • Root chakra - no word on that.</li>
  • Sacral chakra - lower abdomen, reproductive organs, kidneys.</li>
  • Solar Plexus chakra - digestive system, stomach, pancreas, muscles.</li>
  • Heart chakra - no word on that.</li>
  • Throat chakra - neck, thyroid gland, throat, mouth, voice, ears, hearing, and trachea.</li>
  • Sixth chakra - eyes, vision, pineal gland.</li>
  • Crown chakra - brain, pituitary gland, nervous system.</li>Two chakras and many body parts are missing. Can someone help with this? Should I instead focus on what the Planets rule? I put links, so I avoid writing too much again. Still with that information, I hear nothing about arms (only Gemini), chest (still only Gemini), abs (no clue, aside from the lower part ruled by the sacral, no account for the upper part of the rectus abdominalis and the obliques), the back, the shoulders (only Gemini), the hamstrings and the calves. The thighs are ruled by Jupiter ad Sagittarius, but why would the crown chakra be associated with it?
    Sources:http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakras.htm
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... hakra.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... etSun.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... tMoon.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... rcury.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Venus.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... tMars.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... piter.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aturn.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ranus.html
    http://www..angelfire.com/empire/serpen ... ptune.html
    http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... Pluto.html
I've been trying to answer but no internet.

This is all based on your false theory that the chakras rule the zodiac signs. While there is a correlation (planets rule the chakras and planets rule zodiac signs), there is no causation.

The body parts are ruled by the chakra that is closest to them. For example:

Kidneys are ruled by the sacral, the top 2 chakras rule the head, solar rules the stomach, solar and heart rule the physical heart, heart chakra rules the arms/hands, and so on. You will note a few exceptions such as solar co-ruling physical heart. Also look to the magickal squares pages for more info. I'm not going to go through your entire list as you should be able to figure it out from here.

Base rules the feet. Anyone with foot problems need to work more on their base.
Thank you Lydia for your answer.
The only thing I think is left is tissues that connect the whole body and thus are "all over the place". I'm guessing we should actually consider it "fragment". For example arms skin would be ruled by the heart, while leg bones would be of the base?
Do minor chakras fit into this? For example, hypotethically working more on the hand chakras could help heal a hand problem more than working on the heart, right?
Thank you again.
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
With respect to your final few questions, and I have been meaning to answer your OP for some time however time has been limited, all bones are related to the base chakra as are the kidneys and external genitalia.

Kidney function however is related to the sacral and solar chakras in as much as they participate in sexual drive (sacral) and digestion & will power (solar).

All skin disorders are related to the heart chakra by virtue of its connection with the lungs, and by the same logic that the heart chakra is connected to the aura, inner connecting with outer.

The throat chakra also has a connection with the lung as the product of the lung, the voice passes through there and the throat is an extension of the lung.

The chakra rulerships are not as resolute and singular as one might think, as the body is an integrated whole - the organs are not isolated units but part of a larger framework, the basis of which is imprinted at the soul level.

This is why one organ may have a few aspects split across nearby chakras and the functions of the chakras and their inherent energies should be enough to explain those things.
@Alec Wynn,

It sounds like you are also referring to BBRS ( ? ) or loose connective tissue or some sort which is nothing more than the interaction between blood, cells and lymphes on micro level, and can also contain some nerve ends.

If one thinks about it, it could be seen as part of the lymph system, or overall consititution. In which if it is the latter case perhaps count this to the organ which it has been affecting or the chakra related to that body part.

Also I believe lymphs are said to be related to the 6th, because moon, and water. (and I might recall it being written in the squares description).
Connective tissue holds a great deal of value IMO and has a similar function to lymph except that its responsibility is slightly different.

Lymph is responsible for the smooth movement and circulation of fluid whilst the connective tissue is responsible for the movement of qi.

Both are dependent on each other to some degree and impediments to the flow of qi can lead to fluid stasis (dampness and phlegm accumulation); similarly poor fluid movement or excessiveness can cause qi stagnation or heat.

Technically this kind of tissue is ruled by a combination of the sacral, solar and heart chakras by virtue of its connection with the functions of the Kidneys, Spleen and Lungs which together regulate fluid and qi metabolism in which the Liver also participates from the qi flow side but this organ is also ruled by the solar chakra.
And thats why TCM can answer some things better than western herbalism.

Although I have a question though. Too much yin or rather the poor circulation thereof cannot result in dampness, can it?
Also with all the toxic crap in foods nowadays, does it make it harder for you to make sense out of symptoms?
Dampness is a Yin pathogen, caused by Him exuberance yes.

Poor circulation is a contributing factor also.

All things can be classified according to TCM theory, the predominant patterns are still the same irrespective of the constituent properties of food that has been consumed.

The symptoms and signs are evidence of how the body is responding, not so much what has gone into it.

The range of human body responses to disease is what TCM theory describes and therefore any disease or symptom picture can be described therein.

Honestly as far as toxicity goes, by far the most toxic state I have seen people in clinic experiencing is almost always from alcohol exposure, OR from congenital insufficiency leading to being easily corrupted by external pathogens including toxins.

If a person's congenital basis is firm and steadfast, the 'toxicity' is not as apparent nor as harmful.

This is also to do with the soul level as the congenital basis reflects the soul's impact on the physical body.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
