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Can I fix this?

[email protected]

New member
Feb 6, 2006
Hello everyone, it's me again. I'm just going to start right off the bat. How do I fix this? I have been taking a break from Satanism which I regret but I also have been smoking weed. I sort of know what it does to the soul but it has been argued about a lot and confuses me. I just know it undos the spiritual progress and burns holes in the aura. I went off weed for a month and it was difficult to stay off. Things just piss me off too easily. I just want to know how to fix my progress.
I strongly believe that drug addiction is from imbalances in the soul. When you’re energy is flowing and empowered, you will naturally start be attracted to what is right for you.
You need to constantly empower your chakras, cleanse your aura and empower your pineal gland. Empowering the pineal gland will bring about a natural high that is actually beneficial to you.

Aside from this, YOU have to sit and question yourself. You basically just said that you stopped smoking marijuana and went back because you couldn’t deal with life in a sober state of mind. Now, if this is the case, does that mean that you’re going to smoke for the rest of your life because you can’t handle being in a sober state of mind? Are you going to quit and then pick it back up because you get bored? Are you going to get a job and spend some if not a lot of your money on this?

Or are you going to sober up and learn how to live life in a normal state of mind?

You need to deeply think about this. The questions is what do you think you are gaining from smoking marijuana. What, you get bored and smoke and then what? It solves nothing, you will still be sitting there “bored” and not solving the root of the problem that you’re trying to deal with but the only difference is that you won’t even be in the right state of mind, you will be high off of a drug that is damaging to you, and you know what the shitty thing is? You are paying money to damage yourself. The enemy loves this.

Whether it’s your “boredom”, “emotions” or whatever you’re feeling, power meditation and yoga is the “high” you need here to deal with these things accordingly. It activates the higher mind, when the higher mind is activated, you know what you need to do and it empowers your existence.

You’re still a teenager, brother you can get ahead in life if you work consistently towards your goals and you can also spiritually advance and learn how to utilize your spiritual power.

OR, you can just fuck it off and make things harder for yourself. Chances are, you’re going to read this post and might feel a bit influenced to stop smoking marijuana but then time will pass and you’ll keep doing it because the only person that can truly stop this, is you. We can only give you advice.

Just know that, your relapse doesn’t mean in anyway that you can’t stop. You have to want it and quit and then put down the rules for yourself man.

It will be ten more times pleasurable, living with a clear mind not to mention you know of the power meditations that enhance your perception in the most positive way.

A good step to take here would be to find something to get yourself involved in so you’re not just sitting there. Sports and exercise will give you a natural high too and you will feel healthy. Power meditation empowers the soul and has a lot of benefits. Learning to draw, studying things you’ve never studied. There will always be something interesting to learn or do in the cosmos.

Hail Satan

Sent from my
Don't be weak.

Empower your Solar/666 Chakra and use SATANAS, and affirm something in the present tense and positively that you are willing and able fully to get your act together, but not only that but also state that you ARE working hard for your advancement. Also add to it words like "forever" or "eternity" and use the Rune ÜRUZ #2 - "incites action" or SOWILO #16 - "This rune is movement and action and bestows the will to take action." Vibrate the Rune a multiple of its number, or a multiple of 8 (for forever/eternity), more than 20 times, or as many as 54 or 108 if you can handle that much, and vibrate the Rune into your Solar/666 Chakra. Affirm your positive, present-tense affirmation 8 times.

To end the false need for smoking jew poison, use SATANAS and the Rune THURISAZ #3 (THAUR being the more powerful version) - "Rune of healing" and vibrate it a multiple of its number or a multiple of 8 (for forever/eternity), to heal you, and use a affirmation similar to "my Aura is forever keeping me safe; secure; protected; and healthy in every way". This should be done every single day, regardless. See also http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ction.html

Use SATANAS and vibrate ANSUZ #4 - "overcomes obstacles of every kind" a multiple of its number, or a multiple of 9 (for permanence in terms of endings), more than 20 times, or 54/108 if you can handle that much. State your positive, present-tense affirmation 9 times, similar to this - "I am free from any and all cravings of smoking weed/marijuana/canabis permanently. I am free from any and all false beliefs of needing to smoke weed permanently. The act and thought of smoking weed disgusts me entirely."

You should do the workings for each thing separately, because doing them together will weaken/dilute the energies from working. If you can't vibrate a high number of repetitions, then start low (but more than 20) and stick with that. You can increase to the next multiple but never decrease down from a multiple to a lower multiple, because that will weaken/dilute the energies from working.

You should leave maybe an hour or so between each working, and make sure you do your Aura of Protection at least twice per day, every day - once after you wake up, and once before you go to sleep. You should also do it again if you've been out among people, for example, as well. Make sure you also do your other workings every single day, at the same time each day, preferably, for the full working. If you miss or skip a day, then you'll have to start all over again from the beginning.

You should also make sure that you do not start your workings when the Moon is Void of Course (http://www.lunarium.co.uk/settings.jsp - Set your country and the closest city to you). You can, and should, also start any respective working on the day it corresponds with, which also has a corresponding colour (http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... ation.html and http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Color.html). e.g. the Solar/666 Chakra is yellow, and the Sun (Sol, Solar) is yellow, and its day is - believe it or don't - Sunday. It's also better to start during an Hour of that day, as well; so Solar/666 Chakra start on Sunday during an Hour of the Sun (use ChronosXP (http://chronosxp.sourceforge.net/en) to see this). Thursday, Jupiter, is also a beneficial day.

You should also clean your Chakras and your Aura and your Soul, thoroughly, every single day, as well. Multiple times throughout the day, which is necessary. Clean your Soul by visualising brilliant bright white-gold light of the Sun, getting brighter and brighter, filling up. For the Chakras, you can visualise a miniature Sun, taking turns on each Chakra, getting brighter and brighter. You can also state a positive, present-tense affirmation, as well.
http://www.angelfire.com/empire/serpent ... aning.html

As I said, the Aura of Protection should be done every single day without fail, but for the others, they should be done every single day for 40 days, which is a full working. It can be doubled to make 80 days, or do 90 days. The full working probably would need to be repeated.

Lastly, again - don't be weak. You have to actually stop smoking weed, as well. It may be as much as not going near any person or place where you can be tempted easily. Also - don't replace that vice with something else, either. Once you've stopped, you've stopped. I can't tell you how weak or strong you are. You have to distract yourself and move away from it.
You have to sincerely want to get and and be cured. Then focus on meditations, studying the JOS website,
and opening your chakras. And stay off the weed!

If you aren't ready or able to do those things, then you are NOT ready..

You can do it, if you truly and sincerely want to.

Hail Satan!


On Thu, 5/31/18, mcychris2002@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Can I fix this?
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, May 31, 2018, 6:34 AM


Hello everyone, it's me again. I'm just
going to start right off the bat. How do I fix this? I have
been taking a break from Satanism which I regret but I also
have been smoking weed. I sort of know what it does to the
soul but it has been argued about a lot and confuses me. I
just know it undos the spiritual progress and burns holes in
the aura. I went off weed for a month and it was difficult
to stay off. Things just piss me off too easily. I just want
to know how to fix my progress.

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I wonder what the main reason for drug use or vice is for teens and members here, Is it unemployment, unresolved mental issues... etc? If you aren't smoking weed, you are probably going to be in extreme pain from whatever thing is driving you nuts in life so you have to deal with that thing first so there is no longer the symptom of drug abuse. And you know, meditation helps too
I never wanted to do any of those stupid drugs when I was a teen,
thank Satan! Because I saw how it fucked up people's brains...weed
included. You don't need any of that stupid kike shit, my Brother!
trust me...you truly don't! Let me just leave you with this: you ask
whether or not you can fix this. The answer is yes, but do you truly
desire to fix it? If you do not, you will not. Sound simple? Yes it
is. Making the actual decision itself *is* simple. Sticking to your
decision afterwards, on the other hand, is not going to be. But we all
here believe in you, Brother Chris! And so does Father Satan and the
other Gods of Hell! Fight this! Be more than what you think you can!
Make Father Satan proud!

On 6/2/18, Sims336 simsmotal@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
You have to sincerely want to get and and be cured. Then focus on
meditations, studying the JOS website,
and opening your chakras. And stay off the weed!

If you aren't ready or able to do those things, then you are NOT ready...

You can do it, if you truly and sincerely want to.

Hail Satan!


On Thu, 5/31/18, mcychris2002@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Can I fix this?
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Thursday, May 31, 2018, 6:34 AM

Hello everyone, it's me again. I'm just
going to start right off the bat. How do I fix this? I have
been taking a break from Satanism which I regret but I also
have been smoking weed. I sort of know what it does to the
soul but it has been argued about a lot and confuses me. I
just know it undos the spiritual progress and burns holes in
the aura. I went off weed for a month and it was difficult
to stay off. Things just piss me off too easily. I just want
to know how to fix my progress.

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Thank you all for the advice. If you could Jeremy, could you give me some sources? I think I already had some you already gave me but I will check.

Anyway, as for why I smoke. There shouldn't be an excuse for me to do it. However, why I did it is because it gives me just a moment of happiness. It's nice to forget about everything for a moment and just break away from everybody and everything. I remain expressionless throughout the day. I see things throughout my days that just make me not even want to be on this damned planet anymore. Seeing women gossip about dumb shit, guys fighting over dumb shit, or seeing people change attitude whenever seeing $. These things stress me very much.

Starting today, I will make a pact with myself. If I can't tolerate anything without weed then I have told myself that I won't be able to achieve my goals. . .

Thank you all,

As always,
Hail Satan.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
