HPS Shannon, I greatly admire your perseverance, confidence, and positivity, it is inspirational and your latest sermon has been inspiring to me as well. I hope you can get BlacksforSatan back online since that website is going to be the one that sets the awakening of the Black race into full throttle and I can feel it will already. The enemy is incredibly afraid of the Black race because they know that Blacks will awaken quicker than even Whites and go straight for the kill. Once this site comes back online, I will do all I can to spread links in activism where appropriate.
Hail Satan!
Those who curse Joy of Satan are cursed,
those who bless Joy of Satan are blessed.
Have fun with the maladies, torment, and death you are certain to suffer from now for being stupid enough to harass us, Jewish filth. Your whole disgusting tribe is done completely along with your masters for once the 3 Gentile races awaken.