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Jan 22, 2005

While the Gods are real. Their persona's where also lent to the alchemical culture of symbolism. Which represented the formula for the perfection of the soul. This is where the stories also become allegory.

Some Masonic texts write that the symbolic culture was created around ten thousand years ago. After the fall of the Golden Age. To preserve this knowledge in a cultural model built upon it. This is why serpent worship is the oldest religion on earth. Satan created the Brotherhood of the Serpent to teach this knowledge so humanity could become perfected with it.

The world "religions" of today are corrupted versions of this template. The enemy used them as a Trojan Horse to destroy and infiltrate human societies and bring them down under their control. By manipulation of our unconscious and conscious memory. Replacing the actual meanings with lies meant to create psychologically enslaved and spiritually powerless individuals.

The Trinity concept comes out of alchemy and is the three aspects of the soul. Within the three major stages of the perfection process of the soul.

"I' am the outflow of the primeval flood,
He who emerged from the waters
I am the Provider of Attributes Serpent with its many coils."
-Pyramid text

The three worlds of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested by the serpent Ananta Shesha. The texts state all Avatars are manifestations of Ananta Shesha another name for this serpent was Narayana [originally a title of Brahma]. Ananta is shown being a seven headed serpent resting upon the cosmic ocean. And images of this are worshipped all over India to this day. One of ENKI's symbolic depictions in ancient Sumeria was of a seven headed serpent. In Sumeria EA was shown symbolically as the primordial serpent rising out of the cosmic sea, the Apsu.

The seven heads of Ananta represents the seven chakra's. And how this relates to the life force.

The Greek Orphic's show a serpent coiled seven times around the cosmic egg. From which came their primordial creator Phanes :
"The egg symbolizes the belief in the Greek Orphic religion that the universe originated from within a silver egg. The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-Dionysus, the personification of light.

In Greek myth, particularly Orphic thought, Phanes is the golden winged Primordial Being who was hatched from the shining Cosmic Egg that was the source of the universe. Called Protogonos (First-Born) and Eros (Love) — being the seed of gods and men — Phanes means "Manifestor" or "Revealer," and is related to the Greek words "light" and "to shine forth."."

With Brahma there is a text of him of being born from the cosmic egg.

"Brahma was born in water. In this he deposited a seed that later became the golden egg. From the golden egg, Brahma, the creator was born, as Hiranyagarbha. The remaining materials of this golden egg expanded into the Brahm-anda or Universe.
Being born in water, Brahma is also called Kanja (born in water). Brahma is said also to be the son of the Supreme Being, Brahman and the female energy known as Prakrti ."

Hiranyagarbha means "Golden Egg or womb."
Brahma also then divides himself into twins: Nara and Nari. Or the day and night. etc

The Brahman relates to the ether element. The Orphic egg was also born from. Some of the depictions of such Phanes have them as four heads each representing the symbols of the cardinal points and thus four elements of creation. The 5th being the ether they came out of. Which demonstrates the reason Brahma is four headed as well.

"Phanes, the revealed god, is represented in this snake-symbol as a protogonos, a being furnished with the heads of a man, a hawk or an eagle, a bull -- taurus, and a lion, with wings on both sides."

In the East the Caduceus which is a map of the soul. Was called the: "Staff of Brahma." Brahma also has ra and ma within it. The dual aspects of the soul brought together.

This is where the story of the creation in Genesis was stolen from. The symbolic creation of the soul of the Pagan texts. Almost word for word in some passages.

Brahma is the White Stage of alchemy the perfected soul. With Vishnu being the black stage and Siva the red. The images of Brahma in Indonesia the only real place left on earth with Brahma worship. Show him as a four headed eternally young being. And the symbol he stands on, is the same as the base of the Siva Lingam. And is standing as a circle within a square base for the same reason. The perfected soul the union of male and female into the perfected state. Hence why he stands on this base which is square and circle. Representing the yin and yang union. The great perfection. The temples of the serpent God, Aesculapius where built with the same design for the same reason.

This is where the Four Kumara's come in. They represent the four major light powers of the soul in Vedic alchemy. Which equal the four elements but much deeper. It includes the charka's and how they group together in sets and interact. They represent the proper union and activation, transformation of this and the energies of the great lights. This is why Brahma has them populate the earth. As its regenerating the soul, we know the earth is metaphor for the soul. I don't believe the they became celibates nonsense. Its probably a later RHP add on. This is Brahma's four heads and why his name also means "Multitude." Brahma rules the root charka [which Satan rules, the kundalini serpent] which has four petals that relate to the telepolar magnet of the soul as Bardon writes in his first book. Which goes back into the serpent power and its aspects of the soul. The pineal gland area is also called the cave of Brahma along with the crown chakra this relates to the kundalini fully activating all this. In some images the serpent Ananta is shown having a thousand hoods to represent the crown charka or thousand petal lotus.

The four heads and arms also represent the four Veda's which get into the four elements and their perfection. In the Four Veda's there are 33 Gods. Which represent the esoteric 33 of the spinal column and the serpentine system perfected. Hence the Magnum Opus.

Brahma as stated also relates to the manifest Brahman which relates to the perfection of the soul. The Brahmana's texts mention the offering of foods to the six gates of Brahman. Which is allegory for empowering the chakra centers. And thus the soul.
Brahma is also shown ridding on the swan or Hamsa in Sanskrit which represents the risen kundalini power and its white color gets into the White stage.

Their names [4 Kumara's] relate to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha and the elemental powers of the serpentine life force and how it manifests the magnum opus. Ananta Shesha is the force of which Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested out of. The three worlds and three major channels.

This is why in another text. Brahma emerges from the navel of Vishnu. As the Vedic texts state the navel is central to immorality, hence the perfected state and to Agni . The lotus Brahma emerges and sits upon represents the reborn soul. Just as Horus [his name is actually Hari. Which relates to a major title for Brahma] reborn emerges from the Lotus in Egypt. Hence the symbol the perfected being Narayana always shows Him standing on a open Lotus four armed and blue. Blue relates to the perfected life force, purified mercury. Think of the sun at high noon in the clear blue sky. Its most powerful position. This is the White Stage of the working. And why in one of the last Brahma temples in India the entrance is flanked by two statues of the Narayana image. Narayana relates to the All of the Magnum Opus when all the Gods [charka's] become One God. And Narayana originally is a title of Brahma. Narayana is the primordial serpent power. Brahma is a serpent God.

Sanat Kumara also carries a trident with three fiery prongs. Its stated there are seven Kumara's but three names are hidden. The three relate to the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, Siva. That related to the perfected soul the four Kumara's represent. Sanat Kumara states His name is AUM. Which each letter equals the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. And in Hinduism is denoted by a trident with Brahma, Vishnu and Siva equaling the three prongs of the trident. The seven Kumara's also relate to the seven heads of Ananta Shesha as well.
As I wrote Sanat is also an anagram of Sat-an. Which relates to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha which is shown as a golden serpent in a perfect circle clutching its own tail. The symbol of the serpentine life force perfected. Hence why Ananta means: "Eternity."
Hence Sanat Kumara is Brahma the supreme soul at the heart of it all. But deeper He is the very serpentine energy that manifests the perfected soul and all the aspects. Of which Brahma is the perfected state of.

This goes back to the Vedic period, Trinity of Indra, Surya, Agni. Which are the same aspect and three in God under different titles. Agni in this role is the most mentioned of the three in one. As Agni means the purifier or liberator. And the rituals which mean perfections in the old language are called Yagaya's the Vedic fire rituals. Hence Satan in the role of Agni the sacred Fire which purifies the soul to Godhead would be the most exalted. The scholars state all the spiritual schools go back to the Rig Veda and Agni. And for this reason. Agni is shown as eternally young and immortal and having two heads. Which represents the Kumara's in their role as twins. The twin polarity of the soul unified. This also is seen in Egypt with Ptah and the twins and with Mithras and the Dadophori. etc. Mithras is known to be a Vedic title for Surya. And Ptah is the Egyptian version of Agni [Rudra]. Since Vishnu is simply an ancient title for Surya [who is shown as Vishnu is today]. It all goes back to this concept. Its also no mistake Ptah is depicted as being blue.

In the East the highest spiritual state a person could obtain was called: "Brahma." As this was the perfected state. That of Eternal Youth: Sanat Kumara. Represented in symbolic form. This why the Priests where called Brahmana's [Brahmin's is a mistranslation]. It relates to those who have achieved the state of Brahma. They also wear the "Brahma thread. " The Templar's and Yezidi's wore a sacred cord of thread linking them to Satan. And a status of spiritual advancement. Its mostly made up of three smaller cords woven together. The three in one. And made up of the separate colors of alchemy.

Brahma represents the Lord of Time which is why in some cases he has a White Beard as a symbol of eternity. Which goes back to the Magnum Opus.

What this means is Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are the same symbolic God [the human soul]. And represent the manifest serpentine power and the stages of its empowerment. With Brahma being the White stage of the soul reborn. This trinity is Sanat Kumara [Sat-an] who's name represents the original word for this power Ananta Shesha, and his trine aspect of creation and perfection. Which is the meaning of the symbol Brahma, Vishnu and Siva.

When Ashoka's enemy program of Buddhism took over by force and subversion. Brahma was reduced in statue, insulted and moved to the back. As Brahma was the head God. Images show from this Buddhist period show Brahma bowing before Buddha which states it all. This is why there are only two Brahma temples left in India but many in Indonesia. Buddhism also rewrote the texts at this period. This is why even after Buddhism officially fell with the Muslim invasions. The Indian's went and worshipped Vishnu and Siva but never Brahma. Ashoka's program did its work well. Over time each God Vishnu and Siva where both given the place of Brahma in their own respected religions. But by this time everything was confused. Because the original culture had been dismantled for centuries. Buddhism made its way to Bali and across Indonesia as well as the Far East and confused and in some cases replaced the original Vedic Tradition in time. We still can see an example of this in Tibet of how the original religion which was based in Vedic Tradition was banned by force, the Priests killed and the texts corrupted. This was going on across the East in one way or another. Of course the Buddhist authority had the upper hand and power. So they rewrote history to cover this over. No different then the Christians in the West did the same. This is why one Indian scholar states that Hinduism is covert Buddhism. And nothing to do with anything of the Vedic religion.

Isis Unveiled. H.P. Blavatsky
The Serpent, The Eagle, The Lion and The Disk. Brannon Parker
The Return Of the Serpents Of Wisdom. Mark Pinkham
The Serpent Grail. P.Gardiner with G.Osborn
The Shining Ones. P Gardiner
<td val[/IMG]Reading this really brings out the comparisons of the courruptions of the east and west.I still have my Indian writtings like the Rid Veda just wonder how pure they are in the end.Thanks again Don.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Don <mageson6666@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoS4adults] Brahma
Sent: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 2:37:56 AM

<td val[/IMG]   Brahma

While the Gods are real. Their persona's where also lent to the alchemical culture of symbolism. Which represented the formula for the perfection of the soul. This is where the stories also become allegory.

Some Masonic texts write that the symbolic culture was created around ten thousand years ago. After the fall of the Golden Age. To preserve this knowledge in a cultural model built upon it. This is why serpent worship is the oldest religion on earth. Satan created the Brotherhood of the Serpent to teach this knowledge so humanity could become perfected with it.

The world "religions" of today are corrupted versions of this template. The enemy used them as a Trojan Horse to destroy and infiltrate human societies and bring them down under their control. By manipulation of our unconscious and conscious memory. Replacing the actual meanings with lies meant to create psychologically enslaved and spiritually powerless individuals.

The Trinity concept comes out of alchemy and is the three aspects of the soul. Within the three major stages of the perfection process of the soul.

"I' am the outflow of the primeval flood,
He who emerged from the waters
I am the Provider of Attributes Serpent with its many coils."
-Pyramid text

The three worlds of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested by the serpent Ananta Shesha. The texts state all Avatars are manifestations of Ananta Shesha another name for this serpent was Narayana [originally a title of Brahma]. Ananta is shown being a seven headed serpent resting upon the cosmic ocean. And images of this are worshipped all over India to this day. One of ENKI's symbolic depictions in ancient Sumeria was of a seven headed serpent. In Sumeria EA was shown symbolically as the primordial serpent rising out of the cosmic sea, the Apsu.

The seven heads of Ananta represents the seven chakra's. And how this relates to the life force.

The Greek Orphic's show a serpent coiled seven times around the cosmic egg. From which came their primordial creator Phanes :
"The egg symbolizes the belief in the Greek Orphic religion that the universe originated from within a silver egg. The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-Dionysus, the personification of light.

In Greek myth, particularly Orphic thought, Phanes is the golden winged Primordial Being who was hatched from the shining Cosmic Egg that was the source of the universe. Called Protogonos (First-Born) and Eros (Love) — being the seed of gods and men — Phanes means "Manifestor" or "Revealer," and is related to the Greek words "light" and "to shine forth."."

With Brahma there is a text of him of being born from the cosmic egg.

"Brahma was born in water. In this he deposited a seed that later became the golden egg. From the golden egg, Brahma, the creator was born, as Hiranyagarbha. The remaining materials of this golden egg expanded into the Brahm-anda or Universe.
Being born in water, Brahma is also called Kanja (born in water). Brahma is said also to be the son of the Supreme Being, Brahman and the female energy known as Prakrti ."

Hiranyagarbha means "Golden Egg or womb."
Brahma also then divides himself into twins: Nara and Nari. Or the day and night. etc

The Brahman relates to the ether element. The Orphic egg was also born from. Some of the depictions of such Phanes have them as four heads each representing the symbols of the cardinal points and thus four elements of creation. The 5th being the ether they came out of. Which demonstrates the reason Brahma is four headed as well.

"Phanes, the revealed god, is represented in this snake-symbol as a protogonos, a being furnished with the heads of a man, a hawk or an eagle, a bull -- taurus, and a lion, with wings on both sides."

In the East the Caduceus which is a map of the soul. Was called the: "Staff of Brahma." Brahma also has ra and ma within it. The dual aspects of the soul brought together.

This is where the story of the creation in Genesis was stolen from. The symbolic creation of the soul of the Pagan texts. Almost word for word in some passages.

Brahma is the White Stage of alchemy the perfected soul. With Vishnu being the black stage and Siva the red. The images of Brahma in Indonesia the only real place left on earth with Brahma worship. Show him as a four headed eternally young being. And the symbol he stands on, is the same as the base of the Siva Lingam. And is standing as a circle within a square base for the same reason. The perfected soul the union of male and female into the perfected state. Hence why he stands on this base which is square and circle. Representing the yin and yang union. The great perfection. The temples of the serpent God, Aesculapius where built with the same design for the same reason.

This is where the Four Kumara's come in. They represent the four major light powers of the soul in Vedic alchemy. Which equal the four elements but much deeper. It includes the charka's and how they group together in sets and interact. They represent the proper union and activation, transformation of this and the energies of the great lights. This is why Brahma has them populate the earth. As its regenerating the soul, we know the earth is metaphor for the soul. I don't believe the they became celibates nonsense. Its probably a later RHP add on. This is Brahma's four heads and why his name also means "Multitude." Brahma rules the root charka [which Satan rules, the kundalini serpent] which has four petals that relate to the telepolar magnet of the soul as Bardon writes in his first book. Which goes back into the serpent power and its aspects of the soul. The pineal gland area is also called the cave of Brahma along with the crown chakra this relates to the kundalini fully activating all this. In some images the serpent Ananta is shown having a thousand hoods to represent the crown charka or thousand petal lotus.

The four heads and arms also represent the four Veda's which get into the four elements and their perfection. In the Four Veda's there are 33 Gods. Which represent the esoteric 33 of the spinal column and the serpentine system perfected. Hence the Magnum Opus.

Brahma as stated also relates to the manifest Brahman which relates to the perfection of the soul. The Brahmana's texts mention the offering of foods to the six gates of Brahman. Which is allegory for empowering the chakra centers. And thus the soul.
Brahma is also shown ridding on the swan or Hamsa in Sanskrit which represents the risen kundalini power and its white color gets into the White stage.

Their names [4 Kumara's] relate to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha and the elemental powers of the serpentine life force and how it manifests the magnum opus. Ananta Shesha is the force of which Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested out of. The three worlds and three major channels.

This is why in another text. Brahma emerges from the navel of Vishnu. As the Vedic texts state the navel is central to immorality, hence the perfected state and to Agni . The lotus Brahma emerges and sits upon represents the reborn soul. Just as Horus [his name is actually Hari. Which relates to a major title for Brahma] reborn emerges from the Lotus in Egypt. Hence the symbol the perfected being Narayana always shows Him standing on a open Lotus four armed and blue. Blue relates to the perfected life force, purified mercury. Think of the sun at high noon in the clear blue sky. Its most powerful position. This is the White Stage of the working. And why in one of the last Brahma temples in India the entrance is flanked by two statues of the Narayana image. Narayana relates to the All of the Magnum Opus when all the Gods [charka's] become One God. And Narayana originally is a title of Brahma. Narayana is the primordial serpent power. Brahma is a serpent God.

Sanat Kumara also carries a trident with three fiery prongs. Its stated there are seven Kumara's but three names are hidden. The three relate to the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, Siva. That related to the perfected soul the four Kumara's represent. Sanat Kumara states His name is AUM. Which each letter equals the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. And in Hinduism is denoted by a trident with Brahma, Vishnu and Siva equaling the three prongs of the trident. The seven Kumara's also relate to the seven heads of Ananta Shesha as well.
As I wrote Sanat is also an anagram of Sat-an. Which relates to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha which is shown as a golden serpent in a perfect circle clutching its own tail. The symbol of the serpentine life force perfected. Hence why Ananta means: "Eternity."
Hence Sanat Kumara is Brahma the supreme soul at the heart of it all. But deeper He is the very serpentine energy that manifests the perfected soul and all the aspects. Of which Brahma is the perfected state of.

This goes back to the Vedic period, Trinity of Indra, Surya, Agni. Which are the same aspect and three in God under different titles. Agni in this role is the most mentioned of the three in one. As Agni means the purifier or liberator. And the rituals which mean perfections in the old language are called Yagaya's the Vedic fire rituals. Hence Satan in the role of Agni the sacred Fire which purifies the soul to Godhead would be the most exalted. The scholars state all the spiritual schools go back to the Rig Veda and Agni. And for this reason. Agni is shown as eternally young and immortal and having two heads. Which represents the Kumara's in their role as twins. The twin polarity of the soul unified. This also is seen in Egypt with Ptah and the twins and with Mithras and the Dadophori. etc. Mithras is known to be a Vedic title for Surya. And Ptah is the Egyptian version of Agni [Rudra]. Since Vishnu is simply an ancient title for Surya [who is shown as Vishnu is today]. It all goes back to this concept. Its also no mistake Ptah is depicted as being blue.

In the East the highest spiritual state a person could obtain was called: "Brahma." As this was the perfected state. That of Eternal Youth: Sanat Kumara. Represented in symbolic form. This why the Priests where called Brahmana's [Brahmin's is a mistranslation]. It relates to those who have achieved the state of Brahma. They also wear the "Brahma thread. " The Templar's and Yezidi's wore a sacred cord of thread linking them to Satan. And a status of spiritual advancement. Its mostly made up of three smaller cords woven together. The three in one. And made up of the separate colors of alchemy.

Brahma represents the Lord of Time which is why in some cases he has a White Beard as a symbol of eternity. Which goes back to the Magnum Opus.

What this means is Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are the same symbolic God [the human soul]. And represent the manifest serpentine power and the stages of its empowerment. With Brahma being the White stage of the soul reborn. This trinity is Sanat Kumara [Sat-an] who's name represents the original word for this power Ananta Shesha, and his trine aspect of creation and perfection. Which is the meaning of the symbol Brahma, Vishnu and Siva.

When Ashoka's enemy program of Buddhism took over by force and subversion. Brahma was reduced in statue, insulted and moved to the back. As Brahma was the head God. Images show from this Buddhist period show Brahma bowing before Buddha which states it all. This is why there are only two Brahma temples left in India but many in Indonesia. Buddhism also rewrote the texts at this period. This is why even after Buddhism officially fell with the Muslim invasions. The Indian's went and worshipped Vishnu and Siva but never Brahma. Ashoka's program did its work well. Over time each God Vishnu and Siva where both given the place of Brahma in their own respected religions. But by this time everything was confused. Because the original culture had been dismantled for centuries. Buddhism made its way to Bali and across Indonesia as well as the Far East and confused and in some cases replaced the original Vedic Tradition in time. We still can see an example of this in Tibet of how the original religion which was based in Vedic Tradition was banned by force, the Priests killed and the texts corrupted. This was going on across the East in one way or another. Of course the Buddhist authority had the upper hand and power. So they rewrote history to cover this over. No different then the Christians in the West did the same. This is why one Indian scholar states that Hinduism is covert Buddhism. And nothing to do with anything of the Vedic religion.

Isis Unveiled. H.P. Blavatsky
The Serpent, The Eagle, The Lion and The Disk. Brannon Parker
The Return Of the Serpents Of Wisdom. Mark Pinkham
The Serpent Grail. P.Gardiner with G.Osborn
The Shining Ones. P Gardiner

Depends the Max Muller and co era of translated texts are crap. As American pundits who can read, write and speak sanskrit and english have stated. The church had Muller and others translate out just enough and leave out a lot. To serve as hand books to educate xian missonaries to be able to understand Indian culture. To be able to subvert them to xianity. This is why I work to ensure I have texts by more respected sources.
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]; don <mageson6666@...
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:57:24 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Brahma
<td style="font:[/IMG]Reading this really brings out the comparisons of the courruptions of the east and west.I still have my Indian writtings like the Rid Veda just wonder how pure they are in the end.Thanks again Don.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Don <mageson6666@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoS4adults] Brahma
Sent: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 2:37:56 AM
<td style="font:[/IMG]   Brahma

While the Gods are real. Their persona's where also lent to the alchemical culture of symbolism. Which represented the formula for the perfection of the soul. This is where the stories also become allegory.

Some Masonic texts write that the symbolic culture was created around ten thousand years ago. After the fall of the Golden Age. To preserve this knowledge in a cultural model built upon it. This is why serpent worship is the oldest religion on earth. Satan created the Brotherhood of the Serpent to teach this knowledge so humanity could become perfected with it.

The world "religions" of today are corrupted versions of this template. The enemy used them as a Trojan Horse to destroy and infiltrate human societies and bring them down under their control. By manipulation of our unconscious and conscious memory. Replacing the actual meanings with lies meant to create psychologically enslaved and spiritually powerless individuals.

The Trinity concept comes out of alchemy and is the three aspects of the soul. Within the three major stages of the perfection process of the soul.

"I' am the outflow of the primeval flood,
He who emerged from the waters
I am the Provider of Attributes Serpent with its many coils."
-Pyramid text

The three worlds of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested by the serpent Ananta Shesha. The texts state all Avatars are manifestations of Ananta Shesha another name for this serpent was Narayana [originally a title of Brahma]. Ananta is shown being a seven headed serpent resting upon the cosmic ocean. And images of this are worshipped all over India to this day. One of ENKI's symbolic depictions in ancient Sumeria was of a seven headed serpent. In Sumeria EA was shown symbolically as the primordial serpent rising out of the cosmic sea, the Apsu.

The seven heads of Ananta represents the seven chakra's. And how this relates to the life force.

The Greek Orphic's show a serpent coiled seven times around the cosmic egg. From which came their primordial creator Phanes :
"The egg symbolizes the belief in the Greek Orphic religion that the universe originated from within a silver egg. The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-Dionysus, the personification of light.

In Greek myth, particularly Orphic thought, Phanes is the golden winged Primordial Being who was hatched from the shining Cosmic Egg that was the source of the universe. Called Protogonos (First-Born) and Eros (Love) — being the seed of gods and men — Phanes means "Manifestor" or "Revealer," and is related to the Greek words "light" and "to shine forth."."

With Brahma there is a text of him of being born from the cosmic egg.

"Brahma was born in water. In this he deposited a seed that later became the golden egg. From the golden egg, Brahma, the creator was born, as Hiranyagarbha. The remaining materials of this golden egg expanded into the Brahm-anda or Universe.
Being born in water, Brahma is also called Kanja (born in water). Brahma is said also to be the son of the Supreme Being, Brahman and the female energy known as Prakrti ."

Hiranyagarbha means "Golden Egg or womb."
Brahma also then divides himself into twins: Nara and Nari. Or the day and night. etc

The Brahman relates to the ether element. The Orphic egg was also born from. Some of the depictions of such Phanes have them as four heads each representing the symbols of the cardinal points and thus four elements of creation. The 5th being the ether they came out of. Which demonstrates the reason Brahma is four headed as well.

"Phanes, the revealed god, is represented in this snake-symbol as a protogonos, a being furnished with the heads of a man, a hawk or an eagle, a bull -- taurus, and a lion, with wings on both sides."

In the East the Caduceus which is a map of the soul. Was called the: "Staff of Brahma." Brahma also has ra and ma within it. The dual aspects of the soul brought together.

This is where the story of the creation in Genesis was stolen from. The symbolic creation of the soul of the Pagan texts. Almost word for word in some passages.

Brahma is the White Stage of alchemy the perfected soul. With Vishnu being the black stage and Siva the red. The images of Brahma in Indonesia the only real place left on earth with Brahma worship. Show him as a four headed eternally young being. And the symbol he stands on, is the same as the base of the Siva Lingam. And is standing as a circle within a square base for the same reason. The perfected soul the union of male and female into the perfected state. Hence why he stands on this base which is square and circle. Representing the yin and yang union. The great perfection. The temples of the serpent God, Aesculapius where built with the same design for the same reason.

This is where the Four Kumara's come in. They represent the four major light powers of the soul in Vedic alchemy. Which equal the four elements but much deeper. It includes the charka's and how they group together in sets and interact. They represent the proper union and activation, transformation of this and the energies of the great lights. This is why Brahma has them populate the earth. As its regenerating the soul, we know the earth is metaphor for the soul. I don't believe the they became celibates nonsense. Its probably a later RHP add on. This is Brahma's four heads and why his name also means "Multitude." Brahma rules the root charka [which Satan rules, the kundalini serpent] which has four petals that relate to the telepolar magnet of the soul as Bardon writes in his first book. Which goes back into the serpent power and its aspects of the soul. The pineal gland area is also called the cave of Brahma along with the crown chakra this relates to the kundalini fully activating all this. In some images the serpent Ananta is shown having a thousand hoods to represent the crown charka or thousand petal lotus.

The four heads and arms also represent the four Veda's which get into the four elements and their perfection. In the Four Veda's there are 33 Gods. Which represent the esoteric 33 of the spinal column and the serpentine system perfected. Hence the Magnum Opus.

Brahma as stated also relates to the manifest Brahman which relates to the perfection of the soul. The Brahmana's texts mention the offering of foods to the six gates of Brahman. Which is allegory for empowering the chakra centers. And thus the soul.
Brahma is also shown ridding on the swan or Hamsa in Sanskrit which represents the risen kundalini power and its white color gets into the White stage.

Their names [4 Kumara's] relate to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha and the elemental powers of the serpentine life force and how it manifests the magnum opus. Ananta Shesha is the force of which Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested out of. The three worlds and three major channels.

This is why in another text. Brahma emerges from the navel of Vishnu. As the Vedic texts state the navel is central to immorality, hence the perfected state and to Agni . The lotus Brahma emerges and sits upon represents the reborn soul. Just as Horus [his name is actually Hari. Which relates to a major title for Brahma] reborn emerges from the Lotus in Egypt. Hence the symbol the perfected being Narayana always shows Him standing on a open Lotus four armed and blue. Blue relates to the perfected life force, purified mercury. Think of the sun at high noon in the clear blue sky. Its most powerful position. This is the White Stage of the working. And why in one of the last Brahma temples in India the entrance is flanked by two statues of the Narayana image. Narayana relates to the All of the Magnum Opus when all the Gods [charka's] become One God. And Narayana originally is a title of Brahma. Narayana is the primordial serpent power. Brahma is a serpent God.

Sanat Kumara also carries a trident with three fiery prongs. Its stated there are seven Kumara's but three names are hidden. The three relate to the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, Siva. That related to the perfected soul the four Kumara's represent. Sanat Kumara states His name is AUM. Which each letter equals the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. And in Hinduism is denoted by a trident with Brahma, Vishnu and Siva equaling the three prongs of the trident. The seven Kumara's also relate to the seven heads of Ananta Shesha as well.
As I wrote Sanat is also an anagram of Sat-an. Which relates to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha which is shown as a golden serpent in a perfect circle clutching its own tail. The symbol of the serpentine life force perfected. Hence why Ananta means: "Eternity."
Hence Sanat Kumara is Brahma the supreme soul at the heart of it all. But deeper He is the very serpentine energy that manifests the perfected soul and all the aspects. Of which Brahma is the perfected state of.

This goes back to the Vedic period, Trinity of Indra, Surya, Agni. Which are the same aspect and three in God under different titles. Agni in this role is the most mentioned of the three in one. As Agni means the purifier or liberator. And the rituals which mean perfections in the old language are called Yagaya's the Vedic fire rituals. Hence Satan in the role of Agni the sacred Fire which purifies the soul to Godhead would be the most exalted. The scholars state all the spiritual schools go back to the Rig Veda and Agni. And for this reason. Agni is shown as eternally young and immortal and having two heads. Which represents the Kumara's in their role as twins. The twin polarity of the soul unified. This also is seen in Egypt with Ptah and the twins and with Mithras and the Dadophori. etc. Mithras is known to be a Vedic title for Surya. And Ptah is the Egyptian version of Agni [Rudra]. Since Vishnu is simply an ancient title for Surya [who is shown as Vishnu is today]. It all goes back to this concept. Its also no mistake Ptah is depicted as being blue.

In the East the highest spiritual state a person could obtain was called: "Brahma." As this was the perfected state. That of Eternal Youth: Sanat Kumara. Represented in symbolic form. This why the Priests where called Brahmana's [Brahmin's is a mistranslation]. It relates to those who have achieved the state of Brahma. They also wear the "Brahma thread. " The Templar's and Yezidi's wore a sacred cord of thread linking them to Satan. And a status of spiritual advancement. Its mostly made up of three smaller cords woven together. The three in one. And made up of the separate colors of alchemy.

Brahma represents the Lord of Time which is why in some cases he has a White Beard as a symbol of eternity. Which goes back to the Magnum Opus.

What this means is Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are the same symbolic God [the human soul]. And represent the manifest serpentine power and the stages of its empowerment. With Brahma being the White stage of the soul reborn. This trinity is Sanat Kumara [Sat-an] who's name represents the original word for this power Ananta Shesha, and his trine aspect of creation and perfection. Which is the meaning of the symbol Brahma, Vishnu and Siva.

When Ashoka's enemy program of Buddhism took over by force and subversion. Brahma was reduced in statue, insulted and moved to the back. As Brahma was the head God. Images show from this Buddhist period show Brahma bowing before Buddha which states it all. This is why there are only two Brahma temples left in India but many in Indonesia. Buddhism also rewrote the texts at this period. This is why even after Buddhism officially fell with the Muslim invasions. The Indian's went and worshipped Vishnu and Siva but never Brahma. Ashoka's program did its work well. Over time each God Vishnu and Siva where both given the place of Brahma in their own respected religions. But by this time everything was confused. Because the original culture had been dismantled for centuries. Buddhism made its way to Bali and across Indonesia as well as the Far East and confused and in some cases replaced the original Vedic Tradition in time. We still can see an example of this in Tibet of how the original religion which was based in Vedic Tradition was banned by force, the Priests killed and the texts corrupted. This was going on across the East in one way or another. Of course the Buddhist authority had the upper hand and power. So they rewrote history to cover this over. No different then the Christians in the West did the same. This is why one Indian scholar states that Hinduism is covert Buddhism. And nothing to do with anything of the Vedic religion.

Isis Unveiled. H.P. Blavatsky
The Serpent, The Eagle, The Lion and The Disk. Brannon Parker
The Return Of the Serpents Of Wisdom. Mark Pinkham
The Serpent Grail. P.Gardiner with G.Osborn
The Shining Ones. P Gardiner

<td val[/IMG]Thanks I will check out the authors and get back with you Don.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...;
To: [email protected] <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Brahma
Sent: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 3:05:15 AM

<td val[/IMG]   Depends the Max Muller and co era of translated texts are crap. As American pundits who can read, write and speak sanskrit and english have stated. The church had Muller and others translate out just enough and leave out a lot. To serve as hand books to educate xian missonaries to be able to understand Indian culture. To be able to subvert them to xianity. This is why I work to ensure I have texts by more respected sources.
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]; don <mageson6666@...
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:57:24 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Brahma
<td style="font:[/IMG]Reading this really brings out the comparisons of the courruptions of the east and west.I still have my Indian writtings like the Rid Veda just wonder how pure they are in the end.Thanks again Don.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Don <mageson6666@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoS4adults] Brahma
Sent: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 2:37:56 AM
<td style="font:[/IMG]   Brahma

While the Gods are real. Their persona's where also lent to the alchemical culture of symbolism. Which represented the formula for the perfection of the soul. This is where the stories also become allegory.

Some Masonic texts write that the symbolic culture was created around ten thousand years ago. After the fall of the Golden Age. To preserve this knowledge in a cultural model built upon it. This is why serpent worship is the oldest religion on earth. Satan created the Brotherhood of the Serpent to teach this knowledge so humanity could become perfected with it.

The world "religions" of today are corrupted versions of this template. The enemy used them as a Trojan Horse to destroy and infiltrate human societies and bring them down under their control. By manipulation of our unconscious and conscious memory. Replacing the actual meanings with lies meant to create psychologically enslaved and spiritually powerless individuals.

The Trinity concept comes out of alchemy and is the three aspects of the soul. Within the three major stages of the perfection process of the soul.

"I' am the outflow of the primeval flood,
He who emerged from the waters
I am the Provider of Attributes Serpent with its many coils."
-Pyramid text

The three worlds of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested by the serpent Ananta Shesha. The texts state all Avatars are manifestations of Ananta Shesha another name for this serpent was Narayana [originally a title of Brahma]. Ananta is shown being a seven headed serpent resting upon the cosmic ocean. And images of this are worshipped all over India to this day. One of ENKI's symbolic depictions in ancient Sumeria was of a seven headed serpent. In Sumeria EA was shown symbolically as the primordial serpent rising out of the cosmic sea, the Apsu.

The seven heads of Ananta represents the seven chakra's. And how this relates to the life force.

The Greek Orphic's show a serpent coiled seven times around the cosmic egg. From which came their primordial creator Phanes :
"The egg symbolizes the belief in the Greek Orphic religion that the universe originated from within a silver egg. The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-Dionysus, the personification of light.

In Greek myth, particularly Orphic thought, Phanes is the golden winged Primordial Being who was hatched from the shining Cosmic Egg that was the source of the universe. Called Protogonos (First-Born) and Eros (Love) — being the seed of gods and men — Phanes means "Manifestor" or "Revealer," and is related to the Greek words "light" and "to shine forth."."

With Brahma there is a text of him of being born from the cosmic egg.

"Brahma was born in water. In this he deposited a seed that later became the golden egg. From the golden egg, Brahma, the creator was born, as Hiranyagarbha. The remaining materials of this golden egg expanded into the Brahm-anda or Universe.
Being born in water, Brahma is also called Kanja (born in water). Brahma is said also to be the son of the Supreme Being, Brahman and the female energy known as Prakrti ."

Hiranyagarbha means "Golden Egg or womb."
Brahma also then divides himself into twins: Nara and Nari. Or the day and night. etc

The Brahman relates to the ether element. The Orphic egg was also born from. Some of the depictions of such Phanes have them as four heads each representing the symbols of the cardinal points and thus four elements of creation. The 5th being the ether they came out of. Which demonstrates the reason Brahma is four headed as well.

"Phanes, the revealed god, is represented in this snake-symbol as a protogonos, a being furnished with the heads of a man, a hawk or an eagle, a bull -- taurus, and a lion, with wings on both sides."

In the East the Caduceus which is a map of the soul. Was called the: "Staff of Brahma." Brahma also has ra and ma within it. The dual aspects of the soul brought together.

This is where the story of the creation in Genesis was stolen from. The symbolic creation of the soul of the Pagan texts. Almost word for word in some passages.

Brahma is the White Stage of alchemy the perfected soul. With Vishnu being the black stage and Siva the red. The images of Brahma in Indonesia the only real place left on earth with Brahma worship. Show him as a four headed eternally young being. And the symbol he stands on, is the same as the base of the Siva Lingam. And is standing as a circle within a square base for the same reason. The perfected soul the union of male and female into the perfected state. Hence why he stands on this base which is square and circle. Representing the yin and yang union. The great perfection. The temples of the serpent God, Aesculapius where built with the same design for the same reason.

This is where the Four Kumara's come in. They represent the four major light powers of the soul in Vedic alchemy. Which equal the four elements but much deeper. It includes the charka's and how they group together in sets and interact. They represent the proper union and activation, transformation of this and the energies of the great lights. This is why Brahma has them populate the earth. As its regenerating the soul, we know the earth is metaphor for the soul. I don't believe the they became celibates nonsense. Its probably a later RHP add on. This is Brahma's four heads and why his name also means "Multitude." Brahma rules the root charka [which Satan rules, the kundalini serpent] which has four petals that relate to the telepolar magnet of the soul as Bardon writes in his first book. Which goes back into the serpent power and its aspects of the soul. The pineal gland area is also called the cave of Brahma along with the crown chakra this relates to the kundalini fully activating all this. In some images the serpent Ananta is shown having a thousand hoods to represent the crown charka or thousand petal lotus.

The four heads and arms also represent the four Veda's which get into the four elements and their perfection. In the Four Veda's there are 33 Gods. Which represent the esoteric 33 of the spinal column and the serpentine system perfected. Hence the Magnum Opus.

Brahma as stated also relates to the manifest Brahman which relates to the perfection of the soul. The Brahmana's texts mention the offering of foods to the six gates of Brahman. Which is allegory for empowering the chakra centers. And thus the soul.
Brahma is also shown ridding on the swan or Hamsa in Sanskrit which represents the risen kundalini power and its white color gets into the White stage.

Their names [4 Kumara's] relate to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha and the elemental powers of the serpentine life force and how it manifests the magnum opus. Ananta Shesha is the force of which Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested out of. The three worlds and three major channels.

This is why in another text. Brahma emerges from the navel of Vishnu. As the Vedic texts state the navel is central to immorality, hence the perfected state and to Agni . The lotus Brahma emerges and sits upon represents the reborn soul. Just as Horus [his name is actually Hari. Which relates to a major title for Brahma] reborn emerges from the Lotus in Egypt. Hence the symbol the perfected being Narayana always shows Him standing on a open Lotus four armed and blue. Blue relates to the perfected life force, purified mercury. Think of the sun at high noon in the clear blue sky. Its most powerful position. This is the White Stage of the working. And why in one of the last Brahma temples in India the entrance is flanked by two statues of the Narayana image. Narayana relates to the All of the Magnum Opus when all the Gods [charka's] become One God. And Narayana originally is a title of Brahma. Narayana is the primordial serpent power. Brahma is a serpent God.

Sanat Kumara also carries a trident with three fiery prongs. Its stated there are seven Kumara's but three names are hidden. The three relate to the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, Siva. That related to the perfected soul the four Kumara's represent. Sanat Kumara states His name is AUM. Which each letter equals the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. And in Hinduism is denoted by a trident with Brahma, Vishnu and Siva equaling the three prongs of the trident. The seven Kumara's also relate to the seven heads of Ananta Shesha as well.
As I wrote Sanat is also an anagram of Sat-an. Which relates to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha which is shown as a golden serpent in a perfect circle clutching its own tail. The symbol of the serpentine life force perfected. Hence why Ananta means: "Eternity."
Hence Sanat Kumara is Brahma the supreme soul at the heart of it all. But deeper He is the very serpentine energy that manifests the perfected soul and all the aspects. Of which Brahma is the perfected state of.

This goes back to the Vedic period, Trinity of Indra, Surya, Agni. Which are the same aspect and three in God under different titles. Agni in this role is the most mentioned of the three in one. As Agni means the purifier or liberator. And the rituals which mean perfections in the old language are called Yagaya's the Vedic fire rituals. Hence Satan in the role of Agni the sacred Fire which purifies the soul to Godhead would be the most exalted. The scholars state all the spiritual schools go back to the Rig Veda and Agni. And for this reason. Agni is shown as eternally young and immortal and having two heads. Which represents the Kumara's in their role as twins. The twin polarity of the soul unified. This also is seen in Egypt with Ptah and the twins and with Mithras and the Dadophori. etc. Mithras is known to be a Vedic title for Surya. And Ptah is the Egyptian version of Agni [Rudra]. Since Vishnu is simply an ancient title for Surya [who is shown as Vishnu is today]. It all goes back to this concept. Its also no mistake Ptah is depicted as being blue.

In the East the highest spiritual state a person could obtain was called: "Brahma." As this was the perfected state. That of Eternal Youth: Sanat Kumara. Represented in symbolic form. This why the Priests where called Brahmana's [Brahmin's is a mistranslation]. It relates to those who have achieved the state of Brahma. They also wear the "Brahma thread. " The Templar's and Yezidi's wore a sacred cord of thread linking them to Satan. And a status of spiritual advancement. Its mostly made up of three smaller cords woven together. The three in one. And made up of the separate colors of alchemy.

Brahma represents the Lord of Time which is why in some cases he has a White Beard as a symbol of eternity. Which goes back to the Magnum Opus.

What this means is Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are the same symbolic God [the human soul]. And represent the manifest serpentine power and the stages of its empowerment. With Brahma being the White stage of the soul reborn. This trinity is Sanat Kumara [Sat-an] who's name represents the original word for this power Ananta Shesha, and his trine aspect of creation and perfection. Which is the meaning of the symbol Brahma, Vishnu and Siva.

When Ashoka's enemy program of Buddhism took over by force and subversion. Brahma was reduced in statue, insulted and moved to the back. As Brahma was the head God. Images show from this Buddhist period show Brahma bowing before Buddha which states it all. This is why there are only two Brahma temples left in India but many in Indonesia. Buddhism also rewrote the texts at this period. This is why even after Buddhism officially fell with the Muslim invasions. The Indian's went and worshipped Vishnu and Siva but never Brahma. Ashoka's program did its work well. Over time each God Vishnu and Siva where both given the place of Brahma in their own respected religions. But by this time everything was confused. Because the original culture had been dismantled for centuries. Buddhism made its way to Bali and across Indonesia as well as the Far East and confused and in some cases replaced the original Vedic Tradition in time. We still can see an example of this in Tibet of how the original religion which was based in Vedic Tradition was banned by force, the Priests killed and the texts corrupted. This was going on across the East in one way or another. Of course the Buddhist authority had the upper hand and power. So they rewrote history to cover this over. No different then the Christians in the West did the same. This is why one Indian scholar states that Hinduism is covert Buddhism. And nothing to do with anything of the Vedic religion.

Isis Unveiled. H.P. Blavatsky
The Serpent, The Eagle, The Lion and The Disk. Brannon Parker
The Return Of the Serpents Of Wisdom. Mark Pinkham
The Serpent Grail. P.Gardiner with G.Osborn
The Shining Ones. P Gardiner

<td val[/IMG]I really would like to study them if they are not to contaminated.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...;
To: [email protected] <[email protected]; don <mageson6666@...;
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Brahma
Sent: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 3:10:47 AM

<td val[/IMG]  
<td val[/IMG]Thanks I will check out the authors and get back with you Don.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...;
To: [email protected] <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Brahma
Sent: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 3:05:15 AM

<td val[/IMG]   Depends the Max Muller and co era of translated texts are crap. As American pundits who can read, write and speak sanskrit and english have stated. The church had Muller and others translate out just enough and leave out a lot. To serve as hand books to educate xian missonaries to be able to understand Indian culture. To be able to subvert them to xianity. This is why I work to ensure I have texts by more respected sources.
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]; don <mageson6666@...
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:57:24 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Brahma
<td style="font:[/IMG]Reading this really brings out the comparisons of the courruptions of the east and west.I still have my Indian writtings like the Rid Veda just wonder how pure they are in the end.Thanks again Don.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Don <mageson6666@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoS4adults] Brahma
Sent: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 2:37:56 AM
<td style="font:[/IMG]   Brahma

While the Gods are real. Their persona's where also lent to the alchemical culture of symbolism. Which represented the formula for the perfection of the soul. This is where the stories also become allegory.

Some Masonic texts write that the symbolic culture was created around ten thousand years ago. After the fall of the Golden Age. To preserve this knowledge in a cultural model built upon it. This is why serpent worship is the oldest religion on earth. Satan created the Brotherhood of the Serpent to teach this knowledge so humanity could become perfected with it.

The world "religions" of today are corrupted versions of this template. The enemy used them as a Trojan Horse to destroy and infiltrate human societies and bring them down under their control. By manipulation of our unconscious and conscious memory. Replacing the actual meanings with lies meant to create psychologically enslaved and spiritually powerless individuals.

The Trinity concept comes out of alchemy and is the three aspects of the soul. Within the three major stages of the perfection process of the soul.

"I' am the outflow of the primeval flood,
He who emerged from the waters
I am the Provider of Attributes Serpent with its many coils."
-Pyramid text

The three worlds of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested by the serpent Ananta Shesha. The texts state all Avatars are manifestations of Ananta Shesha another name for this serpent was Narayana [originally a title of Brahma]. Ananta is shown being a seven headed serpent resting upon the cosmic ocean. And images of this are worshipped all over India to this day. One of ENKI's symbolic depictions in ancient Sumeria was of a seven headed serpent. In Sumeria EA was shown symbolically as the primordial serpent rising out of the cosmic sea, the Apsu.

The seven heads of Ananta represents the seven chakra's. And how this relates to the life force.

The Greek Orphic's show a serpent coiled seven times around the cosmic egg. From which came their primordial creator Phanes :
"The egg symbolizes the belief in the Greek Orphic religion that the universe originated from within a silver egg. The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-Dionysus, the personification of light.

In Greek myth, particularly Orphic thought, Phanes is the golden winged Primordial Being who was hatched from the shining Cosmic Egg that was the source of the universe. Called Protogonos (First-Born) and Eros (Love) — being the seed of gods and men — Phanes means "Manifestor" or "Revealer," and is related to the Greek words "light" and "to shine forth."."

With Brahma there is a text of him of being born from the cosmic egg.

"Brahma was born in water. In this he deposited a seed that later became the golden egg. From the golden egg, Brahma, the creator was born, as Hiranyagarbha. The remaining materials of this golden egg expanded into the Brahm-anda or Universe.
Being born in water, Brahma is also called Kanja (born in water). Brahma is said also to be the son of the Supreme Being, Brahman and the female energy known as Prakrti ."

Hiranyagarbha means "Golden Egg or womb."
Brahma also then divides himself into twins: Nara and Nari. Or the day and night. etc

The Brahman relates to the ether element. The Orphic egg was also born from. Some of the depictions of such Phanes have them as four heads each representing the symbols of the cardinal points and thus four elements of creation. The 5th being the ether they came out of. Which demonstrates the reason Brahma is four headed as well.

"Phanes, the revealed god, is represented in this snake-symbol as a protogonos, a being furnished with the heads of a man, a hawk or an eagle, a bull -- taurus, and a lion, with wings on both sides."

In the East the Caduceus which is a map of the soul. Was called the: "Staff of Brahma." Brahma also has ra and ma within it. The dual aspects of the soul brought together.

This is where the story of the creation in Genesis was stolen from. The symbolic creation of the soul of the Pagan texts. Almost word for word in some passages.

Brahma is the White Stage of alchemy the perfected soul. With Vishnu being the black stage and Siva the red. The images of Brahma in Indonesia the only real place left on earth with Brahma worship. Show him as a four headed eternally young being. And the symbol he stands on, is the same as the base of the Siva Lingam. And is standing as a circle within a square base for the same reason. The perfected soul the union of male and female into the perfected state. Hence why he stands on this base which is square and circle. Representing the yin and yang union. The great perfection. The temples of the serpent God, Aesculapius where built with the same design for the same reason.

This is where the Four Kumara's come in. They represent the four major light powers of the soul in Vedic alchemy. Which equal the four elements but much deeper. It includes the charka's and how they group together in sets and interact. They represent the proper union and activation, transformation of this and the energies of the great lights. This is why Brahma has them populate the earth. As its regenerating the soul, we know the earth is metaphor for the soul. I don't believe the they became celibates nonsense. Its probably a later RHP add on. This is Brahma's four heads and why his name also means "Multitude." Brahma rules the root charka [which Satan rules, the kundalini serpent] which has four petals that relate to the telepolar magnet of the soul as Bardon writes in his first book. Which goes back into the serpent power and its aspects of the soul. The pineal gland area is also called the cave of Brahma along with the crown chakra this relates to the kundalini fully activating all this. In some images the serpent Ananta is shown having a thousand hoods to represent the crown charka or thousand petal lotus.

The four heads and arms also represent the four Veda's which get into the four elements and their perfection. In the Four Veda's there are 33 Gods. Which represent the esoteric 33 of the spinal column and the serpentine system perfected. Hence the Magnum Opus.

Brahma as stated also relates to the manifest Brahman which relates to the perfection of the soul. The Brahmana's texts mention the offering of foods to the six gates of Brahman. Which is allegory for empowering the chakra centers. And thus the soul.
Brahma is also shown ridding on the swan or Hamsa in Sanskrit which represents the risen kundalini power and its white color gets into the White stage.

Their names [4 Kumara's] relate to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha and the elemental powers of the serpentine life force and how it manifests the magnum opus. Ananta Shesha is the force of which Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested out of. The three worlds and three major channels.

This is why in another text. Brahma emerges from the navel of Vishnu. As the Vedic texts state the navel is central to immorality, hence the perfected state and to Agni . The lotus Brahma emerges and sits upon represents the reborn soul. Just as Horus [his name is actually Hari. Which relates to a major title for Brahma] reborn emerges from the Lotus in Egypt. Hence the symbol the perfected being Narayana always shows Him standing on a open Lotus four armed and blue. Blue relates to the perfected life force, purified mercury. Think of the sun at high noon in the clear blue sky. Its most powerful position. This is the White Stage of the working. And why in one of the last Brahma temples in India the entrance is flanked by two statues of the Narayana image. Narayana relates to the All of the Magnum Opus when all the Gods [charka's] become One God. And Narayana originally is a title of Brahma. Narayana is the primordial serpent power. Brahma is a serpent God.

Sanat Kumara also carries a trident with three fiery prongs. Its stated there are seven Kumara's but three names are hidden. The three relate to the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, Siva. That related to the perfected soul the four Kumara's represent. Sanat Kumara states His name is AUM. Which each letter equals the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. And in Hinduism is denoted by a trident with Brahma, Vishnu and Siva equaling the three prongs of the trident. The seven Kumara's also relate to the seven heads of Ananta Shesha as well.
As I wrote Sanat is also an anagram of Sat-an. Which relates to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha which is shown as a golden serpent in a perfect circle clutching its own tail. The symbol of the serpentine life force perfected. Hence why Ananta means: "Eternity."
Hence Sanat Kumara is Brahma the supreme soul at the heart of it all. But deeper He is the very serpentine energy that manifests the perfected soul and all the aspects. Of which Brahma is the perfected state of.

This goes back to the Vedic period, Trinity of Indra, Surya, Agni. Which are the same aspect and three in God under different titles. Agni in this role is the most mentioned of the three in one. As Agni means the purifier or liberator. And the rituals which mean perfections in the old language are called Yagaya's the Vedic fire rituals. Hence Satan in the role of Agni the sacred Fire which purifies the soul to Godhead would be the most exalted. The scholars state all the spiritual schools go back to the Rig Veda and Agni. And for this reason. Agni is shown as eternally young and immortal and having two heads. Which represents the Kumara's in their role as twins. The twin polarity of the soul unified. This also is seen in Egypt with Ptah and the twins and with Mithras and the Dadophori. etc. Mithras is known to be a Vedic title for Surya. And Ptah is the Egyptian version of Agni [Rudra]. Since Vishnu is simply an ancient title for Surya [who is shown as Vishnu is today]. It all goes back to this concept. Its also no mistake Ptah is depicted as being blue.

In the East the highest spiritual state a person could obtain was called: "Brahma." As this was the perfected state. That of Eternal Youth: Sanat Kumara. Represented in symbolic form. This why the Priests where called Brahmana's [Brahmin's is a mistranslation]. It relates to those who have achieved the state of Brahma. They also wear the "Brahma thread. " The Templar's and Yezidi's wore a sacred cord of thread linking them to Satan. And a status of spiritual advancement. Its mostly made up of three smaller cords woven together. The three in one. And made up of the separate colors of alchemy.

Brahma represents the Lord of Time which is why in some cases he has a White Beard as a symbol of eternity. Which goes back to the Magnum Opus.

What this means is Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are the same symbolic God [the human soul]. And represent the manifest serpentine power and the stages of its empowerment. With Brahma being the White stage of the soul reborn. This trinity is Sanat Kumara [Sat-an] who's name represents the original word for this power Ananta Shesha, and his trine aspect of creation and perfection. Which is the meaning of the symbol Brahma, Vishnu and Siva.

When Ashoka's enemy program of Buddhism took over by force and subversion. Brahma was reduced in statue, insulted and moved to the back. As Brahma was the head God. Images show from this Buddhist period show Brahma bowing before Buddha which states it all. This is why there are only two Brahma temples left in India but many in Indonesia. Buddhism also rewrote the texts at this period. This is why even after Buddhism officially fell with the Muslim invasions. The Indian's went and worshipped Vishnu and Siva but never Brahma. Ashoka's program did its work well. Over time each God Vishnu and Siva where both given the place of Brahma in their own respected religions. But by this time everything was confused. Because the original culture had been dismantled for centuries. Buddhism made its way to Bali and across Indonesia as well as the Far East and confused and in some cases replaced the original Vedic Tradition in time. We still can see an example of this in Tibet of how the original religion which was based in Vedic Tradition was banned by force, the Priests killed and the texts corrupted. This was going on across the East in one way or another. Of course the Buddhist authority had the upper hand and power. So they rewrote history to cover this over. No different then the Christians in the West did the same. This is why one Indian scholar states that Hinduism is covert Buddhism. And nothing to do with anything of the Vedic religion.

Isis Unveiled. H.P. Blavatsky
The Serpent, The Eagle, The Lion and The Disk. Brannon Parker
The Return Of the Serpents Of Wisdom. Mark Pinkham
The Serpent Grail. P.Gardiner with G.Osborn
The Shining Ones. P Gardiner

Very informative post Don. You would think all of this information would open up the eyes of people.

Hail Satan!
Hail Enlil!
Hail Andromalius!

On Tue, Jan 15, 2013 7:05 PM PST Don Danko wrote:

Depends the Max Muller and co era of translated texts are crap. As American pundits who can read, write and speak sanskrit and english have stated. The church had Muller and others translate out just enough and leave out a lot. To serve as hand books to educate xian missonaries to be able to understand Indian culture. To be able to subvert them to xianity.
This is why I work to ensure I have texts by more respected sources.

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]; don <mageson6666@...
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:57:24 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Brahma


Reading this really brings out the comparisons of the courruptions of the east and west.I still have my Indian writtings like the Rid Veda just wonder how pure they are in the end.Thanks again Don.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android

From: Don <mageson6666@...;
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
Subject: [JoS4adults] Brahma
Sent: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 2:37:56 AM


While the Gods are real. Their persona's where also lent to the alchemical culture of symbolism. Which represented the formula for the perfection of the soul. This is where the stories also become allegory.

Some Masonic texts write that the symbolic culture was created around ten thousand years ago. After the fall of the Golden Age. To preserve this knowledge in a cultural model built upon it. This is why serpent worship is the oldest religion on earth. Satan created the Brotherhood of the Serpent to teach this knowledge so humanity could become perfected with it.

The world "religions" of today are corrupted versions of this template. The enemy used them as a Trojan Horse to destroy and infiltrate human societies and bring them down under their control. By manipulation of our unconscious and conscious memory. Replacing the actual meanings with lies meant to create psychologically enslaved and spiritually powerless individuals.

The Trinity concept comes out of alchemy and is the three aspects of the soul. Within the three major stages of the perfection process of the soul.

"I' am the outflow of the primeval flood,
He who emerged from the waters
I am the Provider of Attributes Serpent with its many coils."
-Pyramid text

The three worlds of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested by the serpent Ananta Shesha. The texts state all Avatars are manifestations of Ananta Shesha another name for this serpent was Narayana [originally a title of Brahma]. Ananta is shown being a seven headed serpent resting upon the cosmic ocean. And images of this are worshipped all over India to this day. One of ENKI's symbolic depictions in ancient Sumeria was of a seven headed serpent. In Sumeria EA was shown symbolically as the primordial serpent rising out of the cosmic sea, the Apsu.

The seven heads of Ananta represents the seven chakra's. And how this relates to the life force.

The Greek Orphic's show a serpent coiled seven times around the cosmic egg. From which came their primordial creator Phanes :
"The egg symbolizes the belief in the Greek Orphic religion that the universe originated from within a silver egg. The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-Dionysus, the personification of light.

In Greek myth, particularly Orphic thought, Phanes is the golden winged Primordial Being who was hatched from the shining Cosmic Egg that was the source of the universe. Called Protogonos (First-Born) and Eros (Love) — being the seed of gods and men — Phanes means "Manifestor" or "Revealer," and is related to the Greek words "light" and "to shine forth."."

With Brahma there is a text of him of being born from the cosmic egg.

"Brahma was born in water. In this he deposited a seed that later became the golden egg. From the golden egg, Brahma, the creator was born, as Hiranyagarbha. The remaining materials of this golden egg expanded into the Brahm-anda or Universe.
Being born in water, Brahma is also called Kanja (born in water). Brahma is said also to be the son of the Supreme Being, Brahman and the female energy known as Prakrti ."

Hiranyagarbha means "Golden Egg or womb."
Brahma also then divides himself into twins: Nara and Nari. Or the day and night. etc

The Brahman relates to the ether element. The Orphic egg was also born from. Some of the depictions of such Phanes have them as four heads each representing the symbols of the cardinal points and thus four elements of creation. The 5th being the ether they came out of. Which demonstrates the reason Brahma is four headed as well.

"Phanes, the revealed god, is represented in this snake-symbol as a protogonos, a being furnished with the heads of a man, a hawk or an eagle, a bull -- taurus, and a lion, with wings on both sides."

In the East the Caduceus which is a map of the soul. Was called the: "Staff of Brahma." Brahma also has ra and ma within it. The dual aspects of the soul brought together.

This is where the story of the creation in Genesis was stolen from. The symbolic creation of the soul of the Pagan texts. Almost word for word in some passages.

Brahma is the White Stage of alchemy the perfected soul. With Vishnu being the black stage and Siva the red. The images of Brahma in Indonesia the only real place left on earth with Brahma worship. Show him as a four headed eternally young being. And the symbol he stands on, is the same as the base of the Siva Lingam. And is standing as a circle within a square base for the same reason. The perfected soul the union of male and female into the perfected state. Hence why he stands on this base which is square and circle. Representing the yin and yang union. The great perfection. The temples of the serpent God, Aesculapius where built with the same design for the same reason.

This is where the Four Kumara's come in. They represent the four major light powers of the soul in Vedic alchemy. Which equal the four elements but much deeper. It includes the charka's and how they group together in sets and interact. They represent the proper union and activation, transformation of this and the energies of the great lights. This is why Brahma has them populate the earth. As its regenerating the soul, we know the earth is metaphor for the soul. I don't believe the they became celibates nonsense. Its probably a later RHP add on. This is Brahma's four heads and why his name also means "Multitude." Brahma rules the root charka [which Satan rules, the kundalini serpent] which has four petals that relate to the telepolar magnet of the soul as Bardon writes in his first book. Which goes back into the serpent power and its aspects of the soul. The pineal gland area is also called the cave of Brahma along with the
crown chakra this relates to the kundalini fully activating all this. In some images the serpent Ananta is shown having a thousand hoods to represent the crown charka or thousand petal lotus.

The four heads and arms also represent the four Veda's which get into the four elements and their perfection. In the Four Veda's there are 33 Gods. Which represent the esoteric 33 of the spinal column and the serpentine system perfected. Hence the Magnum Opus.

Brahma as stated also relates to the manifest Brahman which relates to the perfection of the soul. The Brahmana's texts mention the offering of foods to the six gates of Brahman. Which is allegory for empowering the chakra centers. And thus the soul.
Brahma is also shown ridding on the swan or Hamsa in Sanskrit which represents the risen kundalini power and its white color gets into the White stage.

Their names [4 Kumara's] relate to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha and the elemental powers of the serpentine life force and how it manifests the magnum opus. Ananta Shesha is the force of which Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested out of. The three worlds and three major channels.

This is why in another text. Brahma emerges from the navel of Vishnu. As the Vedic texts state the navel is central to immorality, hence the perfected state and to Agni . The lotus Brahma emerges and sits upon represents the reborn soul. Just as Horus [his name is actually Hari. Which relates to a major title for Brahma] reborn emerges from the Lotus in Egypt. Hence the symbol the perfected being Narayana always shows Him standing on a open Lotus four armed and blue. Blue relates to the perfected life force, purified mercury. Think of the sun at high noon in the clear blue sky. Its most powerful position. This is the White Stage of the working. And why in one of the last Brahma temples in India the entrance is flanked by two statues of the Narayana image. Narayana relates to the All of the Magnum Opus when all the Gods [charka's] become One God. And Narayana originally is a title of Brahma. Narayana is the primordial serpent power. Brahma is a
serpent God.

Sanat Kumara also carries a trident with three fiery prongs. Its stated there are seven Kumara's but three names are hidden. The three relate to the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, Siva. That related to the perfected soul the four Kumara's represent. Sanat Kumara states His name is AUM. Which each letter equals the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. And in Hinduism is denoted by a trident with Brahma, Vishnu and Siva equaling the three prongs of the trident. The seven Kumara's also relate to the seven heads of Ananta Shesha as well.
As I wrote Sanat is also an anagram of Sat-an. Which relates to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha which is shown as a golden serpent in a perfect circle clutching its own tail. The symbol of the serpentine life force perfected. Hence why Ananta means: "Eternity."
Hence Sanat Kumara is Brahma the supreme soul at the heart of it all. But deeper He is the very serpentine energy that manifests the perfected soul and all the aspects. Of which Brahma is the perfected state of.

This goes back to the Vedic period, Trinity of Indra, Surya, Agni. Which are the same aspect and three in God under different titles. Agni in this role is the most mentioned of the three in one. As Agni means the purifier or liberator. And the rituals which mean perfections in the old language are called Yagaya's the Vedic fire rituals. Hence Satan in the role of Agni the sacred Fire which purifies the soul to Godhead would be the most exalted. The scholars state all the spiritual schools go back to the Rig Veda and Agni. And for this reason. Agni is shown as eternally young and immortal and having two heads. Which represents the Kumara's in their role as twins. The twin polarity of the soul unified. This also is seen in Egypt with Ptah and the twins and with Mithras and the Dadophori. etc. Mithras is known to be a Vedic title for Surya. And Ptah is the Egyptian version of Agni [Rudra]. Since Vishnu is simply an ancient title for Surya
[who is shown as Vishnu is today]. It all goes back to this concept. Its also no mistake Ptah is depicted as being blue.

In the East the highest spiritual state a person could obtain was called: "Brahma." As this was the perfected state. That of Eternal Youth: Sanat Kumara. Represented in symbolic form. This why the Priests where called Brahmana's [Brahmin's is a mistranslation]. It relates to those who have achieved the state of Brahma. They also wear the "Brahma thread. " The Templar's and Yezidi's wore a sacred cord of thread linking them to Satan. And a status of spiritual advancement. Its mostly made up of three smaller cords woven together. The three in one. And made up of the separate colors of alchemy.

Brahma represents the Lord of Time which is why in some cases he has a White Beard as a symbol of eternity. Which goes back to the Magnum Opus.

What this means is Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are the same symbolic God [the human soul]. And represent the manifest serpentine power and the stages of its empowerment. With Brahma being the White stage of the soul reborn. This trinity is Sanat Kumara [Sat-an] who's name represents the original word for this power Ananta Shesha, and his trine aspect of creation and perfection. Which is the meaning of the symbol Brahma, Vishnu and Siva.

When Ashoka's enemy program of Buddhism took over by force and subversion. Brahma was reduced in statue, insulted and moved to the back. As Brahma was the head God. Images show from this Buddhist period show Brahma bowing before Buddha which states it all. This is why there are only two Brahma temples left in India but many in Indonesia. Buddhism also rewrote the texts at this period. This is why even after Buddhism officially fell with the Muslim invasions. The Indian's went and worshipped Vishnu and Siva but never Brahma. Ashoka's program did its work well. Over time each God Vishnu and Siva where both given the place of Brahma in their own respected religions. But by this time everything was confused. Because the original culture had been dismantled for centuries. Buddhism made its way to Bali and across Indonesia as well as the Far East and confused and in some cases replaced the original Vedic Tradition in time. We still can see an
example of this in Tibet of how the original religion which was based in Vedic Tradition was banned by force, the Priests killed and the texts corrupted. This was going on across the East in one way or another. Of course the Buddhist authority had the upper hand and power. So they rewrote history to cover this over. No different then the Christians in the West did the same. This is why one Indian scholar states that Hinduism is covert Buddhism. And nothing to do with anything of the Vedic religion.

Isis Unveiled. H.P. Blavatsky
The Serpent, The Eagle, The Lion and The Disk. Brannon Parker
The Return Of the Serpents Of Wisdom. Mark Pinkham
The Serpent Grail. P.Gardiner with G.Osborn
The Shining Ones. P Gardiner
Don this is the list of Indian books I have collected and their authors:1.Indian Philosophy by Sarvepalli Radhakrishnan and Chareles A. Moore 2.The Bhagavad Gita by Eliot Deutsch3.The Bhagavag Gita,The Dhammapada,The Upanishads by Eknath Easwaran4.Crest-Jewel of Discrimination by Vivera-Chudamani Translated by Swami Prabhavananda and Christopher Isherwood5.Vakyavritti of Sri Sankaracharya by Swami Jagadananda6.Viveka-Cudamani of Sri Sankaracarya7.Saundarya Lahari of Sri Sankaracarya8.Sivananda Lahari of Sri SankaracaryaThe last five I ordered from a book store that were printed in India.I have only read a little of all of them before I got to this ministry and dedicated my soul to Satan.But I was wondering if they are all corupted too.Thanks for your reply.Hail Satan

From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:05 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Brahma

  Depends the Max Muller and co era of translated texts are crap. As American pundits who can read, write and speak sanskrit and english have stated. The church had Muller and others translate out just enough and leave out a lot. To serve as hand books to educate xian missonaries to be able to understand Indian culture. To be able to subvert them to xianity. This is why I work to ensure I have texts by more respected sources.
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]; don <mageson6666@...
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:57:24 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Brahma
<td style="font:[/IMG]Reading this really brings out the comparisons of the courruptions of the east and west.I still have my Indian writtings like the Rid Veda just wonder how pure they are in the end.Thanks again Don.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Don <mageson6666@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoS4adults] Brahma
Sent: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 2:37:56 AM
<td style="font:[/IMG]   Brahma

While the Gods are real. Their persona's where also lent to the alchemical culture of symbolism. Which represented the formula for the perfection of the soul. This is where the stories also become allegory.

Some Masonic texts write that the symbolic culture was created around ten thousand years ago. After the fall of the Golden Age. To preserve this knowledge in a cultural model built upon it. This is why serpent worship is the oldest religion on earth. Satan created the Brotherhood of the Serpent to teach this knowledge so humanity could become perfected with it.

The world "religions" of today are corrupted versions of this template. The enemy used them as a Trojan Horse to destroy and infiltrate human societies and bring them down under their control. By manipulation of our unconscious and conscious memory. Replacing the actual meanings with lies meant to create psychologically enslaved and spiritually powerless individuals.

The Trinity concept comes out of alchemy and is the three aspects of the soul. Within the three major stages of the perfection process of the soul.

"I' am the outflow of the primeval flood,
He who emerged from the waters
I am the Provider of Attributes Serpent with its many coils."
-Pyramid text

The three worlds of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested by the serpent Ananta Shesha. The texts state all Avatars are manifestations of Ananta Shesha another name for this serpent was Narayana [originally a title of Brahma]. Ananta is shown being a seven headed serpent resting upon the cosmic ocean. And images of this are worshipped all over India to this day. One of ENKI's symbolic depictions in ancient Sumeria was of a seven headed serpent. In Sumeria EA was shown symbolically as the primordial serpent rising out of the cosmic sea, the Apsu.

The seven heads of Ananta represents the seven chakra's. And how this relates to the life force.

The Greek Orphic's show a serpent coiled seven times around the cosmic egg. From which came their primordial creator Phanes :
"The egg symbolizes the belief in the Greek Orphic religion that the universe originated from within a silver egg. The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-Dionysus, the personification of light.

In Greek myth, particularly Orphic thought, Phanes is the golden winged Primordial Being who was hatched from the shining Cosmic Egg that was the source of the universe. Called Protogonos (First-Born) and Eros (Love) — being the seed of gods and men — Phanes means "Manifestor" or "Revealer," and is related to the Greek words "light" and "to shine forth."."

With Brahma there is a text of him of being born from the cosmic egg.

"Brahma was born in water. In this he deposited a seed that later became the golden egg. From the golden egg, Brahma, the creator was born, as Hiranyagarbha. The remaining materials of this golden egg expanded into the Brahm-anda or Universe.
Being born in water, Brahma is also called Kanja (born in water). Brahma is said also to be the son of the Supreme Being, Brahman and the female energy known as Prakrti ."

Hiranyagarbha means "Golden Egg or womb."
Brahma also then divides himself into twins: Nara and Nari. Or the day and night. etc

The Brahman relates to the ether element. The Orphic egg was also born from. Some of the depictions of such Phanes have them as four heads each representing the symbols of the cardinal points and thus four elements of creation. The 5th being the ether they came out of. Which demonstrates the reason Brahma is four headed as well.

"Phanes, the revealed god, is represented in this snake-symbol as a protogonos, a being furnished with the heads of a man, a hawk or an eagle, a bull -- taurus, and a lion, with wings on both sides."

In the East the Caduceus which is a map of the soul. Was called the: "Staff of Brahma." Brahma also has ra and ma within it. The dual aspects of the soul brought together.

This is where the story of the creation in Genesis was stolen from. The symbolic creation of the soul of the Pagan texts. Almost word for word in some passages.

Brahma is the White Stage of alchemy the perfected soul. With Vishnu being the black stage and Siva the red. The images of Brahma in Indonesia the only real place left on earth with Brahma worship. Show him as a four headed eternally young being. And the symbol he stands on, is the same as the base of the Siva Lingam. And is standing as a circle within a square base for the same reason. The perfected soul the union of male and female into the perfected state. Hence why he stands on this base which is square and circle. Representing the yin and yang union. The great perfection. The temples of the serpent God, Aesculapius where built with the same design for the same reason.

This is where the Four Kumara's come in. They represent the four major light powers of the soul in Vedic alchemy. Which equal the four elements but much deeper. It includes the charka's and how they group together in sets and interact. They represent the proper union and activation, transformation of this and the energies of the great lights. This is why Brahma has them populate the earth. As its regenerating the soul, we know the earth is metaphor for the soul. I don't believe the they became celibates nonsense. Its probably a later RHP add on. This is Brahma's four heads and why his name also means "Multitude." Brahma rules the root charka [which Satan rules, the kundalini serpent] which has four petals that relate to the telepolar magnet of the soul as Bardon writes in his first book. Which goes back into the serpent power and its aspects of the soul. The pineal gland area is also called the cave of Brahma along with the crown chakra this relates to the kundalini fully activating all this. In some images the serpent Ananta is shown having a thousand hoods to represent the crown charka or thousand petal lotus.

The four heads and arms also represent the four Veda's which get into the four elements and their perfection. In the Four Veda's there are 33 Gods. Which represent the esoteric 33 of the spinal column and the serpentine system perfected. Hence the Magnum Opus.

Brahma as stated also relates to the manifest Brahman which relates to the perfection of the soul. The Brahmana's texts mention the offering of foods to the six gates of Brahman. Which is allegory for empowering the chakra centers. And thus the soul.
Brahma is also shown ridding on the swan or Hamsa in Sanskrit which represents the risen kundalini power and its white color gets into the White stage.

Their names [4 Kumara's] relate to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha and the elemental powers of the serpentine life force and how it manifests the magnum opus. Ananta Shesha is the force of which Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested out of. The three worlds and three major channels.

This is why in another text. Brahma emerges from the navel of Vishnu. As the Vedic texts state the navel is central to immorality, hence the perfected state and to Agni . The lotus Brahma emerges and sits upon represents the reborn soul. Just as Horus [his name is actually Hari. Which relates to a major title for Brahma] reborn emerges from the Lotus in Egypt. Hence the symbol the perfected being Narayana always shows Him standing on a open Lotus four armed and blue. Blue relates to the perfected life force, purified mercury. Think of the sun at high noon in the clear blue sky. Its most powerful position. This is the White Stage of the working. And why in one of the last Brahma temples in India the entrance is flanked by two statues of the Narayana image. Narayana relates to the All of the Magnum Opus when all the Gods [charka's] become One God. And Narayana originally is a title of Brahma. Narayana is the primordial serpent power. Brahma is a serpent God.

Sanat Kumara also carries a trident with three fiery prongs. Its stated there are seven Kumara's but three names are hidden. The three relate to the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, Siva. That related to the perfected soul the four Kumara's represent. Sanat Kumara states His name is AUM. Which each letter equals the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. And in Hinduism is denoted by a trident with Brahma, Vishnu and Siva equaling the three prongs of the trident. The seven Kumara's also relate to the seven heads of Ananta Shesha as well.
As I wrote Sanat is also an anagram of Sat-an. Which relates to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha which is shown as a golden serpent in a perfect circle clutching its own tail. The symbol of the serpentine life force perfected. Hence why Ananta means: "Eternity."
Hence Sanat Kumara is Brahma the supreme soul at the heart of it all. But deeper He is the very serpentine energy that manifests the perfected soul and all the aspects. Of which Brahma is the perfected state of.

This goes back to the Vedic period, Trinity of Indra, Surya, Agni. Which are the same aspect and three in God under different titles. Agni in this role is the most mentioned of the three in one. As Agni means the purifier or liberator. And the rituals which mean perfections in the old language are called Yagaya's the Vedic fire rituals. Hence Satan in the role of Agni the sacred Fire which purifies the soul to Godhead would be the most exalted. The scholars state all the spiritual schools go back to the Rig Veda and Agni. And for this reason. Agni is shown as eternally young and immortal and having two heads. Which represents the Kumara's in their role as twins. The twin polarity of the soul unified. This also is seen in Egypt with Ptah and the twins and with Mithras and the Dadophori. etc. Mithras is known to be a Vedic title for Surya. And Ptah is the Egyptian version of Agni [Rudra]. Since Vishnu is simply an ancient title for Surya [who is shown as Vishnu is today]. It all goes back to this concept. Its also no mistake Ptah is depicted as being blue.

In the East the highest spiritual state a person could obtain was called: "Brahma." As this was the perfected state. That of Eternal Youth: Sanat Kumara. Represented in symbolic form. This why the Priests where called Brahmana's [Brahmin's is a mistranslation]. It relates to those who have achieved the state of Brahma. They also wear the "Brahma thread. " The Templar's and Yezidi's wore a sacred cord of thread linking them to Satan. And a status of spiritual advancement. Its mostly made up of three smaller cords woven together. The three in one. And made up of the separate colors of alchemy.

Brahma represents the Lord of Time which is why in some cases he has a White Beard as a symbol of eternity. Which goes back to the Magnum Opus.

What this means is Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are the same symbolic God [the human soul]. And represent the manifest serpentine power and the stages of its empowerment. With Brahma being the White stage of the soul reborn. This trinity is Sanat Kumara [Sat-an] who's name represents the original word for this power Ananta Shesha, and his trine aspect of creation and perfection. Which is the meaning of the symbol Brahma, Vishnu and Siva.

When Ashoka's enemy program of Buddhism took over by force and subversion. Brahma was reduced in statue, insulted and moved to the back. As Brahma was the head God. Images show from this Buddhist period show Brahma bowing before Buddha which states it all. This is why there are only two Brahma temples left in India but many in Indonesia. Buddhism also rewrote the texts at this period. This is why even after Buddhism officially fell with the Muslim invasions. The Indian's went and worshipped Vishnu and Siva but never Brahma. Ashoka's program did its work well. Over time each God Vishnu and Siva where both given the place of Brahma in their own respected religions. But by this time everything was confused. Because the original culture had been dismantled for centuries. Buddhism made its way to Bali and across Indonesia as well as the Far East and confused and in some cases replaced the original Vedic Tradition in time. We still can see an example of this in Tibet of how the original religion which was based in Vedic Tradition was banned by force, the Priests killed and the texts corrupted. This was going on across the East in one way or another. Of course the Buddhist authority had the upper hand and power. So they rewrote history to cover this over. No different then the Christians in the West did the same. This is why one Indian scholar states that Hinduism is covert Buddhism. And nothing to do with anything of the Vedic religion.

Isis Unveiled. H.P. Blavatsky
The Serpent, The Eagle, The Lion and The Disk. Brannon Parker
The Return Of the Serpents Of Wisdom. Mark Pinkham
The Serpent Grail. P.Gardiner with G.Osborn
The Shining Ones. P Gardiner

Don these are the authors of books that I have that I wanted your opinion on please:1.Sri Sankaracarya2.Viveka-ChudamaniSarvepalli Radhakrishnan4.Eknath EaswaranHail Satan
i have one more to add Don:Eliot Deutsch Hail Satan

From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 5:18 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Brahma

  Don these are the authors of books that I have that I wanted your opinion on please:1.Sri Sankaracarya2.Viveka-ChudamaniSarvepalli Radhakrishnan4.Eknath EaswaranHail Satan
what do you think about hinduism bible' bhagvaad jeeta'..? Is it worth a read? From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, 16 January 2013 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Brahma

  Depends the Max Muller and co era of translated texts are crap. As American pundits who can read, write and speak sanskrit and english have stated. The church had Muller and others translate out just enough and leave out a lot. To serve as hand books to educate xian missonaries to be able to understand Indian culture. To be able to subvert them to xianity. This is why I work to ensure I have texts by more respected sources.
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]; don <mageson6666@...
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:57:24 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Brahma
<td style="font:[/IMG]Reading this really brings out the comparisons of the courruptions of the east and west.I still have my Indian writtings like the Rid Veda just wonder how pure they are in the end.Thanks again Don.

Sent from Yahoo! Mail on Android [/TD]
From: Don <mageson6666@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoS4adults] Brahma
Sent: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 2:37:56 AM
<td style="font:[/IMG]   Brahma

While the Gods are real. Their persona's where also lent to the alchemical culture of symbolism. Which represented the formula for the perfection of the soul. This is where the stories also become allegory.

Some Masonic texts write that the symbolic culture was created around ten thousand years ago. After the fall of the Golden Age. To preserve this knowledge in a cultural model built upon it. This is why serpent worship is the oldest religion on earth. Satan created the Brotherhood of the Serpent to teach this knowledge so humanity could become perfected with it.

The world "religions" of today are corrupted versions of this template. The enemy used them as a Trojan Horse to destroy and infiltrate human societies and bring them down under their control. By manipulation of our unconscious and conscious memory. Replacing the actual meanings with lies meant to create psychologically enslaved and spiritually powerless individuals.

The Trinity concept comes out of alchemy and is the three aspects of the soul. Within the three major stages of the perfection process of the soul.

"I' am the outflow of the primeval flood,
He who emerged from the waters
I am the Provider of Attributes Serpent with its many coils."
-Pyramid text

The three worlds of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested by the serpent Ananta Shesha. The texts state all Avatars are manifestations of Ananta Shesha another name for this serpent was Narayana [originally a title of Brahma]. Ananta is shown being a seven headed serpent resting upon the cosmic ocean. And images of this are worshipped all over India to this day. One of ENKI's symbolic depictions in ancient Sumeria was of a seven headed serpent. In Sumeria EA was shown symbolically as the primordial serpent rising out of the cosmic sea, the Apsu.

The seven heads of Ananta represents the seven chakra's. And how this relates to the life force.

The Greek Orphic's show a serpent coiled seven times around the cosmic egg. From which came their primordial creator Phanes :
"The egg symbolizes the belief in the Greek Orphic religion that the universe originated from within a silver egg. The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-Dionysus, the personification of light.

In Greek myth, particularly Orphic thought, Phanes is the golden winged Primordial Being who was hatched from the shining Cosmic Egg that was the source of the universe. Called Protogonos (First-Born) and Eros (Love) — being the seed of gods and men — Phanes means "Manifestor" or "Revealer," and is related to the Greek words "light" and "to shine forth."."

With Brahma there is a text of him of being born from the cosmic egg.

"Brahma was born in water. In this he deposited a seed that later became the golden egg. From the golden egg, Brahma, the creator was born, as Hiranyagarbha. The remaining materials of this golden egg expanded into the Brahm-anda or Universe.
Being born in water, Brahma is also called Kanja (born in water). Brahma is said also to be the son of the Supreme Being, Brahman and the female energy known as Prakrti ."

Hiranyagarbha means "Golden Egg or womb."
Brahma also then divides himself into twins: Nara and Nari. Or the day and night. etc

The Brahman relates to the ether element. The Orphic egg was also born from. Some of the depictions of such Phanes have them as four heads each representing the symbols of the cardinal points and thus four elements of creation. The 5th being the ether they came out of. Which demonstrates the reason Brahma is four headed as well.

"Phanes, the revealed god, is represented in this snake-symbol as a protogonos, a being furnished with the heads of a man, a hawk or an eagle, a bull -- taurus, and a lion, with wings on both sides."

In the East the Caduceus which is a map of the soul. Was called the: "Staff of Brahma." Brahma also has ra and ma within it. The dual aspects of the soul brought together.

This is where the story of the creation in Genesis was stolen from. The symbolic creation of the soul of the Pagan texts. Almost word for word in some passages.

Brahma is the White Stage of alchemy the perfected soul. With Vishnu being the black stage and Siva the red. The images of Brahma in Indonesia the only real place left on earth with Brahma worship. Show him as a four headed eternally young being. And the symbol he stands on, is the same as the base of the Siva Lingam. And is standing as a circle within a square base for the same reason. The perfected soul the union of male and female into the perfected state. Hence why he stands on this base which is square and circle. Representing the yin and yang union. The great perfection. The temples of the serpent God, Aesculapius where built with the same design for the same reason.

This is where the Four Kumara's come in. They represent the four major light powers of the soul in Vedic alchemy. Which equal the four elements but much deeper. It includes the charka's and how they group together in sets and interact. They represent the proper union and activation, transformation of this and the energies of the great lights. This is why Brahma has them populate the earth. As its regenerating the soul, we know the earth is metaphor for the soul. I don't believe the they became celibates nonsense. Its probably a later RHP add on. This is Brahma's four heads and why his name also means "Multitude." Brahma rules the root charka [which Satan rules, the kundalini serpent] which has four petals that relate to the telepolar magnet of the soul as Bardon writes in his first book. Which goes back into the serpent power and its aspects of the soul. The pineal gland area is also called the cave of Brahma along with the crown chakra this relates to the kundalini fully activating all this. In some images the serpent Ananta is shown having a thousand hoods to represent the crown charka or thousand petal lotus.

The four heads and arms also represent the four Veda's which get into the four elements and their perfection. In the Four Veda's there are 33 Gods. Which represent the esoteric 33 of the spinal column and the serpentine system perfected. Hence the Magnum Opus.

Brahma as stated also relates to the manifest Brahman which relates to the perfection of the soul. The Brahmana's texts mention the offering of foods to the six gates of Brahman. Which is allegory for empowering the chakra centers. And thus the soul.
Brahma is also shown ridding on the swan or Hamsa in Sanskrit which represents the risen kundalini power and its white color gets into the White stage.

Their names [4 Kumara's] relate to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha and the elemental powers of the serpentine life force and how it manifests the magnum opus. Ananta Shesha is the force of which Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested out of. The three worlds and three major channels.

This is why in another text. Brahma emerges from the navel of Vishnu. As the Vedic texts state the navel is central to immorality, hence the perfected state and to Agni . The lotus Brahma emerges and sits upon represents the reborn soul. Just as Horus [his name is actually Hari. Which relates to a major title for Brahma] reborn emerges from the Lotus in Egypt. Hence the symbol the perfected being Narayana always shows Him standing on a open Lotus four armed and blue. Blue relates to the perfected life force, purified mercury. Think of the sun at high noon in the clear blue sky. Its most powerful position. This is the White Stage of the working. And why in one of the last Brahma temples in India the entrance is flanked by two statues of the Narayana image. Narayana relates to the All of the Magnum Opus when all the Gods [charka's] become One God. And Narayana originally is a title of Brahma. Narayana is the primordial serpent power. Brahma is a serpent God.

Sanat Kumara also carries a trident with three fiery prongs. Its stated there are seven Kumara's but three names are hidden. The three relate to the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, Siva. That related to the perfected soul the four Kumara's represent. Sanat Kumara states His name is AUM. Which each letter equals the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. And in Hinduism is denoted by a trident with Brahma, Vishnu and Siva equaling the three prongs of the trident. The seven Kumara's also relate to the seven heads of Ananta Shesha as well.
As I wrote Sanat is also an anagram of Sat-an. Which relates to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha which is shown as a golden serpent in a perfect circle clutching its own tail. The symbol of the serpentine life force perfected. Hence why Ananta means: "Eternity."
Hence Sanat Kumara is Brahma the supreme soul at the heart of it all. But deeper He is the very serpentine energy that manifests the perfected soul and all the aspects. Of which Brahma is the perfected state of.

This goes back to the Vedic period, Trinity of Indra, Surya, Agni. Which are the same aspect and three in God under different titles. Agni in this role is the most mentioned of the three in one. As Agni means the purifier or liberator. And the rituals which mean perfections in the old language are called Yagaya's the Vedic fire rituals. Hence Satan in the role of Agni the sacred Fire which purifies the soul to Godhead would be the most exalted. The scholars state all the spiritual schools go back to the Rig Veda and Agni. And for this reason. Agni is shown as eternally young and immortal and having two heads. Which represents the Kumara's in their role as twins. The twin polarity of the soul unified. This also is seen in Egypt with Ptah and the twins and with Mithras and the Dadophori. etc. Mithras is known to be a Vedic title for Surya. And Ptah is the Egyptian version of Agni [Rudra]. Since Vishnu is simply an ancient title for Surya [who is shown as Vishnu is today]. It all goes back to this concept. Its also no mistake Ptah is depicted as being blue.

In the East the highest spiritual state a person could obtain was called: "Brahma." As this was the perfected state. That of Eternal Youth: Sanat Kumara. Represented in symbolic form. This why the Priests where called Brahmana's [Brahmin's is a mistranslation]. It relates to those who have achieved the state of Brahma. They also wear the "Brahma thread. " The Templar's and Yezidi's wore a sacred cord of thread linking them to Satan. And a status of spiritual advancement. Its mostly made up of three smaller cords woven together. The three in one. And made up of the separate colors of alchemy.

Brahma represents the Lord of Time which is why in some cases he has a White Beard as a symbol of eternity. Which goes back to the Magnum Opus.

What this means is Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are the same symbolic God [the human soul]. And represent the manifest serpentine power and the stages of its empowerment. With Brahma being the White stage of the soul reborn. This trinity is Sanat Kumara [Sat-an] who's name represents the original word for this power Ananta Shesha, and his trine aspect of creation and perfection. Which is the meaning of the symbol Brahma, Vishnu and Siva.

When Ashoka's enemy program of Buddhism took over by force and subversion. Brahma was reduced in statue, insulted and moved to the back. As Brahma was the head God. Images show from this Buddhist period show Brahma bowing before Buddha which states it all. This is why there are only two Brahma temples left in India but many in Indonesia. Buddhism also rewrote the texts at this period. This is why even after Buddhism officially fell with the Muslim invasions. The Indian's went and worshipped Vishnu and Siva but never Brahma. Ashoka's program did its work well. Over time each God Vishnu and Siva where both given the place of Brahma in their own respected religions. But by this time everything was confused. Because the original culture had been dismantled for centuries. Buddhism made its way to Bali and across Indonesia as well as the Far East and confused and in some cases replaced the original Vedic Tradition in time. We still can see an example of this in Tibet of how the original religion which was based in Vedic Tradition was banned by force, the Priests killed and the texts corrupted. This was going on across the East in one way or another. Of course the Buddhist authority had the upper hand and power. So they rewrote history to cover this over. No different then the Christians in the West did the same. This is why one Indian scholar states that Hinduism is covert Buddhism. And nothing to do with anything of the Vedic religion.

Isis Unveiled. H.P. Blavatsky
The Serpent, The Eagle, The Lion and The Disk. Brannon Parker
The Return Of the Serpents Of Wisdom. Mark Pinkham
The Serpent Grail. P.Gardiner with G.Osborn
The Shining Ones. P Gardiner


Thank you for this HP Don !
I always want to know more about my racial heritage, and your post explains alot to me. The more I walk along the SS path the more connected I feel to my culture and race.

My dad once told me that my grand-grandfather was a Brahmaan(Last name was Mishra), who was sent to Surinam(nation in South-America) as an immigrant contract worker. The british who occupied India at that time sent away those who were the most opposing and troublesome to their regime as contract workers.

He also told me that Brahmaans supossedly traveled from Egypt to Northern India along with Alexander The Great.

Sadly the Vedic system was corrupted long before that I think. The so called caste system is nothing but trash, and they forgot that it was based on spiritual power.

Almost all highly talented Indian Classical musicians are of Brahmaan descent.

Hail Father SATAN !!
Hail The Gods of Duat !!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Don" wrote:


While the Gods are real. Their persona's where also lent to the alchemical culture of symbolism. Which represented the formula for the perfection of the soul. This is where the stories also become allegory.

Some Masonic texts write that the symbolic culture was created around ten thousand years ago. After the fall of the Golden Age. To preserve this knowledge in a cultural model built upon it. This is why serpent worship is the oldest religion on earth. Satan created the Brotherhood of the Serpent to teach this knowledge so humanity could become perfected with it.

The world "religions" of today are corrupted versions of this template. The enemy used them as a Trojan Horse to destroy and infiltrate human societies and bring them down under their control. By manipulation of our unconscious and conscious memory. Replacing the actual meanings with lies meant to create psychologically enslaved and spiritually powerless individuals.

The Trinity concept comes out of alchemy and is the three aspects of the soul. Within the three major stages of the perfection process of the soul.

"I' am the outflow of the primeval flood,
He who emerged from the waters
I am the Provider of Attributes Serpent with its many coils."
-Pyramid text

The three worlds of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested by the serpent Ananta Shesha. The texts state all Avatars are manifestations of Ananta Shesha another name for this serpent was Narayana [originally a title of Brahma]. Ananta is shown being a seven headed serpent resting upon the cosmic ocean. And images of this are worshipped all over India to this day. One of ENKI's symbolic depictions in ancient Sumeria was of a seven headed serpent. In Sumeria EA was shown symbolically as the primordial serpent rising out of the cosmic sea, the Apsu.

The seven heads of Ananta represents the seven chakra's. And how this relates to the life force.

The Greek Orphic's show a serpent coiled seven times around the cosmic egg. From which came their primordial creator Phanes :
"The egg symbolizes the belief in the Greek Orphic religion that the universe originated from within a silver egg. The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-Dionysus, the personification of light.

In Greek myth, particularly Orphic thought, Phanes is the golden winged Primordial Being who was hatched from the shining Cosmic Egg that was the source of the universe. Called Protogonos (First-Born) and Eros (Love) — being the seed of gods and men — Phanes means "Manifestor" or "Revealer," and is related to the Greek words "light" and "to shine forth."."

With Brahma there is a text of him of being born from the cosmic egg.

"Brahma was born in water. In this he deposited a seed that later became the golden egg. From the golden egg, Brahma, the creator was born, as Hiranyagarbha. The remaining materials of this golden egg expanded into the Brahm-anda or Universe.
Being born in water, Brahma is also called Kanja (born in water). Brahma is said also to be the son of the Supreme Being, Brahman and the female energy known as Prakrti ."

Hiranyagarbha means "Golden Egg or womb."
Brahma also then divides himself into twins: Nara and Nari. Or the day and night. etc

The Brahman relates to the ether element. The Orphic egg was also born from. Some of the depictions of such Phanes have them as four heads each representing the symbols of the cardinal points and thus four elements of creation. The 5th being the ether they came out of. Which demonstrates the reason Brahma is four headed as well.

"Phanes, the revealed god, is represented in this snake-symbol as a protogonos, a being furnished with the heads of a man, a hawk or an eagle, a bull -- taurus, and a lion, with wings on both sides."

In the East the Caduceus which is a map of the soul. Was called the: "Staff of Brahma." Brahma also has ra and ma within it. The dual aspects of the soul brought together.

This is where the story of the creation in Genesis was stolen from. The symbolic creation of the soul of the Pagan texts. Almost word for word in some passages.

Brahma is the White Stage of alchemy the perfected soul. With Vishnu being the black stage and Siva the red. The images of Brahma in Indonesia the only real place left on earth with Brahma worship. Show him as a four headed eternally young being. And the symbol he stands on, is the same as the base of the Siva Lingam. And is standing as a circle within a square base for the same reason. The perfected soul the union of male and female into the perfected state. Hence why he stands on this base which is square and circle. Representing the yin and yang union. The great perfection. The temples of the serpent God, Aesculapius where built with the same design for the same reason.

This is where the Four Kumara's come in. They represent the four major light powers of the soul in Vedic alchemy. Which equal the four elements but much deeper. It includes the charka's and how they group together in sets and interact. They represent the proper union and activation, transformation of this and the energies of the great lights. This is why Brahma has them populate the earth. As its regenerating the soul, we know the earth is metaphor for the soul. I don't believe the they became celibates nonsense. Its probably a later RHP add on. This is Brahma's four heads and why his name also means "Multitude." Brahma rules the root charka [which Satan rules, the kundalini serpent] which has four petals that relate to the telepolar magnet of the soul as Bardon writes in his first book. Which goes back into the serpent power and its aspects of the soul. The pineal gland area is also called the cave of Brahma along with the crown chakra this relates to the kundalini fully activating all this. In some images the serpent Ananta is shown having a thousand hoods to represent the crown charka or thousand petal lotus.

The four heads and arms also represent the four Veda's which get into the four elements and their perfection. In the Four Veda's there are 33 Gods. Which represent the esoteric 33 of the spinal column and the serpentine system perfected. Hence the Magnum Opus.

Brahma as stated also relates to the manifest Brahman which relates to the perfection of the soul. The Brahmana's texts mention the offering of foods to the six gates of Brahman. Which is allegory for empowering the chakra centers. And thus the soul.
Brahma is also shown ridding on the swan or Hamsa in Sanskrit which represents the risen kundalini power and its white color gets into the White stage.

Their names [4 Kumara's] relate to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha and the elemental powers of the serpentine life force and how it manifests the magnum opus. Ananta Shesha is the force of which Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested out of. The three worlds and three major channels.

This is why in another text. Brahma emerges from the navel of Vishnu. As the Vedic texts state the navel is central to immorality, hence the perfected state and to Agni . The lotus Brahma emerges and sits upon represents the reborn soul. Just as Horus [his name is actually Hari. Which relates to a major title for Brahma] reborn emerges from the Lotus in Egypt. Hence the symbol the perfected being Narayana always shows Him standing on a open Lotus four armed and blue. Blue relates to the perfected life force, purified mercury. Think of the sun at high noon in the clear blue sky. Its most powerful position. This is the White Stage of the working. And why in one of the last Brahma temples in India the entrance is flanked by two statues of the Narayana image. Narayana relates to the All of the Magnum Opus when all the Gods [charka's] become One God. And Narayana originally is a title of Brahma. Narayana is the primordial serpent power. Brahma is a serpent God.

Sanat Kumara also carries a trident with three fiery prongs. Its stated there are seven Kumara's but three names are hidden. The three relate to the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, Siva. That related to the perfected soul the four Kumara's represent. Sanat Kumara states His name is AUM. Which each letter equals the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. And in Hinduism is denoted by a trident with Brahma, Vishnu and Siva equaling the three prongs of the trident. The seven Kumara's also relate to the seven heads of Ananta Shesha as well.
As I wrote Sanat is also an anagram of Sat-an. Which relates to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha which is shown as a golden serpent in a perfect circle clutching its own tail. The symbol of the serpentine life force perfected. Hence why Ananta means: "Eternity."
Hence Sanat Kumara is Brahma the supreme soul at the heart of it all. But deeper He is the very serpentine energy that manifests the perfected soul and all the aspects. Of which Brahma is the perfected state of.

This goes back to the Vedic period, Trinity of Indra, Surya, Agni. Which are the same aspect and three in God under different titles. Agni in this role is the most mentioned of the three in one. As Agni means the purifier or liberator. And the rituals which mean perfections in the old language are called Yagaya's the Vedic fire rituals. Hence Satan in the role of Agni the sacred Fire which purifies the soul to Godhead would be the most exalted. The scholars state all the spiritual schools go back to the Rig Veda and Agni. And for this reason. Agni is shown as eternally young and immortal and having two heads. Which represents the Kumara's in their role as twins. The twin polarity of the soul unified. This also is seen in Egypt with Ptah and the twins and with Mithras and the Dadophori. etc. Mithras is known to be a Vedic title for Surya. And Ptah is the Egyptian version of Agni [Rudra]. Since Vishnu is simply an ancient title for Surya [who is shown as Vishnu is today]. It all goes back to this concept. Its also no mistake Ptah is depicted as being blue.

In the East the highest spiritual state a person could obtain was called: "Brahma." As this was the perfected state. That of Eternal Youth: Sanat Kumara. Represented in symbolic form. This why the Priests where called Brahmana's [Brahmin's is a mistranslation]. It relates to those who have achieved the state of Brahma. They also wear the "Brahma thread. " The Templar's and Yezidi's wore a sacred cord of thread linking them to Satan. And a status of spiritual advancement. Its mostly made up of three smaller cords woven together. The three in one. And made up of the separate colors of alchemy.

Brahma represents the Lord of Time which is why in some cases he has a White Beard as a symbol of eternity. Which goes back to the Magnum Opus.

What this means is Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are the same symbolic God [the human soul]. And represent the manifest serpentine power and the stages of its empowerment. With Brahma being the White stage of the soul reborn. This trinity is Sanat Kumara [Sat-an] who's name represents the original word for this power Ananta Shesha, and his trine aspect of creation and perfection. Which is the meaning of the symbol Brahma, Vishnu and Siva.

When Ashoka's enemy program of Buddhism took over by force and subversion. Brahma was reduced in statue, insulted and moved to the back. As Brahma was the head God. Images show from this Buddhist period show Brahma bowing before Buddha which states it all. This is why there are only two Brahma temples left in India but many in Indonesia. Buddhism also rewrote the texts at this period. This is why even after Buddhism officially fell with the Muslim invasions. The Indian's went and worshipped Vishnu and Siva but never Brahma. Ashoka's program did its work well. Over time each God Vishnu and Siva where both given the place of Brahma in their own respected religions. But by this time everything was confused. Because the original culture had been dismantled for centuries. Buddhism made its way to Bali and across Indonesia as well as the Far East and confused and in some cases replaced the original Vedic Tradition in time. We still can see an example of this in Tibet of how the original religion which was based in Vedic Tradition was banned by force, the Priests killed and the texts corrupted. This was going on across the East in one way or another. Of course the Buddhist authority had the upper hand and power. So they rewrote history to cover this over. No different then the Christians in the West did the same. This is why one Indian scholar states that Hinduism is covert Buddhism. And nothing to do with anything of the Vedic religion.

Isis Unveiled. H.P. Blavatsky
The Serpent, The Eagle, The Lion and The Disk. Brannon Parker
The Return Of the Serpents Of Wisdom. Mark Pinkham
The Serpent Grail. P.Gardiner with G.Osborn
The Shining Ones. P Gardiner
As it is, it represents an attempt to hodge pog several anti-Vedic ideologies together under a umbrella philosophy. It only comes off as confused. And it erects the same metaphysical outlook the Christian religion is built upon. Its a downward step. The bhakti movement is the end of any Vedic trend. This text being the "bible" of most Hindu's.  This is apparent just by looking at the civilzation its a foundation of. Its a xianized, mess. And its no mistake marxism was able to have such a stronghold in India. India is being sweeped away by the same forces of Jewry that are global. And with ease.  
From: Diabolus Wrath <diaboluswrath@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 3:39:07 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Brahma
  what do you think about hinduism bible' bhagvaad jeeta'..? Is it worth a read? From: Don Danko <mageson6666@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, 16 January 2013 8:35 AM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Brahma
  Depends the Max Muller and co era of translated texts are crap. As American pundits who can read, write and speak sanskrit and english have stated. The church had Muller and others translate out just enough and leave out a lot. To serve as hand books to educate xian missonaries to be able to understand Indian culture. To be able to subvert them to xianity. This is why I work to ensure I have texts by more respected sources.
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: "[email protected]" <[email protected]; don <mageson6666@...
Sent: Tuesday, January 15, 2013 9:57:24 PM
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Brahma
  From: Don <mageson6666@...;
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoS4adults] Brahma
Sent: Wed, Jan 16, 2013 2:37:56 AM
The caste system as is arose after the Islamic invasions.
From: SLADE_666 <rajiv_heretic00@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, January 16, 2013 1:43:02 PM
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Brahma
  Thank you for this HP Don !
I always want to know more about my racial heritage, and your post explains alot to me. The more I walk along the SS path the more connected I feel to my culture and race.

My dad once told me that my grand-grandfather was a Brahmaan(Last name was Mishra), who was sent to Surinam(nation in South-America) as an immigrant contract worker. The british who occupied India at that time sent away those who were the most opposing and troublesome to their regime as contract workers.

He also told me that Brahmaans supossedly traveled from Egypt to Northern India along with Alexander The Great.

Sadly the Vedic system was corrupted long before that I think. The so called caste system is nothing but trash, and they forgot that it was based on spiritual power.

Almost all highly talented Indian Classical musicians are of Brahmaan descent.

Hail Father SATAN !!
Hail The Gods of Duat !!

--- In mailto:JoS4adults%40yahoogroups.com, "Don" wrote:


While the Gods are real. Their persona's where also lent to the alchemical culture of symbolism. Which represented the formula for the perfection of the soul. This is where the stories also become allegory.

Some Masonic texts write that the symbolic culture was created around ten thousand years ago. After the fall of the Golden Age. To preserve this knowledge in a cultural model built upon it. This is why serpent worship is the oldest religion on earth. Satan created the Brotherhood of the Serpent to teach this knowledge so humanity could become perfected with it.

The world "religions" of today are corrupted versions of this template. The enemy used them as a Trojan Horse to destroy and infiltrate human societies and bring them down under their control. By manipulation of our unconscious and conscious memory. Replacing the actual meanings with lies meant to create psychologically enslaved and spiritually powerless individuals.

The Trinity concept comes out of alchemy and is the three aspects of the soul. Within the three major stages of the perfection process of the soul.

"I' am the outflow of the primeval flood,
He who emerged from the waters
I am the Provider of Attributes Serpent with its many coils."
-Pyramid text

The three worlds of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested by the serpent Ananta Shesha. The texts state all Avatars are manifestations of Ananta Shesha another name for this serpent was Narayana [originally a title of Brahma]. Ananta is shown being a seven headed serpent resting upon the cosmic ocean. And images of this are worshipped all over India to this day. One of ENKI's symbolic depictions in ancient Sumeria was of a seven headed serpent. In Sumeria EA was shown symbolically as the primordial serpent rising out of the cosmic sea, the Apsu.

The seven heads of Ananta represents the seven chakra's. And how this relates to the life force.

The Greek Orphic's show a serpent coiled seven times around the cosmic egg. From which came their primordial creator Phanes :
"The egg symbolizes the belief in the Greek Orphic religion that the universe originated from within a silver egg. The first emanation from this egg, described in an ancient hymn, was Phanes-Dionysus, the personification of light.

In Greek myth, particularly Orphic thought, Phanes is the golden winged Primordial Being who was hatched from the shining Cosmic Egg that was the source of the universe. Called Protogonos (First-Born) and Eros (Love) — being the seed of gods and men — Phanes means "Manifestor" or "Revealer," and is related to the Greek words "light" and "to shine forth."."

With Brahma there is a text of him of being born from the cosmic egg.

"Brahma was born in water. In this he deposited a seed that later became the golden egg. From the golden egg, Brahma, the creator was born, as Hiranyagarbha. The remaining materials of this golden egg expanded into the Brahm-anda or Universe.
Being born in water, Brahma is also called Kanja (born in water). Brahma is said also to be the son of the Supreme Being, Brahman and the female energy known as Prakrti ."

Hiranyagarbha means "Golden Egg or womb."
Brahma also then divides himself into twins: Nara and Nari. Or the day and night. etc

The Brahman relates to the ether element. The Orphic egg was also born from. Some of the depictions of such Phanes have them as four heads each representing the symbols of the cardinal points and thus four elements of creation. The 5th being the ether they came out of. Which demonstrates the reason Brahma is four headed as well.

"Phanes, the revealed god, is represented in this snake-symbol as a protogonos, a being furnished with the heads of a man, a hawk or an eagle, a bull -- taurus, and a lion, with wings on both sides."

In the East the Caduceus which is a map of the soul. Was called the: "Staff of Brahma." Brahma also has ra and ma within it. The dual aspects of the soul brought together.

This is where the story of the creation in Genesis was stolen from. The symbolic creation of the soul of the Pagan texts. Almost word for word in some passages.

Brahma is the White Stage of alchemy the perfected soul. With Vishnu being the black stage and Siva the red. The images of Brahma in Indonesia the only real place left on earth with Brahma worship. Show him as a four headed eternally young being. And the symbol he stands on, is the same as the base of the Siva Lingam. And is standing as a circle within a square base for the same reason. The perfected soul the union of male and female into the perfected state. Hence why he stands on this base which is square and circle. Representing the yin and yang union. The great perfection. The temples of the serpent God, Aesculapius where built with the same design for the same reason.

This is where the Four Kumara's come in. They represent the four major light powers of the soul in Vedic alchemy. Which equal the four elements but much deeper. It includes the charka's and how they group together in sets and interact. They represent the proper union and activation, transformation of this and the energies of the great lights. This is why Brahma has them populate the earth. As its regenerating the soul, we know the earth is metaphor for the soul. I don't believe the they became celibates nonsense. Its probably a later RHP add on. This is Brahma's four heads and why his name also means "Multitude." Brahma rules the root charka [which Satan rules, the kundalini serpent] which has four petals that relate to the telepolar magnet of the soul as Bardon writes in his first book. Which goes back into the serpent power and its aspects of the soul. The pineal gland area is also called the cave of Brahma along with the crown chakra this relates to the kundalini fully activating all this. In some images the serpent Ananta is shown having a thousand hoods to represent the crown charka or thousand petal lotus.

The four heads and arms also represent the four Veda's which get into the four elements and their perfection. In the Four Veda's there are 33 Gods. Which represent the esoteric 33 of the spinal column and the serpentine system perfected. Hence the Magnum Opus.

Brahma as stated also relates to the manifest Brahman which relates to the perfection of the soul. The Brahmana's texts mention the offering of foods to the six gates of Brahman. Which is allegory for empowering the chakra centers. And thus the soul.
Brahma is also shown ridding on the swan or Hamsa in Sanskrit which represents the risen kundalini power and its white color gets into the White stage.

Their names [4 Kumara's] relate to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha and the elemental powers of the serpentine life force and how it manifests the magnum opus. Ananta Shesha is the force of which Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are manifested out of. The three worlds and three major channels.

This is why in another text. Brahma emerges from the navel of Vishnu. As the Vedic texts state the navel is central to immorality, hence the perfected state and to Agni . The lotus Brahma emerges and sits upon represents the reborn soul. Just as Horus [his name is actually Hari. Which relates to a major title for Brahma] reborn emerges from the Lotus in Egypt. Hence the symbol the perfected being Narayana always shows Him standing on a open Lotus four armed and blue. Blue relates to the perfected life force, purified mercury. Think of the sun at high noon in the clear blue sky. Its most powerful position. This is the White Stage of the working. And why in one of the last Brahma temples in India the entrance is flanked by two statues of the Narayana image. Narayana relates to the All of the Magnum Opus when all the Gods [charka's] become One God. And Narayana originally is a title of Brahma. Narayana is the primordial serpent power. Brahma is a serpent God.

Sanat Kumara also carries a trident with three fiery prongs. Its stated there are seven Kumara's but three names are hidden. The three relate to the trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, Siva. That related to the perfected soul the four Kumara's represent. Sanat Kumara states His name is AUM. Which each letter equals the Trinity of Brahma, Vishnu and Siva. And in Hinduism is denoted by a trident with Brahma, Vishnu and Siva equaling the three prongs of the trident. The seven Kumara's also relate to the seven heads of Ananta Shesha as well.
As I wrote Sanat is also an anagram of Sat-an. Which relates to the primordial serpent Ananta Shesha which is shown as a golden serpent in a perfect circle clutching its own tail. The symbol of the serpentine life force perfected. Hence why Ananta means: "Eternity."
Hence Sanat Kumara is Brahma the supreme soul at the heart of it all. But deeper He is the very serpentine energy that manifests the perfected soul and all the aspects. Of which Brahma is the perfected state of.

This goes back to the Vedic period, Trinity of Indra, Surya, Agni. Which are the same aspect and three in God under different titles. Agni in this role is the most mentioned of the three in one. As Agni means the purifier or liberator. And the rituals which mean perfections in the old language are called Yagaya's the Vedic fire rituals. Hence Satan in the role of Agni the sacred Fire which purifies the soul to Godhead would be the most exalted. The scholars state all the spiritual schools go back to the Rig Veda and Agni. And for this reason. Agni is shown as eternally young and immortal and having two heads. Which represents the Kumara's in their role as twins. The twin polarity of the soul unified. This also is seen in Egypt with Ptah and the twins and with Mithras and the Dadophori. etc. Mithras is known to be a Vedic title for Surya. And Ptah is the Egyptian version of Agni [Rudra]. Since Vishnu is simply an ancient title for Surya [who is shown as Vishnu is today]. It all goes back to this concept. Its also no mistake Ptah is depicted as being blue.

In the East the highest spiritual state a person could obtain was called: "Brahma." As this was the perfected state. That of Eternal Youth: Sanat Kumara. Represented in symbolic form. This why the Priests where called Brahmana's [Brahmin's is a mistranslation]. It relates to those who have achieved the state of Brahma. They also wear the "Brahma thread. " The Templar's and Yezidi's wore a sacred cord of thread linking them to Satan. And a status of spiritual advancement. Its mostly made up of three smaller cords woven together. The three in one. And made up of the separate colors of alchemy.

Brahma represents the Lord of Time which is why in some cases he has a White Beard as a symbol of eternity. Which goes back to the Magnum Opus.

What this means is Brahma, Vishnu and Siva are the same symbolic God [the human soul]. And represent the manifest serpentine power and the stages of its empowerment. With Brahma being the White stage of the soul reborn. This trinity is Sanat Kumara [Sat-an] who's name represents the original word for this power Ananta Shesha, and his trine aspect of creation and perfection. Which is the meaning of the symbol Brahma, Vishnu and Siva.

When Ashoka's enemy program of Buddhism took over by force and subversion. Brahma was reduced in statue, insulted and moved to the back. As Brahma was the head God. Images show from this Buddhist period show Brahma bowing before Buddha which states it all. This is why there are only two Brahma temples left in India but many in Indonesia. Buddhism also rewrote the texts at this period. This is why even after Buddhism officially fell with the Muslim invasions. The Indian's went and worshipped Vishnu and Siva but never Brahma. Ashoka's program did its work well. Over time each God Vishnu and Siva where both given the place of Brahma in their own respected religions. But by this time everything was confused. Because the original culture had been dismantled for centuries. Buddhism made its way to Bali and across Indonesia as well as the Far East and confused and in some cases replaced the original Vedic Tradition in time. We still can see an example of this in Tibet of how the original religion which was based in Vedic Tradition was banned by force, the Priests killed and the texts corrupted. This was going on across the East in one way or another. Of course the Buddhist authority had the upper hand and power. So they rewrote history to cover this over. No different then the Christians in the West did the same. This is why one Indian scholar states that Hinduism is covert Buddhism. And nothing to do with anything of the Vedic religion.

Isis Unveiled. H.P. Blavatsky
The Serpent, The Eagle, The Lion and The Disk. Brannon Parker
The Return Of the Serpents Of Wisdom. Mark Pinkham
The Serpent Grail. P.Gardiner with G.Osborn
The Shining Ones. P Gardiner

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
