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Can It Be Stopped? Is It Their Leaders That Matter?

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Andromedus117 said:
However, if Putin, Biden, or Zelensky are being the instrumental pawns in leading this war antagonization, is it worth discussing taking **** spiritually with a destruction ritual?

Could their efforts to push us into a war be subverted if we took care of the leaders responsible for pushing this so heavily such as those three?

The reality here is that this is a pointless endeavour. But let's ask: For example, if not Putin, then who? If not Biden, then who?

The next in line are way worse: Kamala, Pelosi [clearly she has alzheimers or similar neurodegenerative illness] and others who might take the wheel and flatten anything. Even Biden, compared to these two, might be better through all this.

For one, they will be replaced instantly, and possibly by another far worse individual.

You think Putin is evil, but Putin has displayed quite a lot of logic and a square mind all his years in the leadership. Despite of what the media says, Putin would not engage in certain particular moves if there were not strong reasons.

Will we ever know the facts about what happened? No. We will just hear emotional bullshit that Putin went insane. ((("God"))) forbid anyone asks themselves, did the NATO or Ukraine do anything weird with these Nuclear plants up there? What is really going on?

Based on propaganda, which is at the highest it has ever been now with the internet, we won't really know the facts. But judging from previous history, we can also assume we are not told even 10% of the story. They just made up a "Hitlerputin" meme and that's all there is to it.

That is not a honest covering of the story. I mean, screw Putin, who cares? I think everyone however would care to know a few things more in regards to why everything is where it is. The real cause.

The real cause behind the "real" cause, we know, is the Great Reset. But for any event to occur, there have to be triggers and abnormalities. What are these? We are not being told more than 10% of it.

Meanwhile, Pelosi and others are on this level where they flip out alone in a room. And unfortunately, it's these people that are in power now through this tragic situation. Do you want a granny with neurodegenerative illness to take the wheel after Biden? Or Kamala who will probably experience a meltdown in the office when she hears the first shell dropping?

Needless to say, this move of the globalists is well timed, because there is really nothing or nobody that can act in the full power to usher the United States and finish this parody of the war.

As if this was not enough, this administration picked people based on "color of skin" and complete lack of merit. In most Agencies now, you have very incompetent people sitting in, and clearly, other powers are not afraid.

These "Agencies" were busy debating GBLT flags on the military as the important subject, while the Taliban took a Nation, and while Russia literally was invading. Still, because the United States is so powerful, they were able to track the patterns, but they were unable to stop either of these events.

At this level of stupidity, one might say that certain outcomes are warranted for humanity in the short term.

If we were in this continuum of events, with Pence and Trump on the head, do you think Putin wouldn't really measure his moves? Pence is a seasoned and hardcore person, especially so, and he would be brutal. What about Kamala? What is she going to do? What about Pelosi? She'll enter into a parkinson's spree and that's all she will do.

Unfortunately, many of these events involve fate and stupidity to an extent that stopping this is largely beyond what magick or group magick can achieve. At this point, any individual's crap is a waste of everyone's time. Even if all of them stepped down [which they never would, because they don't have consciousness] then I am sure another schizo jew is waiting along the waiting line.

In regards to those who question about "Peace" and "Anti-War RTRs", I will tell you the plain facts. These are too weak to stop this event. This is like building a cemented house and hoping to stop the falling of a comet.

If little kikes could do this, we would be doomed, but they cannot. They can however, increase all the things that make the falling a of a comet "possible", and increase whatever could be damaging, but they don't have the power to summon the actual comet.

But through all their vermin magick, they trigger events, and they also hide knowledge so that when these "Comets" that are fated do come, people stay on the wrong place at the wrong time, etc.

In fact, not even jews have control over this whole situation as much as they pretend. They had control in affecting the triggers, but what happens after this, is under the observance of the higher forces. What jew might throw what jew under the bus, and who is going to get destroyed, is kind of a fa further reach than what they can see.

That's why they also did flee New York over fear of WW3, for example. Yes, they caused the causes for failure and trigger events, and appointed certain of their own up there, but controlling the aspects after this is really difficult. If they were that confident, they would have stayed.

That is why, the Ritual of Astarte has been of paramount importance now. To avert a comet, you need a God, and you also need to get out of the way. Sitting there to hold it with your two hands won't change a thing.

All of this frenzy of the globalists is also to where, even if this situation calmed down, they have already prepared a plan C. Plan A was the Coronavirus meme, plan B is this meme, plan C might be something else. As we have seen, each next consecutive plan doesn't mean it's going to get better.

The enemy has innumerable goonies and fools that they have ready and prepared for these tasks. Even Zelensky is simply a well seasoned comedian for the task. They couldn't have picked anyone worse, but maybe, there is also someone worse than this.

To say the least, at this level of human ignorance, these things occurring are only what one can reasonably expect.

We might even say, in a more mystical way of talking about the subject, that the amount of human ignorance and human cowardice, is now reflected on how deep the enemy considers themselves able to stab the knife.

Ukraine, a Nation after imminent existential threat from 2014, literally picked [or didn't pick and the election was rigged, maybe it were, but likely not as early as 2014] a comedian that does twerking in high heels and latex as it's president. How does that sound exactly as a survival strategy for a Nation that has had such dangerous diplomatic clashes with a superpower literally adjacent to it?

Needless to say, if this involved choice, and you have someone like Putin on the other side, one cannot be reasonable and expect anything good to come out of this.

Finally, people here, and humanity in general, those in the "know", must finally comprehend something. We have this relationship with the Gods for a reason. If others don't, that's kind of on them. We cannot really sit there to take the comet straight on the head for them, nor this will prevent anything from happening further.

This might sound like weird language, but we need the "mercy" of the Gods at this point, to use another word, we need their intervention and holy assistance. We need to be treated with "mercy" especially over our collective stupidity. It's 2022 and people tolerate still talk about Nuclear weapons being used.

We spent 2 years in lockdowns like animals over a literal flu that everyone forgot in 3 weeks since the more serious things happened.

If this sounds correct to anyone and one doesn't understand the greater idea here, use your mind to think.

So long everyone is excluded from decision making offices, wealth, influence, etc, humanity will repeatedly suffer from these events because of the enemy. That is the nature of the enemy.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Taurus said:
''We need to be treated with "mercy" especially over our collective stupidity.''

its kind of embarrassing how degenerate humanity is even including myself a few yeas ago, i was like them. but i wonder was humanity ever actually capable of rising above any of the jewish curses and degenerate nature on our own? was it ever even possible? i kind of dont think we deserve to be called stupid because i first hand remember what it was like not knowing anything like everyother NPC walking around.

Yes, of course it is possible, and it's far easier than people think it is. In fact, instating meditation would save a lot of pain even in a few years. The lack of this accelerates as time goes.

That is the state we need to escape from. The Gods have frequently reiterated to me, that the more human beings try to actively exit from this ignorance [they favor that] we will become more open to them and therefore invoke more of their attention on them.

At this point with all the stupid things humanity has been doing it looks like a drunkard that is grovelling inside it's own vomit.

This state can definitely be overcome, but the enemy and everything else has to move out of the way step by step. This builds upon awakening humans who then awaken others. Awakening is not that difficult or impossible, but it requires efforts.

hailourtruegod said:
I'm sorry if I'm being a bit of a "Debby downer". This is just the reality I see but of course I know as long as we do our job the Gods have our back. I've experienced their "direct" intervention before personally when it came to a life and death situation and because of that I know they'll do the same for humanity.

Hail Satan!

Hail Astarte!

Hail the Demons(esses) of Hell!

They will help us, but we also have to start progressively lifting our own weight. It will take a while, but in the end it's going to be fine, there is no doubt about this.

Arcadia said:
It's worth stating that it's completely foolish to blindly believe everything the media tells you. However there is also the other phenomenon, which is blindly believing the opposite to be true. Any given situation is going to have more nuance than what the majority of outlets are going to offer, but playing the part of a contrarian out of spite and not logic isn't necessarily going to lead you to the truth either. Take Putin for instance. He's a world leader with a long tenure and a lot of experience.

... Oh, if I don't like Putin, I have to like Zelensky, or vice versa. Zelensky is a jew, and there's considerable evidence to suggest Putin himself is one, or at least considerably steeped in the culture of it from childhood.


These points are extremely important. Yes, I am hopeful that as time goes, humanity will see through these games. We are being trolled on two sides here.

SeaGoat_666 said:
Dear HP,
Do you think the situation could eventually escalate to the Jews calling for reinforcements from "out there" to aid them, should their hoaxes fail in the larger scheme of things? Do you think it could escalate to a Star Wars scenario, with the Death Star beam, like what we suspect happened on Mars and Pheaton (Asteroid Belt)? If so do you think that the situation could spiral so out of hand that average Joe and Jane can literally witness a Space War in the sky (our vs their side)? And the News struggling to cover it up?

I know it sounds like a movie script, but the soundtrack for Clown World is playing harder and harder. ...

No, that is highly doubtful. Also, the enemy aliens, the actual ones, couldn't give one turd less about any jew. Even the top jews that are in communication with them, are not cared or loved for in anyway. They are nothing but sort of like the army of the clones in Star wars. They also have clarified this to jews.

Well, speaking of "outrageous conspiracy scenarios", I wouldn't doubt, somewhere along the line, the Illuminati card of fake "Alien Invasion" might take place. This might be to cover a real invasion, or try to instate control after one might be seen too much [as it was during the Lockdown where it couldn't even been hidden anymore].

Not giving this high chances to happen - don't take this out of context here, but through insane upheaval, we might see things that many people will consider "movie" material. Much of this is already on "movie" tier.

The enemy, at loss to instate a new paradigm, might try to fake their way with Project Blue Beam, which is a holographic technology.

Of course, these enemy "aliens" will preach soylent green, pod living, destruction of masculinity, demilitarization of mankind, instating New Age, and whatever else we know is already an enemy ideology - without really providing anything substantial, and of course they will be what we know them to be in their teaching.

Difference will be that this will probably be humans using Project Blue Beam behind this. If we see the above, then we know that it's fake and of the enemy, and has nothing to do really with any real aliens.

Now, the other part of this is, as we have stated, that yes, there are aliens already here. This includes our own in certain amounts, AND the enemy. There is an active competition going on right now for the future events of this world. We must not forget this either.

Seeing the Quarantine and numerous UFO videos [and also the orb videos which have to do with our Gods and not the enemy], yes, there are already interventions from both sides. These manifest physically in upheaval and change of human affairs. Seeing where this is going, intensification of these events will be the case. But with the strictly controlled media, this is impossible.
Before this Ukraine-Russia issue literally 99,99% of news in the traditional media (TV) was about Covid. I'm not exaggerating, they didn't talk about anything else.

Now nothing. Since this happened not even 1 second of media is dedicated to Covid. Nothing about "new variants", nothing about vaccines, doses, literally like it never existed.

Does this mean that the Covid Meme ended for ever? Or will they get back to it?
WiseDragon said:
Before this Ukraine-Russia issue literally 99,99% of news in the traditional media (TV) was about Covid. I'm not exaggerating, they didn't talk about anything else.

Now nothing. Since this happened not even 1 second of media is dedicated to Covid. Nothing about "new variants", nothing about vaccines, doses, literally like it never existed.

Does this mean that the Covid Meme ended for ever? Or will they get back to it?

It's like a fallback plan, sort of like Hoax B. If this subsides, then they will be like, oy veyyyy, we ignored this, here we go again.

What is for certain is that the meme has started and humanity has to wake up now, the clock is ticking, and peace is not an option anymore.
''We need to be treated with "mercy" especially over our collective stupidity.''

its kind of embarrassing how degenerate humanity is even including myself a few yeas ago, i was like them. but i wonder was humanity ever actually capable of rising above any of the jewish curses and degenerate nature on our own? was it ever even possible? i kind of dont think we deserve to be called stupid because i first hand remember what it was like not knowing anything like everyother NPC walking around.
It's worth stating that it's completely foolish to blindly believe everything the media tells you. However there is also the other phenomenon, which is blindly believing the opposite to be true. Any given situation is going to have more nuance than what the majority of outlets are going to offer, but playing the part of a contrarian out of spite and not logic isn't necessarily going to lead you to the truth either. Take Putin for instance. He's a world leader with a long tenure and a lot of experience.

You will see some outlets say he is all bad. You will say others saying he's all good. In reality if you take the lump sum of what he has done for and against Russia during his time you're left with a very spotty record either way. The situation isn't as clear as Putin simply being the villain of the situation, but that doesn't exactly clear him of any wrongdoing either. Even if Putin in this instance had done zero wrong, the track record behind him is still one of censorship, shilling Orthodoxy, and repeated, verbal desires to restore the horrors of the Soviet Union. Too many people fall for the trap of believing they have to pick one side or another. Oh, if I don't like Putin, I have to like Zelensky, or vice versa. Zelensky is a jew, and there's considerable evidence to suggest Putin himself is one, or at least considerably steeped in the culture of it from childhood. People simply need to realize that trying to pick sides here is a fool's game. The only real logical position is our side and our side alone, and the realization that whether we like it or not, these are the leaders currently calling the shots, and what we do is attempting to to better the odds of these leaders not making catastrophic decisions until such a time better leaders can be established. Leave the blind loyalty to these people to the masses and realize you don't have to play the Jew's game and pick a side to shill for as you scramble to defend the dubious statements and decisions of people like Senile Biden and KGB Putin.

Even if Putin wasn't insane yesterday, there's no guarantee he's not insane today, and the world is dealing with a Grima Wormtongue situation as Dugin whispers delusions in his ears. On the opposite end, Ukraine has elected, or has had it forced upon itself, a Jewish comedian as President, who's chosen negotiator for peace talks was Israel, who is literally doing the very thing people are accusing Russia of doing in Palestine. Furthermore, it is too easy for the masses to blame Russia collectively. Most Russians did not want this war, and even among those that did, they have been lied to profusely. All this talk of punishing the nation for the mistakes of its leaders is abhorrent, and isolating the folk of this nation is simply going to worsen the existing issues tenfold. The narrative of the evil Russian soldiers invading Ukraine is particularly caustic, as a lot of the "soldiers" that were pushed to the front first were confused teenagers with zero experience who weren't even told they were going into active warfare but were going to do a training drill. A lot of these poor kids were captured in Ukraine and were allowed to call their parents back home who had no idea they were even sent over. This doesn't exactly fit the convenient narrative of a nation bending to the will of a tyrant and gleefully invading a sovereign nation.

Ultimately, nobody is going to win from this. Both Ukrainians and Russians stand to suffer as peoples as they've been pitted against eachother in a brother war that the folk of these nations did not want. Neither Putin and his cronies, nor NATO's hands are clean in this debacle.
Dear HP,
Do you think the situation could eventually escalate to the Jews calling for reinforcements from "out there" to aid them, should their hoaxes fail in the larger scheme of things? Do you think it could escalate to a Star Wars scenario, with the Death Star beam, like what we suspect happened on Mars and Pheaton (Asteroid Belt)? If so do you think that the situation could spiral so out of hand that average Joe and Jane can literally witness a Space War in the sky (our vs their side)? And the News struggling to cover it up?

I know it sounds like a movie script, but the soundtrack for Clown World is playing harder and harder. I feel like anything is possible at this rate, especially in the long haul, and with the enemy's increasing desperation.
I totally understand what you write here and honestly it's bit disheartening how much power the enemy has taken in this world. So many institutions under their hand along with politicians agitating war like Lindsey graham who just tonight called on the assassination of putin via a tweet and I heard he said it again on fox news (haven't checked on the latter yet but mostly true I would assume) meanwhile all of NATO agitating and making this a "be on our side or you're a traitor of dEmOcRacY" type of deal. Dark days indeed but thank the Gods for their love and "mercy" and for giving us the tools to blunt the blow.

In my opinion, there's no hero politician coming this time, it's on humanity, the regular person to stand up and rise. The Age of Aquarius is the age of man and our advancement as a species and it won't work well with people who choose to be in such a low level of being.

I'm sorry if I'm being a bit of a "Debby downer". This is just the reality I see but of course I know as long as we do our job the Gods have our back. I've experienced their "direct" intervention before personally when it came to a life and death situation and because of that I know they'll do the same for humanity.

Hail Satan!

Hail Astarte!

Hail the Demons(esses) of Hell!
Taurus said:
''We need to be treated with "mercy" especially over our collective stupidity.''

its kind of embarrassing how degenerate humanity is even including myself a few yeas ago, i was like them. but i wonder was humanity ever actually capable of rising above any of the jewish curses and degenerate nature on our own? was it ever even possible? i kind of dont think we deserve to be called stupid because i first hand remember what it was like not knowing anything like everyother NPC walking around.

Yes, of course it is possible, and it's far easier than people think it is. In fact, instating meditation would save a lot of pain even in a few years. The lack of this accelerates as time goes.

That is the state we need to escape from. The Gods have frequently reiterated to me, that the more human beings try to actively exit from this ignorance [they favor that] we will become more open to them and therefore invoke more of their attention on them.

At this point with all the stupid things humanity has been doing it looks like a drunkard that is grovelling inside it's own vomit.

This state can definitely be overcome, but the enemy and everything else has to move out of the way step by step. This builds upon awakening humans who then awaken others. Awakening is not that difficult or impossible, but it requires efforts.

hailourtruegod said:
I'm sorry if I'm being a bit of a "Debby downer". This is just the reality I see but of course I know as long as we do our job the Gods have our back. I've experienced their "direct" intervention before personally when it came to a life and death situation and because of that I know they'll do the same for humanity.

Hail Satan!

Hail Astarte!

Hail the Demons(esses) of Hell!

They will help us, but we also have to start progressively lifting our own weight. It will take a while, but in the end it's going to be fine, there is no doubt about this.

Arcadia said:
It's worth stating that it's completely foolish to blindly believe everything the media tells you. However there is also the other phenomenon, which is blindly believing the opposite to be true. Any given situation is going to have more nuance than what the majority of outlets are going to offer, but playing the part of a contrarian out of spite and not logic isn't necessarily going to lead you to the truth either. Take Putin for instance. He's a world leader with a long tenure and a lot of experience.

... Oh, if I don't like Putin, I have to like Zelensky, or vice versa. Zelensky is a jew, and there's considerable evidence to suggest Putin himself is one, or at least considerably steeped in the culture of it from childhood.


These points are extremely important. Yes, I am hopeful that as time goes, humanity will see through these games. We are being trolled on two sides here.

SeaGoat_666 said:
Dear HP,
Do you think the situation could eventually escalate to the Jews calling for reinforcements from "out there" to aid them, should their hoaxes fail in the larger scheme of things? Do you think it could escalate to a Star Wars scenario, with the Death Star beam, like what we suspect happened on Mars and Pheaton (Asteroid Belt)? If so do you think that the situation could spiral so out of hand that average Joe and Jane can literally witness a Space War in the sky (our vs their side)? And the News struggling to cover it up?

I know it sounds like a movie script, but the soundtrack for Clown World is playing harder and harder. ...

No, that is highly doubtful. Also, the enemy aliens, the actual ones, couldn't give one turd less about any jew. Even the top jews that are in communication with them, are not cared or loved for in anyway. They are nothing but sort of like the army of the clones in Star wars. They also have clarified this to jews.

Well, speaking of "outrageous conspiracy scenarios", I wouldn't doubt, somewhere along the line, the Illuminati card of fake "Alien Invasion" might take place. Not giving this high chances, but through insane upheaval, we might see things that many people will consider "movie" material.

The enemy, at loss to instate a new paradigm, might try to fake their way with Project Blue Beam, which is a holographic technology.

Of course, these enemy "aliens" will preach soylent green, pod living, destruction of masculinity, demilitarization of mankind, instating New Age, and whatever else we know is already an enemy ideology - without really providing anything substantial, and of course they will be what we know them to be in their teaching.

Difference will be that this will probably be humans using Project Blue Beam behind this. If we see the above, then we know that it's fake and of the enemy, and has nothing to do really with any real aliens.

Now, the other part of this is, as we have stated, that yes, there are aliens already here. This includes our own in certain amounts, AND the enemy. There is an active competition going on right now for the future events of this world. We must not forget this either.

Seeing the Quarantine and numerous UFO videos [and also the orb videos which have to do with our Gods and not the enemy], yes, there are already interventions from both sides. These manifest physically in upheaval and change of human affairs. Seeing where this is going, intensification of these events will be the case. But with the strictly controlled media, this is impossible.
hailourtruegod said:
I'm sorry if I'm being a bit of a "Debby downer". This is just the reality I see but of course I know as long as we do our job the Gods have our back. I've experienced their "direct" intervention before personally when it came to a life and death situation and because of that I know they'll do the same for humanity.

Hail Satan!

Hail Astarte!

Hail the Demons(esses) of Hell!

They will help us, but we also have to start progressively lifting our own weight. It will take a while, but in the end it's going to be fine, there is no doubt about this.
More warriors need to be awoken and empowered.
Surely each of us has felt a much greater responsibility to fight back against the enemy.

How many millions young people are growing into adults watching the enemy play their shitty chess moves.

There are souls that will be massively warlike and they are being prepared to destroy the enemy COMPLETELY. I would rather watch these souls grow in strength and crush the enemy, than have the God's wipe the enemy out overnight.

No matter what happens, the will of the God's will reign Supreme. Heros and Legends are being made TODAY.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Seeing the Quarantine and numerous UFO videos [and also the orb videos which have to do with our Gods and not the enemy], yes, there are already interventions from both sides.

Yes exactly the Ayylmaos from the enemy side don't give two shits about even VIP hava nagila's perhaps they maintain them around after taking the planet another spiritual entity that works for them. But in the end how do they even compare to a Reptilian. Hell many military dudes have said Greys are annoying as fuck as well.

Anyways I put on the main General forums a thread on UFO activities over the War.

No one replied anything stating much only one person saying in America there seems to be stuff. But I do wonder how the friendlies and the enemies are dealing with it.

Sheer fact is Seagoat666 and others back in the 1600s we already witnessed the battle of Nuremberg whereby people witnessed a clash among two factions of various vimanas from either side or even other sides.

All I know is I recall someone mentioning something on the planet that broke out of kosher supervision recently. The cutting edge Human planet and that they've been given permission to interfere in our affairs if the enemy tries a doomsday scenario. I don't know if I'm making it up but it could be no idea can't seem to find it.

I'm sure the Gods want to avoid a doomsday scenario they sure as hell holding hell at bay. But we must realize that on some level Humanity is at fault over listening to a bunch of desert schizophrenics.

BTW those [orbs] you state from the Gods. Are you implying the Gods are so close to the buffer zone between real-life and the most closest astral layer that they are able to flash the orb travel into our visual spectrum?

I mean I've heard of Orbs at first people said camera technology anomalies but as time went on they became more common throughout time. But I've always been under the assumption they are friendly or enemy colors.

For example as far back as Yahoo forums 2003. Some mentioned Blue(electric blue) orbs are our side. Red are the enemy or certain colors pertain to other civilizations.

Are these orbs some sort of craft or are they the so-called astral projection of entities passing through time and space?
The enemy has to be defeated by its roots, so it can no longer create anything in this world.
We have to uproot them here on earth and then throw them into the organic waste container.
Our Gods can take care of the rest "out there" which is not in our power.
SyrArisMarsMartin said:
The enemy has to be defeated by its roots, so it can no longer create anything in this world.
We have to uproot them here on earth and then throw them into the organic waste container.
Our Gods can take care of the rest "out there" which is not in our power.

We are actively dealing with the lower pest and successfully so. They are in a condition of failure already.

At the same rate, I don't have a single doubt the same thing is the case above. The Gods have always done their part for us, what yet remains is for us to do our own.

What events might incur from this are outcomes.

After the enemy is also physically replaced, then everything will be 90% easier.
EasternFireLion666 said:
Given all the pressure by different players for NATO to join the war I think the RTRs have done their job. They are all against it. Even the most corrupt of them: Stoltenberg, Biden, Blinken etc

There will be more. We are not yet at the full manifestation. It will happen and it's unavoidable. It's a bit uphill, but it will happen. It will be great.

Yes, the enemy wants full blown WW3 to take place [it's clear from media language etc], but as with anything else, this will come out as a half rotten fruit for them.
Dark Blue Eye said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

I think you should make a post about how to fight against this negative energies, like a guide. I know there are already a lot of posts about this, but another post from you will have a good impact especially during this times
I agree with you.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Given all the pressure by different players for NATO to join the war I think the RTRs have done their job. They are all against it. Even the most corrupt of them: Stoltenberg, Biden, Blinken etc

There will be more. We are not yet at the full manifestation. It will happen and it's unavoidable. It's a bit uphill, but it will happen. It will be great.

Yes, the enemy wants full blown WW3 to take place [it's clear from media language etc], but as with anything else, this will come out as a half rotten fruit for them.

But why would they want to create a WW3 instead of just letting Putin conquer Europe to create his new Eurasian Soviet Union?
Pramantha said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
EasternFireLion666 said:
Given all the pressure by different players for NATO to join the war I think the RTRs have done their job. They are all against it. Even the most corrupt of them: Stoltenberg, Biden, Blinken etc

There will be more. We are not yet at the full manifestation. It will happen and it's unavoidable. It's a bit uphill, but it will happen. It will be great.

Yes, the enemy wants full blown WW3 to take place [it's clear from media language etc], but as with anything else, this will come out as a half rotten fruit for them.

But why would they want to create a WW3 instead of just letting Putin conquer Europe to create his new Eurasian Soviet Union?

They have a few ways they would like this to go, and eventually, all these ways lead to similar ends. When we speak about "WW3", we merely mean about a large scale war that they want to take place inside Europe, that will collapse the US, and in the end, either end up as the Great Reset, or some sort of Soviet Soylent USSR repeat. Either way, that is an outcome they are clearly very fondly believing into.

Their dreams are numerous, but they all lead to the same conclusive ends, which are slavery and similar events. The "How" is something they allow open as an agenda. That's also why they frequently have destructive disagreements with other Jews.
hailourtruegod said:
I totally understand what you write here and honestly it's bit disheartening how much power the enemy has taken in this world. So many institutions under their hand along with politicians agitating war like Lindsey graham who just tonight called on the assassination of putin via a tweet and I heard he said it again on fox news (haven't checked on the latter yet but mostly true I would assume) meanwhile all of NATO agitating and making this a "be on our side or you're a traitor of dEmOcRacY" type of deal. Dark days indeed but thank the Gods for their love and "mercy" and for giving us the tools to blunt the blow.

In my opinion, there's no hero politician coming this time, it's on humanity, the regular person to stand up and rise. The Age of Aquarius is the age of man and our advancement as a species and it won't work well with people who choose to be in such a low level of being.

I'm sorry if I'm being a bit of a "Debby downer". This is just the reality I see but of course I know as long as we do our job the Gods have our back. I've experienced their "direct" intervention before personally when it came to a life and death situation and because of that I know they'll do the same for humanity.

Hail Satan!

Hail Astarte!

Hail the Demons(esses) of Hell!

I feel a bit similarly, and that I desparately need to see the humor in everything to stay sane. On the bright side, Aquarius rules the common man, and enlightenment.

I feel that Aquarius is a bit of a chaotic, yet inventive, fast-paced energy. I intuitively feel that Aquarian energy can accelerate and expand anything for better or for worse. But I would rather interpret it as for better still being a possibility. I know it sounds cheesy. And you are absolutely onto things.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Taurus said:
''We need to be treated with "mercy" especially over our collective stupidity.''

its kind of embarrassing how degenerate humanity is even including myself a few yeas ago, i was like them. but i wonder was humanity ever actually capable of rising above any of the jewish curses and degenerate nature on our own? was it ever even possible? i kind of dont think we deserve to be called stupid because i first hand remember what it was like not knowing anything like everyother NPC walking around.

Yes, of course it is possible, and it's far easier than people think it is. In fact, instating meditation would save a lot of pain even in a few years. The lack of this accelerates as time goes.

That is the state we need to escape from. The Gods have frequently reiterated to me, that the more human beings try to actively exit from this ignorance [they favor that] we will become more open to them and therefore invoke more of their attention on them.

At this point with all the stupid things humanity has been doing it looks like a drunkard that is grovelling inside it's own vomit.

This state can definitely be overcome, but the enemy and everything else has to move out of the way step by step. This builds upon awakening humans who then awaken others. Awakening is not that difficult or impossible, but it requires efforts.

hailourtruegod said:
I'm sorry if I'm being a bit of a "Debby downer". This is just the reality I see but of course I know as long as we do our job the Gods have our back. I've experienced their "direct" intervention before personally when it came to a life and death situation and because of that I know they'll do the same for humanity.

Hail Satan!

Hail Astarte!

Hail the Demons(esses) of Hell!

They will help us, but we also have to start progressively lifting our own weight. It will take a while, but in the end it's going to be fine, there is no doubt about this.

Arcadia said:
It's worth stating that it's completely foolish to blindly believe everything the media tells you. However there is also the other phenomenon, which is blindly believing the opposite to be true. Any given situation is going to have more nuance than what the majority of outlets are going to offer, but playing the part of a contrarian out of spite and not logic isn't necessarily going to lead you to the truth either. Take Putin for instance. He's a world leader with a long tenure and a lot of experience.

... Oh, if I don't like Putin, I have to like Zelensky, or vice versa. Zelensky is a jew, and there's considerable evidence to suggest Putin himself is one, or at least considerably steeped in the culture of it from childhood.


These points are extremely important. Yes, I am hopeful that as time goes, humanity will see through these games. We are being trolled on two sides here.

SeaGoat_666 said:
Dear HP,
Do you think the situation could eventually escalate to the Jews calling for reinforcements from "out there" to aid them, should their hoaxes fail in the larger scheme of things? Do you think it could escalate to a Star Wars scenario, with the Death Star beam, like what we suspect happened on Mars and Pheaton (Asteroid Belt)? If so do you think that the situation could spiral so out of hand that average Joe and Jane can literally witness a Space War in the sky (our vs their side)? And the News struggling to cover it up?

I know it sounds like a movie script, but the soundtrack for Clown World is playing harder and harder. ...

No, that is highly doubtful. Also, the enemy aliens, the actual ones, couldn't give one turd less about any jew. Even the top jews that are in communication with them, are not cared or loved for in anyway. They are nothing but sort of like the army of the clones in Star wars. They also have clarified this to jews.

Well, speaking of "outrageous conspiracy scenarios", I wouldn't doubt, somewhere along the line, the Illuminati card of fake "Alien Invasion" might take place. Not giving this high chances, but through insane upheaval, we might see things that many people will consider "movie" material.

The enemy, at loss to instate a new paradigm, might try to fake their way with Project Blue Beam, which is a holographic technology.

Of course, these enemy "aliens" will preach soylent green, pod living, destruction of masculinity, demilitarization of mankind, instating New Age, and whatever else we know is already an enemy ideology - without really providing anything substantial, and of course they will be what we know them to be in their teaching.

Difference will be that this will probably be humans using Project Blue Beam behind this. If we see the above, then we know that it's fake and of the enemy, and has nothing to do really with any real aliens.

Now, the other part of this is, as we have stated, that yes, there are aliens already here. This includes our own in certain amounts, AND the enemy. There is an active competition going on right now for the future events of this world. We must not forget this either.

Seeing the Quarantine and numerous UFO videos [and also the orb videos which have to do with our Gods and not the enemy], yes, there are already interventions from both sides. These manifest physically in upheaval and change of human affairs. Seeing where this is going, intensification of these events will be the case. But with the strictly controlled media, this is impossible.

Alright, thank you for answering and clarifying a few things.
I still wonder about it. Lately, I have been pondering about how fear plays a large role in mental illness. I can barely fathom how the average person would react upon witnessing certain things. But this is our home, and what we have. Our goals give us purpose, but the feeling behind that purpose, the love of our planet and our gods/desses is the most powerful. It keeps us going.

Again, thank you.
Is this writing correct? Then we should not talk about if Putin is "evil"... Even if he ever did "good" things he should be stopped and eventually elliminated, jew Zelensky too, and all of them...

Putin the Jew

Putin was put into power by the Federation Of Jewish Organizations In Russia. The Jewish Chairman of this organization Abramovich stated in a 2005 interview that Putin could obtain Israeli citizenship if he wanted as an ethnic Jew. And that his mother was a Jew Shelomova. This makes Putin full Jewish by Jewish law.

Something damning in the first addition of Putin’s book: First Person: An Astonishingly Frank Self-Portrait by Russia’s President. It states his mothers maiden name was Shalomovitch which is a Jewish surname. But this is changed to Shelomova in the second addition which is an attempt to cover this up:

First Person: An Astonishingly Frank Self-Portrait by Russia’s President

Möt Roman Abramovich – juden som tillsatte Putin


Abramovich was the first person who recommended Boris Yeltsin to choose Putin as his successor. When Putin formed his first cabinet of prime minister in 1999, the Jew Abramovich was the one who first held “personal interviews” with each of the candidates before they were approved. After that, Abramovich remained one of Putin’s closest allies.

In 2007 Putin asked this Jew, who would be elected as the new President – Dmitry Medvedev was then personally recommended by Abramovich. At the G-20 meeting in London in 2009 and the G-8 meeting in 2010, it was Medvedev who became renowned as he had with him a sample of the new supranational world currency “United Future World Currency”, which he campaigned strongly for according to Bloomberg.com.

Chris Hutchins , who has written the biographies Abramovich: The Billionaire from Nowhere and Putin A Biography, describes Putin’s relationship with Abramovich like one “between a father and his favorite son”.

Appears on Russia Today’s website

Under the heading “prominent Russians”, Roman Abramovich is highlighted in Russia Today’s encyclopedia “Russiapedia”. It says, among other things, that Abramovich had access to Jeltzins “innermost circle” through the Jewish oligarch Boris Berezovsky.


The Jewish Rothschild’s who created the Soviet Union at the top. Still own Russia, who Abramovich is a front Jew of:

Russian gov. owned Rosneft in business with Rockefeller[my note Rockefeller’s are Jewish they are of the Rothschild bloodlines] run Exxon and BP despite “sanctions.”

The Putin Government and Chubais are joint owners of RUSNANO.

In 2012, Rothschild Capital Partners bought a 37 percent stake in the Rockefeller’s wealth advisory and asset management group.

Rothschild run Glencore and the Putin Government joined forces to create the world’s largest aluminum company, RUSAL.

The Rothschild Global Financial Advisory is located in downtown Moscow and their website brags of “high level political access” to the Russian government.

Deripaska is CEO of RUSAL.

Abramovich is Putin’s close confidant, and a joint shareholder along with the Russian government in assets such as Gazprom, Aeroflot, and RUSAL.

Putin selected close friend Oleg Deripaska to represent Russia in ABAC (APEC Business Advisory Council). Deripaska is also a close friends and RUSAL business partners with Roman Abramovich.

The Rothschild family are majority shareholders of Rio Tinto. RUSAL and Rio Tinto are involved in joint mining operations despite so called “sanctions” imposed by the West.

The Rothschild family are majority shareholders of Rio Tinto. RUSAL and Rio Tinto are involved in joint mining operations despite so called “sanctions” imposed by the West.

Nat Rothschild is a fellow RUSAL investor, and best friend of Roman Abramovich. Nat is also close friends, and RUSAL business partners with with Oleg Deripaska.

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Andromedus117 said:

You think Putin is evil, but Putin has displayed quite a lot of logic and a square mind all his years in the leadership. Despite of what the media says, Putin would not engage in certain particular moves if there were not strong reasons.

NinRick also mentioned something similar of putin not being evil. Not that similar, but you get the idea here...I hope.
NinRick said:
Putin is not evil, but he is also not good, he is a jew and this needs to be considered.

Is there anything I have missed in regards to Putin not being evil? So based on his displayment of logic and square mind in his leadership, he is not evil? What about the extremely restrictive laws he has put onto the people of Russia that is communism? They have no free speech, are not allowed to be "themselves" so to speak, let alone the people of Russia is being manipulated en masse with propaganda. An example is that Putin is this supreme leader that does nothing wrong, question him and you are put to jail or worse, death. You speak the truth about the situation in Russia? Then you are being put in jail as that is propaganda against Putin. Let alone the nuclear threats he brings on the world (surely from his superiors). What have I missed?

I'd like to think that a Jew is a Jew is a Jew. I am sorry for my ignorance here, but this made me somewhat confused.
The opinion of the Major General of the Indian Army:


Translation from the Russian text:

"In other words, this is just an attempt by the West to delay the end of the war for months, if not until the end of the year. All this will be a terrible blow to the global economy, which is just beginning to recover from the pandemic. With the price of oil already over $100 and rising, it will be an economic disaster for the whole world - and is that what the West wants?"

Yes, I think that's exactly what he wants. Just replace "West" with "jew".
Jews and their puppets, servants of monstrous, bestial and abominable yahweh are ruling this world. Both Russia and Ukraine are controlled and ruled by Jews and Vatican.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Pramantha said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
There will be more. We are not yet at the full manifestation. It will happen and it's unavoidable. It's a bit uphill, but it will happen. It will be great.

Yes, the enemy wants full blown WW3 to take place [it's clear from media language etc], but as with anything else, this will come out as a half rotten fruit for them.

But why would they want to create a WW3 instead of just letting Putin conquer Europe to create his new Eurasian Soviet Union?

They have a few ways they would like this to go, and eventually, all these ways lead to similar ends. When we speak about "WW3", we merely mean about a large scale war that they want to take place inside Europe, that will collapse the US, and in the end, either end up as the Great Reset, or some sort of Soviet Soylent USSR repeat. Either way, that is an outcome they are clearly very fondly believing into.

Their dreams are numerous, but they all lead to the same conclusive ends, which are slavery and similar events. The "How" is something they allow open as an agenda. That's also why they frequently have destructive disagreements with other Jews.

Probably they want just want to kill more white people. Ukraine has a lot of NS which the Jews would be happy to eliminate.
Another very insightful and informative post H.P.C., always thankful for the extra effort you put in to clarifying these topics so well. It's highly appreciated.
That is highly doubtful. Also, the enemy aliens, the actual ones, couldn't give one turd less about any jew. Even the top jews that are in communication with them, are not cared or loved for in anyway.

I think the relationship with enemy E.T's and jews seams equivalent to the case of an abusive parent-child relationship, the parent being a narcissist and the child always trying to measure up to their standards but never can. You'd figure they'd understand to some extent they will never completely acknowledge them as their own anyway as they know exactly what they are, an altered image of a species, who were originally the result of E.T beings they despise to the very core, and therefore something they would interpret as a "vile reflection" of their cosmic enemy. Honestly the fate of jews is a blend of pity & humor, although they do not deserve pity either. They seam completely oblivious to the long term outcome of all this, or perhaps are just led by empty promises.

Yair Netanyahu's meme explains it perfectly, except if I had editing software, I would put a dream cloud over the kikes head thinking he will get to enjoy himself on Earth with the privilege to sit on the E.T's lap lol.

From what I've seen, a lot of people seam eager to call Putin's reasoning (de-Nazification), as a bluff but even if that's the case that does not entail he may be doing it for our best interest either, but does seam like something else is going on. This is synonymous to Antifa's reasoning to justify rioting, killing and looting for what they believe to be "fighting against hate". It's funny though, as now some media sources are claiming Putin is using this justification as a false front and for the first time seam to be against something of this nature but does mean something big.

It also seams Zuckerberg is tolerating endorsement of the "Neo-Nazi Ukrainian Battalion".
quote=Arcadia post_id=330909 time=1646363225 user_id=2320]
It's worth stating that it's completely foolish to blindly believe everything the media tells you. However there is also the other phenomenon, which is blindly believing the opposite to be true. Any given situation is going to have more nuance than what the majority of outlets are going to offer, but playing the part of a contrarian out of spite and not logic isn't necessarily going to lead you to the truth either. Take Putin for instance. He's a world leader with a long tenure and a lot of experience.

... Oh, if I don't like Putin, I have to like Zelensky, or vice versa. Zelensky is a jew, and there's considerable evidence to suggest Putin himself is one, or at least considerably steeped in the culture of it from childhood.


These points are extremely important. Yes, I am hopeful that as time goes, humanity will see through these games. We are being trolled on two sides here.
Darkpagan666 said:
I'd like to think that a Jew is a Jew is a Jew. I am sorry for my ignorance here, but this made me somewhat confused.
He indeed is, but we also have to examine them objectively, as they all have their own way of thinking and doing.
For example search for when HC was talking about Elon Musk, I made a similar to yours question to him.


Putin attacked those sites, and controlls some of them now.

The US has Chemical and Biological Weapons program in Ukraine, this is not a conspiracy anymore, this are facts.
The have labs with very dangerous and contageos pathogens, next to Russia.

Putin probably had some real intelligence about this, as only because of him this is surfacing now.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
