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Building A Fast Track Relationship With Satan

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
As HPS Maxine has said all over the JoS [which I also followed as a novice and every other advanced member has done] the way to build a relationship with Satan and the Gods, is primarily, to do rituals to the Gods, meditate, but above all, do spiritual warfare.

It should of course be reasonable that one minds their own limits, that is a universal law. One cannot sprint all day long forever, as such, one cannot do warfare all day forever - everything has it's limits. Professional athlete and "Just joined the Gym last week" is not the same thing. It is not even the case everyone has to be professional athlete, but let's leave this as "My aim is to be fit" in this case, a universal good for all.

Yet, at the same time, the Gods take notice of people who struggle to advance and who are staying stable in the path, moving forward. Ranges matter, but intention and direction should be the same.

Oftentimes in the years and even here, I have seen people who have poor faith in Satan. Poor as in they also don't really uphold too much this relationship. An extension of this can be with one's Guardian Demon. This can come from not knowing the Gods very well, lack of experience, not having them as much in one's life, and in general, other stubborn issues that deal with one's own mind. A life in the fast track can also contribute here, where as one loses their relation with let's say a very good friend, they don't spend a little time to improve their relation with the Gods.

But if one cares about someone, they should do at least something. In contrast to many humans, Gods do appreciate the gestures and they understand them fully. While the reasons can be many, a way to skip these all is to keep an open mind, and do what a Satanist is supposed to do to overcome this.

One has to actively seek them and attempt to get in communication with them. Then, one will get undeniable signals from the Gods that they are there. Due to the lack of clarity and forgetfulness in the mind, building a relation with the Gods will take time, and probably years, but as one proceeds, more and more their guidance will be obvious and they will feel this for themselves. Eventually, one will know what is up.

Pay attention to the word signals. Because signals are a strong form of communication, more or less subtle, but if one has enhanced attention, they will be able to see these things in their life, and these will be able to warn or alert them of specific things. The external world is not empty, but is rife with symbolism. As the mind gains more clarity with meditation [and one understands themselves and the world better] this language of communication becomes clearer and clearer.

A signal would be for example, a number that you see frequently, and this number may belong to a Demon. Or the name of a Demon repeating in your mind constantly. These are signs the Demon is in some way wanting to communicate with you. For people seeking their Guardian Demon, this may happen if one is a little bit open spiritually. This can also go the other way, one is obsessed with a specific Demon themselves, and they feel a lot of attraction or love for said Demon.

Over the years I have observed that people who are not getting too far in this, fall only in two categories: Those who do not take the matter a little seriously [self explanatory] and those who are simply jews. The second category has nothing to do with it and will never get anything out of "Satanism" no matter how hard they may try. After one is very experienced [and I seriously mean this by "very"] these categories become pretty easy to see in everything, easily recognizable.

One can however willingly set up themselves for failure because they don't care as much for the holy sacrament that they have done. In other words, one has not understood, that Dedication is in a sense, a lifting to a higher level. The door has been opened. One has to walk in it and try exploring the new world.

It is important, for any relation to stand, human or with the Gods, that someone does things the other party wants, there is an exchange, give and take. You cannot only take, you must also give. As one cannot maintain deep friendships without time, and without care, such is the case with the Gods. You do something, they will do something back. As with friendships with normal humans, to bond with someone, takes time. And the Demons are not like normal human beings, they have other requirements which attract them to people. An instance of this, is that they really like people who try to advance spiritually.

Many people here obsess over communication over verbal means [hearing the Gods] but this is not as much proof [and tends to be bullshit frequently if one is not at the level to hear correctly] most of the time. There are many reasons to this, explained in other posts.

Another way to judge your relation with Satan, is not how much attention you "feel", but also, if you are advancing in the path. One's feelings may dwindle frequently here. If you look back at yourself after joining Satanism and you are better, you'll notice you are moving forward instead of backwards for your life for one day. One advances internally a lot with this path. Spiritual advancement with concrete proofs comes after time passes.

Setbacks that life sets in front of you, you may overcome easier, the better your relation with the Gods.

This is pretty clear to name one instance to people who simply dedicate and give up. They return after 10 years having not evolved at all, in anyway. No input, no output. While they have done the sacrament and opened the door, they took a left or right and never went into it. The door remains open, but that is all about one can see. Sad melodies play for these people that opened this door and did not take it.

You don't go that late to the party, or after the party is gone, and expect everyone is willing to dance with you. Doesn't make sense. Good news is that there are always parties and meetings, so you can always catch the next bus. The thing is we humans have a limited lifespan so it's better to not throw your time in the trash can, because you will be wishing in the future you were part of this 10 years earlier, after you understand what you have been missing all along.

There are also, levels to this - each successive level, as one is initiated, is cross like a passage every so often. For those who game, simply put, "Checkpoints". You cannot move back from these, but only forward. You cannot unlearn the Truth, and when you meditate and actually get it to work, you cannot forget this either. Nor you truly want to for any reason. This solidifies your progress and understanding.

These periods can be periods of empowerment, clearing, uplifting - there is a path that one follows and as one walks it, they can look back and see it. Even one's life or strange coincidences can account to this. This will not make much sense when you are new, it's when you look back that it makes more sense.

Much of this also revolves around where each respective soul is at, and what one wants to achieve, or what one is trying to do.

Except of warfare, the importance of communication with the Gods is paramount as stated above. This involves prayer, or in other words, trying to engage in telepathic communication. You do not need to hear verbal words etc, but try to "seek" them, primarily, with your heart - love here is important. Aside the emotional aspect of love, love is a bond between two beings, and this love can be expressed to Satan either in prayer, but most importantly, in deeds. Love is what bonds households, family members, friends, and brings people together to create children, the list goes.

The programs of the enemy abused and trashed this feeling, to remove this from the world entirely. The "love" of christianity is just a fictional world to indicate an abusive situation. Just four of the same letters, but all of it, different worlds apart. One may rediscover "Love" in Satanism, as they rediscover many other things. An open mind is required. The Gods care for their disciples.

In the beginning or when one has just dedicated, as stated in the JoS, it's important to spend time trying to build your relationship with Satan and the Gods. This is not about verbal communication or seeing, but there are more ways. One way is trying to get a feeling for Satan's energy, doing Standard Rituals [either physically or in your astral temple] and of course, meditation and spiritual warfare or activism.

As you advance, your intuition, and your mind, will be closer to the Gods, and naturally, you'll be receiving more effects from them. These can be very subtle, and almost invisible.

How to be taken seriously by the Gods, and therefore, build your relationship, is by doing work for Satan. There is no amount of repetition that should show that this is the best way: this is *THE* best way to build your relation with the Gods. In times of war, the Gods take seriously people who want to engage in what they too are engaged into.

Many people do not also take seriously something that deals with other Satanists. The Gods do want their followers to be in peace, or at least, not in terms of war or other problematic situations that hamper the advancement of other SS. In the guise of pointless online associations, or other things, one gains nothing to advance in Satanism.

I've seen chit chat bullshit dens for years, these advance nobody. Most people spending their time in this way, do not advance, and worse than that, can get in trouble because of idiocy of others. The way to advance in Satanism and stay advancing, is to take the Gods seriously and understand how real they are.

This takes time, as the mind of many people has to understand this.

It is also important you keep memory of when you have been helped or assisted. As stated, this can be subtle. As one understands, it may get really blatant. The less advanced spiritually one is, the more negative karmic and other energies can cause issues, but the Gods will try to guide someone progressively to advance. Depending on the hand one has been dealt, how fast they are going, and how loyal they are to the path, the effect of the help of the Gods will range in itself. The purpose of Spiritual Satanism is to increase this.

Since every being also has different ways of communicating, and understanding, the Gods may take the route applicable to each person. This also relates to one's guardian Demon. I always had a military, duty and love based relationship with the Gods. Other people may be treated differently, with a different tempo, as everyone is different and we are all individuals. But along the lines, the Gods are not wasteful. You got to be at least a bit serious to be related to in a serious manner.

For example, a blockhead that insists of doing all the bad things, may be put on ice until one decides to change their ways - most of the time happening after many warnings. Caring messages may come, and one may trash can them, and then these may stop until one resolves the pending issue.

The more of a newb one is, the more "Closely" will the Demons attempt to help one, but as the Al Jilwah says, these influences may be rather obscure, "Unseen" in this case. Some SS will remember that when they dedicated [those who have been more open naturally or from past lives] that their first years the Gods were far more "Above" them, caring for them more directly.

This happens for obvious reasons. You get in the military, some people show you around, but as you progress, they want you to do things so you can grow. They expect however people to advance during this stage. The purpose of meditation is to start opening the eyes so that one can see these signs and be progressively a partaker of Satan's Miracles.

A frequent even is when you ask questions to the Gods, but if they cannot get it through directly, they will gravitate you to a post, or prompt you to look where something has been answered, or the Clergy may answer, or you may see your question posted and answered from someone else.

This is why it's a life and death matter for our JoS to remain available for mankind, and the knowledge in it to be forever and without corruption. Because this is in a case, the blueprint of the Gods manifests in this knowledge physically. The enemy has their books, and now we do have our own. This is ready made and cut, and one can find everything by searching PHYSICALLY, instead of needing to become extremely advanced first to receive simple guidance. All of this is fast track to knowledge and understanding.

Some Satanists over the years have been close minded because in some cases the knowledge that the Gods are other beings, who may have will contrary to one's will, can be baffling. As display above in the example of a drug user, or a person who may be doing something self damning, one may be prompted to move on and get better. An event to illustrate, the Gods may want someone to stop having a damning personal habit, such as drug use. One wants to insist on the wrong path, they block them.

Eventually one may be "fine" in their "level", but when they want to get a level higher, things that weigh the soul may have to be left behind, most of the time, worthless baggage and bullshit things. Every advanced Satanists looks back and always knows they did good to listen. You can't miss the smell of living in the spiritual sewer after you learn how existence is outside of it.

This resistance can create a clash, to where one closes their mind or ignores serious warnings or blocks one's self. The Gods in this case cannot forcibly force out someone of this path, as the energy required for this is simply enormous, because some people are on the far end by their own choice. Nothing can replace personal responsibility. However, the more they, they will be insistent. This insistence can manifest in blocks, or in other signs, such as warning one of disaster in subtle manners.

In the case of good things, which the Demons most of the time motivate people to do good things for themselves and others, you will feel inspired or get the idea to do something to improve a case of your life. These you can write down, and they can be followed if you judge these have reason to follow them and want to. The Demons can also inspire from within, as they can affect the human heart and mind. Our history is as is, because the Demons inspired us to move outside from the caves and from being worms, and advance ourselves and our world.

If the above leaves something unanswered, feel free to ask.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

I loved this sermon, in fact I feel a huge attraction for Andras, Enlil and Astaroth, I think about them most of the time, even my astrology is similar to theirs, I started to strive in meditation without skipping a day, what else what motivates me to meditate is to open my astral senses and be able to speak to the gods, but I also need to strive in spiritual warfare, how was your first contact with Satan?
Very beautiful said. I was 7-8 years old when I first approached Satan on my own initiative, and I remember telling in my mind that "from now on I'm with Satan and that's it". I remember feeling very happy that day. I'm very proud of that to this day still.

When it comes to giving to the Gods this initially confused me as a newb, but over time I learned that the Gods give as we give to ourselves which is what they want. When we treat ourselves right, they treat us right. As we give more and more to ourselves like advancing by either meditation or working on ourselves emotionally, in any way, it can extend past a point to where our emotions and energy are strong enough to give to them in a way that is actually worth something to them. This forms a really strong bond and communication is much more free flowing with them. From emotional mental and spiritual freedom, this allows their rivers to flow through us more freely to where they can directly do things through us. And give more. The cycle repeats. The relationships between our Guardian and Satan are really important. This all starts with small steps. I noticed certain actions and emotions were more empowered while thinking of my Guardian and followed this path upward. Sometimes it takes a really long time. It can seem like someone is totally a lost cause but they have something inside of them that makes them an eligible bachelor so to speak. I thought for a long time that I had lost my way but I was actually on the right path the whole time. I had some issues that were almost impossible to get past but at the right time, and timing is important, it seems like they gave way like melting ice. Trust is the most important foundation of every relationship and it’s something built over time. Even with our selves. The more trial and error we go through, and the more we succeed at something, the more trust we can gain in ourselves.
I do not like to ask about these things , but the number 111 has been following me all year , I saw this number over 50 times I am sure of it . Either 111 or the time 11:11 . Cannot find too many information on it , can anyone help with some info ? I wouldn't ask if I wasn't sure it is ,,following'' me . Also excellent sermon as always H.P .
Very beautiful sermon and wonderfully written as well. You in particular seem to answer a lot of my questions/concerns in sermons at just the right moment.

I haven't given enough thought and care to my guardian Demon. I'm not even fully certain of who they are and that's embarrassing at this point, but I've always gone though Satan for anything. I try and focus on the Gods on the JoS site, but there are a great few that inspire intense feelings. I'm sure I will figure that out soon, and your post reminded me of how important our guardians are.
Excellent sermon. The only thing I can add, from personal experiences, is something I encountered a lot when first attempting communication with the gods, was a tremendous amount of contradicting signs. Anytime there was something serious where I reached out for help, without fail I would get slapped in the face with many signs. Undeniable. So many, but the thing was one would be guiding me in one way and another set of signs guided me in the opposite way. It was clearly the enemy interfering and it made me make some really bad decisions because I thought I was being guided by the gods.

I think this could be one of those things that’s different for everyone, but what it made me learn was no matter what signs I got, to always be as objective as I could before I actually headed any direction or guidance. You have to use common sense is the point. This can be hard because usually one goes to the gods for guidance and help when something is important and you have emotional investment. Emotion can make you irrational. This makes it easier for the enemy to interfere. Maybe even more for me, cause I’m very emotional, but the point is, the gods do give signs, but the enemy can throw their trickery as well. Just be wise.
The other day I came to this forum and saw the "Re-read it weekends part 2" and the replies-views was 6 - 665 and then I clicked the thread making me the 666th viewer, not trying to boast but it really meant a lot showing that the gods do guide and this hasn't been the only instance. There's also the fact that I felt I've betrayed Satan at certain times, some accidental and at others times not being in the right mind and each time thinking I've gone the lowest but I know it's not and that's what I've failed too look at and Satan may definitely have considered forgiving me as he simply does not give up on people.

But it was an interesting phenomena as I've been meaning to review and re-read everything about the JoS, not only because of memory fog but because of a lot of changes too.

I've also just started a diet with brazil nuts for detoxing and my mind has never felt more clear, memory too, wondering why my health class never taught me about this but I think things will be different. But I think it's for everyone to know and not just me that Satan wants everyone to read everything again and reflect upon certain things in a more organized way.
Thank you so much for this sermon/information...I have been going around and around in my mind as to how I can establish and maintain a solid relationship with Bune...I have asked Father Satan for guidance just recently...and voila!...I am reading and re-reading everything you post, HP...You are very thorough with very dense material that requires re-reading just to get every kernel fully understood...I do not post very often, but was compelled by the providence of your sermon...My next concern is finding the time for regular daily meditation...I do not have a set schedule daily and find it difficult at times to meditate...when I do, I often fall asleep due to fatigue and an out of whack circadian rhythm...I know I am on the correct path in my life and have made many positive changes as a result...I am falling asleep as I write this, but I just wanted to say Thank You!
What do you think of this Video i made is it fine?
How to find out if Satan had abandoned me or not? Does it normal if I can't feel any attraction towards any demon?
What does 777 mean? i keep geting this for a long time, is it an enemy number or not? i know that 555 is Hitlers number, sometimes i had that too, and 666
I really love the Whole scenario, It makes Sense, Even Though I only did my dedication in my Astral temple, And I'm planning To do it physically On Halloween 31 October this month, But I already feel Attracted and connected to the god's, Especially Azazel/ Shamash and astaroth.
Regarding The candle colors I only found The blue and red, I wasn't able to find the black ones, Is it okay with the combination of these two colors to use in dedication ritual? Secondly, How is the aragement of the candles, Is there a special lay out or just to put them randomly before me? Any body to answer pliz, I need to know this as soon as possible before the time is due,
Hail Satan!!!
Another question i have, for a long time i had signs from Satan, the signs was 666 but now i don't see it any more i took it as that i am on the right path and that i'm good with Satan it made me happy to see it but after a time it didn't made me happy and then it slowly disapeared and it apeared only in a few cases, maybe i took it as something for the self and that's why it dissapeared and didn't got any sign any more just rarely...
I have wanted to create a relationship with Satan and demon and look for my guardian demon, but never do so because I feel like I have nothing of worth to show to them, I want to wow them when I first seek for a relationship with them, I don't want to meet my guardian demon and have nothing to offer them, not even energy because I have not learned how to feel and control my energy so I can give them some of my for their uses. So, I decided to wait until I improve myself so when I meet them officially, I will have something of worth to offer to them for their support and guidance. I already on track with growth of spiritual, physical, and mental as I continue to work on my modern version of apprenticeship business that not only allows the employee to earn money working under me but can train to grow their body, mind, and spirit as there will be small gym, yoga, and some sort of class that one learns at community college or wish they were taught this life skill in high school, etc. the intend of this company is not to grow and succeed as a company but to pass on many skills, hopeful of spiritual nature, and have those people to leave the company and spread those skills elsewhere.

I do not intend to become a forest that covers the planet but a tree that seeds trees around me, which then seeds more trees around them, and so on and on until the whole planet is a forest. After all, I understood that there is no point in helping people on another side of the world but if you help those around you, then they will either help you become better, which allow you to help more people around you, or they become useless, in which they get no more help from me, or best scenario is where they help other people around them, which do the same thing until it chains all around the world.
Thanks for another amazing sermon. But i have a question, i recently see the number 33 every here and there, and though that it was a sign that i had to advance and work more as the combination of two 3s is 6, which means hard work, sacrifice and advancement, but after reading this post, i had the slight doubt that it is maybe one of the gods is trying to communicate with me and looked the jos page about the gods, but there was no information about the corresponding numbers of the gods except Satan and few other high ranking gods. If there is a god corresponding to 33 or 6, which may be it?
I admit that so far I have not taken Satanism seriously, even if I do RTR from the beginning, I have not meditated too much and I see very well the astral entities that I hear very well with the centers of the clairvoyant I have not meditated once on them. The only sign I received from Father Satan and the gods was guidance whenever I went astray. Also, I don't have very nice relatives, most of them are Slavs, I have a question, high priest, are the spiritual attacks a proof that I am 100% gentil? I know it sounds silly, but I still don't trust myself.
Jax911 said:
Thanks for another amazing sermon. But i have a question, i recently see the number 33 every here and there, and though that it was a sign that i had to advance and work more as the combination of two 3s is 6, which means hard work, sacrifice and advancement, but after reading this post, i had the slight doubt that it is maybe one of the gods is trying to communicate with me and looked the jos page about the gods, but there was no information about the corresponding numbers of the gods except Satan and few other high ranking gods. If there is a god corresponding to 33 or 6, which may be it?

The number 33 deals with the Steps of the Initiation to the Serpent path.

33 may deal with 6, but it is not a bad number. It deals also with completion of a circle and entering another.

On the other hand, you need to find what this means for you.
FemtoFlash said:
I do not like to ask about these things , but the number 111 has been following me all year , I saw this number over 50 times I am sure of it . Either 111 or the time 11:11 . Cannot find too many information on it , can anyone help with some info ? I wouldn't ask if I wasn't sure it is ,,following'' me . Also excellent sermon as always H.P .

111 deals with the Sun square, at least in most cases. It is not only about this, but there is a high chance.

Ask the Demon in your mind, or Satan, to show you a sign that is clearer in this case.

11:11 was also promoted by the new agers, but the context for them is different. It has nothing to do with signs coming from Satan.
Smjay diego said:
I really love the Whole scenario, It makes Sense, Even Though I only did my dedication in my Astral temple, And I'm planning To do it physically On Halloween 31 October this month, But I already feel Attracted and connected to the god's, Especially Azazel/ Shamash and astaroth.
Regarding The candle colors I only found The blue and red, I wasn't able to find the black ones, Is it okay with the combination of these two colors to use in dedication ritual? Secondly, How is the aragement of the candles, Is there a special lay out or just to put them randomly before me? Any body to answer pliz, I need to know this as soon as possible before the time is due,
Hail Satan!!!

Do not worry too much about candles. Even a single candle will do. Any color will do. Your heart is what matters here, and I think you are on the right place.

Wish you very good luck for your dedication ritual. Start meditating immediately after.
intrepid1666 said:
Thank you so much for this sermon/information...I have been going around and around in my mind as to how I can establish and maintain a solid relationship with Bune...I have asked Father Satan for guidance just recently...and voila!...I am reading and re-reading everything you post, HP...You are very thorough with very dense material that requires re-reading just to get every kernel fully understood...I do not post very often, but was compelled by the providence of your sermon...My next concern is finding the time for regular daily meditation...I do not have a set schedule daily and find it difficult at times to meditate...when I do, I often fall asleep due to fatigue and an out of whack circadian rhythm...I know I am on the correct path in my life and have made many positive changes as a result...I am falling asleep as I write this, but I just wanted to say Thank You!

Thanks for understanding what goes in this. This is appreciated a lot.

Try if you lack time, to affirm "I am always having time to meditate daily, in a positive way for my life and myself". Ingrain this in your mind as you go to bed.

It will definitely work. Aim low for like half an hour a day.
Dacian Wolf said:
I admit that so far I have not taken Satanism seriously, even if I do RTR from the beginning, I have not meditated too much and I see very well the astral entities that I hear very well with the centers of the clairvoyant I have not meditated once on them. The only sign I received from Father Satan and the gods was guidance whenever I went astray. Also, I don't have very nice relatives, most of them are Slavs, I have a question, high priest, are the spiritual attacks a proof that I am 100% gentil? I know it sounds silly, but I still don't trust myself.

Slavs are Gentiles and they followed the Gods for tens of thousands of years. Nothing bad here.

I think your problem is merely not meditating.

You'll gain more from not going astray than from going astray, keep this in mind. The Gods are wonderful beings.
Necrorifter said:
I do not intend to become a forest that covers the planet but a tree that seeds trees around me, which then seeds more trees around them, and so on and on until the whole planet is a forest. After all, I understood that there is no point in helping people on another side of the world but if you help those around you, then they will either help you become better, which allow you to help more people around you, or they become useless, in which they get no more help from me, or best scenario is where they help other people around them, which do the same thing until it chains all around the world.

This is not a bad outlook on it at all. Each person has their own lifepath. If you find this lifepath is the best for you, you should definitely go for this.

I have "helped strangers" because you are all Souls of Satan to me, and that is what I should be doing. Other people may have to take care of their family, Nation or community. Others may have to the children or their girlfriends. This is in accordance to what we should be doing.

Every being has their own thing to do. There are reasons this has to happen. It is far more sensible to focus on your own people, family, friends, country and community. On a personal level, you will gain way more.

A very happy life is ahead if you find good people to help and them to help you.
Kudra said:
How to find out if Satan had abandoned me or not? Does it normal if I can't feel any attraction towards any demon?

It is not abnormal. If you haven't felt any energy or have any specific attractions, you may need to just focus on meditation. You can't become friends with something you have not even felt.

Meditation focuses on the self, and with yourself, you can't go wrong by learning about yourself.
Smjay diego said:
There isn't a specified candle arrangement because it isn't important. It is also fine to use whatever is available to you. You already did the dedication ritual once and you are already dedicated, however, so don't stress too much about doing it again.

Catalincata94 said:
If they signed you the same thing every single day then the number would lose its value as a sign to you. Signs, by definition, happen infrequently, otherwise they wouldn't catch your attention.

Kudra said:
How to find out if Satan had abandoned me or not?
Satan didn't abandon you unless you truly abandoned him first.

Dacian Wolf said:
I admit that so far I have not taken Satanism seriously, even if I do RTR from the beginning, I have not meditated too much and I see very well the astral entities that I hear very well with the centers of the clairvoyant I have not meditated once on them.
If you can logically deduce that Satanic advancement is the best thing one could ever do for themselves, but still don't feel like you need to strongly pursue, then you should strongly consider a working to make you willed or compelled to practice it as much as you can, within your sustainable limits. Something like Nauthiz, for example.

I know everyone is free to live their life as they wish, but I think a lot of people would desire non-spiritual gains, however the best way to obtain those would be through spiritual advancement anyway. To me, everything else seems almost meaningless in comparison, in the sense that my time is always best spent on Satanism. I don't neglect anything else in my life, I just don't prioritize it as number 1, if that makes sense.
This sermon helped me tremendously in reflecting on the road I have walked since I dedicated. Thanks to it I renewed my understanding in what I need to do now to keep advancing and moving forward.

It's far too easy to take experiences for granted, and forget lessons you have learned. Looking back to solidify understanding and make the things you have been told, have learned and experienced into tangible knowledge and wisdom is so important. Experiences you have had years ago can still teach and show you so much more years later when you have gained more understanding and are better capable of distilling what you were granted into something meaningful.

Everything the Gods do for us, and show us has meaning. Visions and messages you receive from them, are not to be taken for granted, there is often much more to it than what might seem obvious when you first receive them. The Gods really watch over us, they understand our troubles and they can see the roadblocks coming up for you, and give guidance accordingly.

I feel that perhaps my GD already knew about the struggles I would face years prior, and has laid down the seeds within my mind/subconscious through messages they gave me years ago, to help me get past these things, and become stronger, better, more advanced than ever after I wade through.

This sermon in particular helped me find a lot of answers I needed.

Thank you very much brother HP HoodedCobra for your work, and guidance to us. It's really quite invaluable.

Hail Satan!
Hail Inanna!
Hail all the true Gods and Goddesses of Hell!
Blitzkreig said:
If they signed you the same thing every single day then the number would lose its value as a sign to you. Signs, by definition, happen infrequently, otherwise they wouldn't catch your attention.
It wasn't every day it was something like once every week or two but i got like obsessed to seeing it and instinctively searching it, i feel many times and the thought that no one cares for me even if i see signs from Satan... "they don't care, they don't care" and stuf like that... and having so many stuff to solve in my life and i'm afraid everything will drop on me all the stuf i have to fix in my life... and when i tray to talk to Satan I many times heard "I don't want you" like an entity tries to trick me or it's just the truth i don't know..
Catalincata94 said:
What does 777 mean? i keep geting this for a long time, is it an enemy number or not? i know that 555 is Hitlers number, sometimes i had that too, and 666

777 is an enemy number and it ties into the jesus thoughtform. I remember this being talked about on the forums before but I don't remember everything that was said about it. Whenever I see 777, I see it as sign that the enemy is trying to attack me in some way.
This was a nice sermon, I needed to hear some of the things that was said. Thanks for that. I always wanted to get close to Satan and my guardian but I didn't know how to do so properly. I was planning on doing things like gathering or raising energy to give to them or some things like that. It sucks just trying to speak with them outloud or in my head and not really getting a response. Its always made me feel alone and ignored. They have probably tried to show me signs and stuff in the past but I never saw the signs or overlooked them.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

Thank you for this sermon HP Cobra. As always, perfect timing and exactly what i needed. Almost all of your sermons answers all or at least most of the questions or concerns i have at that time.

Sometimes i feel like you are giving advice directly to me exactly when i need it. I'm sure many other SS feels the same. Thank you HP Cobra. We SS cannot ask for a better role model than you.
Speaking of my own experiences, so that others may benefit and see the likeness with whatever happenings they have encountered, it has been extremely easy for me to divide my life into two distinct sections - before the Gods and after.

Of course this isn't strictly true, I know for a fact that, based on some early childhood experiences that I already had some minor interactions I didn't understand or appreciate fully at the time, things I've only been able to grant context to now, in retrospect. But for the sake of having a clear concept, there's still a "middle period" of my life, after childhood and before beginning the Path of the Gods in earnest, that I can look back at how things were then and see such an amazingly obvious line in the sand between how my life was, and how it came to be after I dedicated and began meditating and such, as if I spent that middle portion of my life half-awake and without a story to follow.

The way I feel it, ever since I became involved in all of this, my life has felt like it has had a narrative, of sorts. The best way to describe it is that the pacing of major events in my life, the directions I've been lead in, the realizations I've had, have all come at incredibly organic times. Things have happened, that I thought were simple happenstance at the time. For example, and this might sound strange to many, but I fell in love with someone. The nature of the events at the time, the way it all happened, the amount of cosmic coincidences that transpired to make it happen, would look almost fictional to an outsider. But, it was exactly this desire in me, and this circumstance I was faced with at the time, that suddenly, I had an extreme personal stake to improve.

Of course, wanting to improve and grow for its own sake is motivation enough, but, it was only then I truly thrust myself into progression. I truly felt as if the relationship itself depended on not just physical workings, but, spiritual betterment also. I was young at the time, and perhaps undervalued how important doing spiritual work was, so having something so worldly on the line was an incredible catalyst that really got me putting extreme effort in across the board. Lo and behold, years later, when I'm far more developed, I am of course spiritually progressing and working for its own sake first and foremost, as everything mentally is so much clearer now. The happenstance that occurred, in many ways, made me what I am later down the line. Without it having happened, I may not have put in enough effort at that particular point in time to truly gain clarity and see the benefits a bit later. In a way I'm not unique, there's seldom as good a motivator for anyone as love.

Point is, I can imagine that, for many, when the Path first begins, you might find yourself with a personal stake, and with the knowledge in hand of how to strive for it and succeed where others would not. Such a thing is deeply personal, and we all have our own reasons, beyond improvement alone (even though this is most important) as to why we want to succeed. It goes without saying how many ways life can benefit from power, understanding and a genuine relationship with the Gods. In the end, I'm truly thankful for the hand that was played. It was the exact kick in the ass I needed at the time, because sometimes its only after you apply yourself that you feel the value in doing so.

With this all said, once the Path had begun for me in full and it was no longer just about stakes, but for my love of the Gods and their cause, life was still a wholly different affair to how it was before they took part in my life. For any beginner out there, you may see things like synchronicities, strange "sixth sense" feelings, incredible dreams the likes of which you'd have had before. For those who have pre-existent gifts or siddhis, you will see the Gods make use of such things. And for those who had truly early experiences with the Gods in life, no doubt the effect of past lives shared with them, you'll see those very experiences come full circle.

All things said and done, I would never be able to experience my life otherwise. The feeling of context, and meaning I have in my life now, cannot be understated. I won't lie either. There have been times where I now look back on myself as "weak" for not having dealt with things better. It goes without saying that, due to both the enemy's foul doings, and the dross that manifests when one spiritually progresses, can bring a person down to sad levels, but you'll always be sure to rise above them, so long as you weather the storm and continue fighting on. So although I can wince at the moments I had, in my younger self, at a loss, on the verge of tears even, turning to the Gods seeking compassion from the hurt I felt, I shouldn't shame myself. Given the enemy, given the process of rising up, I know why I was the way I was, and I can't look down on myself in retrospect. Instead I can simply embrace I'm no longer that, and am still improving. Like anyone, I still have times of lethargy or sadness, but this is human, and oftentimes you're measured by your ability to continue in spite of pain, and not your ability to just bury that pain in an attempt to not feel it.

So if you're reading this, and you're still unsure about what lies ahead, and that so much doesn't make sense, my only advice is to take the plunge. We were all there, at some stage. Things will make sense, slowly but surely, in a way meant for you. Do not fall to self loathing for whatever struggles or negative moments you may encounter either. Simply pick yourself up, and continue. The Gods, far more than even any person is capable, will understand, and have compassion. So long as you just keep trying. If you've felt like you've been waiting your whole life at the bus stop, and the bus finally comes, so to speak, summon your courage and board it. You'll be thanking yourself for through eternity.

Long post as always, but hopefully someone can read this, and see a glimpse of themselves.
Thank you HpCobra666. Now i know for sure the little things came from the gods and yes
i still remember them all of them and the blue flashing's when i doing the Final RTR are signs
the gods are with me.

Hail Father Satan and the Gods of Duat
Catalincata94 said:

Is this still ongoing? Satan and the gods love us dearly, so it was either an entity or your own mind filling in the blank with a negative response. The gods signed you to show you that they are there, but again, they cannot sign you forever.

Keep working on the stuff in your life. I am sure you will come out on top. If you ever need advice or support, we are always here for you, so please reach out.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As HPS Maxine has said all over the JoS [which I also followed as a novice and every other advanced member has done] the way to build a relationship with Satan and the Gods, is primarily, to do rituals to the Gods, meditate, but above all, do spiritual warfare.

It should of course be reasonable that one minds their own limits, that is a universal law. One cannot sprint all day long forever, as such, one cannot do warfare all day forever - everything has it's limits. Professional athlete and "Just joined the Gym last week" is not the same thing. It is not even the case everyone has to be professional athlete, but let's leave this as "My aim is to be fit" in this case, a universal good for all.

Yet, at the same time, the Gods take notice of people who struggle to advance and who are staying stable in the path, moving forward. Ranges matter, but intention and direction should be the same.

Oftentimes in the years and even here, I have seen people who have poor faith in Satan. Poor as in they also don't really uphold too much this relationship. An extension of this can be with one's Guardian Demon. This can come from not knowing the Gods very well, lack of experience, not having them as much in one's life, and in general, other stubborn issues that deal with one's own mind. A life in the fast track can also contribute here, where as one loses their relation with let's say a very good friend, they don't spend a little time to improve their relation with the Gods.

But if one cares about someone, they should do at least something. In contrast to many humans, Gods do appreciate the gestures and they understand them fully. While the reasons can be many, a way to skip these all is to keep an open mind, and do what a Satanist is supposed to do to overcome this.

One has to actively seek them and attempt to get in communication with them. Then, one will get undeniable signals from the Gods that they are there. Due to the lack of clarity and forgetfulness in the mind, building a relation with the Gods will take time, and probably years, but as one proceeds, more and more their guidance will be obvious and they will feel this for themselves. Eventually, one will know what is up.

Pay attention to the word signals. Because signals are a strong form of communication, more or less subtle, but if one has enhanced attention, they will be able to see these things in their life, and these will be able to warn or alert them of specific things. The external world is not empty, but is rife with symbolism. As the mind gains more clarity with meditation [and one understands themselves and the world better] this language of communication becomes clearer and clearer.

A signal would be for example, a number that you see frequently, and this number may belong to a Demon. Or the name of a Demon repeating in your mind constantly. These are signs the Demon is in some way wanting to communicate with you. For people seeking their Guardian Demon, this may happen if one is a little bit open spiritually. This can also go the other way, one is obsessed with a specific Demon themselves, and they feel a lot of attraction or love for said Demon.

Over the years I have observed that people who are not getting too far in this, fall only in two categories: Those who do not take the matter a little seriously [self explanatory] and those who are simply jews. The second category has nothing to do with it and will never get anything out of "Satanism" no matter how hard they may try. After one is very experienced [and I seriously mean this by "very"] these categories become pretty easy to see in everything, easily recognizable.

One can however willingly set up themselves for failure because they don't care as much for the holy sacrament that they have done. In other words, one has not understood, that Dedication is in a sense, a lifting to a higher level. The door has been opened. One has to walk in it and try exploring the new world.

It is important, for any relation to stand, human or with the Gods, that someone does things the other party wants, there is an exchange, give and take. You cannot only take, you must also give. As one cannot maintain deep friendships without time, and without care, such is the case with the Gods. You do something, they will do something back. As with friendships with normal humans, to bond with someone, takes time. And the Demons are not like normal human beings, they have other requirements which attract them to people. An instance of this, is that they really like people who try to advance spiritually.

Many people here obsess over communication over verbal means [hearing the Gods] but this is not as much proof [and tends to be bullshit frequently if one is not at the level to hear correctly] most of the time. There are many reasons to this, explained in other posts.

Another way to judge your relation with Satan, is not how much attention you "feel", but also, if you are advancing in the path. One's feelings may dwindle frequently here. If you look back at yourself after joining Satanism and you are better, you'll notice you are moving forward instead of backwards for your life for one day. One advances internally a lot with this path. Spiritual advancement with concrete proofs comes after time passes.

Setbacks that life sets in front of you, you may overcome easier, the better your relation with the Gods.

This is pretty clear to name one instance to people who simply dedicate and give up. They return after 10 years having not evolved at all, in anyway. No input, no output. While they have done the sacrament and opened the door, they took a left or right and never went into it. The door remains open, but that is all about one can see. Sad melodies play for these people that opened this door and did not take it.

You don't go that late to the party, or after the party is gone, and expect everyone is willing to dance with you. Doesn't make sense. Good news is that there are always parties and meetings, so you can always catch the next bus. The thing is we humans have a limited lifespan so it's better to not throw your time in the trash can, because you will be wishing in the future you were part of this 10 years earlier, after you understand what you have been missing all along.

There are also, levels to this - each successive level, as one is initiated, is cross like a passage every so often. For those who game, simply put, "Checkpoints". You cannot move back from these, but only forward. You cannot unlearn the Truth, and when you meditate and actually get it to work, you cannot forget this either. Nor you truly want to for any reason. This solidifies your progress and understanding.

These periods can be periods of empowerment, clearing, uplifting - there is a path that one follows and as one walks it, they can look back and see it. Even one's life or strange coincidences can account to this. This will not make much sense when you are new, it's when you look back that it makes more sense.

Much of this also revolves around where each respective soul is at, and what one wants to achieve, or what one is trying to do.

Except of warfare, the importance of communication with the Gods is paramount as stated above. This involves prayer, or in other words, trying to engage in telepathic communication. You do not need to hear verbal words etc, but try to "seek" them, primarily, with your heart - love here is important. Aside the emotional aspect of love, love is a bond between two beings, and this love can be expressed to Satan either in prayer, but most importantly, in deeds. Love is what bonds households, family members, friends, and brings people together to create children, the list goes.

The programs of the enemy abused and trashed this feeling, to remove this from the world entirely. The "love" of christianity is just a fictional world to indicate an abusive situation. Just four of the same letters, but all of it, different worlds apart. One may rediscover "Love" in Satanism, as they rediscover many other things. An open mind is required. The Gods care for their disciples.

In the beginning or when one has just dedicated, as stated in the JoS, it's important to spend time trying to build your relationship with Satan and the Gods. This is not about verbal communication or seeing, but there are more ways. One way is trying to get a feeling for Satan's energy, doing Standard Rituals [either physically or in your astral temple] and of course, meditation and spiritual warfare or activism.

As you advance, your intuition, and your mind, will be closer to the Gods, and naturally, you'll be receiving more effects from them. These can be very subtle, and almost invisible.

How to be taken seriously by the Gods, and therefore, build your relationship, is by doing work for Satan. There is no amount of repetition that should show that this is the best way: this is *THE* best way to build your relation with the Gods. In times of war, the Gods take seriously people who want to engage in what they too are engaged into.

Many people do not also take seriously something that deals with other Satanists. The Gods do want their followers to be in peace, or at least, not in terms of war or other problematic situations that hamper the advancement of other SS. In the guise of pointless online associations, or other things, one gains nothing to advance in Satanism.

I've seen chit chat bullshit dens for years, these advance nobody. Most people spending their time in this way, do not advance, and worse than that, can get in trouble because of idiocy of others. The way to advance in Satanism and stay advancing, is to take the Gods seriously and understand how real they are.

This takes time, as the mind of many people has to understand this.

It is also important you keep memory of when you have been helped or assisted. As stated, this can be subtle. As one understands, it may get really blatant. The less advanced spiritually one is, the more negative karmic and other energies can cause issues, but the Gods will try to guide someone progressively to advance. Depending on the hand one has been dealt, how fast they are going, and how loyal they are to the path, the effect of the help of the Gods will range in itself. The purpose of Spiritual Satanism is to increase this.

Since every being also has different ways of communicating, and understanding, the Gods may take the route applicable to each person. This also relates to one's guardian Demon. I always had a military, duty and love based relationship with the Gods. Other people may be treated differently, with a different tempo, as everyone is different and we are all individuals. But along the lines, the Gods are not wasteful. You got to be at least a bit serious to be related to in a serious manner.

For example, a blockhead that insists of doing all the bad things, may be put on ice until one decides to change their ways - most of the time happening after many warnings. Caring messages may come, and one may trash can them, and then these may stop until one resolves the pending issue.

The more of a newb one is, the more "Closely" will the Demons attempt to help one, but as the Al Jilwah says, these influences may be rather obscure, "Unseen" in this case. Some SS will remember that when they dedicated [those who have been more open naturally or from past lives] that their first years the Gods were far more "Above" them, caring for them more directly.

This happens for obvious reasons. You get in the military, some people show you around, but as you progress, they want you to do things so you can grow. They expect however people to advance during this stage. The purpose of meditation is to start opening the eyes so that one can see these signs and be progressively a partaker of Satan's Miracles.

A frequent even is when you ask questions to the Gods, but if they cannot get it through directly, they will gravitate you to a post, or prompt you to look where something has been answered, or the Clergy may answer, or you may see your question posted and answered from someone else.

This is why it's a life and death matter for our JoS to remain available for mankind, and the knowledge in it to be forever and without corruption. Because this is in a case, the blueprint of the Gods manifests in this knowledge physically. The enemy has their books, and now we do have our own. This is ready made and cut, and one can find everything by searching PHYSICALLY, instead of needing to become extremely advanced first to receive simple guidance. All of this is fast track to knowledge and understanding.

Some Satanists over the years have been close minded because in some cases the knowledge that the Gods are other beings, who may have will contrary to one's will, can be baffling. As display above in the example of a drug user, or a person who may be doing something self damning, one may be prompted to move on and get better. An event to illustrate, the Gods may want someone to stop having a damning personal habit, such as drug use. One wants to insist on the wrong path, they block them.

Eventually one may be "fine" in their "level", but when they want to get a level higher, things that weigh the soul may have to be left behind, most of the time, worthless baggage and bullshit things. Every advanced Satanists looks back and always knows they did good to listen. You can't miss the smell of living in the spiritual sewer after you learn how existence is outside of it.

This resistance can create a clash, to where one closes their mind or ignores serious warnings or blocks one's self. The Gods in this case cannot forcibly force out someone of this path, as the energy required for this is simply enormous, because some people are on the far end by their own choice. Nothing can replace personal responsibility. However, the more they, they will be insistent. This insistence can manifest in blocks, or in other signs, such as warning one of disaster in subtle manners.

In the case of good things, which the Demons most of the time motivate people to do good things for themselves and others, you will feel inspired or get the idea to do something to improve a case of your life. These you can write down, and they can be followed if you judge these have reason to follow them and want to. The Demons can also inspire from within, as they can affect the human heart and mind. Our history is as is, because the Demons inspired us to move outside from the caves and from being worms, and advance ourselves and our world.

If the above leaves something unanswered, feel free to ask.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Thanks so much for this. It hit home in a number of ways especially with specific signs i have seen with their timings, as well as other things.
weird timing
Asked for Clarity shouted in my room/tele for clarity from SATAN and 6 coincidences later and a walk in the park and im here all adding up to reading this post that answered fucking everything and the humbling reality that can't be swept under the rug anymore.
I always got weird Dopamine Blocks until this very moment coincidences are crazy but it always rekindled my Faith plus once you feel energy e someone was watching but not as overtly as they usually did. I literally thought i was a little Jewish because my family says they are related to Kaiser Wilhelm.

11 year Weird Story im a knucklehead
I thought i got abandoned Because my first Year or two was intense I was a super trooper just telepathically would do the thing in my astral temple and boom and someone would Visit i had no idea who i just saw blue energy. My problem was i just never cleaned my aura........ and used prescribed to meditate for 4 hours a day trying to figure out a bunch of things and realizing at sometimes did 3 days in a row straight meditating thats when i Messed up and figuring out how to make a thoughtform and maybe accidentally being rude with Gromery, in the beginning, mixing energies like an idiot... I wanted a big titty goth succubus :lol: :lol: :lol: but i ended up really liking the meditations plus the feeling energy and invoking the Goetica and things grew a little more distant i had an Exorcism by my parents A Really Gifted ACUPUNCTURIST closed my Crown and 3rd eye with a shaman. after that i was on a close watch before being shipped to military school but I still felt the satan spark and felt the entities i was hard to hear them and see them but i would see their color and feel their vibration in the room.
This put me on a wild goose chase because i had to figure out what to do. i got into a relationship with a half/quarter jew girl with Covert Narcasism for 7 years with a Gabriel fetish she never wanted to dedicate but now i know why it took me years later to actually figure out the truth about the jews on my own your right the goetica are great at moving you in the right direction like magnets.

You are Right Most other shit don't work its sad how miss-informed people are on practical spirituality (mediation/high and low magic) Only thing available to the mainstream of Godhead is the Alchemists got it down tho and so does Hermes Kybalion and the green tablet but you need the JoS part of the Pie to figure it out to be honest

Its been since last October since we Broke up and i just found out about the RTR stuff

I really do appreciate this Post i Guess i have no reason to be MIA

But i now have Clarity

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
