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Big Victory: Fauci Exposed As Proponent To The Global Pandemic

Hp. Hoodedcobra666

Administrative High Priest
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
For those who have been following the news, we are scoring major victories. The enemy was planning the hearing and other legal judgements of Fauci, during their high holidays.

Fauci questioned on bankrolling/creating the virus - https://youtu.be/vsDzAjwfr0w?t=3368

The situation has really went south with all this. From it's start, it looked like a very good setup. Global pandemic, keep the media going, censor the internet, turn the West into a Communist Dystopia, keep Israel at the center, whatever.

As the situation manifested, most of it is actively and layer by layer being dismantled and backfiring. We are not yet to the full manifestation of this. But we will be in the next few years...

To the average person, this might look as yet another coincidence in the web of consistent jewish coincidences. According to them, their life being changing that drastically over the last years, was a "coincidence" or whatever of the sort. That is at this point only purposeful, self inflicted, cognitive dissonance.

Or the result of literally not looking into anything at all. Generally people without knowledge or questions have a lot of audacity. It never fails one to speak with an NPC and see how emotionally insistent they are on the fact that all of this is nice, and that it's going away "with our second dose". Now, they are already being set up for the 3rd, 4th dose.

Many people don't also understand this: Over this situation, the global economy is being reshaped. That is, except of the trillions that were literally printed out of nowhere to "Combat" this. That is a lot of money, more than people can even comprehend.

At the same rate, the West is undergoing "Shortages" during this. Part of this, is because of "Climate Change", which was reinforced by the changes and shortages that were created during the Pandemic. Many don't understand, but all this jewish circus we have been doing in the last 2 years, is about to come at humanity and affect human life with a vengeance.

Pleasantly so, jews like Fauci will insist that this damning situation is continued. They have no problem no matter how rampant it all goes. 3 masks on one's face, ineffective cures for the Lab Generated Co-Vid, infinite printing of money and therefore inflation, or the next decade with human beings literally being subjected to consistent violations of freedoms over literal nonsense - all of it would be great for them.

How all of this situation will reflect on the wallets of people, is that the cost of living in many countries might rise very high - this means there will be a lot of hunger worldwide. The first wave hit people by the hundreds of millions.

In the mind of the enemy and other related goblins, since they are jews, to cause such a big globally disabling and confusing situation is natural - moreso they perceive it as a situation to profit from. They don't care about the fallout of this. People like Fauci don't have any conscience, and they don't feel related to the people, nor they are part of the people.

Yes, they would affect the whole globe if necessary, to swindle everyone and profit off of everyone's backs. Globally. They wouldn't give a shit. They will crash this shit with no survivors if they are left to it, so long their shithole ancestral land of Israel is to survive.

And the reason we are assembled here is to do psychic warfare with the powers of the Gods, to stop this. It has all went TOO FAR. And now since they want it to go that far, the RTR's will take it even further.

To go straight to the facts without having to explain everything to asleep NPC's again, the reason they put these important events on their jewish high holidays is because they want to enforce their agenda on these holidays where they have maximum energy and power. In this case, they wanted to bail out Fauci and protect him from a fallout.

Of course, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and all jewish media outlets, are covering this up for their champion. But the reality is, that he has been exposed as lying to Congress. While the chances are that the swamp will protect their goblin friend, this is a good thing to show to the masses in regards to this whole ordeal and how the roots of this go way deeper and darker.

When this situation is logically inspected, none of it makes sense. You don't destroy your society over a situation such as this.

We need to go no further about what race Fauci belongs to, but his face. He is clearly of jewish descent. Except of this, he has been a very corrupted person for a very long time. For those who don't know, Fauci also helped spread the AIDS epidemic some decades ago, because again, he purposefully promoted and enforced a false lead into what causes, prevents, or would finally cure AIDS.

What happened when the AIDS was rampant? Well, those in power believed Fauci and others directly, scientists were shunned, and people were censored, like they do today. The pursuit of a bogus cure named "AZT" was promoted, that didn't really help cure AIDS or keep it at bay. Regardless, the rhetoric was enforced violently. Since the disease had mostly to do with gay people at the time, they decided to go full on the lies without minding any cost.

What is happening today, is parallel to this situation a lot. You can see a video about this here, or further search online:


Yet, this time it's global, and it involves everyone. Hundreds of millions are actively being abused to engage in medical decisions, everyone on the planet is fooled and lied to in regards to the source of the virus.

Whomever disagrees or has any other estimate, as it happened with AIDS and AZT, is called a scientific charlatan. Meanwhile, as in the case with AZT and AIDS, billions are funneled into nothingness or in treatments that will not work [in this case a vaccine] and everyone else is being blamed but the people responsible for creating this, let alone they are trying to escape justice for literally steering everyone into the direction of curing a man made virus through fraudulent and ineffective vaccination technology.

Many people think these situations have never happened before, but they have. One example above is the AIDS situation. But these were regional and not that far reaching as they are today. Since back then, those behind planning to use the Co-Vid situation or a similar situation for global reshaping, were not really on this level yet.

Nowadays, they have been. The Swine Flu was also another illness, which mobilized countries globally into a reaction. Yet, this time around, the Globalists [Jews] wanted to play this way harder, and they had the necessary aims and aspirations in place.

From anything that happened, Fauci literally walked away without ever having to give any explanation.

This time around, information came out, and it's clear that they have created the virus with Chinese Communists in a literal shithole of a lab in Wuhan. E-mails reveal that the scientists involved, and Fauci himself, knew that the virus was let loose out of there.

In regards to what "American" scientists are literally doing creating viruses with Billy Gates funding, of all places, in Communist China, which is the country that emerges as the enemy of the United States, one could easily speak of high treason. Certainly we can argue that this was for scientific purposes, but of all places, why was this done in a shithole of a lab in Wuhan, is an alarming question.

Then they are like, alright alright, we left a virus from the Wuhan Institute of Virology out. Now please go do this vaccine that we mandate of you, to solve it. People do this and then they legitimately tell them to keep vaccinating because nothing is going to solve the situation.

Everyone with a functioning mind here, should really look at this situation for what it is. People have to rise up and stop this madness. How much worse could this go?

Think of this for a second. All the West lost 2 years of their life, almost all their rights, millions were left destitute, the economy was forced onto collapse, quite a few died, simply because the Jewish Goblin Fauci was playing around with viruses, which coincidentally were launched exactly after the powers that be have declared their "New World" agenda for the next decade.

Needless to say, whomever thinks this is a coincidence, is just in active cognitive dissonance. These things should be put to an end.

To begin with, the reality that this was created was disputed and people who said it might have been were called insane. Now, it's the evidence that points to the fact that these were created. Soon, it must be that people who believe it came "naturally" would be branded as insane.

Then, maybe it will be insane for people to actually tolerate these things and give them a constant "pass" everytime something like this occurs?

Now, humanity will be tortured as a result. This is not something that happened by "chance". It has been caused, extended, and is made way worse than it would be by active players in global policy, and primarily, a strong core of Globalists and Jews.

Of course, here we go: Jews are taking maximum advantage of this situation that jews have caused, as always, at the expense of the people.

Another thing many people don't know, is that Pfizer and Israel have an agreement [between Pfizer and the Country of Israel] to provide data in regards to the vaccination. In this agreement, there are clauses which mention two categories of vaccines...One is a placebo, a total blank. The other is the actual vaccine. Given the numbers of infections in Israel [they might lie], we could assume the following:

1. Either the vaccine is a total blank and useless to stop the spread of this virus
2. The vaccine cannot stop the emergence or transformation of the virus [because everyone is getting infected]
3. Or that...Israel is literally faking data.
4. Or more accurately, that in Israel, they are literally administering the placebo vaccines.

Or even all of the above?

The Israel-Pfizer Agreement: https://www.jpost.com/health-science/israel-to-sign-agreement-for-millions-more-pfizer-vaccines-665621

For an array of articles on the subject: https://duckduckgo.com/?q=Israel+pfizer+data+agreement&t=newext&atb=v286-5&ia=web

A vaccine that causes no inoculation can hardly be called or labelled as a vaccine. The idea behind vaccination is the permanent immunity of an individual. This vaccine causes nothing of this.

Everything here is not bad news either, as this means the same happens in many other places in the world. If one is forced to vaccinate, you might do a small working to fall onto the placebo dose. It appears many are literal placebo. In this case, one will literally feel nothing at all if they do it.

Regardless, many Nations, following upon this generalized schizophrenia [and because the JWO wants to impose itself], are going to follow this rhetoric to the end. Many Nations have already made agreements with Pfizer to keep administering more and more of this. Governments also clearly are lying about everything, refuse to take any liability, and will of course be wrestled by "Little Israel" to follow these dictates.

For those who don't know, Israel is ruled by Pluto. Pluto is the small planet. In Jewish Kabbalah, Jews are synonymous with the moon. The way they control and affect the world is through manipulation, conspiracies, lies and deception. They cannot run the world directly. All of this is of course reflected upon this situation.

Little shit Israel, and one goblin jew, with a few other globalists, are literally fucking up the whole Western World. This might sound incomprehensible, but with the amount of insidious conspiracy going on here and in general, that is very well possible. The whole "West" is being force to collapse to it's foundations over this whole charade.

Yet, this is what jews cannot stand: Getting exposed and revealed. And this is at the all time high. The more they enforce this agenda, the more the thinking elements of this planet will be evolving, and then, it's all going to backfire.

The magnitude of this lie, the violence it has brought in human lives worldwide, all of this, is setting the field as a beginning of the end for the enemy. It will happen slowly, and will occur when people will understand how they have been swindled and used like swine.

These individuals who made this virus have been exposed, and people of good consciousness have exposed them of being the creators of this "pandemic". As if this was not enough, they have decided to capitalize on fake treatments and mostly ineffective vaccines.

We have highly damaged them with this situation. Everyone here has the fuller view of the situation, none of this is really solely a pandemic, nor this is solely the subject of focus. We are exposing and dismantling spiritually the whole of the enemy, not only their particular agendas. But as they fall apart, these things are going to manifest strongly and each of their hoaxes and deceptions dismantled in their own right.

Clearly also, they have failed to impose the full run of their lies in the long-term, and it's all collapsing and falling onto them. Governments won't of course admit it, and many will insist down the way of errors. Indeed, this is exactly what should happen, so that people worldwide become disillusioned completely over this reality.

We must insist on doing the RTR's, because their spiritual foundation has to break apart completely. Then they will be brought to complete justice.

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The Israel-Pfizer Agreement: https://www.jpost.com/health-science/israel-to-sign-agreement-for-millions-more-pfizer-vaccines-665621

Jews when they alone: "Hehe, we run the world, boys!"

Jews when Gentiles say same thing: "Oy vey! This is just a coincidence goy, just a coincidence!"
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hail Satan!! Amazing news! I always knew Fauchi was a rat the minute i saw his ears and eyes. I always looked at him and went ugh :|. The more we do the less they have. What you mentioned about the vaccine is a big relief as well. It also explains the spamming of booster shots and people still getting the virus in spite of the vaccine. Because if the previous ones dont prevent the 'rona why should the boosters? its probly majority empty shots.

There never was a pandemic to begin with. Just lies and a scene to be used for a dishonest purpose while using panic and fear as always. I am sure more will be exposed soon as their world continues to crash down.
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hail Satan!! Amazing news! I always knew Fauchi was a rat the minute i saw his ears and eyes. I always looked at him and went ugh :|. The more we do the less they have. What you mentioned about the vaccine is a big relief as well. It also explains the spamming of booster shots and people still getting the virus in spite of the vaccine. Because if the previous ones dont prevent the 'rona why should the boosters? its probly majority empty shots.

The reason this doesn't prevent it, is because according to the analysts, the vaccines only have 1 out of the 4 strands necessary to have immunity to one strain of the virus. Meanwhile, people who contact it naturally and develop natural immunity, have immunity for all 4 strands of the virus. In other words the vaccine is really only a small layer and/or not effective.

The idea is to keep pushing people into boosters and vaccines, but these don't really inoculate. In short, the virus situation is attempted to be made into a perpetual junkie injection situation. Their best claim is that it reduces the damage this could cause.
Hell ya and hail Satan !
Even with their backs against the wall the JSM will still deny deny deny and lie lie lie until it’s completely obvious to everyone. I remember watching Alex Jones in March/April of 2020 and he was covering how fauci and the NIH were involved with the Wuhan lab and how the Obama administration basically gave China the blank slate of this virus and had them modify it in 2015. But of course that was a “conspiracy theory.”
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hail Satan!! Amazing news! I always knew Fauchi was a rat the minute i saw his ears and eyes. I always looked at him and went ugh :|. The more we do the less they have. What you mentioned about the vaccine is a big relief as well. It also explains the spamming of booster shots and people still getting the virus in spite of the vaccine. Because if the previous ones dont prevent the 'rona why should the boosters? its probly majority empty shots.

The reason this doesn't prevent it, is because according to the analysts, the vaccines only have 1 out of the 4 strands necessary to have immunity to one strain of the virus. Meanwhile, people who contact it naturally and develop natural immunity, have immunity for all 4 strands of the virus. In other words the vaccine is really only a small layer and/or not effective.

The idea is to keep pushing people into boosters and vaccines, but these don't really inoculate. In short, the virus situation is attempted to be made into a perpetual junkie injection situation. Their best claim is that it reduces the damage this could cause.

Makes sense. in other words planned medical obsolescence. They dont get sheckels if people don't get more shots if the first one actually works and immunizes against everything. Ineffective injections at best, hazedous in the cases of nonplecebos at worst.
This is an amazing post. I felt like I couldn't do this subject justice so I was waiting for someone to bring this up. You made a very informal post. I have saved this in my bookmarks as I can see myself using this info to inform others soon. There has been regular people making videos and threads on twitter on the danger of fauci since almost the beginning of this charade and finally this has taken traction.

Let's keep going strong in this schedule everyone.

Hail Satan!!
More and more of this needs to happen. Keep shining the demonic light on their bullshit.

Pfizer pill they want to issue is actually Ivermectin….you know, the thing they keep telling people not to take and is a fake cure?

Honestly, you can’t make this shit up.
I want to see Fuaci's bobbleheaded goblin face melt off his wretched kike skull. He is treasonous to humanity.This rage for how they blashpheme our Gods with their existence and siphon the light of human souls will be channeled full on into RTR and cursing their judean souls out of all dimensions. These truths brought to light makes them burn the earth faster. Satan's glory and truth will always shine through and I will reincarnate a million times back to eradicate the enemy from existence if that is what it takes.
Nice!!!!😃🐍💞💞💞💞 HAIL SATAN!!!🙏🔥😃
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

He looks quite Jewish to me. Reminds me of when I figured the actor John Turturro looked Jewish so was surprised to read he too was "Italian American", then I came across an article in which it stated he had taken a dna test and discovered he had Ashkenazi ancestors
These creatures enrage me beyond words. Can't wait for my rituals today.
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
Shadowcat said:
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:

-High Priest Hooded Cobra 666

Hail Satan!! Amazing news! I always knew Fauchi was a rat the minute i saw his ears and eyes. I always looked at him and went ugh :|. The more we do the less they have. What you mentioned about the vaccine is a big relief as well. It also explains the spamming of booster shots and people still getting the virus in spite of the vaccine. Because if the previous ones dont prevent the 'rona why should the boosters? its probly majority empty shots.

The reason this doesn't prevent it, is because according to the analysts, the vaccines only have 1 out of the 4 strands necessary to have immunity to one strain of the virus. Meanwhile, people who contact it naturally and develop natural immunity, have immunity for all 4 strands of the virus. In other words the vaccine is really only a small layer and/or not effective.

The idea is to keep pushing people into boosters and vaccines, but these don't really inoculate. In short, the virus situation is attempted to be made into a perpetual junkie injection situation. Their best claim is that it reduces the damage this could cause.
By keep injecting everyone they would definitely make a lot of money, these vaccines are not free. I wonder if its a way to crash the economy.
Excellent news! Jews are being exposed like never before. Anyone familiar with body language can clearly see the guilt and the fear in Fauci's face. He knows he's going down along with all the jewish race. And by the looks of it he also probably knows there's absolutely nothing they can do to prevent their destruction.

Hail Satan!!
Even if one manages to get a blank, what is the probability that even the third up to the eighth shots are gonna be blanks? This in case one is forced to get the other jabs aswell. Not budging.
That trial was held earlier in the summer, but I’m glad the story isn’t dying and there’s still ongoing development. Senator Rand Paul is still fighting the good fight and helping us bring Fauci down.

The main hurdle I see with all of this is the implications and the fallout that will happen if Fauci is proven guilty of lying and guilty of this? If we prove he has funded the gain of function research that could of been responsible for the pandemic, and that he lied to the American people and has been lying this whole time, the reaction could be pretty intense. It would be beyond a big win for us. Which is why the jew will do whatever they can to help Fauci. If he loses it’s a domino effect and not only he goes down but so many people go down and the faith in our leaders goes down exponentially. This is almost two years of lying and disrupting our way of life and the way of life on our entire planet. Big implications if he goes down. So he’s very protected. Hence why it’s a good idea to do the quick shattering protection ritual daily. We need this win. We need him to go down. The evidence is there. We need him to finally face trial which has already been called upon. We know the Biden administration will do whatever to not actually hold the trial, but that’s why spamming that shattering protections ritual is a smart idea.
Aquarius said:
Even if one manages to get a blank, what is the probability that even the third up to the eighth shots are gonna be blanks? This in case one is forced to get the other jabs aswell. Not budging.

Not advisable. This was only mentioned because that is the case. Not to advise anyone into this.

As the recurring shots get issued, this is doubtful this is going to continue. In fact it might stop altogether as it was in an experimental stage before, but not now in reality.

Israel is most definitely keeping safe doses or whatever, or placebo, for themselves. This is why they troll that they are "Vaccinating" and that they are literally pretending to be the "Sacrificial lamb" for all the "tests" necessary. They are probably literally selling snake oil to the global community.

Strange things have been found in different batches sent to Japan and elsewhere. At this rate, people are throwing dice with this whole vaccine thing.
Frank.Woden said:
Everyone with a functioning mind here, should really look at this situation for what it is. People have to rise up and stop this madness. How much worse could this go?

They are just livestock that follow orders. Because they are part of the problem , not only the jew. Think about the Chinese. Do they really are so different from jews? Not at all, this is why they decided for the deal with the new "US-Israeli-West conglomerate" ...

The Chinese are not like the jews. The jews are a parasite race. Jews hardly ever had any "nation" and anything of their own that didn't steal, nor they have created anything in particular, or maintained anything.

The Chinese have been building civilization for thousands of years, they have been mighty, and generally mostly looking after their own business. They had their own issues with neighboring Asiatic races, and they had historically one of the world's biggest empire.

In all of Asia other Asians do know that the Chinese can be extremely ruthless [they are ruled by Air strongly] and very cold and calculating. This has been in some intervals their power and their weakness at the same time.

China is a modern empire too, despite of the low quality Communism taking place there. The downfall of this is reflected on the people. Unfortunately jewish influence in China [read on JoS library] has been intense and literally shaping it for a hundred years now.

Chinese also have a disposition, as they are ruled by air, to be sometimes ruthless. This mostly has manifested towards their own people in brutality. But most of this came out when people were under constant pressure by Mao.

Mao wiped out hundreds of millions of the most developed Chinese, about 100 millions instantly with genocide, and many other tens of millions progressively by making a system that disallowed all the good elements in China to make it to anything. Under Communism also the complete removal of any spiritual knowledge made them drop drastically in lower levels.

Old China until Mao had an aristocratic spiritual culture, meditation schools and so on. All of this got wiped out under Mao. The face of China was changed after the uprising of Communism.

The Chinese currently are going after their own interests no matter what the cost is for anyone or anything. This is destroying their own people first and foremost. Mao's influence made China into what it is today. It was a turn of events for the Chinese and this affected them also in all internal states.

Communism destroys the mind and soul of human beings. The longer it is enforced, the more damage it causes.

The enemy is now attempting the same forced Communism to be imposed on the West, progressively and without mercy. Communism removes spirituality, damns spirituality, and makes people into slave workers without any meaning. This dehumanizes people very quickly.
Aquarius said:
Even if one manages to get a blank, what is the probability that even the third up to the eighth shots are gonna be blanks? This in case one is forced to get the other jabs aswell. Not budging.
Hey, Aquarius,

What are you gonna about college and forced vaccinations to enter?

I am worried I will be forced to vaccinate to enter college. Damn.
mercury_wisdom said:
Aquarius said:
Even if one manages to get a blank, what is the probability that even the third up to the eighth shots are gonna be blanks? This in case one is forced to get the other jabs aswell. Not budging.
Hey, Aquarius,

What are you gonna about college and forced vaccinations to enter?

I am worried I will be forced to vaccinate to enter college. Damn.
It's called university in Europe, to enter it[in Italy] you need to have a green pass, which you can get for 2 days if you get a covid test or permanently(or until they want you to take the next dose) if you are vaxxed.
I think that in the future they're gonna ditch the green pass and just require vaccination.

I have simply abbandoned the idea of university at the moment. I'm gonna just work. I'm not complying to anything.
Aquarius said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Aquarius said:
Even if one manages to get a blank, what is the probability that even the third up to the eighth shots are gonna be blanks? This in case one is forced to get the other jabs aswell. Not budging.
Hey, Aquarius,

What are you gonna about college and forced vaccinations to enter?

I am worried I will be forced to vaccinate to enter college. Damn.
It's called university in Europe, to enter it[in Italy] you need to have a green pass, which you can get for 2 days if you get a covid test or permanently(or until they want you to take the next dose) if you are vaxxed.
I think that in the future they're gonna ditch the green pass and just require vaccination.

I have simply abbandoned the idea of university at the moment. I'm gonna just work. I'm not complying to anything.
Damn. Best of luck bro. Be careful tho, they might require vaccinations for work too.
mercury_wisdom said:
Aquarius said:
mercury_wisdom said:
Hey, Aquarius,

What are you gonna about college and forced vaccinations to enter?

I am worried I will be forced to vaccinate to enter college. Damn.
It's called university in Europe, to enter it[in Italy] you need to have a green pass, which you can get for 2 days if you get a covid test or permanently(or until they want you to take the next dose) if you are vaxxed.
I think that in the future they're gonna ditch the green pass and just require vaccination.

I have simply abbandoned the idea of university at the moment. I'm gonna just work. I'm not complying to anything.
Damn. Best of luck bro. Be careful tho, they might require vaccinations for work too.
Not where I will :p
As for this vaccination bullshit, my government is planing to embrace laws for moving employees to different workplaces or even force sending them on unpaid leave, and I think that's only the light version of this laws.

It still blows my mind that there's so many people believing in vaccinations and this whole fake pandemic.

I'm still worried about my university and work as I will never ever even come close to that treacherous vaccine.

It's frightening how world is changing in front of our eyes and how few people can see it. All that remains is to resist to the end of our lives.

Hail Satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
The enemy is now attempting the same forced Communism to be imposed on the West, progressively and without mercy. Communism removes spirituality, damns spirituality, and makes people into slave workers without any meaning. This dehumanizes people very quickly.

Jews also don't want the Mass population to know their true intention that's the reason they wear that false mask of helpless Jew!

Actually, their planning is so deep that they corrupted the Schooling books mostly history about people like Hitler, Where the subconscious message is "Don't be Like Hitler, He kills", But the books never tell you why Hitler did that and this is just the Tip of the iceberg.

I've actually seen people reading Sanskrit Vedas where they say OM instead of AUM, I'm literally out of words as to how many manipulations they've done.

I'm sure these Jews have their People in every nation that checks if there's any spiritual development going on, And messing with that is one of their goals.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
