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Biologic / Ecologic Gardening


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2017

I decided to make this topic since it seemingly hasn't been a topic before, even on the forum (I checked that).

Now there are a couple of things that is being done in the garden business.
- Spraying pesticides/herbicides
- Use of GMO seeds
- The general belief that its impossible to garden properly without any use of these.

There are a lot of things that happen and make this business jew up.
In example, they have now patented seeds. Seeds that have certain qualities. If you have a seed and you want to sell it but it from itself has those natural resistances which have a patent, you may not sell it.
This leads to one sided gardening, one company that requires you buy their seeds and theirs alone over and over and over. This is however not new. Not new at all. It has been going on for years and years.
In example, Monsanto. Companies that make pesticides found that in their tanks which contained this stuff, grew a bacteria. So they took that bacteria, figured out how it could grow in there and put it in plants and plant seeds.
GMO seeds. Those seeds appear much 'stronger' than the ones that are usually being used.

Now, if those crossbreed with YOUR plants and seeds, which are not bought from them, they can say: 'well we have a patent on this quality, now you are no longer allowed to use those seeds, but rather you have to buy them from us. You may not use the seeds of those plants but you have to buy your seeds every single year from us over and over again.'

Take a look at these:
<td class="y[/IMG] [/TD] [/TR] <tr class="y[/IMG] <td class="y[/IMG] [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] [url=https://www.youtube.co[/IMG] [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] [/TD] <td class="y[/IMG] [/TD] [TR] <td class="ygrps-yiv-1093378123link-enhancr-element" style='width:100%;font-family:"Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", "Arial", "san-serif", "Roboto";vertical-align:middle;'> [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yh8c9OUti4c] View on www.youtube.com [/TD] <td class="ygrps-yiv-1093378123link-enhancr-element" style='width:100px;font-family:"Helvetica Neue", "Helvetica", "Arial", "san-serif", "Roboto";vertical-align:middle;'> Preview by Yahoo
[/TD] [/TR] <tr class="y[/IMG] <td class="y[/IMG] [/TD] [/TR] [/TABLE] GMOs Are Destroying Our Food Security (and Heirloom Seed Treasures)   'Monsanto Mafia': US court backs GMO giant on seed patents against farmers  There are 'organisations' that seemingly want to make a plant database. It is also important that if you start a garden with your own seeds that you buy them from a biological source. You can't always have everything right, but this certainly would help. Also. Seeds that were allowed to grow on a plant that was fed well and treated right will be having more life strenght than seeds that were harvested using a machine.
This is the same with humans and animals, as we know.

Very good video:
Canadian Farmer Under Terror Attack - Percy Schmeiser
Cows that were grown without their horns, vaccinated etc.can not produce a healthy calf. The calf will die within a few months usually. It has taken years for those cows before they could finally produce some healthy offspring and keep them alive. Those are now being sold for meat or grown for milk.
Dansen met gehoornde dames    Now, back to the Original topic.  
What is biological gardening?
It is gardening without use of any pesticides at all. Believed is that if a plant is fed well and taken care of properly then it is able to defend itself against disease, plagues etc. Overfeeding can also cause problems, like lice. Not every plant likes the same ground. Vegetables usually like to be fed more, while some herbs do not like this at all. Some like to have more chalk in the ground, and some do not.
The thought as well is, that if a plant has a plague it might not have been that healthy in the first place.
Like the saying 'disease creates the weak chakra and weak chakras create disease'.

Now, I don't claim to know everything, but I want to share the few things that I do know. You can always learn more.

To get the label biologic you need to rise up to certain standards. Those standards have been taken down and now its easier to buy 'biologic' plants which in fact are just a crossbreed between biologic and regular farming.

Also on a note, if you are on a piece of ground which has been pesticed a lot, or where xmas trees were grown and the like, do not think you'll have wonderful crops plants etc the first year. This ground needs a lot of compost, the natural flora of the ground has been destroyed, and is basicly just depleted of everything.  It takes a couple of years before it could give any decent produce.

I am planning to comment on this talking about various things, not a long post at once.

As we are fighting for our planet, our race, our lives, we also fight for the earth. Let this not become a barren place. Let it be full of life !
Canola oil is itself non edible. Jews are promoting it as edible. That canadian farmer is BS is he's growing canola for its oil. 

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On Sat, May 14, 2016 at 22:47, taolvanswd@... [SSHealth]<[email protected] wrote:   Hey,

I decided to make this topic since it seemingly hasn't been a topic before, even on the forum (I checked that).

Now there are a couple of things that is being done in the garden business.
- Spraying pesticides/herbicides
- Use of GMO seeds
- The general belief that its impossible to garden properly without any use of these.

There are a lot of things that happen and make this business jew up.
In example, they have now patented seeds. Seeds that have certain qualities. If you have a seed and you want to sell it but it from itself has those natural resistances which have a patent, you may not sell it.
This leads to one sided gardening, one company that requires you buy their seeds and theirs alone over and over and over. This is however not new. Not new at all. It has been going on for years and years.
In example, Monsanto. Companies that make pesticides found that in their tanks which contained this stuff, grew a bacteria. So they took that bacteria, figured out how it could grow in there and put it in plants and plant seeds.
GMO seeds. Those seeds appear much 'stronger' than the ones that are usually being used.

Now, if those crossbreed with YOUR plants and seeds, which are not bought from them, they can say: 'well we have a patent on this quality, now you are no longer allowed to use those seeds, but rather you have to buy them from us. You may not use the seeds of those plants but you have to buy your seeds every single year from us over and over again.'

Take a look at these:
<td colspan="6" rowspan="1" class="y[/IMG] [/TD][/TR]<tr class="y[/IMG]<td colspan="1" rowspan="2" class="y[/IMG] [/TD]<td colspan="1" rowspan="2" class="y[/IMG] [url=https://www.youtube.co[/IMG] [/TD]<td colspan="1" rowspan="2" class="y[/IMG] [/TD]<td colspan="2" rowspan="1" class="y[/IMG] [/TD][/TR][TR]<td colspan="1" rowspan="1" class="y[/IMG] [url=https://www.youtube.co[/IMG] Preview by Yahoo
[/TD][/TR]<tr class="y[/IMG]<td colspan="6" rowspan="1" class="y[/IMG] [/TD][/TR][/TABLE] [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHynofR8I3Q]GMOs Are Destroying Our Food Security (and Heirloom Seed Treasures)
   'Monsanto Mafia': US court backs GMO giant on seed patents against farmers  There are 'organisations' that seemingly want to make a plant database. It is also important that if you start a garden with your own seeds that you buy them from a biological source. You can't always have everything right, but this certainly would help. Also. Seeds that were allowed to grow on a plant that was fed well and treated right will be having more life strenght than seeds that were harvested using a machine.
This is the same with humans and animals, as we know.

Very good video:
Canadian Farmer Under Terror Attack - Percy Schmeiser
Cows that were grown without their horns, vaccinated etc.can not produce a healthy calf. The calf will die within a few months usually. It has taken years for those cows before they could finally produce some healthy offspring and keep them alive. Those are now being sold for meat or grown for milk.
Dansen met gehoornde dames    Now, back to the Original topic.  
What is biological gardening?
It is gardening without use of any pesticides at all. Believed is that if a plant is fed well and taken care of properly then it is able to defend itself against disease, plagues etc. Overfeeding can also cause problems, like lice. Not every plant likes the same ground. Vegetables usually like to be fed more, while some herbs do not like this at all. Some like to have more chalk in the ground, and some do not.
The thought as well is, that if a plant has a plague it might not have been that healthy in the first place.
Like the saying 'disease creates the weak chakra and weak chakras create disease'.

Now, I don't claim to know everything, but I want to share the few things that I do know. You can always learn more.

To get the label biologic you need to rise up to certain standards. Those standards have been taken down and now its easier to buy 'biologic' plants which in fact are just a crossbreed between biologic and regular farming.

Also on a note, if you are on a piece of ground which has been pesticed a lot, or where xmas trees were grown and the like, do not think you'll have wonderful crops plants etc the first year. This ground needs a lot of compost, the natural flora of the ground has been destroyed, and is basicly just depleted of everything.  It takes a couple of years before it could give any decent produce.

I am planning to comment on this talking about various things, not a long post at once.

As we are fighting for our planet, our race, our lives, we also fight for the earth. Let this not become a barren place. Let it be full of life !
k I don't know much about that oil stuff. So thanks for pointing it out.
Heavy Machinery & the soil:

This is something that probably not many have thought of or even considered. It might have been in a history book you've had at school when you were very little, but after that it normally isn't even mentioned once.

When you see a tractor driving on a road and it goes to the side of it where there are no stones you can see the tire marks in the soil. The weight compresses the soil.
The consequences of this is, that the plants can not grow their roots properly. The soil is too dense to break through easily. They have known this for centuries. That is why they have those additional things they can hang on to their tractors that plow the ground. Those can go to 1 meter deep into the soil.
In the old days they used a horse or an oxen to plow and prepare the soil for seeding.
With heavy machinery and such the ground gets compressed more and more even at a deeper level.

The deep plowing is also devastating for the soil and its micro-organisms. Beneficial non oxygen needing microorganisms are pulled up and exposed to air, killing them. And at the same time, bacteria and organisms that need oxygen are put back in the ground where there is lack of them, killing each.

Now where I learned about this I was told that there is a way to plow earth at deeper levels, you dig it out piece by piece, layer by layer, and you put those layers back in the proper order. (So last one out first one in).

Heavy machinery does not always include tractors, but also bulldozers, and all kinds of trucks. You could even add in some cars.
I am sure that if it wasn't for the jews we wouldn't have had cars with a machine in it, but rather only a compartment that transfers tesla's free energy in the car to run the car. Most likely making the car much lighter essentially.

Now I know machines make life a lot easier and that I do not discourage the use of it, simply because then we'd all end up in some form of dark age.

There are some handtools you probably didn't know of, that are meant to make work lighter, like this one:
https://3.bp.blogspot.com/-3YGCYdzOoY8/ ... tanden.png


It is a broadfork. You stick it in the ground and push the handles down your side. The earth moves up making it loose and better for the plants to grow on.
It is optional to use a border fork or digger fork to turn the earth around and clear it from certain plants that multiply by root and overgrow your garden.

Also it is important to say to NEVER walk in your borders that you've made for your plants to grow on. Walking in em tramples the earth, which gives them a harder time to grow roots, so if you need to water them or anything else make a path for easy access (and also to not trample other places).

I hope this was of any help.
There is a book called 'handboek ecologish tuinieren'. I tried to find an english version of it but it does not appear to ever have been published in english. It doesn't seem to be reprinted anymore so only second hand copies can be purchased of the original book, however it seems there is a newer version under a different author.
It looks like a good basic book for this topic, but I believe if we want to go more in depth we probably have to make our own book.


Good book tips on this subject are welcome !
Thank you for posting info like this. The health of our soils definitely effects us.
High Priestess Shannon
No problem.

It is important that this gets sorted out, and I know that different parts of the world probably have different systems.

Since this is part of life, our life and all life on earth it should be one of the first things to be sorted out when the new world is established. If more people know, then it is much easier to start this up than when it all has to come from one person.
A recent lesson explained about micronutrients and the soil. Micronutrients are like zink etc. Ones that you need in low quantities.

However one may call themselves biologic gardeners if they didnt use pesticides on the soil for 3-5 years. However then not all lacks of those nutrients are gone.

This takes up to 25 years !!!! to be completely restored!

How to restore soils.. Fertilizer as in cows or horses or chickens dung.. Every animal just like plants have different needs for nutrients which shows in their poop.
Compost. Dont throw away your cut off leaves. Make compost. A good compost heap can reach temperatures of 70-80 Celcius. So preferably in some shade during the summer so things cant catch on fire. That also should take care of any seeds that you do not want in there so they shouldnt grow when you use it.

Ground likes to be covered. Green grows EVERYWHERE. Black soil is unnatural and prone to become mud. Nutrients are flushed out and I dont have to speak of mud lawines that happen in the alps to explain this.

Peat seems to be quite low in nutrients I was told which is something new.they make soil for flowerpots out of that and add something like cow dung or something.

Lavameel or bonemeal or green clay or leem can be added to the soil for a mineral enrichment.

Also this was very interesing. Certain plants leave certain wastes in the ground. Like a pine tree (pinus sylvestris) does with the ground. It makes it very sour. But some plants thrive on that. Now a classmate named the example of planting zilverschoon (potentilla anserina if im correct) after silybum marianum (mariadistel). And that a lot of seedlings grew there which didnt grow elsewhere.

If you figure out exacly which plant grows well after another plant has been in the place the year before then you can have a good harvest.

Yet I am not sure where to find such tests and this kind of test has not been done before. Just simply basing it on tests that check what is actually in the soil before and after the plant should give enough insight in what happens to it. And which to plnt there next.

Now soils also need rest. There was talk of once a year not building on it in 8 years but my history book back in middle school said once every 4 years and to rotate the fields. Dont have the same thing on the same place every year.

Figured I should add this info here :)
This has nice info in it, thx for sharing.

And I agree to it based on where I live my self,
Cow manure or other animals so long as thy been eating right helps alot. As does having a compose
Though with the compose have to have the right ratio from dirt to right left over food that needs to be eaten but it makes a big difference.

The rotation within the garden is right on the money,
I my self did that and my family said to do also, from my understanding each plant takes different kinds of nutrients from the soil and must rotate every year to give help and keep healthy.

However my family lends the land out to be farmed every year and every year is different plants along with every year it's always being sprayed which I don't like becuase it also spreads do to wind.

Another plant not sure if same as u said that grows under pine trees is the Christmas Fern.

Anyways thinks for the info good to know more.

Hail Father Satan
Hail Mother Lilith
Hail all the deite Gods/Goddesses
Sprayed with pesticides? Hats not healthy..

The year a field rests they sow plants on there that are meant to enrich the soil. Right now some examples slipped my mind and I think it coukd be hard to find those online unless you know what to search for. The take the seeds from those plants and the year after if its rest ime for that field they sow those plants there. In dutch its called groenbemesters I think. Maybe Im wrong and you end up with pokon plant food. XD
Did you know that when they build a town these days and there is water running through it that does not conform to their plans they just fill it up with dirt and redirect the water elsewhere? Then they build houses on top of the place. The people whom live on top of what once was a river or something now have a lot of water underneath their house in their cellars or something. If a lot of rain falls that can even lead to flooding.

That was also mentioned in the lesson and it makes me think of the so called water dragons they spoke about in this book with a chapter valled feng sui for dummies or something.
Maybe it has more truth and logic in there than that meets the eye.
Yeah, first spray is to kill everything, second spray after planted is to keep weeds and bugs off and Jill them.
Sometimes deepening on who harvest the plants thy ever go to Hans or animals food. Of course differs each year. Then a year we get someone planting cotton :) that looks nice.

Had to google ur word to English lol.
Green manure - Herbaceous plant material plowed into the soil while still green.
That what I got, however never heard of it but sure my family has sense thy old timer farmers.
So far I know thy don't do that kind of planting though I will ask.
I'm not that good at planting still new to it kind of but I love it to see how thy grow and the colors on them.
@seersofss that is what all those farmers do whom supply to the supermarkets. I can imagine the soil there is not very good. It lacks nutrients and I can imagine plagues run rampant because all the good bugs and stuff died a long time ago. And those take longer to replicate than the harmful ones.

I take it you have a garden? Is it sheltered from the field? In example trees around it?

If you have a plague like lice you could try collecting some stinging nettles and put those on water for a couple of days to 2-3 weeks. Use a closed jar if you like this stuff smells like dung and flies will come to it. Then sprey the plant with this stuff that has the lice on it, you can also give a bit as water for the plant to take in . Also you have ladybugs whose larvae eat all those lice. Make sure your plants get enough water when its dry. Sometimes its very dry the plants dont get enough water so the sugars the plant makes gets thicker which also attracts those lice. On hot days they could need water daily if not twice a day just dont water them over the leaves if its sunny. The leaves can burn because the waterdrops act like a glass you use to see things bigger with (not sure what its called here its called a loep).

@rawrgarglala sorry cant answer that for you. Maybe someone else can. If not trust your instincts and try. Although maybe this one is better used during summer, later in the season.
In turns of plague hard to say really on the plants. Do to most of the land is just farm outside that prob a small patch of plants here and there per say.

Only garden I have is the trees and flowers I plant to the shrubs that's around.
These year won't do a veggie garden sense I'm not the best on that also alot of bugs eat them.

That's interesting information about the lice and ladybugs good to know that thanks.

I know when last thy sprayed the field think was before planting there harvest, the trees that's closes to the field at my place there leaf's started going black some trees showed leaf's burned a little.

Thy fine now all but a shrub still has that black on it.

If I rememeber right the Jera is for a healthy harvest for the year and may help with the plants however thy still will need proper care and maintenance especially for those need special attation.

Though mmm... Like everything else it takes alot of time and alot of energy especially now sense how things are do to alot of corruption.

If u live close to a other houses also need to be careful with that for some people do spray stuff and the wind can travel them sprays to your plants.
Or program an amulet or talisman to attract constantly sun's energy then after a day or two put that in water and program it to make the water heal the plants, that should be powerful:)
@taol the green manure that u was talking about, I asked my family and thy was saying that that's don't in other regions, and isn't very highly used any more.

Basic as said was that it's seeds thats put down and then the next year trailered the ground if I understood right.

However in most places that's mostly farmed is the flat lands and I'm on one of those places flat land and thy don't break the dirt.
What thy do is thy drop the seeds on top of the ground and then spray the weed or grass that s on top and that will be the foundation to the grouth of the seeds. Believe he called it no tailed land or something in that name.

Reason as he said thy don't tailer the land on flat lands is becuase it does more damage to it and the fresh dirt is on top that helps grow the seeds.
You arent supposed to plow deep in the soil anyway. Loosen it about a shovel deep should be enough. Walking and heavy machinery on it just thickens it again making the soil inpenetrable. (is that an actual word??) the heavier the weight the more it does so. Probably mentioned in a post above.

Often seeds are not exactly thrown above because the birds will eat it. So tap it gently in the ground or put a thin layer of dirt on top of it. Not all seeds can take it if planted deep like 10 cm (thats 4 inches) and most wont even grow.

Maybe I completely misunderstood uou there.

Honestly I could ask my dad about this stuff and hed say spray it with toxins and feed it that fake synthetic fertilizer although normal cow is better but I dont want to weed the seeds.

Not all family says things that are accurate. So see if its right or not. Very important. Even I make mistakes.

However wouldnt be a bad idea to make a guide on this stuff for SS. Maybe later when more is known. And things have been proven to work. Seeing is believing you know :)
Yes ur right about that shouldn't be deep like that but as history is in the past many of those plows where heavy and thy want deep.

impenetrable so yes true word lol :)

Normally ur right the birds would eat it. However I will ask that still but based on the info thy give and from seeing it the seeds are dropped on top and the weed that is sprayed to be killed will be the foundation and the protection of the seeds sense after sprayed it will fall over. Of course there may be a little more to it then I know that I can always ask.
From the birds from what I have seen thy always go to eat after the harvest has been harvested lol. Wonder if the spray has something that keeps the birds away from it too....

That's true about the family, however sense I know little about farming and thy are farmers and cattle raisers them selfs, I kind of have to fall in line till I learn more lol

I point as said before though based on experience thy don't plow flat lands and prob only some country's or a very few that still plows the ground.
Thy don't even as the word tilt it no shovel no cutting the dirt just spray and go as ur father would tell u lol

Old timers as my family does or would do the same too. Hahaha...
Very nice topic Taol! :)

Unfortunately I have zero knowledge in regards to this (and thanks to living in a city, the thought of creating my own garden is impossible), but I had once heard of "Zeolite" and that it helps in plants.
I'm sorry, I will just provide a google search here: https://www.google.gr/search?q=zeolite+ ... _CXu6SgfgN

Zeolite is also used for consuming (by humans). I do take Zeolite and it makes me feel so goood... It helps for the human body to release toxins and get rid of things like aluminum, and others that are unhealthy for the body.
I've read that, because Zeolite helps in releasing toxins, there is a few amount of people who take it, that have had headaches, or pain in the muscles and such. This is caused by the body that is suddenly getting rid so intensely all these toxins. These bad feelings can be overcome if one takes less than the daily dose.

Personally, I never had any bad feeling.
Well actualy its very simple. An animal knows when something is harmful and they dont eat it unless they are given no choice. Thats why birds dont eat it. And thats also why you see those cats eating purina cat food because the other bowl is stained with ammonia.

Animals arent crazy.
What I would do is program an elemental to keep away birds, there is always a spiritual solution :D
Perhaps a guide with the help of one of our gods who is most specialized in this matter:)
taol I send a picture of what I was talking about to u on the land picture. It's of my family land. To better understand what I was meaning. Unless u got it :)
Sometimes you speak with people and you hear things only to later connect the dots.

Anyway.. Did you know that in certain places they often put sand underneath the houses?

I was wondering why just now and then I remembered the docu I saw on a cathedral in the uk build on clay or sand. The thing with clay is, it is soft. Heavy things on it make dents and sink.
Sand does not compress and is thus a better material as a foundation on soft surfaces. Thats why you put sand underneath tiles and not dirt.

This was not going to be the main point of this post.
Not long ago I was looking outside and I was wondering.. Why is it not overgrown with weeds? There are plants but underneath are still huge patches of bare soil.
Then I looked up equisetum arvense. This plant spreads like hell on soils which lack minerals.
There are several gardens around here whom are full of this stuff. And it is hard to get rid of it.
I have also seen Japanse Duizendknoop which is an "invader" and is not supposed to grow in europe as it is not native to us and also has become a pest that is very hard to weed out and its roots go up to 3m deep through pipes etc. (Funny thing is over here it has also a name associated with the jooz. If I remember correctly its something like jewish pest.. )
Then there is tussilago farfara which also is hard to get rid of and has roots to half a meter deep in the soil. I have not checked yet but I am positive that this plant has the same kind of purpose as the other 2 mentioned.

Sand does not hold any minerals. Doing this gives a rather poor soil, upon which not much wants to grow.
Plants do grow but they are not lush and green, from a biological garden to your own backyard.. Those plants in your backyard barely survive. Most people have cultivated plants in there anyway, and are not used to giving them any special treatment.

If you have a garden in your backyard that you would want to use for herbs, make sure the ground is not too compressed by heavy machinery, if need be, dig out in layers, break the soil and put it back in layer for layer, do not mix them up if youre very deep (I mean when youre going much deeper than a shovel - the blade on the shovel not the handle for clarification).

If your method of housebuilding is any like the method they used here or described in the post, be aware that the soil is very poor and does need a lot of enrichment.
Start composting. Use in example cow dung. There is also bonemeal and bloodmeal, both made from different parts and both have different qualities and a difference in the components.
In example, if you have a fruit tree in a pot and the leves turn yellow they might need bloodmeal. Also sometimes a plant wont flower.
Its a bit like with us as humans. If we get inadequate amounts of food our bodies quit functioning. In a woman she may skip periods (if it happens during teenage times, this person might never get them back and thus be unfertile, as a result of anorexia in example). In a man I can guess it could lead to being less fertile.

Different plants belong to different soils. I knew foeniculum vulgare needs the sun and can not live in the shadow. It dies.
There are several other planta that simply DIE if they dont get sun. A plant might do it wonderful in one place but when you move it, it withers away. That can be the soil, it can be the sun, it can be the water. Too much water makes the roots rot. Too little and the plant will dry out and die because of dehydration.

Some soils are sour, some alkalic. Some have a lot of sand, some a lot of clay and others contain a lot of (I want to say peat but I mean the non dried and used to burn stuff) which dont really contain much nutrients either.

Before I forget. You can enrich the soils with minerals like lavameel (dutch word I know) which is from a vulcano (meel means flour) and often cristals are formed at vulcanic activities..
I have also heard of adding bits of green clay to the soil. Sundried clay is in powderform also said that it is suitable for internal use (just dont randomly do this without consulting someone or really really looking into it) but it is mostly used in face masks. Dont wash through the sink was a warning given to me because it tends to collect all dirt eventually clogging it up the pipe entirely and youd need a plummer to get rid of it since those fluids you poor down your sink to unclog it dont have any effect on the clay..

Long post, I hope it is useful.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
