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Behemoth to Cast Away Christardism in New Church Show


Well-known member
Sep 19, 2017
"Catholic talibans in Poland"
Haha nice one Nergal

Tomorrow 05/September/2020, Behemoth is going to do a live streaming show from inside a church, as a symbolical ritual to cast the egregore of christardism away with Metal:

Interesting interview with the organization The Satanic Temple (atheist but they troll christians on constitutional grounds):

Nice reminder to reverse the rotten letters of the jew god at the sound of "God=Dog" and "Havohej Pantocrator" (yhvh in reverse)

Behemoth also included the jewish ritual from the spiritual abuse grimoires used to attack and harm our gods for thousands of years in one of their songs. I cannot understand why you would still listen to them when they would so shamelessly promote something out of an evil book such as the Ars Goetia
Shrouded said:
Behemoth also included the jewish ritual from the spiritual abuse grimoires used to attack and harm our gods for thousands of years in one of their songs. I cannot understand why you would still listen to them when they would so shamelessly promote something out of an evil book such as the Ars Goetia
This has been answered over and over every time a metal band or more oftenly Behemoth is mentioned in the forums, people focus on the tangents and forget the whole picture. Despite a few negative misinformation they are exposed to for being outsiders, they have more positive points for out standpoint and have made some legitimate inspiring songs for Satan and attacking the Jew roots where it matters (in the torah, thematically) more so than much "aryan christos" or "tribalists" out there.
High Priestess Shannon is also a fan of theirs and has been in one of their concerts:
And… end…


Shrouded said:
Behemoth also included the jewish ritual from the spiritual abuse grimoires used to attack and harm our gods for thousands of years in one of their songs. I cannot understand why you would still listen to them when they would so shamelessly promote something out of an evil book such as the Ars Goetia

I think you prefer this... relax

[https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=64CACoHNBEI/url] [url]https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VEizKmZlUAw
DevilsMinion said:
No offense but this is pretty ridiculous. They pull up in expensive cars just like Jews or Televangelists and their identity is predicated on their "resistance" to Christianity. While I'm essentially just a tourist on this forum, that doesn't seem to be what this place is about. Christianity is a reaction to Satanism, not vice versa. What makes this place interesting is that it has an entire worldview, history and ideology that stands on its own. Honestly, I think it's ridiculous when people use 'Xtianity' much in the same way the LGBT uses "Latinx" in the same manner, not to give "power" to the "enemy". When the average person sees someone say "Latinx", they just grow even more irritated and it prepares them mentally to fight when they would otherwise be complacent and not know that something is going on. I've seen almost everyone on here use 'Xtianity' or 'Christard' when it actually gives more power away from you when you have to qualify Christianity as retarded or seem afraid to type 'Christ'. Nicknames and pet names, even when used in a derogatory manner, are a sign of weakness that make me think of girls in high school.

Good and evil, yin and yang, these are not concepts I adopt. Yin & yang implies that I am even capable of fear! If someone tells me they are anti-Semitic, they might as well say they are philo-Semitic. It's not opposite sides of the coin, it's the same fucking thing. The more rabid anti-Semitism that gets aroused in the world, the stronger and morally righteous the Rabbis get. When I look at bands like Behemoth, or boards like 4chan, I see no proper identity outside of their opposition to Judaism. With no identity, they fall in love with an enemy they can never defeat that they just keep on giving power to, unaware that their hate and obsession is sublimated love and desire.

It's simple to remember: The only enemy is in me. We all go through awkward growing pains, and must admit them to ourselves. Be still, and focus on yourself. What will you do? What will you protect? What do you love? It's all very basic stuff, but things like this will keep popping up as an easy solution or an easy outlet for turning our anger and aggression toward the outside world. And these guys are just using Satanic imagery and laughing all the way to the bank, throwing out red meat for an eager nihilistic audience that doesn't care about anything except the spectacle destruction. Keep cutting away at anything that does not redirect your attention toward yourself.

Damn that's some mental gymnastics to say "give the other cheeck goyim, you have no enemies and pls don't attack or expose us only we can kill the goyim."
It's very strange to write 3 paragraphs about being disturbed by some fun blasphemy for the laughs or attacking the enemy.


Nope, thanks. Our policy on destroying the enemy remains the same, that's because we go by the standards of the Joy of Satan, not yours.

DevilsMinion said:
No offense but this is pretty ridiculous. They pull up in expensive cars just like Jews or Televangelists and their identity is predicated on their "resistance" to Christianity.

Nergal is a successful musician, if he wants to spend his own money on a nice matte black Mercedes with personalized plates that say Satan on them, then he has every right to do so. I personally think it's cool. Is he supposed to just live like an ascetic on a some mountaintop somewhere eschewing worldly goods? Is being wealthy and successful supposed to be evil now? I'd certainly do something similar if I had the money he has, I like nice things and I'm not a dirty communist.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
