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Caution Regarding Divinatory Readings

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
Many people in the world have caused ruin to their lives from incorrect interpretations of divination readings (tarot, astrology, tea leaves, dream interpretation, etc).

The reason why? A lot of people, especially non-SS, who offer these readings are not at a high level of awareness or wisdom. And people get readings from them thinking (or at least hoping) these people have true insight.

Regarding tarot specifically, each card has many meanings – beneficial, malefic, and neutral. It isn’t as straightforward as astrology. A reading might seem fun when you first get it, but then what, if the interpretation turns out to be inaccurate and influenced you to make a mistake in life?

Many times when people are new to tarot (or other forms of divination), they get some accurate answers and think they have the swing of things, then start offering readings to others, not understanding that they can seriously affect someone’s life. It takes years of practice, observation and note-taking, trial and error and fact-finding, to become adept. You also need insight and understanding of life, human nature, spirituality, growth and development.

Giving a disclaimer to the person you offered a reading to, expecting them to use their “inner wisdom” (many people don’t even have this) to make the correct choice, isn’t enough. It doesn’t wash your hands of responsibility. Many people are too trusting, and will make decisions based on stunted or warped interpretations of the reading.

So to those of you who go to others for readings, don’t rely 100% on it. Use it as a guide, not as a rule. And be careful. I went for a reading in-person one time, the tarot reader was an adept psychic vampire. Many professional occultists are psychic vampires, or have a warped sense of spirituality. Many of them don’t actually want to help you, they want you to become dependent on them to keep paying their bills. Always be alert.

And to those who want to offer readings to other SS, my advice is to not do this until you have been advancing yourself enough first. If you’re confused about yourself and/or can’t even properly understand the JoS, then how can you offer true divination for other members here? A lot of people do not understand the impact a reading can have on someone. This impact can be for positive… or for negative. You need to understand the power and influence you have, or appear to have, because many people are desperate for any sort of guidance or hope. This is not a joke.

On a final note, nobody is permitted to publicly charge for readings here on the JoS, unless you are verified and approved by Clergy. Even publicly offering free readings is on the boundary, because of the impact an incorrect reading can cause. (If you want to start your own personal online, or in person, business then that is your own business.)

In the (hopefully near) future, the JoS will have verified experienced tarot readers, astrologers, and more, to help our members :)
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Thank you for sharing this information ♥️
Absolutely, you've touched upon a very important point that needs to be addressed. Even though today's youth might not genuinely know these things, they often pretend to for the sake of appearing 'cool', unaware of the potential consequences.
Well, Lady Lydia, what do you think is the most important aspect of tarot reading? How can we improve ourselves in this regard? Could you give us a few tips?
Best wishes
I know someone, a "Satanist", who, in addition to studying from fake sources, the only meditation he performed was to enter the astral plane and deal with fictitious entities. He had a great job and business opportunity in Dubai, with all expenses paid. After months, he told me that he had left this opportunity because a divination reading with runes had suggested this to him.
This choice has totally changed his life, and years later all he can do is follow a job from which he receives little financial satisfaction, and which leaves him little free time.
True advancement in the spiritual sphere also involves insight into the qualities of the spiritual experiences we encounter. Because, a Spiritual Satanist develops a natural intuition that pushes him towards self-realization in the best possible way, materially and spiritually.

Illusion is a real limit, what we spiritual Satanists can do is not participate in the consolidation of other people's illusion. Wisdom is required, and advancement in this path, to minimize errors, and in any case always recommend how to tend towards the wisest path.
Divination is a spiritual skill, that goes with the intent of wisdom.
Thank you, HPS Lydia.
Thank you HPS Lydia.

But what about people who, despite still being new to Tarot, have a deeper connection to it, use intuition and are capable of actually giving out good readings?

Does the above, that you mentioned, still stand despite that? I'm genuinely curious. Thank you!
Very wise words Lydia, unfortunately spirituality has turned into a business for every con man who exploits the ignorance and suffering of people leading them most of the time to dependence and destruction. People who appear as "spiritual teachers" but who in fact have no real spiritual progress appear everywhere on social networks giving most of the time wrong information to their clients. All those who belong to this New Age movement whether they are "spiritual masters" or a follower have a deep Christian background and expect that they will push a button and all problems will be magically solved without any real spiritual progress that goes deep and time and ultimately transforms the soul. Real spirituality as we learn here in Jos has to do first of all with Kundalini upliftment and real transformation of the soul something that takes a lot of work and many years of practice, resulting in rising to higher divine levels and having contact with our real Gods and not with false parasitic entities. Most of them after being destroyed go back to Christianity terrified and become fanatical preachers warning others not to bother because they are evil and Satanic and will go to hell. Youtube is full of channels of such idiots and deceived people saying they finally found the truth in Jesus. The New Age movement ultimately works for the benefit of Christianity with no other reason for existence, it offers nothing nor real spiritual practices nor truth nor progress and in the end Satan is the bad guy and Jesus is the good guy
Correct me if I'm wrong, but I think that making a reading for a SS that regularly meditates and does Energy Work should be significantly more complex and require even more skill than usual. Our destiny and our souls should be much more "unpredictable" and things that would apply for a regular person do not always apply to us.

People think it's all cool and fun with divination, but it can literally break an individual mentally if one doesn't have the right approach to these things and doesn't know how to deal with what is said to him. This is why I felt like writing this post some time ago: https://ancient-forums.com/index.ph...atal-chart-is-just-your-starting-point.87672/
Absolutely, you've touched upon a very important point that needs to be addressed. Even though today's youth might not genuinely know these things, they often pretend to for the sake of appearing 'cool', unaware of the potential consequences.
Well, Lady Lydia, what do you think is the most important aspect of tarot reading? How can we improve ourselves in this regard? Could you give us a few tips?
Best wishes
There will be more on the JoS regarding tarot soon. Everything is being organized first, and then it will be made public :)

I know someone, a "Satanist", who, in addition to studying from fake sources, the only meditation he performed was to enter the astral plane and deal with fictitious entities. He had a great job and business opportunity in Dubai, with all expenses paid. After months, he told me that he had left this opportunity because a divination reading with runes had suggested this to him.
This choice has totally changed his life, and years later all he can do is follow a job from which he receives little financial satisfaction, and which leaves him little free time.
True advancement in the spiritual sphere also involves insight into the qualities of the spiritual experiences we encounter. Because, a Spiritual Satanist develops a natural intuition that pushes him towards self-realization in the best possible way, materially and spiritually.

Illusion is a real limit, what we spiritual Satanists can do is not participate in the consolidation of other people's illusion. Wisdom is required, and advancement in this path, to minimize errors, and in any case always recommend how to tend towards the wisest path.
Divination is a spiritual skill, that goes with the intent of wisdom.
Thank you, HPS Lydia.
Thank you for sharing this. There have been many more cases of people who made mistakes with their lives based on readings, it is so sad. We need to be careful.

Thank you HPS Lydia.

But what about people who, despite still being new to Tarot, have a deeper connection to it, use intuition and are capable of actually giving out good readings?

Does the above, that you mentioned, still stand despite that? I'm genuinely curious. Thank you!
This is great, and any members with talent should definitely keep practicing and perhaps work to be verified here if they want to help other members. I had a natural talent for it right from the first time I tried it, but there can still be things missed or mistaken, or the inquirer might take something to mean something else.
Many people in the world have caused ruin to their lives from incorrect interpretations of divination readings (tarot, astrology, tea leaves, dream interpretation, etc).

The reason why? A lot of people, especially non-SS, who offer these readings are not at a high level of awareness or wisdom. And people get readings from them thinking (or at least hoping) these people have true insight.

Regarding tarot specifically, each card has many meanings – beneficial, malefic, and neutral. It isn’t as straightforward as astrology. A reading might seem fun when you first get it, but then what, if the interpretation turns out to be inaccurate and influenced you to make a mistake in life?

Many times when people are new to tarot (or other forms of divination), they get some accurate answers and think they have the swing of things, then start offering readings to others, not understanding that they can seriously affect someone’s life. It takes years of practice, observation and note-taking, trial and error and fact-finding, to become adept. You also need insight and understanding of life, human nature, spirituality, growth and development.

Giving a disclaimer to the person you offered a reading to, expecting them to use their “inner wisdom” (many people don’t even have this) to make the correct choice, isn’t enough. It doesn’t wash your hands of responsibility. Many people are too trusting, and will make decisions based on stunted or warped interpretations of the reading.

So to those of you who go to others for readings, don’t rely 100% on it. Use it as a guide, not as a rule. And be careful. I went for a reading in-person one time, the tarot reader was an adept psychic vampire. Many professional occultists are psychic vampires, or have a warped sense of spirituality. Many of them don’t actually want to help you, they want you to become dependent on them to keep paying their bills. Always be alert.

And to those who want to offer readings to other SS, my advice is to not do this until you have been advancing yourself enough first. If you’re confused about yourself and/or can’t even properly understand the JoS, then how can you offer true divination for other members here? A lot of people do not understand the impact a reading can have on someone. This impact can be for positive… or for negative. You need to understand the power and influence you have, or appear to have, because many people are desperate for any sort of guidance or hope. This is not a joke.

On a final note, nobody is permitted to publicly charge for readings here on the JoS, unless you are verified and approved by Clergy. Even publicly offering free readings is on the boundary, because of the impact an incorrect reading can cause. (If you want to start your own personal online, or in person, business then that is your own business.)

In the (hopefully near) future, the JoS will have verified experienced tarot readers, astrologers, and more, to help our members :)
Good news.
There will be more on the JoS regarding tarot soon. Everything is being organized first, and then it will be made public :)

Thank you for sharing this. There have been many more cases of people who made mistakes with their lives based on readings, it is so sad. We need to be careful.

This is great, and any members with talent should definitely keep practicing and perhaps work to be verified here if they want to help other members. I had a natural talent for it right from the first time I tried it, but there can still be things missed or mistaken, or the inquirer might take something to mean something else.
Greetings Lady Lydia, this is partially unrelated to the thread but I am still curious about it.
I tried divination with the pendulum for predicting specific results and I didn't quite succeed consistently yet, yet I tried divination by basically visualization and letting my inner self give me the answer and I had better results, especially when using my upper chakras.
I think I can improve this by of course practicing as in any skill and empowerment meditation, but is there gonna be information regarding to this type of divination on the JoS? I'm just curious.
Excellent points made here. Knowing people and getting a feel for what the cards mean is a huge necessity with Tarot. The cards are so complex they can have tons of meanings. Note-taking is EXTREMELY important.

Never, ever try to 'make' Tarot give good readings for you by using it over and over again. It will never work. Most people get hung up on this, especially New Agers who assume everything will go 'well' for them 'because of the unconditional love (to me of course) from the universe'.

Most people are deluded about their relationships, etc. and Tarot will tell them the brutal truth. One friend of mine was buzzing about moving abroad and thought it was a permanent new start, as her insane abusive boyfriend had dragged her into this scheme and brainwashed her. She kept pulling the Six of Swords as for how it would all end... which obviously she kept interpreting to be 'good' in some way. She also drew the Eight of Swords.

Surely, after 9 months or so, he found the new country 'intolerable' (as he neither went our nor socialized nor got a job, just continuing the same miserable lifestyle he led while in his home country, while she had actually settled happily into her work life there and learned the language) and they moved back. They eventually broke up.

Beyond the result, the Six and Eight of Swords in this case reflected HER sadness at her professional life and friends being taken away by his stupid whims, both times, being imprisoned and having to transition.

The point is, perhaps to anyone savvy knowing the ins-and-outs of their relationship, this was inevitable, but for her it was not. Imagine giving a reading for her at the peak of her love fantasy. This was not an unintelligent person either, she has psychic ability herself. But she ignored her INTUITION (this came in dozens of times via visions, etc., not just the cards) by making her mind set on making it 'work'.

Everyone has to make mistakes to evolve, Satanists included. However, a Satanist at a certain point of evolution in this type of situation must at some point go beyond their limits and put their foot down, rather than interpret the cards to mean something else or blame the cards.

While fortune tellers must be ethical and many simply are con men or dangerously blunt, plenty of Tarot readers and clients of fortune tellers are also vampires and expect whatever the reading consists of to validate their bad decisions. If their delusions aren't met (especially about money and relationships, touchy subjects), they can get angry and even violent. Tarot readers can feel intimidated by this, adjusting their practice around placating people and this type of artificiality (fear and not telling the truth) can lead them to the enemy.

Astrology can often garner similar delusions. A major necessity in practicing Astrology is self-awareness. I don't know how many idiots I've met who claim 'Only "Vedic" (Sidereal) Astrology is real, Western Astrology is an experiment in colonialism, exploiting brown people and polluting the environment because I never identified with my Tropical Sun sign at all!"... and then they act exactly like their Tropical Chart indicates.
Greetings Lady Lydia, this is partially unrelated to the thread but I am still curious about it.
I tried divination with the pendulum for predicting specific results and I didn't quite succeed consistently yet, yet I tried divination by basically visualization and letting my inner self give me the answer and I had better results, especially when using my upper chakras.
I think I can improve this by of course practicing as in any skill and empowerment meditation, but is there gonna be information regarding to this type of divination on the JoS? I'm just curious.
I've found the same thing. Feeling out the answers. Those who have good intuition can do this, even those who are without, as long as they have the natural talent, either from past lives or inherited. I'm sure there will be more info regarding this on the JoS, but perhaps not anytime soon.
I dont care how much you disapprove my posts, you had no right to abruptly delete my thread just like that. My readings are not nuclear bombs that will kill another SS, they are not Medusas eyes so you would be turned to stone if you even DARE look at them. What you did was WRONG.

And now you are deleting my replies too??? SO much for the "free speech you" believe in...
At least, you could have been nicer maybe and not such an irritable morality police, and actually enlightened me on the reason, but no. You felt like being rude and distasteful today.
I hate you... why do you dismiss me like im some sort of thorn on the backside...

youre supposed to be a high priestess, kind. at least towards our own dedicated. apparently you dont like my writings and you keep disapproving them because you feel offended or some shit.

It would have been fine if you issued these warnings, valuable even, but there was ABSOLUTELY NO FUCKING NEED for you to treat me like a threat to this place and delete everything...

So much for your "freedom advocacy"... this is censorship..

disapprove this one as well. I hope the gods remind you of where you are in your journey, and show you just how unnecessary it was at least, to talk to me that way.
An aquaintance of mine once went to a fortune teller to get a reading about her relationship she just got into. They thold her that she would experience difficulties and that he would not be faithful.

What happened was that it was a self-fulfilling prophecy; she was very insecure and went increasingly paranoid as the relationship went on. She was jealous of every girl that was too close to him and after some time she even tracked his phone. And after some time he could not take her anymore and cheated on her with his ex-girlfriend..

Of course, any advice by the people around her fell on deaf ears, because that reading had to be "true".

Probably they would've had their difficult times anyways, but what she'd been told influenced her behaviour from the start for the worst.
I dont care how much you disapprove my posts, you had no right to abruptly delete my thread just like that. My readings are not nuclear bombs that will kill another SS, they are not Medusas eyes so you would be turned to stone if you even DARE look at them. What you did was WRONG.

And now you are deleting my replies too??? SO much for the "free speech you" believe in...

Brother, first you have to calm down as HPS Lydia has proper reasons for the actions she is taking. Most or all of your replies were deleted not as a matter of suppressing your side of the story, but because you were overreacting towards her, assuming malice or other negative behaviors from her. Instead of this, you should try to learn more of her opinions and her advice about how to proceed moving forward.

Your thread was deleted, if not due to quality concerns, but also because you had started charging for money. As HPS Lydia stated, people need to be approved to do this to avoid mistakes or other negative outcomes from poor quality.

That doesn't mean that you should feel hopeless and see no future with this, or that you are completely unskilled, but rather that the environment for growing your skills, at this point in your tarot career, was deemed inappropriate. I cannot be the one to paint a full idea of what would be appropriate, but the first step would be to calm down and try discuss with HPS Lydia or HPHC, without reacting with extreme anger.

It is ok to explain your situation and also your feelings, such that you felt angry and confused about her judgement, but it isn't ok to use this to conclude she is wrong, or just being rude, or other character attacks. If your skills are actually at a level greater than what you believe HPS Lydia has currently perceived, then this would only be resolved by further interactions with her about advancing your "tarot career", not by going against her.
I dont care how much you disapprove my posts, you had no right to abruptly delete my thread just like that. My readings are not nuclear bombs that will kill another SS, they are not Medusas eyes so you would be turned to stone if you even DARE look at them. What you did was WRONG.

And now you are deleting my replies too??? SO much for the "free speech you" believe in...
You had no right to start that thread, you didn't ask permission to any superior. If you're behaving like this, then I seriously doubt your emotional maturity to conduct tarot readings. Also your signature now makes us understand the emotional maturity that you possess, like a kid who's toy was taken away.

We believe in free speech, we don't believe in insubordination, by being in this forum you accept its rules. If a higher up tells you something is not to be done, and gives you the reasons for that, you stop and if you want you ask for an explanation.

With this behavior you have basically ruined your reputation in the JoS forums, was it worth it?
You had no right to start that thread, you didn't ask permission to any superior. If you're behaving like this, then I seriously doubt your emotional maturity to conduct tarot readings. Also your signature now makes us understand the emotional maturity that you possess, like a kid who's toy was taken away.

We believe in free speech, we don't believe in insubordination, by being in this forum you accept its rules. If a higher up tells you something is not to be done, and gives you the reasons for that, you stop and if you want you ask for an explanation.

With this behavior you have basically ruined your reputation in the JoS forums, was it worth it?
Oh shut up. Please.

Yall don't even know what you're talking about.

I have the right to do at least free readings. Given my obvious dedication, your high priestess could have easily been a bit less rude jn informing me, and there was absolutely no excuse to delete the whole thing, since charging for the services so that I can actually have a chance to donate to the JoS was from YOU GUYS. LITERALLY ALL YOU.

It's not a hard thing to understand where I'm coming from.

But no I guess, I'm the bad guy now because people are too fucking lazy to understand and comprehend that it's not wrong to want to do free readings for the public, but it is wrong to completely try and prohibit a member from doing it, just because of some stupid horror stories, completely disregarding the fact that for the 5 or so people I have done a reading for ( and many others in my previous years), have all confirmed the accuracy.

Not only that, but give me a warning with such a fucking RUDE and HIGH AND MIGHTY attitude, and literally demeaning my two years of reading tarot for people and each time getting it to be accurate as "nothing".

Some of you guys seriously need to reevaluate your fucking morals and where you stand because this is NOT RIGHT.

I would have been even fine with you guys deleting my thread, if you would have acknowledged the fact that I'm not some jewish shill trying to make a buck off of people here, and didn't treat me like that.

It's the disrespect that hurts.

Also, don't talk about emotional maturity with me, after you all have displayed such a serious lack of empathy and abrupt deletion if everything without informing me of the reason beforehand.

If you are serious, then go and delete the other threads that gave free tarot readings, and disable those ppls accounts as well.

See? You can't. Because the problem with me is personal and stems from bulldhit. Not any valud "reason".
Oh shut up. Please.

Yall don't even know what you're talking about.

I have the right to do at least free readings. Given my obvious dedication, your high priestess could have easily been a bit less rude jn informing me, and there was absolutely no excuse to delete the whole thing, since charging for the services so that I can actually have a chance to donate to the JoS was from YOU GUYS. LITERALLY ALL YOU.

It's not a hard thing to understand where I'm coming from.

But no I guess, I'm the bad guy now because people are too fucking lazy to understand and comprehend that it's not wrong to want to do free readings for the public, but it is wrong to completely try and prohibit a member from doing it, just because of some stupid horror stories, completely disregarding the fact that for the 5 or so people I have done a reading for ( and many others in my previous years), have all confirmed the accuracy.

Not only that, but give me a warning with such a fucking RUDE and HIGH AND MIGHTY attitude, and literally demeaning my two years of reading tarot for people and each time getting it to be accurate as "nothing".

Some of you guys seriously need to reevaluate your fucking morals and where you stand because this is NOT RIGHT.

I would have been even fine with you guys deleting my thread, if you would have acknowledged the fact that I'm not some jewish shill trying to make a buck off of people here, and didn't treat me like that.

It's the disrespect that hurts.

Also, don't talk about emotional maturity with me, after you all have displayed such a serious lack of empathy and abrupt deletion if everything without informing me of the reason beforehand.

If you are serious, then go and delete the other threads that gave free tarot readings, and disable those ppls accounts as well.

See? You can't. Because the problem with me is personal and stems from bulldhit. Not any valud "reason".

Brother, please, I believe you are experiencing what HPS Lydia said at a higher degree of sensitivity than which she intended. Nobody had said you are a bad guy or anything like that. It is just an unfortunate situation stemming from a misunderstanding about what we want to allow.

As from what I can see there, there is nothing from these events that should be taken as a true "attack" against yourself or your abilities. Instead of viewing yourself as being completely prevented from your work, you should instead view it as like a test to meet high standards.

HPS Lydia is trying to restore the quality and standard that should be involved with divination, far from what is seen in the average person. That is why she had to act in the way she did.

However, nowhere did she say that you could never meet this high standard, especially if you have a natural interest and ability in this field. So I only see this as just a matter of time, not like you are being totally trashed or anything.

She had said that you are inexperienced, but not that you have no experience or no potential. There is a big difference here. Further, if your abilities are actually greater than what she had witnessed, then this would be shown in time, so there is no cause for alarm.

So I can see why you are shocked or felt disrespected, but I don't believe the situation is as bad or as negative as you may feel. It would be better to try to calm yourself and seek a positive resolution here, such as asking HPS Lydia for advice on how to proceed, or tips on honing your craft, and so on.
You had no right to start that thread, you didn't ask permission to any superior. If you're behaving like this, then I seriously doubt your emotional maturity to conduct tarot readings. Also your signature now makes us understand the emotional maturity that you possess, like a kid who's toy was taken away.

We believe in free speech, we don't believe in insubordination, by being in this forum you accept its rules. If a higher up tells you something is not to be done, and gives you the reasons for that, you stop and if you want you ask for an explanation.

With this behavior you have basically ruined your reputation in the JoS forums, was it worth it?
There is nothing wrong with offering free readings, especially in a public space. People who respond to them should have sense enough to take them for what they are, and TWG did well on my query FYI. I don't see why permission would suddenly be required to start a thread in this case when the precedent was already set by numerous other users starting threads and offering readings, or accepting requests, without appearing to have asked "permission" either. Permission is implicit in the fact that the thread was approved in the first place.

Besides, you are not a JG, who are you to say who has rights to do what and who are you to speak for anybody in the forum?
I dont care how much you disapprove my posts, you had no right to abruptly delete my thread just like that. My readings are not nuclear bombs that will kill another SS, they are not Medusas eyes so you would be turned to stone if you even DARE look at them. What you did was WRONG.

And now you are deleting my replies too??? SO much for the "free speech you" believe in...

So after a couple of years of dedication you are ready to give "answers" to everyone, like most people on magicandspells.com or something. That is not how divination works, it's a different subject. You must never doubt your ability on a personal level or with friends, but if people come with hard problems in your life (how you react shows you cannot handle these), what are you going to do?

Questions like:

1. Someone has cancer, should they take treatment?
2. Should I divorce my wife?
3. Is my significant other cheating?

People don't get it but wrong divination or lack of experience, can dig the grave of another human being. I told HPS Lydia to post this topic as I could not post it myself.

Yes, that is serious and extends further than your emotions. What will people say on something bad or irresponsible? Another SPIRITUAL SATANIST said this, giving bad credit to the Gods and blaming them, or considering the hierarchy of being false because someone didn't do something correctly.

Nothing of this is to personally tell anything to you, but it's to essentially clear out the matter. Lastly, if every dude shows up here and starts selling books and unverified materials, we will turn to magicspells.com or to a desert land of conflicting confusion.

Spiritual matters are delicate and not a game. If one wants to sell readings and they are not verified to do so, there are endless places online and people to do it. I know many people doing these things in the regular world, having many clients daily. In these cases, whatever happens, happens.

Nobody also called you a jew or anything extra, so extending the situation to no end is because of mere reaction. If you plan to take on divination on higher levels, you must actually be at least aware of the above.
Brother, please, I believe you are experiencing what HPS Lydia said at a higher degree of sensitivity than which she intended. Nobody had said you are a bad guy or anything like that. It is just an unfortunate situation stemming from a misunderstanding about what we want to allow.

As from what I can see there, there is nothing from these events that should be taken as a true "attack" against yourself or your abilities. Instead of viewing yourself as being completely prevented from your work, you should instead view it as like a test to meet high standards.

HPS Lydia is trying to restore the quality and standard that should be involved with divination, far from what is seen in the average person. That is why she had to act in the way she did.

However, nowhere did she say that you could never meet this high standard, especially if you have a natural interest and ability in this field. So I only see this as just a matter of time, not like you are being totally trashed or anything.

She had said that you are inexperienced, but not that you have no experience or no potential. There is a big difference here. Further, if your abilities are actually greater than what she had witnessed, then this would be shown in time, so there is no cause for alarm.

So I can see why you are shocked or felt disrespected, but I don't believe the situation is as bad or as negative as you may feel. It would be better to try to calm yourself and seek a positive resolution here, such as asking HPS Lydia for advice on how to proceed, or tips on honing your craft, and so on.
Brother, you are perhaps one of the only people I respect here. And I say that with good reason.

the situation is, one of the older members came into my mail ( as did literally 15 other members on the first day), and advised me to monetize this work so I can donate. I said, okay, that's what High Priest Hooded Cobra told me, so it should be fine.

But instead of any reasonable advice, or any proper explanation, what I get from Lydia is a very harsh, rude warming, that I am not verified or experienced etc.

That already would make anyone mad.

So I said ok. You don't need to be rude, but I leave it up to the clergy if one day they wish to verify me or not. But I was still hurt from this.

And then, without even telling me, she goes and decodes to completely ruin everything. Delete everything.

Like hello? Where is basic decency here? You could have at least told me without deciding to very dismissively delete everything like you're sooooo sooo better than me.

The plan wasn't even to delete my thread. I was willing to still continue doing tarot for free, and what do I hear from her? More insults. She literally tells me that all my hard work for two years of delving deep into tarot is nothing. Do you even understand how fucking much that hurt to hear from her????????

Literally every single one of you guys who has taken a reading from me has confirmed that it was accurate and helpful.

I'm not saying I'm a master in tarot. In fact I'm far from it. But that doesn't mean I should be treated and dismissed like a child. Apparently, some of you people here actually think im a child. Well fuck you to those people.

If you truly wish to teach people and help them grow, then at least let them in on certain situations, so AT THE VERY FUCKING LEAST I know the decisions you guys are making aren't based on some rude, dismissive view of me. Because it really was.

Without even taking a miniscule portion out of her day to actually test me, she just dismisses me as completely defunct and devoid of any knowledge or skill.

This is not for bragging, but literally if you look at my birth chart you will clearly see ALL OVER that it says I have talent for psychic powers. Heck, you don't even need to interpret it that much.

And then, people call me oversensitive, egotistical etc. For pointing out the most basic rules of decency.

I'm tired of these passive aggressive, downright CONDESCENDING ATTITUDE so many people have here. One would expect that such a community at least has some empathy.

I dont care. I will still partake in spiritual warfare, meditate, and when I get my hands on extra money I WILL donate.

But I will never listen to nor fall for any bullshit of any recently titled person.

Oh, but what do I have to say. After all, my work is " nothing", and I am an inexperienced child. Right?
So after a couple of years of dedication you are ready to give "answers" to everyone, like most people on magicandspells.com or something. That is not how divination works, it's a different subject. You must never doubt your ability on a personal level or with friends, but if people come with hard problems in your life (how you react shows you cannot handle these), what are you going to do?

Questions like:

1. Someone has cancer, should they take treatment?
2. Should I divorce my wife?
3. Is my significant other cheating?

People don't get it but wrong divination or lack of experience, can dig the grave of another human being. I told HPS Lydia to post this topic as I could not post it myself.

Yes, that is serious and extends further than your emotions. What will people say on something bad or irresponsible? Another SPIRITUAL SATANIST said this, giving bad credit to the Gods and blaming them, or considering the hierarchy of being false because someone didn't do something correctly.

Nothing of this is to personally tell anything to you, but it's to essentially clear out the matter. Lastly, if every dude shows up here and starts selling books and unverified materials, we will turn to magicspells.com or to a desert land of conflicting confusion.

Spiritual matters are delicate and not a game. If one wants to sell readings and they are not verified to do so, there are endless places online and people to do it. I know many people doing these things in the regular world, having many clients daily. In these cases, whatever happens, happens.

Nobody also called you a jew or anything extra, so extending the situation to no end is because of mere reaction. If you plan to take on divination on higher levels, you must actually be at least aware of the above.
The only thing that I wished for, was to at least not dismiss me like a child. That's the only thing I have a problem with. I agree with what you said 100%. But Lydia's treatment of me was rude and uncalled for.
The only thing that I wished for, was to at least not dismiss me like a child. That's the only thing I have a problem with. I agree with what you said 100%. But Lydia's treatment of me was rude and uncalled for.

I literally am reading that post and I don't see where the giant disrespect or whatever else you are saying is present. I read the topic 3 times.

Also, a post was deleted, and then a post was made. However that is a generalized situation. If you read the post, it doesn't say anything about you specifically or anything like that you are anything that you say.

But because you want to go through with anything without any forethought or whatever, you are saying all sorts of lies that you are being disrespected, others play moral police, "Who are you to do this!" and all sorts of other ranting.

If I told you to monetize your work, I don't mean sell things on the forum. Past a point randoms from Nigeria will be here to sell us life insurance or whatever. So we don't do this, it's a very strict situation about these matters. Another dude will want to sell his latest masterpiece on how to move a pendulum with one's penis for maximum effectiveness.

You are not being dismissed yet just having all this aggressive behavior as if your whole existence was being questioned simply because we have a policy or because someone told you no about something, shows extreme mental immaturity, which one would ascribe only to a teenager or a child and a spoiled one at that.

Keep growing and don't think others always do these things with personal ill intent or to trigger you. That's part of literally growing up.
I literally am reading that post and I don't see where the giant disrespect or whatever else you are saying is present. I read the topic 3 times.

Also, a post was deleted, and then a post was made. However that is a generalized situation. If you read the post, it doesn't say anything about you specifically or anything like that you are anything that you say.

But because you want to go through with anything without any forethought or whatever, you are saying all sorts of lies that you are being disrespected, others play moral police, "Who are you to do this!" and all sorts of other ranting.

If I told you to monetize your work, I don't mean sell things on the forum. Past a point randoms from Nigeria will be here to sell us life insurance or whatever. So we don't do this, it's a very strict situation about these matters. Another dude will want to sell his latest masterpiece on how to move a pendulum with one's penis for maximum effectiveness.

You are not being dismissed yet just having all this aggressive behavior as if your whole existence was being questioned simply because we have a policy or because someone told you no about something, shows extreme mental immaturity, which one would ascribe only to a teenager or a child and a spoiled one at that.

Keep growing and don't think others always do these things with personal ill intent or to trigger you. That's part of literally growing up.
Oh, so I'm a spoiled child now and extremely immature for calling out someone for a sudden rude warning?



So I guess next time someone is rude, I should just not feel a thing and not react, because "it's for immature children", am I right?
So I guess next time someone is rude, I should just not feel a thing and not react, because "it's for immature children", am I right?
Oh, so I'm a spoiled child now and extremely immature for calling out someone for a sudden rude warning?




I restored your replies because there is no point to delete them, they represent the points that made in the topic.

"I'll leave the JoS, I wasn't respected, I only respect you, I am always right, I was mistreated, the community has no empathy because one of my posts were deleted". Most of what you write are exaggerated statements to no end.

When exaggeration happens, one also exaggerates negative emotions. In this case you exaggerated your own to no end and went through 100 stages all the way to saying you are going to leave, while in fact, all of this is not that something great or a persona attack to you. More calmness was required here.

These statements result from feeling attacked or something when this was not the case.

Simply because you were offended, you didn't even verify all the nonsense you say about such offense. Yes, that is highly immature behavior and the first person you harmed was yourself by it.

Writing all that bogus nonsense, where is your empathy, pretending like you were dragged to go into some sort of gulag simply because one post was deleted? Where is empathy in that line, for example: "But I will never listen to nor fall for any bullshit of any recently titled person."

Yeah, I forgot, since you exaggerated your mistreatment, it's alright to say any of this.

Then you manufacture all that nonsense because you want to exaggerate and get your way, you are not being insulted because you are called a spoiled child, because you are primarily exaggerating and lying about your primary points, only to get your way.
the situation is, one of the older members came into my mail ( as did literally 15 other members on the first day), and advised me to monetize this work so I can donate. I said, okay, that's what High Priest Hooded Cobra told me, so it should be fine
My excact words: Thank you, and I think this is something that could be charged for.

I did not say to sell here, right now, and without vetting from higher ups. JoS is an organization that has a pretty strict hierarchy based on merit (and for a good reason), which should be pretty clear, but if it was not, it should be now...

I apologize for not being more specific about this issue as by doing so this could have been avoided.

On the other hand I disagree with the decision to cancel your topic altogether as there have been others providing free tarot readings in the past and no one had a problem with it. But perhaps there are some of your now deleted posts that could change this view. For example, how you handled yourself here is not the best approach, in my opinion.
On the other hand I disagree with the decision to cancel your topic altogether as there have been others providing free tarot readings in the past and no one had a problem with it. But perhaps there are some of your now deleted posts that could change this view. For example, how you handled yourself here is not the best approach, in my opinion.
Rules do change, and the JoS is changing. In the past we even approved posts by retards and jews, doesn't mean we should keep doing that. JoS is going towards a more quality approach, and things of this nature like the tarot thread must be approved before creating it.
To want to paint HPS Lydia as an arrogant, rude person is so unfair. She is literally one of the nicest people here. She doesn't need to, but she is always very kind and patient with everyone.

I read the thread that was deleted, and it was nothing to lose your mind over. It was just a thread were you firstly tried to charge with no permission to do so, and when HPS Lydia told you why you couldn't do that, you started overreacting and complaining like you're doing now. To want to paint the situation as "we want to censor you" is also extremely unfair. Like you're some kind of threat to us and we have to "limit your free speech", because otherwise it would be such an issue for us to deal with what you said, it would really be the end for us you know, oh my god.

That thread didn't contain any value, it was just you complaining and overreacting to what HPS Lydia told you. So many chances are given to people here as well, even if it's almost obvious someone is trolling their posts are approved and many chances are given to all sorts of people, so spare us the censorship nonsense.

You should also be more humble. When you say to the High Priestess "like you're soo much better than me", well I want to let you know something, she is. You make such a big deal about your "2 years", but you seem to ignore that she's been here for more than 13 years and before that she was a spiritual person her whole life. Believe it or not, 2 years is really nothing when it comes to these things. There are many people here who have been doing these things for decades and they are much more humble than you. The part where you say that JG Blitz is one of the only people you respect here is even weirder. Now you hate everyone here because your thread was deleted? You see how silly this is?

To be verified to work for the JoS and charge you need to be at a very high level. And you have to prove your skills to the Clergy. I believe you when you say that you have talent and I think you have good intentions, but this is how it works. You will need to gain the trust of the Clergy and prove that you are a mature person, which is a very important part of divination itself. Control of one's emotions, maturity, wisdom, understanding people and so on.
Rules do change, and the JoS is changing. In the past we even approved posts by retards and jews, doesn't mean we should keep doing that. JoS is going towards a more quality approach, and things of this nature like the tarot thread must be approved before creating it.
It is quite disturbing that you make this comparison here, and furthermore, who are you to state rules?

If there had been a change in the official status resulting in prohibiting tarot reading, then it would stand that all the previous topics would have been deleted as well, no? As it stands, this is not the case. So the rule can not have been changed, or enforcing is poor.

Whatever the case might be, none of this has been explained before these topics were posted.
It is quite disturbing that you make this comparison here, and furthermore, who are you to state rules?

If there had been a change in the official status resulting in prohibiting tarot reading, then it would stand that all the previous topics would have been deleted as well, no? As it stands, this is not the case. So the rule can not have been changed, or enforcing is poor.

Whatever the case might be, none of this has been explained before these topics were posted.
Look at the thread in which we're posting and the situation that is occurring. I'm not creating rules, a person has been prohibited from doing casual readings on the forums and a caution has been released, it's pretty obvious that JoS is taking a more serious stance on this kind of thing.

Other threads are already dead and old, this is a new situation and it has been corrected, what's the problem with that? JoS is constantly evolving and things change as the situation requires.
Guys, why are you arguing in this thread that HPS Lydia wrote?

And TheWhiteGiant, a word of advice: If somebody, like High Priests and High Priestesses and JG or such tell you to learn from the experience instead of lying or getting butthurt, do yourself and everyone else a favor and LEARN from this mistake.

I know that quite a few people can get really sensitive and take things too heart way too easily, (I myself am like that sometimes), the best course of action would be to look within yourself and find out why it bothers you so much and work through it. Emotional healing meditation can do wonders in healing your emotional scars and help you move on and become the best person of yourself.

I know that it is hard feeling like everyone is against you, but people aren't against you, they are just pointing out that you're making this bubble bigger than it needs to be.
Put your pride and ego in reverse in this instance and learn from this, instead of going around hating on certain people.

Nobody is asking you to like everybody, but please be the bigger person and show some respect. It goes a long way. We all make mistakes. We're literally human, still mortal. If we were already like the Gods and making such mistakes, then I'd question where the hell am I, haha.

But yeah, the point I'm trying to make is that step back, meditate, spend time addressing the issue within yourself and grow as a person! Let the Gods guide you. Trust in them. :)
On the other hand I disagree with the decision to cancel your topic altogether as there have been others providing free tarot readings in the past and no one had a problem with it. But perhaps there are some of your now deleted posts that could change this view. For example, how you handled yourself here is not the best approach, in my opinion.
It was deleted after he proved himself to be too immature to handle influencing the fate of other SS.

We have had members in the past who mislead (either on purpose or not) other members to think they have been approved by the JoS to do readings. Even I thought one member had been approved by HPHC because the member pretty much said so. If someone posts here saying they are doing readings, other members will assume he's legit. So I posted to his thread clarifying, so others could read it too, that he was not verified. People needed to know. I left it for a few hours then deleted the whole thread once I posted this, as was decided.
Look at the thread in which we're posting and the situation that is occurring. I'm not creating rules, a person has been prohibited from doing casual readings on the forums and a caution has been released, it's pretty obvious that JoS is taking a more serious stance on this kind of thing.

Other threads are already dead and old, this is a new situation and it has been corrected, what's the problem with that? JoS is constantly evolving and things change as the situation requires.
The problem is that you are misunderstanding the context and message others based on this misunderstanding.

What has happened is that Clergy deleted a topic because charging of money was involved. Now, after a reply from Lydia, there is also a secondary reason. I've yet to see a prohibition of tarot readings. Lydia used words such as perhaps, and Blitzkreig took it further interpreting Lydia as if she made a clear-cut statement of prohibition (which is not the case). Also, Hooded Cobra did not state this being not allowed, either. Seems like a bit of a misunderstanding to me. What Lydia posted acts as information for people to be responsible around divination because it requires a certain level of maturity for it to be practiced properly.

When there has not been a prohibition before the post there would be no base for your statement "You had no right to start that thread, you didn't ask permission to any superior."

If there would be a prohibition, it would be effective after the information had been shared, not before, and there would have to be actions taken for previous materials to be removed. Otherwise, the situation would be the same as in a communist administration where people can be punished for something they have done in the past.

It was deleted after he proved himself to be too immature to handle influencing the fate of other SS.
Yes, I can see that now and I can agree when the basis of the decision is this.
My excact words: Thank you, and I think this is something that could be charged for.

I did not say to sell here, right now, and without vetting from higher ups. JoS is an organization that has a pretty strict hierarchy based on merit (and for a good reason), which should be pretty clear, but if it was not, it should be now...

I apologize for not being more specific about this issue as by doing so this could have been avoided.

On the other hand I disagree with the decision to cancel your topic altogether as there have been others providing free tarot readings in the past and no one had a problem with it. But perhaps there are some of your now deleted posts that could change this view. For example, how you handled yourself here is not the best approach, in my opinion.
"how I handled myself" has nothing to do with it. It has to do with the same thing you believe should have been avoided. If you wanna change your opinion and view of me because of that, then go on ahead. I dont give a damn.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
