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Catholic church in France abusing up to 330,000 children since 1950's


New member
Jan 28, 2019
Hi everyone I am back here after an absence due to stuff in my personal life (mainly negative person coming into play) that has now worked itself out.

The main thing I’m here to post is that in France they have released a committed finding that up to 330,000 children have been abused in the church institutions but a minimum of 2900 people in the church. I find this a big win exposing the enemy and more fuel for the RTR as it shows how disgusting they are.

Here is a link to the article - https://www.france24.com/en/live-news/20211005-french-catholic-church-inquiry-finds-at-least-216-000-paedophilia-cases-between-1950-and-2020

Here is also what the article says-
An investigation into sexual abuse in the French Catholic Church has found that an estimated 216,000 children were victims of abuse by clergy since 1950, Jean-March Sauvé, head of the commission that compiled the report, said on Tuesday.

The revelations in France are the latest to rock the Roman Catholic Church, after a series of sexual abuse scandals around the world, often involving children, over the past 20 years.

The abuse was systemic, Sauvé said at a public, online presentation of the report.

The Church not only did not take the necessary measures to prevent abuse but also turned a blind eye, failing to report abuse and sometimes knowingly putting children in touch with predators, he said.
Pope Francis reacted to the devastating report, expressing “great sorrow” for the victims. The message was relayed Tuesday via a Vatican spokesman who said the pontiff had learned the contents of the report “with pain”. “His thoughts turn first to the victims, with great sorrow for their wounds and gratitude for their courage in speaking out.”

The commission was established by Catholic bishops in France at the end of 2018 to shed light on abuses and restore public confidence in the Church at a time of dwindling congregations. It has worked independently from the Church.
Sauvé said the problem was still there. He added that the Church had until the 2000s showed complete indifference to victims and that it only started to really change its attitude in 2015-2016.

Sauvé said the commission itself had identified around 2,700 victims, but that a wide-ranging study by research and polling groups had estimated that there had been around 216,000 victims. The number could go up further to 330,000 when including abuse by lay members.

"You are a disgrace to our humanity," François Devaux, who set up victims' association La Parole Libérée, told church representatives at the public presentation of the report, before Sauvé took the floor.

"In this hell there have been abominable mass crimes ... but there has been even worse, betrayal of trust, betrayal of morale, betrayal of children," Devaux said, also accusing the Church of cowardice.
'Clergy sex abuse present wherever Catholic Church present'
The report, at nearly 2,500 pages, found that the "vast majority" of victims were pre-adolescent boys from a wide variety of social backgrounds.

"The Catholic Church is, after the circle of family and friends, the environment that has the highest prevalence of sexual violence," the report said.

https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-58801183 Another article covering it

I may not be able to reply or post often as life is extremely busy right now.
"Oy vey, how dare you fight against the hoax of jeboo and his beloved church, you antichrist?" -Rabbi Shmuel Kikovich
RTR fuel fuck the (((craplic church))) :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil:
Can I say that I see no right to exist in the Church? I mean, I meditate, I use spells to achieve my goals in life, I have Demon friends who have always helped me in times of need with extreme patience thanks to the Ouija board, and then I have to see that there are still people talking about Jesus Christ or go to church. Above all despite all these crimes that the Church is blatantly committing. I am really amazed because I have acquaintances who really talk all the time about how beautiful and nice Jesus is. I do not understand and will never understand those who still follow this lie of Christ. It's all so different from everything in my life. A Christ that no one sees, no one hears, no one perceives. That is, it is a hoax, but also unacceptable as a hoax. When I hear Christians speak, I am always dumbfounded and incredulous that this really is their way of life. I swear to you, when I hear about Christianity, it always makes me think: "do we really still have to prove how false Christianity is?", That is, it is so evident that if there were no statistics, I would not be able to believe that Christians exist . All this is as inhuman as it is disgusting ... how these Christians do it ... I will never understand ...
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
"Oy vey, how dare you fight against the hoax of jeboo and his beloved church, you antichrist?" -Rabbi Shmuel Kikovich

HP HC, I pondered alot about contacting you via email, but I got a Gmail and I felt it ain't safe. I've got something I want to tell you about.
I feel my nerves on my left leg and right leg is aching. I do not know what that is. I need your advice. I do not know what to do. Before there would be weakness on the left leg, made walking a little awkward, only I could notice it.
Well secondly, I wanted to hold this one back a little more, but I think my money working needs help and boost.
Thank you, I had to stay awake to send this to you cos I know I'm in Africa and there's time difference.
There was a pedophile priest who targeted me when I was a kid and I didn't even go to a catholic church he was a baby sitter people trusted that. Plus he would go up to other children on my block who were playing outside in the summer and try to get them to go with him lure them somewhere or go over and play with the children. This was really creepy the way he talked and tried to lure people somewhere I remember this. I made a run for it one of those times he had me walking over towards where the church was talking to me as if you want to come with me and play a game.

I don't know if he ever got caught or not.

My parents luckily became suspicious of this person quickly and literally just about caught him in the act but apparently not before he did something once or twice apparently long story.

I was actually relatively ok even though I think I suffered some issues related to this without knowing why cause I didn't much remember it at all. Just this feeling like I know something bad happened then.

This of course was not reported cause he was a catholic priest.
They've been exposed over the past 20 years they say? Huh I wonder what Satanic Spiritual organization started 20 years ago... oh right! The one Maxine Dietrich started and now has been gaining major wins and said wins becoming bigger each passing year we keep fighting.


This is why we fight. This is why we need everyone here every time we do HP HC schedules. Don't let our small quarrels with each other get in the way. Stay focused on the big picture Brothers and Sisters. These bastards will pay until there's nothing of them left.

Hail Satan!!
SeguaceDiSatana said:
Can I say that I see no right to exist in the Church? I mean, I meditate, I use spells to achieve my goals in life, I have Demon friends who have always helped me in times of need with extreme patience thanks to the Ouija board, and then I have to see that there are still people talking about Jesus Christ or go to church. Above all despite all these crimes that the Church is blatantly committing. I am really amazed because I have acquaintances who really talk all the time about how beautiful and nice Jesus is. I do not understand and will never understand those who still follow this lie of Christ. It's all so different from everything in my life. A Christ that no one sees, no one hears, no one perceives. That is, it is a hoax, but also unacceptable as a hoax. When I hear Christians speak, I am always dumbfounded and incredulous that this really is their way of life. I swear to you, when I hear about Christianity, it always makes me think: "do we really still have to prove how false Christianity is?", That is, it is so evident that if there were no statistics, I would not be able to believe that Christians exist . All this is as inhuman as it is disgusting ... how these Christians do it ... I will never understand ...

Oy vey, goyim, haven't you heard of the jewish infiltration to our beloved (un)Holy (un)Roman Catholic Apo(shi)tolic Church™ that led to "muh Vatican II"? Our True Church™ was always redpilled. Among the redpilled activities we did were:
- Caring more about killing your heathen goyim ancestors than the jewish problem, to the point of even protecting them everytime the mob gets angry
- Doing the Crusades in order to pretend to protects Europe from the Muslim mob, when it was always about gaining new sheep for our barn
- Taking away people money because money is evil and only the righteous clergy and the Poop can wisely administrate them in things such as building more rich palaces.
- Creating the original Cancel Culture in order to burn anything that pisses off our Rabbi, since we know that our religion is true, but we get can't allow anyone to investigate it or we would lose our clients. Also remember that our (((Church Fathers))) clearly said that the only knowledge we need is from the Unholy babble and our church tradition.
- Forcing Geocentrism because the Unholy Babble said so and because we are unable to actually understand Science for his origins in Satan, that is the Father of Knowledge and smarter than all the retard that attend the mass.
Also, you should remember that all the people that contributed to something in the past 2000 years were all Catholics, becoz they declared all themselves that in public. No need to investigate their private belief, since they don't matter to idiotic people like us.
Also, how about all our beautiful art that depicts our Rabbi Jewsus and all of our mythological Saints (that were stolen from you Gods)? It was inspired from our god, of course, not from Ancient Pagan Satanic Art from Greece and stuff. Yes, it used to be very shitty in the early years, to the point that there are some byzantine paintings that resembles the mainstream modern art that you see nowadays.
In conclusion, the problem of pedophilia is not because all of our clergy chose to forcefully identify as asexuals, but because our church has been infiltrated by "muh Modernism". Source? Our trustworthy clergy that are the only ones that are able to read our unholy books, since our Poop said so. Don't listen to sources that clearly testify that Priests were always pedophiles and criminals, read instead trustworthy sources such as our (((medieval historian))) who, while denying all the shit we did in the past, will always admit that we almost never harmed our (((older brothers))).
Repent and accept Jewsus Kike as your saviour, join our Sedevacantist cult while we wage war against anyone who disagrees with us and give us all of your money, or else you will burn in Hell (yes, i know that no one believes in that anymore, but i feel the urge of scaring people cauz i think they are stupid enough to believe me).
Everywhere they go, they are touching kids.

Beasts, oh and they are allowed to do it, just get re-moved chapel. Scumbags.
SeguaceDiSatana said:
Can I say that I see no right to exist in the Church? I mean, I meditate, I use spells to achieve my goals in life, I have Demon friends who have always helped me in times of need with extreme patience thanks to the Ouija board, and then I have to see that there are still people talking about Jesus Christ or go to church. Above all despite all these crimes that the Church is blatantly committing. I am really amazed because I have acquaintances who really talk all the time about how beautiful and nice Jesus is. I do not understand and will never understand those who still follow this lie of Christ. It's all so different from everything in my life. A Christ that no one sees, no one hears, no one perceives. That is, it is a hoax, but also unacceptable as a hoax. When I hear Christians speak, I am always dumbfounded and incredulous that this really is their way of life. I swear to you, when I hear about Christianity, it always makes me think: "do we really still have to prove how false Christianity is?", That is, it is so evident that if there were no statistics, I would not be able to believe that Christians exist . All this is as inhuman as it is disgusting ... how these Christians do it ... I will never understand ...
Weaker ones are more affected by the spell of enemy.

We do our part in rising of consciousness and in removing the spells of enemy, but some will fall by the wayside.
Manofsatan said:
HP HC, I pondered alot about contacting you via email, but I got a Gmail and I felt it ain't safe[...]

Thank you, I had to stay awake to send this to you cos I know I'm in Africa and there's time difference.

Then get another email such as protonmail, which is free. Also, sending a reply on these forums isn't going to wake anyone up, it's not a text message. You can write and send at any time, nobody will know until they log in and see replies to them.
HPS Maxine wrote that before she founded the JoS, she participated in the Church of Satan's ritual to expose the crimes of the catholic church, back in 2000, and that's when their pedophilia crimes came to light.

And also now, it says "He added that the Church had until the 2000s showed complete indifference to victims and that it only started to really change its attitude in 2015-2016." What happened in 2015-2016? That's when the first RTR came out. So yes, we are making progress, our rituals and RTR's do work!

Hail Satan
Lydia said:
Manofsatan said:
HP HC, I pondered alot about contacting you via email, but I got a Gmail and I felt it ain't safe[...]

Thank you, I had to stay awake to send this to you cos I know I'm in Africa and there's time difference.

Then get another email such as protonmail, which is free. Also, sending a reply on these forums isn't going to wake anyone up, it's not a text message. You can write and send at any time, nobody will know until they log in and see replies to them.

Is this better Lydia pal i was using tutanota?

Hope you are good :cool:
Odd I had a dream about 3 men sexually abusing a girl... And a pope and Christians praying and made a thread about it on the 5th of Oct but deleted it.I dreamt it the night before and asked what this could mean.
Should of not deleted the thread.

Very strange dream..
So many more victims yet to be brought to light all around the world. These slimy fucks beat on my mother when she was a child and traumatized her. Thank you guys for all your hard work towards cleansing the Earth and waking people up.
Hidden Warrior said:
The xian church is dead.
We only need to wait that the people from the old generations to pass away, because the new one doesn't care anymore.

If their soul is strong enough, they will be back, we can work to guide them today, or soon they will be our children.

This I imagine is why we couldn't just start a war and destroy the jews. They are spread all throughout the world, hidden like rats, they would continue to spawn if we don't unravel their soul completely.

I used to think some of the enemy is just cannon fodder so that we have something to fight. But there is no need for Monsters, we have other methods to gain true strength.
SeguaceDiSatana said:
Can I say that I see no right to exist in the Church? I mean, I meditate, I use spells to achieve my goals in life, I have Demon friends who have always helped me in times of need with extreme patience thanks to the Ouija board, and then I have to see that there are still people talking about Jesus Christ or go to church. Above all despite all these crimes that the Church is blatantly committing. I am really amazed because I have acquaintances who really talk all the time about how beautiful and nice Jesus is. I do not understand and will never understand those who still follow this lie of Christ. It's all so different from everything in my life. A Christ that no one sees, no one hears, no one perceives. That is, it is a hoax, but also unacceptable as a hoax. When I hear Christians speak, I am always dumbfounded and incredulous that this really is their way of life. I swear to you, when I hear about Christianity, it always makes me think: "do we really still have to prove how false Christianity is?", That is, it is so evident that if there were no statistics, I would not be able to believe that Christians exist . All this is as inhuman as it is disgusting ... how these Christians do it ... I will never understand ...

Hardcore xtians are hooked to the enemy energy vortex, it gives them sort of false mild high/peace feeling while they get drained off thear energy/pray, it makes them addicted like a drug.

For more info you can read:
Lydia said:
HPS Maxine wrote that before she founded the JoS, she participated in the Church of Satan's ritual to expose the crimes of the catholic church, back in 2000, and that's when their pedophilia crimes came to light.

And also now, it says "He added that the Church had until the 2000s showed complete indifference to victims and that it only started to really change its attitude in 2015-2016." What happened in 2015-2016? That's when the first RTR came out. So yes, we are making progress, our rituals and RTR's do work!

Hail Satan
First RTR 2014
I fully agree that this is a big win in exposing the enemy. It shows that this is by far not just recent but ongoing as well as proving the child abuse in the Catholic church is not limited to a few isolated cases. Thank you SS Warrior!!!

Hail Satan Forever!!!
StraitShot47 said:
330,000 that number is weirdly precise...

I was thinking the same. 330,000. 33 vertebrae of the spine. 216,000. 216 has to do with 666. Maybe it's some sort of weird subliminal scapegoating attempt, or other numerology related thing.
Lydia said:
HPS Maxine wrote that before she founded the JoS, she participated in the Church of Satan's ritual to expose the crimes of the catholic church, back in 2000, and that's when their pedophilia crimes came to light.

And also now, it says "He added that the Church had until the 2000s showed complete indifference to victims and that it only started to really change its attitude in 2015-2016." What happened in 2015-2016? That's when the first RTR came out. So yes, we are making progress, our rituals and RTR's do work!

Hail Satan

Even the pope did admit it back then, saying the "devil" is accusing the "good people of god". It was the time when millions of people did cancel thear membership in the churches. Can´t remember the exact year.
These people should be hung like the animals they are. Skinned alive and burnt. And stripped of there names. And be done away with like they did with the witches and the innocent lives of the many Pagan families throughout the centuries did they have tortured bird alive and Beat to Death! Out of stupidity and ignorance! In for all of the many innocent children that they have tortured sexually and mentally and spiritually! And the multitude of crazy mixed-up people that had to grow up with that Madness in the things that it has done to these people growing up and the problems that they had to face not only? Having to deal with her painful childhood if they lived to tell about it? But to have to face their early on teen years facing the Dilemma of whether or not anybody is going to accept them or trust them because of the experiences they have been through looking for help and looking for somebody who will listen to them and help them and the difficulties that they had to face as adults:-( and on top of that! These criminal minded idiots and The Mastermind behind all of this terrorism! Should be done away with just the same! And they should be tried and tested and they should be taken from their homes just the same as they have done our ancestors! These people are pathetic!🤬🗡🕯🔮
I remember reading someone linking the Clerical abuse to the Pizzagate. I wouldn't be surprised if the two things are related. Speaking of, according to some Japanese Nationalists there is also a japanese counterpart of Pizzagate, but i don't remember how it is called.

Europe court rejects case seeking to blame Vatican for abuse

"A European court agreed Tuesday that the Vatican couldn’t be sued in a local court for sexual abuse committed by Catholic priests, affirming that it enjoys sovereign immunity and that the misconduct of priests and their superiors can’t be attributed to the Holy See."

Dark Lawyer said:

Europe court rejects case seeking to blame Vatican for abuse

"A European court agreed Tuesday that the Vatican couldn’t be sued in a local court for sexual abuse committed by Catholic priests, affirming that it enjoys sovereign immunity and that the misconduct of priests and their superiors can’t be attributed to the Holy See."


This should be appealed.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
