One big sign that tells someone that someone is a jew, is that in particular, jews practice and promote to all Gentiles, a same type of "Racism" as they themselves practice, focused in particular on genocide, extreme generalization, and becoming what a classical meme would be that the Jews claim a "National Socialist" is. The Talmud is too hardwired in any jew so they cannot see past this, and they think that's the only way of seeing things.
The racism of the jews is primal, bestial, and based on the fact that they are reptilians who hate everyone else on earth, no exceptions made, is just to be feasted upon and incessantly bullied. Even if other people have done wonderful things or if some people may excel within a race, they promote this type of extreme tribal racism anyway.
The Jews in the bible do inform, that they went on and saw some happy productive races on the centuries, and they fought all of them one by one, so death would take them. With some they had very good success as these people are gone and others have been more persistent.
If an explanation was asked of Jews why they hate everyone so much, there would be none; Jews were just jealous of more productive races and wanted to loot them at all costs, and enjoy a level of life they never attained. As such, hatred, war and looting was the way to go for them. Because they couldn't do that successfully, being weak reptilian garbage, always lazy and unproductive, and having never moved past the state of building up a tent as a Nation, jews instead created other methods of looting such as infiltration, abuse of mercy of people they lived in, or exploiting the hospitality of other races, and then ruining their civilizations from within in a crazed parasite high swing, where when the host dies, the parasite gains the ultimate pleasure.
The same thing they do is they create total lack of dialogue, to the point there is excessive hatred made. A way to suppress dialogue is to tell people to "Stop being racist" even when people actually really feel care for their race. This pops out naturally, unless it's programmed out of a person. People just care about their own.
Jews have lied to people that there are only two extremes: To pretend race doesn't exist, or KKK Black Israelite apemode. They claim there is no middle, because indeed, in the middle is where the facts are found, and where people can actually find an understanding in these subjects. Then emotions become pent up, and societies devolve into brainless racism. This type of racism is what is happening now in South Africa and in the United States.
Now our type of this is purely anti-thetic to the Jewish type of brainless racism. Where they preach disorder, we recommend order. Instead, we are about dialogue, looking at the matter naturally and scientifically, and putting pointless bestiality on the side. In our view, everything is more natural, and we just follow the music nature has set, and we just dance on it. In the same way we follow the laws of aerodynamics as a modern civilization to fly, we have to also follow every other law of nature, so that we have peace, health and prosperity.
This is not to:
1. Cause bad feelings
2. Cause violent reactions
3. Make us feel like shit
Instead all this is about is:
1. Improving ourselves and mankind
2. Caring for future generations
3. Creating a more positive, diverse, environment
4. Mimicing the work of mother nature and creating actual diversity
5. Taking races and evolving them to the maximum in what is an infinite universe
And other positive things one could go on and on.
Since racism has been tied in and related to mostly brainless stuff, we might as well call the Satanic aspect of this, Natural Race Awareness. This is no different than any other striving for improvement of our species, and putting the laws of nature in application to help ourselves, and also, help future generations despite of what we are going to fall in error about. We have to know these Truths, as when we learned about electricity, the world was revolutionized for the better and for all.
If you think about it, you'll see that the Jews, same as they say the "Occult is negative", but practice it, they also say being racially aware is the greatest sin, but they practice it. That's because both the occult and being racially aware are normal and healthy things.
What is even more revealing, is that jews, despite of looting, abusive, and systematically bullying all people on earth, have always deceived based on this double standard: That there are some jews that are good people, which there are virtually non existent. This has helped them move away from all judgement on them on a racial level.
On the other side, where other races are concerned, this aspect of some people sucking (Even if this is 1 in 10 people who is the garbage) they don't recognize it. In the case of jews, we have to recognize that they are always the victims even when 9.5 in 10 jews are obnoxious and hazardous. Others, like Whites, have to always pay a collective price of hatred for 1 bad example in 10 people. Jews have to get away with 9.9 terrible examples out of 10, no questions asked.
It is true that while dislike of other races, or in particular, caring about one's own race more, Gentiles tend towards understanding in most cases, even if this comes to others. Others may understand more and others less, but most people can be reasoned with in a normal and healthy manner. Even inflamed situations can be spoken sense into.
But when jews appear, they inflame the tensions to such an extent, that nothing can be made out of nothing. This is just to cause chaos. During this chaos, they reign supreme over ignorant people. It is not a coincidence that most of the so called jews one sees who pretend to be "Nationalists" and other sorts of infiltration garbage, they always also shift the attention into people who are if anything very little issues compared to the jews themselves.
If they cannot put people against one another through racial tensions, they put people against one another based on financial tensions (The poor must kill the rich, that was the message of the Joker movie) or the Vegans are supposed to go to war with the meat eaters, and women are supposed to hate the men.
In order to create racial tensions, the jews may use specific races at specific times, to do specific crimes or outrageous things for them, that otherwise wouldn't normally happen. A situation comes in mind with a Rabbi who went in a video (I had this in a documentary before) where he says that Muslims will be used as a "Broom" in order to "Swipe Europe", and that they have been instructed for this directly. The Jew Communist Cohen has also explained in 1912 that they are going to agitate the Negro people by lying to them, and make them cannon fodder for a jewish revolution, where they will try to take on Whites.
An example of Jews having mentally infested people, was the British example some centuries ago. They told the British that they were the "Chosen people of the Bible" and how this justified doing crimes such as against the Irish, and other White Nations which also had adverse effects in other countries all over the world. This was called "Anglo-Israelism" and was based on a totally pseudepigraphical and false conception of history, based on the Bible.
It is not a coincidence that Jews like Rothschild put his roots in Britain in the 15th/16th century and then the next century, you see Britain both evolving but also at the same time doing big mistakes. The jews knew that Britain was a great country that would evolve, and they were there and prepared the ground for mass deception before this was the case. In many philosophical works the justification for strange violence also came from the Bible itself.
Modern Israeli jews still do what their ancestors done for thousands of years, ie, hate and want everyone extinct or a slave, based only on what the Bible, Talmud and Gemara says. And yes, that's what their "Holy books" say. And when these are put into the heads of the masses, terrible things happen.
Similarly, today, in the United States, the jews do everything in their power so that this empire also collapses under racial hijacking, racial tensions, and is essentially ripped apart from within. It's funny also how Blacks are also corn fed this "Blacks Were Israelis" bullshit that the British were fed before. This lie has been proven to have caused many terrorist attacks and the Black Israelites are a well known Terrorist organization.
If more Britons were stupider and bought into this hoax, and it wasn't coincidentally that the British happen to be clever, and limited this negativity on their own, who knows what would have happened? One needs only to point in cases where people think matters through less, such as the Middle East, and ask themselves where there Abrahamic programs would take the planet with these people, if somehow the case came where Islamics with a poor tendency of thought and self evaluation got to run the world? Everyone would be toast.
We Satanists have to preach awareness and sanity to the matter. Race is normal, legitimate, and a scientific thing for observation. One cannot call themselves Pagan and say they are all about nature, nature's laws, and the universe, and just only accept half of it. We have to be with our people as birds and flocks all over creation do. That's nothing bad or negative to do.
We are also logical beings as we are humans, and therefore the subject falls under both nature and totally simple logic, that we can use, to make things better.
Jews removed this understanding so only them can practice racial science, racial care, and preached nonsense to the world about this aspect. Dust in the eyes and nothing else. They follow deep racial principles to help their race, and so should anyone else. They over the board also allow the same thing (Insofar it will lead to their goals of racial tension only) on select races that they are going to use to bully or ransack others together in alliance with.
We humans care for our race or whom we are closer to at least, and do this unconsciously, it's scientifically proven, we tend to feel more empathy and caring feelings towards people of our own race. Even babies show racial bias when they see other babies. An example that SS can see is that when your mind opens with meditation, and you see jews, that claim to be secular, it somehow is the case they are always in league, or do behave, like the religious jews, only on less intensity. For example, getting scammed, thieved and so forth by them, is almost as if it were hardwired.
Even when people mix too much in the case where they try to escape from "racism", then other new characteristic groups of things form, and 'racism' begins all over again, because indeed race is an accumulation of emotional, mental, spiritual, and material traits, just on a very large scale. So just mixing this around doesn't mean that people will still not be tribal or antagonistic, it may actually increase it exponentially, as people down the line may decide they want to go back into another type, or they fight for what they perceive is more attractive or better, all the same.
The most race mixed societies on earth also happen to practice violent elitism where traits are concerned, which would look like it shouldn't happen at first glance, but from a natural standpoint, it makes perfect sense. What happens also in very racially mixed societies, is that because always, however the mixing, always some race comes out on top, people still divide after the procedure has taken place, and this may be done unconsciously.
Needless to say, Jews, who are also quite mixed themselves, understand how this whole thing works, and have tried to maintain at least along the lines for the great mass, what it means that they are "Jews". Their top ones avoid mixing as one avoids drinking poison. I recently was skimming through the book of a Rabbi wrote in 2009 about how it's fatal to mix and marry non jews, especially for those in the Rabbinical line. They know it's a spiritual, mental, racial, and material thing.
Lastly, people have been programmed to react violently and with feelings of negativity towards truths and facts. We don't react negatively when we take an anti-biotic, which is a total fact, and we heal ourselves, do we?
So there is no point to likewise accept other things from science or nature that come to our rescue, and are only there to serve as teachings for us on how to move better on in the future.
The Gods, but above all, the obvious work of Mother Nature, just gives us the Truth and all we have is to apply it for the betterment of ourselves.
As we observed birds and we created modern airplanes, constantly improving, so we can observe good decisions based on natural eugenics, and develop all the Gentile races better, generation by generation. Removing the natural laws and observation process from this was deliberate and by the enemy, to keep us back, as they do so frequently, only this time, on a far more direct level.
Mother Nature is here to help us or punish us. If we listen she will help, if not, we will be punished. Since we have the opportunity and can reap all the good by listening, we will only be wasting our species going the other way.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
The racism of the jews is primal, bestial, and based on the fact that they are reptilians who hate everyone else on earth, no exceptions made, is just to be feasted upon and incessantly bullied. Even if other people have done wonderful things or if some people may excel within a race, they promote this type of extreme tribal racism anyway.
The Jews in the bible do inform, that they went on and saw some happy productive races on the centuries, and they fought all of them one by one, so death would take them. With some they had very good success as these people are gone and others have been more persistent.
If an explanation was asked of Jews why they hate everyone so much, there would be none; Jews were just jealous of more productive races and wanted to loot them at all costs, and enjoy a level of life they never attained. As such, hatred, war and looting was the way to go for them. Because they couldn't do that successfully, being weak reptilian garbage, always lazy and unproductive, and having never moved past the state of building up a tent as a Nation, jews instead created other methods of looting such as infiltration, abuse of mercy of people they lived in, or exploiting the hospitality of other races, and then ruining their civilizations from within in a crazed parasite high swing, where when the host dies, the parasite gains the ultimate pleasure.
The same thing they do is they create total lack of dialogue, to the point there is excessive hatred made. A way to suppress dialogue is to tell people to "Stop being racist" even when people actually really feel care for their race. This pops out naturally, unless it's programmed out of a person. People just care about their own.
Jews have lied to people that there are only two extremes: To pretend race doesn't exist, or KKK Black Israelite apemode. They claim there is no middle, because indeed, in the middle is where the facts are found, and where people can actually find an understanding in these subjects. Then emotions become pent up, and societies devolve into brainless racism. This type of racism is what is happening now in South Africa and in the United States.
Now our type of this is purely anti-thetic to the Jewish type of brainless racism. Where they preach disorder, we recommend order. Instead, we are about dialogue, looking at the matter naturally and scientifically, and putting pointless bestiality on the side. In our view, everything is more natural, and we just follow the music nature has set, and we just dance on it. In the same way we follow the laws of aerodynamics as a modern civilization to fly, we have to also follow every other law of nature, so that we have peace, health and prosperity.
This is not to:
1. Cause bad feelings
2. Cause violent reactions
3. Make us feel like shit
Instead all this is about is:
1. Improving ourselves and mankind
2. Caring for future generations
3. Creating a more positive, diverse, environment
4. Mimicing the work of mother nature and creating actual diversity
5. Taking races and evolving them to the maximum in what is an infinite universe
And other positive things one could go on and on.
Since racism has been tied in and related to mostly brainless stuff, we might as well call the Satanic aspect of this, Natural Race Awareness. This is no different than any other striving for improvement of our species, and putting the laws of nature in application to help ourselves, and also, help future generations despite of what we are going to fall in error about. We have to know these Truths, as when we learned about electricity, the world was revolutionized for the better and for all.
If you think about it, you'll see that the Jews, same as they say the "Occult is negative", but practice it, they also say being racially aware is the greatest sin, but they practice it. That's because both the occult and being racially aware are normal and healthy things.
What is even more revealing, is that jews, despite of looting, abusive, and systematically bullying all people on earth, have always deceived based on this double standard: That there are some jews that are good people, which there are virtually non existent. This has helped them move away from all judgement on them on a racial level.
On the other side, where other races are concerned, this aspect of some people sucking (Even if this is 1 in 10 people who is the garbage) they don't recognize it. In the case of jews, we have to recognize that they are always the victims even when 9.5 in 10 jews are obnoxious and hazardous. Others, like Whites, have to always pay a collective price of hatred for 1 bad example in 10 people. Jews have to get away with 9.9 terrible examples out of 10, no questions asked.
It is true that while dislike of other races, or in particular, caring about one's own race more, Gentiles tend towards understanding in most cases, even if this comes to others. Others may understand more and others less, but most people can be reasoned with in a normal and healthy manner. Even inflamed situations can be spoken sense into.
But when jews appear, they inflame the tensions to such an extent, that nothing can be made out of nothing. This is just to cause chaos. During this chaos, they reign supreme over ignorant people. It is not a coincidence that most of the so called jews one sees who pretend to be "Nationalists" and other sorts of infiltration garbage, they always also shift the attention into people who are if anything very little issues compared to the jews themselves.
If they cannot put people against one another through racial tensions, they put people against one another based on financial tensions (The poor must kill the rich, that was the message of the Joker movie) or the Vegans are supposed to go to war with the meat eaters, and women are supposed to hate the men.
In order to create racial tensions, the jews may use specific races at specific times, to do specific crimes or outrageous things for them, that otherwise wouldn't normally happen. A situation comes in mind with a Rabbi who went in a video (I had this in a documentary before) where he says that Muslims will be used as a "Broom" in order to "Swipe Europe", and that they have been instructed for this directly. The Jew Communist Cohen has also explained in 1912 that they are going to agitate the Negro people by lying to them, and make them cannon fodder for a jewish revolution, where they will try to take on Whites.
An example of Jews having mentally infested people, was the British example some centuries ago. They told the British that they were the "Chosen people of the Bible" and how this justified doing crimes such as against the Irish, and other White Nations which also had adverse effects in other countries all over the world. This was called "Anglo-Israelism" and was based on a totally pseudepigraphical and false conception of history, based on the Bible.
It is not a coincidence that Jews like Rothschild put his roots in Britain in the 15th/16th century and then the next century, you see Britain both evolving but also at the same time doing big mistakes. The jews knew that Britain was a great country that would evolve, and they were there and prepared the ground for mass deception before this was the case. In many philosophical works the justification for strange violence also came from the Bible itself.
Modern Israeli jews still do what their ancestors done for thousands of years, ie, hate and want everyone extinct or a slave, based only on what the Bible, Talmud and Gemara says. And yes, that's what their "Holy books" say. And when these are put into the heads of the masses, terrible things happen.
Similarly, today, in the United States, the jews do everything in their power so that this empire also collapses under racial hijacking, racial tensions, and is essentially ripped apart from within. It's funny also how Blacks are also corn fed this "Blacks Were Israelis" bullshit that the British were fed before. This lie has been proven to have caused many terrorist attacks and the Black Israelites are a well known Terrorist organization.
If more Britons were stupider and bought into this hoax, and it wasn't coincidentally that the British happen to be clever, and limited this negativity on their own, who knows what would have happened? One needs only to point in cases where people think matters through less, such as the Middle East, and ask themselves where there Abrahamic programs would take the planet with these people, if somehow the case came where Islamics with a poor tendency of thought and self evaluation got to run the world? Everyone would be toast.
We Satanists have to preach awareness and sanity to the matter. Race is normal, legitimate, and a scientific thing for observation. One cannot call themselves Pagan and say they are all about nature, nature's laws, and the universe, and just only accept half of it. We have to be with our people as birds and flocks all over creation do. That's nothing bad or negative to do.
We are also logical beings as we are humans, and therefore the subject falls under both nature and totally simple logic, that we can use, to make things better.
Jews removed this understanding so only them can practice racial science, racial care, and preached nonsense to the world about this aspect. Dust in the eyes and nothing else. They follow deep racial principles to help their race, and so should anyone else. They over the board also allow the same thing (Insofar it will lead to their goals of racial tension only) on select races that they are going to use to bully or ransack others together in alliance with.
We humans care for our race or whom we are closer to at least, and do this unconsciously, it's scientifically proven, we tend to feel more empathy and caring feelings towards people of our own race. Even babies show racial bias when they see other babies. An example that SS can see is that when your mind opens with meditation, and you see jews, that claim to be secular, it somehow is the case they are always in league, or do behave, like the religious jews, only on less intensity. For example, getting scammed, thieved and so forth by them, is almost as if it were hardwired.
Even when people mix too much in the case where they try to escape from "racism", then other new characteristic groups of things form, and 'racism' begins all over again, because indeed race is an accumulation of emotional, mental, spiritual, and material traits, just on a very large scale. So just mixing this around doesn't mean that people will still not be tribal or antagonistic, it may actually increase it exponentially, as people down the line may decide they want to go back into another type, or they fight for what they perceive is more attractive or better, all the same.
The most race mixed societies on earth also happen to practice violent elitism where traits are concerned, which would look like it shouldn't happen at first glance, but from a natural standpoint, it makes perfect sense. What happens also in very racially mixed societies, is that because always, however the mixing, always some race comes out on top, people still divide after the procedure has taken place, and this may be done unconsciously.
Needless to say, Jews, who are also quite mixed themselves, understand how this whole thing works, and have tried to maintain at least along the lines for the great mass, what it means that they are "Jews". Their top ones avoid mixing as one avoids drinking poison. I recently was skimming through the book of a Rabbi wrote in 2009 about how it's fatal to mix and marry non jews, especially for those in the Rabbinical line. They know it's a spiritual, mental, racial, and material thing.
Lastly, people have been programmed to react violently and with feelings of negativity towards truths and facts. We don't react negatively when we take an anti-biotic, which is a total fact, and we heal ourselves, do we?
So there is no point to likewise accept other things from science or nature that come to our rescue, and are only there to serve as teachings for us on how to move better on in the future.
The Gods, but above all, the obvious work of Mother Nature, just gives us the Truth and all we have is to apply it for the betterment of ourselves.
As we observed birds and we created modern airplanes, constantly improving, so we can observe good decisions based on natural eugenics, and develop all the Gentile races better, generation by generation. Removing the natural laws and observation process from this was deliberate and by the enemy, to keep us back, as they do so frequently, only this time, on a far more direct level.
Mother Nature is here to help us or punish us. If we listen she will help, if not, we will be punished. Since we have the opportunity and can reap all the good by listening, we will only be wasting our species going the other way.
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666