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Bodies of 800 babies found in septic tank of Church run home

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Bodies of 800 babies found in septic tank of Church run home
This "home" was owned and run by the Catholic Church. The children died of neglect, abuse and starvation. And where singled out for humiliation by the nuns in public as well. Judging by the attitude of ritual humiliation and hatred towards the children by the nuns. Its probably not a secret why the children where treated this way. The same church which is nothing but an organized crime network of thieves, murders, liars and pedophiles. And was created and is run by Jews, proof here:

Bodies of 800 babies, long-dead, found in septic tank at former Irish home for unwed mothers
http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morn ... d-mothers/

By Terrence McCoy

June 3 at 4:48 am

ONE TIME USE ONLY Children's Home, Dublin Road, Tuam, Ireland circa 1950. (Courtesy of Catherine Corless/Tuam Historical Society)
Children’s Home, Dublin Road, Tuam, Ireland circa 1950. (Courtesy of Catherine Corless/Tuam Historical Society)

In a town in western Ireland, where castle ruins pepper green landscapes, there’s a six-foot stone wall that once surrounded a place called the Home. Between 1925 and 1961, thousands of “fallen women” and their “illegitimate” children passed through the Home, run by the Bon Secours nuns in Tuam.

Many of the women, after paying a penance of indentured servitude for their out-of-wedlock pregnancy, left the Home for work and lives in other parts of Ireland and beyond. Some of their children were not so fortunate.

More than five decades after the Home was closed and destroyed — where a housing development and children’s playground now stands — what happened to nearly 800 of those abandoned children has now emerged: Their bodies were piled into a massive septic tank sitting in the back of the structure and forgotten, with neither gravestones nor coffins.

“The bones are still there,” local historian Catherine Corless, who uncovered the origins of the mass grave in a batch of never-before-released documents, told The Washington Post in a phone interview. “The children who died in the Home, this was them.”

The grim findings, which are being investigated by police, provide a glimpse into a particularly dark time for unmarried pregnant women in Ireland, where societal and religious mores stigmatized them. Without means to support themselves, women by the hundreds wound up at the Home. “When daughters became pregnant, they were ostracized completely,” Corless said. “Families would be afraid of neighbors finding out, because to get pregnant out of marriage was the worst thing on Earth. It was the worst crime a woman could commit, even though a lot of the time it had been because of a rape.”

According to documents Corless provided the Irish Mail on Sunday, malnutrition and neglect killed many of the children, while others died of measles, convulsions, TB, gastroenteritis and pneumonia. Infant mortality at the Home was staggeringly high.

“If you look at the records, babies were dying two a week, but I’m still trying to figure out how they could [put the bodies in a septic tank],” Corless said. “Couldn’t they have afforded baby coffins?”

Special kinds of neglect and abuse were reserved for the Home Babies, as locals call them. Many in surrounding communities remember them. They remember how they were segregated to the fringes of classrooms, and how the local nuns accentuated the differences between them and the others. They remember how, as one local told the Irish Central, they were “usually gone by school age — either adopted or dead.”

According to Irish Central, a 1944 local health board report described the children living at the Home as “emaciated,” “pot-bellied,” “fragile” and with “flesh hanging loosely on limbs.”

Corless has a vivid recollection of the Home Babies. “If you acted up in class, some nuns would threaten to seat you next to the Home Babies,” she said. She said she recalled one instance in which an older schoolgirl wrapped a tiny stone in a bright candy wrapper and gave it to a Home Baby as a gift.

“When the child opened it, she saw she’d been fooled,” Corless told Irish Central. “Of course, I copied her later and I tried to play the joke on another little Home girl. I thought it was funny at the time…. Years after, I asked myself what did I do to that poor little girl that never saw a sweet? That has stuck with me all my life. A part of me wants to make up to them.”

She said she first started investigating the Home, which most locals wanted to “forget,” when she started working on a local annual historical journal. She heard there was a little graveyard near what had been the Home, and that piqued her curiosity. How many children were there?

So she requested the records through the local registration house to find out. The attendant “came back a couple of weeks later and said the number was staggering, just hundreds and hundreds, that it was nearly 800 dead children,” Corless said.

Once, in 1995, Corless said in the phone interview, several boys had stumbled across the mass grave, which lay beneath a cracked piece of concrete: “The boys told me it had been filled to the brim with human skulls and bones. They said even to this day they still have nightmares of finding the bodies.”

Locals suspect that the number of bodies in the mass grave, which will likely soon be excavated, may be even higher than 800. “God knows who else is in the grave,” one anonymous source told the Daily Mail. “It’s been lying there for years, and no one knows the full extent of the total of bodies down there.”
Those heinous monsters had victimized thousands of young girls for years in the "Magdalene laundries." Young women were enslaved and tormented up until as recently as 1976. Many are still alive today and when they try telling the story, xians - especially those befuddled catlicks - just shove their fingers in their ears and say, "I'm not hearing youuuuu lalalalalalalalala because jebus!"

Catlicks are big on sadism in the name of jewsus. WE know why they do it - to feed the grays. WE KNOW. But the rest of the outsiders are truly befuddled. And then, when some monster priest gets exposed, they do the "Well those aren't true crustyuns" and blame it on Father Satan, as always.

I hope I'm somehow allowed to witness the day their souls are ripped apart for what they've done.

Those poor kids.

Hail Father Satan!
You posted this at exactly 3:00 AM.  That's the time of Satan.  Pretty cool!  Hail Ganesha and the Powers of Duat!
 It's a sad fact that the majority of the public will never wake up and realize that it is these vicious rhp organizations and the like, who are the real monsters that harm animals, children, all of humanity and everything else!!!  This is just proof of how sick and twisted the church really is.HAIL SATAN!!!
That is just sick. Christians go around accusing us of sacrificing animals, kids, etc; then they turn around and do the same thing they accused us of doing. Christens are the true evil of the world, not us.
Hail Satan!

On Thursday, June 5, 2014 8:42 AM, "no.state@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Those heinous monsters had victimized thousands of young girls for years in the "Magdalene laundries." Young women were enslaved and tormented up until as recently as 1976. Many are still alive today and when they try telling the story, xians - especially those befuddled catlicks - just shove their fingers in their ears and say, "I'm not hearing youuuuu lalalalalalalalala because jebus!"

Catlicks are big on sadism in the name of jewsus. WE know why they do it - to feed the grays. WE KNOW. But the rest of the outsiders are truly befuddled. And then, when some monster priest gets exposed, they do the "Well those aren't true crustyuns" and blame it on Father Satan, as always.

I hope I'm somehow allowed to witness the day their souls are ripped apart for what they've done.

Those poor kids.

Hail Father Satan!

People will all wake up in time. Years and years ago when I was new to the
internet, I noted how christians dominated and they dominated because they
had no opposition. We are further ahead then most of us know. Visibility is
a very important key. The enemy wants for us to be "underground" "secretive"
and to keep quiet. Fools head for the hills, join communes and such and then
when the shit comes down, after being unavailable to the public, going
"underground" and hiding, there will be no problem for big brother to move
on in militantly and kill them all.

We must be persistent and continuous in our fight against these Jewish
created and controlled monsters. The Jew-run communist regime that
controlled a large portion of the world- they never expected communism to
fall now, did they? Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups. With this, the
truth is coming out to where they can no longer suppress their endless
hideous crimes against humanity and neither can their xian churches. I can
tell you, just researching the endless acts of child molestation and rape,
in time, it is a given that there are many, many innocent children buried
out back of xian churches, convents, homes and rectories, and also in the
yards, basements and floorboards of homes of devout xians, especially
preachers. Just give it time and there will be more news exposing these
tragedies. Souls of those who were murdered like that do not rest. There
will be justice.

I was in a Laundromat recently and while I was loading my wash, a huge flat
screen TV on the wall was blasting out xian filth. The owner of the
Laundromat happened to be there. I went and complained. I told him if people
wanted to listen to that sort of thing, they can go to church. It has no
place in a public laundry. I also stated how I found that sort of thing
extremely offensive. The guy was obviously an xian. He then replied that
some people might "want to listen to that.' I countered with again the fact
that those who do can attend a church and that discriminatory practices
[which xianity is extremely discriminatory] do not belong in a place that is
open to the public. I was extremely polite, but very firm and relentless. He
got the attendant to change the channel. I then thank them politely. My
entire point with this is if no one says anything, the enemy will continue
on with no opposition. That malignant filth would have been blasting out all
day if I hadn't said anything. I let them know those sorts of TV programs
were not acceptable.

Now, turn the table and say there was a TV show of a Black Mass or some
other Satanic Rite and just how long do you think that would last? Xians
would be going crazy, screaming and demanding that it be turned off and even
going so far as to attack the station that hosted it. This makes us
Satanists look worthless and weak. Silence is condoning. I know there are
certain situations that one is best to keep quiet, but this is not an excuse
for doing nothing. We have to fight and fight and fight this malignant scum
or we will never have any freedom. Now is the time. I always complain. If
taking any direct action would place you kin jeopardy, then make an
anonymous phone call to someone who will hear you, write a letter, whatever.
If you are confused as to what to do, tune in and ask Satan. You will get an
answer, even if you are not telepathic.

We are and have been making impact more than you know. Those who take no
action, are "underground," and advocate doing nothing, run like the cowards
that they are and hide, and work to keep knowledge hidden are worthless
dross. Never listen to them. The enemy advances quickly and has control as
long as they have no opposition. Xians are not as brave when you come back
at them confidently, especially one on one. Let them know their filth and
lies are not wanted, and that they will not be tolerated PERIOD. Yeah, no
opposition. Just how stupid can some people out there get? Because xianity
and its related programs are lies, they are weak. They can be defeated if
only our people take relentless action. There are many different ways of
doing this. In closing, I am not suggesting here that anyone place
him/herself or loved ones in any danger. Open confrontation is not always
the best way, but just make sure you do something. Never pass the buck, as
passing the buck will only insure this xian injustice will come back right
on you, as it has a history of doing. Articles like the one in the thread
here need to be posted everywhere. Have a big mouth in a positive way by
posting the crimes of the enemy everywhere so the world will know.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Re: Bodies of 800 babies found in septic tank of Church run home
Sat Jun 7, 2014 3:39 am (PDT) .
Posted by: darklady_of_lucifer

It's a sad fact that the majority of the public will never wake up and
realize that it is these vicious rhp organizations and the like, who are the
real monsters that harm animals, children, all of humanity and everything
else!!! This is just proof of how sick and twisted the church really is.


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Yes, yes and yes, Maxine! ^ The time of the shadows is past! We must
make our presence known, else none will know of us. Of course use
common sense. I myself am extremely open; i mean, I do not go round
yeling 'hail Satan' on stree corners or anything like that. Lol. but I
proudly wear Satanic jewelry in public view, and if anyone asks what
my beliefs or faith is, I do tell them I am a Spiritual Satanist. I
love my Lord and Father, Satan, with all my heart and soul; I would
gladly die for him, if I had to. I mean, I obviously have no desire or
wish to die, but if there was no other way and it would advance his
cause in some way, I would lay down my life if it came to it. He has
told me there will never be a need for such action, but I just want
him to know that I am willing, if the need ever arose. He is my all,
my everything. I love him, and all the gods of Hell, and I refuse to
hide to be quasi accepted! Satan and the other Gods risked all for us
and still do, so we should do the same for them, if we are able. I am
in a safe position, and so that is why I am open.

On 6/7/14, 'High Priestess Maxine Dietrich '
maxine.dietrich666@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
People will all wake up in time. Years and years ago when I was new to the
internet, I noted how christians dominated and they dominated because they
had no opposition. We are further ahead then most of us know. Visibility is
a very important key. The enemy wants for us to be "underground"
and to keep quiet. Fools head for the hills, join communes and such and
when the shit comes down, after being unavailable to the public, going
"underground" and hiding, there will be no problem for big brother to move
on in militantly and kill them all.

We must be persistent and continuous in our fight against these Jewish
created and controlled monsters. The Jew-run communist regime that
controlled a large portion of the world- they never expected communism to
fall now, did they? Assumption is the mother of all fuck-ups. With this,
truth is coming out to where they can no longer suppress their endless
hideous crimes against humanity and neither can their xian churches. I can
tell you, just researching the endless acts of child molestation and rape,
in time, it is a given that there are many, many innocent children buried
out back of xian churches, convents, homes and rectories, and also in the
yards, basements and floorboards of homes of devout xians, especially
preachers. Just give it time and there will be more news exposing these
tragedies. Souls of those who were murdered like that do not rest. There
will be justice.

I was in a Laundromat recently and while I was loading my wash, a huge flat
screen TV on the wall was blasting out xian filth. The owner of the
Laundromat happened to be there. I went and complained. I told him if
wanted to listen to that sort of thing, they can go to church. It has no
place in a public laundry. I also stated how I found that sort of thing
extremely offensive. The guy was obviously an xian. He then replied that
some people might "want to listen to that.' I countered with again the fact
that those who do can attend a church and that discriminatory practices
[which xianity is extremely discriminatory] do not belong in a place that
open to the public. I was extremely polite, but very firm and relentless.
got the attendant to change the channel. I then thank them politely. My
entire point with this is if no one says anything, the enemy will continue
on with no opposition. That malignant filth would have been blasting out
day if I hadn't said anything. I let them know those sorts of TV programs
were not acceptable.

Now, turn the table and say there was a TV show of a Black Mass or some
other Satanic Rite and just how long do you think that would last? Xians
would be going crazy, screaming and demanding that it be turned off and
going so far as to attack the station that hosted it. This makes us
Satanists look worthless and weak. Silence is condoning. I know there are
certain situations that one is best to keep quiet, but this is not an
for doing nothing. We have to fight and fight and fight this malignant scum
or we will never have any freedom. Now is the time. I always complain. If
taking any direct action would place you kin jeopardy, then make an
anonymous phone call to someone who will hear you, write a letter,
If you are confused as to what to do, tune in and ask Satan. You will get
answer, even if you are not telepathic.

We are and have been making impact more than you know. Those who take no
action, are "underground," and advocate doing nothing, run like the cowards
that they are and hide, and work to keep knowledge hidden are worthless
dross. Never listen to them. The enemy advances quickly and has control as
long as they have no opposition. Xians are not as brave when you come back
at them confidently, especially one on one. Let them know their filth and
lies are not wanted, and that they will not be tolerated PERIOD. Yeah, no
opposition. Just how stupid can some people out there get? Because xianity
and its related programs are lies, they are weak. They can be defeated if
only our people take relentless action. There are many different ways of
doing this. In closing, I am not suggesting here that anyone place
him/herself or loved ones in any danger. Open confrontation is not always
the best way, but just make sure you do something. Never pass the buck, as
passing the buck will only insure this xian injustice will come back right
on you, as it has a history of doing. Articles like the one in the thread
here need to be posted everywhere. Have a big mouth in a positive way by
posting the crimes of the enemy everywhere so the world will know.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


Re: Bodies of 800 babies found in septic tank of Church run home
Sat Jun 7, 2014 3:39 am (PDT) .
Posted by: darklady_of_lucifer

It's a sad fact that the majority of the public will never wake up and
realize that it is these vicious rhp organizations and the like, who are
real monsters that harm animals, children, all of humanity and everything
else!!! This is just proof of how sick and twisted the church really is.


Protect your computer files with professional cloud backup.
Get PCRx Backup and upload unlimited files automatically.
Learn more at http://backup.pcrx.com/mail
What happened in Ireland is heart-breaking. Even the average xian-on-the-street cannot deny what types of monsters they've been following now. Of course, some try anyway. but they can't deny the horror and the inhumanity of this. Not THIS!

Some might try saying they're not "true xians." But when they try saying this was the work of our Father Satan, I comment back with "Don't blame Satan for what was obviously done by xians."

We will win this. These monsters indict themselves. Even discussing the lie of the holoco$t in public is getting easier.

Hail Father Satan and ALL the True Gods and Goddesses of Duat!
Is it a coincidence that I mentioned my coven to be underground because I am not hiding or running . I am simply avoiding Jews and christians.If I doent then how am I to work secretly, in joy of satan you mention that a coven should be run in total secretcy.
Maxine, I know that you will reveal it in post on your own time when Satan is ready. But I'm just wondering if there will be another reverse jewish curse ritual coming up soon? It has been over a month but I know that the timing must be right. I'm curious about the rare full moon on Friday 13th.

Hail Satan
There are a lot more atrocities where this one came from. The Catholic Church has participated in many crimes of slave labor, including serfdom, chattel slavery, and slave labor at orphanages. The recent mass grave is only one example of Catholic “laundries" like the Magdalene Asylums; a form of slave labor where women were forced to work in clothes-washing facilities run by the Church.

In 1993 a mass grave containing 155 female bodies was discovered outside a Magdalene Asylum in Drumcondra, Dublin. Only 75 of these women even had death certificates.

Many of the corpses still wore casts from the bone injuries these women sustained working back-breaking shifts which could last more than ten hours a day. Chemicals such as industrial bleach used in Catholic workhouses like the so-called Magdalene "Laundry" often caused harm to workers, while dangerous equipment presented yet another danger. One body in the mass grave was found with its head severed.

http://theraggedwagon.wordpress.com/201 ... -are-they/

www.magdalenelaundries.com/Magdalene_La ... _Final.pdf

The Roman Catholic Church had concentration camps like this across Europe and North America where Catholics tortured, abused, and enslaved women and children for "crimes" ranging from promiscuity to being sexually abused. In some cases girls were even imprisoned for looking "too attractive". Women who tried to escape these workhouses were dragged back by the police into literal slavery, from which only relatives rarely released them. Talking to fellow inmates during work was strictly prohibited, and women who broke the rules could be beaten, starved, tortured, and worse.

“Those places were the Irish gulags for women,” said Mary Norris. “When you went inside their doors you left behind your dignity, identity and humanity. We were locked up, had no outside contacts and got no wages although we worked 10 hours a day, six days a week, 52 weeks a year. What else is that but slavery? And to think that they were doing all this in the name of a loving God! I used to tell God I hated him.”

http://samdjordison.blogspot.com/2013/0 ... dries.html

At the "Good Shepherd Orphanage" In Baltimore, Maryland, survivor Pat Noel testifies that aside from working long hours for the Church, girls were beaten until they were bloody, forced to kneel on concrete steps for days, shaved, starved, deprived of their names, and coerced into lifelong celibacy. At least one girl was forced to crawl through her own urine.


Women were worked to death in cold blood; one lovely 15 year old in St. Joseph’s “Industrial School” was even forced by nuns - against a doctor’s order - to perform hard labor right after her appendix had been surgically removed. The girl died after several days of this horrific abuse.

http://theraggedwagon.wordpress.com/200 ... -murdered/

The singer Sinnead O'Conner testifies that she witnessed nuns at an Irish Magdalene Asylum rip a child out of the arms of its screaming mother, who never heard even one word about the fate of her child ever again.

http://goldenbridgeinmate39.wordpress.c ... e-laundry/

Atrocities of a similar nature occurred in Australia, where Lily Arthur recounts having her only child stolen at birth after she was dragged from her bed one night and imprisoned in a Catholic Magdalene Laundry. Here she was forced to work throughout her pregnancy and for months afterword. She met women from a higher security "Asylum" who told her they had been forced to eat rotting food, and sleep with no bedding on concrete for months on end.


Horrific sexual abuse also occurred in these facilities, as recounted by survivors in the documentary "Sex in a Cold Climate".

In the case of Ireland, the Jew-Controlled Government was fully aware  (see again JFM 2011) that thousands of women were illegally enslaved by the Church; and that local police departments were acting at behest of Catholic clergy and others to keep these women in slavery; but did nothing to stop it. In fact, the Jew-Controlled government even acted in collusion with Catholic nuns to use these enslaved women as cheap labor.

Similar use of forced labor once occurred across the Christianized world, where Jewish Governments and Christian Churches collaborated with each other to enslave and exploit Gentile women and their children. This system developed from the Dark Age custom of forcing  promiscuous women to work in convents, developed into a network of laundries in the eighteenth century, and seemingly ended in White countries when the last Magdalene Asylum in Ireland closed in 1996.  Abuse and overworking of women and children in convents and other Christian institutions, however, continues, and it is very likely given the past that there are still places where local authorities are complicit.

The Catholic Church is a criminal organization run by Jews, who are a criminal race.

Hail Satan and his Justice.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
