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Can we save our white people? What to do?


New member
Jan 9, 2024
Russia, Moscow
Can we save our white people? What to do?

I haven't seen a Russian couple on the Internet or in my life in the last three years. Russians + blacks - plenty. Russians + other white people can also be found. Russian- Russian - I haven't seen it. I also rarely or never saw, for example, German + German. This can be found, but this is the older generation. And our younger generation doesn't care about it at all! It's like this with us… Are you a Slav and want to marry a Slavic woman? Was your grandfather by any chance in the ranks of Bandera? What to do? In 50 years, Russians and other peoples of Europe may not exist. Russian + Russian are only more or less found in the villages, but they leave them. In Moscow schools, only migrant children can study in one class. You can see the names, a la, Mohammed. It's the same in France. I like the native fighting spirit of the Germans or the refined French. romantic and ancient Italians. many, many other!
Our public schools are filled with migrant children. even if a child has one part white because of the second parent, then it is not so white. Total: all hope for Satanists. Many people don't understand why your nation is important...
I wrote this text on emotion, which is why there is such a mess here
Thankfully, there are still a ton of people marrying and having a kid from a people that is the same race and is from the same country. While it wouldn't be the highest level blasphemy to mix with other country people who is the same race, it is apparently better to stay within your own country people (as there is minor differences between white countries, and there is also national karma).

As for the media, do not expect anything good. But you must be seeing Russian couples in your country? At the streets.
Thankfully, there are still a ton of people marrying and having a kid from a people that is the same race and is from the same country. While it wouldn't be the highest level blasphemy to mix with other country people who is the same race, it is apparently better to stay within your own country people (as there is minor differences between white countries, and there is also national karma).

As for the media, do not expect anything good. But you must be seeing Russian couples in your country? At the streets.
No, I don't see it. The fact that they write about migrants in the media is a reality. And do you know what the funniest thing is??? Everyone, absolutely everyone says: DON'T GET MARRIED AND DON'T DATE A TAJIK, UZBEK and other blacks. From messages on women's forums to mothers, they say this. Huh, but they still marry them en masse and engage in sexual intercourse. And blacks call them "inkwells" "pour new blood" among themselves and admit that everyone can sleeps with white women, but they don't get married. In a relationship, they sit on Russian women's necks.They can impregnate her and escape.

I afraid that it’s the end
Thankfully, there are still a ton of people marrying and having a kid from a people that is the same race and is from the same country. While it wouldn't be the highest level blasphemy to mix with other country people who is the same race, it is apparently better to stay within your own country people (as there is minor differences between white countries, and there is also national karma).

As for the media, do not expect anything good. But you must be seeing Russian couples in your country? At the streets.
The mention of nations is nonsense.
It is easy to judge things through the internet. The enemy controls the narrative, and the image is always distorted to fit their agenda. For example, p*rnhub is owned by a rabbi, who, not surprisingly, addmited to pushing transexual, incestuous, cuckolding and, most of all, interracial content in Western nations, in order to further corrupt White people and erode us. This is just an example, but whatever you see on the internet, keep in mind it can be skewed. Algorithms can and will be manipulated.

But the truth is that even on the internet, the statistics don't lie: White people, both men and women, like other White people, and races tend to respond better among themselves than with others, and this is in Tinder, which is also run by a jew.
Most people, or rather, most sane people, prefer their own instinctively.

A lot of the times, the people posting on the internet in these interracial relationships are looking for attention or validation. Oftentimes they have sexual intercourse just out of a morbid curiosity induced by social media. These people also seem not to have much else to do. White people, at least in Western countries, are still pulling their weight, and carrying their countries on their shoulders. I doubt jamal and his buddy jemarcus really know how to provide value to society, if they can't even keep their pants on properly.

It seems terrible, but the enemy plays into deception. Where I live there has been an influx of migrants, yes. But I have seen only 2 interracial couples in many, years of being here, and I've travelled places. The reality doesn't line up with what they tell us. They try to make us think that reality is what they show us on these screens.

What a rant, damn. In any case, don't let yourself be demoralized, stay strong.
It is easy to judge things through the internet. The enemy controls the narrative, and the image is always distorted to fit their agenda. For example, p*rnhub is owned by a rabbi, who, not surprisingly, addmited to pushing transexual, incestuous, cuckolding and, most of all, interracial content in Western nations, in order to further corrupt White people and erode us. This is just an example, but whatever you see on the internet, keep in mind it can be skewed. Algorithms can and will be manipulated.

But the truth is that even on the internet, the statistics don't lie: White people, both men and women, like other White people, and races tend to respond better among themselves than with others, and this is in Tinder, which is also run by a jew.
Most people, or rather, most sane people, prefer their own instinctively.

A lot of the times, the people posting on the internet in these interracial relationships are looking for attention or validation. Oftentimes they have sexual intercourse just out of a morbid curiosity induced by social media. These people also seem not to have much else to do. White people, at least in Western countries, are still pulling their weight, and carrying their countries on their shoulders. I doubt jamal and his buddy jemarcus really know how to provide value to society, if they can't even keep their pants on properly.

It seems terrible, but the enemy plays into deception. Where I live there has been an influx of migrants, yes. But I have seen only 2 interracial couples in many, years of being here, and I've travelled places. The reality doesn't line up with what they tell us. They try to make us think that reality is what they show us on these screens.

What a rant, damn. In any case, don't let yourself be demoralized, stay strong.
Finally, someone said it. Things are not as bad as we are told they are. I have seen many SS fall into depression due to hopelessness and I admit that I was one of them. But sometimes we must take a breath or two and unwind, as we are the Joy of Satan.
It is easy to judge things through the internet. The enemy controls the narrative, and the image is always distorted to fit their agenda. For example, p*rnhub is owned by a rabbi, who, not surprisingly, addmited to pushing transexual, incestuous, cuckolding and, most of all, interracial content in Western nations, in order to further corrupt White people and erode us. This is just an example, but whatever you see on the internet, keep in mind it can be skewed. Algorithms can and will be manipulated.

But the truth is that even on the internet, the statistics don't lie: White people, both men and women, like other White people, and races tend to respond better among themselves than with others, and this is in Tinder, which is also run by a jew.
Most people, or rather, most sane people, prefer their own instinctively.

A lot of the times, the people posting on the internet in these interracial relationships are looking for attention or validation. Oftentimes they have sexual intercourse just out of a morbid curiosity induced by social media. These people also seem not to have much else to do. White people, at least in Western countries, are still pulling their weight, and carrying their countries on their shoulders. I doubt jamal and his buddy jemarcus really know how to provide value to society, if they can't even keep their pants on properly.

It seems terrible, but the enemy plays into deception. Where I live there has been an influx of migrants, yes. But I have seen only 2 interracial couples in many, years of being here, and I've travelled places. The reality doesn't line up with what they tell us. They try to make us think that reality is what they show us on these screens.

What a rant, damn. In any case, don't let yourself be demoralized, stay strong.
No, not about internet. I'm talking about reality. I saw a white couple, but they were about 14 years old... I walk the streets and can't see young ( 18-25 years ) Russian couples
No, not about internet. I'm talking about reality. I saw a white couple, but they were about 14 years old... I walk the streets and can't see young ( 18-25 years ) Russian couples
How do you judge couples, and how do you judge friends? You do not know people and so, you do not really know who are and who are not couples.
No, not about internet. I'm talking about reality. I saw a white couple, but they were about 14 years old... I walk the streets and can't see young ( 18-25 years ) Russian couples
Depends on the demographics of where you live. What I told you was based on my experience, and my previous point still applies. It's not that you see it only on the internet, but the internet is used as a way to co-opt people into race mixing. If you were to cut electricity for a year, no internet, no phones, no computers, aside from the obvious economic collapse, you'd not see any race mixing at all. However, if the place you live in is already mixed to a degree, you'll find it hard to see young White couples. Just look at the UK for example.

The issue is much more complicated than just the internet, and a lot of factors come into play. I have a friend in Russia who tells me that the general sentiment where he lives is that people don't like migrants at all, especially mudslimes that expect natives to bend over backwards for them.

I hope this can clarify something.
How do you judge couples, and how do you judge friends? You do not know people and so, you do not really know who are and who are not couples.
Kissing, hugging, walking by the hand.
I don't believe in such friendship between men and women.
and I don't even consider LGBT, because it won't bring offspring.

I don't know... I don't pay attention to the people around me on the way to stude, work, and other things. But when I'm just walking, I notice everything around me
Kissing, hugging, walking by the hand.
I don't believe in such friendship between men and women.
and I don't even consider LGBT, because it won't bring offspring.

I don't know... I don't pay attention to the people around me on the way to stude, work, and other things. But when I'm just walking, I notice everything around me
Exactly, and by such a view you are very limited. There are countless couples everywhere.
Anyway, I see more white+black than white+white

That is statistically impossible, SPECIALLY for Russia/any Slavic Nation. The reason you "see" more of that is because when you look at those kinds of couples it is so abhorrent you over-focus on that, but the White+White couples are so common in everyday life that we forget they exist and don't think about it, like you don't remember every single face you have ever have seen in your country because they are so common and familiar. In other words, your senses are being bombarded by the unusual shock and not by what is normal and happens everyday, since we don't always memorize everything that we deem as being average and natural.
What @CrimsonMonarch said is correct, we get bombarded with the few bestiality couples that exist, as psychological warfare to demoralized us and make us think everything is lost, but nature tends to follow basic common sense laws and humanity will head to a better future. Even in super multicultural places like Brazil with races from all over the world, after 500 years it has stabilized to the point each of these races choose mates that is familiar to them, and race mixing rarely happens. I've heard that even in Middle Eastern countries sticking with one's ethnic groups is very strict.

There aren't that many niggas in Russia as in Western Europe and US, and even many of the islamists in Russia are actually White people or at least very mixed to the point of Whiteness like Chechens, with very ugly aesthetics in their costumes that make them look like browns. I mean do not forget this shock and disgust when you see bestiality couples, but do not think everything is far gone because there are sensible people everywhere in all Gentiles.
The short answer, yes. Even with the future being to some degree uncertain, our duty remains the same. We must do our duty to our People regardless of what we think may or may not happen.

I will admit that I oscillate between extremes on this position. Some days it seems inevitable we will succeed, other days it seems hopeless and pointless. I have a very strong instinct to protect and help my Folk, but I don't see what favor it has ever gotten me with them. They have a more favorable view of the people who attack us, then people like me who want so desperately to prevent this. I'm tired of sacrificing to help save people who will only hate me in return for doing so. But I will keep doing what I do, not because I feel like it or think it is right in the current moment, simply because it's my nature. It's my nature to try to help and defend my people, just like it's in so many of their natures to hate me for trying to do so. Usually I feel very positive about the work we do to help our Race. I don't know, it's just not one of those times now. Sigh.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
