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Boring Workings, Feeling Obliged

Alexandros Iowno [JG]

Head of Activism
Aug 13, 2019
When you design a working and start it, you will be excited or looking forward to bringing these energies in motion, to seeing manifestation and to advance. You will have a perfect or less view of the results, or as you go into the motions of the energies, in time, you will get inspired to bring the best visualization, emotion and mental structure related to this. In time, for very long workings, this can become a chore, especially about more hard moving issues, yet the nature of feeling complete boredom is to be addressed.

While it is not necessary to be excited and enthusiastic every day you do your working, you cannot allow complete boredom to take a hold of this, as simply this can weaken your outcome and input into the working.

To resolve this:

1. Have the basis done prior in: Partaking the design of a working, such as reasoning for the runes used, mantras, reasoning of the numerology, reasoning and structure of the affirmation and creation of this. Creating the working you will act on is very important for your mind to understand what will bring about. This foundation can be done with the help of the Gods. Ask the Gods to guide you into the starting of each working and proceed to think about it.

2. Depending on yourself and knowing how you act these workings, remind and meditate a few minutes before the working each day and remind yourself of the outcomes you want to bring about, maintaining the initial posture when you were enthusiastic. You can "Ritualize" the workings to different degrees.

3. Enlarge you perspective and allow yourself to see that the working is manifesting. Expectations need to be managed by either: curiosity (this can bring doubt however, you must not doubt), or purpose (which is something you must focus on when you lack trust in your working).

Boredom is caused by not seeing results, ie. not having patience and putting the work and knowledge in, or by laziness/not focusing on the purpose.

Please do not confuse daily usual work, which can be in a neutral state with the state of feeling obliged, uneventful, feeling obstacles or pressure to complete it, as a state of "feeling bored".

You must add either each day a plus in your mind or reminder of the purpose of the working, or cyclical, and do this actively and not passively by half-assing the working daily.

Obviously, this will be the case some days, or many days, but it is important to see your effort as a valuable investment, which for the most part will need only a 2% more focus on either the structure or meditative aspect of the purpose of your workings, daily.
I have found the practice of void meditation to be fundamental in freeing one's mind;
exactly as you state, boredom results from a lack of focus.

Boredom is caused by not seeing results, ie. not having patience and putting the work and knowledge in, or by laziness/not focusing on the purpose.

Boredom, in my experience, is a signal that the mind is not properly trained;
when one performs a working, feels the energy and direct it through visualizations; there is no time or space for boredom.
I found it useful to focus on the desired result, freeing it from its "ifs" and "buts", exactly as is done for meditation on the void; in this way one programs the energy automatically, and concentrates it.
This way an enormous amount of energy is generated and directed in the most efficient way.
I have found the practice of void meditation to be fundamental in freeing one's mind;
exactly as you state, boredom results from a lack of focus.
I had this exact same intuition yesterday and I wrote it down, wow!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
