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Black man shoots 5 year old White boy in the head. No mainstream media coverage

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I made another comment yesterday that elaborated more but it didn’t get approved and I understand why. And It wasn’t rage.

All the bronyists come out for these threads, they are living in the upper class areas/ countries and don’t have to come face to face to with these racial realities so they don’t understand or even care.

Some guy said he didn’t even know what race he is and wants to bash me, for being a fake “pure white satanist” that can do no wrong, which I never postured myself as and never have.

You are never going to cuck me, never ever will I be a weird white guilt person like you all are trying to make me. Just because you may be weak and unwilling to defend yourself and what’s yours that doesn’t mean you have to project it on me. I don’t care how ANYONE feels about it. I will be IP banned and completely ran off this forum before I ever stop being Aryan.

No quotes because there was too many people that responded and this message is for everyone.




SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I made another comment yesterday that elaborated more but it didn’t get approved and I understand why. And It wasn’t rage.

All the bronyists come out for these threads, they are living in the upper class areas/ countries and don’t have to come face to face to with these racial realities so they don’t understand or even care.

Some guy said he didn’t even know what race he is and wants to bash me, for being a fake “pure white satanist” that can do no wrong, which I never postured myself as and never have.

You are never going to cuck me, never ever will I be a weird white guilt person like you all are trying to make me. Just because you may be weak and unwilling to defend yourself and what’s yours that doesn’t mean you have to project it on me. I don’t care how ANYONE feels about it. I will be IP banned and completely ran off this forum before I ever stop being Aryan.

No quotes because there was too many people that responded and this message is for everyone.




No one's attacking your racial pride or race. You just have a deep seated hatred for non-whites and while no one here has a say on what you want to feel, what you post on these forums matters a lot. Old non-white members can read your posts without getting the wrong idea that Satanism has to do with hating non whites but these forums are ever getting new people. All Gentile races are needed to win this war and all are welcome here, and you insulting non whites does nothing to help in that regard.

I myself wouldn't stand and watch some degenerate black hurt an innocent person much less a white kid, say if I lived in America. And I can bet you that criminal wouldn't leave that place in a very good shape. Because I'm not under jewish programming and I know the truth. I don't gravitate to lowly habits like crime and race mixing because I practice true spirituality every day. I guess you wouldn't expect that from a 'coon' would you.

Anyway as I said you can think and feel however you wish but do consider that all Gentiles are needed by our side and all visit these forums all the time. Maybe someday you'll see that we all have a Jew problem, the non white one is a symptom that can and will be fixed.
Eric13 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
If you are white and still living around darkies whether they are your next door neighbors or just in the in the neighborhood you are completely Insane. These people have a bloodlust. Their only purpose on this earth is to kill us directly which is something jews are afraid to do, so they get the mud races to do it for them, and they are more than happy to partake and spill our blood.
Often when whites kill other whites it’s in even crazier brutal ways.

Blacks kill blacks all the time and whites kill whites all the time. This isn’t some holy crusade. You have some severe hangups on race or you’re not looking at things clearly. This isn’t really a story of a black guy killing a white person. It’s the story of a fucked individual killing an innocent person. And it’s horrible enough without adding more to the story that isn’t even there.

There was a post you made where you said you can’t even listen to rap music anymore cause it’s black music. Which is fine, but it definitely is showing some hangups here on the issue of blacks. And you’re buying right into the narrative the jews want to push. Which is saddening to see one of our own falling for that. Especially with the wealth of enlightening info on these forums to the contrary of your beliefs.

Blacks are gentiles. Gentiles aren’t the enemy. Jews are. It’s really that simple.

You are not being honest. Whites do not kill whites all the time. Crime statistics show that the white murder rate is 1-2 per 100k. The black murder rate is 30-40 per 100k. The black race rapes and kills more than any other race does. This was a black on white murder. Yes, it was a mentally ill black person, none the less it was a black male murdering a white child. Once black people move into white living spaces the black race begins to destroy the white society with their destructive behavior. I agree that the jew manipulates blacks into committing more rape and murder though Jewish produced rap music, which glorifies rape and murder. However, whites do not live like blacks and should not be forced to live around blacks. Whites can leave their doors unlocked at night in white neighborhoods while blacks have to put bars on their doors and windows to keep black criminals out.

Also, Black women and men murder white children all the time. Felicia Nicole Smith, dejoynay Ferguson, Mona Nelson, Deborah Evans, Emmanuel aranda, Reese bowman, tatianna burns,Etc.. White people are not murdering black children. White people have a duty to keep their children safe from harm and the black race is too violent to live around. As a black satanist, you should understand that white people are under attack and support whites not living around the dark races that are being programmed to murder white people. As for not wanting to listen to black music, that’s normal. White people prefer white music. Black people prefer black music. Asian people prefer Asian music, etc... People of a race prefer their own kind. That is a survival strategy. White men are tired of standing by and watching black males abuse white women. Be honest and admit how black males beat, rape, murder white women. Black males take advantage of white guilt and use white women for their cars, money, credit, impregnate them, abandon them, beat them, murder them, their children. Be a good satanist and support white people who understand what they have to do to survive.
As I have seen all these years, the moment people understand anything about race the first thing is major reactions. This barrier causes a lot of issues which upon later understanding can easily be fixed.

These statements are obviously wrong that the poster made and just extremes, coming from essentially them not understanding things yet.

If people do not converse, and do not speak, then this is where the horrible tensions will arise. A few comments is not horrible tensions. People see and learn.

Unfortunately the main experience many people have of other Gentiles in the Europe and the US now is that of invaders, looters, and other very bad examples. This cannot be brushed away, discredited to being a non reality, or just made to disappear.

We SS understand but the main masses of our races do not. We cannot force the masses to befriend one another in an artificial pot. We can only understand ourselves.

We will stay together and these incidents need to be looked upon only as educational opportunities of value.

Also if we do not address issues and go hide in places or separate, "Let Satan Be Dividied Among His Own House". This cannot happen and this may look like a solution to save little inconveniences but at this point in time lack of spiritual understanding will only cause issues

HPS Shannon said:
No one is saying that whites cant vent or anything. This is obvious. I do not see non whites talking shit on this forum. Its always white satanists doing it. Always. If a black satanist were to talk shit about a white person I correct them.

If someone makes a blatant claim that non whites were created by Satan to destroy whites, I WILL respond to that and correct it because we have non whites, new people and guests from all races visiting these forums.

I do not see non whites posting unneccessary racial slurs and making horrible claims about the white race on these forums and if it happens, its not approved. But the white satanist comments are which is why this keeps happening. Sorry if I like racial peace and harmony and feel like erroneous and illogical comments that he made is bad for our forums and the people visiting.

Im tired of hearing that the Joyofsatan is racist and Im equally tired of defending the JoS that we are not, especially when I try to smooth out racial tension by making comments to clarify for new people so they dont get the wrong idea. But I will stop that, I know I shouldnt over worry. From now now this forum can turn into the daily stormer for all I care. I will spend my time mostly on the black forum-- I must update articles and such and not waste timwe arguing with others anyway. As long as whites get to vent completely thats fine. They need it though too. That I understand.

I do for bad for whats happening, always have. I feel bad for all of us gentiles suffering but its clear even under Satan, these things just cant mix or mesh.

New people can decide if they want to stay or not. I guess its their own personal decision. I apologize to everyone here if I appear as though I am overdoing it.

Eventually in the future when black numbers grow, I will create a seperate forum just for us linked to my webpage, so whites and blacks dont have to keep having these horrible tensions. Its going to be needed anyway as all gentile races grow exponentially in numbers and we seperate.
People go through a phase when they understand themselves racially, yet many people assume that acting like jews do (hating other races as a form of racial expression) is smart or even necessary, when it really solves nothing on a social scale. It makes.things worse and upon this was built the melting pot paradigm.

The only thing that helps anything is essentially Satanic awareness.

Southern is applying a parellel form of racism that looks right in the short term, but is controlled by jews in the longterm and yields no success nor has yielded any success in the American sphere where this was applied.

This type is ineffective, unrealistic, and never helps to protect no race that puts this in practice. Europeans will have a harder time understanding this as in most places everything non European is good because they never seen anything.

The first emotional reaction stage when the depth of damage we have underwent, both by the jew and cohorts, will be shock and hate. This causes a defensive reaction against everyone.

Meditation opens up the mind and one will see that the jews are responsible in the greater scheme of historic affairs, not other races. Blacks go through the same stage of racism when blaming Whites, thinking us collectively deserving to die, or along these lines. Then when one gets smarter and understands jews, one will start having more mental clarity.

Southern is a longterm member and instead of driving people into tribunal, explanations will probably lead to understanding.

Blackdragon666 said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I made another comment yesterday that elaborated more but it didn’t get approved and I understand why. And It wasn’t rage.

All the bronyists come out for these threads, they are living in the upper class areas/ countries and don’t have to come face to face to with these racial realities so they don’t understand or even care.

Some guy said he didn’t even know what race he is and wants to bash me, for being a fake “pure white satanist” that can do no wrong, which I never postured myself as and never have.

You are never going to cuck me, never ever will I be a weird white guilt person like you all are trying to make me. Just because you may be weak and unwilling to defend yourself and what’s yours that doesn’t mean you have to project it on me. I don’t care how ANYONE feels about it. I will be IP banned and completely ran off this forum before I ever stop being Aryan.

No quotes because there was too many people that responded and this message is for everyone.




No one's attacking your racial pride or race. You just have a deep seated hatred for non-whites and while no one here has a say on what you want to feel, what you post on these forums matters a lot. Old non-white members can read your posts without getting the wrong idea that Satanism has to do with hating non whites but these forums are ever getting new people. All Gentile races are needed to win this war and all are welcome here, and you insulting non whites does nothing to help in that regard.

I myself wouldn't stand and watch some degenerate black hurt an innocent person much less a white kid, say if I lived in America. And I can bet you that criminal wouldn't leave that place in a very good shape. Because I'm not under jewish programming and I know the truth. I don't gravitate to lowly habits like crime and race mixing because I practice true spirituality every day. I guess you wouldn't expect that from a 'coon' would you.

Anyway as I said you can think and feel however you wish but do consider that all Gentiles are needed by our side and all visit these forums all the time. Maybe someday you'll see that we all have a Jew problem, the non white one is a symptom that can and will be fixed.
I think he can understand.

Unfortunately people who wake up think their value to their people surmizes on how much they blame or aggressive words they write to other people.

It is when the understanding that this is useless that people start actually doing work with their race.

We can wait and give the facts. I also deleted some even more aggressuve comments they were simply too far.

Eventually one wakes up to the fact one's love of their race is not decided by how much of a hater one is to another which is a jewish example of canned media racism and what jews do and promote to basically destroy the globe.

The above requires awareness. The striking majority of people here have this.

HPS Shannon said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
I made another comment yesterday that elaborated more but it didn’t get approved and I understand why. And It wasn’t rage.

All the bronyists come out for these threads, they are living in the upper class areas/ countries and don’t have to come face to face to with these racial realities so they don’t understand or even care.

Some guy said he didn’t even know what race he is and wants to bash me, for being a fake “pure white satanist” that can do no wrong, which I never postured myself as and never have.

You are never going to cuck me, never ever will I be a weird white guilt person like you all are trying to make me. Just because you may be weak and unwilling to defend yourself and what’s yours that doesn’t mean you have to project it on me. I don’t care how ANYONE feels about it. I will be IP banned and completely ran off this forum before I ever stop being Aryan.

No quotes because there was too many people that responded and this message is for everyone.





Now youre getting all upset and illogical just because I said that you shouldnt make a comment saying that it was wrong to say that the gods created non whites to destroy the white race?

Youre so blind with anger that you think shit talking all non whites means that you become a strong Aryan. And that the opposite makes you weak.

You cant even see right from wrong at this point. The enemy is doing a good job. I know their game.

Eric do not take this the wrong way, this was not to answer you to make you feel bad, I just commented because understanding your point which you intended, it could be carried away very easily into a melting pot situation where who cares about race if at all. This gives a wrong outlook of both the point and what we think of matters to other (and new) readers.

Ol Agredco gave an instructional reply which also explains in a way, yours.

Eric13 said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Don't judge people by race, judge them by their personalities and actions. But sometimes race is the reason for it, so don't deny that either......

Most of the black people I know are great people with great personalities. But some are bad. Just like there's some bad white people too....

Southern White Gentile thinks that all black people are angry dumb animals, and his solution seems to be for himself to also have the mindset of an angry dumb animal. So what do you honestly think that will solve? Nobody can accomplish anything unless they know what they are doing and are in full control.
Exactly. That was my point in my first reply. Somehow me saying it though, I got shit on.
HPS Shannon said:
No one is saying that whites cant vent or anything. This is obvious. I do not see non whites talking shit on this forum. Its always white satanists doing it. Always. If a black satanist were to talk shit about a white person I correct them.

If someone makes a blatant claim that non whites were created by Satan to destroy whites, I WILL respond to that and correct it because we have non whites, new people and guests from all races visiting these forums.

I do not see non whites posting unneccessary racial slurs and making horrible claims about the white race on these forums and if it happens, its not approved. But the white satanist comments are which is why this keeps happening. Sorry if I like racial peace and harmony and feel like erroneous and illogical comments that he made is bad for our forums and the people visiting.

Im tired of hearing that the Joyofsatan is racist and Im equally tired of defending the JoS that we are not, especially when I try to smooth out racial tension by making comments to clarify for new people so they dont get the wrong idea. But I will stop that, I know I shouldnt over worry. From now now this forum can turn into the daily stormer for all I care. I will spend my time mostly on the black forum-- I must update articles and such and not waste timwe arguing with others anyway. As long as whites get to vent completely thats fine. They need it though too. That I understand.

I do for bad for whats happening, always have. I feel bad for all of us gentiles suffering but its clear even under Satan, these things just cant mix or mesh.

New people can decide if they want to stay or not. I guess its their own personal decision. I apologize to everyone here if I appear as though I am overdoing it.

Eventually in the future when black numbers grow, I will create a seperate forum just for us linked to my webpage, so whites and blacks dont have to keep having these horrible tensions. Its going to be needed anyway as all gentile races grow exponentially in numbers and we seperate.

HPS Shannon, you have every right to be upset, these sorts of comments do nothing but harm and only help in pushing the jewish race-war.
The likes of SouthernInbredGentile who always leave such comments on the forums are always either typical pro-trump Americans or/and teenagers. And explaining to them why their comments are flat out wrong and cause nothing but harm has so far yielded no results.

They always hide behind calling everyone who disagrees with their outrageous comments a libtard or a xian, or they hide behind free-speech even when there's no such thing on the JoS forums as people get banned left and right based on what they write, which is in itself is okay as we don't want the forums to turn into a shit-hole with jews swimming around in it.

The idea that we, white people, need to vent does not excuse stupidity, comments like what SouthernInbred always writes have literally 0 benefit. Venting can be done without furthering the enemy agenda.

We all are aware of the degeneration of all Gentiles, and we are also aware how black and brown Gentiles are more degenerated than whites, but this does not excuse condemning a whole race for our misfortunes as white people, unless the accused is the jews.
Just like how many criticize "niggers" for blaming everything on whites, the likes of SouthernInbred are basically doing the same thing except in reverse.

Indeed, non-whites are a serious problem in white-countries and they do require a drastic solution, but in no way is it a solution to label them all as an enemy and to gun them down, especially when they're being controlled by jews. And quite frankly, labeling them all as an enemy and therefore go to war with them is exactly what the enemy is currently pushing for since their plan for us whites to accept the invaders didn't work out, hence now they change to the other extreme.

SouthernInbredGentile has been on the forums since January this year, either this inbred gets it in his thick skull or you should show him the boot. His activity on the forums has caused nothing but infightings and rallying like-minded inbreds with him to cause said infightings.

And lastly, disagreeing with what inbred said is in no way the same as being fine with the crimes non-whites are committing, and if you draw such a conclusion you must be a retard with one-dimensional way of thinking.

Stop falling for the old jewish meme of the two sides of the same jewish coin, retards.

As for you HPS Shannon, I seriously hope you never stop being around the forums, especially since currently most HPs are MIA, we white people need your insights as a black Gentile. Your comments will help a lot of white Gentiles break away from the jewish race-war meme. Please do not get discouraged, we need you and appreciate you.
Eric13 said:
Exactly. That was my point in my first reply. Somehow me saying it though, I got shit on.

You were simply misunderstood, don't worry.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As I have seen all these years, the moment people understand anything about race the first thing is major reactions. This barrier causes a lot of issues which upon later understanding can easily be fixed.

These statements are obviously wrong that the poster made and just extremes, coming from essentially them not understanding things yet.

If people do not converse, and do not speak, then this is where the horrible tensions will arise. A few comments is not horrible tensions. People see and learn.

Unfortunately the main experience many people have of other Gentiles in the Europe and the US now is that of invaders, looters, and other very bad examples. This cannot be brushed away, discredited to being a non reality, or just made to disappear.

We SS understand but the main masses of our races do not. We cannot force the masses to befriend one another in an artificial pot. We can only understand ourselves.

We will stay together and these incidents need to be looked upon only as educational opportunities of value.

Also if we do not address issues and go hide in places or separate, "Let Satan Be Dividied Among His Own House". This cannot happen and this may look like a solution to save little inconveniences but at this point in time lack of spiritual understanding will only cause issues

HPS Shannon said:
No one is saying that whites cant vent or anything. This is obvious. I do not see non whites talking shit on this forum. Its always white satanists doing it. Always. If a black satanist were to talk shit about a white person I correct them.

If someone makes a blatant claim that non whites were created by Satan to destroy whites, I WILL respond to that and correct it because we have non whites, new people and guests from all races visiting these forums.

I do not see non whites posting unneccessary racial slurs and making horrible claims about the white race on these forums and if it happens, its not approved. But the white satanist comments are which is why this keeps happening. Sorry if I like racial peace and harmony and feel like erroneous and illogical comments that he made is bad for our forums and the people visiting.

Im tired of hearing that the Joyofsatan is racist and Im equally tired of defending the JoS that we are not, especially when I try to smooth out racial tension by making comments to clarify for new people so they dont get the wrong idea. But I will stop that, I know I shouldnt over worry. From now now this forum can turn into the daily stormer for all I care. I will spend my time mostly on the black forum-- I must update articles and such and not waste timwe arguing with others anyway. As long as whites get to vent completely thats fine. They need it though too. That I understand.

I do for bad for whats happening, always have. I feel bad for all of us gentiles suffering but its clear even under Satan, these things just cant mix or mesh.

New people can decide if they want to stay or not. I guess its their own personal decision. I apologize to everyone here if I appear as though I am overdoing it.

Eventually in the future when black numbers grow, I will create a seperate forum just for us linked to my webpage, so whites and blacks dont have to keep having these horrible tensions. Its going to be needed anyway as all gentile races grow exponentially in numbers and we seperate.

Just do you know, I understand everything you say. I just hope you understand where I was getting with and why I even commented on this thread. It was way beyond right and no one would have really commented on it or corrected it if I didnt. You know it was wrong of him but you wouldn't have commented if I didnt. I'm not letting comments like that slide.

If a black gentile would have said something similar, the white gentiles here would have jumped on the topic immediately and insulting us racially by throwing our imperfections and or traits of unfortunate spiritual degeneration in our faces like they always do.

I dont see a point in why this thread topic was created in the announcements section anyway. To get white gentiles even more angry? We already know the statistics. It just appears white satanists can vent while non whites just have to be quiet and just keep it in. Which is what you and what others seem to imply over time because the white race is so victimized and the other races are apparently not screwed much because of Jews I guess...

I'm not going into details because I dont want to argue. I'm not going to be such a diplomat anymore to create equilibrium. I tried and it gets no where.

Southern white gentile has been here long enough and understandably waxes and wanes on his view towards us which is fine, but we all have to do what we have to do and he has shown in the past that he knows this happens despite us explaining the situation.

I'm not going to always stay quiet when comments are made towards blacks in Satan's house as if we are worst then Jews or started this entire nightmare on earth. Disrepecting our racial ancestry because Jews destroyed us, and destroying whites too but we get the most name calling and insults.

If venting is so important and healthy for us all then approve whatever comments or posts non white gentiles say to vent or get whatever they have out of their system. You know which ones I mean.

Thank you.
HPS Shannon said:
No one is saying that whites cant vent or anything. This is obvious. I do not see non whites talking shit on this forum. Its always white satanists doing it. Always. If a black satanist were to talk shit about a white person I correct them.

If someone makes a blatant claim that non whites were created by Satan to destroy whites, I WILL respond to that and correct it because we have non whites, new people and guests from all races visiting these forums.

I do not see non whites posting unneccessary racial slurs and making horrible claims about the white race on these forums and if it happens, its not approved. But the white satanist comments are which is why this keeps happening. Sorry if I like racial peace and harmony and feel like erroneous and illogical comments that he made is bad for our forums and the people visiting.

Im tired of hearing that the Joyofsatan is racist and Im equally tired of defending the JoS that we are not, especially when I try to smooth out racial tension by making comments to clarify for new people so they dont get the wrong idea. But I will stop that, I know I shouldnt over worry. From now on this forum can turn into the daily stormer for all I care. I will spend my time mostly on the black forum-- I must update articles and such and not waste time arguing with others anyway. As long as whites get to vent completely thats fine. They need it though too. That I understand.

I do feel bad for whats happening, always have. I feel bad for all of us gentiles suffering but its clear even under Satan, these things just cant mix or mesh.

New people can decide if they want to stay or not. I guess its their own personal decision. I apologize to everyone here if I appear as though I am overdoing it.

Eventually in the future when black numbers grow, I will create a seperate forum just for us linked to my webpage, so whites and blacks dont have to keep having these horrible tensions. Its going to be needed anyway as all gentile races grow exponentially in numbers and we seperate.

Thank you very much for posting this HP Shannon. I created this account solely for posting a reply and showing support for a forum away from the hatred.

I've noticed the blatant double standard ever since the previous forum before it's nuking. I have trouble even coming onto this forum personally because I know I'll see more racial bashing against my people. I would whole heartily welcome a separate forum away from all the negativity even the best of the white race has for us. Threads like these are scaring away our people from adopting Satanism into their lives.
HPS Shannon said:
Just do you know, I understand everything you say. I just hope you understand where I was getting with and why I even commented on this thread. It was way beyond right and no one would have really commented on it or corrected it if I didnt. You know it was wrong of him but you wouldn't have commented if I didnt. I'm not letting comments like that slide.

If a black gentile would have said something similar, the white gentiles here would have jumped on the topic immediately and insulting us racially by throwing our imperfections and or traits of unfortunate spiritual degeneration in our faces like they always do.

I dont see a point in why this thread topic was created in the announcements section anyway. To get white gentiles even more angry? We already know the statistics. It just appears white satanists can vent while non whites just have to be quiet and just keep it in. Which is what you and what others seem to imply over time because the white race is so victimized and the other races are apparently not screwed much because of Jews I guess...

I'm not going into details because I dont want to argue. I'm not going to be such a diplomat anymore to create equilibrium. I tried and it gets no where.

Southern white gentile has been here long enough and understandably waxes and wanes on his view towards us which is fine, but we all have to do what we have to do and he has shown in the past that he knows this happens despite us explaining the situation.

I'm not going to always stay quiet when comments are made towards blacks in Satan's house as if we are worst then Jews or started this entire nightmare on earth. Disrepecting our racial ancestry because Jews destroyed us, and destroying whites too but we get the most name calling and insults.

If venting is so important and healthy for us all then approve whatever comments or posts non white gentiles say to vent or get whatever they have out of their system. You know which ones I mean.

Thank you.
I mostly agree with you. But I don't believe that black and asian Satanists can't also vent. Everybody can. I see it from them too, just not as often. Cowboy is a good example. I don't mind when that happens because everybody has something to say.

But I don't think it should be ridiculous slander and lies being told by anybody, and it shouldn't be hateful. It can be angry, angry is different than hateful. I think it should only be facts and truth being told. It can be negative or positive but it has to be true, like accurately describing specific events that happen. Truth doesn't care about emotion.

But emotion doesn't always care about truth either, and that's when it's a problem. Everybody should not let emotions hide truth.

You know I like you a lot and I want you to stay here. :p
People think I’m some angry person, not true ,I am normal in my life and on other posts. If someone wants to insult me on a personal basis like coraxo then I will ignore.

To everyone that wrote a response and was actually trying make a point and help thank you!
Persus said:
HPS Shannon said:
No one is saying that whites cant vent or anything. This is obvious. I do not see non whites talking shit on this forum. Its always white satanists doing it. Always. If a black satanist were to talk shit about a white person I correct them.

If someone makes a blatant claim that non whites were created by Satan to destroy whites, I WILL respond to that and correct it because we have non whites, new people and guests from all races visiting these forums.

I do not see non whites posting unneccessary racial slurs and making horrible claims about the white race on these forums and if it happens, its not approved. But the white satanist comments are which is why this keeps happening. Sorry if I like racial peace and harmony and feel like erroneous and illogical comments that he made is bad for our forums and the people visiting.

Im tired of hearing that the Joyofsatan is racist and Im equally tired of defending the JoS that we are not, especially when I try to smooth out racial tension by making comments to clarify for new people so they dont get the wrong idea. But I will stop that, I know I shouldnt over worry. From now on this forum can turn into the daily stormer for all I care. I will spend my time mostly on the black forum-- I must update articles and such and not waste time arguing with others anyway. As long as whites get to vent completely thats fine. They need it though too. That I understand.

I do feel bad for whats happening, always have. I feel bad for all of us gentiles suffering but its clear even under Satan, these things just cant mix or mesh.

New people can decide if they want to stay or not. I guess its their own personal decision. I apologize to everyone here if I appear as though I am overdoing it.

Eventually in the future when black numbers grow, I will create a seperate forum just for us linked to my webpage, so whites and blacks dont have to keep having these horrible tensions. Its going to be needed anyway as all gentile races grow exponentially in numbers and we seperate.

Thank you very much for posting this HP Shannon. I created this account solely for posting a reply and showing support for a forum away from the hatred.

I've noticed the blatant double standard ever since the previous forum before it's nuking. I have trouble even coming onto this forum personally because I know I'll see more racial bashing against my people. I would whole heartily welcome a separate forum away from all the negativity even the best of the white race has for us. Threads like these are scaring away our people from adopting Satanism into their lives.

I know how you feel.
I wrote a sermon in the black forum that you should read if you havent. Dont let anyone ever make you feel as though you dont belong and are inferior. Stay focus and advance your soul. Screw what others think about our race.

I hope to see you more on the forum despite all this. We need more black satanists coming to Satan so we can end this nightmare on earth.

Thank you for replying and expressing how you feel.
A large mass of human beings right now Blacks included, are taking the path to the bottom of advancement.

The average Black or this specific one judged over doing a heinous crime is not bashing you, or any other Satanist.

Blacks were programmed to think this way so that they do not denounce the worst elememts of Blacks, because this would cause advancement. Jews want Blacks to not have distance from the evil and low rung of jewish defined "Blackness" so that they get into negativity together and the good Blacks get consumed by those who are bad.

Jews spam on TV that the best Blacks and those who are good people = same as everyone else. So everyone must feel collectively offended or rally collectively as in BLM. Blacks that distance themselves get attacked by the "average Black" mod, so they never grow and escape.

This mentality if deprogrammed will help in advancing.

Even the discussions of the average braindead people of any race do not mean much to any Satanist who wants to advance, but only examples to avoid.

No race is exempt from their share of fools, fuckups, and judgement. What we can do is be critical of this, follow a better path, and do the RTR.

I will not feel personally offended if someone says some White person sucks, and you should not feel offended that a Black person fell so low to do such a crime.

What we should do is look at these and think "What can I, as a Black/White person, do to prevent this down and make things better?".

Persus said:
HPS Shannon said:
No one is saying that whites cant vent or anything. This is obvious. I do not see non whites talking shit on this forum. Its always white satanists doing it. Always. If a black satanist were to talk shit about a white person I correct them.

If someone makes a blatant claim that non whites were created by Satan to destroy whites, I WILL respond to that and correct it because we have non whites, new people and guests from all races visiting these forums.

I do not see non whites posting unneccessary racial slurs and making horrible claims about the white race on these forums and if it happens, its not approved. But the white satanist comments are which is why this keeps happening. Sorry if I like racial peace and harmony and feel like erroneous and illogical comments that he made is bad for our forums and the people visiting.

Im tired of hearing that the Joyofsatan is racist and Im equally tired of defending the JoS that we are not, especially when I try to smooth out racial tension by making comments to clarify for new people so they dont get the wrong idea. But I will stop that, I know I shouldnt over worry. From now on this forum can turn into the daily stormer for all I care. I will spend my time mostly on the black forum-- I must update articles and such and not waste time arguing with others anyway. As long as whites get to vent completely thats fine. They need it though too. That I understand.

I do feel bad for whats happening, always have. I feel bad for all of us gentiles suffering but its clear even under Satan, these things just cant mix or mesh.

New people can decide if they want to stay or not. I guess its their own personal decision. I apologize to everyone here if I appear as though I am overdoing it.

Eventually in the future when black numbers grow, I will create a seperate forum just for us linked to my webpage, so whites and blacks dont have to keep having these horrible tensions. Its going to be needed anyway as all gentile races grow exponentially in numbers and we seperate.

Thank you very much for posting this HP Shannon. I created this account solely for posting a reply and showing support for a forum away from the hatred.

I've noticed the blatant double standard ever since the previous forum before it's nuking. I have trouble even coming onto this forum personally because I know I'll see more racial bashing against my people. I would whole heartily welcome a separate forum away from all the negativity even the best of the white race has for us. Threads like these are scaring away our people from adopting Satanism into their lives.
Coraxo said:
HPS Shannon said:
No one is saying that whites cant vent or anything. This is obvious. I do not see non whites talking shit on this forum. Its always white satanists doing it. Always. If a black satanist were to talk shit about a white person I correct them.

If someone makes a blatant claim that non whites were created by Satan to destroy whites, I WILL respond to that and correct it because we have non whites, new people and guests from all races visiting these forums.

I do not see non whites posting unneccessary racial slurs and making horrible claims about the white race on these forums and if it happens, its not approved. But the white satanist comments are which is why this keeps happening. Sorry if I like racial peace and harmony and feel like erroneous and illogical comments that he made is bad for our forums and the people visiting.

Im tired of hearing that the Joyofsatan is racist and Im equally tired of defending the JoS that we are not, especially when I try to smooth out racial tension by making comments to clarify for new people so they dont get the wrong idea. But I will stop that, I know I shouldnt over worry. From now now this forum can turn into the daily stormer for all I care. I will spend my time mostly on the black forum-- I must update articles and such and not waste timwe arguing with others anyway. As long as whites get to vent completely thats fine. They need it though too. That I understand.

I do for bad for whats happening, always have. I feel bad for all of us gentiles suffering but its clear even under Satan, these things just cant mix or mesh.

New people can decide if they want to stay or not. I guess its their own personal decision. I apologize to everyone here if I appear as though I am overdoing it.

Eventually in the future when black numbers grow, I will create a seperate forum just for us linked to my webpage, so whites and blacks dont have to keep having these horrible tensions. Its going to be needed anyway as all gentile races grow exponentially in numbers and we seperate.

HPS Shannon, you have every right to be upset, these sorts of comments do nothing but harm and only help in pushing the jewish race-war.
The likes of SouthernInbredGentile who always leave such comments on the forums are always either typical pro-trump Americans or/and teenagers. And explaining to them why their comments are flat out wrong and cause nothing but harm has so far yielded no results.

They always hide behind calling everyone who disagrees with their outrageous comments a libtard or a xian, or they hide behind free-speech even when there's no such thing on the JoS forums as people get banned left and right based on what they write, which is in itself is okay as we don't want the forums to turn into a shit-hole with jews swimming around in it.

The idea that we, white people, need to vent does not excuse stupidity, comments like what SouthernInbred always writes have literally 0 benefit. Venting can be done without furthering the enemy agenda.

We all are aware of the degeneration of all Gentiles, and we are also aware how black and brown Gentiles are more degenerated than whites, but this does not excuse condemning a whole race for our misfortunes as white people, unless the accused is the jews.
Just like how many criticize "niggers" for blaming everything on whites, the likes of SouthernInbred are basically doing the same thing except in reverse.

Indeed, non-whites are a serious problem in white-countries and they do require a drastic solution, but in no way is it a solution to label them all as an enemy and to gun them down, especially when they're being controlled by jews. And quite frankly, labeling them all as an enemy and therefore go to war with them is exactly what the enemy is currently pushing for since their plan for us whites to accept the invaders didn't work out, hence now they change to the other extreme.

SouthernInbredGentile has been on the forums since January this year, either this inbred gets it in his thick skull or you should show him the boot. His activity on the forums has caused nothing but infightings and rallying like-minded inbreds with him to cause said infightings.

And lastly, disagreeing with what inbred said is in no way the same as being fine with the crimes non-whites are committing, and if you draw such a conclusion you must be a retard with one-dimensional way of thinking.

Stop falling for the old jewish meme of the two sides of the same jewish coin, retards.

As for you HPS Shannon, I seriously hope you never stop being around the forums, especially since currently most HPs are MIA, we white people need your insights as a black Gentile. Your comments will help a lot of white Gentiles break away from the jewish race-war meme. Please do not get discouraged, we need you and appreciate you.

Thank you Coraxo, all good. Im not leaving and abandoning anyone who can benefit from whatever I have to offer. Believe it or not but I care about all the races.l deeply. I already see our potentiak and sacred existence. Truly.

But I also am quite sensitive and passionate about my race when it comes to them finding Satan. We lost some black members and probably more because of what is said on the forums. We all need to let all our anger out but I just really dont want to lose any more non whites either.

Thats why you guys always see me posting on stuff like this because I want them to know that the JoyofSatan is not a racist whites only group.

There are way more white satanists than blacks and I am afraid we will lose more because of misunderstandings. We need more black gentiles finding Satan so they can understand whats going on and understand that white gentiles are not the problem and that Jews are making them this way.

Thats all I ever wanted. And I am prepared to make a seperate forum for black gentiles in the future to avoid more black gentiles from leaving.

We know that whites need to vent and stand up for their great race but understand that black gentiles have been lied too and brainwashed to the point they have racial grievance, hate their race, are shamed or just paranoid because we have been told that we suck all the time.

Thats why I am obsessed with what is said racially on these forums so we can all have true balance.

Im not talking about stating truths about black statistics, Im talking about calling us monkeys, inferior, mud races and that our only purpose is to destroy. When comments like that are approved and not addressed thats when I get angry and confused and annoyed.

And then you have the enemy using these things to trigger all of us.

Its just an unfortunate situation.
HPS Shannon said:
It was way beyond right and no one would have really commented on it or corrected it if I didnt. You know it was wrong of him but you wouldn't have commented if I didnt. I'm not letting comments like that slide.

If a black gentile would have said something similar, the white gentiles here would have jumped on the topic immediately and insulting us racially by throwing our imperfections and or traits of unfortunate spiritual degeneration in our faces like they always do.
I tried to correct as well and the amount of onslaught I got truly disturbed me.
I have as much white pride as any white person here, but I won’t let it distort reality.

SWG was talking truly absurdly. And correcting those comments doesn’t make me hate my race or have a lack of awareness of race. Crazy...

I love my race and I get horrified when I see interracial couples for example. But if you think about it, you can’t just blame blacks and brown people for these problems. It’s not like they put a gun to these white peoples heads and forced them to be in a relationship. The whites in these relationships are at fault as well and in many cases initiate it as well. But on these forums if there’s an interracial couple, who gets attacked and blamed? It’s the colored person. Look at reality people. The white is to blame too. But the real culprit is the jew, for brainwashing and creating the conditions for this to happen in the first place. Bottom line.

This topic revealed people have hangups that need to be dealt with. They’re blaming the wrong race of people.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
HPS Shannon said:
Just do you know, I understand everything you say. I just hope you understand where I was getting with and why I even commented on this thread. It was way beyond right and no one would have really commented on it or corrected it if I didnt. You know it was wrong of him but you wouldn't have commented if I didnt. I'm not letting comments like that slide.

If a black gentile would have said something similar, the white gentiles here would have jumped on the topic immediately and insulting us racially by throwing our imperfections and or traits of unfortunate spiritual degeneration in our faces like they always do.

I dont see a point in why this thread topic was created in the announcements section anyway. To get white gentiles even more angry? We already know the statistics. It just appears white satanists can vent while non whites just have to be quiet and just keep it in. Which is what you and what others seem to imply over time because the white race is so victimized and the other races are apparently not screwed much because of Jews I guess...

I'm not going into details because I dont want to argue. I'm not going to be such a diplomat anymore to create equilibrium. I tried and it gets no where.

Southern white gentile has been here long enough and understandably waxes and wanes on his view towards us which is fine, but we all have to do what we have to do and he has shown in the past that he knows this happens despite us explaining the situation.

I'm not going to always stay quiet when comments are made towards blacks in Satan's house as if we are worst then Jews or started this entire nightmare on earth. Disrepecting our racial ancestry because Jews destroyed us, and destroying whites too but we get the most name calling and insults.

If venting is so important and healthy for us all then approve whatever comments or posts non white gentiles say to vent or get whatever they have out of their system. You know which ones I mean.

Thank you.
I mostly agree with you. But I don't believe that black and asian Satanists can't also vent. Everybody can. I see it from them too, just not as often. Cowboy is a good example. I don't mind when that happens because everybody has something to say.

But I don't think it should be ridiculous slander and lies being told by anybody, and it shouldn't be hateful. It can be angry, angry is different than hateful. I think it should only be facts and truth being told. It can be negative or positive but it has to be true, like accurately describing specific events that happen. Truth doesn't care about emotion.

But emotion doesn't always care about truth either, and that's when it's a problem. Everybody should not let emotions hide truth.

You know I like you a lot and I want you to stay here. :p

Come on guys, I never said I was leaving. I just said its best for me to concentrate on the black forum. Im behind on new sermons anway.

I like you too ❤
I like your posts and how much effort you put in helping new members
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
People think I’m some angry person, not true ,I am normal in my life and on other posts. If someone wants to insult me on a personal basis like coraxo then I will ignore.

To everyone that wrote a response and was actually trying make a point and help thank you!

SWG, no one is blaming you for feeling the way you do. Really just please understand about those major statements you make and you know are not true.

The enemy is probably getting to you too.

We all hate what is happening to the white race. They do not deserve this. None of us. Everyone here, white, black, asian...we are on each others side. We hate this.

We are working to fight the enemy completely. Youre not black and do not understand and you find it hard to believe that we do not have hate in our hearts or hate the white race just because. It was never like this. Jews lied and twisted everything up. The black satanists here should be already proof enough to see tbat when the truth comes out, we follow out hearts because we are of Satan too and carry is essence of benevolence and justice..

I know its tough, trust me. Even the black satanists here hate it. Many of us have actually disliked and hated our race because we see what they do. Myself included. I didnt even want to be black anymore in the past. I had much contempt for my race because I see all the things they do but then I studied and learned, and the gods, especially Azazel showed me the way.

Just understand this.

I have nothing against you but just know if you make any more horrible and unfair comments in the future about my race and non whites whom are just as innocent as yours, I will be there to comment and bite back.

Just be well and take care of yourself.
Hooe youre doing RTRs. If you are really that angry and want to benefit your race. It starts with you.

I take great happiness in doing the RTRs because I know as I get powerful, I will have the power to stop this madness and do Satans will. We are so close.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
People think I’m some angry person, not true ,I am normal in my life and on other posts. If someone wants to insult me on a personal basis like coraxo then I will ignore.

To everyone that wrote a response and was actually trying make a point and help thank you!

And I'm going to keep calling you an inbred until your behavior indicates otherwise.

Your idiotic comments will not be ignored, they will be met with force until you either understand or you're shown the boot. As far as I'm concerned, your behavior is very similar that of the enemy and will therefore be dealt with in the same way.
Basicallty jew skinheads do this frequently on the forum and repetitively, and nothing gets posted. Usual kike buzzword stuff.

However SWG was not one of these and is a clever fellow therefore discarding a legit member without explanation or the chance for them to see a better perspective is wrong.

Others have before also been answered coming from basically any race, and it is good that both Whites and Blacks even out the misguided of our own, and shows a rising level of understanding in Satanic purposes.

Coraxo said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
People think I’m some angry person, not true ,I am normal in my life and on other posts. If someone wants to insult me on a personal basis like coraxo then I will ignore.

To everyone that wrote a response and was actually trying make a point and help thank you!

And I'm going to keep calling you an inbred until your behavior indicates otherwise.

Your idiotic comments will not be ignored, they will be met with force until you either understand or you're shown the boot. As far as I'm concerned, your behavior is very similar that of the enemy and will therefore be dealt with in the same way.
HPS Shannon said:
Just do you know, I understand everything you say. I just hope you understand where I was getting with and why I even commented on this thread. It was way beyond right and no one would have really commented on it or corrected it if I didnt. You know it was wrong of him but you wouldn't have commented if I didnt. I'm not letting comments like that slide.
If a black gentile would have said something similar, the white gentiles here would have jumped on the topic immediately and insulting us racially by throwing our imperfections and or traits of unfortunate spiritual degeneration in our faces like they always do...

People here usually call out bullshit whether it is being spewed from a black SS or from a white SS, but outrageous comments on non-whites are usually written on similar posts from which people get angry, and rightfully so, hence why many such comments pass through as "venting", even though this meme has been dragged long enough and has turned into nothing but an excuse for idiocy.

The reason why this article was binned on the front page is for us to use it as an RTR-fuel, this is a very solid reason in my opinion and I would also argue more would be better. But many idiots, most of which are relatively new here, are using this for retardedness-fuel instead, and here is exactly where lines get crossed. These comments are usually approved (at least this is how I see it) for us more knowledgeable SS to correct and point out the mistakes from saying and believing such an obvious jewish meme. This obviously hasn't worked out for SouthernInbred and his like-minded friends, hence why many have given up on correcting them and instead hoped you, HPs, would intervene by either explaining to them or by outright banning them.

What HP Hoodedcobra wrote was very needed, as it's very easy to draw-out the other extreme way of thinking from pointing out how troublesome SouthernInbred's comments were, however, your anger was very justified. I just advice against arguing with another HP, even when you both are obviously not arguing, as this can very easily be misinterpreted by new member which would very easily discourage them from following this road as in their mind it will be misinterpreted as "well, even the HPs can't agree, so why even bother". This can also be very easily exploited by trolls and jews and cause more disharmony on the forums, the comment HP HC made about "dividing Satan's house" is extremely serious and should not be ignored, as this is how the enemy infiltrates our groups.

This is also why I strongly believe more separation would cause more harm than good, we SS need to stay united, these small infightings can be easily be resolved simply by explaining for those who wish to listen and by banning those who possess not enough intelligence to understand such a simple concept. Black SS also need to be more vocal around the forums, not less. This can be achieved by you writing a sermon about it in the for blacks forum.

This is in no way me saying you're at fault or any bull-crab, this is me simply voicing my concerns, I genuinely hope you don't misunderstand me here as I mean nothing bad.

HPS Shannon said:
Thank you Coraxo, all good. Im not leaving and abandoning anyone who can benefit from whatever I have to offer. Believe it or not but I care about all the races.l deeply. I already see our potentiak and sacred existence. Truly...
Im not talking about stating truths about black statistics, Im talking about calling us monkeys, inferior, mud races and that our only purpose is to destroy. When comments like that are approved and not addressed thats when I get angry and confused and annoyed.
And then you have the enemy using these things to trigger all of us.

No one here is bothered by your comments. In fact, they're much needed, and I encourage you to keep calling this idiocy out. The only instance where you butting-in in a conversation was arguably unnecessary was on a post trying to uplift white-spirit, where a black SS felt the need to express the jewish meme how whitey iz evil n shiet and therefore was called out on the bullshit he wrote on a post that neither was any of his concerns nor did it include the black race in any bad way. The way I spoke about the black civilization in Africa, although not completely false, was over exaggerated and petty , but my main argument back then was that blacks need to stop blaming us for their mistakes and to start being responsible for their own well-being. I'm pretty sure this is the instance and the person you're hinting at, Cowboy keeps believing in this jewish meme and I will keep calling him out on it just like how I keep calling the likes of SouthernInbred out on their mirrored bullshit. No jewish meme will be tolerated here, whether from a black SS or from a white SS. As for me holding grudges on people, this is completely false, although I'm a very direct person and vulgar in my comments, I do not completely blame idiots for their idiocy, as people learn and change and everyone is at a different point on this Satanic path. It's just unrealistic to expect everyone to understand everything by themselves, hence why I'm blunt in explaining and don't sugar-coat my comments. It's only an issue when matters are explained a hundred times and they still can't understand them.

I have zero doubt in my mind that SouthernInbred's and the likes' comments have caused dozens of newbies and old members to call it quit. If I were new around here I would think this place is nothing but another typical alt-right xian shit-fest. These comments are repulsive and do nothing but harm. Again, anger can be expressed without furthering the jewish agenda.

If anyone feels more anger and hate towards non-whites than towards jews after reading such articles then you're doing something wrong and seriously need to educate yourself more, this jewish race-war/two sides of the same jewish coin meme has been going for thousands of years and cause nothing but death and agony to all Gentiles races. The jews want us to stay busy and exhaust ourselves by fighting our own. All Gentile races are of Satan and All are/can be our allies, THE ONLY TRUE ENEMY ON THIS PLANET IS THE JEWS AND WHOEVER WILLINGLY FIGHTS ALONG THEIR SIDE. THIS DOES NOT IN ANYWAY WHATSOEVER MEAN THAT CRIMES DONE TOWARDS US WHITE PEOPLE SHOULD BE TOLERATED, YOU SIMPLY MUST UNDERSTAND WHO IS RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THIS BULLSHIT. THE FUCKING JEWS.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Basicallty jew skinheads do this frequently on the forum and repetitively, and nothing gets posted. Usual kike buzzword stuff.

However SWG was not one of these and is a clever fellow therefore discarding a legit member without explanation or the chance for them to see a better perspective is wrong.

Others have before also been answered coming from basically any race, and it is good that both Whites and Blacks even out the misguided of our own, and shows a rising level of understanding in Satanic purposes.

Yes, and I agree with you. But this individual in question has been explained to many times by many members and by you and HPS Shannon many times how his way of thinking is troublesome, yet he doesn't seem to understand, instead these comments of his are getting more and more frequent with time as he feels more comfortable to voice them since nothing is being done about them.

This individual has been on the forums since January according to his profile, perhaps you're mistaking him with someone else. If you go to his comment history you will see nothing but a typical (((woman-/non-whites-hating neo-nazi))) ideology.

I refuse to tolerate such comments and will further keep calling him out for the inbred he is being.
Hoodedcobra you motherfucker. Just só you know Im not a jew. Me basilar aka Gotze aka adagio. Had the luxury of having the posts go through because the gods allowed it you stupid clown. Yes your nightmare and mr. Ubi has come to reality. You Will be expelled from the joyofsatan after the gods slaughter all the blacks this year on white countries. And I Will be taking Over as you go back to being treated as a normal Citizen. Tell this to the black bitch who lied about having Azazel tell ver how tough she is and her overtly sexual experientes. Dont worry this post Will not to through... Unless you approve it lol.
HPS Shannon said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
People think I’m some angry person, not true ,I am normal in my life and on other posts. If someone wants to insult me on a personal basis like coraxo then I will ignore.

To everyone that wrote a response and was actually trying make a point and help thank you!

SWG, no one is blaming you for feeling the way you do. Really just please understand about those major statements you make and you know are not true.

The enemy is probably getting to you too.

We all hate what is happening to the white race. They do not deserve this. None of us. Everyone here, white, black, asian...we are on each others side. We hate this.

We are working to fight the enemy completely. Youre not black and do not understand and you find it hard to believe that we do not have hate in our hearts or hate the white race just because. It was never like this. Jews lied and twisted everything up. The black satanists here should be already proof enough to see tbat when the truth comes out, we follow out hearts because we are of Satan too and carry is essence of benevolence and justice..

I know its tough, trust me. Even the black satanists here hate it. Many of us have actually disliked and hated our race because we see what they do. Myself included. I didnt even want to be black anymore in the past. I had much contempt for my race because I see all the things they do but then I studied and learned, and the gods, especially Azazel showed me the way.

Just understand this.

I have nothing against you but just know if you make any more horrible and unfair comments in the future about my race and non whites whom are just as innocent as yours, I will be there to comment and bite back.

Just be well and take care of yourself.
Hooe youre doing RTRs. If you are really that angry and want to benefit your race. It starts with you.

I take great happiness in doing the RTRs because I know as I get powerful, I will have the power to stop this madness and do Satans will. We are so close.

Ahh quite beautiful HP Shannon.

I’m a little late to this post but I would like to say my piece, regardless. And I hope someone corrects me if I say anything wrong or outlandish.

These statements were too general in regards to blacks, of course there are simply a lot of people of people who fit this category, but you can say near the exact same of whites who get too caught up in their own (programmed) feelings to see the reality.

What is silly to say the least is referring to this group of people as mud people. There are better and vastly more appropriate words for said people. The buy-bull refers to mud people several times, mouldable golems to do there masters bidding. In that sense we all are mud people in the eyes of the Jew so I see this phrase as near Jewish by nature.

It’s similar to women being referred to as chicks. implying they are to sold off like meat. Just because a large portion of women act like they are selling themselves, does not give means to use this word for generally describing women. Though I do understand the phrase above was not meant for all blacks. Like you said it’s near impossible to completely understand how black SS feel of the situation as there is a racial line.

I don’t want to go on too much about this cause I don’t want to sound like a neo-libtard but for a second try to understand how the black SS feel when such terms are tossed around.

Feelings for the most part though can be irrelevant. One can feel they can do something grand with their life or change the world. But unless one actually stops all the ideals and changes it Into intelligent activism, there is nothing backing those meaningless feelings. We need to all strive for being idealists and activists without getting too caught up. We all want the same thing after all.

I a lot of Cobra said was very concise and intelligent, especially about going through different stages of pride, just like a child, learning throughout their environment. Which most of us are still just that, young children when compared to the gods.

What I do believe is that the HP are both major idealists and activists for the greater good. Which will surely lead us all to a shining future.

Have a great week Shannon, :D

You too SWG
Coraxo said:
Be sure to throw him into some communist "re-education camp" to beat and starve him until he conforms to your exact view of the world. After all, there is only one single acceptable opinion about anything, and anybody who does not fit it perfectly must be crushed and destroyed completely. And let it be a lesson to everyone else, to show them what will happen to them if they ever step out of line.

I do not agree with what I just wrote. I was being sarcastic.

I also disagree with some of the things he said. But what do you expect to change in him by the way you are acting? Do you expect him to want to follow you and adapt his opinions to align with yours? Do you think you sound like the reasonable one, as you keep talking to him so badly? Being so angry and hateful would just turn people away and turn them against you. Just like it turns you away when he talks badly, it turns him away when you talk that badly. You aren't going to change his opinions by doing this. If anything, you'll probably push him away even further in the direction you don't want him to be in.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Look at the FBI crime statistics. Every year they put out a very accurate list of statistics of crimes that happened that year. Black men are only about 13% of the American population, but every year around 50% (or often more than 50%) of all violent crimes like murders, rape, assault, are done by black men. Many people call this "the 13-50 statistic."
I googled "13-50 statistic" and guess what the first result was -

The number 13 used in conjunction with either the number 52 or the number 90 is a shorthand reference to racist propaganda claims by white supremacists against African-Americans to depict them as savage and criminal in nature.

In this numeric shorthand, the number 13 refers to the purported percentage of the U.S. population that is African-American. The number 52 refers to the alleged percentage of all murders committed in the U.S. that are committed by African-Americans. Some white supremacists use the number 50 instead of 52.

Similarly, white supremacists claim the number 90 refers to the percentage of violent interracial crime allegedly committed by African-Americans. Some white supremacists cite the 1994 National Crime Victimization Survey produced by the Justice Department as evidence for the percentage. However, this figure does not show up in the survey itself and is not considered an accurate one. In any case, it should be noted that the vast majority of violent crime is intraracial (committed by a person of one race against a person of the same race), not interracial, in nature.

White supremacists typically employ references to 13 (by itself), 13/50, 13/52 or 13/90 in response to social media posts, and in the comments sections of news stories about crimes in which the suspected perpetrator is African-American. In some instances, white supremacists use the numbers as a purported police radio code, using language like, “We have a 1390 in progress.”

From the ADL.
I've never seen nor heard such a thing before... This by the ADL was the first result.

Other results were about Blacks committing more crime,

international statistics for crime,
The scrolling doesn't work on this on archive.is.

it being a criminal stereotype,
http://archive.is/MgQEC the article has changed since it was last archived nine months ago

"Opinion | Another 'excuse' for police bias bites the dust",

Black victims of violent crime,
Again - scrolling PDFs doesn't work on archive.is.

and other, irrelevant results about diabetes, etc.

FBI's crime tables

does not exist



redirects to the UCR page

does not exist

It looks as if Whites have been in trouble a lot more. Is it accurate recording? Apparently, though, even though the Black population is smaller, it still has the highest amount of crimes committed by percentage - or "disproportionally" more crimes. Well, it seems to be interesting that there are so many opinions and articles in search results about this "code" which was unknown to me previously!

Ever hear the phrase "If it smells like shit everywhere you go, look at the bottom of your own shoe because you're the one carrying it."?
Err... no, but I have heard "Don't shit on your own doorstep", and foreigners seem to be doing that in not-their-own-countries, as well.

So what do you honestly think that will solve? Nobody can accomplish anything unless they know what they are doing and are in full control.
Exactly. The jew is trying to make Whites lose/not have control in, of and over Whites' own countries.

Some of you here know I am White. I have shared articles about Whites doing shit things. I have also shared articles of Blacks doing shit things. I have also shared 1 article of an Asian doing shit things. Of course, I have shared articles of the jew doing shit things. If I see a person or a jew doing shit things, I'll let it be shared. I'm White, and that includes me sharing things about Whites doing shit things. I'm not a HP or someone who makes amazing posts or sermons, so I know most, or all, will ignore me and no-one will follow my lead, but I'm OK with sharing the shit things which Whites do, while I am White myself. I do know, though, that in one of my posts I said it is important to make it known that Whites do shit things, and a member replied saying they agree with me.

HPS Shannon said:
I know you have seen my posts about the retardation that everyone was born in Africa (and then there is also something that everyone was supposed to have been born in Europe, not Africa :roll:). Originally, that thread was to provide evidence that the Human Races did not originate in Africa, but then I saw you reply to my thread and you said you would add the things to your website. Now since then, I would think of you when posting new things in that thread, for you to add to your website, including one I linked-to recently which I posted in a separate thread ages ago. If you don't stay on this Whites-are-insecure part of the forum (yes, I am a White person saying that), then you might miss some of these things, or most of them or all of them.

Thats why you guys always see me posting on stuff like this because I want them to know that the JoyofSatan is not a racist whites only group.
I have not seen a lot where Whites say slurs and offences against, e.g. muslims (does that mean the person who is a muslim, or just islam-devotees?) and Blacks, but I have seen some, but if SouthernWhiteGentile says it once (or apparently more than once), then that doesn't represent all Whites saying it, just as 1 death-be-unto-it Black piece of shit who shot a 5 year old Boy - in this case, White - in the head does not represent all Blacks - but the crime statistics do, of course, seem to say that Blacks are more criminal than non-Blacks. (I know you know this.) Maybe I can be too subtle, but with my Out of Africa Debunked thread, along with me saying Nature made the Races be separate, I hope people realise (((things))) are bullshitting us.

I'll tell you a real-life story which I encountered years ago. It might be funny or stupid or something, but it is real. I won't go into best-selling story, imaginative-writing mode. Just simply - in my White Country, some young muslim Children were playing near a Black man's car, and they dented or scratched it. I didn't actually see because I don't know any of them and it wasn't my business, but it doesn't take a genius to know that Children doing someone to a person's car making the owner angry probably was damaging it. The Black man came out shouting at them, and in his anger said that they need to go back to where they came from. I lolled to myself, rolling my eyes.

It's funny, perhaps in a stupid way, because those Children were young, so they were born in a White country. I don't know if he was also born here, in another White country, or if he moved here from Africa, but it's just what he said, for them to go back to their own Country... I don't know this personally, but from what I can gather Blacks tend to be... how can I put it... less-inteligent. I do have experience, however, of a Black person in school, who was much fitter than everyone else, doing the beep test (PACER test/20 m Shuttle Run Test/multi-stage fitness test) in PE, he was still going and going until the teacher told him to stop. He didn't look as if he broke a sweat. As I do say, though, Blacks are stronger Physically, so my experience of him supports that; Asians are stronger Mentally, and Whites are stronger Spiritually - but as we all should know, which I know you do know, individuals of each Race can increase, empower and advance themselves more and more.

As I made a thread ages ago - people think with their Hearts and not with their Brains. I'm White, and I am quite certain SouthernWhiteGentile is White - being a Southern White Gentile, it makes me think that if I went to his neighbourhood and drove a pink car promoting homosexuality while being all sissified, holding hands with and kissing other Males, I'd end up in an episode of Top Gear... Not to excuse racism, but people are a product (or victim) of their environment, as well as other things.

There are way more white satanists than blacks and I am afraid we will lose more because of misunderstandings. We need more black gentiles finding Satan so they can understand whats going on and understand that white gentiles are not the problem and that Jews are making them this way.
I think you are saying that the way Whites on this forum misbehave, that is driving away Blacks (and Asians?). This brings to the front of my mind "White Guilt". Things can come out in various ways. I don't know SouthernWhiteGentile at all, so in my ignorance I will say I doubt s/he has "White Guilt", but just has had years of anti-White hatred/sever dislike drummed into him/her, in the environment and surroundings.

Thats all I ever wanted. And I am prepared to make a seperate forum for black gentiles in the future to avoid more black gentiles from leaving.
With some of the the other Countries' forums being separate from us, it might be stupid of me to say this, but I'll say it anyway - Satan has said He wants us to be united, not split-up from each other. Will these threads and posts be hidden from future people to see, or will they remain as a reminder of how shit things were for us, and for fellow Spiritual Satanists of different Gentile Races fighting among each other?!

Im not talking about stating truths about black statistics, Im talking about calling us monkeys, inferior, mud races and that our only purpose is to destroy. When comments like that are approved and not addressed thats when I get angry and confused and annoyed.
I don't mean this offensively, and this might be off-topic, but then perhaps not because it is all about offensiveness and racism, etc., but I will just say it briefly - if Blacks were created first, and we all evolved from apes, blah, blah, blah... but genetic engineering helped us with that, then Asians were created after Blacks, then Whites were created after Asians... then possibly it is a semi-conscious attack that people say such things against Blacks. You can find any pictures online which show some Blacks do look like certain primates... I realise it's how people say things, but someone noticed a similarity once upon a time between those primates and what Blacks have been brainwashed into becoming. I am not saying this is my opinion, but it does seem to be accurate, and people have used it as an offense and attack.

In the sense that Blacks are stronger Physically, more Earthly, Nature-ly, I think that in the future, as horrible as it sounds now, perhaps being described like an ape, but not derogatorily, might be a compliment. I am having trouble believing that, despite me just saying it, but I am trying to explain what I mean. Blacks are more closer to Earth and Nature, in and of themselves, they are "closer cousins" of primates, in a sense; they understand such things more than Asians and Whites (if I am not wrong). Animals are beautiful creatures, and Blacks seem to be more in-tune with Earth - in Africa in the Serengeti or deserts, for example, working with wild Animals while us Whites are wimpy and have only fluffy pets with small claws and small teeth to cuddle-up with! Maybe Blacks one day could defy, and decide that being labelled an ape or monkey is a complement, because Blacks understand Nature and Earth more and better than non-Blacks do.

Also if I am not mistaken, Blacks use more herbs and plants in Magick, yes? I don't actually know that, but for some reason I am guessing that is the case with Black Mages and Gods and Goddesses. Even though I am White, and I have never done any plant-based Magick, it does appeal to me, because it makes it seem and feel real, because it is tangible. I can (could) actually touch the ingredients, and vibrating relevant Energies into the ingredients would complement it. I had an idea ages ago which I don't think I shared, about vibrating certain particular Energies into a relevant plant (presumably, different flowers and plants would work differently), and it acting similarly to a Thoughtform, but a Physical "thoughtform", and as you nurture and care for this plant/flower/bouquet/bush..., keeping it in sunlight and well-watered, it would give-off intended Energies in the area. If I am very mistaken, then of course nevermind, but I think, and I don't know why I think this, that Blacks do/would do these types of things.
Scurlock said:
Hoodedcobra you motherfucker. Just só you know Im not a jew. Me basilar aka Gotze aka adagio. Had the luxury of having the posts go through because the gods allowed it you stupid clown. Yes your nightmare and mr. Ubi has come to reality. You Will be expelled from the joyofsatan after the gods slaughter all the blacks this year on white countries. And I Will be taking Over as you go back to being treated as a normal Citizen. Tell this to the black bitch who lied about having Azazel tell ver how tough she is and her overtly sexual experientes. Dont worry this post Will not to through... Unless you approve it lol.
We have to get a hard-on for being trolls online, don't we?!
Scurlock said:
Hoodedcobra you motherfucker. Just só you know Im not a jew. Me basilar aka Gotze aka adagio. Had the luxury of having the posts go through because the gods allowed it you stupid clown. Yes your nightmare and mr. Ubi has come to reality. You Will be expelled from the joyofsatan after the gods slaughter all the blacks this year on white countries. And I Will be taking Over as you go back to being treated as a normal Citizen. Tell this to the black bitch who lied about having Azazel tell ver how tough she is and her overtly sexual experientes. Dont worry this post Will not to through... Unless you approve it lol.
(Inaudible oy veys)
TO ANY BLACKS reading this, I want to say something, white gentile to black gentile. Do not judge us white Satanists based on SouthernWhiteGentile's comments. He does not speak for us, and he certainly does NOT speak for me. If you are sincerely dedicated to our Father Satan, and oppose the jewish menace, then as far as I'm concerned, you are a fellow comrade in our cause, even if we are not of the same race.

While I don't deny that there are many degenerate blacks, I don't feel it is fair to judge a black individual on their race alone. Just as I would not want to be judged by a black person just for simply being white. If you're black and you're Satanist, you are not the average black dumbass. Just like a white person who is a Satanist is not the average white dumbass.

I was debating to myself whether I should get involved in this shit drama fest, but I'm not going to stand idly by while posters like SouthernWhiteGentile declares an entire gentile race to be our enemy. That definitely crossed the line. I'm sure SouthernWhiteGentile will likely call this out as trying to race cuck him, push white guilt, or some other nonsense. In his mind, apparently you must vehemently hate all blacks if you're white, or you "be a cuck to tha black man".

I'm going to call this out for the retardation that it is. Just because I may care about or respect other races, doesn't mean I am betraying my own race or don't care for my own race's interests. Respect for other races and respect for my own race are not mutually exclusive. There is a middle ground here you know. Quit playing into the fucking jew's false dichotomy bullshit! I'm talking to you SouthernWhiteGentile.

SouthernWhiteGentile said:
People think I’m some angry person, not true ,I am normal in my life and on other posts. If someone wants to insult me on a personal basis like coraxo then I will ignore.

To everyone that wrote a response and was actually trying make a point and help thank you!

Dude... come on. Don't deflect and try to pretend there wasn't anything angry or hateful about what you said. You said the only purpose of blacks was to destroy white people! Coraxo is upset because you condemned an entire gentile race. What you said was inflammatory, and you damn well know it. So don't try to gaslight us.

Anyways, how does it help the Satanic cause to attack a whole gentile race? I want to ask you a couple of serious questions SouthernWhiteGentile. Do you actually believe the entire black race is the enemy of the white people? Is it your actual conviction that the black race's existence is only to destroy white people?

If the answer to these questions is no, I'd like to offer you a truce here SouthernWhiteGentile. Let's agree that are a lot of fucked up black people, but not all of them are bad, and that some of them are even on our side, fighting for Satan. Does this sound fair?

I don't want to start anything personal here, but can you at least admit that what you said wasn't fair, and that this is rather insulting to black people who are with Satan? I'm not going to think of you less for admitting a mistake. None of us here are perfect. We all make mistakes. If we were perfect, we wouldn't need Spiritual Satanism, would we?

I'm not saying you need to hug every black person, but maybe next time, think a little bit before you throw an entire race under the bus. I don't really care if you're not fond of black people, but DO NOT drive any black Satanic allies away with your divisive rhetoric! Do you think the gods would be pleased with us keeping out potential gentile allies? I understand if you were only talking out of anger, but can we please not be so reckless with our words? You don't have to attack other gentile races to assert your own racial pride.

Hope you understand the message I was trying to get across. I fully support pride and self-assertion for one's own race. However, it makes me quite disappointed and livid when I see gentiles attacking each other for dumb reasons. I just wanted to assure potential black Satanists that we're not a bunch of crazed skinheads. That's all.

Peace to all my brothers and sisters in Satan. Hail Satan!
HPS Shannon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
As I have seen all these years, the moment people understand anything about race the first thing is major reactions. This barrier causes a lot of issues which upon later understanding can easily be fixed.

These statements are obviously wrong that the poster made and just extremes, coming from essentially them not understanding things yet.

If people do not converse, and do not speak, then this is where the horrible tensions will arise. A few comments is not horrible tensions. People see and learn.

Unfortunately the main experience many people have of other Gentiles in the Europe and the US now is that of invaders, looters, and other very bad examples. This cannot be brushed away, discredited to being a non reality, or just made to disappear.

We SS understand but the main masses of our races do not. We cannot force the masses to befriend one another in an artificial pot. We can only understand ourselves.

We will stay together and these incidents need to be looked upon only as educational opportunities of value.

Also if we do not address issues and go hide in places or separate, "Let Satan Be Dividied Among His Own House". This cannot happen and this may look like a solution to save little inconveniences but at this point in time lack of spiritual understanding will only cause issues

HPS Shannon said:
No one is saying that whites cant vent or anything. This is obvious. I do not see non whites talking shit on this forum. Its always white satanists doing it. Always. If a black satanist were to talk shit about a white person I correct them.

If someone makes a blatant claim that non whites were created by Satan to destroy whites, I WILL respond to that and correct it because we have non whites, new people and guests from all races visiting these forums.

I do not see non whites posting unneccessary racial slurs and making horrible claims about the white race on these forums and if it happens, its not approved. But the white satanist comments are which is why this keeps happening. Sorry if I like racial peace and harmony and feel like erroneous and illogical comments that he made is bad for our forums and the people visiting.

Im tired of hearing that the Joyofsatan is racist and Im equally tired of defending the JoS that we are not, especially when I try to smooth out racial tension by making comments to clarify for new people so they dont get the wrong idea. But I will stop that, I know I shouldnt over worry. From now now this forum can turn into the daily stormer for all I care. I will spend my time mostly on the black forum-- I must update articles and such and not waste timwe arguing with others anyway. As long as whites get to vent completely thats fine. They need it though too. That I understand.

I do for bad for whats happening, always have. I feel bad for all of us gentiles suffering but its clear even under Satan, these things just cant mix or mesh.

New people can decide if they want to stay or not. I guess its their own personal decision. I apologize to everyone here if I appear as though I am overdoing it.

Eventually in the future when black numbers grow, I will create a seperate forum just for us linked to my webpage, so whites and blacks dont have to keep having these horrible tensions. Its going to be needed anyway as all gentile races grow exponentially in numbers and we seperate.

Just do you know, I understand everything you say. I just hope you understand where I was getting with and why I even commented on this thread. It was way beyond right and no one would have really commented on it or corrected it if I didnt. You know it was wrong of him but you wouldn't have commented if I didnt. I'm not letting comments like that slide.

If a black gentile would have said something similar, the white gentiles here would have jumped on the topic immediately and insulting us racially by throwing our imperfections and or traits of unfortunate spiritual degeneration in our faces like they always do.

I dont see a point in why this thread topic was created in the announcements section anyway. To get white gentiles even more angry? We already know the statistics. It just appears white satanists can vent while non whites just have to be quiet and just keep it in. Which is what you and what others seem to imply over time because the white race is so victimized and the other races are apparently not screwed much because of Jews I guess...

I'm not going into details because I dont want to argue. I'm not going to be such a diplomat anymore to create equilibrium. I tried and it gets no where.

Southern white gentile has been here long enough and understandably waxes and wanes on his view towards us which is fine, but we all have to do what we have to do and he has shown in the past that he knows this happens despite us explaining the situation.

I'm not going to always stay quiet when comments are made towards blacks in Satan's house as if we are worst then Jews or started this entire nightmare on earth. Disrepecting our racial ancestry because Jews destroyed us, and destroying whites too but we get the most name calling and insults.

If venting is so important and healthy for us all then approve whatever comments or posts non white gentiles say to vent or get whatever they have out of their system. You know which ones I mean.

Thank you.

Yeah seriously, I’m not gonna sit here and take sides but I’m kind of confused as to why topics like this even posted? What do they have to do with Satanism or spiritual advancement or anything relevant to it? Other than white people but that’s really it so therefore it should be in a white peoples thread, right?

Because topics like this just seem to start little arguments and bashing of other gentile races.

One thing anyone can see though is that you don’t see topics like ‘.black guy/girl killed by white man/lady’ in the blacksforSatan group. I don’t really see the blacks bashing whites there in their own groups. They seem to always be on the defense though there probably has been times where it’s been otherwise. And there’s plenty of videos on the internet of such thing, one can’t even deny that.

It goes both ways. I’m just giving an unbiased perspective.

And it’s very unfortunate that if there was a white and a black who were interested in the JoS that one would have to tell the black that the JoS isn’t racist way before one would have to tell that to the white.

I understand the racial preservation and NS thing but there should obviously be separate groups here aside from the main groups, right?

Comments like colored(mud races in this guys words) races were only created to destroy whites; some people here really think that way? Even though the gentile races have a history/past with the same gods?
SatanisactuallyGod said:
Comments like colored(mud races in this guys words) races were only created to destroy whites; some people here really think that way? Even though the gentile races have a history/past with the same gods?
It is only one person who said that. Nobody else said that. And you saw all of us here thought it was wrong, and didn't want him to say those things. You saw us all disagreeing with him. There are thousands of people in this group, don't judge us all by what is said by one single person. SouthernWhiteGentile has only been here for 7 months, many of us here have been here for several years. Don't judge us all by the clown who just came in a few months ago.

You can post about horrible crimes done by white people against black people, just like you can post about horrible crimes done by black people against white people. As long as it is true events that really happened. But it is an undeniable fact that the amount of violent crimes done by black people against white victims is more than ten times higher than the number done by white people against black victims, at least in America these are the numbers. White people are the minority of the world, we are only about 6% or 7% of the world's population. And there are enormous coordinated efforts to make the entire white race go extinct. By flooding white countries with hundreds of millions of black and arab extremist muslims. I've seen videos of the jewish offices where they plan these events, and they laugh when they see the numbers. They laugh when they see most white people not having children, while the muslims have many children. They laugh while the muslims rape thousands of white women and children and never recieve any punishment, they call this "love jihad." They predict the entire white race will be completely extinct by year 2035 or 2040. This is why we are so defensive, and this is why we talk about it, because we want our people to continue to exist. The black race does not have these problems, their world population is very large and healthy.

If you think this is propaganda, look up the numbers for yourself. Look up the crime statistics, look up the population statistics. Look up whatever you want, as long as it is accurate correct numbers and information that you find.
If you do not like the appearance of us talking about events that happen, how do you think we feel while we are the victims of these events?
And we don't talk about everything, there are millions of events like these every year. But we talk about some examples, so we have a view of what is happening in the world.
HPS Shannon said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:


I have to agree with Shannon on this. I don't see a problem with other whites venting, by the gods I can't describe my frustrations in the past months over Black Lives Matter and all the rallys that have been going on, it really does stir up a lot anger and depression so I completely understand as a white.

But I definitely see the issue when whites here are going around spouting garbage like "nigger" and other tasteless things to black members here or even black outsiders because this honestly is just promoting the kind of behaviour the enemy wants to see in matters of disunity.

The whole purpose of the uses of words like "nigger" from the enemy was a perceptual division of creating two sides and the visual of those two sides was to imply opposing factors. To integrate this perception through this kind of behaviour from whites to black members here is to enforce this division and create a line between people who are also our comrades in arms.

It causes that perception of difference in unity as Satanists, because all Satanists reside in the same house of Satan and enforcing that division with these slurs and other treatment to blacks here or just saying them in general with their enemy implications is what causes the lack of desire to really work together as a whole ministry. Shannon should not be desiring to make a whole separate forum because of this and I see why she'd want to if this kind of behaviour towards the black people is creating such an implied separation.

Because the second we have that official division of two different forums as Satanists, it is inevitable with the hangups and perceptional problems of influence of Satanists who still need to free their souls from crap and those who join in numbers starting from gods know where in their mental state and what not over time that these two forums are going to end up fighting one another in opposition. Black members are inevitably going to want to see what's going on the white forum and vice versa and then suddenly it's considered 'meddling where they don't belong' and then the next issue you get is some kind of invisibly perceived war between the two forums over the most trivial of crap.

And don't even get me started on the enemy finding every single opportunity to ensure this happens one way or another. Not to mention hacking and cyber forum attacks which is much more easier to manage as one rather than as two. A synchronized attack on both just causes unnecessary stress for those who have to fix it. If all Satanists in the world were free of trash ideals and garbage personality traits and corrupted enemy crap, then I can totally see every benefit to two separate forums, but this is not the case right now nor will it be for a very, very long time.

We should stay here together under the same ministry banner. We have our separate rooms, and for now that's the compromise that can be made, but we must remember that the whole House of Satan is for all of us together as allies.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
If you are white and still living around darkies whether they are your next door neighbors or just in the in the neighborhood you are completely Insane. These people have a bloodlust. Their only purpose on this earth is to kill us directly which is something jews are afraid to do, so they get the mud races to do it for them, and they are more than happy to partake and spill our blood.

How’s it possible we have the same username and signature?
Coraxo said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
People think I’m some angry person, not true ,I am normal in my life and on other posts. If someone wants to insult me on a personal basis like coraxo then I will ignore.

To everyone that wrote a response and was actually trying make a point and help thank you!

And I'm going to keep calling you an inbred until your behavior indicates otherwise.

Your idiotic comments will not be ignored, they will be met with force until you either understand or you're shown the boot. As far as I'm concerned, your behavior is very similar that of the enemy and will therefore be dealt with in the same way.

And childish insults like “inbred, hillbilly, Cletus...etc” will not help you with anything other than make you look bad. Once you resort to insults, it means you are powerless to get your point across in any other way.
Larissa666 said:
And childish insults like “inbred, hillbilly, Cletus...etc” will not help you with anything other than make you look bad. Once you resort to insults, it means you are powerless to get your point across in any other way.
Very Good Point ^^

Coraxo is unable to make a point without insulting people, he was on other topics calling everyone idiots and morons because he was unable to find some simple arguments for his own point of view, he is rude and lacking in basic manners, behavior, comon sense ..., better to ignore this kind of individuals
Well zmaj Eriksson when I had him on FB said that SW Oregon has enough blacks
This seriously implies many white members of this platform have SWG's mindset to varying degrees albeit visibly weaker
idiocy smasher said:
Well zmaj Eriksson when I had him on FB said that SW Oregon has enough blacks
This seriously implies many white members of this platform have SWG's mindset to varying degrees albeit visibly weaker
Doesn't matter, as long as we all collaborate than I don't care about how much a White hates negroes.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
