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Feb 4, 2023
I have stage 3b lung cancer. Today my doctor told me that I have an average of 1 year to live. I have been a Satanist for about 2 years and I have been doing my routine meditations as well as my healing meditations. I am very upset about this and I don't know what to do. I haven't talked to my guardian yet, I plan to do it tonight. What do you think I should do with this remaining time? I don't wanna feel bad or desperate. But thinking about the people I have to left behind and all the pain makes me feel so weak.

Thank you for any answers. Have a pleasing day/night.
tuefory said:

Make an emergency appointment with Centralforce and try out a medical system which has not left such a major problem go untreated for so long.

You may also want to see an in-person TCM doctor to receive acupunture, as well. Combine this with yoga and plenty of targeted healing workings.
tuefory said:

Link to Centralforce's page: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=76057

Centralforce's writing on Cancer: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=20097
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=421983 time=1675550530 user_id=21286]
tuefory said:

Link to Centralforce's page: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=76057

Centralforce's writing on Cancer: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=20097

I really appreciate your help.
tuefory said:

I am making this post to notify you of sshivafr's advice to do Valefor's ritual and ask him for help.
Second, what type of healing workings are you planning? I want to make sure you are on the right track.
Look into the book: "the one minute cure", but don't make it the sole way of healing yourself, use it in conjunction with other healing methods.
Please listen to Blitzkreig [JG]'s advice, he can help!

Are you doing Hatha Yoga? If not, please do it. Twice daily, if possible.
Blitzkreig [JG] mentioned Centralforce's post about "Cancer", and within he talks at length about "Qi Stagnation".
Hatha Yoga completely remedies Qi Stagnation! It may save your life!

Download: Kundalini & Hatha Yoga Routine
Read this! Yoga Posts - Lydia [JG]
This breathing technique is ESSENTIAL for Hatha Yoga! Alternate Nostril Breathing
Required Reading! Overcoming Obstacles

CHANGE IS POSSIBLE! - serpentwalker666

Taking action?
On the principle or "Don't think, Act", and Intuition - VoiceofEnki
Do NOT Overthink it! Just read this... -BlackSnake

Additional Resources
Split Post: Part 1, and Part 2

Use Satanama!
How To Vibrate Satanama?
SaTaNaMa- updated method - Lydia [JG]

I advise all of the Satanists to build themselves back with SATANAMA. Use SATANAMA even for cleaning and protection in times of distress. You will feel better.
- NakedPluto
I always vibrate it per syllable, in a simple cross legged pose and touch my thumb to my pinky with both hands when vibrating Sa, then thumb to ring finger when vibrating Ta, thumb to middle finger when vibrating Na and thumb to index finger when vibrating Ma, then repeat for either 50, 88 or 100 vibrations.

Counting might be a little difficult when using the hands to hold the SaTaNaMa mudra's, it requires more attention as you'll count in your mind, or with your astral hands if you can.

To make it easier, you can count in tens, and just count to 10 for 5 times, instead of counting up to 50. Makes it easier to keep track of mentally.

Counting with the astral hands is something I briefly mentioned in the past, and is a useful technique to learn so you can focus your mind on the energy of the meditation you are doing and use your physical hands to hold mudra's without detracting from either of this, delegating the counting to your astral hands instead (effectively multi-tasking this).

It requires good awareness of the astral body, so it is a somewhat advanced technique.
- VoiceofEnki
I like it to vibrate it full on with a single breath. I also like to vibrate it in the octaves. Vibrate it how you like it and how it works for you. This is extremely important, what works for me might not work the same for another one and so on. As long as you feel the effects everything is alright.

Satanama is the highest. Experiment with it and use it, it matters you do it.

Vibrating Satanama and meditating, melting in the vibration is one of the most powerful meditations for the soul to me.
- NakedPluto
As I wrote in my correction to myself, for Sa it's index to thumb, Ta it's middle to thumb, Na it's ring to thumb and Ma it's pinky to thumb.

Same as the instructions on the MerKaBa meditation (which has been updated to use Satanas instead of SaTaNaMa).

With SaTaNaMa I personally do them in separate breaths, a minimum of 50 repetitions, but this can be lowered in case 50 is too much (the number 50 has healing/regenerative properties which pair well with SaTaNaMa).

Generally I would suggest doing multiples of 10 with SaTaNaMa, since the number 10 represents permanence and completion, which also pair really well with SaTaNaMa.

This is why the number 100 is in my experience quite effective with SaTaNaMa.

As for the number 88, I've been using it a lot for almost everything related to empowerment, it is a very solid power number and works well if one doesn't have time to do a large number of vibrations.

I was pointed to the number 88 when I was a newbie SS by my GD, and confirmed with HPs Maxine if the number is good for general use (like chakra empowerment, AoP and other uses).
- VoiceofEnki
I switched from Satanama to Satanas a few years ago for a few months. Stupid decision. I had been using Satanama almost daily for over 5 years, and it was wonderful for me. Satanas empowers, so I use that to empower, but it does not have the effects that Satanama has. I switched back to Satanama once I figured that out. I use Satanas daily for empowerment before RTR's, but it does not have the anti-ageing and other benefits of Satanama. I literally felt like I was getting older once I stopped it :?

Satanama is used by non-SS as well, it is in many yoga DVD's and meditation instructions, along with the mudras for it. Ana Brett of the Raviana DVD's is in her 30's but looks 20.
- Lydia [JG]
Last but not least,
WUNJO rune is amazing, heals everything. Do the Wunjo rune, you'll be very happy with it :D - NakedPluto

Your time isn't up! You can do it! The Gods know you're capable of it!
Spiritual Satanists are miracle workers! Prove it!

How To Always Stay Positive As a Spiritual Satanist - HP. Hoodedcobra666
Thank you everyone. By the hope you all gave me, I'm once again so proud by being a part of this family. My brothers/sisters, we all are fighters. The day I beat this scary monster will come, for sure. I'm not gonna give up so easily. Once again, I want to thank all of you from the deepest corners of my heart. Hail, Father. Your children are so brave yet beautiful.
tuefory said:

Source: Traditional Chinese medicine as adjunctive therapy improves the long-term survival of lung cancer patients

"Patients with traditional Chinese medicine utilization were significantly more likely to have a 32% decreased risk of death [hazard ratio = 0.62; 95% confidence interval = 0.61-0.63], compared with patients without traditional Chinese medicine utilization"
tuefory said:

Here is an example herbal formula that has been used to treat lung disorders. Please note that you should see a licensed professional about this, such as Centralforce, who can give an accurate treatment plan.

tuefory said:
I have stage 3b lung cancer. Today my doctor told me that I have an average of 1 year to live. I have been a Satanist for about 2 years and I have been doing my routine meditations as well as my healing meditations. I am very upset about this and I don't know what to do. I haven't talked to my guardian yet, I plan to do it tonight. What do you think I should do with this remaining time? I don't wanna feel bad or desperate. But thinking about the people I have to left behind and all the pain makes me feel so weak.

Thank you for any answers. Have a pleasing day/night.

Follow Blitzkreigs advice for a consultation of Centralforce, getting Acupuncture done is very important to pursue as well.

Change your diet to be as balanced as possible.

Do your best to stay on top of your meditations and start doing very deep aura and soul cleaning. Especially on the affected area.

Hold a ritual to Satan and to Valefor and ask them both to guide you in healing.

Work with the sun's energy daily once you pick a good date to begin a healing working. You can use SATANAMA or any other good healing mantra or runic combination you perfer.

Stay strong and have faith in Satan. You can overcome this.

Feel free to ask us anything else as we are all here to help assist you in this as best as we are able to.
tuefory said:
I have stage 3b lung cancer. Today my doctor told me that I have an average of 1 year to live. I have been a Satanist for about 2 years and I have been doing my routine meditations as well as my healing meditations. I am very upset about this and I don't know what to do. I haven't talked to my guardian yet, I plan to do it tonight. What do you think I should do with this remaining time? I don't wanna feel bad or desperate. But thinking about the people I have to left behind and all the pain makes me feel so weak.

Thank you for any answers. Have a pleasing day/night.

Sorry to hear that, brother.

But do not lose hope. I personally do not know if I can be helpful, but as far as I can see, several people in this thread have offered you help which I hope will be beneficial and help you defeat this evil.

Don’t give up. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose by not giving up.
tuefory said:
I have stage 3b lung cancer. Today my doctor told me that I have an average of 1 year to live. I have been a Satanist for about 2 years and I have been doing my routine meditations as well as my healing meditations. I am very upset about this and I don't know what to do. I haven't talked to my guardian yet, I plan to do it tonight. What do you think I should do with this remaining time? I don't wanna feel bad or desperate. But thinking about the people I have to left behind and all the pain makes me feel so weak.

Thank you for any answers. Have a pleasing day/night.

What I am telling you here is not fiction but facts.

It is very rare, but it has been well documented, that in rare occasions, Cancer can just regresses and disappear by itself. Some people had been told that they had only a short period to live, and at the next examination, their disease just miraculously disappeared.

I am not telling you not to get professional help and to seek medical attention, but I am telling you that your body has all the means it needs, to get rid of any cancer cells, as this has had happened already and is documented. A 67 year old for example, had non small lung cancer, he had 5 rounds of Chemotherapy and they didn’t work for him, then suddenly, the Cancer regressed by itself. (This was well after the Chemo, So it didn’t affect it)

Now to be realistic this is very rare.


My sister, had struggled with something similar like a tumor. Her body produced too much fluid in her uterus, which had to be removed by surgery. She went through 4 surgeries already. Then I made her become a Satanist, showed her how to clean herself, and told her to focus on her chakras, esp her Sacral. Since she dedicated 3 years ago, she didn’t need a surgery anymore.

This is the direct effect of meditation, and the power of the mind. I told her that meditation on this part is stopping this, and it did. She was meditating with the intention that it will help her and with the faith that it will help her, as I confidently told her.

Now coming back to the issue at hand.

Your body is effectively fighting against the development of cancer cells, as the human body prevents many potentially cancer cells to develop. The Epigenetics are triggering a mechanism called „apoptosis“, it is a self destruct button - when triggered, the fatty cell membrane bursts open, and the fluids from inside the cell are getting flushed away theough the lymphatic system. The cell is destroyed and no more. The Epigenetics and the Lymphatic system, are part of your immune system.

This is very likely how cancer is on very rare occasions miraculously disappearing - through the immune system, or rather through the Epigenetics through the process of apoptosis.

So coming to the Epigenetics, the Epigenetics are within each and every cell of your body. While the conscious part of your body is mostly the muscle portion of the body, like your arms and legs, your Epigenetics are located in every single cell of your body, are much more than what you can consciously control, and are therefore the unconscious part of the body.

The Epigenetics are NOT your DNA helix, but part of it are proteins, that process, maintain, and repair your DNA and cells, and that also trigger immune responses from the body. You have many different proteins, each of them have their own shape, and own task. They are like little robots, walking on top of your DNA strings, and doing their work, be it the repairing of damage, or to carry protein blocks from point A to point B.

Each body Cell has the DNA, the DNA is the same everywhere. So how does your brain cell knows what cell it is? How does the brain cell know that it is in fact a fatty brain cell, altho it has the information of the entire body? How does your skin cells know they are skin cells altho they have the entire blue print?

The DNA doesn’t know it, but the Epigenetics, the Proteins, the „robots“ know it, and processing this exact part.

There are Billions over Billions of little intelligent workers, working in each of your body cells to keep you alive.

When for example, due to radiation a DNA strand is cut in half, you have 1 type of protein to determine how to reconnect and to repair the DNA now, correctly, and another type of protein to do the actual task of repairing asap.

Only the Epigenetics is making it possible that you have the correct DNA that is describing you. Theoretically, if you control the Epigenetics, you can design your DNA as you want to.

Scientists are currently trying to find a way to trigger the process of „apoptosis“ externally, however, even this „simple“ task is not possible with our current opportunities. This would cute most cancer diseases.

However, you hav different means. This is your body, this is your domain, this is you.

Even your mindset, thoughts, emotions, life style, diet, habits, exercise and meditation are affecting your Epigenetics.

The Conscious part of the body is just the tip of the ice berg, and the unconscious part is everything you can not directly see, but notice it’s effects which are undeniable.

While you can access the conscious part of the body actively, you can access the unconscious part of the body through meditation. When you open the chakras or the nadhis, you can feel them, and the energy flow as your own body, clearly as it is part of it.

I am very sure of it, that you can access through meditation and the energy of the soul the Epigenetics, and command them to restore your full health and get rid of the disease. They are designed to do it anyways, and have all means necessary to do so. I highly believe that this is the way of true biokinesis.

What I would be doing if I was you, were to focus on everything that triggers the Epigenetics to a mode of maintenance. When you don’t eat too many calories, go out for runs, and take cold showers, for example, you will age slower, as this is triggering the epigenetics into the „maintenance“ mode (maintaining youth) and not into „growing“ mode. (This is where you age faster)

As well, as many many meditations, you basically want to advance as much as you can. You want to be able to access to your Epigenetics. Cleaning and empowering the chakras are a good way to get them to work properly as well as their physical effects on the organs. You want much finer control.

Sorry I am not inclined to give spiritual instructions to anyone for multiple reasons, as I’ve heavily fucked up one time in the past, by telling a person too much.
But what I would be doing if I was you, is to spend as much time as possible into meditations and yoga. You want to open your entire soul as much as possible, and gain great energy control and strong energy and Aura. You should also be able to pull energy through your feet into your system and heal yourself with this.

For fast advancement you need to grow very close to the Gods, only through the Gods you can advance in unfathomable speeds, and learn as much as possible from the inside.

The Gods and the time and dedication you invest into it this is key, as those components will give your advancement curve an exponential character and not a linear or constant/stagnant one.

Trust me, through the Gods you advance the fastest.

This is my own conclusion, if anyone has anything to add or correct etc. feel free to do so.

Good luck on your path!

Hail Satan!
What I said was meant as a complementation to make the healing easier.
Also what I have learned so far is, that many Doctors are Kikes (at least prt kikes) and do not see you as a patient, but rather as a customer and as a source of money. Therefore there are multiple reasons to get multiple opinions and examinations from different doctors.
tuefory said:
I have stage 3b lung cancer. Today my doctor told me that I have an average of 1 year to live. I have been a Satanist for about 2 years and I have been doing my routine meditations as well as my healing meditations. I am very upset about this and I don't know what to do. I haven't talked to my guardian yet, I plan to do it tonight. What do you think I should do with this remaining time? I don't wanna feel bad or desperate. But thinking about the people I have to left behind and all the pain makes me feel so weak.

Thank you for any answers. Have a pleasing day/night.

Also u don’t own the disease. The malfunctioning cells are not part of the blueprint that describes you.
If you go the holistic route for now then I advise you against chemotherapy and such treatments. Unless you are in a really bad way even then I would go with what Aquarius suggested personally, Oxygen therapy in that clinical and curative type of setting.

In this more preventative stage you are at now, if you go all in on what the others have suggested, this situation may actually transform into a boon and a motivator to strong spiritual routines and longevity in the future. You have to do the yoga and workings though and keep your faith strong in the Gods, know them.

Look into your diet and the quality of the water you drink if you do. These are huge influences to your health.
Wanted to add one more thing, I see many people here are advising against chemotherapy and radiotherapy, and yes, those treatments are really destructive because they do not only target cancer cells.

However, did you check if immunotherapy is an option for you? As NinRick said, try to get opinion from multiple doctors if you can.

Also if cancer was caused by smoking and you still smoke and find it hard to quit, you must quit immediately, because without quitting, trying anything is in vain.
I may not have any health advice to give, it's not as much my forte, and you've gotten so many good and helpful replies. But I'd still like to add that we're here for you through all of this. And the Gods will be with you every step of the way. Stay strong, keep your sense of humor and don't give in to despair. Find things to laugh at and cheer you up, I have gone through family members suffering from cancer and other health issues. What kept them going was being in good humor and not giving into fear. We would play games and watch funny shows. Don't make the disease the focal point. Instead make the healing your main focus. We stand with you and will be here if you need any comfort or support. Keep hanging on and never give up!
NinRick said:
Also what I have learned so far is, that many Doctors are Kikes (at least prt kikes) and do not see you as a patient, but rather as a customer and as a source of money. Therefore there are multiple reasons to get multiple opinions and examinations from different doctors.
I would not go so far to say most doctors are Jews but the medical system has been destroyed by the enemy, its not all bad but the enemy did a lot of damages.
Aquarius said:
Look into the book: "the one minute cure", but don't make it the sole way of healing yourself, use it in conjunction with other healing methods.

this. work your way up to 20 drops a day in 16-20 oz warm water, 3 times a day, read the pdf fully

organic non gmo foods only, as many healing workings as possible on the correct astrological dates, use the calendar as reference, breathing exercises, yoga, and maybe find somewhere that does acupressure holistic healing. also vitamin b17, amygdalin, kills cancer cells. consult Centralforce like mentioned by others.

and also very important go to a few other doctors and get other opinions, there's a lot of corruption out there. I've known of doctors to call something cancer when it wasn't, and some do this on purpose, still get a few to take a look and see what they find. go in and see what their unbiased findings are, you don't have to tell them you have cancer.
luis said:
NinRick said:
Also what I have learned so far is, that many Doctors are Kikes (at least prt kikes) and do not see you as a patient, but rather as a customer and as a source of money. Therefore there are multiple reasons to get multiple opinions and examinations from different doctors.
I would not go so far to say most doctors are Jews but the medical system has been destroyed by the enemy, its not all bad but the enemy did a lot of damages.

Maybe this might be true, as I do not go to the doctor anymore.

The one time I went to the doctor, I went to a fking kike, and he didn't try to treat me but to make money off of me, as long as possible. Another time, almost the same happened. But you might be very right. Still, it is always good to go to multiple doctors.
NinRick said:
luis said:
NinRick said:
Also what I have learned so far is, that many Doctors are Kikes (at least prt kikes) and do not see you as a patient, but rather as a customer and as a source of money. Therefore there are multiple reasons to get multiple opinions and examinations from different doctors.
I would not go so far to say most doctors are Jews but the medical system has been destroyed by the enemy, its not all bad but the enemy did a lot of damages.

Maybe this might be true, as I do not go to the doctor anymore.

The one time I went to the doctor, I went to a fking kike, and he didn't try to treat me but to make money off of me, as long as possible. Another time, almost the same happened. But you might be very right. Still, it is always good to go to multiple doctors.
You generally seem like a smart dude. However, you need to understand the difference between anecdotal and empirical viewpoints.
I'm very sorry to hear about your situation. It's not bad as it looks like. I do know 3 persons from my surroundings which overcome your situation with the natural cannabis THC oil (not jewish CBD). They refused all the chemotherapy's. It can be a bit pricy but it works 100%. I shall send you some link and you'll make your decision what you want to do with that. Treatment takes around 4-5 months https://www.naturalricksimpsoncannabisoil.com/ It kills the cancer cells by covering them and suffocating.
Hail Satan!
Henu the Great said:
NinRick said:
luis said:
I would not go so far to say most doctors are Jews but the medical system has been destroyed by the enemy, its not all bad but the enemy did a lot of damages.

Maybe this might be true, as I do not go to the doctor anymore.

The one time I went to the doctor, I went to a fking kike, and he didn't try to treat me but to make money off of me, as long as possible. Another time, almost the same happened. But you might be very right. Still, it is always good to go to multiple doctors.
You generally seem like a smart dude. However, you need to understand the difference between anecdotal and empirical viewpoints.

Yes this one thing I need to do, along with other things that are dulling my perception.
ultrawhite said:
I'm very sorry to hear about your situation. It's not bad as it looks like. I do know 3 persons from my surroundings which overcome your situation with the natural cannabis THC oil (not jewish CBD). They refused all the chemotherapy's. It can be a bit pricy but it works 100%. I shall send you some link and you'll make your decision what you want to do with that. Treatment takes around 4-5 months https://www.naturalricksimpsoncannabisoil.com/ It kills the cancer cells by covering them and suffocating.
Hail Satan!

Hi brother,

I was wondering if CBD is jewish and why?

I'm having very difficult time trying to leave smoking, I have tried electric cigarettes with nicotine but that way don't work either.

I just have bought some CBD oils and it feels good, I think is better than tobacco for now.

But I would like to hear your opinnions on this.

Hail Satan!

I hope you are doing well brother, and working hard for your future.
redfox666 said:
ultrawhite said:
I'm very sorry to hear about your situation. It's not bad as it looks like. I do know 3 persons from my surroundings which overcome your situation with the natural cannabis THC oil (not jewish CBD). They refused all the chemotherapy's. It can be a bit pricy but it works 100%. I shall send you some link and you'll make your decision what you want to do with that. Treatment takes around 4-5 months https://www.naturalricksimpsoncannabisoil.com/ It kills the cancer cells by covering them and suffocating.
Hail Satan!

Hi brother,

I was wondering if CBD is jewish and why?

I'm having very difficult time trying to leave smoking, I have tried electric cigarettes with nicotine but that way don't work either.

I just have bought some CBD oils and it feels good, I think is better than tobacco for now.

But I would like to hear your opinnions on this.

Hail Satan!
It's not good, surely a better alternative to smoking, but your end goal is to quit it all. Check out the easy peasy method of allen carr.
Aquarius said:
redfox666 said:
ultrawhite said:
I'm very sorry to hear about your situation. It's not bad as it looks like. I do know 3 persons from my surroundings which overcome your situation with the natural cannabis THC oil (not jewish CBD). They refused all the chemotherapy's. It can be a bit pricy but it works 100%. I shall send you some link and you'll make your decision what you want to do with that. Treatment takes around 4-5 months https://www.naturalricksimpsoncannabisoil.com/ It kills the cancer cells by covering them and suffocating.
Hail Satan!

Hi brother,

I was wondering if CBD is jewish and why?

I'm having very difficult time trying to leave smoking, I have tried electric cigarettes with nicotine but that way don't work either.

I just have bought some CBD oils and it feels good, I think is better than tobacco for now.

But I would like to hear your opinnions on this.

Hail Satan!
It's not good, surely a better alternative to smoking, but your end goal is to quit it all. Check out the easy peasy method of allen carr.
As far as I am aware it is a yin-heavy compound and as such can be effectively utilized by athletes who are heavy into the yang side of the spectrum to balance things out. Certainly not habitually, or for issues such as getting to sleep and so forth (there are better options that do not result in dependency). That being said, there are also other methods for the same end goal, but when we look at material options, it can be used.

To say something is 'jewish' or not is a quite simplistic view of the world. They do not actually invent these things. But they do have their agenda, and their agenda includes harmful practices. Like getting high on cannabis all the time, or otherwise habitual dependency on substances. However, not everything is so black and white. Caution and discernment are required.
tuefory said:
I have stage 3b lung cancer. Today my doctor told me that I have an average of 1 year to live. I have been a Satanist for about 2 years and I have been doing my routine meditations as well as my healing meditations. I am very upset about this and I don't know what to do. I haven't talked to my guardian yet, I plan to do it tonight. What do you think I should do with this remaining time? I don't wanna feel bad or desperate. But thinking about the people I have to left behind and all the pain makes me feel so weak.

Thank you for any answers. Have a pleasing day/night.

Apricot seeds (contain b vitamins that aren't in other foods) have helped some people beat cancer. I am also sad to hear about this, and wish you well. Consider as many options as you can if you are truly determined to overcome this. It wont be easy.. but where there is a will, "there are a thousand ways."

1cure4cancer is a good place to buy the seeds if you want to incorporate them into whatever efforts you are making. The person who told me about them believes she cured her own cancer with them. Regardless of how anyone feels about cannabis or hemp, I would be trying that too. For years people have been toting using hemp oil (not cannabis) to treat cancers. There is said to be many natural cures..

I have sent you an email with some links I believe might be useful to you.

Best of luck.
Earlier, I was talking to a friend who told me that 2 people he knew had been cured of cancer by ragweed tea (Ambrosia artemisiifolia).

But you have to be careful if you're allergic to it.

This is what I would try if I had cancer. Theoretically, you should drink it 3 times a day.

Good luck with your recovery.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
