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Be careful with your kindness. It opens your soul.


Well-known member
Aug 31, 2019
Atop the ashes of Isreal
Kindness and empathy are things that help the world live in a pleasant and respectful exchange. It helps us form bonds with others and allows us to demonstrate to the people that really matter how much we care.

When you are kind to someone and demonstrate compassion towards them, you are opening up your soul to them. It is showing a vulnerability that allows them to hurt you if they have a mind to. Sadly this happens even with what is considered family or even the people that you come to love and trust and this is all too common. We live in a world that that is disconnected from spirituality and higher levels of understanding and as a result very little care and consideration is put into how to approach or treat others.

After opening oneself to a person that is family, to become friends or other, and this person hurts you, it does so in a way that is felt differently than putting up with poor treatment you might receive from a stranger for example. The reason for this is because you actually respect and trust the first person in question because your kindness and trust has opened your soul to them, and this has either happened in a family setting, because you consider them an important friend or it could even be a love interest.

Any blow from this trusted person will hurt more and incite more anger and disbelief because you expected better and looked to them for the friendship or other type of relationship you may have formed, and because of this you will actually care about what they think. No one wants to hear a friend, brother, sister, or gf/bf does not respect or care for them or be mistreated by them. These are the people in our lives that matter. If these important people hurt us or misuse our trust, it can have lasting negative effects.

With all of this being said, It must be reiterated that demonstrating kindness and compassion open your soul to someone. Because of this, especially with members outside of your own blood family this must be done very selectively. One does not have to remove all facets of basic decency, but it is important to take the time to get to know someone before going out of your way for them or focus on thinking highly of them for any reason. In other words, do not be quick to make "frends". because 9 times out of 10 this person will turn on you or fuck you over in some way if you are not selective. Overt kindness and empathy are pathological and a detriment and should be kept in balance and in proportion.

Relationships with co workers should be kept professional. And certainly never date any one from work.

Talking to someone online for any length of time also does not allow you to know them the way you would in real life. A lot of people hide behind a screen and will pretend to be someone they are not. Friendly exchange of information is just that. But it does not mean you have to start forming some bond with the person. Meeting someone from online is also very risky.

That random stranger on the bus, street corner, or the grocery store that all of a sudden wants your number or your online info? Don't give it just because they seem "nice". You don't know this person or their motives.

This is not to discourage making new friends or being social. But it is a warning about being selective and about opening up too quickly and the consequences that can and will ensue. People who are overtly open to others and very receptive sympathetically often attract nothing but trash. These are the types of people that really have to focus on closing their chakras in unknown and uncharted environments and around strangers.

We all have loved ones and friends we care for. But no one is perfect and event these can and will let you down at some point. How you decide to get through this with them or not is up to you. In the end however, no one will be able to care for you as much as you do so learn to do it well.

- learn to open and close your chakras at will. Close them in unfamiliar or toxic environments and let no one in. If you are an empath or water dominant specifically this is essential.

- Use runes for your AOP. I personally use Algiz, Sowilo and Tyr. 20x of each (more can be used) with this affirmation 10x: "the energies of algis sowilo and tyr are forming an impenetrable invincible aura of protection around me that protects me from all forms of harm and negativity in every way. All who attempt to curse me, and direct hate, ill will or harm apon me have now had it returned 10 fold in every way.

- Use returning curses parts one and 2 on top of this everyday. (especially after RTR's)

- Don't be afraid to say no or be an asshole to someone who pushes your boundaries. Being too nice to the wrong people leaves you open to abuse and disrespect, especially if you have saturn in the 7th or in libra or capricorn on the descendant.
Great post, honestly I was just thinking "your too nice" when your post came up. oh the irony :lol:
Yes, people can latch on to someone who is kind to them. I've found it is best to be polite and respectful, but distant. The degree of distance depends on the relation to the person of course. Have firm boundaries, be polite yet firm when people try to cross them.

It's natural to want to be close to people, and in an ideal society things will be different and better. But with how things are now and here, we need to be careful. Too many people throughout history have had their lives ruined by becoming close to the wrong person.
Shadowcat said:
Kindness and empathy are things that help the world live in a pleasant and respectful exchange. It helps us form bonds with others and allows us to demonstrate to the people that really matter how much we care.

When you are kind to someone and demonstrate compassion towards them, you are opening up your soul to them. It is showing a vulnerability that allows them to hurt you if they have a mind to. Sadly this happens even with what is considered family or even the people that you come to love and trust and this is all too common. We live in a world that that is disconnected from spirituality and higher levels of understanding and as a result very little care and consideration is put into how to approach or treat others.

After opening oneself to a person that is family, to become friends or other, and this person hurts you, it does so in a way that is felt differently than putting up with poor treatment you might receive from a stranger for example. The reason for this is because you actually respect and trust the first person in question because your kindness and trust has opened your soul to them, and this has either happened in a family setting, because you consider them an important friend or it could even be a love interest.

Any blow from this trusted person will hurt more and incite more anger and disbelief because you expected better and looked to them for the friendship or other type of relationship you may have formed, and because of this you will actually care about what they think. No one wants to hear a friend, brother, sister, or gf/bf does not respect or care for them or be mistreated by them. These are the people in our lives that matter. If these important people hurt us or misuse our trust, it can have lasting negative effects.

With all of this being said, It must be reiterated that demonstrating kindness and compassion open your soul to someone. Because of this, especially with members outside of your own blood family this must be done very selectively. One does not have to remove all facets of basic decency, but it is important to take the time to get to know someone before going out of your way for them or focus on thinking highly of them for any reason. In other words, do not be quick to make "frends". because 9 times out of 10 this person will turn on you or fuck you over in some way if you are not selective. Overt kindness and empathy are pathological and a detriment and should be kept in balance and in proportion.

Relationships with co workers should be kept professional. And certainly never date any one from work.

Talking to someone online for any length of time also does not allow you to know them the way you would in real life. A lot of people hide behind a screen and will pretend to be someone they are not. Friendly exchange of information is just that. But it does not mean you have to start forming some bond with the person. Meeting someone from online is also very risky.

That random stranger on the bus, street corner, or the grocery store that all of a sudden wants your number or your online info? Don't give it just because they seem "nice". You don't know this person or their motives.

This is not to discourage making new friends or being social. But it is a warning about being selective and about opening up too quickly and the consequences that can and will ensue. People who are overtly open to others and very receptive sympathetically often attract nothing but trash. These are the types of people that really have to focus on closing their chakras in unknown and uncharted environments and around strangers.

We all have loved ones and friends we care for. But no one is perfect and event these can and will let you down at some point. How you decide to get through this with them or not is up to you. In the end however, no one will be able to care for you as much as you do so learn to do it well.

- learn to open and close your chakras at will. Close them in unfamiliar or toxic environments and let no one in. If you are an empath or water dominant specifically this is essential.

- Use runes for your AOP. I personally use Algiz, Sowilo and Tyr. 20x of each (more can be used) with this affirmation 10x: "the energies of algis sowilo and tyr are forming an impenetrable invincible aura of protection around me that protects me from all forms of harm and negativity in every way. All who attempt to curse me, and direct hate, ill will or harm apon me have now had it returned 10 fold in every way.

- Use returning curses parts one and 2 on top of this everyday. (especially after RTR's)

- Don't be afraid to say no or be an asshole to someone who pushes your boundaries. Being too nice to the wrong people leaves you open to abuse and disrespect, especially if you have saturn in the 7th or in libra or capricorn on the descendant.

It really does seem to me like Saturn in 7th has a similar theme to South node in 7th. Maybe add that too. It's not quite as strong but causes a lot of similar problems and themes. Saturn straight up in Libra must be a nightmare that only is really bad because of how the society around us is set up and how they always become victims of stuff.
For the record I have South node in Libra and 7th house. I am very familiar with the kind of issues talked about here.
You should work on your third eye and intuition. I can tell when a person is rotten or untrustworthy simply by looking at them.

I think the issue is not that you shouldn't be kind, but that you should work on your intuition so you can better recognize who you should and shouldn't be kind to. At a certain point you see these things coming from a mile away and never open yourself to such things.
Very good post thank you ShadowCat
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=316859 time=1642489327 user_id=57]
Yes, people can latch on to someone who is kind to them. I've found it is best to be polite and respectful, but distant. The degree of distance depends on the relation to the person of course. Have firm boundaries, be polite yet firm when people try to cross them.

It's natural to want to be close to people, and in an ideal society things will be different and better. But with how things are now and here, we need to be careful. Too many people throughout history have had their lives ruined by becoming close to the wrong person.

A good way is also not to care about people, this won’t open u to their shit inside you.
I have a part time job in which I have to work around several dozens of jews, and I also have to pretend to be nice to them, even though everyone knows they are criminals and are conducting criminal activities (openly), everyone has to play nice as to not cause conflicts with the merchants (the vast majority of them are gipsies which are racial jews that also practice judaism openly). This opens everyone for abuse, including myself. I have experienced much of this for the past months.

Most of the times I can't even pretend to be nice to them, because even simply looking at such hideous creatures and observing what they are doing collectively as well as individually, is sickening to say the least. So, even if sometimes I do smile and pretend, they know I hate them with all of my might and they direct hated towards me as well. And sometimes nearly got involved in physical conflicts.

Their psychic attacks towards me are felt because I have to open myself to them to keep my job. Even if it's just pretending, I still open to some degree.

As of today I actually decided to quit this job because the money is not worth the damage that this inflict upon my soul. This job is unhealthy for me and opening myself to the enemy is contrary to my nature.

Reading this post now, is indeed a good reminder of why I should not continue working in this place, and I should quit. Thank you.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=316859 time=1642489327 user_id=57]
Yes, people can latch on to someone who is kind to them. I've found it is best to be polite and respectful, but distant. The degree of distance depends on the relation to the person of course. Have firm boundaries, be polite yet firm when people try to cross them.

It's natural to want to be close to people, and in an ideal society things will be different and better. But with how things are now and here, we need to be careful. Too many people throughout history have had their lives ruined by becoming close to the wrong person.

I agree in an ideal society it would be different and much better. as an SS i have often tried having this manifest in my environment by demonstrating certain things myself along with it actually being part of my nature. It is sadly something the world is not too hospitible to.

And so it is best to keep our distance in general. Although i do care about humanity advancing as a whole, i have learned it is best to not go out of your way too fast. Politeness with basic decency but with aloofness is my policy these days.
Dahaarkan said:
You should work on your third eye and intuition. I can tell when a person is rotten or untrustworthy simply by looking at them.

I think the issue is not that you shouldn't be kind, but that you should work on your intuition so you can better recognize who you should and shouldn't be kind to. At a certain point you see these things coming from a mile away and never open yourself to such things.

that has gotten better and is still a work in progress. I notice alot more these days
Shadowcat said:

Be kind but don't open your soul to people. I see kindness and helping others as a duty. IMO there's no advantage in exposing yourself to such an extent that you can be badly hurt.
Thank you for making this post, Shadowcat. I've been trying to impart this to people on the forums here for a while now. I think this should be stickied honestly. There's a lot of empaths here who might really need this advice. What Dahaarkan said is true, but I think until they reach that level with their intuition through experience then this advice should be adopted. Being a little more closed off or guarded until one has a better idea of what to avoid, the different types of people, and what sort of people they do and don't want in their life is for the best.

I see empaths in daily life involving themselves with drug addicted deadbeats who just use them to vent their shit, and they just sit there listening and soaking it all in. It's stupid. They should get better friends. Some people are worth helping, and others are not. It all depends on what someone wants to be. If they don't want to be anything in life other than a toxic mound of meat that's stuck in one place then don't waste time being dragged down with them. People should aim for higher than that in their lives, and choose the company of healthy individuals who want to rise to greater heights. Find people with a self improvement attitude and team up with them, hang out with them every day.
Shadowcat said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
Great post, honestly I was just thinking "your too nice" when your post came up. oh the irony :lol:

Me you mean? Heh, Long gone are those days and good riddance

:shock: :? no I meant this was helpful... thank you, I took it as a sign from the gods
Shadowcat said:

It is very important to keep your distance.

I've noticed many times, people just simply taking advantage from you.

I spoke to a depressed person once just to cheer them on only to instantly go after me and try to make me their girlfriend.
That was just totally fucked up.

I've decided I'll NEVER get that close to someone ever again, especially if they're depressed.

In the meantime, not being heard when you're stuck with a problem is also painful. Just fuck this society already.
ChaosBringer666 said:
Shadowcat said:
ChaosBringer666 said:
Great post, honestly I was just thinking "your too nice" when your post came up. oh the irony :lol:

Me you mean? Heh, Long gone are those days and good riddance

:shock: :? no I meant this was helpful... thank you, I took it as a sign from the gods
glas to hear it
Shadowcat said:

It is a skill to be developed, there are overt psychic vampires and others reveal themselves in the future, one thing I was wondering is if it was possible to program one's soul and chakras in such a way that they do not create connections with the enemies of Satan, would you have any suggestions on this?

Does using solar numbers give any added benefit to the aura of protection?
For example 36?
FuckYu_666 said:
Shadowcat said:

It is a skill to be developed, there are overt psychic vampires and others reveal themselves in the future, one thing I was wondering is if it was possible to program one's soul and chakras in such a way that they do not create connections with the enemies of Satan, would you have any suggestions on this?

Does using solar numbers give any added benefit to the aura of protection?
For example 36?

besides closing your chakras in bad environments, you can program your aura after cleaning it with an affirmation to keep out energies from all enemies of Satan and to only let in that of the Gods. I would do it 10 times.
BlackOnyx8 said:
I have a part time job in which I have to work around several dozens of jews, and I also have to pretend to be nice to them, even though everyone knows they are criminals and are conducting criminal activities (openly), everyone has to play nice as to not cause conflicts with the merchants (the vast majority of them are gipsies which are racial jews that also practice judaism openly). This opens everyone for abuse, including myself. I have experienced much of this for the past months.

Most of the times I can't even pretend to be nice to them, because even simply looking at such hideous creatures and observing what they are doing collectively as well as individually, is sickening to say the least. So, even if sometimes I do smile and pretend, they know I hate them with all of my might and they direct hated towards me as well. And sometimes nearly got involved in physical conflicts.

Their psychic attacks towards me are felt because I have to open myself to them to keep my job. Even if it's just pretending, I still open to some degree.

As of today I actually decided to quit this job because the money is not worth the damage that this inflict upon my soul. This job is unhealthy for me and opening myself to the enemy is contrary to my nature.

Reading this post now, is indeed a good reminder of why I should not continue working in this place, and I should quit. Thank you.

Just remember the saying:

You don't leave a job until you've landed a new job.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
It is very important to keep your distance.

I've noticed many times, people just simply taking advantage from you.

I spoke to a depressed person once just to cheer them on only to instantly go after me and try to make me their girlfriend.
That was just totally fucked up.

I've decided I'll NEVER get that close to someone ever again, especially if they're depressed.

In the meantime, not being heard when you're stuck with a problem is also painful. Just fuck this society already.

It's not fucked up, it's normal. Someone who is depressed wants someone who is nice to them, he probably thought his life would be much better with you in it. That is sacred power to wield, the power to make others feel better, make their pain go away.

Every so often, male SS email me asking if I am their soulmate. I take that as a compliment, I don't think it's "fucked up" in any way. It is heartwarming to know that someone wants me in their life.

Next time, just politely say you are with someone or have feelings for someone else.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=330668 time=1646307788 user_id=57]
Lunar Dance 666 said:
It is very important to keep your distance.

I've noticed many times, people just simply taking advantage from you.

I spoke to a depressed person once just to cheer them on only to instantly go after me and try to make me their girlfriend.
That was just totally fucked up.

I've decided I'll NEVER get that close to someone ever again, especially if they're depressed.

In the meantime, not being heard when you're stuck with a problem is also painful. Just fuck this society already.

It's not fucked up, it's normal. Someone who is depressed wants someone who is nice to them, he probably thought his life would be much better with you in it. That is sacred power to wield, the power to make others feel better, make their pain go away.

Every so often, male SS email me asking if I am their soulmate. I take that as a compliment, I don't think it's "fucked up" in any way. It is heartwarming to know that someone wants me in their life.

Next time, just politely say you are with someone or have feelings for someone else.

This a general problem to males. We catch feelings and confuse them to sexual attraction. This is a result to many bad ideas that are growing up in our mentality as a society. This can be easily overcome with spiritual advancement. Until this problem will become a rarity, as you said Lydia, take it as a compliment because there big changes that he really likes you for your personality
Fanboy said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Shadowcat said:

It is very important to keep your distance.

I've noticed many times, people just simply taking advantage from you.

I spoke to a depressed person once just to cheer them on only to instantly go after me and try to make me their girlfriend.
That was just totally fucked up.

I've decided I'll NEVER get that close to someone ever again, especially if they're depressed.

In the meantime, not being heard when you're stuck with a problem is also painful. Just fuck this society already.

how dare this person take an interest in you after you show them genuine compassion and care.

I mean how dare they take your touching and heartfelt concern for their well-being as a sign of your interest toward them.

Completely out of line and beyond reason to think that a divine figure of superb beauty and grace as yourself would ever stoop so low as to become entwined into the affairs of one who has felt but a shred of sorrow or grief.

You need someone who has a big smile on their face and is always perfectly content with each and everything around him at all times

Sure would be inconvenient if a man had emotions, and out of happenstance just needed some attention and reassurance. Men are just hard metal machines meant to go to work and make you money so they can come back home and listen to your problems,

to take care of you and worship you and make you feel better when you have had a hard day of watching television so you can deny them sex and keep them obedient when they get out of line.

A woman's care is often as shallow as her heart.
Women do on occasion have compassion for others, which always self preserving and detatched. Men have true empathy in all my experience.

How often do you see a man cry while watching someone suffer, and his inner self commands him to throw himself into a fire and save the day. Or offer his head on a plate for a literal stranger in need.

Where the woman shreiks and covers her eyes simply hoping she isn't next. Calling for "someone to do something!!!" *sob sob* fix the problem so I don't have to look at it already :eek:

Beyond this there is a thing lower than both, and it's called sympathy. It is bestowed to those who merit no interest or help from you, yet you still don't want to see yourself ignore them. It's the lowest form of caring that I had seen until this point in my life.

But surely what I just read from you is a new thing I have never really seen before. It's like getting a microscopic look into a parasite coursing though an artery headed to the brain. A tale from the slave Aesop called, an image and an ass, comes to mind.

Only here its more like the ego and the woman. How dare he try to be a boyfriend to you, doesn't he know you were just trying to mend his soul like the friendliest friend that you are? The audacity, the gall.

In fact if it weren't for our true immortal Goddesses I would wonder if a woman could even have a heart at all. Luckily I have a shining role model here on earth.

But Gosh I mean you "once spoke to a depressed person just to cheer him on", I understand why you would never get "that close to someone ever again"
I mean It sounds like you really were close I'm so sorry for you. I am feeling my empathy for you, see?
don't get any funny ideas now.

Thank you for your selfish thoughts.

I wouldn't be saying it if it wasn't an issue.

There was a time when I was just drawing scum into my life.
One said person was an xtard who begged me to stay up late on a schoolnight repeatedly, threatened to kill himself if I left him, also asked me out within 2 days after I first spoke to him.. online. I never even met the person personally.
He also wanted to see me naked and stuff ... thorougly believed in the xian god and thought all were sinners because that was thoroughly and daily stomped into his head.

Well excuse me for being bitter... but with this kind of disgrace walking the earth I don't need to open up to anyone.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=330668 time=1646307788 user_id=57]
Lunar Dance 666 said:
It is very important to keep your distance.

I've noticed many times, people just simply taking advantage from you.

I spoke to a depressed person once just to cheer them on only to instantly go after me and try to make me their girlfriend.
That was just totally fucked up.

I've decided I'll NEVER get that close to someone ever again, especially if they're depressed.

In the meantime, not being heard when you're stuck with a problem is also painful. Just fuck this society already.

It's not fucked up, it's normal. Someone who is depressed wants someone who is nice to them, he probably thought his life would be much better with you in it. That is sacred power to wield, the power to make others feel better, make their pain go away.

Every so often, male SS email me asking if I am their soulmate. I take that as a compliment, I don't think it's "fucked up" in any way. It is heartwarming to know that someone wants me in their life.

Next time, just politely say you are with someone or have feelings for someone else.

Perhaps. I'd treat SS with a bit more consideration though. Its mostly just non SS that I really don't want to bother with in such a manner.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=330668 time=1646307788 user_id=57]
Lunar Dance 666 said:
It is very important to keep your distance.

I've noticed many times, people just simply taking advantage from you.

I spoke to a depressed person once just to cheer them on only to instantly go after me and try to make me their girlfriend.
That was just totally fucked up.

I've decided I'll NEVER get that close to someone ever again, especially if they're depressed.

In the meantime, not being heard when you're stuck with a problem is also painful. Just fuck this society already.

It's not fucked up, it's normal. Someone who is depressed wants someone who is nice to them, he probably thought his life would be much better with you in it. That is sacred power to wield, the power to make others feel better, make their pain go away.

Every so often, male SS email me asking if I am their soulmate. I take that as a compliment, I don't think it's "fucked up" in any way. It is heartwarming to know that someone wants me in their life.

Next time, just politely say you are with someone or have feelings for someone else.

Perhaps. I'd treat SS with a bit more consideration though. Its mostly just non SS that I really don't want to bother with in such a manner.
Depression is a state of mind that is designed to motivate you to find a life that doesn't depress you further. When someone is at the lowest point of their life and nothing really matters anymore, that is exactly the point in life when one can tap into the Infinite Will within and make drastic changes.

You are not wrong to look at these depressed people who are perpetually depressed and feel contempt for them.

When I feel depressed, I don't seek outside validation from other people because I'm not depressed because of them. Depression is caused by having inadequacies that you know you have. It can be mental or actually real ,but whatever it is it has nothing to do with anyone else.

People who are perpetually depressed deserve to be depressed because they do not have the willpower to effect change in the world. You do not want to be friends with liabilities such as these. You want to be friends with winners who are full of life and can actually handle tough situations in life. The ones that are depressed are extremely dangerous to be around and will drag you down to their level if you let them.

No one is owed Appreciation and consideration just for existing. Those are earned for displays of competence. The real world is harsh and full of struggle. If you can't handle it not only are you not cut out to be a winner, but you're not an SS warrior as well. You are a loser and a failure in life.

So I say Fuck the Depressed people. We need to be proud of who we are and be happy about ourselves. I don't hang around with depressed people and people who have mental instability issues. I don't owe anyone anything.

If someone has all the tools needed to not be depressed and effect change in the world and still refuses to change, he deserves to be depressed.
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Fanboy said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
It is very important to keep your distance.

I've noticed many times, people just simply taking advantage from you.

I spoke to a depressed person once just to cheer them on only to instantly go after me and try to make me their girlfriend.
That was just totally fucked up.

I've decided I'll NEVER get that close to someone ever again, especially if they're depressed.

In the meantime, not being heard when you're stuck with a problem is also painful. Just fuck this society already.

how dare this person take an interest in you after you show them genuine compassion and care.

I mean how dare they take your touching and heartfelt concern for their well-being as a sign of your interest toward them.

Completely out of line and beyond reason to think that a divine figure of superb beauty and grace as yourself would ever stoop so low as to become entwined into the affairs of one who has felt but a shred of sorrow or grief.

You need someone who has a big smile on their face and is always perfectly content with each and everything around him at all times

Sure would be inconvenient if a man had emotions, and out of happenstance just needed some attention and reassurance. Men are just hard metal machines meant to go to work and make you money so they can come back home and listen to your problems,

to take care of you and worship you and make you feel better when you have had a hard day of watching television so you can deny them sex and keep them obedient when they get out of line.

A woman's care is often as shallow as her heart.
Women do on occasion have compassion for others, which always self preserving and detatched. Men have true empathy in all my experience.

How often do you see a man cry while watching someone suffer, and his inner self commands him to throw himself into a fire and save the day. Or offer his head on a plate for a literal stranger in need.

Where the woman shreiks and covers her eyes simply hoping she isn't next. Calling for "someone to do something!!!" *sob sob* fix the problem so I don't have to look at it already :eek:

Beyond this there is a thing lower than both, and it's called sympathy. It is bestowed to those who merit no interest or help from you, yet you still don't want to see yourself ignore them. It's the lowest form of caring that I had seen until this point in my life.

But surely what I just read from you is a new thing I have never really seen before. It's like getting a microscopic look into a parasite coursing though an artery headed to the brain. A tale from the slave Aesop called, an image and an ass, comes to mind.

Only here its more like the ego and the woman. How dare he try to be a boyfriend to you, doesn't he know you were just trying to mend his soul like the friendliest friend that you are? The audacity, the gall.

In fact if it weren't for our true immortal Goddesses I would wonder if a woman could even have a heart at all. Luckily I have a shining role model here on earth.

But Gosh I mean you "once spoke to a depressed person just to cheer him on", I understand why you would never get "that close to someone ever again"
I mean It sounds like you really were close I'm so sorry for you. I am feeling my empathy for you, see?
don't get any funny ideas now.

Thank you for your selfish thoughts.

I wouldn't be saying it if it wasn't an issue.

There was a time when I was just drawing scum into my life.
One said person was an xtard who begged me to stay up late on a schoolnight repeatedly, threatened to kill himself if I left him, also asked me out within 2 days after I first spoke to him.. online. I never even met the person personally.
He also wanted to see me naked and stuff ... thorougly believed in the xian god and thought all were sinners because that was thoroughly and daily stomped into his head.

Well excuse me for being bitter... but with this kind of disgrace walking the earth I don't need to open up to anyone.
Hes just jealous that you're a real woman who gets genuine Heterosexual Male attention and he doesn't, because he's pretending to be a woman. He wishes he could sweet talk some simp and he would proposition him to be his "girlfriend " but he can't because he's not a woman.
Threatening suicide if someone doesn't do what they want is a textbook manipulation behavior, though, people who do it often have serious personality disorders and can be dangerous.
The truth is usually more nuanced than black and white. Lydia and what others have posted hold true in their own specific cases.

I've known genuine people suffering from depression, real clinical depression not just feeling sad because of something lacking in their life, who hold whatever or whomever that makes them happy in a really high pedestal.

I've also known the people that are just degenerate vampires. People who don't want to better their lives but want someone around them to leech of their kindness. Also another example, guys who think women working as waitresses smile at them because they want to sleep with them and go and act a fool and start making her uncomfortable at her job by being inappropriate or saying things that are that.

It's up to us as SS who are emotionally mature or currently working to become it to figure out the nuances and how to go about things from there.
Shadowcat said:

I read this post while it was still in an earlier state before I suddenly left the forums for personal and uncontrollable reasons.

With that being said, I'll write what I wanted to comment here.

I'm glad that people like you, who came from an unlikely place like the enemy cult, is now helping here in the forums. I read your old post where you exposed said cult here in the forums and left without looking back.

What I'm trying to say is, it just makes me happy that Father Satan's family is growing in their own way while contributing their knowledge here. Some subtle, some can be shown even when they are living in the mundane world. You know, with growth. Physical, mental, and spiritual growth.

With that being said, I'm also glad that your post showed up again. For one, I'm going through a major problem right now, and this post gives me the clarification I need in order to support my spiritual logic again. Second, because, like I said before, I saw this post already when you first posted it, but I couldn't give the sudden compliment unto your way until this was back in the front page again :D

So in short, I hope you're doing well there, comrade, because I'm not. But I will make it better for myself. I just hope I can be active here in the forums. Not active as in posting, but lurking. I haven't exactly been back here until now 😅
hailourtruegod said:
The truth is usually more nuanced than black and white. Lydia and what others have posted hold true in their own specific cases.

I've known genuine people suffering from depression, real clinical depression not just feeling sad because of something lacking in their life, who hold whatever or whomever that makes them happy in a really high pedestal.

I've also known the people that are just degenerate vampires. People who don't want to better their lives but want someone around them to leech of their kindness. Also another example, guys who think women working as waitresses smile at them because they want to sleep with them and go and act a fool and start making her uncomfortable at her job by being inappropriate or saying things that are that.

It's up to us as SS who are emotionally mature or currently working to become it to figure out the nuances and how to go about things from there.

Months ago, way back, was me already deciding to cut off this online friend of mine out of my life. For one, they were depressed, unhappily living with their family, and is clinging unto their long distance relationship online. Said love interest of theirs is suicidal and has made many... attempts to end themselves.

I already did what I could by being an observer. I even called Father Satan for help that time, and he responded by sending an ambulance right through their doorstep.

Despite that, they broke up, and this friend of mine, who opened up to us, was confused why they were feeling "empty." I responded by ignoring that groupchat and left that chat to rot.

Three months after that, I heard they got back together.

And I was like "fuck that." I know that they have SERIOUS romantic relationship issues (they fucking attracted three suicidal people to them, this is the fourth one) but wow, human ignorance can really kill.

I'm glad that I got to be part of this Satanic family, because by then, I don't know what I would have done thanks to all these retarded xtians thinking this way in their lives, affecting healthy and unhealthy people around them.
Jack said:
Lunar Dance 666 said:
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=330668 time=1646307788 user_id=57]

It's not fucked up, it's normal. Someone who is depressed wants someone who is nice to them, he probably thought his life would be much better with you in it. That is sacred power to wield, the power to make others feel better, make their pain go away.

Every so often, male SS email me asking if I am their soulmate. I take that as a compliment, I don't think it's "fucked up" in any way. It is heartwarming to know that someone wants me in their life.

Next time, just politely say you are with someone or have feelings for someone else.

Perhaps. I'd treat SS with a bit more consideration though. Its mostly just non SS that I really don't want to bother with in such a manner.
Depression is a state of mind that is designed to motivate you to find a life that doesn't depress you further. When someone is at the lowest point of their life and nothing really matters anymore, that is exactly the point in life when one can tap into the Infinite Will within and make drastic changes.

You are not wrong to look at these depressed people who are perpetually depressed and feel contempt for them.

When I feel depressed, I don't seek outside validation from other people because I'm not depressed because of them. Depression is caused by having inadequacies that you know you have. It can be mental or actually real ,but whatever it is it has nothing to do with anyone else.

People who are perpetually depressed deserve to be depressed because they do not have the willpower to effect change in the world. You do not want to be friends with liabilities such as these. You want to be friends with winners who are full of life and can actually handle tough situations in life. The ones that are depressed are extremely dangerous to be around and will drag you down to their level if you let them.

No one is owed Appreciation and consideration just for existing. Those are earned for displays of competence. The real world is harsh and full of struggle. If you can't handle it not only are you not cut out to be a winner, but you're not an SS warrior as well. You are a loser and a failure in life.

So I say Fuck the Depressed people. We need to be proud of who we are and be happy about ourselves. I don't hang around with depressed people and people who have mental instability issues. I don't owe anyone anything.

If someone has all the tools needed to not be depressed and effect change in the world and still refuses to change, he deserves to be depressed.

This is true. If every depressed person would learn to have that winning type of thinking, they could easily undepress themself, they just don't realise this. I think it comes also to parents that failed to teach this to their offspring thus leaving them to this wildfire of a world we live in.

Unfortunately, it ain't that easy. Depression is a state of very low energy that can be caused by some underlying disease; thought forms, curses etc. Even if you would have the right type of thinking, the drainage from curses would put you in the state in which one would find oneself to slowly slip away into depression and feeling of emptiness, and one would be completely unaware.

Not every depressed person is a leech, many are just confused.
hailourtruegod said:
The truth is usually more nuanced than black and white. Lydia and what others have posted hold true in their own specific cases.

I've known genuine people suffering from depression, real clinical depression not just feeling sad because of something lacking in their life, who hold whatever or whomever that makes them happy in a really high pedestal.

I've also known the people that are just degenerate vampires. People who don't want to better their lives but want someone around them to leech of their kindness. Also another example, guys who think women working as waitresses smile at them because they want to sleep with them and go and act a fool and start making her uncomfortable at her job by being inappropriate or saying things that are that.

It's up to us as SS who are emotionally mature or currently working to become it to figure out the nuances and how to go about things from there.

This is very true. And many people with depression, it's simply because of a lack of the spiritual in their lives. Low energy, curses, bindings, dirty and blocked chakras. Once they clean their chakras, start meditating, and so on, they will completely change.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=331315 time=1646488591 user_id=57]
hailourtruegod said:
The truth is usually more nuanced than black and white. Lydia and what others have posted hold true in their own specific cases.

I've known genuine people suffering from depression, real clinical depression not just feeling sad because of something lacking in their life, who hold whatever or whomever that makes them happy in a really high pedestal.

I've also known the people that are just degenerate vampires. People who don't want to better their lives but want someone around them to leech of their kindness. Also another example, guys who think women working as waitresses smile at them because they want to sleep with them and go and act a fool and start making her uncomfortable at her job by being inappropriate or saying things that are that.

It's up to us as SS who are emotionally mature or currently working to become it to figure out the nuances and how to go about things from there.

This is very true. And many people with depression, it's simply because of a lack of the spiritual in their lives. Low energy, curses, bindings, dirty and blocked chakras. Once they clean their chakras, start meditating, and so on, they will completely change.
It's also a habit to be depressed, I used to be depressed a lot in teenage years, after some time in SS I was depressed and suddenly I ask myself:"Why am I depressed?" And I answered myself:" No reason, there's literally no reason to be depressed" and poof, no more depression, EVER.
hailourtruegod said:
The truth is usually more nuanced than black and white. Lydia and what others have posted hold true in their own specific cases.

I've known genuine people suffering from depression, real clinical depression not just feeling sad because of something lacking in their life, who hold whatever or whomever that makes them happy in a really high pedestal.

I've also known the people that are just degenerate vampires. People who don't want to better their lives but want someone around them to leech of their kindness. Also another example, guys who think women working as waitresses smile at them because they want to sleep with them and go and act a fool and start making her uncomfortable at her job by being inappropriate or saying things that are that.

It's up to us as SS who are emotionally mature or currently working to become it to figure out the nuances and how to go about things from there.
Regardless of whether or not clinical depression exists as a Genetic Condition, which is something I don't think actually exists. But regardless of what I believe these people are dangerous to be around and we don't owe them anything personally especially in this fast paced world that is heading towards ruin. We must absolutely focus on ourselves and our needs and the needs of our future offspring. We cannot make time for these depressed people. Maybe in the future ehen we live in a society which prioritizes Volk group cohesion ,but certainly not now. We can only give them tips and resources to heal themselves but we can't be too attached to their personal lives.

We cannot count on depressed people to help us in times of need. We need resourceful ,successful people who have the will to survive in perilous conditions. You are the sum of the 5 people you hang around with and one of them being depressed is going to be destructive to your success.
Jack said:

I guess we sort of agree on the depressed people thing..

Its also that people that don't want to change or try to get out of it .. those are also the ones with the defeatist mindsets.
Jack said:
hailourtruegod said:
The truth is usually more nuanced than black and white. Lydia and what others have posted hold true in their own specific cases.

I've known genuine people suffering from depression, real clinical depression not just feeling sad because of something lacking in their life, who hold whatever or whomever that makes them happy in a really high pedestal.

I've also known the people that are just degenerate vampires. People who don't want to better their lives but want someone around them to leech of their kindness. Also another example, guys who think women working as waitresses smile at them because they want to sleep with them and go and act a fool and start making her uncomfortable at her job by being inappropriate or saying things that are that.

It's up to us as SS who are emotionally mature or currently working to become it to figure out the nuances and how to go about things from there.
Regardless of whether or not clinical depression exists as a Genetic Condition, which is something I don't think actually exists. But regardless of what I believe these people are dangerous to be around and we don't owe them anything personally especially in this fast paced world that is heading towards ruin. We must absolutely focus on ourselves and our needs and the needs of our future offspring. We cannot make time for these depressed people. Maybe in the future ehen we live in a society which prioritizes Volk group cohesion ,but certainly not now. We can only give them tips and resources to heal themselves but we can't be too attached to their personal lives.

We cannot count on depressed people to help us in times of need. We need resourceful ,successful people who have the will to survive in perilous conditions. You are the sum of the 5 people you hang around with and one of them being depressed is going to be destructive to your success.

I'm on the same boat of being against of the fact that too much precious time and resources are being used on the weak that don't want to better themselves and overall just pandering to the weak in general. Not only should the strong be the ones pandered to but helping those that do want to rise from a low level. A lot of those people don't want to change and it would go a long way if they saw others rising from a similar spot instead of being taking care of like a child when they're in their 20s, 30s or above. Shoot, most people nowadays are not growing up mentally from a grade school mindset and we're seeing the affects of this now of those same people in the job force and pushing their insanity onto the next generation.

Like Lydia said about implementing real spirituality, that's found here in the JoS, would go a long way, to say the least. Any resources for those who aren't at a higher level should be focused on those who are taking control of their lives actively, in my opinion.

I've seen brain scans of depressed people and those that aren't and the brain activity is much more lower and it's very concerning but like it's been said most of it if not all would be cured by constant spiritual practices which in fact leads to finding the "holes" in one's life and they can work on getting rid of them but now I'm preaching to the choir here.
Aquarius said:
It's also a habit to be depressed, I used to be depressed a lot in teenage years, after some time in SS I was depressed and suddenly I ask myself:"Why am I depressed?" And I answered myself:" No reason, there's literally no reason to be depressed" and poof, no more depression, EVER.

Being bombarded by social media lifestyles has made people think they are depressed and HP HoodedCobra has went into this but yeah I agree that some can just snap out of it and I've known a few like that that can use that advice. I just don't know them enough to tell them their problems are self made and it would just cause them to act angry lol. :roll:

Your mindset is what I used to knock off some sadness or depression I used to feel that I see now was totally unnecessary.
Sketches said:
Shadowcat said:

I read this post while it was still in an earlier state before I suddenly left the forums for personal and uncontrollable reasons.

With that being said, I'll write what I wanted to comment here.

I'm glad that people like you, who came from an unlikely place like the enemy cult, is now helping here in the forums. I read your old post where you exposed said cult here in the forums and left without looking back.

What I'm trying to say is, it just makes me happy that Father Satan's family is growing in their own way while contributing their knowledge here. Some subtle, some can be shown even when they are living in the mundane world. You know, with growth. Physical, mental, and spiritual growth.

With that being said, I'm also glad that your post showed up again. For one, I'm going through a major problem right now, and this post gives me the clarification I need in order to support my spiritual logic again. Second, because, like I said before, I saw this post already when you first posted it, but I couldn't give the sudden compliment unto your way until this was back in the front page again :D

So in short, I hope you're doing well there, comrade, because I'm not. But I will make it better for myself. I just hope I can be active here in the forums. Not active as in posting, but lurking. I haven't exactly been back here until now 😅

I was never part of an enemy cult. When i was newer however i encountered some people who were quite mentally ill that i talked to briefly. They ended up being some nutty kikes who thought they were transgender animals in human bodies.... :|
hailourtruegod said:
Aquarius said:
It's also a habit to be depressed, I used to be depressed a lot in teenage years, after some time in SS I was depressed and suddenly I ask myself:"Why am I depressed?" And I answered myself:" No reason, there's literally no reason to be depressed" and poof, no more depression, EVER.

Being bombarded by social media lifestyles has made people think they are depressed and HP HoodedCobra has went into this but yeah I agree that some can just snap out of it and I've known a few like that that can use that advice. I just don't know them enough to tell them their problems are self made and it would just cause them to act angry lol. :roll:

Your mindset is what I used to knock off some sadness or depression I used to feel that I see now was totally unnecessary.
Yes, social media, videogames, porn, junk food all the time. And people wonder why teenagers are so fucked up.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
