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Calming an overactive mind


New member
May 13, 2019
Hello, everyone. I've been dealing with a chronic problem for a very long time, and I feel it's time to ask for help.

I've been dedicated to Satan for about nine years now. At first glance, that may look impressive, but there's been one major hangup that's keeping me just spinning my wheels: I can't calm my mind or control my thoughts. It's like constantly having someone yelling in my ear; my thoughts are wildly racing every which way at lightning speed, and I can't escape it. If I start having unpleasant thoughts, my only defense is to drown them out with other thoughts. When I try to direct my thoughts to something specific, there's a high chance I'll be thrown off-track by one errant thought and be led down a tangent.

As such, deep focus is essentially impossible for me, keeping me from advancing much beyond a beginner's level despite how long I've been at this. I've asked our Gods and my gracious Guardian for help, but since I cannot focus, I'm unable to understand them. I've tried cleaning my soul, planetary squares, the RTR, removing curses, rosaries...so far, none of it's had any impact. I haven't given up though; currently I'm in the middle of a soul-freeing working. I'm hoping as hard as I can that it does something, but I'm so frustrated and demoralized at this point that it's hard not to expect the worst.

I'm nearing my wit's end, so I turn to you, my brothers and sisters. Is there something I may have missed? Does there exist some remedy to this I may have overlooked? What else should I try?
Well I've been dedicated longer and albeit that is my mind every day, I'm on the same boat. Even my astrological chart shows a hyper overactive mind at least to one aspect focusing on Mercurial properties.

I love to think, process, and imagine. Unfortunately it seems that isn't the way to appropriate development. I'm sure higher ranking members might state you COULD advance a bit forward but eventually hit a brick wall without controlling your mind.

I assume your mindfulness(void) sessions aren't smooth and I assume trance is something you can't enter or don't want to enter almost like some psychological block?

Either way for the both of us OP and myself or any other it's not appropriate not learning said things. Things are built on the basics and we lack the basics.

BTW Gearhead I assume you come up with crazy, radical sci-fi, sci-fantasy ideas in regards to religion and politics and anything really you fancy?

I assume you come up with spectacular ideas and roll with it till you burn yourself out from thinking, processing?

In the end there is always trying but you sound like your hitting brick walls and the slightest thought splashes waves around the mind kinda like throwing a rock in water, more thoughts just pop in.

Your not the only one so don't feel it's just YOU others are as well in the same problem.
Void meditation. The more the better, and also variations of it.




Try combining breathing exercises with void meditation.

Void, it should be your main concern and focus.
Based on my gut feeling and personal experience, I'd advise you to start with making sure your ambient is proper for mind relaxation. That is even a change of ambient might get you out of the mental loop enough to actually apply void mediation techniques. The most efficient in my case is the SATANAMA mantra repeated as much as needed until the only thing that's in my mind is the sound of the mantra itself. For a change of ambient you can simply go for a walk at night somewhere safe with no people or better take care of or bring some change to your personal space in a manner that might make it seem new and help you out. You can also use stones such as Agate, Tiger Eye, Onyx or Black Tourmaline as temporary catalyst meanwhile doing Void meditation by simply keeping them in your hand and concentrating on them.
Gearhead said:

Wild thoughts like this both have to do with the Air element and the Fire element, both in combination are a chaotic mess of disorder with no defined control. Air is typically the element that has to do with this kind of thing and can be prompted when one focuses too much on matters of the mind and communications.

What you need my friend is grounding. Grounding means to centre oneself in the use of more disciplining energies that are known for their vibrations and rulerships that impart a controlled confinement of other energies to balance them to a normal state of calm and controlled discipline instead of letting them run wild with chaos and no direction. It's the difference between chaotic traffic on an open field vs directed traffic on a road, the grounding properties are the road in this case.

There are many ways to ground oneself but for you I would just suggest raising the Earth element in your soul and it's general disciplining properties. I'd suggest the more specific route in this case in that you simply utilize coloured energy. Black energy will help you greatly on this.

Just visualize shiny black coloured energy like that of an onyx stone and just like with the foundation meditation, breathe this clean black energy into yourself with the intent of enabling it to positively ground you and to safely have better control over yourself and your thoughts, know and believe that it will do this. Do not fall for any normie and xian beliefs that black is an evil colour because this is ridiculous and extremely untrue, black is one of the alchemy colours of the soul in transforming with the magnum opus. Black is of the earth element.

Breathe in the shiny black energy and build this up in your soul just like with the foundation meditation, and as you breathe out allow the black energy to positively engulf you and instill it's grounding properties into your soul and upper chakras, you don't have to focus so much on trying to visualize this, just try to feel and know that this is what is happening, raising your earth element additionally and increasing your self-discipline and control. You can repeat this 10 times.

Then an affirmation along the lines of "In a safe, healthy and positive way for me, I now have total discipline and control over myself and my thoughts." can be used and repeated into this energy 10 or more times until it is fully programmed to do as you desire.

The ice element can also be used as ice 'slows' things and can help to bind chaos, just like a rapid river freezing over, can slowly calm and still the chaos of thoughts on the astral in your head. Just visualize and focus on ice or images of ice, scenarios involving ice, don't purposefully invoke it, just lightly turn your attention to it on the astral and remember safety and positivity in aspects, it's in a safe, healthy and positive way for you. Whatever you decide to do only do it for as long as until you have better control over your mind and have quieter thoughts. Too much isn't good.

Hope this helps.
I don't know for what reason are you doing the soul freeing working. However, if its for solving your problems related to thoughts, then i would advise to halt. You doing a soul freeing working is feeding energy to your thoughts.
Its like 'I am doing this soul working because of my thoughts. ' which is like acknowledging that its something much 'more' than a thought.
In the end please know that, Its just a thought. Its nothing more than a thought.

Let them flow like a river.
Hmm how about this ?
Your thoughts are like the water in a river.
They flow endlessly. Trying to fight it is like setting up a dam to stop the river. You can't. Just let it flow.

If you have problem with having negative thoughts itself, then no one can help you. We, humans are endless. Our potential is endless. Thoughts are not outlier. They too are endless. You will have negative and positive thoughts everday throughout the rest of your eternal life. You can't have one without the other.

Having negative thoughts isn't the problem here. The problem is you getting affected by them. You are getting demoralised and frustrated to the point you end up doings spirtual workings. They will help to some extent, however please understand that thoughts are an undetachable part of your true self. Don't learn to eradicate them completely. Just observe them.

I am 99% sure that there isn't any remedy that will solve your problem instantly. Its a gradual process.

Watch that sadhguru's videos.
Type 'sadhguru controlling your thoughts' on jewtube and watch all of them.

I just checked it out and his philosophy of 'Don't resist just observe' seems helpful.

In conclusion:
They are just thoughts. The more you fight it, the more you feel worse.
So, let them flow like a river. You are the bystander gazing at the beautiful river standing on the riverbank, observing it.
However, you are not drowning in it.

I hope what I said helps. I had been struggling with problem for a while.
I think that All the sentience beings in this universe (not the Jews) suffer or have a problem like this at some point in their lives.

Quote me if you need further advice or help.
First of all I would like to thank everyone who responded.

Gear88 said:
That's me to a T. Void sessions never work, trance never works, I do come up with wild and crazy sci-fi storylines, and I do get led down rabbit holes by one single thought. It's somewhat comforting to know I'm not alone in this.
Henu the Great said:
I appreciate your input, but I've tried all of these with no luck.
Ravenheart666 said:
I'll try this.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Very interesting, thank you!
Username said:
The reason for the working is it's been so unnaturally difficult to get a handle on this that I've begun to wonder if a curse, binding, or other hindrance is involved. Not only that, I have reason to suspect that I was a person of stature in a past life and suffered an unclean death, which is leading to some of my problems, but since this is only a suspicion, that's all I'm going to say about it. Besides, I figure a working that I'm using to remove curses and bindings can only have positive effects.

Regarding the other thing, I actually had this conversation with a normie friend a while ago. We were having a pint at this brewpub, and for some reason we started talking about meditation. I mentioned the issues I'd been having (without the context), and he pointed out the window and said: "You see all those cars driving by? Now try that, but with your thoughts." However, the problem with this is it's much easier said than done for me. Quite often I'll think of something completely random and try to ignore it, but then I think "I really would like to see where this leads" and eventually it gets to the point where it starts to gnaw at me and I can't help but drop what I'm doing and look into it further. I'll keep trying, though.
Try some consistent heart chakra meditations. This is ruled by mercury which has to do with the mind. Really get in touch with this chakra and feel it. Look in your chart for any mercury or Venus debilitations. When my mind has been at its worst, it was often due to ocd but heart chakra meditations have really helped smooth this out, as well as working on unblocking the crown. Do RTR’s every day without fail. It’ll take a couple of months but this should really help smooth it out. On top of the freeing the soul working, you may get a clearer idea of what is going on once these are done if they don’t fully resolve. Sometimes I have to clear out one issue to discover the root of another. It’s a learning process.
Ghost in the Machine said:
...Black energy programming..

I tried it out exactly as you said "Black energy breath for 10 breaths", "programming for 10 affirmations could be more but I don't know the numerology past 10 minus some numbers like 11 or 18"

For some reason it worked in a sense I feel my brain more and more quiet but again I can't help but think this is just my imagination. I'll continue to work at it and see what a simple 10 reps of black energy basically a 1 minute meditation breath+programming.

I'll see where it leads to frankly I'm just unsure of it that a simple 10 breaths does it. I'm aware many members have stated even a few reps is fine but frankly I'm the type of person that believes to get anything done requires 100-216 blasts or more for long periods of time.

But on the opposite end I have heard of people success with low numbers.

Also what about messing with Akasha and Akasha vibration? 10-15 reps and empowering the elements or is that direct touch too much of an issue?

Colors affect specific element a single element and the Akasha affects all plus the imbalance. So good for that or just stick to black?

Gearhead said:
First of all I would like to thank everyone who responded.

Gear88 said:
That's me to a T. Void sessions never work, trance never works, I do come up with wild and crazy sci-fi storylines, and I do get led down rabbit holes by one single thought. It's somewhat comforting to know I'm not alone in this.

Oh believe me you should hear and feel some of the shit that runs through my mind. I don't know if that's how xtians are but it begs the question how a human being can even stand their own self especially if said aforementioned xtian. I mean I'm not them but it's like "WOW" my mind is fucked up aside from astrological craziness stuff.

Either way it's not evil or malefic just negative i.e. like mindfulness studies the key word being "Ruminations" or errant thoughts pressing in on your emotional day-to-day existence and causing issues i.e. thinking for the sake of thinking or more precisely inundating your self with thoughts just to create psychological issues such as depression or sadness. In other words your your own worse enemy.

Trance is odd cause it uses visualization but without visualizing it's more feeling and I'm not saying I haven't gotten spinning sensations. It's just trance is so soft it doesn't impress on the foreground of my mind. It's not a direct impactful feeling.

And yes if your wondering I've had thoughts that state "Does trance work or even exist or is it fake?", same with void(mindfulness) is controlling the mind real? What is this blank state or voided state people feel oddly relaxed and comforted by the oddness of less thoughts or more controlled mind i.e. not the monkey mind.

So I can see why both trance and void seem mysterious and alluring to you.
You have to accept that there's no button that on pressing will instantly make you not have negative thoughts.
When those thoughts start appearing, be relaxed and affirm that 'its just a thought'

I don't know what solution you will find in the future, however do know that 'thoughts are,at the end of the day, just thoughts '
And whatever you do, never blame yourself.

Follow ghost in the shell's advice.

About those videos I would advise you to see at your own discretion. I only watched one and it helped me. However, I dont know which faction he belongs to. So I wouldn't advise seeing much more than the thought videos.

Also,you are not alone. At some point everyone faces this kind of problem.
Gear88 said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
...Black energy programming..

I tried it out exactly as you said "Black energy breath for 10 breaths", "programming for 10 affirmations could be more but I don't know the numerology past 10 minus some numbers like 11 or 18"

For some reason it worked in a sense I feel my brain more and more quiet but again I can't help but think this is just my imagination. I'll continue to work at it and see what a simple 10 reps of black energy basically a 1 minute meditation breath+programming.

I'll see where it leads to frankly I'm just unsure of it that a simple 10 breaths does it. I'm aware many members have stated even a few reps is fine but frankly I'm the type of person that believes to get anything done requires 100-216 blasts or more for long periods of time.

But on the opposite end I have heard of people success with low numbers.

Also what about messing with Akasha and Akasha vibration? 10-15 reps and empowering the elements or is that direct touch too much of an issue?

Colors affect specific element a single element and the Akasha affects all plus the imbalance. So good for that or just stick to black?

Every thought, every willpower we exude, every psychic matter of the senses both spiritual and 'physical' are imparted from the astral plane as a real thing. Our physical brain cannot think, it is a material mirroring object to the astral plane in our physical body that enables through the bioelectric signals of our upper chakras and soul to be electrically sent through nerves and such through our physical body. Those words going on your head as you think, those feelings and emotions you experience 'mentally' in your head are not physical at all, they are solely astral from your chakras and soul because all of that is astral energy and energy vibrations.

So if your thoughts are better under control by the utilization of this energy and in the willpower of your intent, it is a tangible event that is actually occurring due to efforts on your part on the spiritual plane, your thoughts are better under control because an energy vibration is enabling this through it's third-party characteristics. The astral plane is known as the thought-plane where we direct very real energies with our mind and thoughts, because all of this is in rulership to the laws of that realm and can only ever exist on that plane.

If you want a little bit more clarity on this you can read one of my threads "New Meditators - The Power of Our Minds and Real Magic" that explains this a little bit better in regards to the astral plane and how it imparts what normie outsiders know as supernatural.

Now in regards to reps, each individual is different on their level of focus and what they are able to draw in according to this as well as their overall power. One person might know how to draw in enough energy with enough confidence and power to get something done in 10 reps, another might struggle to tune in enough to get the same amount of energy and may need to do more reps to get the same amount of energy in.

If you need to do more reps to attain the desired outcome, then feel free. I only gave 10 as a general safety starter to see first... if it will even help you, and second... how well. And then go from there. You can do a multiple of ten if you like and here are some other number suggestions that are fine. 16, 18, 28, 44, 55, 88, 108. Ultimately though you can just repeat without stress of any specific number and keep going until you are satisfied and feel like the working is complete.

The akasha helps with correcting imbalances in the soul, this is a more passive and gentle approach, what I suggested to you is a far more specific and direct one though. It is okay to focus on the sole problem with a sole solution because it is hard to tell what the actual real cause of the problem is. It could be an imbalance of elements in your soul overall, an imbalance of your chakras, too much focus on a specific energy matter, your psychic centres and intuition could probably be too open to their surroundings, your Aura of Protection might not be solid enough, it's not super easy to tell what the primary problem is.

All I know is that your thoughts are wild and black energy incites control, discipline and grounding in order to stabilize such things. And since it is working for you, I would stick to it for now until the problem is solved. You can additionally work with the akasha to impart overall balance along with this, it can even ensure this further. So you can work with both black as a separate session on it's own and then the akasha as a second separate session as well in addition. For this is doesn't strictly have to be one or the other, you can do both.

More information on Ether/Akasha
I take back my words about affirming above. I think it will only give it more unnecessary worth or energy. I am just a noobie here so I can't say much to a veteran decade old dedicator. However, affirmation seems like a bad idea to me.

Its just a thought. Know this by your heart but never affirm it.
What I have been saying, after seeing it in another thread, is to do vibrations of AUM. If that is not enough, then add SaTaNaMa to it. If that also is not enough, add the ISA Rune to it, but of course be careful with over-using ISA, because it can make one obsessive and dull. You might think that you don't want to use ISA because the uncontrolled thoughts in your Mind are or might be (if it is correct for you) obsessive themselves, but Runes have more than one use. ISA is ICE, slowing things down. So the affirmation should be correct, and include things like "in a positive, beneficial way (for me)" and also at the end "now, continuously and forever".

You could use a candle flame to focus on in a dark room - but be careful if you can't see in the dark easily, or in a garden if it is private or a park if it is safe and if you won't be disturbed. If vibrating, like with the Words above, I'd recommend staying indoors.

Perhaps peaceful music could help. There are websites which have different types of sounds and effects on them. There are also apps. I came across a sound effect of a meditation bowl, known as a standing bell or a Tibetan singing bowl. Maybe listen to wind chimes. Maybe gongs would help. Maybe do these things while focussing upon the candle flame and/or while vibrating the Words. Of course, diet would need to improve, with less sugar, and any drugs/alcohol use should also not be done. You might need to get away from where you are for a while, to 'clear your head'. Change scenery, or go on a holiday somewhere nice. If necessary, and if it can be done, perhaps move. This is just in case the environment is not very good. It might be important to get away from TV, music, computer games, etc., for a while, because they are stimulating, and maybe not use them at all for a while, except to check things like news and weather and here, of course. Maybe see if you can find a care farm or gardening or something similar somewhere with Animals and Nature, to tend to them. Some people, even if they don't realise it, can sense that they are trapped in this concrete jungle World. Choose very deliberately to do something like this. As strange as it might sound, it might be necessary to change outward things so that inward things can be changed. "The eyes are windows to the Soul", sort of thing.

Maybe you just need to sit down, or lay down, and just do it. It might be difficult, and you might be distracted, but even so, you still would be doing a meditation to control your own thoughts. If you are able to, then set aside say 30 minutes or an hour and just relax, focussing on a candle flame. Maybe don't include any vibrations of the Words above for a while. I wouldn't recommend trying from 0 to do an hour of vibrating. Too much too soon is not healthy. Say, sit comfortably for some of the time just watching the candle flame, maybe with the sound effects like in the examples I gave above. If you can, maybe sit for 30 minutes but after 7 minutes (a random, unusal number) play some soft, relaxing music or sound effects. If that might be too distracting, record some tracks with nothing at the beginning for 7 minutes, then have them play the music/SFX, starting quietly and increasing the volume slightly. If thoughts pop into your head, you could visualise the thoughts going out of your Mind and into the candle flame, and with that, burning up into nothingness and disappearing.

Later on (because I say to start lowly and slowly, then add things), maybe imagine a tiny, very bright and clean ball of white light in the centre of your Brain/Mind, and expand it out, pushing the intrusive thoughts away/away into the flame. Either aloud or in your head, say something like "I control my own thoughts. I think only the thoughts I wish to think". Don't be hasty and forceful; instead, just relax and ease things into flow, gently and smoothly. If necessary, take deep breaths if you have been breathing lightly during the relaxed meditation. Try to do this consciously, so that you can concentrate. Breathing exercises along with this might work - e.g. when breathing in, visualise the tiny ball of light forming, or perhaps a white-hot version of the candle flame forming in the centre, then when breathing out, expanding the ball of light/white-hot flame (white gold for the ball of light and flame might be better) out of your head. For when vibrating the Words above, maybe do it towards the end of the 30/60 minutes, and separately from the candle-flame-focussing, (as an example; you do your meditations your own way which work for you) and add "in a positive, beneficial way for me, now continuously and forever". Then maybe do a few more minutes, or if you did the vibrations in the middle, go back to the candle flame for the remainder.

Henu the Great said:
Try combining breathing exercises with void meditation.
Gearhead said:
I appreciate your input, but I've tried all of these with no luck.
Did you try for long enough or just for 1 second? Were you concentrating - but not trying to force yourself to concentrate - or were you... like... playing Monopoly against the AI on a computer? Things won't work in 1 second.

Both HPS Maxine and Lydia have stated that you can improve focus just by focusing very closely on what you're doing throughout the day, I have found this to be very helpful. While you're going about your day, doing chores, etc., try to focus completely on what you're doing and ignore errant thoughts. You don't need to take a half hour sitting still in a room to void meditate. Obviously, don't void on something negative or do it in an unsafe way (voiding on breath while driving is obviously a bad idea), but pick some of the normal stuff you do everyday and it should work.

Also, have a positive mindset regarding focus. If you can void meditate for a minute, you can void for 2 minutes, 3 minutes, etc. Find out what works for you and do it consistently.

I also find certain personal behaviors can decrease focus for some people-eating an unhealthy diet, especially too much sugar, not sleeping enough, bingeing the Internet or other media and not paying attention, excessive pornography use, too much caffeine, etc. Don't beat yourself up over this, if you indulge a bit here or there you don't need to scare yourself that it will decrease your focus, but I find living a healthy lifestyle overall certainly helps.
An update, I suppose. I was able to implement your suggestions, with a degree of success...however, it only served to reveal a more serious problem. I had already experienced this a handful of times before, but I'd honestly forgotten that it had happened.

When I managed to calm my mind down and quiet my thoughts, I entered a light trance, only for my thoughts to be replaced with new and entirely different thoughts. While my waking thoughts were at least logical and coherent, these new ones were nonsensical, otherworldly, and downright disturbing. Quite often, they were in different voices as well, male and female. I can recall one instance in which I heard five distinct voices arguing in gibberish, with a sixth voice (which I controlled) pleading them to stop.

What to make of this? I haven't the faintest clue. This was why I suspected a curse or binding was at play and why I began the soul-freeing working. At any rate, it seems clear to me that the root issue goes far beyond simple scatterbrainedness.
Gearhead said:
An update, I suppose. I was able to implement your suggestions, with a degree of success...however, it only served to reveal a more serious problem. I had already experienced this a handful of times before, but I'd honestly forgotten that it had happened.

When I managed to calm my mind down and quiet my thoughts, I entered a light trance, only for my thoughts to be replaced with new and entirely different thoughts. While my waking thoughts were at least logical and coherent, these new ones were nonsensical, otherworldly, and downright disturbing. Quite often, they were in different voices as well, male and female. I can recall one instance in which I heard five distinct voices arguing in gibberish, with a sixth voice (which I controlled) pleading them to stop.

What to make of this? I haven't the faintest clue. This was why I suspected a curse or binding was at play and why I began the soul-freeing working. At any rate, it seems clear to me that the root issue goes far beyond simple scatterbrainedness.

How about you observe the leaves flowing on the river without interrupting the leaves in any way? Go with the flow so to speak.
Gearhead said:
...voices...What to make of this? I haven't the faintest clue. This was why I suspected a curse or binding was at play and why I began the soul-freeing working. At any rate, it seems clear to me that the root issue goes far beyond simple scatterbrainedness.

I don't know how you come to that conclusion a curse or a binding or something to that nature when even your own self is just somehow learning spirituality but not going in it.

What you state is a classic example of what happens to people whom learn lucid dreaming and or astral projection. Scientifically we call it hypnagogic imagery or hypnagogia state pre-dream/projection and post dream/projection hypnopompic.

It's quite possible you somehow managed to limit your thoughts, fall into a trance, and somehow fall asleep without the effects of physical lethargy. In simplest terms it's not sleep as in traditional a possibility is you merely reduced the logical side, shut it off if you will, and dived into the right brain. These voices and gibberish could be anything. I doubt it's a curse or a binding or maybe even psychic noise. It COULD be psychic noise but another more reasonable function is the brains own effects.

For example despite the fact the buddhist community ignores effects of meditation during mindfulness(void) meditation. Merely they are told to observe it(an example they project out their body but continue to mindful), the fact they experience what could be called spiritual phenomenas or basically an altering of their own physical bodies properties as a reflect of the spiritual. Is proof enough that we are seriously limited to a small spectrum of reality and consciousness.

I'm actually surprised in such a span of short days you managed to somehow accomplish something like this. There are people whom have been in spiritual circles for years and even they suffer from lack of void, mindfulness. So kudos if you actually accomplished something to that nature basically the natural byproducts of the mind, body, and soul i.e. void and trance.

But at the same time I think maybe you need some more grounding and realism in your mindset. I know it's a huge world and can be somewhat surprising but to attribute it to the enemy or enemy properties is something even we state could be paranoia at work. It reminds me a bit of people who state when astral projecting the first time they hear phenomenal stuff and even voices going he is doing it, he is really doing it or WTF he's projecting funny enough when they flash out to the astral, nothing no voices no entities no people no nothing just a return to quietness just poof it's over the projection finalized.

So consider maybe a natural movement into some form of altered state similar to what I said.

If your having disturbing thoughts not of your own maybe these thoughts are sensory blasts of peoples psychic force from afar. In other words much like an empath stating I feel negativity maybe your mind is tuning into segments of reality. Again just a plausibility I don't know what to make of said disturbing thoughts. But again if reading certain buddhist websites has thought me anything is when in these moments it's best just to ignore them and continue in focus. I'd wager even we Satanists would say carry on but try and just learn the void/trance ignore the negatives and focus on achieving a goal.
Gear88 said:
Gearhead said:
...voices...What to make of this? I haven't the faintest clue. This was why I suspected a curse or binding was at play and why I began the soul-freeing working. At any rate, it seems clear to me that the root issue goes far beyond simple scatterbrainedness.

I don't know how you come to that conclusion a curse or a binding or something to that nature when even your own self is just somehow learning spirituality but not going in it.

What you state is a classic example of what happens to people whom learn lucid dreaming and or astral projection. Scientifically we call it hypnagogic imagery or hypnagogia state pre-dream/projection and post dream/projection hypnopompic.

It's quite possible you somehow managed to limit your thoughts, fall into a trance, and somehow fall asleep without the effects of physical lethargy. In simplest terms it's not sleep as in traditional a possibility is you merely reduced the logical side, shut it off if you will, and dived into the right brain. These voices and gibberish could be anything. I doubt it's a curse or a binding or maybe even psychic noise. It COULD be psychic noise but another more reasonable function is the brains own effects.

For example despite the fact the buddhist community ignores effects of meditation during mindfulness(void) meditation. Merely they are told to observe it(an example they project out their body but continue to mindful), the fact they experience what could be called spiritual phenomenas or basically an altering of their own physical bodies properties as a reflect of the spiritual. Is proof enough that we are seriously limited to a small spectrum of reality and consciousness.

I'm actually surprised in such a span of short days you managed to somehow accomplish something like this. There are people whom have been in spiritual circles for years and even they suffer from lack of void, mindfulness. So kudos if you actually accomplished something to that nature basically the natural byproducts of the mind, body, and soul i.e. void and trance.

But at the same time I think maybe you need some more grounding and realism in your mindset. I know it's a huge world and can be somewhat surprising but to attribute it to the enemy or enemy properties is something even we state could be paranoia at work. It reminds me a bit of people who state when astral projecting the first time they hear phenomenal stuff and even voices going he is doing it, he is really doing it or WTF he's projecting funny enough when they flash out to the astral, nothing no voices no entities no people no nothing just a return to quietness just poof it's over the projection finalized.

So consider maybe a natural movement into some form of altered state similar to what I said.

If your having disturbing thoughts not of your own maybe these thoughts are sensory blasts of peoples psychic force from afar. In other words much like an empath stating I feel negativity maybe your mind is tuning into segments of reality. Again just a plausibility I don't know what to make of said disturbing thoughts. But again if reading certain buddhist websites has thought me anything is when in these moments it's best just to ignore them and continue in focus. I'd wager even we Satanists would say carry on but try and just learn the void/trance ignore the negatives and focus on achieving a goal.
Focussing on the pineal gland for a couple of minutes make me fall in a trance.
I wasn't sure whether to start a new thread or bump this one. Since there's good info in here, and to not further clutter the catalog, I'll revive this one.

So, things have taken a bit of a different turn. There was some information I'd withheld initially, mainly because extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence, of which I don't have much, and I didn't want to distract from the topic with what could've been seen as the ramblings of a madman. But I will divulge a little bit, as I feel it is relevant: I believe, though not with absolute certainty, that I was an individual of stature in a past life. I'm reluctant to specify exactly who it was...again, extraordinary claims, but there have been a handful of clues pointing to this. For one, my kundalini broke free of its own accord with no input from me only a few short years after I dedicated, and I've noticed a few strange coincidences with regard to certain dates and the like. At any rate, the salient point is this individual was a heavy user of opiates.

Anyway, I was perusing the forums not long ago, and I came across the second edition of the "Re-Read-It Weekends" series. This one contained a sermon from HPS Maxine advising against drug use, and one line in particular stood out to me: "One yogi stated he'd seen heavy-duty drug users so internally damaged, they would need lifetimes to detoxify their subtle body." Right then, everything seemed to click. If my suspicions are correct, I most likely did untold amounts of damage to my soul during my last lifetime, and it has carried over into this life; therefore, my current predicament is just me paying the price for this. Not just an unsettled mind, but a success rate of absolutely nil with anything spiritual I've ever attempted. This entire time, I've been trying to run a marathon without realizing my leg is broken.

As soon as I realized this, I shifted my mindset towards relaxing and trying to heal, and once I did, a warm, powerful sensation of inner peace and calm came over me. This feeling persists even as I type this today. Furthermore, when I focus on this feeling, I'm able to quiet my thoughts and start to slip into a trance, something I've never been able to accomplish before. I'm sure I'll be able to take this further with more practice.

So, in a very roundabout way, I suppose I've fixed this. Thank you to all brothers and sisters who offered advice. I'm still not one-hundred percent certain if my beliefs about my past life are true, but at least now I have a starting point. Through all this, I've never lost faith in Father Satan and our Gods, and I feel that my faith has at last been vindicated.
For you, this might be redundant, but it could be helpful for anyone.

Gear88 said:
frankly I'm the type of person that believes to get anything done requires 100-216 blasts or more for long periods of time.
That could be a big part of the problem. You think that it won't begin to work until after it reaches a certain amount and after a certain time; therefore, it won't. It is like you are limiting yourself and making things more a struggle. You said it might just be your imagination that it is working - if so, then allow that to work; don't negate it or undermine it; if it is merely your imagination, then maby that would work for you because you are a very imaginative person, so it might be like fighting fire with fire, perhaps?

Working on your Solar Plexus Chakra should also be incorporated. The Chakras are the powerhouses of the Soul, and the Solar Plexus Chakra is like a powerhouse-powerhouse of the Soul. Among other things, the Solar Plexus/666 Chakra helps with motivation, to get you moving into action. I think this is not a contradiction against being grounded and still - the latter is for concentration and focus; the former is for action and getting things done (if I am not mistaken on both points).

One thing I didn't understand is that you think you were a person of importance previously and you did drugs, yet your Kundalini has been active and not damaged, but your Soul has had serious damage done to it. Yes?
Gearhead said:
Hello, everyone. I've been dealing with a chronic problem for a very long time, and I feel it's time to ask for help.

I've been dedicated to Satan for about nine years now. At first glance, that may look impressive, but there's been one major hangup that's keeping me just spinning my wheels: I can't calm my mind or control my thoughts.
Gear88 said:
Well I've been dedicated longer and albeit that is my mind every day, I'm on the same boat. Even my astrological chart shows a hyper overactive mind at least to one aspect focusing on Mercurial properties.

I love to think, process, and imagine.
“If you have serious imbalances, you need to do SATANAMA for a solid 10 minutes a day. Really relax and melt into it. There is no way that these, if continued for a solid period of time, will leave you without balance. If your case is extremely severe, then use the rune ISA to attain this. ISA will slow down the processes in a necessary fashion for you to maintain control.” - https://archive.fo/vT3ut

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich said:
When one encounters problems and obstacles, one should go to the bottom of this and every night before going to sleep, affirm 20-30 times when relaxed, for example: "I have perfect concentration."

Other affirmations for example- "I am always highly motivated and I always meditate every day", “I always have time to do quality meditations", “I am able to enter deep trances easily" you get the general idea. Remember, affirmations should always be in the present tense because the subconscious mind and
soul do not have a time frame such as in the future tense "will" happen. Always make your affirmations in the present tense.

Before sleeping, affirmations should be done some 25-30 times for 40 days straight.
Source: JoS Newsletter 2008-2009 Sermons and Important Messages (Page 8)

Munka Working For Negative Karma by Luis
START: Waning moon in Scorpio, Capricorn, Aquarius or Pisces. Recommended to do in the hour of the Sun but any hour works.

1. Raise your energies: https://archive.fo/nLuwC
2. Vibrate MUNKA 9 times into each of your seven chakras (from root chakra to crown chakra) while visualizing a brilliant white-gold light.
3. Affirm 9 times:
“In a positive and healthy way for me, my 7 major chakras and their extensions are completely and permanently free from any and all negative karma now and forever.”

Do this for 40 days, 80 days or 90 days.

How to pronounce MUNKA: https://archive.is/87FxL
FancyMancy said:
One thing I didn't understand is that you think you were a person of importance previously and you did drugs, yet your Kundalini has been active and not damaged, but your Soul has had serious damage done to it. Yes?

Wait what no, not at all. I've never had my kundalini activated where'd you get that?

No no. I mean I smoked weed a few times back when I was 13/14 years old. But other than that the only drug I take is my anti-schizophrenic/psychosis medication. I don't think it's possible I've damaged my soul or anything. I don't know where you get these claims from.

I don't recall ever mentioning such things in said way. I think you mis-interpreted me. Or perhaps caught me speculating on certain information. Or maybe I said it to a member as a form of advice and you took it as something I've personally done.
FancyMancy said:
One thing I didn't understand is that you think you were a person of importance previously and you did drugs, yet your Kundalini has been active and not damaged, but your Soul has had serious damage done to it. Yes?

My kundalini is certainly active, but the way it's been acting, it could very well have been damaged. It's difficult to find information about the topic, but from what I've gleaned, this has not been a very "typical" ascension.

Gear88 said:

He was talking to me, my dude.

Academic Scholar said:

Thank you for your input. I've already tried a 40-day munka working with not much success, but I will definitely try the SATANAMA.
Gear88 said:
I mixed-up Gear88 with Gearhead, whom I should have quoted. Sorry for the confusion!

Gearhead said:
My kundalini is certainly active, but the way it's been acting, it could very well have been damaged. It's difficult to find information about the topic, but from what I've gleaned, this has not been a very "typical" ascension.
As I have said recently, from what I have pieced together, I think I might have done some stupid recreations or worse before, as well.

Along the lines of controlling one's own Mind - diet would play into it. The obvious - no eating/drinking too much sugar - is automatic, default advice. Does anyone know of any other food and drink advice, as well?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
