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Nov 6, 2024
Hello. I am a beginner and I would like to ask a couple of questions: How much did meditation help you? What have you learned all the time of Satanism? Are these some kind of abstract things? Feelings of energy and other visualization results? Is there anything more real and tangible than our feelings? When did it start to show up in you? After what time did you see any result? How did you not give up when nothing came out?
Part of the problem for most people is there are other methods to get immediate results. If you want to have a religious experience you could take a lot of psychedelics (not recommending this). If you want to experience pleasure there is a bunch unhealthy practices you could do that would give immediate results (drugs, alcohol, gambling, etc). When its comes to meditation the first level should be to separate the the noise of the you that lives and interacts with this world from the real you that is intangible. From there you can decide who what you want to be. The hardest lesson in meditation or any of this is not looking for mystical experience rather looking past them. If you can learn to look past the mystical experience you might find out you have been having them this whole time but didn't notice.

Maybe try using part of you meditation just to introspect and reflect on your life. Try to understand how you got to where you are, what went right and what went wrong. From there you can work your inadequacies. The more you work on you weakness and short coming the more noticeable the results you will get in life and the easier it will be to stick with all of this. Most of the content on the JOS website is just tools for how to achieve the best version of ourselves. The amount of time to get results varies a lot. I would bet most newbies are getting a lot of results but they are so focused on the great mystical experience they are missing the small steady yet compounding benefits.
When I first began my Spiritual Satanic journey, I performed the initial opening of my third eye. After completing the process on the fourth night, I had no real expectations. So, I was both surprised and amazed when, the very next day, I discovered I could suddenly see auras among other things. While I had always believed this to be possible, this experience provided undeniable confirmation of what Spiritual Satanism have to offer.

My advice to you is simple: meditate regularly and give yourself the time to experience the results firsthand. Spiritual Satanism has transformed my life in ways I can't fully express. I would not be the person I am today without the guidance of Satan and the Gods. The person I was a decade ago is a version very far from who I am now, and I can say that with certainty. It is definitely for the better and I cannot wait to see what else this True Path has in store for all of us.
How much did meditation help you?
If I am not at the level of the soulless pieces of meat that wander around nowadays, I owe it to meditation, which gives me a new way of improving myself: the spiritual one. By allowing myself to work on my soul, I am able to continuously become a better version of myself. The morning of the day I was going to do the soul dedication, I was a truly "degenerate" person compared to the version I am now. There is really not a single thing that would have been more or less the same without Satan: compared to 8 years ago, I am something extremely, unrecognizably superior.
Spiritual power is something that is really useful. It is not to be snubbed.

What have you learned all the time of Satanism?
I learned that I was important, and that it was therefore also important to take care of myself, to value myself and how to be the best version possible. Satanism is the best way to take care of ourselves, and this will also be very useful for when we have to do things for others. I have often healed the girl I love from ailments with satanic healing just because I didn't want her to suffer. Satanism is the total good of this universe.

Are these some kind of abstract things?
The girl I love should have been burned alive in an accident. I should have been left to suffer the constant helplessness of being victimized by the events of my life. My own life was destined to experience nothing good except negative things. That none of this has come to pass, thanks to Satanism, and that now I have all these other things, truly very wonderful, fruits of Satanism, I cannot consider "abstract". Just the fact that I am here writing to you and not who knows where (which judging by the course of my pre-Satanic life, that "who knows where" is much more sadly concrete than you imagine) is the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Feelings of energy and other visualization results?
Feeling energy is not abstract. As time goes by, as you advance spiritually, you will notice that these sensations will be very concrete. Think of the opening of the chakras in your hands. You can actually feel that there is something energetically there. It will never be mistaken for a suggestion any more than if you stop drinking for a day and you feel thirsty you will never say: "this thirst is just a suggestion", but even if totally invisible you will be completely aware that you are truly thirsty.

Is there anything more real and tangible than our feelings?
In the early days, feeling the energies more and more clearly will already be something that will tell you that you cannot be simply being influenced. When I meditate on the chakras there is a difference. At the beginning it may not have been evident, but there is a difference. It is not like when I do not meditate on the chakras. You cannot confuse all this. Or think of meditations on the pineal gland or that directly involve this gland: how can you influence such a strong sense of ecstasy? Impossible.

In the long run, however, you will notice the fruits of meditation yourself in terms of personal magical power. When I programmed my aura to attract a specific amount of money and a few hours later that amount came to me in the exact amount, or all the healings I have performed, etc. if I were to call it a "coincidence" it would mean that I am losing touch with reality. Without going into the field of experiences with the Gods that I have had over the years, there is no need to go that far.

When did it start to show up in you?
I will not answer you, the question is so individual and subjective and varies so much from person to person that any personal testimony would only deceive you, it would not be of any help to you, you need to do your own experiences without feeling such a personal time limit within which you should feel the effects of spirituality. Meditate and see for yourself how long it takes.

After what time did you see any result?
Instead of wondering how long it took others, think about finding out how long it will take you. If you’re always looking where others are going, how much time do you have to see your own path and evaluate your own journey? Don’t crash into a pole because you’re too focused on seeing how good others are at avoiding poles.

How did you not give up when nothing came out?
Because I didn't ask myself how I would be able to continue to advance spiritually. I just did it without asking myself. Giving up was not an option since if I dedicated my soul it was not to give up within the same year, but it was to continue for life. A phrase still comes to my head constantly every time I think about this: "I will not fail because failure is not an option. The only option is to succeed, I cannot afford the luxury of other options". Even if it takes a long time, there is nothing else. It is done.
It makes one into an actual being, of importance and of radiance, rather than a bunch of organic matter that can think but doesn't use this.
Yes, there are real, material benefits, and real skills and senses you will develop.
Hello. I am a beginner and I would like to ask a couple of questions: How much did meditation help you? What have you learned all the time of Satanism? Are these some kind of abstract things? Feelings of energy and other visualization results? Is there anything more real and tangible than our feelings? When did it start to show up in you? After what time did you see any result? How did you not give up when nothing came out?
Hello. Welcome, sure. Tremendously , I don't understand the question, what do you mean what I have learned, I am at the right place, that's all. There's literal things not just abstract.
Yes the meditations are working. Yes, there is more "real" and tangible things then our own very feelings. It started the moment I was born.

After what time did you see any result? How did you not give up when nothing came out?
Everyone Soul's different so everyone will evolve faster then others but this is irrelevant for any of us , great things takes time and Rome was not built in a day, just think, what else is more important and prior then advancing your own very soul? So , knowing this, regardless of how much time it takes to start achieving something like spiritual powers , one should always keep in mind the thought of why Is he doing constantly what is he already doing? Why does one meditate? How do you see your perfect life? Nobody can answer to this question , it takes a day , a month , it does not even matter , what DOES it's to always keep going forward , period , regardless of your actual current level , that's the whole purpose of being an SS , keep empowering and empowering ,forever.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
