Suddenly, my cat is starting to produce more (clear) tears from one eye and the inner corner of it is red. Nothing is protruding and the redness is only visible when the white of his eyes show (when sleeping or relaxing and his eyes roll back a little). I've read about cherry eye but I don't think that's it. I'm not sure what breed he is. The pound just called him a domestic shorthair, though he is very big compared to the average street cat. He's also resting a little more than usual.
I'm going to focus on returning curses and such to see how much that helps for now. Thought I'd post on here to get advice before I try and take him to the vet. It's very difficult to get him in a carrier.
I'm going to focus on returning curses and such to see how much that helps for now. Thought I'd post on here to get advice before I try and take him to the vet. It's very difficult to get him in a carrier.