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Aug 27, 2009
I am an apprentice who wants to know. What beginning steps should I take in order to be on the left handed path?
Friend, have you read the JoS site?If you haven't, please read it because it is a complete description of what you need to do. If you have read it but you want in simple terms to tell you which things you should need to do first then I'll help you:

1)Study the site or do further research about the origins of SS. And make sure you understand everything what we're about :)

2)Start doing power meditations every day to develop and empower your soul, awaken your psychic senses and "supernatural" abilities. You can start by opening your chakras and doing void meditation and proceed to more advanced ones later.

3)At any time you feel ready, you can do the dedication ritual.

4)After doing the Dedication, it's a good idea to do rituals (usually thanksgiving ones) every week (preferably every Monday, it's Satan's day) to get you in touch with the Gods and invite Them.

These four things are the most important, but there are other things you do which optional and you can do depending on the situation:

i)Summoning a God/Demon.
ii)Black or White (or any other form) of magick. Satanic magick is different than wiccan and others, it's mostly only using your mind powers, visualization and concentration. We learn to not depend on props (any material things like ritual tools or bowls) like wiccans, and props are useless if you don't have the mind power developed by power meditation :)
iii)Celebrating Satanic Holidays.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "dannyboy5150aa" <dannyboy5150aa@... wrote:

I am an apprentice who wants to know. What beginning steps should I take in order to be on the left handed path?
May I ask (knowing this may be too personal) but, a mentor? A God, person? If its a person, is it someone you knew prior to your current situation, or did this person come to you,if so, did you take any steps to, maybe summon them?
I know, a lot of questions, I truthfully only ask because this is someone I greatly need; I meen, w/ a brain injury, and ADHD, thing have been difficult. Another thing that I have yet to mention to ANYONE on this group, is that I suffer from Bipolar Disorder/AKA,manic depression. For more than 1/2 my life I've known what works best for it(and many other issues) this "medication" is something I've avoided over the past year. I just got a "script" lastnight, and if anyone is familiar w/ the style and content of previous posts, perhaps they can see the difference.
In the "Lost Book of ENKI" it mentions that plants were brought to Earth for various reasons. Since reading that, I've wondered what they may have been. It also mentions that they succeeded many time adding their own DNA to ours, besides having offspring w/ us. I happen to know that certain substances only have an affect on us because we have "receptors" in our brain for these things to have what ever affect on us as we are genetically created to utilize these thing's. All my life I've found the marijuana plant to be the most beautiful, captivating plants to behold with my eyes!(before ever experiencing the results of using it). I'm getting off point, I guess I'm asking if this specific "drug" will put holes I my aura, if so, how do I "patch them up"?
Now, this is a serious question that would greatly improve my situation, I thank you all for your answers, not to be presumptuous, but next thing I say, needs to be said, and hopefully taken to heart. I want, whole-heartedly, to apologize for focusing,openly, soo much on negativity! I hope I say this right, or its taken the right way-but I totally understand why I got no replies! Its perfectly clear to me, and fact being, that now, in my right (or is it left side? Another, unexpected thought that I would love to know about)...in my,"right mind" I wouldn't reply either! I VERRY much apologize for this post to be soo long! This was in no way intended;sometimes I think of one small question, then when I ask, I get a burst of inspiration and just have to "go with it"! So, shortly, if anyone knows all about one particular topic and can answer(and hopefully elaborate so I may learn as much as possible) like one person per topic to take off as much of an answer per person,group effort. I think I may be asking too much. Sorry.
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I want to dedicate myself to Satan. I've taken a long time to realize it, and I regret not realizing it sooner.
I am nervous to do this on my own though. I feel that I am a weak person.

I still have questions. And Does anyone have advice on how to continue this journey?
What are your questions? Trust in yourself.

Lucius Oria


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Hannah" <jellyspeanuts@... wrote:

I want to dedicate myself to Satan. I've taken a long time to realize it, and I regret not realizing it sooner.
I am nervous to do this on my own though. I feel that I am a weak person.

I still have questions. And Does anyone have advice on how to continue this journey?
Well, you've definitely come to the right place. If you haven't already, I'd go to www.joyofsatan.org and read everything on there first. There's detailed information on how to do a dedication ritual.

Remember, this is a decision you have to make yourself though, as satan doesn't push himself on anybody. Good luck :)

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Hannah" <jellyspeanuts@... wrote:

I want to dedicate myself to Satan. I've taken a long time to realize it, and I regret not realizing it sooner.
I am nervous to do this on my own though. I feel that I am a weak person.

I still have questions. And Does anyone have advice on how to continue this journey?
I'm a beginner and I don't do daily meditation as I should. Sometimes I'm busy or lazy but I get picked on at school and I want to know what meditation or magick can I use for a beginner?
As a beginner you do *not* have enough spiritual power to make the bullies go away... Your power will build up in time. I know how you feel but believe me, doing power meditations and empowering your soul will have a significant change, not only in your school life but in your home as well (your parents will respect you more, even without being fully consciously aware).I suggest you to meditate daily; at least start by cleaning your aura and chakras and building an aura of protection around you, twice a day. This is essential. The enemy will also be making you feel 'lazy' and all that crap; don't let them have their way.

Στις 2:30 π.μ. Τρίτη, 14 Οκτωβρίου 2014, ο/η "ducciestone@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] έγραψε:

  I'm a beginner and I don't do daily meditation as I should. Sometimes I'm busy or lazy but I get picked on at school and I want to know what meditation or magick can I use for a beginner?

Is it possible to become a God of Hell?

On Oct 13, 2014, at 6:53 PM, "Light Yagami tapapakiastinseira@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  As a beginner you do *not* have enough spiritual power to make the bullies go away... Your power will build up in time. I know how you feel but believe me, doing power meditations and empowering your soul will have a significant change, not only in your school life but in your home as well (your parents will respect you more, even without being fully consciously aware).I suggest you to meditate daily; at least start by cleaning your aura and chakras and building an aura of protection around you, twice a day. This is essential. The enemy will also be making you feel 'lazy' and all that crap; don't let them have their way.

Στις 2:30 π.μ. Τρίτη, 14 Οκτωβρίου 2014, ο/η "ducciestone@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] έγραψε:

  I'm a beginner and I don't do daily meditation as I should. Sometimes I'm busy or lazy but I get picked on at school and I want to know what meditation or magick can I use for a beginner?
<td val[/IMG][/IMG] From:"ducciestone@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected]
Date:Sun, 19 Oct, 2014 at 8:13
Subject:[JoyofSatan666] Beginner

  I'm a beginner and I don't do daily meditation as I should. Sometimes I'm busy or lazy but I get picked on at school and I want to know what meditation or magick can I use for a beginner? [/TD]
yes  you can become a god of hell, thats the whole point in meditation and raising your serpent
On Mon, Oct 20, 2014 at 10:04 AM, Yii Pipur yiipipur@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
<td val[/IMG]<font>[/IMG] From:" ducciestone@... [JoyofSatan666]" < [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected] [/url]
Date:Sun, 19 Oct, 2014 at 8:13
Subject:[JoyofSatan666] Beginner

  I'm a beginner and I don't do daily meditation as I should. Sometimes I'm busy or lazy but I get picked on at school and I want to know what meditation or magick can I use for a beginner? [/TD]
well the only thing is that was weak was that you have to consult us about it im 13 and my half ass dedication was the scariest thing ever,and i havent mentioned it.and a bit of advice i cut a swastica into my hand to give the blood and its a pain in the ass now to hide so i recommend you not mark urself cuz it looks cool.and these fucking aliens are powerless ive been in a room with 10-12 of them and i felt them touching me but they cant move u small reptillians are scary but arent too powerful although i saw one in pretty good daylight very clearly and i only meditate like intensly 2-3 times a month maybe tall reptillians i have seen physically and they look like light green skinned valdemorts and they were dressed exactly the same with breif cases ear pieces and shit anyways nothing actually happened to me and no offense youre probly not the highest value target for them so just do it and get it over with
I started my life in a cristian family, being taught the protestant branch of cristianism. I have little seeing what is satanism. I did the initiation rite about 3 weeks ago. The things I have been doing include mainly meditation.I try to win Rosiers favor, any ideas on how to begin. And does he really do the following, "He bestows the gift of romantic and fanciful speech in love. He incites love between the sexes and brings about romance." as I cant find much information about him.
Any beginner tips to keep expanding my knowledge, I am trying to make demon stones and my own astral temple. 
Any questions, please feel free to ask.
Iam also can I be initiated online or can you help me with our Lord SATAN prayer
On Jun 14, 2015 6:08 AM, "redroadlane@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I started my life in a cristian family, being taught the protestant branch of cristianism. I have little seeing what is satanism. I did the initiation rite about 3 weeks ago. The things I have been doing include mainly meditation.I try to win Rosiers favor, any ideas on how to begin. And does he really do the following, "He bestows the gift of romantic and fanciful speech in love. He incites love between the sexes and brings about romance." as I cant find much information about him.
Any beginner tips to keep expanding my knowledge, I am trying to make demon stones and my own astral temple. 
Any questions, please feel free to ask.
I am a 13 year old girl, and I have been researching for around a week. I have been Christian since birth, and I live with parents who don’t understand. I’ve been looking into astral temples/projection. Can someone please explain this in greater detail? Does anyone know a good demon to summon for the first time (good with beginners, let’s just say for money) because I’m not sure who to choose. I’m going to dedicate my soul to Satan tomorrow using the prayer and signing my name in blood. Does anyone have tips??.
Thank you. Hail Satan.
Hello and welcome. Not everyone can do Satanic rituals in the physical world due to no privacy so they do it in their mind and this is what the astral temple is for. It makes workings that are done in the mind more powerful. Astral projection is where a human can learn to willfully leave their body and travel on the astral but this is advanced.
If you can do the Satanic rituals without an astral temple, I would do it that way but make sure that you don’t get caught by your parents. You don’t want to expose yourself. 
What you should do now is study JoyofSatan.org and exposingchristianity.com as much as you can. The more you learn about the truth, the better. 
“The essence of TRUE Satanism is completing our Creator God Satan's work upon humanity. Satan was prevented from finishing his work on humanity: that of the human soul into the godhead. The "godhead" is spiritual and physical perfection and immortality, along with godlike powers, wisdom, understanding, and knowledge. This is the underlying message of all of the legitimate occult disciplines, such as alchemy and the legends of the Gods which are all allegories containing this powerful message.”
This is accomplished through spiritual practice: power meditation and yoga. 
So after you dedicate your soul to Satan, you should begin doing power meditations everyday. You can start with this 40 day power meditation program.https://www.dropbox.com/s/hnfqoyds926vt ... M.pdf?dl=1

Sent from my iPhone
Wlcm to the family in advance...kindly read the info given on the joyofsatan.org website and do the 40 days beginner meditation program for beginners....best of luck foy the journey ahead
Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android
On Thu, 28 Jun 2018 at 14:12, leahwheeler2602@... [JoyofSatan666]<[email protected] wrote:   I am a 13 year old girl, and I have been researching for around a week. I have been Christian since birth, and I live with parents who don’t understand. I’ve been looking into astral temples/projection. Can someone please explain this in greater detail? Does anyone know a good demon to summon for the first time (good with beginners, let’s just say for money) because I’m not sure who to choose. I’m going to dedicate my soul to Satan tomorrow using the prayer and signing my name in blood. Does anyone have tips??..
Thank you. Hail Satan.
Doing the dedication sounds scary when you have been marinated in Christianity all your life as I was too but when you do the dedication focus on the ritual and above all Enjoy it.I did just that and living under the protection of father Satan is far more rewarding and when you talk to him and need something quite often the results are very quick very subtle and always useful All things that you would never see with the fantasy God who as you already know will do nothing for you at all Welcome to the best family in the world Mark
On Thu, 28 Jun 2018, 9:41 am leahwheeler2602@... [JoyofSatan666], <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I am a 13 year old girl, and I have been researching for around a week. I have been Christian since birth, and I live with parents who don’t understand. I’ve been looking into astral temples/projection. Can someone please explain this in greater detail? Does anyone know a good demon to summon for the first time (good with beginners, let’s just say for money) because I’m not sure who to choose. I’m going to dedicate my soul to Satan tomorrow using the prayer and signing my name in blood.. Does anyone have tips??.
Thank you. Hail Satan.
Hi Jeremy,

The link for the Hatha Yoga on the 40 day programme doesn't work. Do you know where else I can find it? I have looked everywhere on the JOS website but was unsuccessful and I don't trust google very much.

Thank you and kind regards
Showing that you have the patience to fulfill your own dreams will go far. Take the time to do your research. I wouldn't recommend giving blood until you are a bit older, please don't take this offensively, but it is not absolutely necessary to be a Satanist. It is only a display of the will to sacrifice your vital life force energy; that which your body sustains itself. Too much a sacrifice, and it shows you are willing to destroy yourself to achieve your goals, which is obviously not a good thing. All that is needed is the tiniest of drops. Read all throughout Joy Of Satan ministries and have a firm understanding before you move to the next step. Hail Truth, my aim here was to help best I can, but I cannot respond further. Best of fortune and probability, kinfolk.
On Thu, Jun 28, 2018, 3:43 AM leahwheeler2602@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I am a 13 year old girl, and I have been researching for around a week. I have been Christian since birth, and I live with parents who don’t understand. I’ve been looking into astral temples/projection. Can someone please explain this in greater detail? Does anyone know a good demon to summon for the first time (good with beginners, let’s just say for money) because I’m not sure who to choose. I’m going to dedicate my soul to Satan tomorrow using the prayer and signing my name in blood. Does anyone have tips??.
Thank you. Hail Satan.
And, remember this; Instant gratification is not normally long-lasting. Earning it makes it last potentially a life time.Our bond with Satan and his Demons is eternal, but must be desired always in life. As in never rejecting or shunning once accepted as the ultimate truth.Offending a demon will only make them not interfere in your life, this is why Satan cannot enter the Church. The images of false Jewish "prophets" are quite offensive, not to mention the mindless slaves that drove there.Also, it's best to keep out of conflicts with the other religions, they will not be able to see the truth of the big picture. Hail the adversary of Yahweh/Jehovah/Jesus/Prophet Mohammad 
On Thu, Jun 28, 2018, 3:43 AM leahwheeler2602@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I am a 13 year old girl, and I have been researching for around a week. I have been Christian since birth, and I live with parents who don’t understand. I’ve been looking into astral temples/projection. Can someone please explain this in greater detail? Does anyone know a good demon to summon for the first time (good with beginners, let’s just say for money) because I’m not sure who to choose. I’m going to dedicate my soul to Satan tomorrow using the prayer and signing my name in blood. Does anyone have tips??.
Thank you. Hail Satan.
All you have to do is prick the finger tip. I however, went nuts and left scars when I tried doing essentially the same ritual to Vishnu in grade six with a kitchen knife. Then, a year or two later, found JoS and I was like... "What in the actual fuck was I thinking to be so goddamned edgy"

Well it's embarrassing but I think that my instinct, and others' instinct to dedicate with blood proves that the formal dedication is in fact a facet of this religion. The blood is also symbolic of ancestry and is why you can't use a fingerprint, your spit, or Hell forbid whatever else a teenager could come up with.
"...this is why Satan cannot enter the Church"
I think this is a typo on your part, because Satan is very powerful, whereas xianity is just a program and their buildings powerless to stop any god or goddess of Hell from entering any building they want to.
Hail Satan.
On Sunday, July 15, 2018, 6:45:13 p.m. EDT, thisisafalsealias@... [JoyofSatan666] <[email protected] wrote:

  All you have to do is prick the finger tip. I however, went nuts and left scars when I tried doing essentially the same ritual to Vishnu in grade six with a kitchen knife. Then, a year or two later, found JoS and I was like... "What in the actual fuck was I thinking to be so goddamned edgy"

Well it's embarrassing but I think that my instinct, and others' instinct to dedicate with blood proves that the formal dedication is in fact a facet of this religion. The blood is also symbolic of ancestry and is why you can't use a fingerprint, your spit, or Hell forbid whatever else a teenager could come up with.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
