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Breaking a marriage

Basilar said:
Jack said:
By the way, I have to comment on the state of this topic here, as HPmageson once said "The Christianity is strong in this topic. " Before accusing anyone of anything and judging them you have to look at your motivations for doing so. Many people think they have free will but they are operating on an entrenched level of cultural programming primarily laced with Christianity which they call Morality.

There is no such thing as Morality. There is however a thing as 'YOUR ' morality. Morals are personal to oneself ,not a universal constant. Just because someone doesn't agree with your morality doesn't mean they're immoral it just means they don't agree with your morality.

So examples according to a Christian perspective might be,
1)Because he has sex before marriage he is immoral.
2)Because he has casual sex he is immoral.
3)Because he has a lot of money or is hoarding wealth he might be immoral.
4)Because he divorces his wife he is immoral.
5)Because hes an atheist he is immoral.

In each each the decider of morality or the one who can judge you is the person but he has his programming from Christianity or Culture or inexperience of life. VoiceOfEnki ,an esteemed member who I really respect says that he looks at everything in a nuanced way and doesn't make value judgments instantly which is why he doesn't join flame wars on the forums but reads them and increases his knowledge respositor. The reason why anyone would make instant value judgments and get offended when you don't give a fuck about their opinion is because they haven't become emotionally mature. Childlike entitlement is the reason for judgemental behavior.

Real life isn't what you decide to to be and the world doesn't revolve around you so it's okay is if it's not to your liking. In real world, couples break up after 20 years marriages with adult kids, women cheat on their husbands and husbands cheat on their women,girls cheat on their boyfriends and boyfriends cheat on their girlfriends. People do the most insane things for literally nothing and that is life and your living in it. You can try to deny it but in the end you'll just end up agonizing yourself for no reason. Real life situations are extremely complex especially with multiple people involved. If you don't trust someone to have a good level of emotional maturity so that they will use spirituality correctly, then don't associate or talk with them but don't he inherently clueless and start throwing a bunch of allegations around for no reason and being judgmental which accomplishes nothing. R

You guys need to read Nietzsche and free up your mind from this Christian bullshit. Yes marriages break and no the suicide pact of "Till death do us part" Is not binding. Shit haens deal with it.
No is bothered about any of that crap. The debate here is someone apparently would steal away a living person's opportunity of life through the most coward means if they possessed the power to do so just to get her hands on some man. But when someome says the n word around here my goodness. This forum os funny i give you that, read a post the other day where a black dude basically stated he was now racially awakened because he couldnt get any decent white girl with Magic and then he went... HAIL SATAN!!!

Why the fuck did you post here if you are not able to understand what's going on?
You also cannot read?!
Why are you lying about this "debate"?

WTF? To just get my hand on some man?

What you are doing here is strawmanning and distorting what I said. Disgusting. Jews are doing the same.

Learn to read and learn to understand before you attack someone.
Why be so angry all the time?
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
As to your stupid logic then HPs.Maxine promotes illegal things and crimes when she talked about casting death spells? Of course she does not....


WOW, I have not read a post like this in while lol, anyway
I think you are misunderstanding about a lot of things here!
what has this person deserved for you to do such a thing? we don't go around breaking up a marriage just because of obsession with a man.
We don't do black magic just because we can, it is usually a very good reason behind. Think for a moment and use your logic and common sense here not just your emotions and needs.
You seem to care only for yourself, and not for children that are involved in this marriage. You are being selfish here!
Find another man, breaking up a marriage is too much. I do not support this type of behavior.
Hps Maxine does not promote anything ilegal.
you have a post about the option and yet you ask us about our option? :roll:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Why be so angry all the time?

I'm not angry all the time. But is there any rule that a person who was offended and attacked wrongfully can't be angry? No, there is no such rule.
You shouldn't worry or care about it.
Everyone should mind his own business.

I don't know if there's any option to close the comments by an admin in this thread....
As stupidity knows no borders, it has no sense to continue this here, I think.
I would say you have to be mature to do stuff like this and with the way you've been replying + you joining up right now just to do a cute witchy witch is definitely not mature. You can seriously screw with people doing this and it's serious, what Jack said about do it anyway because he understands you- he means that it will transform and highlight to you the truth not to toy with other's free will, and the internal dynamics of the emotions in your Mind. You definitely aren't following the same pattern of maturity as Jack is in your thinking, and I'm sure for women as well, this type of stuff is different. Of course if you both love eachother, but the nature of love is elusive and you never really know what you're getting yourself into unless
1 you're meditating and are seeing it all, or
2 It's too late and you've fucked it.

If you were meditating seriously, you would be more mature here about it and not "getting offended" which is bs as people here are just trying to help you even though they have no reward for doing this, take the abrasion of their opinions on the head, and grab the knowledge to help you in this situation by the knackers. Detach Ms. Witchy !!

You need to make sure you heed absolute justice in this if you really care so much about not "offending people" or whatever bs you say because it's clear you don't really rate actual justice and are more feelsy about it. If I was that man I would be very offended to a point of life and death as I personally loathe anyone trying to toy with my free will and cage me. You never know someone personally until you know someone personally, and from what you've shown on here you don't seem to be too mature in that and are just being childish, therefore not meditative. The thing you don't realise is that you will end up emotionally caging yourself as well, you should be talking to people here instead about the seriousness of the situation stuff like this man's family requirements, his needs and be mature rather than how you've been a drama queen here. If you don't take the seriousness those things then you are pissing up the wall, and in the wrong for him and also yourself.

If you do know you are so right in this, what were you actually saying here then? What do you want? Him? Him is everywhere. That will never change, so chill out lol.

And there's no one attacking Satanist 'comrades' when a lot of people replying to you are serious and just want to help. You should always be mature with your first post so stuff like this doesn't happen. State all the details people should judge the situation and you on so they can form functional opinions from the start, so then they form opinions in light of the whole situation so we can see who the real attackers and infiltrators are. People are entitled to their opinion of preferring freedom for the man if they are led to think from your post that he is not to be divorced, then to them it looks like you are breaking up a family and the SS family here are vicious against people who do that stuff. I am too, and everyone should be.
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
How do you know it isn't a good marriage also on the inside?

I knew someone will ask it...
Well, I know it from various obvious sources. For example, directly from the husband.

Hi, didn't want to answer at first because I wasn't really sure my answer would be a good one, but I've had time to experience a little more and decide this answer would probably match your request, at least partially.

I think I can say for a fact now that the Goddess Leraje helps with breaking up couples. It says in the JoS but I'm learning this for myself. She broke up my girlfriend and I after almost 7 years, her multiple betrayals of my trust, my multiple attempt at letting her go only to have her go into an emotional breakdown that made me come back to her, and so on. I didn't ask Her, but I know it was Her, and I'm really grateful (even if I was kinda shocked at first, as my ex broke up with me over a dream I had and my friendship with another woman.. just friendship of course).

You could try and see if She can help. I can tell you, I don't know Her as much as I wish I did, but She's an amazing Goddess. A true friend, and so patient with this moron lol.

Second thing you can do (since you seem to be decided and convinced of your purpose):

use a thoughtform.




In my experience, a thoughtform is more than anything the energetical (almost physical in some situations) embodiment of a purpose. So if you intend to kill someone, the thoughtform will be a murderous body of energy. If you want to split a couple, it'll be something that can definitely do that for you, but I'm assuming that would take some time.. depending on your endurance, probably. How much you're really ready to put into this working, how long you're ready to go on for, and so on. Personally, I have a rather good endurance with thoughtforms I can use for healing and other (more sexual) activities as I can charge them without problems, but I don't like to do the opposite, "leeching" someone to make them more vulnerable to my magick (it can feel like trying to suck the juice out of a rotting orange, so to speak.. this to say how revolting some people with dirty auras are.. but it's a story for another day).

I wouldn't really know what to suggest you exactly for splitting a married couple other than your own willpower. Just try not to do this 'desperately' as despair is an emotion that I can't see working with any magick I tried.

I'd link the (more advanced) elemental thoughtforms for you to use a killing technique to rid your future lover of his current partner, but I guess it's safe to assume if you could do that you wouldn't have asked for a simple "how to split a couple" magick tutorial.. besides, if there's children involved a dead mother isn't a great outcome in my opinion, and he could lash out at you (as we all know how feeble emotions can be in less than strong minded humans).

I do urge you to ask yourself what you really want though. This is neither something you should either take lightly, nor assume it's unneeded as the majority of people don't know themselves 100% and often rash into things because of emotions/passion/and so on.

Best of luck!
You go on and on saying how it would be good for you if she died and you wouldn't mind if she died. And at the same time you are asking for advice about doing curses. And for some reason, you absolutely cannot understand why anybody would ever assume that you want to curse her to death. Yes, that's everybody elses fault :roll: How about you actually go back and read what you wrote and see what it looks like. Then you just endlessly bitch at everybody else for assuming something, when your comments were basically implying that exact thing very clearly.

But no, it's always all everybody else's fault :roll:

Maybe in real life you are happier, I hope so. But every single one of your comments in this topic is extremely bitter and hateful. If it smells like shit everywhere you go, look under your own shoe, it's you.
13th_Wolf said:
I would say you have to be mature to do stuff like this and with the way you've been replying + you joining up right now just to do a cute witchy witch is definitely not mature. You can seriously screw with people doing this and it's serious, what Jack said about do it anyway because he understands you- he means that it will transform and highlight to you the truth not to toy with other's free will, and the internal dynamics of the emotions in your Mind. You definitely aren't following the same pattern of maturity as Jack is in your thinking, and I'm sure for women as well, this type of stuff is different. Of course if you both love eachother, but the nature of love is elusive and you never really know what you're getting yourself into unless
1 you're meditating and are seeing it all, or
2 It's too late and you've fucked it.

If you were meditating seriously, you would be more mature here about it and not "getting offended" which is bs as people here are just trying to help you even though they have no reward for doing this, take the abrasion of their opinions on the head, and grab the knowledge to help you in this situation by the knackers. Detach Ms. Witchy !!

You need to make sure you heed absolute justice in this if you really care so much about not "offending people" or whatever bs you say because it's clear you don't really rate actual justice and are more feelsy about it. If I was that man I would be very offended to a point of life and death as I personally loathe anyone trying to toy with my free will and cage me. You never know someone personally until you know someone personally, and from what you've shown on here you don't seem to be too mature in that and are just being childish, therefore not meditative. The thing you don't realise is that you will end up emotionally caging yourself as well, you should be talking to people here instead about the seriousness of the situation stuff like this man's family requirements, his needs and be mature rather than how you've been a drama queen here. If you don't take the seriousness those things then you are pissing up the wall, and in the wrong for him and also yourself.

If you do know you are so right in this, what were you actually saying here then? What do you want? Him? Him is everywhere. That will never change, so chill out lol.

And there's no one attacking Satanist 'comrades' when a lot of people replying to you are serious and just want to help. You should always be mature with your first post so stuff like this doesn't happen. State all the details people should judge the situation and you on so they can form functional opinions from the start, so then they form opinions in light of the whole situation so we can see who the real attackers and infiltrators are. People are entitled to their opinion of preferring freedom for the man if they are led to think from your post that he is not to be divorced, then to them it looks like you are breaking up a family and the SS family here are vicious against people who do that stuff. I am too, and everyone should be.

WTF? Lol, I can't believe this! A new psychoanalyst came! Welcome!
Sorry, but I will not thank you for your advices and analysis, which is quite far from the truth by the way.
It is extremely disgusting that you are trying to talk here as if you knew everything and knew me. It's also extremely ridiculous.
Also it shows 2 things, either you were not able to understand what I wrote here, or you are also doing this intentionally, the strawmanning and distorting.
You DISTORTED things in your comment.

Again: It is not only my wish, it is OUR wish, I was actually asked to help him, help us.

You also misunderstood it. My topic was not created for other people's opinions, for their udgements, you miserable! You still do not understand? Yes, you can believe anything, of course, but stupid beliefs will not change the truth.
Having and expressing an opinion should not mean that anyone has the right to accuse me.

And what?! They were trying to help me? By what? By calling me "fucked in the head"? By making false assumptions? By distorting my comments? By filthy strawmanning? By accusing me? By being christard moralists?
Are you normal, man? Any sane person can see clearly what's going on here.

You know that would be the normal behaviour.
But now, you still do not stop and try to justify what you and the others wrote. Trying to prove that you and the other bullying idiots were right. No, you are not right. You were not right.
And yes, what you all were doing here was a form of attacking.

"If I was that man..." what you are talking about here is a different thing. Between me and him there is no such a thing. What he really wanted and wants is the divorce, and separating from his wife. Which didn't happen yet, not only because of the wife but also because of some other issues.
That's why we decided it to try other tools too. And accelerate the things between them. I already explained it.
So stop writing novel! And don't you dare to portray him in a false way, because I already revealed what he wants.

About Jack. I do not think he would be stupid and that he believes that I am in the same situation like him. When I am not. And it seems he understood this. Since he is intelligent and normal unlike you.
He just told his own experience. He really meant to be helpful towards me. He was helpful and Shael too.

Funny how you are preaching "maturity", when actually you all are the immature ones and you already proved it by your comments. You all were also enlightened about the fact that many of you are CHILDISH and emotionally immature and many of you are still tying to christianity in a level. That is why you behaved like christian moralist tards.
You are trying to be sound "mature" by lecturing me, by analysing me, by calling me "drama queen" and "immature".
You may not realize but you just failed it.
So you can stop your efforts.

Instead of posting tiring stupid analysing comments and fucking around here,
go to Aldrick's newer topic and preach there. Where Shael and some other intelligent member perfectly nailed the truth about Aldrick and about his behaviour. It was good to read their replies.

Just leave me alone and mind your own things.

(No, I not a new member just because my new account joined not long ago.)
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
How do you know it isn't a good marriage also on the inside?

I knew someone will ask it...
Well, I know it from various obvious sources. For example, directly from the husband.

Hi, didn't want to answer at first because I wasn't really sure my answer would be a good one, but I've had time to experience a little more and decide this answer would probably match your request, at least partially.

I think I can say for a fact now that the Goddess Leraje helps with breaking up couples. It says in the JoS but I'm learning this for myself. She broke up my girlfriend and I after almost 7 years, her multiple betrayals of my trust, my multiple attempt at letting her go only to have her go into an emotional breakdown that made me come back to her, and so on. I didn't ask Her, but I know it was Her, and I'm really grateful (even if I was kinda shocked at first, as my ex broke up with me over a dream I had and my friendship with another woman.. just friendship of course).

You could try and see if She can help. I can tell you, I don't know Her as much as I wish I did, but She's an amazing Goddess. A true friend, and so patient with this moron lol.

Second thing you can do (since you seem to be decided and convinced of your purpose):

use a thoughtform.




In my experience, a thoughtform is more than anything the energetical (almost physical in some situations) embodiment of a purpose. So if you intend to kill someone, the thoughtform will be a murderous body of energy. If you want to split a couple, it'll be something that can definitely do that for you, but I'm assuming that would take some time.. depending on your endurance, probably. How much you're really ready to put into this working, how long you're ready to go on for, and so on. Personally, I have a rather good endurance with thoughtforms I can use for healing and other (more sexual) activities as I can charge them without problems, but I don't like to do the opposite, "leeching" someone to make them more vulnerable to my magick (it can feel like trying to suck the juice out of a rotting orange, so to speak.. this to say how revolting some people with dirty auras are.. but it's a story for another day).

I wouldn't really know what to suggest you exactly for splitting a married couple other than your own willpower. Just try not to do this 'desperately' as despair is an emotion that I can't see working with any magick I tried.

I'd link the (more advanced) elemental thoughtforms for you to use a killing technique to rid your future lover of his current partner, but I guess it's safe to assume if you could do that you wouldn't have asked for a simple "how to split a couple" magick tutorial.. besides, if there's children involved a dead mother isn't a great outcome in my opinion, and he could lash out at you (as we all know how feeble emotions can be in less than strong minded humans).

I do urge you to ask yourself what you really want though. This is neither something you should either take lightly, nor assume it's unneeded as the majority of people don't know themselves 100% and often rash into things because of emotions/passion/and so on.

Best of luck!

I wrote it multiple times.
Death in wife chart due to various reasons like accident for example, and the widowhood in his chart are indicated strongly. According to the astrologer. I just said I would not even mind if this happens, because for me is okay to marry a widower.
Of course, this is not good and but rather sad even if the person was not good and caused harm....

By the way, thank you for your reply.

You also mentioned a Goddess.
It's good, now I am asking again the christard moralists here, there are Gods and Goddesses who are able to break relationships and marriages and it seems they can be asked to do it. Then these Gods and Goddesses are also "bad" like me, I suppose, based on these individuals' retard logic.

Thanks again. Actually I am not rushing at all, and this suffering has been started long ago, even before I met him.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
TopoftheAbyss said:
How do you know it isn't a good marriage also on the inside?

I knew someone will ask it...
Well, I know it from various obvious sources. For example, directly from the husband.

Hi, didn't want to answer at first because I wasn't really sure my answer would be a good one, but I've had time to experience a little more and decide this answer would probably match your request, at least partially.

I think I can say for a fact now that the Goddess Leraje helps with breaking up couples. It says in the JoS but I'm learning this for myself. She broke up my girlfriend and I after almost 7 years, her multiple betrayals of my trust, my multiple attempt at letting her go only to have her go into an emotional breakdown that made me come back to her, and so on. I didn't ask Her, but I know it was Her, and I'm really grateful (even if I was kinda shocked at first, as my ex broke up with me over a dream I had and my friendship with another woman.. just friendship of course).

You could try and see if She can help. I can tell you, I don't know Her as much as I wish I did, but She's an amazing Goddess. A true friend, and so patient with this moron lol.

Second thing you can do (since you seem to be decided and convinced of your purpose):

use a thoughtform.




In my experience, a thoughtform is more than anything the energetical (almost physical in some situations) embodiment of a purpose. So if you intend to kill someone, the thoughtform will be a murderous body of energy. If you want to split a couple, it'll be something that can definitely do that for you, but I'm assuming that would take some time.. depending on your endurance, probably. How much you're really ready to put into this working, how long you're ready to go on for, and so on. Personally, I have a rather good endurance with thoughtforms I can use for healing and other (more sexual) activities as I can charge them without problems, but I don't like to do the opposite, "leeching" someone to make them more vulnerable to my magick (it can feel like trying to suck the juice out of a rotting orange, so to speak.. this to say how revolting some people with dirty auras are.. but it's a story for another day).

I wouldn't really know what to suggest you exactly for splitting a married couple other than your own willpower. Just try not to do this 'desperately' as despair is an emotion that I can't see working with any magick I tried.

I'd link the (more advanced) elemental thoughtforms for you to use a killing technique to rid your future lover of his current partner, but I guess it's safe to assume if you could do that you wouldn't have asked for a simple "how to split a couple" magick tutorial.. besides, if there's children involved a dead mother isn't a great outcome in my opinion, and he could lash out at you (as we all know how feeble emotions can be in less than strong minded humans).

I do urge you to ask yourself what you really want though. This is neither something you should either take lightly, nor assume it's unneeded as the majority of people don't know themselves 100% and often rash into things because of emotions/passion/and so on.

Best of luck!

(Sorry if I sent thos reply twice. I wasn't sure.)

I wrote it multiple times.
Death in wife chart due to various reasons like accident for example, and the widowhood in his chart are indicated strongly. According to the astrologer. I just said I would not even mind if this happens, because for me is okay to marry a widower.
Of course, this is not good and but rather sad even if the person was not good and caused harm....

By the way, thank you for your reply!
Thank you for understood what I explained here.

You also mentioned a Goddess.
It's good, now I am asking again the christard moralists here, there are Gods and Goddesses who are able to break relationships and marriages and it seems they can be asked to do it. Then these Gods and Goddesses are also "bad" like me, I suppose, based on these individuals' retard logic.

Thanks again. Actually I am not rushing at all, and this suffering has been started long ago, even before I met him.
Pirate11 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Why be so angry all the time?
Go (((figure))) lol

I see. Strawmanning, accusing others falsely, vexing other satanist are okay and tolerated. And now calling me jew just because I was angry. Well, the filthy behaviour you and others showed here are much more JEWISH than me being angry.
Being angry means being a jew?

You are BUTTHURTED, and you cannot write anything normal, as you are stupid as fuck, so you just continue trolling and offing this topic.

Shame on you. To me, such people like you are not satanist comrades anymore.
It seems it turns out that you are one of the vilest people here. In a way, it is worse than what the filthiest trolls are doing on this forum.

Lately, I noticed in other topics too, some "satanist" individuals regularly attack anyone and labelling him/her as a "jew" if they do not like the person or if that person is a only newby and maybe asking a stupid question.
Many people here were being called and labelled as "jews" by these bullying morons who love to play some kind of police here. Too bad that they are often seem to be more jewish than those members they attacked.
So because people disagree with her she calls this place shit and puts a stupid picture as a signature, so that if she will post anywhere else in this forum all that is gonna be visible to others who don't see this topic too. If I was an admin I'd remove that signature first of all, then ban her if she uses that shit that literally insults this sacred place again.
Aquarius said:
The immature messages of many people replying here is much more of an insult to this place than her being mean in return.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Why be so angry all the time?

Lucifitias it just dawned on me who this is.

Comes in and immediately makes problems, said shes been here for years....

Look at her writing style, and how she argues. The long winded with a laughing comment at the end. Like well at least he tried.

The name scarlet woman.

I cant believe it took me so long to see it.

This is ZOLA.
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
(Sorry if I sent thos reply twice. I wasn't sure.)

I wrote it multiple times.
Death in wife chart due to various reasons like accident for example, and the widowhood in his chart are indicated strongly. According to the astrologer. I just said I would not even mind if this happens, because for me is okay to marry a widower.
Of course, this is not good and but rather sad even if the person was not good and caused harm....

By the way, thank you for your reply!
Thank you for understood what I explained here.

You also mentioned a Goddess.
It's good, now I am asking again the christard moralists here, there are Gods and Goddesses who are able to break relationships and marriages and it seems they can be asked to do it. Then these Gods and Goddesses are also "bad" like me, I suppose, based on these individuals' retard logic.

Thanks again. Actually I am not rushing at all, and this suffering has been started long ago, even before I met him.

No problem, I read your original post and from it

I want them divorced and separated fully, I wouldn't even mind if they were separated because the wife would die, for example.
I'm saying this because it could be possible for him, becoming a widower.

...I assumed you'd be fine with killing. My mistake. Anyway..

Haven't read the read of all the thread here (I'd need like 48 hours long days to do all I need to do) but the fact that people (even some seasoned SS) believe that means aren't justifiable has occurred before. The Goddess Leraje can break up relationships, many of our Gods have 'killing and destroying' abilities listed in their descriptions, even some that 'cause lust in women', yet it's almost unacceptable for some people to use their own powers to make these things happen, like it's all immoral and absolutely out of the question. I'm against that thinking, and so is Father Satan most definitely. "Delight in what you destroy" shouldn't be continued as "but don't, cuz it's not good to kill others, break relationships and causing lust in women who have free will".

SOME enemies need to be killed, lest they remain here and cause problems for the living, cause harm to others without need, and don't plan on becoming anything better than the psychotic mess they are. What's so bad about killing them? Don't you rip out a dead plant that won't grow but still manages to absorb the soil's nutrients from other plants, holding back their fruits? Maybe I'm too simple minded, but I see a logic in this.

SOME relationship (ok, MANY) shouldn't even have started, as the two parties only started out of need of believing in it but ultimately learned their mistakes and didn't decide to split up when the relationship has become obviously a joke. They are just staying together because they don't want to be alone, that is no excuse and it's more self destructive than helpful. So I don't see a problem ending the relationship.

Like I said, I am pretty sure Leraje had a lot to do with my toxic relationship and I'm grateful that She intervened and ended it where I had failed. I loved my ex very much but she became oppressive and psychotic over the years, overly jealous over nothing and I couldn't even talk to other women because of her constant weakness of character. If she was stronger and knew they meant no competition I'd have seen in her a worthy companion, but she chose the weakling path. So, thanks Leraje. ;)

Lastly, I don't know what degree of experience you have, but have you tried programming auras? I read about it soooo many times but only now (like 18 years after) I understand the enormous potential of this skill. This obviously has a lot to do with how strong your aura is (so you can avoid energy mishaps) and how strong your willpower is (which I don't think is weak), but you have the ability to override others' auras and manipulate them to your liking (tech talk: "..much like how a computer programmer can program things to happen in a software, you can use people as unprogrammed computers). This is much more obvious when you are this much Air dominated and find computers and machinery have a life of their own lol.

Hope this helps though. Don't feel bad if you REALLY want someone to die. Moralists and those who don't believe they can do something they want badly to do (as long as it's not something seriously deviated, like using children or animals or the blatantly innocent) are just holding themselves back evolutionarily, in my opinion... (yeah, I know what you do with opinions XD saved the image, made me crack up lol).
Aquarius said:
So because people disagree with her she calls this place shit and puts a stupid picture as a signature, so that if she will post anywhere else in this forum all that is gonna be visible to others who don't see this topic too. If I was an admin I'd remove that signature first of all, then ban her if she uses that shit that literally insults this sacred place again.

Why are you twisting my words?
I did not call the forum shit. I called that particular topic shit. Too bad that even a sacred place has such corners that became cesspools thanks to some individuals. But I also wrote "it does not define the forum...". It means even if some corners of this forum become cesspool, the main purpose of the forum will not change. And also such kind of shitty topics and posts don't have much to do with satanism.
I shared that shitty topic only because of some genuine comments which pointed out the truth there.

See yourself? You can't argue normally that is why you need to strawman again and to lie openly.
You don't even bother yourself that my signature is still visible and it proves that you just lied. You tried to misrepresent it in order to portray me as some bad person who should be banned.
It shows how discriminative you are.
If you were an admin and wanted to ban someone so much then you should ban subverters and infiltrators.
But you would rather ban satanist members you dislike, for no real reason.
Well, fortunately, you are not an admin and never will be.

Funny, in this forum even such retarded individuals are tolerated and accepted who keep posting shit and such members too who regularly incriminate and label other satanists as "jews". Even some trolls who were already caught red-handed are still here. But I can understand that they come back again and again and some of them still pretend to be a satanist, that's why it's hard to ban them or it has no much sense....

(The "stupid" picture just shows that I don't care much about the opinions, so it also doesn't really matter if some people disagree with me. But if I'm accused and treated unfairly then I have to defend myself.)
Hps.mlimlal666 said:
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
As to your stupid logic then HPs.Maxine promotes illegal things and crimes when she talked about casting death spells? Of course she does not....


WOW, I have not read a post like this in while lol, anyway
I think you are misunderstanding about a lot of things here!
what has this person deserved for you to do such a thing? we don't go around breaking up a marriage just because of obsession with a man.
We don't do black magic just because we can, it is usually a very good reason behind. Think for a moment and use your logic and common sense here not just your emotions and needs.
You seem to care only for yourself, and not for children that are involved in this marriage. You are being selfish here!
Find another man, breaking up a marriage is too much. I do not support this type of behavior.
Hps Maxine does not promote anything ilegal.

WOW, I think you are the one who misunderstood it, dear Myla!
The one who really wants to break the marriage is my partner, the husband.
As I mentioned multiple times it is not only about me.
Please scroll up and just read everything.

No, why would I find another man when our relationship is good and we love each other. Can you stop calling it "obsesseion"? Because it is not an obsesseion. But mutual love.

I know Maxine does not support any illegal things. But she shared the names of Demons who can break marriages and also shared magickal practices about how to break a relationship. It is not illegal of course.
I just wanted to pointed out the retard logic of other members, and asked them if they believe it's illegal what I want, then according to them what HPs Maxine posted was also illegal? Do you understand it now? I just asked it.
It's funny, you even quoted me and it is in the qoute "according to your stupid logic..." so it shows that ACCORDING TO OTHERS not according to me.

Breaking a bad and abusive marriage is not illegal. It is actually rather good than bad. Especially when the one who wants to divorce want to break it and asked me for help. I already talked about it in my previous posts.
By the way, Myla you would not break a very bad marriage where the children are suffering too? For example, if it was your marriage and your children, you would not want to divorce and save your children?
Maybe you also have such bad experience, like my partner has. Right, Myla?

I think English is your second language, it is not problem, English is my second language too. I'm not a native English speaker unfortunately. But it is very important always to understand what is the exact content of a post.

"Thanks" for your lecturing but we DO HAVE commom sense, also we have very good reason to do what we want to do.

I hope my answer here clear your rude misunderstandings.
And before you would believe I want to your acceptance or agreement, NO, of course I don't. You still can have beliefs about the issue, you can still have your own opinion generally. It is not problem.
But do not project your moralism onto me.
You know, "Morals are personal to oneself ,not a universal constant. " as Jack pointed out well.
Aquarius said:
So because people disagree with her she calls this place shit and puts a stupid picture as a signature, so that if she will post anywhere else in this forum all that is gonna be visible to others who don't see this topic too. If I was an admin I'd remove that signature first of all, then ban her if she uses that shit that literally insults this sacred place again.
Asks for opinions in a public forum
>Gets other people's opinions
>>Opinions are not what she expects (what her ego wants to be told)
>>>Stupidity + insecurities + anger = Ego rage and claims of being abused
Pirate11 said:
Aquarius said:
So because people disagree with her she calls this place shit and puts a stupid picture as a signature, so that if she will post anywhere else in this forum all that is gonna be visible to others who don't see this topic too. If I was an admin I'd remove that signature first of all, then ban her if she uses that shit that literally insults this sacred place again.
Asks for opinions in a public forum
>Gets other people's opinions
>>Opinions are not what she expects (what her ego wants to be told)
>>>Stupidity + insecurities + anger = Ego rage and claims of being abused
This woman is perfect for loki88. Lol
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
Hps.mlimlal666 said:
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
As to your stupid logic then HPs.Maxine promotes illegal things and crimes when she talked about casting death spells? Of course she does not....


WOW, I have not read a post like this in while lol, anyway
I think you are misunderstanding about a lot of things here!
what has this person deserved for you to do such a thing? we don't go around breaking up a marriage just because of obsession with a man.
We don't do black magic just because we can, it is usually a very good reason behind. Think for a moment and use your logic and common sense here not just your emotions and needs.
You seem to care only for yourself, and not for children that are involved in this marriage. You are being selfish here!
Find another man, breaking up a marriage is too much. I do not support this type of behavior.
Hps Maxine does not promote anything ilegal.

WOW, I think you are the one who misunderstood it, dear Myla!
The one who really wants to break the marriage is my partner, the husband.
As I mentioned multiple times it is not only about me.
Please scroll up and just read everything.

No, why would I find another man when our relationship is good and we love each other. Can you stop calling it "obsesseion"? Because it is not an obsesseion. But mutual love.

I know Maxine does not support any illegal things. But she shared the names of Demons who can break marriages and also shared magickal practices about how to break a relationship. It is not illegal of course.
I just wanted to pointed out the retard logic of other members, and asked them if they believe it's illegal what I want, then according to them what HPs Maxine posted was also illegal? Do you understand it now? I just asked it.
It's funny, you even quoted me and it is in the qoute "according to your stupid logic..." so it shows that ACCORDING TO OTHERS not according to me.

Breaking a bad and abusive marriage is not illegal. It is actually rather good than bad. Especially when the one who wants to divorce want to break it and asked me for help. I already talked about it in my previous posts.
By the way, Myla you would not break a very bad marriage where the children are suffering too? For example, if it was your marriage and your children, you would not want to divorce and save your children?
Maybe you also have such bad experience, like my partner has. Right, Myla?

I think English is your second language, it is not problem, English is my second language too. I'm not a native English speaker unfortunately. But it is very important always to understand what is the exact content of a post.

"Thanks" for your lecturing but we DO HAVE commom sense, also we have very good reason to do what we want to do.

I hope my answer here clear your rude misunderstandings.
And before you would believe I want to your acceptance or agreement, NO, of course I don't. You still can have beliefs about the issue, you can still have your own opinion generally. It is not problem.
But do not project your moralism onto me.
You know, "Morals are personal to oneself ,not a universal constant. " as Jack pointed out well.

So, getting a husband to cheat is the easiest thing in the world. So you're pretty nasty looking and your pussy stank?

Poor thing. Needing magic to get a man. When women should have no problem getting one.

Do tell me how it goes, striving after another girls man.

Who knows maybe enough energy work, he might actually pick you. But it would need to be reinforced to make him stay. But by then you could divorce him for his money, which is obvious he must have.
Pirate11 said:
Aquarius said:
So because people disagree with her she calls this place shit and puts a stupid picture as a signature, so that if she will post anywhere else in this forum all that is gonna be visible to others who don't see this topic too. If I was an admin I'd remove that signature first of all, then ban her if she uses that shit that literally insults this sacred place again.
Asks for opinions in a public forum
>Gets other people's opinions
>>Opinions are not what she expects (what her ego wants to be told)
>>>Stupidity + insecurities + anger = Ego rage and claims of being abused

No, you are lying again. I did not ask for opinions. Again: I DID NOT ASK FOR OPINIONS, NOR STUPID JUDGEMENTS.
I did not expect it either. And what I didn't really expect is this filthy behaviour shown here just because of my topic and because of some butthurted and triggered moralist were not able handle it.
In my first post I wrote "advices" and "suggestions" REGARDING MAGICKAL PRACTICES.
Do you understand now? Or you will keep acting like an autistic jew? If you will it is bad for you.

Stupidity and insecurities are shown by you and by the other immature idiots here. Their own comments prove it.
I was angry, yes, so what?! Very big deal! Rage? Lol! Seems you didn't experience real rage from someone....
Some people here were kind of abusive (psychologocally).

Someone even wrote that I feel hatred or what. Not really. I simply despise or dislike such individuals. In other hand some of them even became rather pathetic in my eyes.
But anyone can feel free anything.
Just go trolling, yeah. And do not bother yourselves about that every new stupid comments you make here is just shows your immature and mean intentions.
You guys are doing the same with other people too in other topics. Like some bullying group.
You are the ones who are always fighting everywhere and stupidly argufying and when someone corrects you then you start to attack that person. This is not how a satanist should behave.
It is ok if you dislike someone, or disagree with someone. But this shit you keep doing.... As Dahaarkan wrote in another topic to Aldrick, for example, he should not be surprised that every person he talked with or fought with started to hate or dislike him.
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
(Sorry if I sent thos reply twice. I wasn't sure.)

I wrote it multiple times.
Death in wife chart due to various reasons like accident for example, and the widowhood in his chart are indicated strongly. According to the astrologer. I just said I would not even mind if this happens, because for me is okay to marry a widower.
Of course, this is not good and but rather sad even if the person was not good and caused harm....

By the way, thank you for your reply!
Thank you for understood what I explained here.

You also mentioned a Goddess.
It's good, now I am asking again the christard moralists here, there are Gods and Goddesses who are able to break relationships and marriages and it seems they can be asked to do it. Then these Gods and Goddesses are also "bad" like me, I suppose, based on these individuals' retard logic.

Thanks again. Actually I am not rushing at all, and this suffering has been started long ago, even before I met him.

No problem, I read your original post and from it

I want them divorced and separated fully, I wouldn't even mind if they were separated because the wife would die, for example.
I'm saying this because it could be possible for him, becoming a widower.

...I assumed you'd be fine with killing. My mistake. Anyway..

Haven't read the read of all the thread here (I'd need like 48 hours long days to do all I need to do) but the fact that people (even some seasoned SS) believe that means aren't justifiable has occurred before. The Goddess Leraje can break up relationships, many of our Gods have 'killing and destroying' abilities listed in their descriptions, even some that 'cause lust in women', yet it's almost unacceptable for some people to use their own powers to make these things happen, like it's all immoral and absolutely out of the question. I'm against that thinking, and so is Father Satan most definitely. "Delight in what you destroy" shouldn't be continued as "but don't, cuz it's not good to kill others, break relationships and causing lust in women who have free will".

SOME enemies need to be killed, lest they remain here and cause problems for the living, cause harm to others without need, and don't plan on becoming anything better than the psychotic mess they are. What's so bad about killing them? Don't you rip out a dead plant that won't grow but still manages to absorb the soil's nutrients from other plants, holding back their fruits? Maybe I'm too simple minded, but I see a logic in this.

SOME relationship (ok, MANY) shouldn't even have started, as the two parties only started out of need of believing in it but ultimately learned their mistakes and didn't decide to split up when the relationship has become obviously a joke. They are just staying together because they don't want to be alone, that is no excuse and it's more self destructive than helpful. So I don't see a problem ending the relationship.

Like I said, I am pretty sure Leraje had a lot to do with my toxic relationship and I'm grateful that She intervened and ended it where I had failed. I loved my ex very much but she became oppressive and psychotic over the years, overly jealous over nothing and I couldn't even talk to other women because of her constant weakness of character. If she was stronger and knew they meant no competition I'd have seen in her a worthy companion, but she chose the weakling path. So, thanks Leraje. ;)

Lastly, I don't know what degree of experience you have, but have you tried programming auras? I read about it soooo many times but only now (like 18 years after) I understand the enormous potential of this skill. This obviously has a lot to do with how strong your aura is (so you can avoid energy mishaps) and how strong your willpower is (which I don't think is weak), but you have the ability to override others' auras and manipulate them to your liking (tech talk: "..much like how a computer programmer can program things to happen in a software, you can use people as unprogrammed computers). This is much more obvious when you are this much Air dominated and find computers and machinery have a life of their own lol.

Hope this helps though. Don't feel bad if you REALLY want someone to die. Moralists and those who don't believe they can do something they want badly to do (as long as it's not something seriously deviated, like using children or animals or the blatantly innocent) are just holding themselves back evolutionarily, in my opinion... (yeah, I know what you do with opinions XD saved the image, made me crack up lol).

No, I would not be fine with that.

Thank you for your reply. You see the things well.
Aquarius said:
Pirate11 said:
Aquarius said:
So because people disagree with her she calls this place shit and puts a stupid picture as a signature, so that if she will post anywhere else in this forum all that is gonna be visible to others who don't see this topic too. If I was an admin I'd remove that signature first of all, then ban her if she uses that shit that literally insults this sacred place again.
Asks for opinions in a public forum
>Gets other people's opinions
>>Opinions are not what she expects (what her ego wants to be told)
>>>Stupidity + insecurities + anger = Ego rage and claims of being abused
This woman is perfect for loki88. Lol

At least Loki is stupidly funny. Plus, he doesn't like women anyway. Apparently we all have a tendency towards evil or some shit lmfao.
Ok my Brothers and Sisters. Let's just stop writing new topics. We shouldn't write to each other like that. In the future, we will be Gods and we are to set a good example for future generations. What will new people think when they see all this? Please stop everyone ... :(

You don't have to reply to every single person here whose coming out of the attic to give his/her opinion. You already got the workings, nows the time to focus on acquiring the meditation power if you don't have it already and concentrating on the witchcraft. This is an anonymous public forum and no one here knows you in real life and no one here is going to disrupt your real life. This is your life,your responsibility and no ones opinion will change that in the end the decision is yours to make.

There is absolutely no merit in trying to justify your actions to anonymous people on the internet who won't affect your life. Even if you make another account no one gives a shit because no one can know. Just let all the people state their opinions. No one cares. In the end its your decision and justifying yourself to a bunch of people online is a waste of mental energy.
Why is this topic still alive?
It s truly annoying, it s clear that the OP doesn t give a shit about others opinions.
Why did you asked if you thought this will be the outcome?
Is this what you wanted? To argue with other satanists?
You could ve simply asked"how to break a marriage" and you wouldn t have got any of those answers which "offended" you, or you could ve wrote the entire situation as to not leave any room for misunderstandings.
You say that those who actually tried to put some sense in you actually have been offending you... the only one who is offending others is you.
I ll start with that bullshit of a signature you have.
Are you aware that this place is about freedom of speech? Doesn t seem so. Your signature is offending a fundamental right, and you say you are a satanist.

Scarlet Woman 666 said:

Could anyone help me a little?
Many could ve helped you.
It may sound wild or maybe "evil", but I would like to break/destroy a marriage between a man and a woman.
And this would ve been enough info, it was enough, then you ve gone on....
Unfortunately, it is a long term marriage, they have been married for 10 years now. Before marriage they had dated for 7-8 years. They have 2 children.
From here it started being weird...
From the outside their marriage looks normal and good, but in fact it is not a good marriage at all.
I wonder why... isn t it because you re in a relationship with the husband?
It seems it's a typical "doomed" marriage. Well, not rare for a Leo ascendant male...
An unhappy, emotionless, boring shit.
Are you so good in astrology ?
So, my question is, is there any good spell/magical practice for this?
I know about the working with Isa rune, and I will use it. But I would like to know and try more methods too, even if I have to do it for long months or for years.
There are, yet you are wasting time without a reason, like there aren t any other mans on this world, and your only solution is this married asshole.
I know the success of workings depends on my spiritual level...I'm also working hard on this too.
Doesn t seem like you have any time to work hard on your spiritual'' level''
And the most important part I forgot. I love this man, very much.
Again... it would ve been weirder if you didn t...
Is it true, that there is a special Demon, who could help in these kind of issues?
Maybe Asmodeus? Is it right to ask a little demonic help at all, maybe later?
There are, you couldv e simply looked the jos site for information on the Gods, but meh.... you make it sound like it s something normal to disturb a God for some lunacy.
Other question: Does it matter if they had a catholic marriage? It happened because of the family of the wife. The husband was baptized when he was younger but actually he's not religious.
I feel as if this makes the things harder...
Doesn t matter, doesn t make anything more difficult... oh wait, the limitations on yourself are made by you...
I want them divorced and separated fully, I wouldn't even mind if they were separated because the wife would die, for example.
I'm saying this because it could be possible for him, becoming a widower. According to his birth chart.
Oh shit.... you don t mind if the wife dies? You know that there are spells to kill,and yet you say this which simply leaves room to wonder why? I can only praise you that you didn t kill. But in your noble cause of getting that man it would ve been way easier to do a death spell on her.
Thanks in advance for your advices and suggestions!
Oyyyyy veyyyyyy, you are welcomeeeee ;) little jokes aside, I didn t say you are a jew.
Let s keep going, maybe you ll understand something.

What?! What did you put into my mouth?
Killing someone? Who the hell said this?
You yourself said an incomplete sentence about that, didn t you? Is it so hard to see that?
I said I would not mind if the wife died because it is possible for her later, due to her life conditions. I also said there is such possibility in the man's chart. I mean it could be the reason of their separation too.
Ohhh look you admit it :)) again you know that much astrology to be sure?
I wrote I would not mind it because I would not mind to marry a widower!
Maybe that s what you meant, you didn t write, and even if you wrote it would still result in the same assumptions.
You misunderstood me. Was it intentional?You don't even know the details of this issue. You also don't know anything about me or about them. So stop making false claims and stop offending me!
Yeah yeah he misunderstood you... because of yourself you know? Were it not because you wrote it like that. Ofcourse he doesn t knows the details, because you didn t want to share them? How can he know about you when this was your first post on this forum... how can he know about them? Did you give any good information to justify the situation? What False claims? Any sane person would ve reached that conclusion from your post. Offending you? Oh sorry, this is not the place for you then, if you get so offended. And no, I don t see how a sane person could get offended over some reply on a forum. This way of acting is basically that of communism, no rights, so taking this into account , want to go to a gulag for wanting to break a marriage?
Look guys!!! I m offending her, send me to prison :lol:
Okay, again, I wrote I would not mind if she died and if this would be the cause of their separation. Because I would not mind if I marry a widower. That's why I wrote this.

Anyways, thank you for your suggestions and also thanks for Shael's reply.

I know my wish is not really nice in some people eyes but it's real. And yes, I am very passionate about it.
I should have written more details....Now I am being misunderstood and misrepresented here. It hurts.
I am a satanist too. Dedicated more than two years ago. I'm just using this new nickname in this forum.

Maybe I should not have posted this topic.
I was silly, I should have known there are always some people who just judge and criticize without any deeper knowledge about the topic.
You posted it, why regretting? You ve anticipated the outcome? Then you should be sorry, as I ve stated way above you could ve put a simple question, and no one would ve answered like that.
Thank you for the preaching and lecturing. I know well about the possible consequences, of course.
In fact you are right in some things, generally.

Yes, it is bad for both person, and it will become worse, it seems.
Maybe it wouldn t have been that bad if someone, you know who, wasn t in a relationship with that husband? Or is it the fault of the husband?
As I said, he is not religious. I just asked about the catholic marriage because I was worrying about the negative energies...

"Is that any different than the kind of stuff the enemy would do?"
Yep it s totally different, xians don t have the means to do this :lol:
Of course it is different. So this is what you should not have written.
Why shouldn t he have wrote that? He s got the right to write whatever he wants, same as you. Would you be happy if your post don t go through or what?
It is alright to have an opinion and have an advice for me.
So only if someone has an advice for you it s alright, if not he should stfu? I m not putting words in your mouth, that s what can be understood from your sentence.
But here you actually referred me as an enemy, as a jew. Sorry, but I just can't tolerate it. The very minimum is that you will sincerely apologize for your morbid assumption.
If you act like one and attack each one of those who answer you then it s your fault for being referred as an enemy, the very minimum is that you sincerely apologize for your behaviour
I naively believed there will be some understanding people, comrades who could help a bit.
If you leave so much room for misunderstandings it s only natural that not so many will understand you. Even so everyone tried to help (some with nice words and some with not so nice words)
But I was rather criticized and attacked.
I see that some people have different experiences and worries. It's ok to share that. Thanks for the advices from those who didn't have ill intentions.
You were criticized, so what? Are you a child or something? You do play victim after all. No one attacked you, no one had ill intentions, you re making this up, and responding in an abusive way.
No, he will not lose custody. The children will be okay. They will be older by then.
How do you know this? And do you actually think that a kid who doesn t see his father because he is together with his "mistress" would actually leave their mother? Or after all are you thinking about killing her :lol: (I m joking don t take this to heart)
Yes. He's interested in me.
But I will rather not share any details about it. For obvious reasons now I am unable to trust most of the people here.
If he s interested in you just tell him to divorce, lollllll. You never trusted anyone here, so how come you are now unable to trust most people here?
"If you love this man I wouldn't do this. "
You meant if I love him I should not do this? No. You are wrong.
If you were in this situation you would not do this? Maybe. That's you.
If that man loved you he would already be divorced and would marry you.
Don't know why but suddenly I started to wonder what HPs.Maxine would think about it. She seems to be more passionate than me.
Ofcourse she will praise you, like you ve gotta finish your job girl, don t leave that poor woman with her husband and childs. Like hell would this happen.
I do not intent to kill anyone. You should stop lying. You can have opinion, but I do not care about it. You are nothing to me and as I told you, you don't know the details of this issue. You do not know them, what is he suffering from....
Okay now I m not gonna push that killing thing to the end of the world. Aldrick is lying? Haha, nope , you just play the victim. I think I know from what that man you love is suffering, he s got some mental problems, not going to push this further.
No it's not my life story.
We know already.
You just cannot judge the whole situation when you do not know much about it. You just made assumptions here.
Because of you he made assumptions, because you made this in some kind of drama, not gonna lie, it s like I ve saw some turkish drama a long time ago with someone who acts like you.
You are judging me blindly simply because of your beliefs and emotions.
When you don't really know something, keeping your mouth shut would be wiser than being an unpleasant jerk and attacking me.
It is not really normal.
The law is blind. He s judging based on what you write, you just don t admit it.
Seems you are triggered much because of my post, well the problem is rather with you.
Wtf I m even reading here? So the problem doesn t lie in you...
You are a satanist, allegedly, but you use this platform to abuse other satanists just because you disagree or dislike others' opinions and experiences. How stupid and immature.
The only allegedly satanist here is you, and nope he s not abusing you or any other satanists. Yep indeed you are stupid and immature, maybe a bit more irrational?
You should mind your own business now.
That s what that "wife" would say to you. Have you put yourself in her situation? Nah, she already wasted her youth on that man, also gave birth to two childs...
You already told your opinion here, you even had a chance to insult me, practicing your right to freedom of speech - I hope you enjoyed it. So now, you can go away.
And leave me alone.
He s got the right to express his opinion, even if it s not making you feel good, are you sure this reply of yours is not of some commie shit?

It is your opinion. And your stupid fabrication.
Sorry, if you were offended. I only can repeat myself and tell you too, you people do not know much about this issue.
What if I would say there is also abuse and suffering in this marriage?
I didn't intend to expose any other detail because I should not do that....
Oh, so there is another abuse except the one you want to happen? Okay, stupid fabrication, I ll repeat myself it s your fault for it.
Shit, I only wanted to ask about possible magical practices in this situation. I did not ask for lecturing, preaching, insulting.
You deserve it .
I really started to feel as if I were amongst some crazy christian moralists....
You are the craziest around here, and this I ll clearly say, it s an attack directed at other satanists, who actually have some knowledge, not like someone we know...
Fortunately there are normal people here too, who replied me normally and were helpful.
Your normal is not really normal.

But it kind of disgusts me to reveal more about it to such individuals who doesn't even have the slightest respect or understanding.
Another insult, another attack, and you are showing us what respect truly means...
Then I ask you again to stop abusing me and leave me alone.
Another case of ''goyim shut it down''
I think I m going crazy.

Yeah, let's not judge but you also judged.
Without any knowledge, without waiting to read my newest replies or without asking me about it normally.

Some of you here are talking as if all long term marriages would be great and sacred or something. Then why do many long term marriages break and end in divorce?
I bet many of you are here under 30 or under 25 years old and haven't experienced much.
There can be many reasons why a marriage became bad. A bad marriage can last long and there can be many reasons why people could not divorce for a long time.
It can be because of the husband's job, for example. Or because their children were too young then to understand it....

About their astro charts, yes, both parties have such negative planetary aspects/placements which caused problems between them. I'm not an expert in astrology but there was someone who read the husband's birth chart for me.
One of those reason for bad marriage might be people like you.
And....ohhh soo you don t know shit about astrology after all.
Are you realizing that you are attacking another satanist for no reason?
Before you write anything you should read the newer replies I posted.
Breaking a doomed marriage which causes sufferings for both and where the husband would like to divorce anyways, is not that wrong.
Or are you really so retarded that you believe that there are no bad marriages? There are many failed marriages because of incompatibilities.
You realise no one attacked you? I ve asked you one hundred times already, but I m asking again, how the fuck is he attacking you? You got from crazy to some kind of mentally retarded xian.... please don t cry
Really, what the hell is this? Mental hospital? I have never seen such neurotic retards whining and freaking out like you and the other triggered idiot, Aldrick.
You are like christian moralists.
Another insult, another attack, a neurotic retard? Only you are plausible of such.
I will repeat it again and again, if it's necessary. Until you will understand:
So you should just shut up.
Go away and create a topic for yourself, if you want and whine there, you christard.
You don t understand the shit you are talking about, you are a retard, you are proving it. You act like a christard.
As to your stupid logic then HPs.Maxine promotes illegal things and crimes when she talked about casting death spells? Of course she does not....
Wtf I m reading again? When you give information is a crime? Lollll. If someone gives you a knife, you can cook and you can kill, is that person at fault for what you re doing with the knife?
Also because you ve mentioned HPs Maxine again, if she were to tell you that it s not a good thing, you d start saying shit like she is wrong, she abused you and so on.
There is no teaching chaos and there is no promoting of crimes here. STOP YOUR INSANE LIES! STOP YOUR SLANDERS! STOP JUDGING WITHOUT KNOWING ANYTHING! STOP ABUSING ME!

You are retarded for sure, but there is just no way you would be so fucking retarded that you could not read and understand what I wrote here in my posts.
It's like intentional abusing, and it's so jewish.
Who was jew naming? You were!!
Or maybe you (or the other asshole) are triggered because you also failed your marriage, or your parents divorced, or you were cheated by your partner because of you....who knows.
The point is what you both are doing here is far beyond the normal way of expressing your opinions.
You are PROJECTING your stupid fears and also projecting lies. You don't care about the facts, ignoring what I said and you just believe what you want.
But my dear... you only talk shit, you only promote bullshit, you act like a retard, like a xian, so wasn t that guy right when he said you are an enemy? Maybe he wasn t, if so stop acting like one.
Being rude online? It is not simply about being rude online. It became systematical harassment towards me and as I see it will continue.
There is verbal abuse and psychological abuse too.

One thing is expressing a negative opinion normally. And another thing is starting to judge and attack me in such a rude way under my own post where I only asked for help. This kind of behaviour is not normal. And they really shouldn't have any reason to do this even if they were triggered because of some pathetic reasons.
And you are making it even worse, you want to be harassed, don t you? As I read more and more of your bullshit I m getting more and more angry. You re like some kind of jewstagram princess now.
It's obvious, right, that after this I have no intention to tell you which nickname I used before.

Wow! I don't believe it! You really ask me now how you abused me? First you came and judged me blindly, immediately, instead of asking me. Then you told me rudely that I'm "fucked in the head". When I explained in my post how I meant that I would not mind if he became a widower, you still portrayed me as if I wanted to kill the wife.
You started to make stupid assumptions without knowledge and when I asked you to read or read again my previous replies as well, you ignored it and continued to be a total jerk. You also ignored those details about this marriage which I revealed later. I revealed it because of others. For those who misunderstood it.
But you just kept spewing and attacking me.
Now you still believe that you are right and that you are just "pointing out this is a nonsense". It's pretty hilarious!
He didn t harass you, you ve been born harassed. You act like a bitch. Yes I m insulting you here, insult me back, so what? You can curse me if you want. You can do whatever you want.
Homewrecker? If a marriage is bad then eventually it will collapse, most of the time. I just want to accelerate this and help him.
And it's not a nonsense.

"If he wanted you, he would Divorce his wife and marry you."
I wish I could kick you in the ass for this.
HE WANTS ME, you moron tard. I have never ever mentioned that he would not want me.
You know, compatible birth charts, matching energies and love can do "wonders". It was not even necessary to bind him with Gebo rune, but shit I did that too in the past, for safety sake.
About divorce. I already wrote that he would like to divorce but it's fucking complicated because of some reasons.
And this is the truth, you re just a sex toy to him.
"One girl she had a guy, who did magick on her, to fall in love.

He then told her, and she broke up with him and was pissed. If you go through with this, and his wife dies and he goes for you. Dont ever tell him. Or it will shatter everything instantly."

Magick to fall in love? But this is a different situation. Read my fucking first post again. I never said that I would cast a love spell. I do not need that. As I mentioned I already did it in the past.

If she will die, I will have nothing to do with it. Maybe only karmically I would be involved with this. I don't know, it is the opinion of the astrologer.

You think I'm stupid. No. I would not tell him, but fuck he's too smart and knows me. What if I say he was so desperate that actually he asked me to help and do something....
He is kind of fed up to see me "being a mistress on the side..." :D

Well, fuck you all, who was pestering and judging me. It's "exposed" now. Hope you are happy and shit and may stop bashing me.
If he is as you say you wouldn t even need to do a thing, wtf, what can you help him with except for sex anyway? You are delusional and that s all there is to it.
Wow, all the dogs are here!
This is totally annoying you fucking bitch, you demand respect, where the fuck is yours???!!!!
Yes I did not want to tell the details first because IT WAS NOT NECESSARY. Because all I wanted is some help.
I did not make this topic for neurotic fucking assholes. This topic should not be the place where they can play psychologists and where they can spam christian moralism. But seeing their other posts in other topics I realized they have some inferiority complex too. And they always have the urge to judge, lecture and criticize others then they try to pretend it is their good will and they only want to educate.
Seems you also fall in this category.

In the end, all of you, smarty bitches and arrogant obnoxious idiots will be embarrassed. I already said it would have been wiser to ASK me first if you are so fucking curious, instead of judging. It is better than projecting your fears and your shitty thoughts onto others and spewing nonsense and making scenarios and false assumptions.
Now you may think you only shared your "opinion" but many of the comments here are not mere opinions but biased judgements based by delusions and by some disgusting christian moralism.
I just fucking do not care about these kind of preaching.

I suggest to every triggered moron again to go and fucking create another topic or create even a fucking forum somewhere for yourselves to continue this bullshit there.
You are insulting and insulting, attacking and attacking, actually you are the biggest moron existing, xians are all little jokes compared to you!
Unfortunately this forum is failed to protect its members. If someone has a problem and asks help in a topic which she created then soon it will become a total mess and a platform for some idiots who take over the thread.

I forgot to say in my former reply that his kids also suffering from their parent's bad marriage. Their father is literally not at home sometimes long weeks because of his job.
And that little time he has he spends on your ass instead of his children.
All of them became more distant. And he was not attached very strongly to his kids especially now when they are much older. It's again a kind of Leo thing from the bad side, also because of heavy planetary influences (a big stellium in Leo).
You stated you don t know astrology so why you keep talking this bullshit.
I was not really "playing the victim" here.
But I am a "victim" in a sense because those assholes took over my topic and I was insulted for no reason and it is offensive. Their stupidity made me react. Also they forced me into a kind of "defensive" position after their judgements.
You are playing the victim, you are not a fucking victim, you are the source of all this shit because you don t fucking know or care about anything, you don t have any values, you are a lazy idiot who can t even write some fucking lines to explain a gooddamn thing, you left too much space for speculations.
I read your reply again and I see what you try to say but you missed the point here. From the start I didn't ask for judgemental "opinions" and ridiculous analyzations. I thought it was obvious that I created this topic to recieve OBJECTIVE replies regarding my questions. Actually what I asked is ONLY some help and direction regarding the possible magickal practices. That's all.
you should ve fucking asked how to break a fucking marriage! No need to give that incomplete information then whine about replies. You searched for discord bettween the members, you created a fight, and now are playing the saint, so xian of you.
You may think I should have revealed more details about it in my first post but then I didn't want to do that. Because it's none of your business.
It's totally morbid that some wannbe moralists automatically believe that every topic here was created for them. And they just can't wait to see where they can start their "educating".

And when it becomes too embarrassing for them to act like a judgemental christard then see how these individuals like Aldrick, for example, starts to back-pedaling and tries to excuse himself. He even kind of apologized which I will not really accept, I can't because it was only for himself.
Well shit at least he tried.... Lol!

The creepiest thing is that now he and the other wannabe, Dr. slyscorpion the self-proclaimed psychoanalyst of this forum, after a deep conversation where they analyzed me, decided together to HELP me! They. Me. LMAO :D
As I see he even gave me a bunch of advices regarding spiritual practices and meditations.
WITHOUT ANY KNOWLEDGE ABOUT MY SPIRITUAL LEVEL OR CONDITION he just made an assumption again and tried to confirm it as a kind of "fact": "I'm sure you still have some connection to energies of the enemy blah blah blah..."
First I laughed so hard that I almost peed into my thong. But then realized that their new sick idea and their offer to "help" me horrifies and disgusts me more than their previous behaviour.
Well, Aldrick and slyscorpion, thanks but rather FUCK YOU, of course no, I fucking do not need your "help". You still have a distorted image about me in your shitty delusional minds. And this is still the base for you. You Aldrick, even admitted it, actually admitted two things too, that you are here to "fight" as you usually do it with "long standing" members. The other thing you admitted is that you actually would use my topic and my persona for your own agenda.

Oh I almost forgot the funniest part of it. You are a "masculine" man allegedly. :D
Well from what you show about yourself, I can tell you could not be further from being masculine. Truthfully I just feel I have never seen such an arrogant pussy person locked in the body of beta male, like you.
True masculine males are quite different....

I would react on your other statements as well and I may like to make mincemeat of you, guys, but I am too tired now.

As for Coraxo, or who the fuck are you, you should have waited patiently for the approval of my newer comments. But seems you didn't bother yourself to read all posts here. I already said two times that the HUSBAND WOULD LIKE TO DIVORCE. I also revealed that he is involved with me....
And some more things in my comment which is presently is not approved yet but later when you read this you will see how wrong you are.
Sorry to tell you this, you are the most disgusting person I ve ever seen.
OK THEN AGAIN: There is verbal abusing and psychological abusing too. That is why I used it. Thanks for admitting that they were dicks.
By the way I do not really care what you think about it.
From all this drama you actually care. And showing your ohh so honorable jewish indoctrination here. You act like a communist!
You are the same like the other idiots.
I have a relationship with him. He wants to divorce too.
Stop writing novels if you don't know what is going on.

Again for everyone there are 3 or 4 comments of mine which are still waiting for approval. If you read them maybe you will understand it and will stop making dumb judgements.
Excepting you there is no idiot here. He doesn t fucking want to divorce, if he wanted he would, all it takes are some papers, or is he afraid of actually losing half of his property and paying some money for his kids? If he values those things above you, it just shows how fucking retarded you are!
I don't know that story.
You should not worry about it if I was angry. It is normal to get offended by offensive behaviour. It is normal to feel some anger if you were insulted for no reason.
You called it small misunderstandings. But these were not simple misunderstandigs. Any sane person would be able to see that.
Any sane person sees that you have some mental disorders.
The misunderstandings where almost 90% because of what you wrote!
What you are doing here is also offensive. You just made a paralell between me, a satanist and some crazy Romanian killer. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!
It does not matter that you said you did not think that person would be me.
You wrote what you wrote. And it's fucking wrong.

Just because I also insulted back and was offended, it does not mean that I felt "extreme anger". I was rather disappointed and I felt bad than simply angry.
It is not right and not normal to attack a comrade just because they misunderstood her and because they feel otherwise.

I also did not force anyone to agree with me, I did not want anyone's agreement either.

Almost no one was able to ASK me about the details or ask any questions if she/he was curious. It was easier to create novels and make wild assumptions and portraying me as some evil monster.

You know your post seems to be even more rude and unjust than the other members' former posts. It's ill intention. You could have kept this shit for yourself but you decided to come here and hurt me just because you feel that you're right.
There wasn t any ill intention towards you. He wasn t rude or anything. I start to wonder if you have any brain inside that head.
Thank you for introducing yourself. I also hope you will not come back here to spew more nonsense.
Why the fuck do you keep spewing yours then?
I also mentioned that even abuse was present in their marriage, in the past. And what if in this marriage he was not the first who got involved in a love affair....

Some of you are acting like idiot stupid teenagers. It is immature and more childish than that funny meme I posted.
Who the fuck cares what you think by th way....

Gosh, you are so dumb! You wrote "guess"? Instead of guessing you should have read every comment of this thread and see if they have any reasons to be dick. No they hadn't any reasons to be a dick at all. It's obvious they were simply triggered. As Aldrick even admitted it.
Everybody talked to you, even without a dick you were a better one than them combined together!
You still believed you are right. First it seemed you realized that you were a jerk. Then you continue to be a jerk.

The victim card was not played here. This has to be understood. If you are being rude and attack someone for no reason then do not be surprised if your "victim" will react and defend herself.
I didn't say or feel that all is your fault here.

I don't think it would have any sense if we continued this conservation. I wouldn't like to talk with you. It was bad and annoying enough for me to write my previous replies to you all, to be forced to explain such things which should not be revealed, especially not to such individuals.

Seems you guys have no better thing to do but teasing, insulting other satanists, argufying and fighting. Offing other people's topics rudely. Then trying to justify it.
It's disgusting.

I did not create my topic for this.
I also have other things to do.

All of your efforts here which you used to bash me and all of your ill will should have been directed into performing more RTRs for example.
You ve played the victim card, way too much. Your ill intent should be used for RTRs, I bet it could last for a hundred if not a thousand RTRs.
No. There is no such a thing between us. Their marriage became problematic before I knew him. And as I said he wanted to divorce.
Ok so why do you keep at it? Let them solve their problems, you are like a fish, after you tooked the bait you won t even think about letting it go.
Are you aware of what are you doing?
Are you all paranoid?
Instead of strawmanning, vexing and attacking satanist comrades you all should do something productive.
Instead of strawmanning vexing and attacking satanist comrades you should do something productive! How can you call yourself our comrade if you act like this? We don t need a drama queen here.
I believed you are basically normal a bit at least. You had such posts in other topics which were informative and objective. But I also noticed that often you are rude to others for no reason and like suspecting and incriminating members. It's wrong as fuck.

Why do you keep posting irrelevant things here in my topic? I already asked every narcissistic assholes who are spamming, offing this topic and vexing, to go away and create another topic or forum where they can compensate for their inferiority complex.
Another satanist attacked... I bet you want to make a record!
Now that I m not angry anymore I ll say this, you need to fix yourself.
You already judged me.
You still do not understand.
Why am I angry? Because I did not intend to reveal the details from the first. But I was forced later because of stupid assumptions and accusing!
You don't realize that those people made mistakes here who were not able to ask me first before they make any assumption.
It is not my fault. I didn't post my topic for asking judgements and opinions.

No you just prove how stupid you are. You do not see my intentions. It is not simply about me. I WAS ASKED TO HELP. By him actually. I already revealed that.

You also try to analyze me. Don't do that. You are just embarrassing yourself. You will not judge me? But you just decided that I "lack of emotional control".
Well it is all just YOU projecting your dumb beliefs about me onto me.

Do not ordering me, what I need to learn.
Those who were triggered also show "emotional out burst". By the way it is normal if I feel bad because I was attacked for no reason. I have emotions, yes.
Still better to be emotional than be emotionally immature and be a judgemental moralist.

My "fate"? Seems you don't know much about "fate" either. You almost sounded like a new ager.

Jack pointed out perfectly. Many of you should free up your mind from christardness.
On the Genealogy of Morality by Nietzsche is really a good read, for example. As Jack referred it.
As a two years old member you seem to know nothing, and because Jack hasn t gotten into a fight with you now somehow he s an idol for you.(Nothing wrong with it as I personally respect Jack )
Why the fuck did you post here if you are not able to understand what's going on?
You also cannot read?!
Why are you lying about this "debate"?
Well destroying a womans marriage of 20 years, would naturally mean she is not going to be able to live anymore, she might already be over her 40's and there won t really be too many mans to take her afterwards.
WTF? To just get my hand on some man?

What you are doing here is strawmanning and distorting what I said. Disgusting. Jews are doing the same.

Learn to read and learn to understand before you attack someone.

You are the only one attacking anyone here, jews are doing what you are doing. You truly want to create a record. Will you be proud? Your title would be "the most active attacker of spiritual satanists on this forum"
You should learn to read and to understand. As you understand nothing. Are those (whatever numbers of ss ) telling you that you don t understand anything all idiots and you are right? Are you yahweh or what? Want to make some 10 commandments where no one is allowed to criticize you?
As stupidity knows no borders, it has no sense to continue this here, I think.
Your stupidity doesn t know any borders.
WTF? Lol, I can't believe this! A new psychoanalyst came! Welcome!
Sorry, but I will not thank you for your advices and analysis, which is quite far from the truth by the way.
It is extremely disgusting that you are trying to talk here as if you knew everything and knew me. It's also extremely ridiculous.
Also it shows 2 things, either you were not able to understand what I wrote here, or you are also doing this intentionally, the strawmanning and distorting.
You DISTORTED things in your comment.

Again: It is not only my wish, it is OUR wish, I was actually asked to help him, help us.

You also misunderstood it. My topic was not created for other people's opinions, for their udgements, you miserable! You still do not understand? Yes, you can believe anything, of course, but stupid beliefs will not change the truth.
Having and expressing an opinion should not mean that anyone has the right to accuse me.

And what?! They were trying to help me? By what? By calling me "fucked in the head"? By making false assumptions? By distorting my comments? By filthy strawmanning? By accusing me? By being christard moralists?
Are you normal, man? Any sane person can see clearly what's going on here.

You know that would be the normal behaviour.
But now, you still do not stop and try to justify what you and the others wrote. Trying to prove that you and the other bullying idiots were right. No, you are not right. You were not right.
And yes, what you all were doing here was a form of attacking.

"If I was that man..." what you are talking about here is a different thing. Between me and him there is no such a thing. What he really wanted and wants is the divorce, and separating from his wife. Which didn't happen yet, not only because of the wife but also because of some other issues.
That's why we decided it to try other tools too. And accelerate the things between them. I already explained it.
So stop writing novel! And don't you dare to portray him in a false way, because I already revealed what he wants.

About Jack. I do not think he would be stupid and that he believes that I am in the same situation like him. When I am not. And it seems he understood this. Since he is intelligent and normal unlike you.
He just told his own experience. He really meant to be helpful towards me. He was helpful and Shael too.

Funny how you are preaching "maturity", when actually you all are the immature ones and you already proved it by your comments. You all were also enlightened about the fact that many of you are CHILDISH and emotionally immature and many of you are still tying to christianity in a level. That is why you behaved like christian moralist tards.
You are trying to be sound "mature" by lecturing me, by analysing me, by calling me "drama queen" and "immature".
You may not realize but you just failed it.
So you can stop your efforts.

Instead of posting tiring stupid analysing comments and fucking around here,
go to Aldrick's newer topic and preach there. Where Shael and some other intelligent member perfectly nailed the truth about Aldrick and about his behaviour. It was good to read their replies.

Just leave me alone and mind your own things.

(No, I not a new member just because my new account joined not long ago.)
Yep for two years you ve wasted your time as a spiritual satanist and don t any real knowledge. All you do is ranting and whinning. How can you keep going?
I wrote it multiple times.
Death in wife chart due to various reasons like accident for example, and the widowhood in his chart are indicated strongly.
You also wrote that someone else has read their charts... you just don t have any intelligence in you.
You also mentioned a Goddess.
It's good, now I am asking again the christard moralists here, there are Gods and Goddesses who are able to break relationships and marriages and it seems they can be asked to do it. Then these Gods and Goddesses are also "bad" like me, I suppose, based on these individuals' retard logic.

Thanks again. Actually I am not rushing at all, and this suffering has been started long ago, even before I met him.
Grow up emo! There are Gods who help in doing that,indeed but that doesn t justify the way you talked and phrased your posts.
I see. Strawmanning, accusing others falsely, vexing other satanist are okay and tolerated. And now calling me jew just because I was angry. Well, the filthy behaviour you and others showed here are much more JEWISH than me being angry.
Being angry means being a jew?

You are BUTTHURTED, and you cannot write anything normal, as you are stupid as fuck, so you just continue trolling and offing this topic.

Shame on you. To me, such people like you are not satanist comrades anymore.
It seems it turns out that you are one of the vilest people here. In a way, it is worse than what the filthiest trolls are doing on this forum.

Lately, I noticed in other topics too, some "satanist" individuals regularly attack anyone and labelling him/her as a "jew" if they do not like the person or if that person is a only newby and maybe asking a stupid question.
Many people here were being called and labelled as "jews" by these bullying morons who love to play some kind of police here. Too bad that they are often seem to be more jewish than those members they attacked.
Going here by your logic it seems you are more jewish because you ve attacked a lot of members
Why are you twisting my words?
I did not call the forum shit.
Seems like you don t remember what you wrote :D
See yourself? You can't argue normally that is why you need to strawman again and to lie openly.
Again I m using your lines against yourself...
WOW, I think you are the one who misunderstood it, dear Myla!
The one who really wants to break the marriage is my partner, the husband.
As I mentioned multiple times it is not only about me.
Please scroll up and just read everything.

No, why would I find another man when our relationship is good and we love each other. Can you stop calling it "obsesseion"? Because it is not an obsesseion. But mutual love.

I know Maxine does not support any illegal things. But she shared the names of Demons who can break marriages and also shared magickal practices about how to break a relationship. It is not illegal of course.
I just wanted to pointed out the retard logic of other members, and asked them if they believe it's illegal what I want, then according to them what HPs Maxine posted was also illegal? Do you understand it now? I just asked it.
It's funny, you even quoted me and it is in the qoute "according to your stupid logic..." so it shows that ACCORDING TO OTHERS not according to me.

Breaking a bad and abusive marriage is not illegal. It is actually rather good than bad. Especially when the one who wants to divorce want to break it and asked me for help. I already talked about it in my previous posts.
By the way, Myla you would not break a very bad marriage where the children are suffering too? For example, if it was your marriage and your children, you would not want to divorce and save your children?
Maybe you also have such bad experience, like my partner has. Right, Myla?

I think English is your second language, it is not problem, English is my second language too. I'm not a native English speaker unfortunately. But it is very important always to understand what is the exact content of a post.

"Thanks" for your lecturing but we DO HAVE commom sense, also we have very good reason to do what we want to do.

I hope my answer here clear your rude misunderstandings.
And before you would believe I want to your acceptance or agreement, NO, of course I don't. You still can have beliefs about the issue, you can still have your own opinion generally. It is not problem.
But do not project your moralism onto me.
You know, "Morals are personal to oneself ,not a universal constant. " as Jack pointed out well.
This is the sole reason why I answered this topic. You ve attacked a HPs you idiot. What I ve said about HPs Maxine above was proved rght now by you, even if a High Priest where to tell you that you are in the wrong you wouldn t understand, also try attacking the one who told you that, and you call yourself a Satanist, shame on you. You basically told everybody to shut up, which makes you nothing better than a communist, a xian, an indoctrinated individual, which makes you naturally an enemy, I m not gonna tell you to stop doing it, I m telling you to start taking your role as an SS seriously and that s it. When you reply to me remember I ll just copy paste whatever of your reply seems more resonating with your attacks towards me.
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
Just go trolling, yeah. And do not bother yourselves about that every new stupid comments you make here is just shows your immature and mean intentions.
You guys are doing the same with other people too in other topics. Like some bullying group.
You are the ones who are always fighting everywhere and stupidly argufying and when someone corrects you then you start to attack that person. This is not how a satanist should behave.
It is ok if you dislike someone, or disagree with someone. But this shit you keep doing.... As Dahaarkan wrote in another topic to Aldrick, for example, he should not be surprised that every person he talked with or fought with started to hate or dislike him.

In case you haven't noticed I have quite a few friends. I dont really care about every little whiny momas boy that comes on,that thinks he can bring attention to himself by downing me. It's quite hilarious how darken or whatever his name tries so hard. He my as well scream notice me senpai.

As for you I definetely do not care. I know what you are. Show up randomly, just too tell us how bad a group we are.

Oh heres an idea! Leave! Smiles.
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
No problem, I read your original post and from it

...I assumed you'd be fine with killing. My mistake. Anyway..

Haven't read the read of all the thread here (I'd need like 48 hours long days to do all I need to do) but the fact that people (even some seasoned SS) believe that means aren't justifiable has occurred before. The Goddess Leraje can break up relationships, many of our Gods have 'killing and destroying' abilities listed in their descriptions, even some that 'cause lust in women', yet it's almost unacceptable for some people to use their own powers to make these things happen, like it's all immoral and absolutely out of the question. I'm against that thinking, and so is Father Satan most definitely. "Delight in what you destroy" shouldn't be continued as "but don't, cuz it's not good to kill others, break relationships and causing lust in women who have free will".

SOME enemies need to be killed, lest they remain here and cause problems for the living, cause harm to others without need, and don't plan on becoming anything better than the psychotic mess they are. What's so bad about killing them? Don't you rip out a dead plant that won't grow but still manages to absorb the soil's nutrients from other plants, holding back their fruits? Maybe I'm too simple minded, but I see a logic in this.

SOME relationship (ok, MANY) shouldn't even have started, as the two parties only started out of need of believing in it but ultimately learned their mistakes and didn't decide to split up when the relationship has become obviously a joke. They are just staying together because they don't want to be alone, that is no excuse and it's more self destructive than helpful. So I don't see a problem ending the relationship.

Like I said, I am pretty sure Leraje had a lot to do with my toxic relationship and I'm grateful that She intervened and ended it where I had failed. I loved my ex very much but she became oppressive and psychotic over the years, overly jealous over nothing and I couldn't even talk to other women because of her constant weakness of character. If she was stronger and knew they meant no competition I'd have seen in her a worthy companion, but she chose the weakling path. So, thanks Leraje. ;)

Lastly, I don't know what degree of experience you have, but have you tried programming auras? I read about it soooo many times but only now (like 18 years after) I understand the enormous potential of this skill. This obviously has a lot to do with how strong your aura is (so you can avoid energy mishaps) and how strong your willpower is (which I don't think is weak), but you have the ability to override others' auras and manipulate them to your liking (tech talk: "..much like how a computer programmer can program things to happen in a software, you can use people as unprogrammed computers). This is much more obvious when you are this much Air dominated and find computers and machinery have a life of their own lol.

Hope this helps though. Don't feel bad if you REALLY want someone to die. Moralists and those who don't believe they can do something they want badly to do (as long as it's not something seriously deviated, like using children or animals or the blatantly innocent) are just holding themselves back evolutionarily, in my opinion... (yeah, I know what you do with opinions XD saved the image, made me crack up lol).

No, I would not be fine with that.

Thank you for your reply. You see the things well.

Yes because just killing some innocent woman because she is in your way. Totally sane behavior....
Sabazios said:
Why is this topic still alive?
It s truly annoying, it s clear that the OP doesn t give a shit about others opinions.
Why did you asked if you thought this will be the outcome?
Is this what you wanted? To argue with other satanists?
You could ve simply asked"how to break a marriage" and you wouldn t have got any of those answers which "offended" you, or you could ve wrote the entire situation as to not leave any room for misunderstandings.
You say that those who actually tried to put some sense in you actually have been offending you... the only one who is offending others is you.
I ll start with that bullshit of a signature you have.
Are you aware that this place is about freedom of speech? Doesn t seem so. Your signature is offending a fundamental right, and you say you are a satanist.

Scarlet Woman 666 said:

Could anyone help me a little?
Many could ve helped you.
It may sound wild or maybe "evil", but I would like to break/destroy a marriage between a man and a woman.
And this would ve been enough info, it was enough, then you ve gone on....
Unfortunately, it is a long term marriage, they have been married for 10 years now. Before marriage they had dated for 7-8 years. They have 2 children.
From here it started being weird...
From the outside their marriage looks normal and good, but in fact it is not a good marriage at all.
I wonder why... isn t it because you re in a relationship with the husband?
It seems it's a typical "doomed" marriage. Well, not rare for a Leo ascendant male...
An unhappy, emotionless, boring shit.
Are you so good in astrology ?
So, my question is, is there any good spell/magical practice for this?
I know about the working with Isa rune, and I will use it. But I would like to know and try more methods too, even if I have to do it for long months or for years.
There are, yet you are wasting time without a reason, like there aren t any other mans on this world, and your only solution is this married asshole.
I know the success of workings depends on my spiritual level...I'm also working hard on this too.
Doesn t seem like you have any time to work hard on your spiritual'' level''
And the most important part I forgot. I love this man, very much.
Again... it would ve been weirder if you didn t...
Is it true, that there is a special Demon, who could help in these kind of issues?
Maybe Asmodeus? Is it right to ask a little demonic help at all, maybe later?
There are, you couldv e simply looked the jos site for information on the Gods, but meh.... you make it sound like it s something normal to disturb a God for some lunacy.
Other question: Does it matter if they had a catholic marriage? It happened because of the family of the wife. The husband was baptized when he was younger but actually he's not religious.
I feel as if this makes the things harder...
Doesn t matter, doesn t make anything more difficult... oh wait, the limitations on yourself are made by you...
I want them divorced and separated fully, I wouldn't even mind if they were separated because the wife would die, for example.
I'm saying this because it could be possible for him, becoming a widower. According to his birth chart.
Oh shit.... you don t mind if the wife dies? You know that there are spells to kill,and yet you say this which simply leaves room to wonder why? I can only praise you that you didn t kill. But in your noble cause of getting that man it would ve been way easier to do a death spell on her.
Thanks in advance for your advices and suggestions!
Oyyyyy veyyyyyy, you are welcomeeeee ;) little jokes aside, I didn t say you are a jew.
Let s keep going, maybe you ll understand something.

What?! What did you put into my mouth?
Killing someone? Who the hell said this?
You yourself said an incomplete sentence about that, didn t you? Is it so hard to see that?
I said I would not mind if the wife died because it is possible for her later, due to her life conditions. I also said there is such possibility in the man's chart. I mean it could be the reason of their separation too.
Ohhh look you admit it :)) again you know that much astrology to be sure?
I wrote I would not mind it because I would not mind to marry a widower!
Maybe that s what you meant, you didn t write, and even if you wrote it would still result in the same assumptions.
You misunderstood me. Was it intentional?You don't even know the details of this issue. You also don't know anything about me or about them. So stop making false claims and stop offending me!
Yeah yeah he misunderstood you... because of yourself you know? Were it not because you wrote it like that. Ofcourse he doesn t knows the details, because you didn t want to share them? How can he know about you when this was your first post on this forum... how can he know about them? Did you give any good information to justify the situation? What False claims? Any sane person would ve reached that conclusion from your post. Offending you? Oh sorry, this is not the place for you then, if you get so offended. And no, I don t see how a sane person could get offended over some reply on a forum. This way of acting is basically that of communism, no rights, so taking this into account , want to go to a gulag for wanting to break a marriage?
Look guys!!! I m offending her, send me to prison :lol:
Okay, again, I wrote I would not mind if she died and if this would be the cause of their separation. Because I would not mind if I marry a widower. That's why I wrote this.

Anyways, thank you for your suggestions and also thanks for Shael's reply.

I know my wish is not really nice in some people eyes but it's real. And yes, I am very passionate about it.
I should have written more details....Now I am being misunderstood and misrepresented here. It hurts.
I am a satanist too. Dedicated more than two years ago. I'm just using this new nickname in this forum.

Maybe I should not have posted this topic.
I was silly, I should have known there are always some people who just judge and criticize without any deeper knowledge about the topic.
You posted it, why regretting? You ve anticipated the outcome? Then you should be sorry, as I ve stated way above you could ve put a simple question, and no one would ve answered like that.
Thank you for the preaching and lecturing. I know well about the possible consequences, of course.
In fact you are right in some things, generally.

Yes, it is bad for both person, and it will become worse, it seems.
Maybe it wouldn t have been that bad if someone, you know who, wasn t in a relationship with that husband? Or is it the fault of the husband?
As I said, he is not religious. I just asked about the catholic marriage because I was worrying about the negative energies...

"Is that any different than the kind of stuff the enemy would do?"
Yep it s totally different, xians don t have the means to do this :lol:
Of course it is different. So this is what you should not have written.
Why shouldn t he have wrote that? He s got the right to write whatever he wants, same as you. Would you be happy if your post don t go through or what?
It is alright to have an opinion and have an advice for me.
So only if someone has an advice for you it s alright, if not he should stfu? I m not putting words in your mouth, that s what can be understood from your sentence.
But here you actually referred me as an enemy, as a jew. Sorry, but I just can't tolerate it. The very minimum is that you will sincerely apologize for your morbid assumption.
If you act like one and attack each one of those who answer you then it s your fault for being referred as an enemy, the very minimum is that you sincerely apologize for your behaviour
I naively believed there will be some understanding people, comrades who could help a bit.
If you leave so much room for misunderstandings it s only natural that not so many will understand you. Even so everyone tried to help (some with nice words and some with not so nice words)
But I was rather criticized and attacked.
I see that some people have different experiences and worries. It's ok to share that. Thanks for the advices from those who didn't have ill intentions.
You were criticized, so what? Are you a child or something? You do play victim after all. No one attacked you, no one had ill intentions, you re making this up, and responding in an abusive way.
No, he will not lose custody. The children will be okay. They will be older by then.
How do you know this? And do you actually think that a kid who doesn t see his father because he is together with his "mistress" would actually leave their mother? Or after all are you thinking about killing her :lol: (I m joking don t take this to heart)
Yes. He's interested in me.
But I will rather not share any details about it. For obvious reasons now I am unable to trust most of the people here.
If he s interested in you just tell him to divorce, lollllll. You never trusted anyone here, so how come you are now unable to trust most people here?
"If you love this man I wouldn't do this. "
You meant if I love him I should not do this? No. You are wrong.
If you were in this situation you would not do this? Maybe. That's you.
If that man loved you he would already be divorced and would marry you.
Don't know why but suddenly I started to wonder what HPs.Maxine would think about it. She seems to be more passionate than me.
Ofcourse she will praise you, like you ve gotta finish your job girl, don t leave that poor woman with her husband and childs. Like hell would this happen.
I do not intent to kill anyone. You should stop lying. You can have opinion, but I do not care about it. You are nothing to me and as I told you, you don't know the details of this issue. You do not know them, what is he suffering from....
Okay now I m not gonna push that killing thing to the end of the world. Aldrick is lying? Haha, nope , you just play the victim. I think I know from what that man you love is suffering, he s got some mental problems, not going to push this further.
No it's not my life story.
We know already.
You just cannot judge the whole situation when you do not know much about it. You just made assumptions here.
Because of you he made assumptions, because you made this in some kind of drama, not gonna lie, it s like I ve saw some turkish drama a long time ago with someone who acts like you.
You are judging me blindly simply because of your beliefs and emotions.
When you don't really know something, keeping your mouth shut would be wiser than being an unpleasant jerk and attacking me.
It is not really normal.
The law is blind. He s judging based on what you write, you just don t admit it.
Seems you are triggered much because of my post, well the problem is rather with you.
Wtf I m even reading here? So the problem doesn t lie in you...
You are a satanist, allegedly, but you use this platform to abuse other satanists just because you disagree or dislike others' opinions and experiences. How stupid and immature.
The only allegedly satanist here is you, and nope he s not abusing you or any other satanists. Yep indeed you are stupid and immature, maybe a bit more irrational?
You should mind your own business now.
That s what that "wife" would say to you. Have you put yourself in her situation? Nah, she already wasted her youth on that man, also gave birth to two childs...
You already told your opinion here, you even had a chance to insult me, practicing your right to freedom of speech - I hope you enjoyed it. So now, you can go away.
And leave me alone.
He s got the right to express his opinion, even if it s not making you feel good, are you sure this reply of yours is not of some commie shit?

It is your opinion. And your stupid fabrication.
Sorry, if you were offended. I only can repeat myself and tell you too, you people do not know much about this issue.
What if I would say there is also abuse and suffering in this marriage?
I didn't intend to expose any other detail because I should not do that....
Oh, so there is another abuse except the one you want to happen? Okay, stupid fabrication, I ll repeat myself it s your fault for it.
Shit, I only wanted to ask about possible magical practices in this situation. I did not ask for lecturing, preaching, insulting.
You deserve it .
I really started to feel as if I were amongst some crazy christian moralists....
You are the craziest around here, and this I ll clearly say, it s an attack directed at other satanists, who actually have some knowledge, not like someone we know...
Fortunately there are normal people here too, who replied me normally and were helpful.
Your normal is not really normal.

But it kind of disgusts me to reveal more about it to such individuals who doesn't even have the slightest respect or understanding.
Another insult, another attack, and you are showing us what respect truly means...
Then I ask you again to stop abusing me and leave me alone.
Another case of ''goyim shut it down''
I think I m going crazy.

Yeah, let's not judge but you also judged.
Without any knowledge, without waiting to read my newest replies or without asking me about it normally.

Some of you here are talking as if all long term marriages would be great and sacred or something. Then why do many long term marriages break and end in divorce?
I bet many of you are here under 30 or under 25 years old and haven't experienced much.
There can be many reasons why a marriage became bad. A bad marriage can last long and there can be many reasons why people could not divorce for a long time.
It can be because of the husband's job, for example. Or because their children were too young then to understand it....

About their astro charts, yes, both parties have such negative planetary aspects/placements which caused problems between them. I'm not an expert in astrology but there was someone who read the husband's birth chart for me.
One of those reason for bad marriage might be people like you.
And....ohhh soo you don t know shit about astrology after all.
Are you realizing that you are attacking another satanist for no reason?
Before you write anything you should read the newer replies I posted.
Breaking a doomed marriage which causes sufferings for both and where the husband would like to divorce anyways, is not that wrong.
Or are you really so retarded that you believe that there are no bad marriages? There are many failed marriages because of incompatibilities.
You realise no one attacked you? I ve asked you one hundred times already, but I m asking again, how the fuck is he attacking you? You got from crazy to some kind of mentally retarded xian.... please don t cry
Really, what the hell is this? Mental hospital? I have never seen such neurotic retards whining and freaking out like you and the other triggered idiot, Aldrick.
You are like christian moralists.
Another insult, another attack, a neurotic retard? Only you are plausible of such.
I will repeat it again and again, if it's necessary. Until you will understand:
So you should just shut up.
Go away and create a topic for yourself, if you want and whine there, you christard.
You don t understand the shit you are talking about, you are a retard, you are proving it. You act like a christard.
As to your stupid logic then HPs.Maxine promotes illegal things and crimes when she talked about casting death spells? Of course she does not....
Wtf I m reading again? When you give information is a crime? Lollll. If someone gives you a knife, you can cook and you can kill, is that person at fault for what you re doing with the knife?
Also because you ve mentioned HPs Maxine again, if she were to tell you that it s not a good thing, you d start saying shit like she is wrong, she abused you and so on.
There is no teaching chaos and there is no promoting of crimes here. STOP YOUR INSANE LIES! STOP YOUR SLANDERS! STOP JUDGING WITHOUT KNOWING ANYTHING! STOP ABUSING ME!

You are retarded for sure, but there is just no way you would be so fucking retarded that you could not read and understand what I wrote here in my posts.
It's like intentional abusing, and it's so jewish.
Who was jew naming? You were!!
Or maybe you (or the other asshole) are triggered because you also failed your marriage, or your parents divorced, or you were cheated by your partner because of you....who knows.
The point is what you both are doing here is far beyond the normal way of expressing your opinions.
You are PROJECTING your stupid fears and also projecting lies. You don't care about the facts, ignoring what I said and you just believe what you want.
But my dear... you only talk shit, you only promote bullshit, you act like a retard, like a xian, so wasn t that guy right when he said you are an enemy? Maybe he wasn t, if so stop acting like one.
Being rude online? It is not simply about being rude online. It became systematical harassment towards me and as I see it will continue.
There is verbal abuse and psychological abuse too.

One thing is expressing a negative opinion normally. And another thing is starting to judge and attack me in such a rude way under my own post where I only asked for help. This kind of behaviour is not normal. And they really shouldn't have any reason to do this even if they were triggered because of some pathetic reasons.
And you are making it even worse, you want to be harassed, don t you? As I read more and more of your bullshit I m getting more and more angry. You re like some kind of jewstagram princess now.
It's obvious, right, that after this I have no intention to tell you which nickname I used before.

Wow! I don't believe it! You really ask me now how you abused me? First you came and judged me blindly, immediately, instead of asking me. Then you told me rudely that I'm "fucked in the head". When I explained in my post how I meant that I would not mind if he became a widower, you still portrayed me as if I wanted to kill the wife.
You started to make stupid assumptions without knowledge and when I asked you to read or read again my previous replies as well, you ignored it and continued to be a total jerk. You also ignored those details about this marriage which I revealed later. I revealed it because of others. For those who misunderstood it.
But you just kept spewing and attacking me.
Now you still believe that you are right and that you are just "pointing out this is a nonsense". It's pretty hilarious!
He didn t harass you, you ve been born harassed. You act like a bitch. Yes I m insulting you here, insult me back, so what? You can curse me if you want. You can do whatever you want.
Homewrecker? If a marriage is bad then eventually it will collapse, most of the time. I just want to accelerate this and help him.
And it's not a nonsense.

"If he wanted you, he would Divorce his wife and marry you."
I wish I could kick you in the ass for this.
HE WANTS ME, you moron tard. I have never ever mentioned that he would not want me.
You know, compatible birth charts, matching energies and love can do "wonders". It was not even necessary to bind him with Gebo rune, but shit I did that too in the past, for safety sake.
About divorce. I already wrote that he would like to divorce but it's fucking complicated because of some reasons.
And this is the truth, you re just a sex toy to him.
"One girl she had a guy, who did magick on her, to fall in love.

He then told her, and she broke up with him and was pissed. If you go through with this, and his wife dies and he goes for you. Dont ever tell him. Or it will shatter everything instantly."

Magick to fall in love? But this is a different situation. Read my fucking first post again. I never said that I would cast a love spell. I do not need that. As I mentioned I already did it in the past.

If she will die, I will have nothing to do with it. Maybe only karmically I would be involved with this. I don't know, it is the opinion of the astrologer.

You think I'm stupid. No. I would not tell him, but fuck he's too smart and knows me. What if I say he was so desperate that actually he asked me to help and do something....
He is kind of fed up to see me "being a mistress on the side..." :D

Well, fuck you all, who was pestering and judging me. It's "exposed" now. Hope you are happy and shit and may stop bashing me.
If he is as you say you wouldn t even need to do a thing, wtf, what can you help him with except for sex anyway? You are delusional and that s all there is to it.
Wow, all the dogs are here!
This is totally annoying you fucking bitch, you demand respect, where the fuck is yours???!!!!
Yes I did not want to tell the details first because IT WAS NOT NECESSARY. Because all I wanted is some help.
I did not make this topic for neurotic fucking assholes. This topic should not be the place where they can play psychologists and where they can spam christian moralism. But seeing their other posts in other topics I realized they have some inferiority complex too. And they always have the urge to judge, lecture and criticize others then they try to pretend it is their good will and they only want to educate.
Seems you also fall in this category.

In the end, all of you, smarty bitches and arrogant obnoxious idiots will be embarrassed. I already said it would have been wiser to ASK me first if you are so fucking curious, instead of judging. It is better than projecting your fears and your shitty thoughts onto others and spewing nonsense and making scenarios and false assumptions.
Now you may think you only shared your "opinion" but many of the comments here are not mere opinions but biased judgements based by delusions and by some disgusting christian moralism.
I just fucking do not care about these kind of preaching.

I suggest to every triggered moron again to go and fucking create another topic or create even a fucking forum somewhere for yourselves to continue this bullshit there.
You are insulting and insulting, attacking and attacking, actually you are the biggest moron existing, xians are all little jokes compared to you!
Unfortunately this forum is failed to protect its members. If someone has a problem and asks help in a topic which she created then soon it will become a total mess and a platform for some idiots who take over the thread.

I forgot to say in my former reply that his kids also suffering from their parent's bad marriage. Their father is literally not at home sometimes long weeks because of his job.
And that little time he has he spends on your ass instead of his children.
All of them became more distant. And he was not attached very strongly to his kids especially now when they are much older. It's again a kind of Leo thing from the bad side, also because of heavy planetary influences (a big stellium in Leo).
You stated you don t know astrology so why you keep talking this bullshit.
I was not really "playing the victim" here.
But I am a "victim" in a sense because those assholes took over my topic and I was insulted for no reason and it is offensive. Their stupidity made me react. Also they forced me into a kind of "defensive" position after their judgements.
You are playing the victim, you are not a fucking victim, you are the source of all this shit because you don t fucking know or care about anything, you don t have any values, you are a lazy idiot who can t even write some fucking lines to explain a gooddamn thing, you left too much space for speculations.
I read your reply again and I see what you try to say but you missed the point here. From the start I didn't ask for judgemental "opinions" and ridiculous analyzations. I thought it was obvious that I created this topic to recieve OBJECTIVE replies regarding my questions. Actually what I asked is ONLY some help and direction regarding the possible magickal practices. That's all.
you should ve fucking asked how to break a fucking marriage! No need to give that incomplete information then whine about replies. You searched for discord bettween the members, you created a fight, and now are playing the saint, so xian of you.
You may think I should have revealed more details about it in my first post but then I didn't want to do that. Because it's none of your business.
It's totally morbid that some wannbe moralists automatically believe that every topic here was created for them. And they just can't wait to see where they can start their "educating".

And when it becomes too embarrassing for them to act like a judgemental christard then see how these individuals like Aldrick, for example, starts to back-pedaling and tries to excuse himself. He even kind of apologized which I will not really accept, I can't because it was only for himself.
Well shit at least he tried.... Lol!

The creepiest thing is that now he and the other wannabe, Dr. slyscorpion the self-proclaimed psychoanalyst of this forum, after a deep conversation where they analyzed me, decided together to HELP me! They. Me. LMAO :D
As I see he even gave me a bunch of advices regarding spiritual practices and meditations.
WITHOUT ANY KNOWLEDGE ABOUT MY SPIRITUAL LEVEL OR CONDITION he just made an assumption again and tried to confirm it as a kind of "fact": "I'm sure you still have some connection to energies of the enemy blah blah blah..."
First I laughed so hard that I almost peed into my thong. But then realized that their new sick idea and their offer to "help" me horrifies and disgusts me more than their previous behaviour.
Well, Aldrick and slyscorpion, thanks but rather FUCK YOU, of course no, I fucking do not need your "help". You still have a distorted image about me in your shitty delusional minds. And this is still the base for you. You Aldrick, even admitted it, actually admitted two things too, that you are here to "fight" as you usually do it with "long standing" members. The other thing you admitted is that you actually would use my topic and my persona for your own agenda.

Oh I almost forgot the funniest part of it. You are a "masculine" man allegedly. :D
Well from what you show about yourself, I can tell you could not be further from being masculine. Truthfully I just feel I have never seen such an arrogant pussy person locked in the body of beta male, like you.
True masculine males are quite different....

I would react on your other statements as well and I may like to make mincemeat of you, guys, but I am too tired now.

As for Coraxo, or who the fuck are you, you should have waited patiently for the approval of my newer comments. But seems you didn't bother yourself to read all posts here. I already said two times that the HUSBAND WOULD LIKE TO DIVORCE. I also revealed that he is involved with me....
And some more things in my comment which is presently is not approved yet but later when you read this you will see how wrong you are.
Sorry to tell you this, you are the most disgusting person I ve ever seen.
OK THEN AGAIN: There is verbal abusing and psychological abusing too. That is why I used it. Thanks for admitting that they were dicks.
By the way I do not really care what you think about it.
From all this drama you actually care. And showing your ohh so honorable jewish indoctrination here. You act like a communist!
You are the same like the other idiots.
I have a relationship with him. He wants to divorce too.
Stop writing novels if you don't know what is going on.

Again for everyone there are 3 or 4 comments of mine which are still waiting for approval. If you read them maybe you will understand it and will stop making dumb judgements.
Excepting you there is no idiot here. He doesn t fucking want to divorce, if he wanted he would, all it takes are some papers, or is he afraid of actually losing half of his property and paying some money for his kids? If he values those things above you, it just shows how fucking retarded you are!
I don't know that story.
You should not worry about it if I was angry. It is normal to get offended by offensive behaviour. It is normal to feel some anger if you were insulted for no reason.
You called it small misunderstandings. But these were not simple misunderstandigs. Any sane person would be able to see that.
Any sane person sees that you have some mental disorders.
The misunderstandings where almost 90% because of what you wrote!
What you are doing here is also offensive. You just made a paralell between me, a satanist and some crazy Romanian killer. ARE YOU SERIOUS?!
It does not matter that you said you did not think that person would be me.
You wrote what you wrote. And it's fucking wrong.

Just because I also insulted back and was offended, it does not mean that I felt "extreme anger". I was rather disappointed and I felt bad than simply angry.
It is not right and not normal to attack a comrade just because they misunderstood her and because they feel otherwise.

I also did not force anyone to agree with me, I did not want anyone's agreement either.

Almost no one was able to ASK me about the details or ask any questions if she/he was curious. It was easier to create novels and make wild assumptions and portraying me as some evil monster.

You know your post seems to be even more rude and unjust than the other members' former posts. It's ill intention. You could have kept this shit for yourself but you decided to come here and hurt me just because you feel that you're right.
There wasn t any ill intention towards you. He wasn t rude or anything. I start to wonder if you have any brain inside that head.
Thank you for introducing yourself. I also hope you will not come back here to spew more nonsense.
Why the fuck do you keep spewing yours then?
I also mentioned that even abuse was present in their marriage, in the past. And what if in this marriage he was not the first who got involved in a love affair....

Some of you are acting like idiot stupid teenagers. It is immature and more childish than that funny meme I posted.
Who the fuck cares what you think by th way....

Gosh, you are so dumb! You wrote "guess"? Instead of guessing you should have read every comment of this thread and see if they have any reasons to be dick. No they hadn't any reasons to be a dick at all. It's obvious they were simply triggered. As Aldrick even admitted it.
Everybody talked to you, even without a dick you were a better one than them combined together!
You still believed you are right. First it seemed you realized that you were a jerk. Then you continue to be a jerk.

The victim card was not played here. This has to be understood. If you are being rude and attack someone for no reason then do not be surprised if your "victim" will react and defend herself.
I didn't say or feel that all is your fault here.

I don't think it would have any sense if we continued this conservation. I wouldn't like to talk with you. It was bad and annoying enough for me to write my previous replies to you all, to be forced to explain such things which should not be revealed, especially not to such individuals.

Seems you guys have no better thing to do but teasing, insulting other satanists, argufying and fighting. Offing other people's topics rudely. Then trying to justify it.
It's disgusting.

I did not create my topic for this.
I also have other things to do.

All of your efforts here which you used to bash me and all of your ill will should have been directed into performing more RTRs for example.
You ve played the victim card, way too much. Your ill intent should be used for RTRs, I bet it could last for a hundred if not a thousand RTRs.
No. There is no such a thing between us. Their marriage became problematic before I knew him. And as I said he wanted to divorce.
Ok so why do you keep at it? Let them solve their problems, you are like a fish, after you tooked the bait you won t even think about letting it go.
Are you aware of what are you doing?
Are you all paranoid?
Instead of strawmanning, vexing and attacking satanist comrades you all should do something productive.
Instead of strawmanning vexing and attacking satanist comrades you should do something productive! How can you call yourself our comrade if you act like this? We don t need a drama queen here.
I believed you are basically normal a bit at least. You had such posts in other topics which were informative and objective. But I also noticed that often you are rude to others for no reason and like suspecting and incriminating members. It's wrong as fuck.

Why do you keep posting irrelevant things here in my topic? I already asked every narcissistic assholes who are spamming, offing this topic and vexing, to go away and create another topic or forum where they can compensate for their inferiority complex.
Another satanist attacked... I bet you want to make a record!
Now that I m not angry anymore I ll say this, you need to fix yourself.
You already judged me.
You still do not understand.
Why am I angry? Because I did not intend to reveal the details from the first. But I was forced later because of stupid assumptions and accusing!
You don't realize that those people made mistakes here who were not able to ask me first before they make any assumption.
It is not my fault. I didn't post my topic for asking judgements and opinions.

No you just prove how stupid you are. You do not see my intentions. It is not simply about me. I WAS ASKED TO HELP. By him actually. I already revealed that.

You also try to analyze me. Don't do that. You are just embarrassing yourself. You will not judge me? But you just decided that I "lack of emotional control".
Well it is all just YOU projecting your dumb beliefs about me onto me.

Do not ordering me, what I need to learn.
Those who were triggered also show "emotional out burst". By the way it is normal if I feel bad because I was attacked for no reason. I have emotions, yes.
Still better to be emotional than be emotionally immature and be a judgemental moralist.

My "fate"? Seems you don't know much about "fate" either. You almost sounded like a new ager.

Jack pointed out perfectly. Many of you should free up your mind from christardness.
On the Genealogy of Morality by Nietzsche is really a good read, for example. As Jack referred it.
As a two years old member you seem to know nothing, and because Jack hasn t gotten into a fight with you now somehow he s an idol for you.(Nothing wrong with it as I personally respect Jack )
Why the fuck did you post here if you are not able to understand what's going on?
You also cannot read?!
Why are you lying about this "debate"?
Well destroying a womans marriage of 20 years, would naturally mean she is not going to be able to live anymore, she might already be over her 40's and there won t really be too many mans to take her afterwards.
WTF? To just get my hand on some man?

What you are doing here is strawmanning and distorting what I said. Disgusting. Jews are doing the same.

Learn to read and learn to understand before you attack someone.

You are the only one attacking anyone here, jews are doing what you are doing. You truly want to create a record. Will you be proud? Your title would be "the most active attacker of spiritual satanists on this forum"
You should learn to read and to understand. As you understand nothing. Are those (whatever numbers of ss ) telling you that you don t understand anything all idiots and you are right? Are you yahweh or what? Want to make some 10 commandments where no one is allowed to criticize you?
As stupidity knows no borders, it has no sense to continue this here, I think.
Your stupidity doesn t know any borders.
WTF? Lol, I can't believe this! A new psychoanalyst came! Welcome!
Sorry, but I will not thank you for your advices and analysis, which is quite far from the truth by the way.
It is extremely disgusting that you are trying to talk here as if you knew everything and knew me. It's also extremely ridiculous.
Also it shows 2 things, either you were not able to understand what I wrote here, or you are also doing this intentionally, the strawmanning and distorting.
You DISTORTED things in your comment.

Again: It is not only my wish, it is OUR wish, I was actually asked to help him, help us.

You also misunderstood it. My topic was not created for other people's opinions, for their udgements, you miserable! You still do not understand? Yes, you can believe anything, of course, but stupid beliefs will not change the truth.
Having and expressing an opinion should not mean that anyone has the right to accuse me.

And what?! They were trying to help me? By what? By calling me "fucked in the head"? By making false assumptions? By distorting my comments? By filthy strawmanning? By accusing me? By being christard moralists?
Are you normal, man? Any sane person can see clearly what's going on here.

You know that would be the normal behaviour.
But now, you still do not stop and try to justify what you and the others wrote. Trying to prove that you and the other bullying idiots were right. No, you are not right. You were not right.
And yes, what you all were doing here was a form of attacking.

"If I was that man..." what you are talking about here is a different thing. Between me and him there is no such a thing. What he really wanted and wants is the divorce, and separating from his wife. Which didn't happen yet, not only because of the wife but also because of some other issues.
That's why we decided it to try other tools too. And accelerate the things between them. I already explained it.
So stop writing novel! And don't you dare to portray him in a false way, because I already revealed what he wants.

About Jack. I do not think he would be stupid and that he believes that I am in the same situation like him. When I am not. And it seems he understood this. Since he is intelligent and normal unlike you.
He just told his own experience. He really meant to be helpful towards me. He was helpful and Shael too.

Funny how you are preaching "maturity", when actually you all are the immature ones and you already proved it by your comments. You all were also enlightened about the fact that many of you are CHILDISH and emotionally immature and many of you are still tying to christianity in a level. That is why you behaved like christian moralist tards.
You are trying to be sound "mature" by lecturing me, by analysing me, by calling me "drama queen" and "immature".
You may not realize but you just failed it.
So you can stop your efforts.

Instead of posting tiring stupid analysing comments and fucking around here,
go to Aldrick's newer topic and preach there. Where Shael and some other intelligent member perfectly nailed the truth about Aldrick and about his behaviour. It was good to read their replies.

Just leave me alone and mind your own things.

(No, I not a new member just because my new account joined not long ago.)
Yep for two years you ve wasted your time as a spiritual satanist and don t any real knowledge. All you do is ranting and whinning. How can you keep going?
I wrote it multiple times.
Death in wife chart due to various reasons like accident for example, and the widowhood in his chart are indicated strongly.
You also wrote that someone else has read their charts... you just don t have any intelligence in you.
You also mentioned a Goddess.
It's good, now I am asking again the christard moralists here, there are Gods and Goddesses who are able to break relationships and marriages and it seems they can be asked to do it. Then these Gods and Goddesses are also "bad" like me, I suppose, based on these individuals' retard logic.

Thanks again. Actually I am not rushing at all, and this suffering has been started long ago, even before I met him.
Grow up emo! There are Gods who help in doing that,indeed but that doesn t justify the way you talked and phrased your posts.
I see. Strawmanning, accusing others falsely, vexing other satanist are okay and tolerated. And now calling me jew just because I was angry. Well, the filthy behaviour you and others showed here are much more JEWISH than me being angry.
Being angry means being a jew?

You are BUTTHURTED, and you cannot write anything normal, as you are stupid as fuck, so you just continue trolling and offing this topic.

Shame on you. To me, such people like you are not satanist comrades anymore.
It seems it turns out that you are one of the vilest people here. In a way, it is worse than what the filthiest trolls are doing on this forum.

Lately, I noticed in other topics too, some "satanist" individuals regularly attack anyone and labelling him/her as a "jew" if they do not like the person or if that person is a only newby and maybe asking a stupid question.
Many people here were being called and labelled as "jews" by these bullying morons who love to play some kind of police here. Too bad that they are often seem to be more jewish than those members they attacked.
Going here by your logic it seems you are more jewish because you ve attacked a lot of members
Why are you twisting my words?
I did not call the forum shit.
Seems like you don t remember what you wrote :D
See yourself? You can't argue normally that is why you need to strawman again and to lie openly.
Again I m using your lines against yourself...
WOW, I think you are the one who misunderstood it, dear Myla!
The one who really wants to break the marriage is my partner, the husband.
As I mentioned multiple times it is not only about me.
Please scroll up and just read everything.

No, why would I find another man when our relationship is good and we love each other. Can you stop calling it "obsesseion"? Because it is not an obsesseion. But mutual love.

I know Maxine does not support any illegal things. But she shared the names of Demons who can break marriages and also shared magickal practices about how to break a relationship. It is not illegal of course.
I just wanted to pointed out the retard logic of other members, and asked them if they believe it's illegal what I want, then according to them what HPs Maxine posted was also illegal? Do you understand it now? I just asked it.
It's funny, you even quoted me and it is in the qoute "according to your stupid logic..." so it shows that ACCORDING TO OTHERS not according to me.

Breaking a bad and abusive marriage is not illegal. It is actually rather good than bad. Especially when the one who wants to divorce want to break it and asked me for help. I already talked about it in my previous posts.
By the way, Myla you would not break a very bad marriage where the children are suffering too? For example, if it was your marriage and your children, you would not want to divorce and save your children?
Maybe you also have such bad experience, like my partner has. Right, Myla?

I think English is your second language, it is not problem, English is my second language too. I'm not a native English speaker unfortunately. But it is very important always to understand what is the exact content of a post.

"Thanks" for your lecturing but we DO HAVE commom sense, also we have very good reason to do what we want to do.

I hope my answer here clear your rude misunderstandings.
And before you would believe I want to your acceptance or agreement, NO, of course I don't. You still can have beliefs about the issue, you can still have your own opinion generally. It is not problem.
But do not project your moralism onto me.
You know, "Morals are personal to oneself ,not a universal constant. " as Jack pointed out well.
This is the sole reason why I answered this topic. You ve attacked a HPs you idiot. What I ve said about HPs Maxine above was proved rght now by you, even if a High Priest where to tell you that you are in the wrong you wouldn t understand, also try attacking the one who told you that, and you call yourself a Satanist, shame on you. You basically told everybody to shut up, which makes you nothing better than a communist, a xian, an indoctrinated individual, which makes you naturally an enemy, I m not gonna tell you to stop doing it, I m telling you to start taking your role as an SS seriously and that s it. When you reply to me remember I ll just copy paste whatever of your reply seems more resonating with your attacks towards me.


Good god. Remind me never to debate you. You just lawyered the fuck out of her.

This is her looking through the window, at another girls man. 50 secs and 1:19.


This insane PSYCHOPATH named Sabazios really believes that he "got" me now? Lol. Nope.
It's literally amazing how he is strawmanning in a new way: he even quoted from my replies. Which is a failure because in this way he shows immediately that he is intentionally distorting my original statements. But what is more unbelievable is that he does not care about it at all. He doesn't care that he is just embarrassing himself by lying openly.

My anger is nothing compares to his psychotic-like rage. He is literally freaking out. :D

Quote-mining, total misrepresentation of my statements, distorting my comments by extreme strawmanning, twisting my words, making false assumptions, creating extreme scenarios about my partner and about our relationship, projecting his own sick beliefs and feelings onto me, stupid arguing like a moralist christard, ignoring some parts of my comments totally...
That's his sick comment is about.

What is also funny that it seems he also truly believes he is right and he's doing the right thing now. Well, no. Actually all he can reach with this sick psychopathic behaviour is that he ridicules himself totally.
He could not even attack me "normally", almost all of his reactions were inadequate. He tried to pretend to be some great satanist here who dispenses "justice" by this utter shit but he failed it.
In front of similar morons maybe he can appear as some "superior" member but he simply can't decieve those normal people who are able to read and understand the comments, and what I said and explained here in my topic.

I could react, one by one, on each of his stupid accusations and on his vile psychothic statements but it would not have much sense. You can't change a sick mind and you can't explain anything to a retarded moron because he will not be able to understand anyways.
It's like explaining to christards that their fictious jewish character is never existed.

I will not even reply personally to this lunatic because that's what these type of individuals usually want.

What could you do with such people who freak out even because of a silly funny meme? Lol. It just means what it means: I don't really care about others' opinions. But it does not mean that people cannot have opinions, they can have (if those are really simply opinions not mean attacks for no reason) and it also doesn't mean that freedom of speech should be banned here by the way.

(For the others: Myla was not attacked at all. It seemed she really didn't read every comments and misunderstood it. She also expressed that she doesn't agree with this generally. Okay. I only replied to her. And I have no problem with her persona anyways.
As for the insults, they started. I only insulted back.
And no, I would have never expected this crazy behaviour some of them showed, especially on this forum. Just because of my topic triggered deeply some xian weaklings.)
Jack said:

You don't have to reply to every single person here whose coming out of the attic to give his/her opinion. You already got the workings, nows the time to focus on acquiring the meditation power if you don't have it already and concentrating on the witchcraft. This is an anonymous public forum and no one here knows you in real life and no one here is going to disrupt your real life. This is your life,your responsibility and no ones opinion will change that in the end the decision is yours to make.

There is absolutely no merit in trying to justify your actions to anonymous people on the internet who won't affect your life. Even if you make another account no one gives a shit because no one can know. Just let all the people state their opinions. No one cares. In the end its your decision and justifying yourself to a bunch of people online is a waste of mental energy.

I see. Yes, it seems you can see this better.
I only replied because I can't stand injustice and too many brutal assumptions and falsehoods were created. It was not really about justifying my actions. I mean I was just trying to correct the misunderstandings. And it was for others' sake too.
Also I found this thread good in a way, I mean I am able to see the good side of this, because it shows perfectly that some people here are still massively tying to christianity. And it's good to point out others' retardness.
Well I already told everything, it seems.
I really didn't expect these wild reactions, but I am sure even if I had shared the details in my first comment, some people would have reacted on the same way.

Yes. Actually it doesn't matter. Others' opinions, beliefs, delusions etc.

Thank you! I will start the working soon, after we will return from abroad.
Then later maybe I will share the results and achievements here.
Thanks again to you, to Shael and to Dahaarkan as well.
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
I can't stand injustice
>Can't stand injustice
>Want's to break up someone's marriage
>doesn't care if the woman dies
Aldrick said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Why be so angry all the time?

Lucifitias it just dawned on me who this is.

Comes in and immediately makes problems, said shes been here for years....

Look at her writing style, and how she argues. The long winded with a laughing comment at the end. Like well at least he tried.

The name scarlet woman.

I cant believe it took me so long to see it.

This is ZOLA.
The fact that she literally quoted and responded to every reply, but not this comment.... lol. "Oy vey, anything but the truth!"

Do you wanna know who's team I'm on? I'm on the forum's team you rotten piece of shit. Thusly, I don't care about your feelings I care about the truth, if you're an idiot you're an idiot. Don't attack the people here who are coming to help you onto the absolute and most highest and right lines for nothing, when you are just asking how to do sub human things and are totally unclear about them so as to cause a big mess and deception- then attack these same people over the deception you caused. You are a kike in doing this. Fucking Whino the Rhino just shut the FUUCK up.

I or no one was against you- you're just being a lunatic. People are allowed to call you out in order to help you onto what is right. Doing weird sub human shit like killing a mother is not right. You said this was not actually so and didn't actually mean this, but then you did write this and later repeated it so it is just pure deception.

*Kike alarm blares*

I am no longer talking in your favour you hebe fuckface. "Offensive" :lol: :lol: You absolute fucking mong you've no clue.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
