HPS Lydia
High Priestess
- Joined
- Sep 20, 2017
- Messages
- 7,451
We have in the JoS, the freeing soul meditation. This is extremely effective… however, it is only for certain types of karma. Bindings, self-inflicted karma, and so on.
There is more karma. Your soul is here, why? Because the Gods created you, and they made you to be in a group. Nobody here was ever made to be a solo individual. The Gods work together as a group, they are a functional unit, and this is how they made us.
This is why many of us are linked together. I was told by the Gods that many of you are here directly because of High Priest Hooded Cobra. I’ve known this for a while. And then the Gods told me that many of you are here directly because of me. From our past lives: either we knew each other, or my works directly correlated to your lives somehow, or you are the descendants of me from my past lives, or you in your past life were related to me in my past life, and now we are all here in the JoS. And more members will come.
And the same is true with HPS Maxine. Side note, for those of you who don’t know, HPS Maxine wanted me to be the next HPS. I won’t go more into detail because sacred things are not to be explained in full to the public. But many of us were brought here because our souls were linked from our past lives.
We are not randomly here, we are not random strangers on the internet as I know we all think form time to time when we are at our lowest. We are a soul group, or a collection of soul groups linked together, and now it is our time to advance and save the world.
Some of you were very important people in your previous life/lives. A lot of you were commoners, but you have the chance to become great souls. Every single one of you has the chance to become great, to become a God.
This will take most people a few more lifetimes. But in order to get there, you need to not only spiritually advance, but also create the necessary karma. There is more to advancement than most people understand.
I’m going to talk for a moment now about Hindus. They preserved, albeit watered down and misunderstood some parts, the Vedas, which were given to them by the Ancient Whites. They admit this themselves. This knowledge kept them alive as a people, and blessed them. Look at them: they are vegetarian, which greatly weakens people. We need meat to survive, this is even in the Vedas but they ignore this. So even though they eat an inferior weak diet from childhood, they still live to be a decent age and don’t have a lot of health issues. This is because they know a trick about karma, which I will explain in a moment.
Also fertility. Many White couples have to try for years to finally get pregnant. Whereas Hindus suddenly have 8 kids. They breed like rabbits, easily. Even though the women eat an inferior vegetarian diet through their pregnancy, they have near perfect health and labor is easy. Whereas White women suffer.
This is because Whites know nothing of any type of karma, and don’t have blessings. Hindus have blessings (our blessings) for marriage, fertility, everything. We don’t.
There will be more on blessings at another time. But for now, the karma I mentioned. Not just the karma of cause and effect, or what we have worked towards in our past lives now affecting our current life. This is important karma and definitely needs to be understood by each of you.
But there is another type of karma, one that links humanity together as a social, cultural, racial group; and as humanity as a whole.
The type of karma that comes from helping humanity.
The enemy has really pushed hyper-individuality these past few decades, and more and more now. They tell you to focus only on yourself, you are the only important person, you only live once, do everything for yourself and maybe your children too but nobody else, don’t even give a thought to find out the names of your neighbors.
The enemy has also pushed the opposite and in a twisted way: “christian charity”, which is about destroying one’s own people to line the pockets of the enemy instead. I won’t give examples of this as most of you are familiar with it, and it likely left a bad taste in your mouth for charity work.
Both of the above paragraphs are twisted versions of the concept of helping humanity advance.
If you actually want your people to advance, you need to help, in the correct way. Right now, the Joy of Satanas is the only real hope for humanity.
So, if you want to burn your bad karma, and build good karma, help the JoS.
Those of you doing translations, you are doing this. Translating to spread the truth of the JoS to every available language is helping others. This is doing massive benefits to your soul. You might not be aware of this yet, but you will be.
Those of you who spend time helping other members are also burning bad karma and building good karma. You are taking time out of your day so selflessly help random strangers advance themselves. Even just a small reply or dropping a link to the correct page on the JoS is helping that person. You are not obligated to help them, yet chose to do this; this is very honorable.
Those of you who are donating are also gaining massive benefits to your soul. Without your donations these forums would be shut down, because they cost money to operate. All the websites we have, and what we are expanding on, cost money and would not exist unless those who can donate, do donate. And there would be nothing for translators to translate, no way to host the translated writings. It all comes down to money. Money is not evil, the enemy made it appear so; but money is just a basic currency to operate the world.
When you take the time to make money and give it to the JoS, you are burning bad karma and building good karma. Especially money, because most people are programmed, or by nature, want to be stingy, or want to spend their money on useless items that they don’t even need, that do not actually improve their life.
So if you’re not happy in your life, if you have bad karma, but you have the ability to make some money, do it, and send it to the JoS with the glad and joyful knowledge in your heart that you are doing it to help the JoS expand in the world. This is what Hindus do, they know donating helps their karma. They know that by helping others, their karma improves. Some take a side-job to make some more money to send to burn off any bad karma.
Hold it for a moment (or look at it in your balance), allow yourself to feel the connection to the JoS and to our Gods, and send it, with joy in your heart knowing you have all the tools you need to advance yourself, all from the Joy of Satanas. Know that you are improving your personal karma.
It’s about you advancing on your own way to Greatness, and helping to give others the chance for them to go on their way to Greatness, too.
Imagine a world where the JoS is mainstream. Where you can tell your friends and family about the fun experience you had meeting your GD for the first time. Maybe you’ll even go on the news about it.
Maybe scientists and doctors can consult the Gods openly for guidance. People can gather in public to do magickal workings together as a group.
Women will have real role models of the Goddesses to emulate, and men will have real role models of the Gods.
You can freely and openly tell someone that their behavior would be frowned upon by Apollo or Astarte, and watch that person try to become better.
Maybe there will be a world-wide news alert telling everyone that it is now the week of a God, and it is recommended to do their ritual in honor.
People will celebrate Yule instead of hearing “merry xmas” all the time. Musicians will create Yuletide songs, and our other holidays will be recognized officially with no JoS members having to work on the Equinoxes or Halloween, for example.
There will be less crimes, that’s for sure. Less corruption too, because more people will be working on psychic intuition and the power to overcome corruption.
We need this to happen. We need the JoS to become official and safeguarded. The only way to do this, is to donate. And donating will burn your bad karma, and build your good karma; it’s a win-win situation. Helping the JoS will only benefit you. The benefits may not be immediately obvious unless you are of a generous soul, because you will understand that you’ve helped; and more benefits will come in due time. If you’re selfish by nature, the benefits will still come in due time.
Some of you have a communist mindset, or are not visionaries who can see how great things can be. You don’t understand this. You don’t want to maybe do something for a few hours with the sole purpose to earn some money for the JoS.
You don’t want to get off the couch and actually do something to make the world better, you just think other people will do it instead. Ok, this is fine, it’s who you are. But you can change, you know, if you want. You can improve yourself and your mindset, for your own sake.
Sure, you could spend your extra thousand dollars on the latest trendy pair of shoes that the latest celebrities wear (this applies for men too, men have become way too Venus-y lately, my father literally only owned 2 pairs of footwear at a time and they were functional for doing manly things, not prancing around showing them off).
Or you can spend that money on cocaine, buying endless boxsets of tv shows, or whatever it is people mindlessly spend their money on these days.
Or you can help the JoS not just survive, but thrive. While also simultaneously helping your soul.
It’s your call.
There is more karma. Your soul is here, why? Because the Gods created you, and they made you to be in a group. Nobody here was ever made to be a solo individual. The Gods work together as a group, they are a functional unit, and this is how they made us.
This is why many of us are linked together. I was told by the Gods that many of you are here directly because of High Priest Hooded Cobra. I’ve known this for a while. And then the Gods told me that many of you are here directly because of me. From our past lives: either we knew each other, or my works directly correlated to your lives somehow, or you are the descendants of me from my past lives, or you in your past life were related to me in my past life, and now we are all here in the JoS. And more members will come.
And the same is true with HPS Maxine. Side note, for those of you who don’t know, HPS Maxine wanted me to be the next HPS. I won’t go more into detail because sacred things are not to be explained in full to the public. But many of us were brought here because our souls were linked from our past lives.
We are not randomly here, we are not random strangers on the internet as I know we all think form time to time when we are at our lowest. We are a soul group, or a collection of soul groups linked together, and now it is our time to advance and save the world.
Some of you were very important people in your previous life/lives. A lot of you were commoners, but you have the chance to become great souls. Every single one of you has the chance to become great, to become a God.
This will take most people a few more lifetimes. But in order to get there, you need to not only spiritually advance, but also create the necessary karma. There is more to advancement than most people understand.
I’m going to talk for a moment now about Hindus. They preserved, albeit watered down and misunderstood some parts, the Vedas, which were given to them by the Ancient Whites. They admit this themselves. This knowledge kept them alive as a people, and blessed them. Look at them: they are vegetarian, which greatly weakens people. We need meat to survive, this is even in the Vedas but they ignore this. So even though they eat an inferior weak diet from childhood, they still live to be a decent age and don’t have a lot of health issues. This is because they know a trick about karma, which I will explain in a moment.
Also fertility. Many White couples have to try for years to finally get pregnant. Whereas Hindus suddenly have 8 kids. They breed like rabbits, easily. Even though the women eat an inferior vegetarian diet through their pregnancy, they have near perfect health and labor is easy. Whereas White women suffer.
This is because Whites know nothing of any type of karma, and don’t have blessings. Hindus have blessings (our blessings) for marriage, fertility, everything. We don’t.
There will be more on blessings at another time. But for now, the karma I mentioned. Not just the karma of cause and effect, or what we have worked towards in our past lives now affecting our current life. This is important karma and definitely needs to be understood by each of you.
But there is another type of karma, one that links humanity together as a social, cultural, racial group; and as humanity as a whole.
The type of karma that comes from helping humanity.
The enemy has really pushed hyper-individuality these past few decades, and more and more now. They tell you to focus only on yourself, you are the only important person, you only live once, do everything for yourself and maybe your children too but nobody else, don’t even give a thought to find out the names of your neighbors.
The enemy has also pushed the opposite and in a twisted way: “christian charity”, which is about destroying one’s own people to line the pockets of the enemy instead. I won’t give examples of this as most of you are familiar with it, and it likely left a bad taste in your mouth for charity work.
Both of the above paragraphs are twisted versions of the concept of helping humanity advance.
If you actually want your people to advance, you need to help, in the correct way. Right now, the Joy of Satanas is the only real hope for humanity.
So, if you want to burn your bad karma, and build good karma, help the JoS.
Those of you doing translations, you are doing this. Translating to spread the truth of the JoS to every available language is helping others. This is doing massive benefits to your soul. You might not be aware of this yet, but you will be.
Those of you who spend time helping other members are also burning bad karma and building good karma. You are taking time out of your day so selflessly help random strangers advance themselves. Even just a small reply or dropping a link to the correct page on the JoS is helping that person. You are not obligated to help them, yet chose to do this; this is very honorable.
Those of you who are donating are also gaining massive benefits to your soul. Without your donations these forums would be shut down, because they cost money to operate. All the websites we have, and what we are expanding on, cost money and would not exist unless those who can donate, do donate. And there would be nothing for translators to translate, no way to host the translated writings. It all comes down to money. Money is not evil, the enemy made it appear so; but money is just a basic currency to operate the world.
When you take the time to make money and give it to the JoS, you are burning bad karma and building good karma. Especially money, because most people are programmed, or by nature, want to be stingy, or want to spend their money on useless items that they don’t even need, that do not actually improve their life.
So if you’re not happy in your life, if you have bad karma, but you have the ability to make some money, do it, and send it to the JoS with the glad and joyful knowledge in your heart that you are doing it to help the JoS expand in the world. This is what Hindus do, they know donating helps their karma. They know that by helping others, their karma improves. Some take a side-job to make some more money to send to burn off any bad karma.
Hold it for a moment (or look at it in your balance), allow yourself to feel the connection to the JoS and to our Gods, and send it, with joy in your heart knowing you have all the tools you need to advance yourself, all from the Joy of Satanas. Know that you are improving your personal karma.
It’s about you advancing on your own way to Greatness, and helping to give others the chance for them to go on their way to Greatness, too.
Imagine a world where the JoS is mainstream. Where you can tell your friends and family about the fun experience you had meeting your GD for the first time. Maybe you’ll even go on the news about it.
Maybe scientists and doctors can consult the Gods openly for guidance. People can gather in public to do magickal workings together as a group.
Women will have real role models of the Goddesses to emulate, and men will have real role models of the Gods.
You can freely and openly tell someone that their behavior would be frowned upon by Apollo or Astarte, and watch that person try to become better.
Maybe there will be a world-wide news alert telling everyone that it is now the week of a God, and it is recommended to do their ritual in honor.
People will celebrate Yule instead of hearing “merry xmas” all the time. Musicians will create Yuletide songs, and our other holidays will be recognized officially with no JoS members having to work on the Equinoxes or Halloween, for example.
There will be less crimes, that’s for sure. Less corruption too, because more people will be working on psychic intuition and the power to overcome corruption.
We need this to happen. We need the JoS to become official and safeguarded. The only way to do this, is to donate. And donating will burn your bad karma, and build your good karma; it’s a win-win situation. Helping the JoS will only benefit you. The benefits may not be immediately obvious unless you are of a generous soul, because you will understand that you’ve helped; and more benefits will come in due time. If you’re selfish by nature, the benefits will still come in due time.
Some of you have a communist mindset, or are not visionaries who can see how great things can be. You don’t understand this. You don’t want to maybe do something for a few hours with the sole purpose to earn some money for the JoS.
You don’t want to get off the couch and actually do something to make the world better, you just think other people will do it instead. Ok, this is fine, it’s who you are. But you can change, you know, if you want. You can improve yourself and your mindset, for your own sake.
Sure, you could spend your extra thousand dollars on the latest trendy pair of shoes that the latest celebrities wear (this applies for men too, men have become way too Venus-y lately, my father literally only owned 2 pairs of footwear at a time and they were functional for doing manly things, not prancing around showing them off).
Or you can spend that money on cocaine, buying endless boxsets of tv shows, or whatever it is people mindlessly spend their money on these days.
Or you can help the JoS not just survive, but thrive. While also simultaneously helping your soul.
It’s your call.