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black pharaoh

Pls as regarding the races, if the Aryans/whites were created by the Gods, wat bout the other races like the indians and the blacks who created them?

<td val[/IMG]Heard from a friend of mine whose Egyptian that Egyptians are neither white or black that they are mixed due to trooping in of people to that region long years ago.

My friend looks white (can't post his pic for security reasons) you will never know he is not white except he tells you! [/TD]
From: Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: JoyofSatan666 <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] black pharaoh
Sent: Sat, Nov 26, 2016 4:09:29 PM

<td val[/IMG]  
<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG]Egypt did have one black pharoah but Ancient Egypt was originally Aryan(white).

High Priestess Shannon[/TD]
From: elements elements elements342@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] black pharaoh
Sent: Sat, Nov 26, 2016 12:17:56 AM

<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG]   Is it true that there was a black pharaoh, or was this made up?

Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android [/TD]
The Aryan race are the literal children of the Gods, we have their blood in our veins. The black and Asian races were created by the Gods.HAIL SATAN!!! 

Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 26, 2016, at 12:31, "joluninja@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Pls as regarding the races, if the Aryans/whites were created by the Gods, wat bout the other races like the indians and the blacks who created them?

Funny part about the word black because black means without color, bleached, bland, without substance. So who is the black race because Africans and other dark races have color. White is all colors combined and yet it looks bleached, without color. I am confused because us Caucasians are not of color because we lack melanin, and the darker races have color. Doesn't this mean that Caucasians are actually the black man, and the darker races (the Negroes and such) are the white man? Then that means the true Aryans are the Negroes right? This is confusing....😔
On Nov 27, 2016 1:08 PM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  The Aryan race are the literal children of the Gods, we have their blood in our veins. The black and Asian races were created by the Gods.HAIL SATAN!!! 

Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 26, 2016, at 12:31, "[email protected] [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Pls as regarding the races, if the Aryans/whites were created by the Gods, wat bout the other races like the indians and the blacks who created them?

Well I was told by my professor (white) in U.P(university of pretoria) who spent almost 20 years studying history of the africans and Rome, that the original pharaohs were black and the whites are hiding the information in rome about black empires and how the shaped the white empires..... He also said that the black history if it reaches blacks then the other races would be scared cause the sleeping (tamed) beast would be unleashed. So those in authority don't want blacks to know their history
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
You automatically assume that just because a white teacher says these things that it makes it valid. They can be just as wrong and misinformed. There is a lot of misinformation out there. There are people who have studied the holocaust and assume that it happened when it is clearly evident that it never happened the way it did. The Jews are the ones who do these things. One example of this is that communist Jew, Wallace Fard who came up with that ideology of the NOI. Now you have blacks thinking they are gods and that the white race is evil, etc. They just have this false persona. Another one- The Jews were the ones who owned and financed the Trans Atlantic slave trade and THEN blamed it on the white race. Also, you have that Black Hebrew Israelite Movement in which blacks think they are the REAL JEWS. I wrote articles addressing these subject.
See what I mean? It never fucking ends.
There are many lies out there to give blacks a false history. You have people saying that Beethoven was black...It has been proven that the ancient Egyptians were originally white, obviously race mixing happened and blacks were in Egypt too but it is a sad reality that the black race has been given a false history. WE have our own and I am finding this out everyday thanks to Satan and the gods. Every time I turn around, I see a false history being made for blacks just to confuse and create a false identity and this is dangerous when the truth comes out. Many times this truth is perpetuated to hide the fact that many backs have a deep seated inferiority complex.
If one looks to history and actually study the races, their roles, their lifestyles, patterns, and everything surrounding it, you can see this truth. Each race is at a different stage of evolution.
This issue definitely needs to be addressed. This is not to belittle the black race but truth is most important here. It is clearly shown that the white race are the builders of complex civilizations and advanced engineering hence the western world, etc. That is there domain. 
It also comes down to the natural capabilities of each race and so many people cannot face that truth. They automatically feel insignificant and have their ego hurt. All the races are not equal and that is a jewish lie. Each race is unique and has their weakness but also exalted aspects.
I know there are might be some who assume I appear pro-white. I am, but I am also pro black. I am pro-gentile and pro-truth. The truth definitely needs to be recognized.
And to the person confused about race and the color spectrum......don't complicate things.
 Hail Satan!
High Priestess Shannonhttps://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatanhttps://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Monday, November 28, 2016 9:12 AM, "drmckinon.lonewolf@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Well I was told by my professor (white) in U.P(university of pretoria) who spent almost 20 years studying history of the africans and Rome, that the original pharaohs were black and the whites are hiding the information in rome about black empires and how the shaped the white empires..... He also said that the black history if it reaches blacks then the other races would be scared cause the sleeping (tamed) beast would be unleashed. So those in authority don't want blacks to know their history
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!

Your professor is a colossal idiot. Huge idiot. 
Simply looking at the mummies of the Great Kings of Egypt, and straight away you'd know they were Aryan. Especially Pharaohs of the more ancient past, such as Ramses II or his father, Seti I. 
The Ancient Egyptian were very particular in depicting races in their art. Egypt was a very Satanic society, more so than all other ancient civilisations, therefore racial purity was held as an ideal. Only towards the end of the Egyptian civilisation, and after countless invasions, did Egypt become race-mixed and even had Black, Greek and Persian Pharaohs. 
However, it is important to know that Egypt was Aryan. 

Hail Satan!
On 28 Nov 2016, at 13:41, drmckinon.lonewolf@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Well I was told by my professor (white) in U.P(university of pretoria) who spent almost 20 years studying history of the africans and Rome, that the original pharaohs were black and the whites are hiding the information in rome about black empires and how the shaped the white empires..... He also said that the black history if it reaches blacks then the other races would be scared cause the sleeping (tamed) beast would be unleashed. So those in authority don't want blacks to know their history
Sent via my BlackBerry from Vodacom - let your email find you!
I get tired of hearing these "conscious" blacks saying blacks were the Egyptians I've even read ancient Greeks were black.  They say "we wuz kangz and sheeit". I saw a video of one of those buffoons showing,  a most likely fake hieroglyph, some image of a black male with a large phallus saying that's proof. It shows how pathetic they are. They say blacks created whites and mestizos. Those savages are insane.
That professor probably spend 20 years studying altered texts, jewish false history documents and other (((kosher))) "information". Of course he would be right on the band wagon, because the jews don't allow anyone to study the real truth, unless one is to dig real deep and go to places where no jew has gone. 

You can read ancient texts and what not and believe them to be real, but pretty much all texts in the vatican or in Italy, or anywhere in the world right now that professors can study are texts that the jews allow them to study. 

Most real documents have been thoroughly burned and destroyed so the real truth doesn't come out to the public or they are kept hidden and far away from the sight of any Aryans or Blacks or Asians in some kind of secret archive that nobody can enter or get any documents from. 

You say he is white, but he could very well be a krypto. You don't seem capable of using your third eye or discerning what is truth from lie, so to you any person with white skin might aswell be considered white. Which is simply not true. 

If Blacks knew their real History it would indeed spell disaster for the jews, because they would unleash all their anger out against them. If only Blacks knew that the jew is their real enemy, they would unite with their own people as one within days and quickly become an organized unity against their common true enemy, then instead of attacking the white race the white race and black race would easily destroy the jews together without all those jewish orchestrated racial tensions creating problems amongst us gentiles and keeping us all pre-occupied with jewish lies. 
HP Shannon, do you think you could give me the links to your articles about the bullshit "hebrew isrealite" retardedness. I have a few friends that are buying into this shit and I would like to properly educate them on this ridiculous ideology. If you have the time that is, I know you guys (clergy) are very busy.

Hail Satan!!!
Hail the Gods and Goddesses of Hell!!!
The jews WILL be trampled under Satanic feet!!!
<td val[/IMG]Lmfao, if every thing we point at with the aim of finding our roots leads back to the aryans then that means we don't fucking have any root, it just simply carries a hidden message I'm that the aryan are the chosen ones of Satan and the black race ain't shit, since everything is Aryan, let's say the blacks just existed on their own from the universe, specially made by the mother Goddess with father, maybe??or we are the universe ourselves the melanin God's? I don't understand why everyone is trying so hard to hide the knowledge of the black roots away from gentile blacks, the Jews? Are they fucking scared of something? Why so scared of blacks that everything that connects to our root and pasts is no where to be found but the aryans are everywhere, they easily identified their roots.

Something is not right here, something fishy going on, where could this conspiracy come from?

Why don't you hps just ask father who the blacks are and lets stop this argument of "not tryna be little the black race but trying to say the truth" tired of hearing this. Someone just ask father Satan the fuck who we are, the fuck where we are from. I think it's about time we know the truth.

Hail Satan! [/TD]
From: Black NS kyriquekyrique@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] black pharaoh
Sent: Tue, Nov 29, 2016 2:15:15 AM

You are confusing yourself it's not that complicated. Aryan=white= light skin pigment=fair skinned. Black=negro=dark skinned= dark skin pigment 
On Nov 27, 2016, at 11:37, Changeling beneprospera@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Funny part about the word black because black means without color, bleached, bland, without substance. So who is the black race because Africans and other dark races have color. White is all colors combined and yet it looks bleached, without color. I am confused because us Caucasians are not of color because we lack melanin, and the darker races have color. Doesn't this mean that Caucasians are actually the black man, and the darker races (the Negroes and such) are the white man? Then that means the true Aryans are the Negroes right? This is confusing....?
On Nov 27, 2016 1:08 PM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  The Aryan race are the literal children of the Gods, we have their blood in our veins. The black and Asian races were created by the Gods.HAIL SATAN!!! 

Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 26, 2016, at 12:31, "joluninja@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Pls as regarding the races, if the Aryans/whites were created by the Gods, wat bout the other races like the indians and the blacks who created them?

First of all, you need to watch how you speak to me with all that cursing and crap. I'm pretty respectful and you should be too, so calm that shit down. When you start to advance yourself things will become clearer to you.
 I am working with the gods, the Egyptian gods especially, on finding out more information on the black race. I am just one person. Also, how about you take the time to look into your own research and not rely on me completely. I still have much research to do.
The white race are of Satan and so of course many things will point to them but the thing is, non whites are part of Satan too so the Aryan culture is for and of all gentiles. If you paid attention to my article on the Egyptian gods and the black race, you would come to understand that the Egyptian gods inspired the culture and religions of Africa and had close ties to the black race. Focus on them for a change. What I am finding out is refreshing. Keep studying Africa as there is much that has not been unearthed and discovered.
There is a book called "Temples of the African Gods" and it has a plethora of photographs and information on the gods and their interaction with Africans. In south Africa, there were small pyramids found and it aligns directly thousands of miles up north to the Pyramid of Giza. Carvings of the Ankh are found. There are mounds and statues found in the south that aligns with the constellation Orion and its called "Adams calendar". It was a calendar system used by the ancient african peoples. Remember the Dogon and Yoruba as well who had the same culture and knowledge the Egyptians did. You also have the Mande "metal" workers in Africa who knew of alchemy and spiritual transformation.
I know that you are in Africa and so you have an advantage as there are many tribes there who still are holding on to this information....
The black race is their own metaphysic and existence and so are the asians. Satan has his blood race but the non whites are their own race of people. His only black race and Asian. We become our own gods, our own existence. We have come into existence by Satan and the non whites were inspired by the non white gods. HP Mageson mentioned about the gods creating the human race to extend their family after many  were lost after the war outside of earth. I'll have to refer back to the article. Whatever the case may be, humans were not slaves mining for gold as perpetuated by Sitchin.
You need to understand that just because we are not Satan's progeny does not mean that we are nothing and not special in our own way. As was said before, we all agree that Satan and the gods are perfected beings with profound insight...well then these beings created and guided the non white races...so that is food for thought. Stop worrying about your race in such a way to belittle. I am not ashamed or upset at being black but what I am ashamed and upset at is what my race has become and what the jews have done to put them in this state. UNACCEPTABLE. 
WE have to push forward and help our race become better beings as was planned. Redemption is the key here. Once we get done with the jews, the gentiles will heal. The blacks will heal and become the better versions of themselves through Satan and the disintegration of Xianity...which is POISON.
Also to the member who wanted the article on the Hebrew Israelites, I will email you tonight or tomorrow. I am a tad busy. You also want to show them the HOAX of xianity because when axiality is exposed...the rest follows. I wrote two articles on the HIs. I'll email you both links. They should also be on the Black satanic group. Hail Satan!
High Priestess Shannonhttps://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatanhttps://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Wednesday, November 30, 2016 12:31 PM, "Ljóss Myrkr ljossmyrkr@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  You are confusing yourself it's not that complicated. Aryan=white= light skin pigment=fair skinned. Black=negro=dark skinned= dark skin pigment 
On Nov 27, 2016, at 11:37, Changeling beneprospera@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Funny part about the word black because black means without color, bleached, bland, without substance. So who is the black race because Africans and other dark races have color. White is all colors combined and yet it looks bleached, without color. I am confused because us Caucasians are not of color because we lack melanin, and the darker races have color. Doesn't this mean that Caucasians are actually the black man, and the darker races (the Negroes and such) are the white man? Then that means the true Aryans are the Negroes right? This is confusing....?
On Nov 27, 2016 1:08 PM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  The Aryan race are the literal children of the Gods, we have their blood in our veins. The black and Asian races were created by the Gods.HAIL SATAN!!! 

Sent from my iPhone
On Nov 26, 2016, at 12:31, "joluninja@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

  Pls as regarding the races, if the Aryans/whites were created by the Gods, wat bout the other races like the indians and the blacks who created them?


<td val[/IMG]To put this in a simple way what you are saying is. Father Satan has his blood in the white race but doesn't have them in black.

If I get you right, what you are indirectly saying is, he fathered the whites and then adopted the black race , because someone who has a child that doesn't carry his blood is Adopted.

So this is what this all means. The way it looks now is that, satanism is meant for aryan and blacks are just here to help the course and movement.

Just like foreigners in another country who doesn't have their villages and house there, but are welcomed in the country., this is more like we are in a white man's land, though it's not our home but we are welcomed to stay. [/TD]
From: shawnlight758@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: black pharaoh
Sent: Thu, Dec 1, 2016 2:25:29 AM

What you are saying is simply wrong, You are saying opinions that are not backed up by fact. It is true that the Aryan race is the children of Satan, and He loves us. But wouldn't you if you have/had children? 
Just because We are His children doesn't mean that He hates the blacks or Asians and that He doesn't want them. Satan created the black and Asian race. They are not His children, but they are his creations, and He therefor also loves them. Thinking the way you do is just wrong, it is not good to say these untruths and possibly corrupt the newbies who are here. HAIL SATAN!!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!

On Dec 1, 2016, at 1:52, "Agbasi Cynthia tecyn@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
<td val[/IMG]To put this in a simple way what you are saying is. Father Satan has his blood in the white race but doesn't have them in black.

If I get you right, what you are indirectly saying is, he fathered the whites and then adopted the black race , because someone who has a child that doesn't carry his blood is Adopted.

So this is what this all means. The way it looks now is that, satanism is meant for aryan and blacks are just here to help the course and movement.

Just like foreigners in another country who doesn't have their villages and house there, but are welcomed in the country., this is more like we are in a white man's land, though it's not our home but we are welcomed to stay. [/TD]
From: shawnlight758@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: black pharaoh
Sent: Thu, Dec 1, 2016 2:25:29 AM
@AgbasiThe fact that Satan went out of his way to create new races speaks tons.Satanism is not just for Aryans. It is not just an Aryan thing. It is a gentile religion. Life style for all beings OF Satan.
When you understand what true Satanism is, then you wouldn't be saying these things. The races have their own land and nation for a reason. You are not understanding the concept of existence.
All the races have the powers (kundalini force) of the gods because without that, godhead wouldn't be possible. Satan established an advanced priesthood in each race and gave the knowledge of godhead to them.
You need to work on your soul and how you view yourself. I can tell you are having some issues with your identity and race. You are lowering yourself just because you are not Aryan. You are missing the whole message. You can choose to take the time and look within, but I bet you will still continue with your belittling views....finding different reasons to self loathe.
See yourself through Satan's eyes. Hail Satan!
High Priestess Shannonhttps://groups.yahoo.com/BlacksforSatanhttps://groups.yahoo.com/SSHealth

On Thursday, December 1, 2016 10:15 AM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  What you are saying is simply wrong, You are saying opinions that are not backed up by fact. It is true that the Aryan race is the children of Satan, and He loves us. But wouldn't you if you have/had children? 
Just because We are His children doesn't mean that He hates the blacks or Asians and that He doesn't want them. Satan created the black and Asian race. They are not His children, but they are his creations, and He therefor also loves them. Thinking the way you do is just wrong, it is not good to say these untruths and possibly corrupt the newbies who are here. HAIL SATAN!!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!

On Dec 1, 2016, at 1:52, "Agbasi Cynthia tecyn@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" val[/IMG]To put this in a simple way what you are saying is. Father Satan has his blood in the white race but doesn't have them in black.

If I get you right, what you are indirectly saying is, he fathered the whites and then adopted the black race , because someone who has a child that doesn't carry his blood is Adopted.

So this is what this all means. The way it looks now is that, satanism is meant for aryan and blacks are just here to help the course and movement.

Just like foreigners in another country who doesn't have their villages and house there, but are welcomed in the country., this is more like we are in a white man's land, though it's not our home but we are welcomed to stay. [/TD]
From: shawnlight758@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: black pharaoh
Sent: Thu, Dec 1, 2016 2:25:29 AM

Are you actually serious Cynthia?

I have seen you here before and honestly respected you, but seeing you write such ignorant nonsense is seriously surprising. 

If it all is as you have it in your head, then why would we even be here trying to educate the black race? 
Why would Satan even bother working with High Priestess Shannon? Use common sense for a second and realize that it is Satan whom you are talking about, the Supreme God of this universe. He doesn't create things for no good reason and he dousn't think of the Black people as if they are some inferior "adopted" people that are just there to "help the course of the movement". 

If that was the case then the Black race would have never been created by Father Satan, but you have a role to play just like we Aryans have a role to play and we were both brought into being by the Supreme God Satan to fullfill a divine purpose. Your race was not created to be undermined or used as slaves or to always be inferior people to the Aryan people, however the Black race at this time is not as developed as the Aryan race is and it is that important fact that needs to be realized before you can actually move past that and advance yourself truthfully and honestly. 

High Priestess Shannon has this title for good reason and she is not seen as some inferior human being by the Gods. My Guardian demoness speaks highly of her and has explained to me as well about the Black race and she even thinks it is sad how the Black race is being controlled now because they are meant to be so much more and they are to become increadible people under Satans guidance in the future. 

You have a long spiritual History, which High Priestess Shannon is working hard to uncover and understand and your ignorance is on the edge of blashpemy right now. 

I can understand you might feel as if we are all only about Whtes here on the JoS, because the whole S movement was started by Whites and the development of the world was mostly instigated by Whites under guidance of the Gods, but the Black race was much more developed and civilized before the war started and the jews interfered. 

Have some pride in yourself and in the fact that you are part of a Race created by Satan with the infinite potential of the Gods at your becon if only you will try to grasp it and reach it. 

Instead of whining on how the white race is this or that, try to get real and advance yourself spiritually so you can educate your people to the spiritual truth and the ways of National Socialism, the origional and true way of life as given to us by the Gods. If you were to do so and set a strong example for your own peope to follow you can be a big help in advancing your people and bringing them the glory, knowledge and advanced civilization they deserve and are supposed to have. 

You are lucky enough to have come in contact with the Gods, so try to learn from them and stop being such an arrogant good for nothing, you are only harming and stunting your own growth as a person by being so foolish. 

Hail Satan!
Please help me understand who is the father of the blacks, Then. I am very curious.

On Thursday, December 1, 2016 7:15 AM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  What you are saying is simply wrong, You are saying opinions that are not backed up by fact. It is true that the Aryan race is the children of Satan, and He loves us. But wouldn't you if you have/had children? 
Just because We are His children doesn't mean that He hates the blacks or Asians and that He doesn't want them. Satan created the black and Asian race. They are not His children, but they are his creations, and He therefor also loves them. Thinking the way you do is just wrong, it is not good to say these untruths and possibly corrupt the newbies who are here. HAIL SATAN!!!GLORY TO THE EMPIRE OF ORION!

On Dec 1, 2016, at 1:52, "Agbasi Cynthia tecyn@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

<td val[/IMG]To put this in a simple way what you are saying is. Father Satan has his blood in the white race but doesn't have them in black.

If I get you right, what you are indirectly saying is, he fathered the whites and then adopted the black race , because someone who has a child that doesn't carry his blood is Adopted.

So this is what this all means. The way it looks now is that, satanism is meant for aryan and blacks are just here to help the course and movement.

Just like foreigners in another country who doesn't have their villages and house there, but are welcomed in the country., this is more like we are in a white man's land, though it's not our home but we are welcomed to stay. [/TD]
From: shawnlight758@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: black pharaoh
Sent: Thu, Dec 1, 2016 2:25:29 AM

If you aren't satisfyied you can leave the group at any time. Then go rant about your inferiority complex shit somewhere else.

---In [email protected], <tecyn@... wrote :

<td val[/IMG]Lmfao, if every thing we point at with the aim of finding our roots leads back to the aryans then that means we don't fucking have any root, it just simply carries a hidden message I'm that the aryan are the chosen ones of Satan and the black race ain't shit, since everything is Aryan, let's say the blacks just existed on their own from the universe, specially made by the mother Goddess with father, maybe??or we are the universe ourselves the melanin God's? I don't understand why everyone is trying so hard to hide the knowledge of the black roots away from gentile blacks, the Jews? Are they fucking scared of something? Why so scared of blacks that everything that connects to our root and pasts is no where to be found but the aryans are everywhere, they easily identified their roots.

Something is not right here, something fishy going on, where could this conspiracy come from?

Why don't you hps just ask father who the blacks are and lets stop this argument of "not tryna be little the black race but trying to say the truth" tired of hearing this. Someone just ask father Satan the fuck who we are, the fuck where we are from. I think it's about time we know the truth.

Hail Satan![/TD]
From: Black NS kyriquekyrique@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] black pharaoh
Sent: Tue, Nov 29, 2016 2:15:15 AM

Lmfao, if every thing we point at with the aim of finding our roots leads back to the aryans then that means we don't fucking have any root, it just simply carries a hidden message I'm that the aryan are the chosen ones of Satan and the black race ain't shit, since everything is Aryan, let's say the blacks just existed on their own from the universe, specially made by the mother Goddess with father, maybe??or we are the universe ourselves the melanin God's? I don't understand why everyone is trying so hard to hide the knowledge of the black roots away from gentile blacks, the Jews? Are they fucking scared of something? Why so scared of blacks that everything that connects to our root and pasts is no where to be found but the aryans are everywhere, they easily identified their roots. Something is not right here, something fishy going on, where could this conspiracy come from? Say WHAT? (((( conspiracy  ))) ??? Da f*
Sister there's aloooott of negative energy in your posts :(
Damn you need to clean that aura of yours. For both your sake- en ours. DevilsAdvocate Nic
On Nov 30, 2016 8:24 PM, "Agbasi Cynthia tecyn@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
<td val[/IMG]Lmfao, if every thing we point at with the aim of finding our roots leads back to the aryans then that means we don't fucking have any root, it just simply carries a hidden message I'm that the aryan are the chosen ones of Satan and the black race ain't shit, since everything is Aryan, let's say the blacks just existed on their own from the universe, specially made by the mother Goddess with father, maybe??or we are the universe ourselves the melanin God's? I don't understand why everyone is trying so hard to hide the knowledge of the black roots away from gentile blacks, the Jews? Are they fucking scared of something? Why so scared of blacks that everything that connects to our root and pasts is no where to be found but the aryans are everywhere, they easily identified their roots.

Something is not right here, something fishy going on, where could this conspiracy come from?

Why don't you hps just ask father who the blacks are and lets stop this argument of "not tryna be little the black race but trying to say the truth" tired of hearing this. Someone just ask father Satan the fuck who we are, the fuck where we are from. I think it's about time we know the truth.

Hail Satan! [/TD]
From: Black NS kyriquekyrique@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] ;
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] ;
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] black pharaoh
Sent: Tue, Nov 29, 2016 2:15:15 AM
"The gods created the diffrent races of humanity, and all were either (( directly descended from them)) or were ((created by them)) through genetic engineering, or both, as again as was stated tin the Ancient fabels. In both ways the meaning was the same, as in we are there creation." "If I get you right, what you are indirectly saying is, he fathered the whites and then adopted the black race ,because someone who has a child that doesn't carry his blood is Adopted."
Kale nolaba embatange enoo Now where the f*  are you going with all that crap? I mean what is the point of your argument really? Because am missing it? Seriously all the trouble HP Shanon has gone through to make your ass understand?
You just naturally slow. Now english is not my language, i just try to get around with it-  but what i garther from the word adopt is that....  Well you adopt what you cant make or create your self. Now the point in MY argument is... Father did not adopt us ofcourse( the statement itself sounds rediculous despite the truth in it)
Thing is he created us, now it doesnt matter how he made us( the black race), the important thing is that ((HE DID!!!!)) He created us- so he is our father! Come on, am sure that simple truth can not be beyond you understanding, so get a grip of it. Rather do not twist it :( Now you quit bitchin' around with that adoption shit of yours because its not only pointless en arbsurd- its downright disgusting. Hail Satan
Haill all hell En no dark blessings for Ass
DevilsAdvocate Nic
On Dec 1, 2016 4:28 PM, "Agbasi Cynthia tecyn@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Going back to the original question in this thread. Yes, yes there was an entire Dynasty of Black Pharaohs of a Black Civilization based on Egyptian Culture. It was Nubia, you've heard of Nubians, right? Their area was south of Egypt, where the Sudan is now, also a part of the Nile Valley. You can be proud that is was a Great Kingdom, there was a time where it rivaled and equaled the power of Egypt. They actually built more Pyramids than in Egypt. but smaller. What is cool is that their pyramids are taller in proportion to their size and an Occult researcher in Russia built some experimental ones with those proportions and found that in some ways they were better than the regular shape for focusing energy.

I am Aryan and I love all my SS Gentile Brothers and Sisters of all Colors.
<td val[/IMG]Nubia, especially south was populated by blacks but remember that arabs had blacks slaves from the arab slave trade and so alot of migration therein.

I do not believe that Nubia was only an entirely black area. Just like Egypt, North and east Africa was and still is populated by those of Eurasian descent. DNA and genetic tests have been done.

The point here is that Africa as whole was dominated by the Egyptian Daemon gods and their culture so whether it be blacks in Egypt, Nubia or South Africa, the customs, culture and spirituality was the same. There were even small pyramids found in South Africa.

Many of the West African gods are correspondent to the Egyptian Daemon gods. The Nubian God Apedemak is an aspect of our Egyptian Daemon goddess Sekhmet. She confirmed this.

The Dogon and Yoruba of the West have the same gods as the Egyptians. The same cosmology. Even in many places in Africa, the languages are all Egyptian at its base.

Blacks had their own society thousands of years ago alongside the gods. Every race has this.

Many ruins and remnants of society have been unearthed in different regions of Africa, especially South. It really gives an idea on how advanced and elevated the gentiles were before the enemy got in and fucked everything up.

High Priestess Shannon

From: shivachakra711@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected];
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: black pharaoh
Sent: Fri, Dec 2, 2016 3:04:22 AM

<td val[/IMG]   Going back to the original question in this thread. Yes, yes there was an entire Dynasty of Black Pharaohs of a Black Civilization based on Egyptian Culture. It was Nubia, you've heard of Nubians, right? Their area was south of Egypt, where the Sudan is now, also a part of the Nile Valley. You can be proud that is was a Great Kingdom, there was a time where it rivaled and equaled the power of Egypt. They actually built more Pyramids than in Egypt. but smaller. What is cool is that their pyramids are taller in proportion to their size and an Occult researcher in Russia built some experimental ones with those proportions and found that in some ways they were better than the regular shape for focusing energy.

I am Aryan and I love all my SS Gentile Brothers and Sisters of all Colors. [/TD]
How do u figure the darker races are not spiritually developed as us Caucasians, when us Caucasians learned everything we know from the dark race? U are not using common sense! 
On Dec 1, 2016 8:49 AM, "voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  Are you actually serious Cynthia?

I have seen you here before and honestly respected you, but seeing you write such ignorant nonsense is seriously surprising. 

If it all is as you have it in your head, then why would we even be here trying to educate the black race? 
Why would Satan even bother working with High Priestess Shannon? Use common sense for a second and realize that it is Satan whom you are talking about, the Supreme God of this universe. He doesn't create things for no good reason and he dousn't think of the Black people as if they are some inferior "adopted" people that are just there to "help the course of the movement". 

If that was the case then the Black race would have never been created by Father Satan, but you have a role to play just like we Aryans have a role to play and we were both brought into being by the Supreme God Satan to fullfill a divine purpose. Your race was not created to be undermined or used as slaves or to always be inferior people to the Aryan people, however the Black race at this time is not as developed as the Aryan race is and it is that important fact that needs to be realized before you can actually move past that and advance yourself truthfully and honestly. 

High Priestess Shannon has this title for good reason and she is not seen as some inferior human being by the Gods. My Guardian demoness speaks highly of her and has explained to me as well about the Black race and she even thinks it is sad how the Black race is being controlled now because they are meant to be so much more and they are to become increadible people under Satans guidance in the future. 

You have a long spiritual History, which High Priestess Shannon is working hard to uncover and understand and your ignorance is on the edge of blashpemy right now. 

I can understand you might feel as if we are all only about Whtes here on the JoS, because the whole S movement was started by Whites and the development of the world was mostly instigated by Whites under guidance of the Gods, but the Black race was much more developed and civilized before the war started and the jews interfered. 

Have some pride in yourself and in the fact that you are part of a Race created by Satan with the infinite potential of the Gods at your becon if only you will try to grasp it and reach it. 

Instead of whining on how the white race is this or that, try to get real and advance yourself spiritually so you can educate your people to the spiritual truth and the ways of National Socialism, the origional and true way of life as given to us by the Gods. If you were to do so and set a strong example for your own peope to follow you can be a big help in advancing your people and bringing them the glory, knowledge and advanced civilization they deserve and are supposed to have. 

You are lucky enough to have come in contact with the Gods, so try to learn from them and stop being such an arrogant good for nothing, you are only harming and stunting your own growth as a person by being so foolish. 

Hail Satan!
<td val[/IMG]@Changeling
Spiritual Satanism is for all gentiles.
All of humanity is suffering spiritually and not spiritually advanced as we use to be.

The gentiles received spirituality and spiritual guidance from the gods.

All of what the gentiles knew all came fron a common source.
No need to start an entirely afrocentric argument.

We already nipped that in the bud early on in this thread...

High Priestess Shannon[/TD]
From: Changeling beneprospera@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: black pharaoh
Sent: Fri, Dec 2, 2016 4:02:07 PM

<td val[/IMG]   How do u figure the darker races are not spiritually developed as us Caucasians, when us Caucasians learned everything we know from the dark race? U are not using common sense! 
On Dec 1, 2016 8:49 AM, "voiceofenki@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:
  Are you actually serious Cynthia?

I have seen you here before and honestly respected you, but seeing you write such ignorant nonsense is seriously surprising. 

If it all is as you have it in your head, then why would we even be here trying to educate the black race? 
Why would Satan even bother working with High Priestess Shannon? Use common sense for a second and realize that it is Satan whom you are talking about, the Supreme God of this universe. He doesn't create things for no good reason and he dousn't think of the Black people as if they are some inferior "adopted" people that are just there to "help the course of the movement". 

If that was the case then the Black race would have never been created by Father Satan, but you have a role to play just like we Aryans have a role to play and we were both brought into being by the Supreme God Satan to fullfill a divine purpose. Your race was not created to be undermined or used as slaves or to always be inferior people to the Aryan people, however the Black race at this time is not as developed as the Aryan race is and it is that important fact that needs to be realized before you can actually move past that and advance yourself truthfully and honestly. 

High Priestess Shannon has this title for good reason and she is not seen as some inferior human being by the Gods. My Guardian demoness speaks highly of her and has explained to me as well about the Black race and she even thinks it is sad how the Black race is being controlled now because they are meant to be so much more and they are to become increadible people under Satans guidance in the future. 

You have a long spiritual History, which High Priestess Shannon is working hard to uncover and understand and your ignorance is on the edge of blashpemy right now. 

I can understand you might feel as if we are all only about Whtes here on the JoS, because the whole S movement was started by Whites and the development of the world was mostly instigated by Whites under guidance of the Gods, but the Black race was much more developed and civilized before the war started and the jews interfered. 

Have some pride in yourself and in the fact that you are part of a Race created by Satan with the infinite potential of the Gods at your becon if only you will try to grasp it and reach it. 

Instead of whining on how the white race is this or that, try to get real and advance yourself spiritually so you can educate your people to the spiritual truth and the ways of National Socialism, the origional and true way of life as given to us by the Gods. If you were to do so and set a strong example for your own peope to follow you can be a big help in advancing your people and bringing them the glory, knowledge and advanced civilization they deserve and are supposed to have. 

You are lucky enough to have come in contact with the Gods, so try to learn from them and stop being such an arrogant good for nothing, you are only harming and stunting your own growth as a person by being so foolish. 

Hail Satan!
This is getting more Ugly than i expected.
How can a simple truth be so hard to grasp? To: nic.dn6@... Show details I love u for saying that. The truth is, the true Aryans are the dark race and not the Caucasians! They use reverse psychology and tricknology as a means to keep the Dark man slave, and keep the Caucasians in power! Black means- without color, bleached, bland, without substance(the Caucasians) and white means a color of which contains all of the spectrum of colors combined (the Dark man)! Also, Aryan is a Sanskrit word that actually means Noble, not as they put it "white". I believe they are all full of shit because the Annuaki were not Caucasian, they look like the people who are the true descendants of them....the Dark man! The Caucasians were genetically engineered by gene splicing and DNA manipulation with apes and the dark man. U can take a dark cloth and bleach it, but once the color comes out, it cannot be reversed. They were made to wreak havoc on the planet by Enlil because he was pissed off at Each for making their creation(the dark man) aware of their Godhood. The Caucasians were made to pretty much bring the dark man down to their feet by means of trickery, lies, false religion, manipulation, and deception because they could not defeat the darker race on any other level. The dark man is far more superior physically, and mentally, and unfortunately very noble(Aryan) and this is why they were able to trick them. Fuck that, I know the truth! Now some ma'f* has just posted this to my private inbox?
I hate this.... For the last time it doesnt matter how Satan made me!! What matters is that he did. And i feel good, sooo good about my self.
Am too smart to feel inferior
I wish i could speak for the entire black race on this account. So however has texted me all this shit, just stay the fuck out of my DM.
For a moment there....well i thought our kind of shit was...GENTILE VS JEWS!!! when did it get to BLACK VS WHITE?
Shit like whos superior en who is not? DA FUCK IS GOING ON HERE? We are dedicated Satanist
We are the elite
We are supposed to be better than this!!!!!
We are ARE supposed  to DO better than this. En i still insist....whats the point of this argument? REALLY?
Frankly am tired of explaining en am tired of the explanations. SATAN HELP US DevilsAdvocate Nic
On Dec 2, 2016 6:41 PM, "egon88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
<td val[/IMG]Did someone send you that to your personal email?

High Priestess Shannon[/TD]
From: devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected];
To: <[email protected];
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: black pharaoh
Sent: Fri, Dec 2, 2016 5:33:43 PM

<td val[/IMG]   This is getting more Ugly than i expected.
How can a s[/IMG]nic.dn6@... Show details I love u for saying that. The truth is, the true Aryans are the dark race and not the Caucasians! They use reverse psychology and tricknology as a means to keep the Dark man slave, and keep the Caucasians in power! Black means- without color, bleached, bland, without substance(the Caucasians) and white means a color of which contains all of the spectrum of colors combined (the Dark man)! Also, Aryan is a Sanskrit word that actually means Noble, not as they put it "white". I believe they are all full of shit because the Annuaki were not Caucasian, they look like the people who are the true descendants of them....the Dark man! The Caucasians were genetically engineered by gene splicing and DNA manipulation with apes and the dark man. U can take a dark cloth and bleach it, but once the color comes out, it cannot be reversed. They were made to wreak havoc on the planet by Enlil because he was pissed off at Each for making their creation(the dark man) aware of their Godhood. The Caucasians were made to pretty much bring the dark man down to their feet by means of trickery, lies, false religion, manipulation, and deception because they could not defeat the darker race on any other level. The dark man is far more superior physically, and mentally, and unfortunately very noble(Aryan) and this is why they were able to trick them. Fuck that, I know the truth! Now some ma'f* has just posted this to my private inbox?
I hate this.... For the last time it doesnt matter how Satan made me!! What matters is that he did. And i feel good, sooo good about my self.
Am too smart to feel inferior
I wish i could speak for the entire black race on this account. So however has texted me all this shit, just stay the fuck out of my DM.
For a moment there....well i thought our kind of shit was...GENTILE VS JEWS!!! when did it get to BLACK VS WHITE?
Shit like whos superior en who is not? DA FUCK IS GOING ON HERE? We are dedicated Satanist
We are the elite
We are supposed to be better than this!!!!!
We are ARE supposed  to DO better than this. En i still insist....whats the point of this argument? REALLY?
Frankly a[/IMG]e[/IMG] [email protected] wrote:
[/QUOTE] [/TD]
It's definitly jews trying to turn us against each other. 

We aren't people to be influenced by petty jewnipilation. 

Nic, I have seen that particular message in other places being used by Jews to try and intice racial hatred. 
Literally an exact copy and paste. 

To some uneducated and not very intelligent individuals this might sound ooh so smart and ingenius, but really use some common sense and you can see it's all nonsense. 
DevilsAdvocate Nic
On Dec 4, 2016 12:16 AM, "Shannon Outlaw soutlaw92@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
<td val[/IMG]Did someone send you that to your personal email?

High Priestess Shannon[/TD]
From: devilsAdvocate Nic nic.dn6@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] ;
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] ;
Subject: Re: [JoyofSatan666] Re: black pharaoh
Sent: Fri, Dec 2, 2016 5:33:43 PM

<td val[/IMG]   This is getting more Ugly than i expected.
How can a s[/IMG]nic.dn6@... Show details I love u for saying that. The truth is, the true Aryans are the dark race and not the Caucasians! They use reverse psychology and tricknology as a means to keep the Dark man slave, and keep the Caucasians in power! Black means- without color, bleached, bland, without substance(the Caucasians) and white means a color of which contains all of the spectrum of colors combined (the Dark man)! Also, Aryan is a Sanskrit word that actually means Noble, not as they put it "white". I believe they are all full of shit because the Annuaki were not Caucasian, they look like the people who are the true descendants of them....the Dark man! The Caucasians were genetically engineered by gene splicing and DNA manipulation with apes and the dark man. U can take a dark cloth and bleach it, but once the color comes out, it cannot be reversed. They were made to wreak havoc on the planet by Enlil because he was pissed off at Each for making their creation(the dark man) aware of their Godhood. The Caucasians were made to pretty much bring the dark man down to their feet by means of trickery, lies, false religion, manipulation, and deception because they could not defeat the darker race on any other level. The dark man is far more superior physically, and mentally, and unfortunately very noble(Aryan) and this is why they were able to trick them. Fuck that, I know the truth! Now some ma'f* has just posted this to my private inbox?
I hate this.... For the last time it doesnt matter how Satan made me!! What matters is that he did. And i feel good, sooo good about my self.
Am too smart to feel inferior
I wish i could speak for the entire black race on this account. So however has texted me all this shit, just stay the fuck out of my DM.
For a moment there....well i thought our kind of shit was...GENTILE VS JEWS!!! when did it get to BLACK VS WHITE?
Shit like whos superior en who is not? DA FUCK IS GOING ON HERE? We are dedicated Satanist
We are the elite
We are supposed to be better than this!!!!!
We are ARE supposed  to DO better than this. En i still insist....whats the point of this argument? REALLY?
Frankly a[/IMG]e[/IMG] [email protected] wrote:

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
