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Can the soul escape a black hole?

@ foopibransfield I don't know what others might think or pretend to think or, if I'm really "thinking" at all, sometimes.

But, I don't even believe they're "black holes" at all. If there's more than one, if jew-controlled astronomy isn't altogether lying constantly, they are Black Suns.

And, I alalsnow believe (as in what I understand these days) we have been deceived (as in liedto) about much, in regards to many of the sciences.
The thing is, the soul is a higher dimensional existence. It doesn't reside on the physical, therefor it doesn't interact with a black hole.

So yes, a soul would easily escape a third dimensional black hole as it cannot get trapped in a third dimensional structure since a soul is a higher dimensional existence.

Black holes however, like everything else on the third dimension have an astral counter part, I do not know what those are or how they work, but with what we know of the physical characteristics of black holes I think it is safe to assume a soul cannot escape or even come near the astral or higher dimensional counter part of a black hole since it's characteristics should be simmilar to a degree and massively scaled up as everything on the higher dimensions manifests in much greater magnitudes.

Perhaps a more powerful astral being, or a being on the level of the Gods can escape it or get near it, but for a human soul I think it's impossible to get close to such an astral black hole counterpart.

A black hole is not a black sun however, as The black sun is an astral counterpart to the sun, it's not a three dimensional thing.
Go meditate and do some RTRs, as it seems you have a lot of free time. Black holes are kike invention, and we are not sure if they exist at all, or if they do exist if they are really as they tell us.
we know that black holes aren't HOLES at all they are just super dense massive balls, at that black holes only absorb light of the normal physical spectrum,
for example black holes do not absorb xray radition, or thermal light, so I would venture to say that it doesnt not annihilate astral light.

however "jewish" astronomy is not jewish owned, space physics and particle physics are state and nationally funded all around the world, payed for with taxes.
take nasa for instance, federally funded, and with a lot of its findings publically available.
also many documentaries have been made with the help of nasa, aswell as instructional videos for schools.

there is no reason to belive that the black holes floating through space, and at the center of our very own galaxy are astral,
infact they are such powerful physical phenomenon that it would be retarded to deny their  potency and just claim "the jews are lying"
I don't know what "the black sun" looks like, feels like, or where its positioned, or what laws it exists by, but I can  assure you that black "holes" are VERY real. and are constantly flinging matter at super speed in an orbit around them, whilst munching on matter.

when a black hole swallows a sun  near by it creates a spinning disk of volatile bright power as it sucks it in, and this entire process has been viewed through telescope pictures, with different kinds of stars,
after the sun is completely ripped apart, its matter evenly creates a disk ring around the "hole" and it shoots out beams on each pole called "quasars" and these are absolutely gigantic in diameter, and are made of incredibly powerful gamma radiation.
astronomers have viewed one such beam coming toward our galaxy at mind blowing speed several billion years away.

the same concept applies when the gravitational pull toward the center of a galaxy starts pulling celestial bodies all into one point creating a super mass with gravity so powerful it even absorbs photon light particles
that makes the mass appear like a "hole" because it gives off no light.

"well how do you know its not a hole if you cant see it"
xray and infared imagery captures black holes clearly.

@livingforsatan if you know about the black sun and can see and meditate on it, then you should be advanced enough to speak with the gods, ask thoth, off the top of my head I am confident thoth could tell you all about these things.

check the demons list just to be sure there is no one else to help you with astronomy and NOT "astrology"
I hope you can shed some light on this once and for all
@voiceofenki. Ref black holes
You've raised some good points. Now, for a discussion to further understanding....
Albert Einstein [joo poo] conceived the black hole as a possibility back in 1915 [or there about]. It was part of the theory of relativity. He elaborated upon a theory stated in the mid 1800s concerning a part of space with so much gravity that nothing can escape. Not even light. After Einstein there has been three [or so] other *genious* joos to elaborate upon the black hole theory. Today they are doing computer simulations concerning them. The theory of relativity in it's entirety has died as a subject.
It is my belief that their description of a black hole is actually that of the black sun. And the joos will turn this black hole garbage into something to cover up their next big lie. 
I've done massive amounts of research into the black hole theory and into the theory of relativity. They are both based upon knowledge stolen from Pagan wisdom. They both have truth, and falsehoods. Both manipulate the innocent mind to further believe in gawd.

Sorry, I don't have sources. While in college I was part of an elite team of 7 people working to complete the equations of the theory of relativity. The motivation was 2 million dollars each if solved. It was never solved. Still isn't, in spite of modern computers. Never will be because they are convoluted lies. 
I don't believe in back holes. They are totally illogical. I do, however, believe in the Black Sun of the astral world. The joo description of the black hole sounds so similar to the Black Sun it's incredible. Everything except the literal *swallowing of entire stellar systems* part. This is a joo-lie adaptation of the incredible-ness of the Black Sun. 
Hail SatanHail Lilith
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On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 10:34 PM, voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   The thing is, the soul is a higher dimensional existence. It doesn't reside on the physical, therefor it doesn't interact with a black hole.

So yes, a soul would easily escape a third dimensional black hole as it cannot get trapped in a third dimensional structure since a soul is a higher dimensional existence.

Black holes however, like everything else on the third dimension have an astral counter part, I do not know what those are or how they work, but with what we know of the physical characteristics of black holes I think it is safe to assume a soul cannot escape or even come near the astral or higher dimensional counter part of a black hole since it's characteristics should be simmilar to a degree and massively scaled up as everything on the higher dimensions manifests in much greater magnitudes.

Perhaps a more powerful astral being, or a being on the level of the Gods can escape it or get near it, but for a human soul I think it's impossible to get close to such an astral black hole counterpart.

A black hole is not a black sun however, as The black sun is an astral counterpart to the sun, it's not a three dimensional thing.
Common Sense:

Even though what we know of black holes are theoretical... it still stands that Black Holes are much bigger than what any human, even at their "most spiritual" can conjure up.  Does anyone here think they actually could ever have the ability to move as much energy as the Sun in our Solar System?  If not, then what makes them think they would have the power to counter-act a black hole?
Even when it comes to higher dimensions and spirituallity and magick we do not know everything.  So you have to use a little common sense here.  If you are still performing Magnum Opus's to ascend, still getting "new information from Satan," and other such things, could you really say you are competent enough to verify and say something like "I can go to a higher dimension and escape a black hole" without actually having verified it?
There is alot of QUACKERY in the spiritual and magickal fields, so I would take alot of it with a Big Grain of Salt.  So lets revisit the basics here:

1. Theoretical Blackhole Construct vs Smaller human construct.
2. If you go by the theoretical construct and empower it with alot of energy vs the human with little energy the Theoretical Construct wins.
3.  This goes to show that basically the person (in the real world) who has the most powerful aura always wins.  Thats pretty much a given.

So can a soul escape a black hole?  No one really knows, because no one has even gotten close enough to a black hole.  Its all theoretical science.  But when it comes to doing magick in the Real World, having a more powerful aura brings up your success many fold.  Its a pretty solid principle that having bigger numbers or greater power will more likely make you more successful than if you have less.

On Wednesday, June 7, 2017 7:35 PM, "voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  The thing is, the soul is a higher dimensional existence. It doesn't reside on the physical, therefor it doesn't interact with a black hole.

So yes, a soul would easily escape a third dimensional black hole as it cannot get trapped in a third dimensional structure since a soul is a higher dimensional existence.

Black holes however, like everything else on the third dimension have an astral counter part, I do not know what those are or how they work, but with what we know of the physical characteristics of black holes I think it is safe to assume a soul cannot escape or even come near the astral or higher dimensional counter part of a black hole since it's characteristics should be simmilar to a degree and massively scaled up as everything on the higher dimensions manifests in much greater magnitudes.

Perhaps a more powerful astral being, or a being on the level of the Gods can escape it or get near it, but for a human soul I think it's impossible to get close to such an astral black hole counterpart.

A black hole is not a black sun however, as The black sun is an astral counterpart to the sun, it's not a three dimensional thing.

@uncleslam. Ref black holes
I believe *black holes* are a joo lie. Another way to keep Gentiles away from the Truth.
*they* say there's a black hole at the center of the solar system, and at the center of the universe. That this *black hole* swallows everything it comes close to.
JoS and the Demons, especially Lord Sorath describes the Black Sun as being within all solar systems [and more]. That the Black Sun is so captivating and powerful. That it is of Satan!!!
There are no black holes. There is no jewsis. See the similarities?
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On Wed, Jun 7, 2017 at 5:10 AM, uncleslam@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   What do YOU think?
At the center of the *galaxy,* not the center of the solar system and not the center of the universe (Which has no center). Black holes are just stars that sweep up so much mass that they're heavy enough to draw in light.
This is an interesting discussion. I always accepted that black holes do exist, as the existence of such things does make sense, even in an infinite universe that has no beginning or end.

The relativity theory was at first created by a gentile before einstein hijacked it and changed some key perspectives around to hold science back, but there is truth to some aspects of it.

Admittedly I am not an expert in this field, but astronomy is a hobby of mine. It is definitly a valid field of science, but much has been hijacked by jews and it is used to shun astrology as well to keep people away from that. Even so the idea of astronomy is to learn how the universe functions from the smallest levels to the largest levels, it's a valid science that has been heavily misunderstood and corrupted by jewish infestation and obsession over big bang theories and other nonsense.

I do not see how black holes would keep people away from the black sun, the black sun has no simmilarities to the properties of a black hole at all. It doesn't absorb light and such, it's an immensely powerful astral counterpart to the sun with neigh infinite energy you can tap into when advanced enough to add immense power to your magick and ability to work and manipulate natural energy.

Black holes are based on the theory that at a certain point there can only exist a certain amount of physical matter at one time, if that amount is exceeded, the matter get's crushed under it's own mass and morphed into a black hole, of which the properties are fairly unknown.

The thing is, I do not think we should dismiss the possibility of a black hole just because it is mainly jews researching them. There are places in space where the gravity that exists in that certain space well exeeds anything that has been found around stars or other celestial bodies by thousands and even greater amounts.

The matter there cannot be seen either, which is why it was dubbed a black hole, as that is how it appears to us, it's basically an empty spot in space that for some odd reason has a humongous gravitational field.

However, it is interesting to think about, that a black hole could be a black star or dark star. As darkness is light turned inside out, a black hole does the opposite of a star, it absorbs light and any other matter, while a star projects light and other matter. Light is darkness turned inside out. They are one and the same, but oposites at the same time.

Black holes are theorized to form after a super massive star collapses at the end of it's life cycle, when the core through fusion has become so dense it implodes on itself. Creating a massive supernova and leaving behind a tiny piece (tiny compared to the star's previous size) of extremely dense matter commonly refered to as a white dwarf in astronomy, sometimes however, as the theory goes at least, the core is so dense the matter collapses and implodes on itself entirely, creating a distortion in space basically by condensing so much the matter implodes on itself on the subatomic level, creating a black hole which in many ways breaks the so called "laws of physics" by existing. For example, the center of a black hole would theoretically have infinite gravity and infinite density, which doesn't make sense according to sciences current understanding of physics.

Then again, science as it is today looks at things in a linear way, they never look at the higher dimensional aspects of existence, they create a theory on how things should work according to science and then try to fit everything they disciver inside their theory, instead of building a theory around the way things work.

If we are going to speak theoretical science, then a black hole could be a black star, a star turned inside out. A star is then a black hole turned inside out. This theoretically means black holes can become stars again, by reversing the gravitational constant and reversing the darkness, expelling the matter and once again returning to a state where the matter is spread out enough it does not get crushed under it's own weight but instead forms once again into a star that emits light.

The theory on dark matter is interesting too then, as dark matter could simply be matter turned inside out, or reversed. We don't know the properties of dark matter very well, but perhaps it is possible to turn dark matter inside out and make it into normal matter, which is known to emit light and be visable. Dark matter is invisable to the eye as for some odd reason it does not get illuminated. Maybe the universe can become a much brigher and more pleasant place if all the dark matter can be turned inside out into normal matter.

Perhaps a stars life cycle can be extended greatly by reversing the fusion process that takes place inside the stars core by methaphysical means. What we know about stars and planets now is very limited as only the physical aspects of those have been researched, but those planets and stars all have aura's, they have astral counterparts and other higher dimensional counterparts. When science takes the methaphysical into account it becomes a whole lot more interesting and a lot more theories start to become possible.

Enough about theoretical science from me though. It's probably mostly wrong anyways, but I find it interesting to think about, whether it is true or if there is any truth to it at all remains to be seen.

Quasars are observable celestial bodies, but how exactly they work is a theory still. The theory is they are supermassive black holes with a massive disc of gasses rapidly orbiting around it, shooting out extremely bright and powerful radiation of many different wavelengths. For all we really know, it could be something very different. One interesting thing though, a Quasar as it is usually depicted, strongly resembles a spinning chakra.

But the black sun itself is an astral thing, we do not know exactly what it is, but it does not exist on the physical, at least not directly.
To all, anyone, anywhere and everywhere, the astral is physical, the physical is astral.

The micro is macro, the macro, micro.

Or, as it has been said so eloquently and elegantly, already, "As below, so above."
Don't mistake that statement for what it really means. The Astral and Physical are separated, but connected at the same time.

They are not one and the same, they are different, one a higher dimension, the other a lower. They are different, however the astral affects the physical and to a minor extend the physical affects the astral. Changes made on the astral manifest on the physical after some time, changes made on the physical can to a minor extend affect the astral.

Micro and Macro applies in many different ways, it's not like the astral is the macro or the micro, both the astral and physical are part of the Macro and Micro as the Macro and Micro manifest on different levels.

The astral is simply a higher dimension from the physical, connected both ways, but the astral being the higher dimension has a greater influence of the physical, but changes to the astral need to be made through the physical as you require physical means to alter the astral.
@ voiceofenki, No disrespect intended, so I won't BUT they are not separate. The astral ( the ether) is as much a component of the physical as vice versa.

That's not very helpful to most right now, though.
The whole bit about gravity being so heavy even light can't escape...

Come on - is gravity also the reason a black t-shirt absorbs light, too?

No. It's because it's black - the absence of visible light.

I no longer trust, unquestioningly, the sciences corrupted by jews.

Full point for knowing Einstein did not first do the work. That distinction belongs to the Mathemetician, Jules Henri Poincaire. From what I understand, old Albert turned in wirk lacking in any footnotes, which means he failed to "show his work."

And, as he was credited with saying, "If you don't understand something enough to be able to explain it to someone else, you don't understand it enough."

He probably stole that line, too.
I understand what you mean Living for Satan, about the astral and physical. There is still a difference between the two, they are interconnected but seperate at the same time if that makes sense.

A black t-shirt doesn't absorb light, it converts light into heat. A black hole works very differently, if it would absorb light it would be very hot, but a black hole isn't hot at all. It's extremely cold, usually absolute zero or extremely close to that. From that we can determine the physics of a black hole work very differently than say any other black material...

It absorbs all matter, all light, all wavelengths of light too. Nothing on the third dimension escapes from it. What black holes really are is still unknown, but they can be observed by looking at the surroundings of the black hole and how it's insane properties affect space around it. Such as having stars orbit a certain point in space at abnormally high speeds. Or quasars that project gasses at near light speeds, which is impossible under any ordinairy circumstances.

So far black holes are the only thing that can be explained by science somewhat which can cause such phenomenon. The big bang theory has nothing to do with the existence of black holes, also general reletivity is not needed to justify it's existence.

Light has a certain speed. Basically the reason light cannot escape a black hole is because black holes create a distortion in space due to their infinite gravitational pull. They distort space in such a way it creates a completely enclosed sphere of "space" around itself. Anything caught in that spere will continue to fall towards the black hole infinitely and can never pass out of that sphere, unless something can move faster than light, then perhaps it can escape.

If a black hole absored light the same way a black object does it's temperature would be insanely hot and we could easily find them by looking for heat signatures or extreme infrared signatures in space.

No disrespect, but you do seem to be lacking an understanding about black holes and the physics it is based upon, as well as in general you might want to look more into physics before talking about them. I know I am not an expert myself, not at all, but I do my research where I can. So far there is enough evidence to support the existence of black holes untill proven otherwise.

Like I said, just because jews are researching it doesn't mean it's not real. It just means they ar ehijacking the scientific research on those subjects.

Cern for example is an institute that greatly supports science and helps us learn the fundamentals of the universe and how matter interacts on the various levels. However there are a lot of jews working at cern, especially at the highest levels.

This does not mean that Cern is a pile of crap that holds science back or whatever, it just means jews are trying to hijack science like they always do. We need gentiles in charge of those places and institutes to make any real progress in science, but the research is valid in many ways, just also misguided and misdirected in many ways because jews are hijacking it as usual.
I am unsure why your post didn't show up on the forums here @Livingforsatan, but I'll answer regardless as I can see it in my inbox. 

The reason black absorbs more heat from light is because it converts all light from the spectrum into heat, where as a red shirt for example only absorbs certain wavelengths and reflects others.

As the light is absorbed the energy within the photon is injected into the atoms of the shirt, which in turn vibrate faster as they take in the energy of the wavelengths of light, the material heats up as a result, so the light is converted into heat.

The material doesn't change the way the light is absorbed, it just changes how well it retains heat, for example metal is much better at retaining heat. A black car in the sun can get extremely hot as the metal surface absorbs and retains a lot of heat due to the density and conductivity of the material.

Where as a fabric such a cotton doesn't retain heat very well, it cools down quickly because the atoms vibrate slower and are less dense, the energy that flows into them passes out of them much more easily.

The color still affects how much heat can be absorbed from the light shone unto it. A white material reflects all wave lengths of light, so it heats up much slower from light alone, where ass a black shirt absorbs all wavelengths of light and thus heats up much faster.
@ voiceofenki I deleted my response because it was pointed out to me to not engage in an argument which will not be helpful to newcomers.

Time is short enough, as it is.

I still stand by the "I love you, man," part, though. Haha.

Hail Satan!
"*they* say there's a black hole at the center of the solar system, and at the center of the universe. That this *black hole* swallows everything it comes close to."

nobody ever said this,and if you read a childrens astronomy book you would know that our sun is at the center of the solar system, NOT A BLACK HOLE WTF
there is no way currently to tell where the center of our universe is, as we only know about our OBSERVABLE universe, light takes time to travel, but the universe is so large that we are still waiting for light to come to us in order to see more.

the common theory is that our universe is still expanding outwards in every direction, and not that a supermassive black hole is in the very center pulling everything in.

if you were such a smart ELITE astronomer, you would know that not a single person ever proposed that there was a black hole in the center of our solar system, wait till tomorrow morning and look in the sky, so you can see the center of our solar system.
the black sun is astral, and is not a physical black hole this is mind-numbingly obvious.

black holes are REAL using radio waves,xrays, and viewing the orbits of celestial bodies around them, aswell as monitoring cosmic radiation near a suspected black hole WE CAN SEE THEM!!!
not to mention when they absorb stars, you definitely know that black holes are real.
they are not astral, if your an astronomer you would know all about the actual research done on them.
you don't have sources, as no real astronomer with any degree in anything ever proposed such nonsense.

please stick to the spiritual sciences, as people look to you for reliable information
since 1915 so many advancements in the sciences have happened we scarcely recognize today in 2017 to be humanity at all, we have advanced light years its not even funny, in 1915 Einstein's theories where just that THEORIES, now we can actually see these things, and it turns out that they are not at all what the Jew thought they were.
albert's concept of space time has to do with the fact that time has to do with observing something, and the idea that time is relative to space comes from the fact that if you are exceptionally far away from something, it will take a long time for the light from what you are observing to reach you, making it appear as if you are viewing the past because you are far away.

the problem is things like this mathematically add up and make perfect sense on a chalk board, but we know using our logic, and out imaging technology that most things that are theorized in such a way end up being partially incorrect.
you should probably study science that is recent, and not 98 years old, Einstein is an irrelevant turd Jew as far as I'm concerned, but the Ashkenazi are genius on average, so Einstein's ability to think outside the box with advanced math was more reptilian than human at the time, and his theories and workings where skewed and misinterpreted over and over again by GOYIM who thought they were halfway intelligent.
our space programs are not owned or funded by the jews, operated yes, but certainly anything that comes out of them is filtered extensively, and they wait a long time usually before releasing images and research.
not everything NASA says is a Jewish lie, they just happen to employ mostly jews because the jews are smart and clever people.
it doesn't even really "pain" me to say it but there is a reason the jews are running the world.
the powers of the reptillians are formidable to say the least, and according to our hps they has us and our gods on the ropes of extinction.
not all jews want to kill us off, most just want an easy luxurious life, and they have the means to do it, and sometimes they help us in the process.

no hard feelings during this discussion, and lets continue it for the sake of coming to terms with the truth here.

To my knowledge, black holes are a sort of travelling device. When one knows how to use them, it's possible to travel gigantic distances in the universe pretty much instantly. Naturally, it would not be recommended for a non-immortal being to attempt such a thing, though. I remember having read this on the JoS/affiliated websites a while ago. As always, if you are interested, I can try to find the source. 


Thou shalt gather with your left, and bind with your right.
After sacrifice for power, with power thou shalt fight.

Hail Father Satan!
On Thu, Jun 8, 2017 at 19:53, voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   Don't mistake that statement for what it really means. The Astral and Physical are separated, but connected at the same time.

They are not one and the same, they are different, one a higher dimension, the other a lower. They are different, however the astral affects the physical and to a minor extend the physical affects the astral. Changes made on the astral manifest on the physical after some time, changes made on the physical can to a minor extend affect the astral.

Micro and Macro applies in many different ways, it's not like the astral is the macro or the micro, both the astral and physical are part of the Macro and Micro as the Macro and Micro manifest on different levels.

The astral is simply a higher dimension from the physical, connected both ways, but the astral being the higher dimension has a greater influence of the physical, but changes to the astral need to be made through the physical as you require physical means to alter the astral.
Remember how it was written that there was a planet with a lot of water in our solar system but the enemy destroyed it?

What if that so called black hole is the remains of that?

(or maybe I misunderstood something but that aside the point)
I suspect there is a very bizarre, close to mystical explanation for these that Einstein could never give to us if they were indeed real.
Also to larissaelectra its good to think for yourself on your free time. I do not watch TV, play video games or read fiction. I'm not perfect but what free time I have I spend writing music and thinking. I've got a lot of thoughts and 8 hours of music recorded but I do not know everything and that's where communication with others comes in handy.
Free time is healthy.

You're suggesting its BAD to talk about the universe on our free time, because da kike made it so that we don't already know the answer.
The answer isn't "I don't know", that's where the question begins actually.
Before reading this thread - what is a Black Hole? Is it:

- a 'hole in space' , which is an infinitely-small point of extreme gravity, where everything is squashed beyond belief;
- a 'hole in space' which leads to a White Hole elsewhere (which I don't think have been found or contrived yet, similar to - or exactly as - a wormhole);
- what my theory is, that since stars are created out of nebulae, which are formed from exploded stars, then each time that happens, heavier and heavier elements are created (into existence) or formed (which exist already); thus, after it happening repeatedly, such heaviness, coupled with the natural gravity, makes things unable to escape that, as all a Black Hole is is a ball of super-extremely-heavy elements; or
- something else?
"they create a theory on how things should work according to science and then try to fit everything they disciver inside their theory, instead of building a theory around the way things work."
Exactly. I also realised that.

This next paragraph I am asking separately before going back to you.
Since the Universe is a magnetic vibrational Aether field, what would the Aether have created 'Black Holes' for?

"If we are going to speak theoretical science, then a black hole could be a black star, a star turned inside out. A star is then a black hole turned inside out. This theoretically means black holes can become stars again, by reversing the gravitational constant and reversing the darkness, expelling the matter and once again returning to a state where the matter is spread out enough it does not get crushed under it's own weight but instead forms once again into a star that emits light."
There are patterns in behaviour and phenomena. The Daemons have lived for long enough to come to know and understand these patterns. Repetition is key in performing magic, increasing advancement, etc. Those two things being said, the idea of 'Black Holes' being 'reverse stars' might make sense; vibrations pulsate, or go back-and-forth, reverberate; maybe one day not soon, the 'Black Holes' will crack open and the bits and pieces will be...ejaculated [verb 2. say something quickly and suddenly] back into space to:

- recreate another star, solar system, and eventual lifeforms;
- recreate another star, solar system, and eventual new lifeforms entirely;
- create new phenomena entirely, that only the Daemons could fathom;
- create new phenomena entirely, that, if it hasn't happened yet in 500 thousand years, then create such things that the Daemons do NOT know about yet (having not been able to observe, learn, understand such a thing)

Perhaps there are things which have not happened in the Universe yet (i.e. my idea in point 4 above) which are also not in the Akasha Records, so we can't know about them yet, and perhaps the Daemons can't yet, either. Then again, according to using the rune EHWAZ, we might be able to find out - but again, if it hasn't happened before yet, then maybe not. (I am going on the...perhaps MISunderstanding that EHWAZ is connected with the Akasha Records, and reveals like a sort of path, direction, or route which had happened previously.)

"The theory on dark matter is interesting too then, as dark matter could simply be matter turned inside out"
Must everything have a counterpart, or an opposite counterpart? Is yin-and-yang jewish? I would say it is, because the j00 loves duality; therefore, I would ask that because matter is energy compressed and compacted, what is energy turned inside-out? Maybe because 3 is the number of creation and destruction, Aether is 1, energy is 2, and matter is 3; or more accurately - Aether is 1, magnetism is 2, and sound is 3 from which all is created. Thus, yin-and-yang is nothing but a jew duality thing of God and Devil.

If, as you say, dark matter is matter turned inside-out, how would you distinguish anti-matter?

Then we can get into j00ing with their BS nonsense (ref: making "reality" fit into "scientific" theory) by saying silly things such as anti-energy; anti-space; anti-time; anti-existence; anti-Universe; anti-multiverse; etc.; etc.; etc. Then go further retarded with anti-negative this; anti-negative that; anti-negative the other; negative-anti this; negative-anti that; negative-anti the other; etc.; etc.; etc.

All of these 'nonsensicalities', as I like to say, of j00 "science" are such that they come out with such outlandish tripe, and it wows people. These...more like sheeple, either don't know how to and can't, or don't want to and don't care about researching, questioning, and holding to account that which current (((mainstream "science"))) purports, that the sheeple just accept it because their minds are so small and closed, and everything else is much bigger than they, and they are ignorant regarding Godhood and knowledge and understanding.

Similar to the nonsense in jew scripture, the sheep then believe such nonsense, which makes them brainless, mindless, zombie slaves of jewsus.

"The whole bit about gravity being so heavy even light can't escape...

Come on - is gravity also the reason a black t-shirt absorbs light, too?

No. It's because it's black - the absence of visible light."
Is light a physical thing? Does it have physical particles? If yes, and these particles are photons, then such massive gravity could, surely, prevent them from escaping/being emitted - but then a question of where the light particles come from in the first place comes to mind.

"It absorbs all matter, all light, all wavelengths of light too. Nothing on the third dimension escapes from it. What black holes really are is still unknown, but they can be observed by looking at the surroundings of the black hole and how it's insane properties affect space around it. Such as having stars orbit a certain point in space at abnormally high speeds. Or quasars that project gasses at near light speeds, which is impossible under any ordinairy circumstances."
This sounds strangely familiar. No person and their Soul can escape from "god", including those in "hell"; "god"is not in "hell", but "god's" love is still always there; it is inescapable. Also that in "heaven", it is "god" where all light comes from (you could say that "god" being the largest soul of them all, because the Soul is made of light). Furthermore:

- the angels;
- the "saved" souls;
- the other members of the 'heavenly host'; and
- the stones who would cry out if no-one tells "god" how big its ego is and how insecure it is

all revolve around "god". Are 'Black Holes'/'Quasars' real? I don't have the means, including money, to see them nor go looking for them, myself; I have to take (((their))) word for things.

I can imagine the jew sitting around a table read, similar to what they do for episodes for mind-rape and brainwashing cartoons and things, similar to our discussions here, but with a difference. They would be focusing on crap, and agree, "Yeah, that sounds stupid, but this explanation is good enough, because no-one is going to question it, hold it to account, nor do their own peer-review research for it."
"Yeah, that's because they can't afford it!"
"Haww- haww- haww."
"Stupid goyim."
"Yeah... and by the time all of this is proven false, well have been rich, selfish, dirty shit-eating bastards, and awaiting reincarnation into our new bodies for zion!"
"Chaww- chaww- chaww!"
"High- five!"
*geek high-five miss*
Fancy Mancy,  no matter what truth you find, keep in mind that there is also alot of theory in science.  Has any of earths people been able to get close enough to a blackhole and survived it long enough to collect physical evidence to research it?  Keep in mind that blackholes as we know them are just for the most part "theoretical constructs."

On Thursday, August 31, 2017 11:29 AM, "fancymancy@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  "they create a theory on how things should work according to science and then try to fit everything they disciver inside their theory, instead of building a theory around the way things work."
Exactly. I also realised that.

This next paragraph I am asking separately before going back to you.
Since the Universe is a magnetic vibrational Aether field, what would the Aether have created 'Black Holes' for?

"If we are going to speak theoretical science, then a black hole could be a black star, a star turned inside out. A star is then a black hole turned inside out. This theoretically means black holes can become stars again, by reversing the gravitational constant and reversing the darkness, expelling the matter and once again returning to a state where the matter is spread out enough it does not get crushed under it's own weight but instead forms once again into a star that emits light."
There are patterns in behaviour and phenomena. The Daemons have lived for long enough to come to know and understand these patterns. Repetition is key in performing magic, increasing advancement, etc. Those two things being said, the idea of 'Black Holes' being 'reverse stars' might make sense; vibrations pulsate, or go back-and-forth, reverberate; maybe one day not soon, the 'Black Holes' will crack open and the bits and pieces will be...ejaculated [verb 2. say something quickly and suddenly] back into space to:

- recreate another star, solar system, and eventual lifeforms;
- recreate another star, solar system, and eventual new lifeforms entirely;
- create new phenomena entirely, that only the Daemons could fathom;
- create new phenomena entirely, that, if it hasn't happened yet in 500 thousand years, then create such things that the Daemons do NOT know about yet (having not been able to observe, learn, understand such a thing)

Perhaps there are things which have not happened in the Universe yet (i.e. my idea in point 4 above) which are also not in the Akasha Records, so we can't know about them yet, and perhaps the Daemons can't yet, either. Then again, according to using the rune EHWAZ, we might be able to find out - but again, if it hasn't happened before yet, then maybe not. (I am going on the...perhaps MISunderstanding that EHWAZ is connected with the Akasha Records, and reveals like a sort of path, direction, or route which had happened previously.)

"The theory on dark matter is interesting too then, as dark matter could simply be matter turned inside out"
Must everything have a counterpart, or an opposite counterpart? Is yin-and-yang jewish? I would say it is, because the j00 loves duality; therefore, I would ask that because matter is energy compressed and compacted, what is energy turned inside-out? Maybe because 3 is the number of creation and destruction, Aether is 1, energy is 2, and matter is 3; or more accurately - Aether is 1, magnetism is 2, and sound is 3 from which all is created. Thus, yin-and-yang is nothing but a jew duality thing of God and Devil.

If, as you say, dark matter is matter turned inside-out, how would you distinguish anti-matter?

Then we can get into j00ing with their BS nonsense (ref: making "reality" fit into "scientific" theory) by saying silly things such as anti-energy; anti-space; anti-time; anti-existence; anti-Universe; anti-multiverse; etc.; etc.; etc. Then go further retarded with anti-negative this; anti-negative that; anti-negative the other; negative-anti this; negative-anti that; negative-anti the other; etc.; etc.; etc.

All of these 'nonsensicalities', as I like to say, of j00 "science" are such that they come out with such outlandish tripe, and it wows people. These...more like sheeple, either don't know how to and can't, or don't want to and don't care about researching, questioning, and holding to account that which current (((mainstream "science"))) purports, that the sheeple just accept it because their minds are so small and closed, and everything else is much bigger than they, and they are ignorant regarding Godhood and knowledge and understanding.

Similar to the nonsense in jew scripture, the sheep then believe such nonsense, which makes them brainless, mindless, zombie slaves of jewsus.

"The whole bit about gravity being so heavy even light can't escape...

Come on - is gravity also the reason a black t-shirt absorbs light, too?

No. It's because it's black - the absence of visible light."
Is light a physical thing? Does it have physical particles? If yes, and these particles are photons, then such massive gravity could, surely, prevent them from escaping/being emitted - but then a question of where the light particles come from in the first place comes to mind.

"It absorbs all matter, all light, all wavelengths of light too. Nothing on the third dimension escapes from it. What black holes really are is still unknown, but they can be observed by looking at the surroundings of the black hole and how it's insane properties affect space around it. Such as having stars orbit a certain point in space at abnormally high speeds. Or quasars that project gasses at near light speeds, which is impossible under any ordinairy circumstances."
This sounds strangely familiar. No person and their Soul can escape from "god", including those in "hell"; "god"is not in "hell", but "god's" love is still always there; it is inescapable. Also that in "heaven", it is "god" where all light comes from (you could say that "god" being the largest soul of them all, because the Soul is made of light). Furthermore:

- the angels;
- the "saved" souls;
- the other members of the 'heavenly host'; and
- the stones who would cry out if no-one tells "god" how big its ego is and how insecure it is

all revolve around "god". Are 'Black Holes'/'Quasars' real? I don't have the means, including money, to see them nor go looking for them, myself; I have to take (((their))) word for things.

I can imagine the jew sitting around a table read, similar to what they do for episodes for mind-rape and brainwashing cartoons and things, similar to our discussions here, but with a difference. They would be focusing on crap, and agree, "Yeah, that sounds stupid, but this explanation is good enough, because no-one is going to question it, hold it to account, nor do their own peer-review research for it."
"Yeah, that's because they can't afford it!"
"Haww- haww- haww."
"Stupid goyim."
"Yeah... and by the time all of this is proven false, well have been rich, selfish, dirty shit-eating bastards, and awaiting reincarnation into our new bodies for zion!"
"Chaww- chaww- chaww!"
"High- five!"
*geek high-five miss*

This is an old thread, but look at what a quick google can produce.  

This is annoying me now.
Heinrich Hertz was apparently* a jew as well.
So its sometimes hard to even believe the accuracy of wave mechanics itself.
That poses an obvious problem, with about everything coming after it.
Thoughts on this?
I was off for a while, is any one still on this topic lol. I'm going to have to read everything that was read again so Ill post back in a few hours

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
