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Bonds Of True Friendship - Joy of Satan

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Every Spiritual Satanist who is versed in this path and has walked it, or came to encounter the very presence and consciousness of the Gods, must know that you will never be alone and that you are creating a friendship with our Gods.

Nowadays, friendships are very weak, fragile, useless, with people relating oftentimes on nothing that is of value, let alone ethical value. Most friendships also have the tendency to "come and go". Falsely, we call many people "friends" nowdays, with nothing to truly warrant for this word.

In all my years in the Joy of Satan I have seen truly what friendship really means. Friendship, as a bond in the soul, with people of a familial bond, that is versed on the same mission, is very strongly present here. The Joy of Satan is a sacred place where all of us who emote with these higher values, can assemble together, read and grow. It is a form of divine community and that should be evident.

This is a place where a "stranger" might help you and will fight alongside you, sign the same hymns as you do, and be a partaker into all the wonderful growth and spiritual empowerment that each of us seeks as an "individual". Yet, this connection shows that all of us are way more than merely "individuals".

Bonds like those of teaching, support, giving and reception, caring and family, even bonds that have to do with our collective warfare, are forming here.

In the "outside world" you might have to impress people with endless lies, or whatever else imaginable. Humanity and it's values are growing weaker by the day, more truly alone.

Of course, I am all for regular socializing with "people" in general, but we must understand that these can only be very small compared to the real bonds that our actions and growth do form with one another here or with the Gods.

Here, anyone who walked closer to the Gods and one's true self that day, has grown stronger and far away from this loneliness and decay of the exterior world. Many people out there are constantly surrounded by other people but filled by a silence that is screaming that one in reality is alone to a deafening extent.

When one's soul opens up and one is at understanding of this, that you are no longer in participation to this loneliness as you brought yourself to the Gods, a giant peace will come upon someone.

Here, one can mostly just come in with their interest of the Gods, willingness to help, and willingness to grow - then one is a partaker in this bond. Our dedication has formed and has been forming for centuries and aeons, friendships with those that came before and those that will come after.

In a sense, we are positioned inside a chain of existence, compared to so many others who just exist alone and for no reason whatsoever in their lives.

I want to thank all of those of you who help, assist, want to learn, who want to promote the Truth of the Gods into the world, those who still allow yourselves to have things of the highest importance and value in your existence, to give for these, to develop for these, to grow in these.

May the Gods keep us always safe and guard us all. May also, our eternal friendship with the Gods, always be in the forefront of our consciousness, our lives, acts and our decisions. May we also grow and expand the JoS and ourselves in high sanctity, as the Gods envision it should be.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you.

Thank you Lord Satan, thank you Lord Baalzebul, thank you Lord Azazel, and thank all the Gods who helped me that I am still here and I didn't fall down for good.
Thanks also to Joy of Satan for their help.
Thank you for your help Hp. Hoodedcobra666.

I used to think that life was just plain shit.
But I realized I was living in ignorance and lies, that's why it sucked.

It's not perfect now, but at least I know what to do to make it better.
Great Sermon like always Cobra!

I have been studying JoS for two years now, dedicated this January and now finally doing some real action like yoga and the power meditations.

This is my first post here so I would say Hello to everyone! (English is not my first language) I wanted to post for a long time actually but I felt like I wasn’t ready yet but hey here we are :D

I’m a weed smoker for 5 years daily (only in the evening when going to sleep) and I finally had the strength to quit that filth, I’m now a week sober.
It’s hard when surrounded by so many bad friends that just skate and smoke all the time. You know those “cool city boys”. A lot of those friendships are even built on those zombie drugs where people only chill with each other with a joint in their hand, and when I stop I’ll probably won’t see them anymore but hey I’m actually happy about that!

I just want to say that I really do feel a bond of friendship with some people here, I have been reading the forum intensively and when reading some posts you get that equating feeling like you know each other. Everybody so kind to each other trying to help en elevating ourselves to higher levels that’s really how to world should be.

But ruthless to the enemy ofcourse :twisted:

I was reading some old posts of HP Maxine yesterday and I just burst into tears. She has done so much for the world and I have so much love for her, she really feels like a wise mother of all. I think I just needed to express my feelings like we all should do more often. Not like those stiff stuck up christians with their fake smile.

Gonna end it here before I keep rambling on.

Thank you for everything friends, and especially the clergy for their hard work!!

Being in close proximity to the gods certainly is the best cure to loneliness, i know that this has saved me from loneliness some years ago. The key that changed me forever was asking my GD for assistance when i needed it most, So to anyone reading this, and struggling, ask for help even if you feel like you do not deserve it or if you are unable to return the favor, this will change whether in this life or the next, just keep moving forward.
Thank you brother. Last few weeks I started to feel it, that I am not alone and etc. no matter how external world tries to convince me that I am alone and that I have to suffer for it, this peace comes and elevates me from it every time,

I am so so so happy we have all this, it is just wonderful beyond anything. At the same time it’s sad how many people can not experience it and will not…

We have to be eternally at all times grateful for this possibility, and for that we are using it actually and for that we get help and grace so we can use it, this is highest thing, highest respect must be given then.

Thank you, thank you, thank you..!! :,)
hmmmm,, greatt. when i alone like bored so i talk with gods or goddess hmm just like talk normally like i talk to friend sometimes we can laugh together if any topic was fun when talk with gods or goddess..
I 'm writing a little off topic , but I want to express my great gratitude to you , the high priest and the Blitzkrieg . I have fallen into insanity so much in this life that I still hardly force myself to live and realize everything objectively , but in this wild struggle it was you and your words that helped me not to fall into the abyss of death forever . It 's nice to hear words of gratitude and admiration , so I decided to write all this .

I also want to note how surprisingly the topics of your articles sometimes coincide with my pressing questions

There may be mistakes in the text , since I am not an English speaker
We are all ultimately alone, both in death and in growth.

The gods, at least from my experience, only respond if you are initiating the communication, and if you are truly deserving of their attention.

I'd rather not be optimistic about any friendships formed between SS. At the most, it's just a co-worker type of situation.
Howl Starseeker said:
Great Sermon like always Cobra!

I have been studying JoS for two years now, dedicated this January and now finally doing some real action like yoga and the power meditations.

This is my first post here so I would say Hello to everyone! (English is not my first language) I wanted to post for a long time actually but I felt like I wasn’t ready yet but hey here we are :D

I’m a weed smoker for 5 years daily (only in the evening when going to sleep) and I finally had the strength to quit that filth, I’m now a week sober.
It’s hard when surrounded by so many bad friends that just skate and smoke all the time. You know those “cool city boys”. A lot of those friendships are even built on those zombie drugs where people only chill with each other with a joint in their hand, and when I stop I’ll probably won’t see them anymore but hey I’m actually happy about that!

I just want to say that I really do feel a bond of friendship with some people here, I have been reading the forum intensively and when reading some posts you get that equating feeling like you know each other. Everybody so kind to each other trying to help en elevating ourselves to higher levels that’s really how to world should be.

But ruthless to the enemy ofcourse :twisted:

I was reading some old posts of HP Maxine yesterday and I just burst into tears. She has done so much for the world and I have so much love for her, she really feels like a wise mother of all. I think I just needed to express my feelings like we all should do more often. Not like those stiff stuck up christians with their fake smile.

Gonna end it here before I keep rambling on.

Thank you for everything friends, and especially the clergy for their hard work!!

Feel yourself welcomed. :) Sometimes these "friends" are only doing bad for one, but you will see if you want to cut them off or not.

I also had that when I read back Maxine's post. She needs to come back for real. :roll:
Howl Starseeker said:
Great Sermon like always Cobra!

I have been studying JoS for two years now, dedicated this January and now finally doing some real action like yoga and the power meditations.

This is my first post here so I would say Hello to everyone! (English is not my first language) I wanted to post for a long time actually but I felt like I wasn’t ready yet but hey here we are :D

I’m a weed smoker for 5 years daily (only in the evening when going to sleep) and I finally had the strength to quit that filth, I’m now a week sober.
It’s hard when surrounded by so many bad friends that just skate and smoke all the time. You know those “cool city boys”. A lot of those friendships are even built on those zombie drugs where people only chill with each other with a joint in their hand, and when I stop I’ll probably won’t see them anymore but hey I’m actually happy about that!

I just want to say that I really do feel a bond of friendship with some people here, I have been reading the forum intensively and when reading some posts you get that equating feeling like you know each other. Everybody so kind to each other trying to help en elevating ourselves to higher levels that’s really how to world should be.

But ruthless to the enemy ofcourse :twisted:

I was reading some old posts of HP Maxine yesterday and I just burst into tears. She has done so much for the world and I have so much love for her, she really feels like a wise mother of all. I think I just needed to express my feelings like we all should do more often. Not like those stiff stuck up christians with their fake smile.

Gonna end it here before I keep rambling on.

Thank you for everything friends, and especially the clergy for their hard work!!
Hi Howl and welcome aboard. Your post brought some emotion to me. Many times I was in tears reading posts here as well. I also dedicated in January. Bravo on taking those solid steps on this journey. There are endless depths of earning here. I love it, nothing beats it. Thanks for sharing.
Even if the world will point its sharpest blades at me for believing in our gods and working for them, even if the world lies and tries to make fools out of us when in fact they are just trying so hard to make their kike programming delusions true, everything of that huge bracket will not stop me from doing what is best to be done because nothing ways more than real divine connections that promise complete recovery and ascension of mankind starting with ourselves and by our positive influences on people around us.

This planet DOES NOT and NEVER belonged to the kike and their fucking shitty alien masters.
AFODO said:

Feel yourself welcomed. :) Sometimes these "friends" are only doing bad for one, but you will see if you want to cut them off or not.

I also had that when I read back Maxine's post. She needs to come back for real. :roll:
Thank you Afodo! I appreciate the kind welcome. I will see eventually if those friendships are really worth it. And yes I think we all want her back, but we know she accomplished her goal and that's the most important :)
The Raven said:
Hi Howl and welcome aboard. Your post brought some emotion to me. Many times I was in tears reading posts here as well. I also dedicated in January. Bravo on taking those solid steps on this journey. There are endless depths of earning here. I love it, nothing beats it. Thanks for sharing.
Thank you Raven! May we all rise to higher levels!
Fuck that. Theres no such thing as friendship. Its all superficial, even here.

No one cares about anything anymore.
Beatiful sermon as always!
Since I dedicated I have felt much better and with a lot of strenght to fight the enemies of Satan.
Heil Hitler!
Heil Satan!
Thank you for the sermons!

When I was down I’ve always felt the bond between the Gods and us! It’s a great feeling when you know that you’re cared for and as long as you keep going and trying, somehow it will be alright.
TheWhiteGiant said:
Fuck that. Theres no such thing as friendship. Its all superficial, even here.

No one cares about anything anymore.

Brother don't be very bitter if certain forms of communications go bad when it comes to the forums, the situation is that everyone else including yourself is an individual that is growing and learning.

I do believe the misunderstanding in your exchange with the other member arose out of the fact that they considered the word "dear" a term of endearment as in a relationship, which they explained they don't want. Certain things like that are miscommunications and are not to be taken very much to heart. Words vary in context for different people.

You're very welcome here there is no need to get that angry over a miscommunication. These things happen oftentimes in both texting and online.

Lastly friendship is a subject that is serious, requires longterm efforts from all involved parties and so on. Not everyone has to be everyone's friend directly. Some people might not match. Still however in the larger context of things we are all in the family of the Gods.
TheWhiteGiant said:
Fuck that. Theres no such thing as friendship. Its all superficial, even here.

No one cares about anything anymore.

The Gods encourage friendship.

As for here, this is the internet. It's not the same as real-life.
TheWhiteGiant said:
Fuck that. Theres no such thing as friendship. Its all superficial, even here.

No one cares about anything anymore.

I see you had a conflict with Abyssos which made you upset about the "forum" and than a smaller conflict with LW.
Firstly, Abyssos is not really a "member" as he always trying to "expose" the JoS just in an intelligent way. The other conflict you had is not really a big thing. I find a lot of members here very very kind. If that left a big mark in you, maybe try to be more invulnerable.
I got a little emotional when I read it. In time I realised that JoS is my True Family, and whatever happens, that doesn't change. I love everyone in our Family the same and it makes me feel good that so many of we are here for each other.

Hail Satan!
After reading this, and of course going through Baalzebub Ethics and Virtues explanation, it really shows that we are connected to the Gods, as well as each other. The connection of true family. We establish friendships that do transcend to the next lives( should one not achieve physical immortality). Like when I talk sometimes respond to Ol Argedco Luciftius, Aquarius, FancyMancy, or BlackDragon on the forums here, it feels like they are old friends from another lifetime. You can just honestly just relate.
Thank you for this. This hits home in so many ways. That feeling of isolation and loneliness knowing you don't fit anywhere in the world truly and much less deeply can relate to other NPCs is a huge void. I always try to remember that I have my SS family and the Gods and all the ways they have looked out for me. It helps to not feel as a shadow between worlds.
Thank you!! Father Satan! Azazel Apollo! Beelzebul! Astroth! Lilith!
I have come a long way since I first got on here! And I have learned a lot! :D
And SOOOO MUCH MORE!! And I have made a few friends on here as well!
I still haven't paid yet because I'm on a tight income! But I promise you and everyone on here. I WILL pay . And I will see to it. Father Satan and his gods and Demons are worth EVERYTHING TO ME! 🙏 This website is home to me! And it is my classroom! Being on this website gets me all caught up on everything from grade school clear up until my college Years and beyond! Reading and studying things that I've never read before and getting into things that I thought I would never dream of getting into! Number one learning and knowing about the truth about my ancient and sisters! The truth about what is going on in this world and how important it is to keep up on the current events and what is going on around this world at any age! They didn't have a lot of this stuff in the textbooks back when I went to school this was something that you had to look for on your own as a college student or when you were with the kid working on a skit with your parents or something! When it comes to studying about the politicians and the lessons that we learn on here! That relates to our life and our history! Not to mention the fact learning the truth about our demons and how helpful they are learning about our bloodlines through study and research! Learning how to be independent looking things up on your own! Doing your own research! Along with it yoga and meditation practice that pushes you through further and further on your path and with everything that you're learning! Learning more and more about father Satan everyday and his demons! And learning the truth about him and who and what he is! Not to mention the fact learning about who you are as an individual! I don't know where I would be without this website!. And the friends that I have made! And many things about this website that has made it easier and easier and more and more possible to learn about father Satan and everything and anything else you wish to learn about when it comes to your blood and your nationality your home and your ancient background. Starting about ancient Egypt and Africa and such! Learning about the gods and the goddesses learning about magic and opening up your mind! And getting a whole different perspective on things then you would anywhere else on the website or anywhere else on this planet! But wasn't for the enemy! We would be able to have more access and libraries it's sad that there's only limited places where people can go to get their information! But thanks to this website it has made it easier and easier for people like me and many others to follow and to learn! Everybody on here is very helpful and friendly! And everybody also has their struggles on here as well pushing forth the truth! And getting it out there for others to learn about and to share! I think this is a wonderful website! And I am literally on my knees thinking Satan everyday and his gods and demons! For this website! And the teachers SS do AN AMAZING JOB! ❤️ THANK YOU!! HAIL SATAN!🖤
TheWhiteGiant said:
Fuck that. Theres no such thing as friendship. Its all superficial, even here.

No one cares about anything anymore.

I agree with you. I keep to myself, humanity is plummeting and destroying itself.
TheWhiteGiant said:
Fuck that. Theres no such thing as friendship. Its all superficial, even here.

No one cares about anything anymore.

The only way to evolve is to fight through the darkest abysses of yourself, and emerge to the dawn once again. Rinse and repeat, just as the Morning Star brings in the dawn and descends below the earth, only to do it once more.

It can be frustrating seeing how bound by unconscious impulses human beings are, puppetted around by strings they cannot see, especially compared to times past when men embraced a spiritual patrimony; almost to the point of feeling like the ideals of man are a lie. But never underestimate the value of a single man's will or ideals, even if they aren't fully aware of what it is, and recognize that this too shall pass, for the Morning Star will arise and bring in the dawn from the darkness.
Eamonomae said:
TheWhiteGiant said:
Fuck that. Theres no such thing as friendship. Its all superficial, even here.

No one cares about anything anymore.

The only way to evolve is to fight through the darkest abysses of yourself, and emerge to the dawn once again. Rinse and repeat, just as the Morning Star brings in the dawn and descends below the earth, only to do it once more.

It can be frustrating seeing how bound by unconscious impulses human beings are, puppetted around by strings they cannot see, especially compared to times past when men embraced a spiritual patrimony; almost to the point of feeling like the ideals of man are a lie. But never underestimate the value of a single man's will or ideals, even if they aren't fully aware of what it is, and recognize that this too shall pass, for the Morning Star will arise and bring in the dawn from the darkness.

I understand.
I will try my best, thanks for replying.
Brother don't be very bitter if certain forms of communications go bad when it comes to the forums, the situation is that everyone else including yourself is an individual that is growing and learning.

I do believe the misunderstanding in your exchange with the other member arose out of the fact that they considered the word "dear" a term of endearment as in a relationship, which they explained they don't want. Certain things like that are miscommunications and are not to be taken very much to heart. Words vary in context for different people.

You're very welcome here there is no need to get that angry over a miscommunication. These things happen oftentimes in both texting and online.

Lastly friendship is a subject that is serious, requires longterm efforts from all involved parties and so on. Not everyone has to be everyone's friend directly. Some people might not match. Still however in the larger context of things we are all in the family of the Gods.
Yes in reguards to this particular reply and a few exchanges you and i have had in the past. i get emotional from many of your posts HP Cobra and sometimes respond "off the cuff" in kind to those posts. We differ on certian subjects and will continue to do so. I still respect your words and wisdom on many subjects. Though I have been part of the groups longer than most I know and acknowledge that i have no where near the growth many here have. Which is why partly that I don't speak much here in the groups. Though we are all on the same broad path each of us has our own personal roads. I'm taking more consous steps on my personal road every day since the gods have blessed me with more tools and opportunities to do so.
i also want to thank you for the little encouragments you post. They are good to look upon when things feel dark and gloomy.

i hope everyone is safe especially with the odd weather of late.

Hail Father Satan
Every Spiritual Satanist who is versed in this path and has walked it, or came to encounter the very presence and consciousness of the Gods, must know that you will never be alone and that you are creating a friendship with our Gods.

Nowadays, friendships are very weak, fragile, useless, with people relating oftentimes on nothing that is of value, let alone ethical value. Most friendships also have the tendency to "come and go". Falsely, we call many people "friends" nowdays, with nothing to truly warrant for this word.

In all my years in the Joy of Satan I have seen truly what friendship really means. Friendship, as a bond in the soul, with people of a familial bond, that is versed on the same mission, is very strongly present here. The Joy of Satan is a sacred place where all of us who emote with these higher values, can assemble together, read and grow. It is a form of divine community and that should be evident.

This is a place where a "stranger" might help you and will fight alongside you, sign the same hymns as you do, and be a partaker into all the wonderful growth and spiritual empowerment that each of us seeks as an "individual". Yet, this connection shows that all of us are way more than merely "individuals".

Bonds like those of teaching, support, giving and reception, caring and family, even bonds that have to do with our collective warfare, are forming here.

In the "outside world" you might have to impress people with endless lies, or whatever else imaginable. Humanity and it's values are growing weaker by the day, more truly alone.

Of course, I am all for regular socializing with "people" in general, but we must understand that these can only be very small compared to the real bonds that our actions and growth do form with one another here or with the Gods.

Here, anyone who walked closer to the Gods and one's true self that day, has grown stronger and far away from this loneliness and decay of the exterior world. Many people out there are constantly surrounded by other people but filled by a silence that is screaming that one in reality is alone to a deafening extent.

When one's soul opens up and one is at understanding of this, that you are no longer in participation to this loneliness as you brought yourself to the Gods, a giant peace will come upon someone.

Here, one can mostly just come in with their interest of the Gods, willingness to help, and willingness to grow - then one is a partaker in this bond. Our dedication has formed and has been forming for centuries and aeons, friendships with those that came before and those that will come after.

In a sense, we are positioned inside a chain of existence, compared to so many others who just exist alone and for no reason whatsoever in their lives.

I want to thank all of those of you who help, assist, want to learn, who want to promote the Truth of the Gods into the world, those who still allow yourselves to have things of the highest importance and value in your existence, to give for these, to develop for these, to grow in these.

May the Gods keep us always safe and guard us all. May also, our eternal friendship with the Gods, always be in the forefront of our consciousness, our lives, acts and our decisions. May we also grow and expand the JoS and ourselves in high sanctity, as the Gods envision it should be.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
Thank you High Priest Hooded Cobra 666, this is a very beautiful and inspiring sermon.

For me, JoS is a real family, when I open the JoS website I feel really home.
Hail Satan! Hail All the Gods,

I have kept my spiritual beliefs to myself all my life. But I never could find a belief system or religion that even closely resembled my own unique belief system, which has been cemented in my soul with astral travel for morethan 50 years. When I “stumbled” upon JoyofSatan.org and began reading voraciously I couldn’t get enough.Every single moral code, vision of bioelectricity, knowledge and belief in the Gods, matched my beliefs. I know Ihave found my true home with this collective family and with everyone here on the path to soul advancement. I feel that here I will create bonds of friendship with other souls who are likeminded in these beliefs. That is a very rare thing for me to make friends. Because I always felt different from others due to my belief system. I feel like hugging every single person who posts in these forums as everyone reinforces this family feeling. Thanks to all of you. Thank you HPHC for a beautiful sermon.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
