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Caput Algol


Well-known member
Aug 16, 2018
What can you tell me about this star that is not already on the Joy of Satan website. I am not per say asking for myself I would need to find out more about it. I know for a fact this person isnt violent. It has manifested in violence against them. Would doing a planitary square for the planet that this star is conjunct help. I cant find anywhere what this might mean in conjunction with Jupiter. I was somewhat mistaken in the way I asked this question in the Yahoo group last year as in nothing in her chart is causing mental issues. So I want to ask again but just get a description of what this does mean no website would tell me. If it means the person could be dark and intense possibly in a good way in that area then cool that is really attractive for sure though I know this person isnt evil even though the planet is also conjunct an angle closely with this star.

The impression I kind of get on some websites is the person would be evil or deranged in some way far from it but they do seem to attract those types and are scared to socialize and invite friends over even because of so many bad and frankly scary experiences. Jupiter would rule their 11th house so I am sure that is why it would manifest like this.

Just wondering what you all think. If I revealed too much please edit again this isn't about my chart. I will probably tell her I posted this and the response cause she needs help in this area and I am starting to teach her meditations and guide her to the truth.

If you can answer this please do.

Thank you
Is it conjunct the descendant?
From your description i get the implication that it is not, or else you'd have mentioned it.

But i'll tell you this, people are far more than they appear to be, I have this star in conjunction to a prominent planet.

Even as an Aries asc, i don't go being mean or violent to people, in fact i'm rather tame, but i will mention that murderous, dark and violent thoughts always run through my mind.
But i never act out on them, except this 1 time where someone had stolen my dog and i'd went on a rampage in his house and he ceded immediately as he would have died.

Thing is, unless someone transgresses on me there's no reason why i'd act out violently even though violent thoughts run in my mind constantly.

I would trust what you see in her natal chart far more that how she appears to be, assuming the time is accurate and that you've factored in the entire chart.

Another thing, violence from others can simply just be a result of other planets/aspects, like Mars for example, perhaps just a bad transit or solar return.

either way since this is a problem regardless if the aspect you mentioned are the source of it or not,
a possible solution would be for them to do an AOP, if they're not SS and you care for them, simply do an AOP for them.
I dont know if the star is conjunct her descendant but it's close. Her descendant would be 28 degrees Taurus. Jupiter is right on the degree of the star. I would think this might be positive but she for sure doesnt describe a positive childhood.

What you said sometimes describes her as she gets those thoughts sometime but would never act on it. As far as I see there is a bunch of planets but nothing that would cause the type of problems she has other than this star being conjunct its ruler. Also there is nothing else in her chart that would cause it I dont want to post it here but I looked over it and can see nothing else. She is not SS at the moment but has had some psychic experiences and says very similar things about the problems in the world to what the JOS site says but I never showed her that site. That just confirms our beliefs to me. I will try aura of protection on her. Maybe she can try the Jupiter square or I could send her Jupiter energy that will have to be after Jupiter leaves 22 degrees though as I dont want to cause more problems.

Hail Satan

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
