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Bolsonaro Wins Brazilian Elections

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Below some videos posted by our member Egon:

This time in Brazil, the "far-right" or as they say the "Trump of the Tropics" has won the election:





Bolsonaro and many other people who are Nationalists and against the movements of assimilation and state destruction are gaining power in states. As always, these politicians will be judged by their actions.

When countries enter a state of extreme anarchy, the people demand after a point people who represent masculine or orderly energies such as Trump or Bolsonaro. Bolsonaro is white, and looking into the matter, other than the usual whining of the leftists on him, and how he has praised a military regime, I have found nothing substantial to support that this person is a bad person or bad politician. He has also made some mean comments here and there, which everyone has in this planet.

But we live in a world where anything stated can be used against someone. On the other hand those who judge over "words" also pulled a knife to stab him not too long ago from what appears to be a commie attack on him. I guess some people speak, while the "moralists" just pick the knives up and kill people as part of their "morality". Sort of like Israel, and how they judge people based on words and brand them as anti-semites, but carry extermination planning on the Palestinians in the term "Business as Usual".

So long these politicians do not interfere with the freedoms of the people and stamp upon corruption, they will be helped to carry this objective. Criminality is what leads civilizations into the ruins, and Brazil is a high risk nation for this. People are extremely fed up with this situation. In many cases, all the police and the military combined is not enough to cleanse the corruption, the cartels, and the criminals. Most people do not have the faintest idea how hard life is in Brazil.

What I can comment on the subject, when some people go after major pestilence and social destruction, and some politicians act to solve this, the Gods will assist them with invisible means. Most of these people are far from ideal, but they do suffice. Not for the sake of the given politician and because they like them, but because they are trying to set things in a better direction than corrosive globalists aka jews and their alien hive.

Nationalism on it's own is not the final objective of the Gods. Labels are less important than doing what really matters. Their final objective is racial solidarity among racial kin (no higher law other than biology at this level), and greater unification based on altruism and racial order. Nationalism represents the part where order is concerned, in our shallow political systems today. Brazil is out of control with many people suffering from intense poverty and crime and they require help.

"The Left of the 21st century" is nothing what it were a hundred of years ago or in the time of the Renascence. It is now all about praising criminals like Stalin, Lenin, or Fidel Castro. The jews have viciously hijacked the traditional left and...left very few traces in it of the original socialist ideology which is based on social equity and altruism. Which was originally formulated not as basis of Globalism bullshit, but for National borders. At that point the crap about caring for people that want to kill you wasn't part of any political agenda.

The left today is compromised of corrosive jews who just play their ideological games on innocent Nations that believe in easy solutions, those who financially bankrupt countries, open borders to hateful foreigners, allow crime to dwell by claiming it is 'against human rights' to act. The jew hijacked the altruism of the left to ultimately make the movements into Communism bastions. And the people are not dumb, they can see it. At least, more than half of a people in a civilization as recent polls do show in some large countries. Bolsonaro won with a 55% which is a strong indicator of this.

An example here is the traditional left should not whine because Bolsonaro said he will stamp on the criminality and corruption. They should welcome it, since it serves a good purpose for equality and peace in a country. It came from the original left that people living in the lower strata deserve to have their exploitation ended, that health care is deserved and so forth. But at this point the only concern of the 'left' is that it is about protecting the jews and echoing their memes. Such as Bolsonaro being "Far Right" or a "Nazi" even.

The right, on the other hand, is blinded by cheap low level christian Nationalism which is a huge preventive boulder in people waking up. This is another method of control of the system, but it's steps further than being assimilated and killed in your own homeland by invasive hordes. In a safer situation the RTR's will deconstruct xianity completely, and remove all it's power and lustre over people, same as Islam. So this shouldn't be something to worry about more than for example, the infestation of the free world with people that believe they should behead you simply because you do not believe in the jewish egregore named "Allah".

At the end of the day, it appears, the jewish order of globalists is just receiving hit after hit. Out of this will rise a system based on Nationalism, and after this, we will push matters for these things to evolve.

Nationalists tend to at least respect other Nationalists in the recent democratic system since they are cornered. If in the future they misbehave and try to play rogue between nations of racially similar people, this will be easier to turn around than the situation where all nations on earth are moved into a gulag to be abused by jews for the rest of their life.

So, moving on, and keep up the Final RTR everyone. We are making excellent progress.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
First time I ever felt happy to see a president being elected. Best news of the year!! "The Myth" (a fancy nickname by which they call him) has won!

You said it all, he's far from being ideal, especially because of his religious views and sympathy for Israel, but that's at least a good start, to say the least. May this ultimately represent one small step into the Fourth Reich.

That's one of the results of our RTRs that I'll forever be grateful for.

Now he needs extra protection as he's been highly threatened lately.

May Father Satan bless and protect him, and guide him in the straight path.

Hail Satan from Brazil!!
I just saw this on Twitter. I hope Brazil is in a much better state as a result. Thank you.
Hoodedcobra666 said:
At the end of the day, it appears, the jewish order of globalists is just receiving hit after hit. Out of this will rise a system based on Nationalism, and after this, we will push matters for these things to evolve.

It seems taking down airplanes would spend too much shekels and they're going broke, let alone cover it, so they proceeded to try and stab the man instead. Makes him more popular lol.

Egon said:
Hoodedcobra666 said:
At the end of the day, it appears, the jewish order of globalists is just receiving hit after hit. Out of this will rise a system based on Nationalism, and after this, we will push matters for these things to evolve.

It seems taking down airplanes would spend too much shekels and they're going broke, let alone cover it, so they proceeded to try and stab the man instead. Makes him more popular lol.


If they brought down an airplane it would be extremely obvious. It's less than 1% of plane flights that crash in 2018. If it crashed with Bolsonaro in it, then it would be clear as heaven who did it. The Brazillians would riot. Then, his right hand this general brazillian guy could have an excuse to get in and declare martial law the next day.

So they paid some commie thug to stab him in the rogue. The commie also stabbed him on the side of the ribcage, probably with intent to reach the heart. This wasn't a joke or staged, he could die very easily there.
It is good to remember that the architect of the political revolution "operation car wash" was Sérgio Fernando Moro, descendant of German and federal judge, was a front line against the jewish.

happy to see the guilty being unmasked. :D
LigioNari said:

All politicians kiss jewish ass at this point, one cannot be a politician without encountering the jewish problem.

Actions matter more than words.

If he acts to jew Brazil then, he will meet quick demise as the jewish energy matrix is quickly failing.
It is good to remember that the architect of the political revolution "operation car wash" was Sérgio Fernando Moro, descendant of German and federal judge, was a front line against the jewish.

happy to see the guilty being unmasked. :D

With the people he went against it's a miracle he is alive. That's for sure.
The main reason why a major awakening on the Jewish problem and Israel hasn't occurred efficiently for them (Brazilian politicians and voters) unlike the more maintream way it's happening in USA, is this catholic astrologer Zionist Harvard "philosopher" Olavo de Carvalho, whose proclaimed life goal is "to fuck everything over". This cancer in human shape was also a thing in Portugal but "zionism" is being widely rejected by Portuguese Nationalists.

According its own words, "the useful idiot, by definition, is too idiot to know he's useful, and who makes use of him".

They're going to get a rude awakening, our RTR will be at the center of that. It’s a huge transformation for World Jewry to suffer.

Hoodedcobra666 said:
LigioNari said:

All politicians kiss jewish ass at this point, one cannot be a politician without encountering the jewish problem.

Actions matter more than words.

If he acts to jew Brazil then, he will meet quick demise as the jewish energy matrix is quickly failing.
I saw this news earlier and was rather elated

Hail Satan!
^He declared Brazil will be leaving the UN,..... "because that is where Communists meet".
Here are some more good news regarding germany:
"Germany's Angela Merkel has said she will step down as chancellor in 2021, following recent election setbacks.

"I will not be seeking any political post after my term ends," she told a news conference in Berlin.

She also said she would not seek re-election as leader of the centre-right CDU party in December. She has held the post since 2000.

The CDU was severely weakened in Sunday's poll in the state of Hesse, the latest in a series of setbacks.

Both the CDU and its national coalition partners, the Social Democrats, were 10 percentage points down on the previous poll there."

This is amazing. The memes for this are hilarious. XD
If it were up to me, I would imprison her on the spot and report her for high treason (Illegal Refugees importing).
Every victim out of these decision goes on her account.
I did not know that Bolsonaro was such a supporter of Israel?

I'm cringing at the sugar coated language they're choosing here. Probably not to scare away another pro-Israel good goy, when all the other kike media outlets around play the bad cop. While Trump's position with Israel and xtiniaty is total cynicism I believe, Bolsonaro has this downside of being actually blind.

sip said:
I did not know that Bolsonaro was such a supporter of Israel?


I've just found this one... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fmoQuiE6oyM

hailourtruegod said:
This is amazing. The memes for this are hilarious. XD
The communist party "PT" has ruled Brazil for nearly 20 years. Now It's been only 4-5 years (I don't remember exactly) that we have the RTRs, and along just two years (from 2016 to now), this very same party has taken a huge fall, and events that seemed improbable before have happened:

-Former president Dilma Rousseff has been impeached;
-Former president Lula has been taken to jail and has been banned from taking part in this year's elections;
-Right-winged candidate Bolsonaro has been elected our new president;
-Bolsonaro, both before and after being elected, has talked about appointing federal judge Sergio Moro as Minister of Justice, and the latter has willingly agreed to it.

And that's just in Brazil, where Spiritual Satanism is not quite popular just yet, and where there probably aren't too many people doing RTRs everyday just yet. That's just a small portion of the power of the RTRs.
Egon said:
hailourtruegod said:
This is amazing. The memes for this are hilarious. XD

The Jew fears the Samurai.


Lol Jairo Haku

I tried putting a couple links to a meme about him that I really like but it wasn't working. It might have been my service or something. I'll try again when I have more time.
Dypet Rod said:
The communist party "PT" has ruled Brazil for nearly 20 years. Now It's been only 4-5 years (I don't remember exactly) that we have the RTRs, and along just two years (from 2016 to now), this very same party has taken a huge fall, and events that seemed improbable before have happened:

-Former president Dilma Rousseff has been impeached;
-Former president Lula has been taken to jail and has been banned from taking part in this year's elections;
-Right-winged candidate Bolsonaro has been elected our new president;
-Bolsonaro, both before and after being elected, has talked about appointing federal judge Sergio Moro as Minister of Justice, and the latter has willingly agreed to it.

And that's just in Brazil, where Spiritual Satanism is not quite popular just yet, and where there probably aren't too many people doing RTRs everyday just yet. That's just a small portion of the power of the RTRs.

2014 midyear we had our first RTR, but in 2015 we started to do them daily.

And i dont think there even is more than a handful of satanists in South America(like few hundreds) so only some RTRs are done in SA.

Thats the power of the RTRs and the FINAL RTR for you Bretheren!!
Artanis said:
Dypet Rod said:
The communist party "PT" has ruled Brazil for nearly 20 years. Now It's been only 4-5 years (I don't remember exactly) that we have the RTRs, and along just two years (from 2016 to now), this very same party has taken a huge fall, and events that seemed improbable before have happened:

-Former president Dilma Rousseff has been impeached;
-Former president Lula has been taken to jail and has been banned from taking part in this year's elections;
-Right-winged candidate Bolsonaro has been elected our new president;
-Bolsonaro, both before and after being elected, has talked about appointing federal judge Sergio Moro as Minister of Justice, and the latter has willingly agreed to it.

And that's just in Brazil, where Spiritual Satanism is not quite popular just yet, and where there probably aren't too many people doing RTRs everyday just yet. That's just a small portion of the power of the RTRs.

2014 midyear we had our first RTR, but in 2015 we started to do them daily.

And i dont think there even is more than a handful of satanists in South America(like few hundreds) so only some RTRs are done in SA.

Thats the power of the RTRs and the FINAL RTR for you Bretheren!!
From what i know the Rtrs work everywhere, It doesn't matter if there are SS doing them in a country to work there, what matter is that there are enough SS in all world doing them.
Bolsonaro is a Zionist. Its just a fight between the Bolcheviks and the Zionists. Just another kosher puppet, like Trump is.
Artanis said:
2014 midyear we had our first RTR, but in 2015 we started to do them daily.

Thank you for the info. I remember when we did that first RTR, but didn't recall whether it was in 2013 or 14.
So it's been 4 years since that first one, and only 3 years that we do them daily.

luis said:
From what i know the Rtrs work everywhere, It doesn't matter if there are SS doing them in a country to work there, what matter is that there are enough SS in all world doing them.

True, you have a point. When SS all over the world perform the same RTR, it's like a massive vortex of energy is generated, and we all tie into it.
But Brazil is one example of a place where the benefits of our work have been blatant. So I suppose what happens is, when a few people do an RTR in a specific place, these people channel the energy in this massive vortex, and when they do so, all the energy combined from everyone in the world doing the RTR is "borrowed" to be used for the direct benefit of the people in that place.

Perhaps the clergy can confirm if that's so.
National Socialism is the coming World Order we should just keep up with the last RTR
Dypet Rod said:
Artanis said:
2014 midyear we had our first RTR, but in 2015 we started to do them daily.

Thank you for the info. I remember when we did that first RTR, but didn't recall whether it was in 2013 or 14.
So it's been 4 years since that first one, and only 3 years that we do them daily.

luis said:
From what i know the Rtrs work everywhere, It doesn't matter if there are SS doing them in a country to work there, what matter is that there are enough SS in all world doing them.

True, you have a point. When SS all over the world perform the same RTR, it's like a massive vortex of energy is generated, and we all tie into it.
But Brazil is one example of a place where the benefits of our work have been blatant. So I suppose what happens is, when a few people do an RTR in a specific place, these people channel the energy in this massive vortex, and when they do so, all the energy combined from everyone in the world doing the RTR is "borrowed" to be used for the direct benefit of the people in that place.

Perhaps the clergy can confirm if that's so.

For a while I was seeing them as ripples. Every SS doing them is causing an individual ripple. They start from where each SS is in every part of the world and expand to the entire world. The more SS that do the RTR and the more times we do it the bigger the overall collective ripple becomes. Those that live by ley lines would generate a stronger ripple by logic, if my theory is correct. I've been wanting to ask if this is the case. Also follow up with does it matter where we are. Like were some of us SS currently in specific predestined locations? I have several reasons to believe this last part and one of them is that I always end up coming back to the same place I've been at most my life even if I've tried moving away many times already. Other reasons as well that I'll keep private on here. Also, if my theory is correct does doing the RTR by a church destroy their prayer energy more?

If this isn't how they work then my fall back theory is aligns a little more with what Dypet Rod says but not that we cause the vortex but dismantling one. The jewish one. Each RTR causing it to be destroyed and the places that feel it first are where the most energy of wanting change is but were blocked by the jewish spells before the RTRs. Also our gods might have a hand in this into directing the way thibgs should go to first.

These are my own opinions and I too would like to hear the clergy's two cents on this whenever they have the free time or feel like it. I try not to think of it too much since what matters at the end is that the RTRs work and need to be done daily. :twisted:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
