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Between The Red Hammer And The Anvil

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Between The Red Hammer And The Anvil

Numerous American cities are being destroyed by riots along with numerous American monuments now defaced and destroyed and numerous people killed and injured with businesses destroyed across America as the nation is exploding with Communist riots. The President of America fled to a bunker in the White House as Marxist mobs drove back Secret Service agents and attempted to storm the White House and kill the President. As Marxist mobs break into peoples homes and brutalize them and hold them hostage. We are living in interesting times. For those in the known, Wei-merica.

The situation is the riots are all planned the buses stormed into the cities days before the riots occurred full of Black Lives Matter, red guard goons and Anti-Fa, Marxists. There were large mountains of bricks placed in all the riot areas before they even occurred. This was all done in advance with major planning and funding.

Video's show obviously Jewish, Anti-Fa leaders on the ground of the riots paying and directing dumb thugs in violence. The reports done on Anti-Fa when unmasked and identified they are always groups of racial Jews. Even the leader interviewed on Fox is a racial Jew. This is what the National Socialists noted in their day in Germany the Jewish Communists always recruited the gangs, thugs and criminal elements in society to mobilize into a red battering ram in their violence. Anti-Fa is led by the officers of the American Communist Party which is known to be funded by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds from a former member and organizer who blew the whistle. Its known that Jewish, George Schwartz [Soros] funds Blacks Live Matter, which is an open Marxist terrorist organization that is behind numerous assassinations of police officers. Soros is also a front organizer and money Jew for the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. Soros own son stated that his father told him everything he does is for his Jewishness.

The synagogue network came out in full. The Jewish run media organizations from CNN to the Jew York Times are all promoting the Communist riots across America. While Jewish politicians in charge of the cities order the police to stand down and let the riots get out of control. Even the Chabad rat, Kushner played Trump into taking no action for days while America was under total tribal assault. Kushner is at the top of the Jewish power structure and is a close associate of Soros. The network of Jewish infiltration into the American political structure has been able to collapse any response while opening the door from within for their fellow Jews on the street to lead the Marxist mobs into an attempted coup and Marxist uprising. Is it obvious now why the Jews want to grab all the guns and destroy the Second Amendment.

America is now starting to experience the same levels of Judeo Bolshevik violence that Germany went though in the Weimar Republic.

All the Jewish media propaganda networks, papers and street leaders in one Jewish voice of Talmudic hatred are promoting one thing only in this: RACE WAR. This entire Marxist uprising is being done in the name of their Cultural Marxist narrative of anti-White hatred. This is the tragedy of South Africa coming to America. Where Jews funded and lead Marxist terror to destroy the White Race. Decades of Jewish Marxist subversion in America are taking effect. We are now living in the days that Commander Rockwell stated would come.
With the threat of physical violence, as seen here, or the threat of extreme weather, as advised by HP Maxine, everyone should continue to prepare themselves as much as possible, in the coming months and years. Don't think that with the withering of the virus, you can completely relax any preparation methods. Go back to those old threads and browse some of those prepping sites. Try to plan out what you will need, and at the very least, start setting aside some money.

On another note, we will also experience some economic hardships as more businesses lay off workers. There is a lag between now and the full extent of the economic damages. Assuming there is no 2nd wave of virus, the economic impact, in GDP, is already a few times greater than the 2008 financial crisis. This is something to keep in mind and plan around, as best as you can. Funny enough, financial depression also seems like another characteristic of the Weimar Republic.
do you think it will end by assassinating Trump
Very nice post and with all the activity on the other posts this one is so far down the listings.

Freak that the US president had to retreat into his bunker for his safety.

It's really strange how Derek Chauvin is married to an Asian woman. Was the only white officer on the scene. Others were of mixed race and one Vietnamese.

So the Chief of the Minneapolis police department is black and he's having to represent white racism.

It's all so crazy.

Also I read that George Floyd was a substance abuser and was high at the time of his arrest.

George Floyd had a weak heart and the knee on the neck is an Israeli military technique that the officer was only doing what he had been trained.
As I've been away from South Africa for so long I've felt myself detaching from the whites reality there. I used to engage their struggle as I remembered how the situation was.

But I've been thinking they're all cucked out christtards.

They wanted a rainbow nation and voted so that the blacks could have their communist government.

My dad says they had to vote for the change which allowed the ANC communist party to come to power democratically.

The sanctions and being cut off from the rest of the world. There would have been no medicines coming in. No medical or technical advances because they would have been cut off from the rest of the world.

So I'm not feeling the emotional attachment to the whites genocide because they are christtards that wanted it.

Not that there is not a very real element of danger towards your person being a white minority in South Africa. They have a real challenge to survive and suffer horrific attacks on their lives and wellbeing.

South Africa did not go communist by being overthrown but by manipulation for it to go democratically. Their vote their fault and problem. That's reality.

Make your bed you sleep in it.
HP Mageson666 said:
Between The Red Hammer And The Anvil

Numerous American cities are being destroyed by riots along with numerous American monuments now defaced and destroyed and numerous people killed and injured with businesses destroyed across America as the nation is exploding with Communist riots. The President of America fled to a bunker in the White House as Marxist mobs drove back Secret Service agents and attempted to storm the White House and kill the President. As Marxist mobs break into peoples homes and brutalize them and hold them hostage. We are living in interesting times. For those in the known, Wei-merica.

The situation is the riots are all planned the buses stormed into the cities days before the riots occurred full of Black Lives Matter, red guard goons and Anti-Fa, Marxists. There were large mountains of bricks placed in all the riot areas before they even occurred. This was all done in advance with major planning and funding.

Video's show obviously Jewish, Anti-Fa leaders on the ground of the riots paying and directing dumb thugs in violence. The reports done on Anti-Fa when unmasked and identified they are always groups of racial Jews. Even the leader interviewed on Fox is a racial Jew. This is what the National Socialists noted in their day in Germany the Jewish Communists always recruited the gangs, thugs and criminal elements in society to mobilize into a red battering ram in their violence. Anti-Fa is led by the officers of the American Communist Party which is known to be funded by the Rockefellers and Rothschilds from a former member and organizer who blew the whistle. Its known that Jewish, George Schwartz [Soros] funds Blacks Live Matter, which is an open Marxist terrorist organization that is behind numerous assassinations of police officers. Soros is also a front organizer and money Jew for the Rockefellers and Rothschilds. Soros own son stated that his father told him everything he does is for his Jewishness.

The synagogue network came out in full. The Jewish run media organizations from CNN to the Jew York Times are all promoting the Communist riots across America. While Jewish politicians in charge of the cities order the police to stand down and let the riots get out of control. Even the Chabad rat, Kushner played Trump into taking no action for days while America was under total tribal assault. Kushner is at the top of the Jewish power structure and is a close associate of Soros. The network of Jewish infiltration into the American political structure has been able to collapse any response while opening the door from within for their fellow Jews on the street to lead the Marxist mobs into an attempted coup and Marxist uprising. Is it obvious now why the Jews want to grab all the guns and destroy the Second Amendment.

America is now starting to experience the same levels of Judeo Bolshevik violence that Germany went though in the Weimar Republic.

All the Jewish media propaganda networks, papers and street leaders in one Jewish voice of Talmudic hatred are promoting one thing only in this: RACE WAR. This entire Marxist uprising is being done in the name of their Cultural Marxist narrative of anti-White hatred. This is the tragedy of South Africa coming to America. Where Jews funded and lead Marxist terror to destroy the White Race. Decades of Jewish Marxist subversion in America are taking effect. We are now living in the days that Commander Rockwell stated would come.

And the ONE and ONLY solution being... The FINAL RTR :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
If this where to succeed the entire planet would be fucked as America is the only country that can stand against China who answer to the Elders of Zion.We keep up with the RTR. Jews of course have been trying for a while but there not going to succeed because of Lord Murugan (Satan) He is the Lord of this planet HE won't let it happen Hitler rose in the 11th hour if things get really, really bad something like that might just happen.......
This insanity must be stopped!
Will we perform the race awakening rituals soon?
Thank you for the post, HP. Somehow California has turned into even more of a hellhole than it was previously, thanks to Jews. The majority of protesters here are from other states.
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
This insanity must be stopped!
Will we perform the race awakening rituals soon?
I don’t know I’ve been waiting for new ones. The last round was in March it is long overdue for more I don’t know what the HPS are waiting on :|
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
This insanity must be stopped!
Will we perform the race awakening rituals soon?
I don’t know I’ve been waiting for new ones. The last round was in March it is long overdue for more I don’t know what the HPS are waiting on :|

For the RIGHT time. You just dont go dropping Race Awakening napalms, if the whole forest of unenlightenment is wet as hell.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
This insanity must be stopped!
Will we perform the race awakening rituals soon?
I don’t know I’ve been waiting for new ones. The last round was in March it is long overdue for more I don’t know what the HPS are waiting on :|
The HP's are not stupid, the God's tell them when to do these rituals. We may think it's the right time but the God's know better.
This was planned in advanced as the major Communist uprising of the enemy.


Antifa planned anti-government insurgency for months, law enforcement official says
June 3, 2020

Activists of the far-left Antifa movement began planning to foment a nationwide anti-government insurgency as early as November as the U.S. presidential campaign season kicked off in earnest, according to a law enforcement official with access to intelligence behind the shadowy group.

The radical movement has emerged as a key focus for investigators in the wake of violent protests and looting across the country after the death of George Floyd in police custody in Minneapolis, according to U.S. law enforcement officials and private security experts...
The medical reports states that Floyd died from cardiac arrest and he was on fentanyl and had meth in his system. This with the heart conditions he had. The camera's show that Floyd could barely walk on his own he was so high. He didn't die from the police officer. Its obvious he could breath as he was yelling which means he was breathing fine. He had a heart attack under the stress of the arrest. However he was arrested for passing off funny money. The store owner gave him a chance to give back what he bought and give him his funny money back in the return but he refused so the police were called. The store owner in the police call mentioned that Floyd was extremely drunk in reality he was really high on fentanyl.

Its interesting with the medical report out that no one is mentioning Floyd's own responsibility. He decided to take meth and fentanyl in high amounts with a heart condition and then pass off funny money and chose to get arrested instead while high on drugs. The officer was from what I believe just following police procedure and nothing else. They had Floyd un hand cuffed as well on the ground. And what happened in between. Did this guy turn violent. He also had a long criminal history.

The Jewish fake news only focus on the White guy because they need to turn this into a race riot to aid the Communist uprising they planned. Now many more people have been beaten and killed of both White and Black and other races in America in the riots. Many Black, White, Asian and Hispanic business owners have now had their ability to earn a living destroyed.

The Jews are to blame. The Jews planned this whole event to harm Gentiles.

Personal Growth said:
Very nice post and with all the activity on the other posts this one is so far down the listings.

Freak that the US president had to retreat into his bunker for his safety.

It's really strange how Derek Chauvin is married to an Asian woman. Was the only white officer on the scene. Others were of mixed race and one Vietnamese.

So the Chief of the Minneapolis police department is black and he's having to represent white racism.

It's all so crazy.

Also I read that George Floyd was a substance abuser and was high at the time of his arrest.

George Floyd had a weak heart and the knee on the neck is an Israeli military technique that the officer was only doing what he had been trained.
As Im attracted to the third sex I see that the social apps and esp the women many of whom I would like to court are nearly all on the whole BLM and justice for who knows what, mind bent drivel. I dont even try to ask why. As a white male it seems that Im looked at with an instant disdain yet want. Its confusing and hard to deal with honostly. It really pisses me off. And I can honostly say now if you arent pissed now you will be at these nut case yids and their evil doings. I know the Gods are on our sides.
I can't trust a man (Trump) who holds up a Bible near the church.

The enemy controls both China and USA.
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
This insanity must be stopped!
Will we perform the race awakening rituals soon?
I don’t know I’ve been waiting for new ones. The last round was in March it is long overdue for more I don’t know what the HPS are waiting on :|
They wait for the perfect moments astrologically. The Final RTR is doing what needs to be done the rest of the time.
Bigot Boy said:
SouthernWhiteGentile said:
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
This insanity must be stopped!
Will we perform the race awakening rituals soon?
I don’t know I’ve been waiting for new ones. The last round was in March it is long overdue for more I don’t know what the HPS are waiting on :|
They wait for the perfect moments astrologically. The Final RTR is doing what needs to be done the rest of the time.

I thought the same. Then we just need to wait for the right time.
HP Mageson666 said:
The medical reports states that Floyd died from cardiac arrest and he was on fentanyl and had meth in his system. This with the heart conditions he had. The camera's show it that Floyd could barely walk on his own he was so high. He didn't die from the police officer. Its obvious he could breath as he was yelling which means he was breathing fine. He had a heart attack under the stress of the arrest. However he was arrested for passing off funny money. The store owner gave him a chance to give back what he bought and give him his funny money back in the return but he refused so the police were called. The store owner in the police call mentioned that Floyd was extremely drunk in reality he was really high on fentanyl.

Its interesting with the medical report out that no one is mentioning Floyd's own responsibility. He decided to take meth and fentanyl in high amounts with a heart condition and then pass off funny money and chose to get arrested instead while high on drugs. The officer was from what I believe just following police procedure and nothing else. They had Floyd un hand cuffed as well on the ground. And what happened in between. Did this guy turn violent. He also had a long criminal history.

The Jewish fake news only focus on the White guy because they need to turn this into a race riot to aid the Communist uprising they planned. Now many more people have been beaten and killed of both White and Black and other races in America in the riots. Many Black, White, Asian and Hispanic business owners have now had their ability to earn a living destroyed.

The Jews are to blame. The Jews planned this whole event to harm Gentiles.

Personal Growth said:
Very nice post and with all the activity on the other posts this one is so far down the listings.

Freak that the US president had to retreat into his bunker for his safety.

It's really strange how Derek Chauvin is married to an Asian woman. Was the only white officer on the scene. Others were of mixed race and one Vietnamese.

So the Chief of the Minneapolis police department is black and he's having to represent white racism.

It's all so crazy.

Also I read that George Floyd was a substance abuser and was high at the time of his arrest.

George Floyd had a weak heart and the knee on the neck is an Israeli military technique that the officer was only doing what he had been trained.
The medical report also said he had Covid lol so it's supposed to be reported as a Covid death according to the authorities themselves so they are clearly using this to start an anti-white race war
HP Mageson666 said:
The medical reports states that Floyd died from cardiac arrest and he was on fentanyl and had meth in his system. This with the heart conditions he had. The camera's show that Floyd could barely walk on his own he was so high. He didn't die from the police officer. Its obvious he could breath as he was yelling which means he was breathing fine. He had a heart attack under the stress of the arrest. However he was arrested for passing off funny money. The store owner gave him a chance to give back what he bought and give him his funny money back in the return but he refused so the police were called. The store owner in the police call mentioned that Floyd was extremely drunk in reality he was really high on fentanyl.

Its interesting with the medical report out that no one is mentioning Floyd's own responsibility. He decided to take meth and fentanyl in high amounts with a heart condition and then pass off funny money and chose to get arrested instead while high on drugs. The officer was from what I believe just following police procedure and nothing else. They had Floyd un hand cuffed as well on the ground. And what happened in between. Did this guy turn violent. He also had a long criminal history.

The Jewish fake news only focus on the White guy because they need to turn this into a race riot to aid the Communist uprising they planned. Now many more people have been beaten and killed of both White and Black and other races in America in the riots. Many Black, White, Asian and Hispanic business owners have now had their ability to earn a living destroyed.

The Jews are to blame. The Jews planned this whole event to harm Gentiles.

Personal Growth said:
Very nice post and with all the activity on the other posts this one is so far down the listings.

Freak that the US president had to retreat into his bunker for his safety.

It's really strange how Derek Chauvin is married to an Asian woman. Was the only white officer on the scene. Others were of mixed race and one Vietnamese.

So the Chief of the Minneapolis police department is black and he's having to represent white racism.

It's all so crazy.

Also I read that George Floyd was a substance abuser and was high at the time of his arrest.

George Floyd had a weak heart and the knee on the neck is an Israeli military technique that the officer was only doing what he had been trained.

I’ve also read that he had Covid-19. Aren’t all deaths whereby someone has the virus supposed to be reported as a Covid-19 death, whether or not the virus is the actual cause of death? Typical bending of their own rules.
"According to court documents, Mr Floyd was charged in 2007 with armed robbery in a "home invasion". He was sentenced to five years in prison after a plea deal in 2009."

Interesting how these oppressed black people, who are portrayed as innocent joggers and truck drivers, always turn out to be criminal druggies. Very interesting, indeed.

"On Monday, he was pinned to the ground by police officer Derek Chauvin while being arrested for allegedly using a fake $20 note in a shop.
In footage of the arrest, Mr Floyd can be heard saying he could not breathe (my note: if you can speak, you can breathe, he was clearly having a panic attack, most likely because of the substances he was under, which possibly led to a heart attack) , before he is seen being lifted on to a stretcher and into an ambulance.
He died in hospital."

So he was murdered, but died in a hospital? that makes a lot of sense goy, don't question it.

This thug was also a race-mixing degenerate:


"George Floyd with girlfriend Courteney Ross."
Thanks for explaining the current situation in the US HP Mageson666. Here in Europe these protests are also being funded by Soros! Antifa is also very active over here! When you tell people it's al a Communist Plot they look at you lke you are a crazy person .

Hail Satan!
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
Psst, I'm quoting you here so the people from that other thread wont see it. To avoid annoying replies, I just wanted to give you my email if any further questions come up on the methods I shared with you. My name here at protonmail dot com.
Shael said:
Scarlet Woman 666 said:
Psst, I'm quoting you here so the people from that other thread wont see it. To avoid annoying replies, I just wanted to give you my email if any further questions come up on the methods I shared with you. My name here at protonmail dot com.

Oh okay. Thank you! I will write to you.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
