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Base: Yoga, Repressed Anger

HPS Lydia

High Priestess
Sep 20, 2017
[email protected]
Update: This post has been updated with illustrations by @Rroco88. This post is currently a bit chaotic, but the PDF, created in the JoS Project Platform, is much tidier. It will be linked here as soon as possible, and will be available in Satan's Library.

The poses here benefit the Base/Root chakra, if you feel you need extra grounding or stability in your life. Skip ahead to the part titled “Asanas”, and you can also do vibrations for your base chakra during, or after, doing the asanas.

Please note, yoga asanas are best performed under the guidance of a certified teacher. You can bring the list given at the end to a yoga studio and ask for correct instruction, if possible. Consult a health care provider if you have any injuries.

We are not new-agers or xians, we know that anger and hatred is perfectly natural and to be utilized at certain times (revenge rituals, RTR’s, etc). However, a lot of people have repressed anger that is debilitating, and can interfere with many areas in life and keep one from advancing. This yoga sequence can help to remove it so anyone suffering from repressed rage can grow and advance, and achieve peace and serenity.

Anger is from the Base chakra and stores in the side extensions, the hip chakras. Yoga asanas that specifically target opening the hip area releases and removes built up anger, and combining it with cleaning the Base chakra and extensions is the goal here.

This is not necessarily to be done as a 40-day working, as not everything needs that. This is to be done whenever you feel the need to do it. Maybe only once a week or month, maybe daily for a while, listen to your inner Self and decide. You can do a relating affirmation daily for 40 days, but some yoga asanas can cause injury if done to the maximum every day. Always be careful.

Method: For each asana, breath deeply and be in a relaxed state, do not strain. Visualize white-gold light cleansing your Base chakra and side extensions (in the hip area). If you can’t yet visualize well, simply direct the energy to the approximate area, your pelvic region and hips, like a sun lighting up the entire area. As you inhale, visualize it growing brighter, as you exhale, feel/sense anger and rage being safely released. You can also visualize it as waves of light washing over your entire pelvic region.

At the end of the session, you can re-do any pose again if you want to. There is a saying in yoga: sometimes it is easier to do the pose the second time around, as you have already opened your body in this particular way.

When you are finished, lie down in corpse pose or comfortably on your bed or yoga mat. Visualize yourself engulfed in white-gold light, or gold, whatever you feel is best for you. Affirm something along the lines of “I am now releasing any and all repressed anger and rage, in a healthy manner for me. I am free to be calm and serene, in the best possible way for me”.

Asanas: To be preferably done in the order shown, as each pose prepares for the later, deeper ones. Hold for as little or as long as is comfortable, and know that in time, each one will be easier to perform. And don’t worry if it’s not perfect, it’s called a yoga practice. Many asanas can use a prop, such as a pillow or book, to make it more accessible.

The reason I found short instructional videos in addition to pictures is because you can’t understand how to do the pose just by looking at a picture and trying to copy it. There’s more to it than that. My apologies for not selecting potentially better aka "perfect" pictures and videos, I've been at this for a while already.

Happy baby, optional to warm up the hips, and ease into a yoga practice as it begins by lying on the back. You can gently move your legs around, and rock around a bit on your back to warm up the back and lower body.
View attachment 2988

Baddha Konasana (Bound angle). You can keep your hands right behind your hips to straighten your posture, this may be easier to do. The focus is to feel the hips open up. I personally prefer to keep my hands behind my hips with arms straight and chest lifted.
View attachment 2989

Easy pose leaning forward, basically sitting cross-legged but with your legs not actually crossed, one a bit more in front of the other. Start in the first picture and then lean forward, relax the hips (do not clench the glutes or other areas), place your hands on the floor in front for stability. Walk your hands forward more to deepen the stretch. Similar to the second picture shown, which is is more advanced. Do this on both sides.
View attachment 2990

Upavistha Konasana (Wide angle seated forward bend). Like in the previous pose, place hands on floor and walk them forward, leaning forward more, to deepen the stretch.
View attachment 2991

Malasana, you can have your hands in Saturn/Base mudra instead of prayer mudra. You can have a pillow or rolled up towel under your heels if they don't touch the ground.
View attachment 2992

Low lunge, stretches the front of the hip and thigh of the back leg, allowing for a deeper release of the hip. Do this and all other asanas after this one on both sides (one leg in front, then switch to the other leg). You can keep your hands on the bent knee for stability, there is no need to raise them up.

Lizard, don't worry if you can't get all the way down. Stay up on your hands with arms straight if needed.

Pigeon, there are a few variations, including seated pigeon (easier). Make sure to keep the front foot flexed, to protect the knee joint.

Seated pigeon, keep the foot that is on the other knee flexed, to protect the knee joint.

Eye of the needle, make sure to keep the foot that is on the other knee flexed, to protect the knee joint

These next ones really release the hips, and you might even experience bliss in the Crown chakra from them as previously stagnant energy pathways open up.

Gomukhasana, just do the leg part and leave out the arm/shoulder part if you don’t want to do it.

It might be easier to do it while reclined:

Half lord of the fishes, you can ignore the twisting part and just focus on the leg part, and feel the release in each hip. You can place your arm around your bent knee, instead of having the forearm raised.

Reclined twist, you can have the bottom leg straight instead of bent, do whichever is more accessible to you.

There are actually a lot of video classes (10+ minutes long sequences), just type in “yoga for opening hips” and see if any stand out to you. If anyone knows of other asanas I have not mentioned, feel free to list them. I tried to keep this simple and easy and not overwhelming.

Yoga for the Sacral chakra:
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Thank you for posting this. Does the extended triangle pose also help with the base chakra in any way? When I do it, I feel my hips open up and it brings me the most relaxation out of any of the others I’ve tried.
Lydia said:
The poses here benefit the Base/Root chakra, if you feel you need extra grounding or stability in your life. Skip ahead to the part titled “Asanas”, and you can also do vibrations for your base chakra during, or after, doing the asanas.

Please note, yoga asanas are best performed under the guidance of a certified teacher. You can bring the list given at the end to a yoga studio and ask for correct instruction, if possible. Consult a heal care provider if you have any injuries.

We are not new-agers or xians, we know that anger and hatred is perfectly natural and to be utilized at certain times (revenge rituals, RTR’s, etc). However, a lot of people have repressed anger that is debilitating, and can interfere with many areas in life and keep one from advancing. This yoga sequence can help to remove it so anyone suffering from repressed rage can grow and advance, and achieve peace and serenity.

Anger is from the Base chakra and stores in the side extensions, the hip chakras. Yoga asanas that specifically target opening the hip area releases and removes built up anger, and combining it with cleaning the Base chakra and extensions is the goal here.

This is not necessarily to be done as a 40-day working, as not everything needs that. This is to be done whenever you feel the need to do it. Maybe only once a week or month, maybe daily for a while, listen to your inner Self and decide. You can do a relating affirmation daily for 40 days, but some yoga asanas can cause injury if done to the maximum every day. Always be careful.

Method: For each asana, breath deeply and be in a relaxed state, do not strain. Visualize white-gold light cleansing your Base chakra and side extensions (in the hip area). If you can’t yet visualize well, simply direct the energy to the approximate area, your pelvic region and hips, like a sun lighting up the entire area. As you inhale, visualize it growing brighter, as you exhale, feel/sense anger and rage being safely released. You can also visualize it as waves of light washing over your entire pelvic region.

At the end of the session, you can re-do any pose again if you want to. There is a saying in yoga: sometimes it is easier to do the pose the second time around, as you have already opened your body in this particular way.

When you are finished, lie down in corpse pose or comfortably on your bed or yoga mat. Visualize yourself engulfed in white-gold light, or gold, whatever you feel is best for you. Affirm something along the lines of “I am now releasing any and all repressed anger and rage, in a healthy manner for me. I am free to be calm and serene, in the best possible way for me”.

Asanas: To be preferably done in the order shown, as each pose prepares for the later, deeper ones. Hold for as little or as long as is comfortable, and know that in time, each one will be easier to perform. And don’t worry if it’s not perfect, it’s called a yoga practice. Many asanas can use a prop, such as a pillow or book, to make it more accessible.

The reason I found short instructional videos in addition to pictures is because you can’t understand how to do the pose just by looking at a picture and trying to copy it. There’s more to it than that. My apologies for not selecting potentially better aka "perfect" pictures and videos, I've been at this for a while already.

Happy baby, optional to warm up the hips, and ease into a yoga practice as it begins by lying on the back. You can gently move your legs around, and rock around a bit on your back to warm up the back and lower body.

Baddha Konasana (Bound angle). You can keep your hands right behind your hips to straighten your posture, this may be easier to do. The focus is to feel the hips open up. I personally prefer to keep my hands behind my hips with arms straight and chest lifted.

Easy pose leaning forward, basically sitting cross-legged but with your legs not actually crossed, one a bit more in front of the other. Start in the first picture and then lean forward, relax the hips (do not clench the glutes or other areas), place your hands on the floor in front for stability. Walk your hands forward more to deepen the stretch. Similar to the second picture shown, which is is more advanced. Do this on both sides.


Upavistha Konasana (Wide angle seated forward bend). Like in the previous pose, place hands on floor and walk them forward, leaning forward more, to deepen the stretch.

Malasana, you can have your hands in Saturn/Base mudra instead of prayer mudra. You can have a pillow or rolled up towel under your heels if they don't touch the ground.

Low lunge, stretches the front of the hip and thigh of the back leg, allowing for a deeper release of the hip. Do this and all other asanas after this one on both sides (one leg in front, then switch to the other leg). You can keep your hands on the bent knee for stability, there is no need to raise them up.

Lizard, don't worry if you can't get all the way down. Stay up on your hands with arms straight if needed.

Pigeon, there are a few variations, including seated pigeon (easier). Make sure to keep the front foot flexed, to protect the knee joint.

Seated pigeon, keep the foot that is on the other knee flexed, to protect the knee joint.

Eye of the needle, make sure to keep the foot that is on the other knee flexed, to protect the knee joint

These next ones really release the hips, and you might even experience bliss in the Crown chakra from them as previously stagnant energy pathways open up.

Gomukhasana, just do the leg part and leave out the arm/shoulder part if you don’t want to do it.

It might be easier to do it while reclined:

Half lord of the fishes, you can ignore the twisting part and just focus on the leg part, and feel the release in each hip. You can place your arm around your bent knee, instead of having the forearm raised.

Reclined twist, you can have the bottom leg straight instead of bent, do whichever is more accessible to you.

There are actually a lot of video classes (10+ minutes long sequences), just type in “yoga for opening hips” and see if any stand out to you. If anyone knows of other asanas I have not mentioned, feel free to list them. I tried to keep this simple and easy and not overwhelming.

(Next up, yoga asanas for the Sacral chakra.)

:D This is Awesome.

Recently the Gods showed me to give up power chasing and do everything grounding. Yoga, void, cleaning.

I will def utilize this.
Saving this post and looking forward to the next. Ever since the first few days of the last offensive (during the Serpent centered RTRs) I started feeling a 'hum' in the base chakra that I never noticed before. No coincidence that you're posting this now with great asanas I didn't know about (of course 'coincidences' do not exist).
I'll definitely pair them with mantras, just made a post on my latest success with them. Thanks for this. I'm curious to see if there's good asanas for the sixth and seventh chakras too, by the way, as I recently discovered a blockage in that area.
Good work.

Hail Satan!
Thank you very much,this will be my first time doing yoga.
This is the stuff, Lydia! Thank you so much!

I've been having reoccurring problems with burning feet and sometimes even toes, when I wake up at night or when I go to bed. I'll be applying this routine ASAP!

I'll be following your series here. It's much appreciated.
Thank you very much for this. I was meaning to look into yoga poses for specific chakras actually so this saved me a lot of time. I was recently feeling that I was losing grip on reality to the point that I was considering abstaining from meditation for a couple weeks but then I also see others bringing this issue up with some advice being given so I'm glad that the gods are looking out in some way. I'm not really good at questions lol. I've also tend to put my emotions last for the sake of the bigger picture, but the cost has been detrimental.
Great list! Especially because with the hips, this is an area a lot of people struggle with tightness and these asanas will make a huge difference.

Here we’re working with the Psoas muscle. In research, this muscle is sometimes referred to as the soul of the body and when worked, it almost gives the body and mind permission to relax. There’s no growth with a stressed mind. This is great to get that release and has a lot of carry over to other areas of life. This truly does work with anger.

A note with yoga in general, tightness in the body can create ‘tightness’ in the mind so to speak. It’s been noted how flexibility and yoga not only loosens and relaxes the body, but this carries over to the mind. Body language is linked to our mental state. Free body, free mind. Free mind and you have access to more. That’s the start of real growth. Removing the blocks.

For the lunge, The arms raised would be good to strengthen the core and stabilizer muscles, which will make other asanas easier over time. Those muscles are so crucial for many things.

Without the arm resting on the knee, the core must activate to stabilize, but as with all things, a person starts with what they can handle and builds.
Talk about a good timing - just what I was looking for. Thank you!
Thank you !
Thank you very much for this lydia I truly appreciate it.
would it be safe to do this if anger is something you need though to keep safe like in my case? like from attack? id been tricked and deceived before in being too calm, serene, passive, relaxed and open and this was in part how the angels had latched their garbage on me so easily, i couldnt get angered and enraged enough at it to fight back properly even though i tried and then i would just get assaulted by their attacks. when im angry or in a more aggressive mode i can couner them better and more easily tune out their thoughtforms and psychic attacks.

i dont mean to say this is anything for anyone else to worry about this is just my own case, i just wonder if this would be a good idea for me personally in this instance? i definitely need more grounding and stability, and my base chakra seems to really need to be cleaned but i struggle to psychically focus or meditate properly to do so with visuals and vibrations yet, would it still retain healthy anger or something? i feel like this might be something i need to do but im wary as this could also in part be another trick upon me in feeling like i should do it when this is really just to help others not dealing with my case... and my case it might worsen things, so im being careful and asking for clarification.
Awesome, thanks Lydia!! I saved this as a PDF.

I cannot thank you enough for this. A couple of days before, i asked the guidance of the Gods cause all this long period of quarantine i feel so much anger and anxiety and i find it so hard to meditate with concentration even though i am cleaning my Aura and Chakras everyday. So now i have the solution to my problem :D
Thank you so much. Over the past years, I've had a lot of resentment that this'll hopefully resolve. I'm sure there's many others here who will benefit from this, too. I appreciate the effort you've expended into putting this together.
Lydia said:
The poses here benefit the Base/Root chakra, if you feel you need extra grounding or stability in your life. Skip ahead to the part titled “Asanas”, and you can also do vibrations for your base chakra during, or after, doing the asanas.

Please note, yoga asanas are best performed under the guidance of a certified teacher. You can bring the list given at the end to a yoga studio and ask for correct instruction, if possible. Consult a heal care provider if you have any injuries.

We are not new-agers or xians, we know that anger and hatred is perfectly natural and to be utilized at certain times (revenge rituals, RTR’s, etc). However, a lot of people have repressed anger that is debilitating, and can interfere with many areas in life and keep one from advancing. This yoga sequence can help to remove it so anyone suffering from repressed rage can grow and advance, and achieve peace and serenity.

Anger is from the Base chakra and stores in the side extensions, the hip chakras. Yoga asanas that specifically target opening the hip area releases and removes built up anger, and combining it with cleaning the Base chakra and extensions is the goal here.

This is not necessarily to be done as a 40-day working, as not everything needs that. This is to be done whenever you feel the need to do it. Maybe only once a week or month, maybe daily for a while, listen to your inner Self and decide. You can do a relating affirmation daily for 40 days, but some yoga asanas can cause injury if done to the maximum every day. Always be careful.

Method: For each asana, breath deeply and be in a relaxed state, do not strain. Visualize white-gold light cleansing your Base chakra and side extensions (in the hip area). If you can’t yet visualize well, simply direct the energy to the approximate area, your pelvic region and hips, like a sun lighting up the entire area. As you inhale, visualize it growing brighter, as you exhale, feel/sense anger and rage being safely released. You can also visualize it as waves of light washing over your entire pelvic region.

At the end of the session, you can re-do any pose again if you want to. There is a saying in yoga: sometimes it is easier to do the pose the second time around, as you have already opened your body in this particular way.

When you are finished, lie down in corpse pose or comfortably on your bed or yoga mat. Visualize yourself engulfed in white-gold light, or gold, whatever you feel is best for you. Affirm something along the lines of “I am now releasing any and all repressed anger and rage, in a healthy manner for me. I am free to be calm and serene, in the best possible way for me”.

Asanas: To be preferably done in the order shown, as each pose prepares for the later, deeper ones. Hold for as little or as long as is comfortable, and know that in time, each one will be easier to perform. And don’t worry if it’s not perfect, it’s called a yoga practice. Many asanas can use a prop, such as a pillow or book, to make it more accessible.

The reason I found short instructional videos in addition to pictures is because you can’t understand how to do the pose just by looking at a picture and trying to copy it. There’s more to it than that. My apologies for not selecting potentially better aka "perfect" pictures and videos, I've been at this for a while already.

Happy baby, optional to warm up the hips, and ease into a yoga practice as it begins by lying on the back. You can gently move your legs around, and rock around a bit on your back to warm up the back and lower body.

Baddha Konasana (Bound angle). You can keep your hands right behind your hips to straighten your posture, this may be easier to do. The focus is to feel the hips open up. I personally prefer to keep my hands behind my hips with arms straight and chest lifted.

Easy pose leaning forward, basically sitting cross-legged but with your legs not actually crossed, one a bit more in front of the other. Start in the first picture and then lean forward, relax the hips (do not clench the glutes or other areas), place your hands on the floor in front for stability. Walk your hands forward more to deepen the stretch. Similar to the second picture shown, which is is more advanced. Do this on both sides.


Upavistha Konasana (Wide angle seated forward bend). Like in the previous pose, place hands on floor and walk them forward, leaning forward more, to deepen the stretch.

Malasana, you can have your hands in Saturn/Base mudra instead of prayer mudra. You can have a pillow or rolled up towel under your heels if they don't touch the ground.

Low lunge, stretches the front of the hip and thigh of the back leg, allowing for a deeper release of the hip. Do this and all other asanas after this one on both sides (one leg in front, then switch to the other leg). You can keep your hands on the bent knee for stability, there is no need to raise them up.

Lizard, don't worry if you can't get all the way down. Stay up on your hands with arms straight if needed.

Pigeon, there are a few variations, including seated pigeon (easier). Make sure to keep the front foot flexed, to protect the knee joint.

Seated pigeon, keep the foot that is on the other knee flexed, to protect the knee joint.

Eye of the needle, make sure to keep the foot that is on the other knee flexed, to protect the knee joint

These next ones really release the hips, and you might even experience bliss in the Crown chakra from them as previously stagnant energy pathways open up.

Gomukhasana, just do the leg part and leave out the arm/shoulder part if you don’t want to do it.

It might be easier to do it while reclined:

Half lord of the fishes, you can ignore the twisting part and just focus on the leg part, and feel the release in each hip. You can place your arm around your bent knee, instead of having the forearm raised.

Reclined twist, you can have the bottom leg straight instead of bent, do whichever is more accessible to you.

There are actually a lot of video classes (10+ minutes long sequences), just type in “yoga for opening hips” and see if any stand out to you. If anyone knows of other asanas I have not mentioned, feel free to list them. I tried to keep this simple and easy and not overwhelming.

(Next up, yoga asanas for the Sacral chakra.)

Thank you so much Lydia!! It's interesting because the last days I was thinking how my anger problems are dirt in my chakras..what to do I thought..how can I clean this. Now I see this post. Its like the Gods answered me thru you :D .

I have an extremely low frustration level and am very impatient. I've struggled with anger issues my whole life. Its one of the main things that makes me difficult to live with and I want to finally correct it and regulate my anger and rage properly.

Its the strangest thing..running into obstacles with the littlest things or having someone pull me out of hyperconcentration on something is like a painful point gets pushed and it makes me either just want to burst out and yell or throw or brake something. I've punched walls and was left with bloody knuckles...yeahh it gets bad xd.

I will incorporate this into my routine ASAP!
I'm happy this was helpful :) From a reply below, I wanted to post here so it gets seen: You can even draw in Earth energy through your feet chakras as you do these asanas, for extra grounding.

Sundara said:
Thank you for posting this. Does the extended triangle pose also help with the base chakra in any way? When I do it, I feel my hips open up and it brings me the most relaxation out of any of the others I’ve tried.
That's one of my favorite poses, and yes it does help the base, but I was trying to keep this more simple for newer members. But I definitely recommend it (trikonasana, for those who want to look it up).

Aldrick said:
Grounding builds the strong foundation for all other areas of advancement :)

Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
I have an interesting one for the 6th that isn't available in mot styles of yoga (yoga philosophies generally ignores the 6th chakra and only focuses on the 3rd eye instead due to enemy corruption of texts), I've only seen it once before, but it works. I will post when the time is right. As for 7th, HPS Maxine posted a method that I will re-post when I get to writing for that chakra. Headstand, breath of fire (she wrote 54x but perhaps another number would be better), inhale fully, then vibrate "THTHTHTH" full exhale into the crown, come down into childs pose to rest, then repeat a few times.

Ninja 666 said:
Do you also experience swelling? Might be too much energy there not rising properly. Maybe inverted asanas would be a good idea. Even just down dog if you can't do headstands etc.

Specter said:
Grounding with yoga is so incredibly important, especially for those of us who meditate and do RTR's. The physical is needed, focusing on the material body. You can even draw in Earth energy through your feet chakras as you do these asanas for extra grounding.

Eric13 said:
Very true what you wrote, thanks for writing that additional input :)

Aunoir said:
Working on the asanas here will help you a lot. Anger is from the base, so having a strong base will allow you to get the anger needed (survival response). This guide is for working on the base chakra through yoga, as well as removing repressed anger if needed, so those who just want to strengthen their base and work on grounding will benefit from the asanas here. Removing repressed anger will not make one more passive overall, it will help them to be balanced, and utilize anger when needed, instead of having it as an automatic response.

And try vibrations in your base chakra if your chakras are open. https://www.joyofsatan.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/OpeningChakras.html

promitheusS88 said:
I cannot thank you enough for this. A couple of days before, i asked the guidance of the Gods cause all this long period of quarantine i feel so much anger and anxiety and i find it so hard to meditate with concentration even though i am cleaning my Aura and Chakras everyday. So now i have the solution to my problem :D
Being cooped up inside really sucks. Maybe also try other yoga videos online, or other workouts, to "let off steam".
Ninja 666 said:
This is the stuff, Lydia! Thank you so much!

I've been having reoccurring problems with burning feet and sometimes even toes, when I wake up at night or when I go to bed. I'll be applying this routine ASAP!

I'll be following your series here. It's much appreciated.

I've had the same problem for years, if you have a lot of accumulated traumas like repressed fury can cause plugs and blockages in the chakras and if you add to that a premature awakening of your kundalini as happened to me, the energy will get stuck in your legs causing swelling and feeling warm and burning,
Apart from cleaning the traumas and scum of the chakras it is also being helpful for me, to use the water element in my sacral chakra and quintessence in my chakras to balance the excess of fire.
Lydia said:
Ninja 666 said:
Do you also experience swelling? Might be too much energy there not rising properly. Maybe inverted asanas would be a good idea. Even just down dog if you can't do headstands etc.

No swellings, fortunately. I'll keep the inverted Asanas in the back of my mind. Thank you for the tip. Hope you're doing well : )
Lydia said:
I have an interesting one for the 6th that isn't available in mot styles of yoga (yoga philosophies generally ignores the 6th chakra and only focuses on the 3rd eye instead due to enemy corruption of texts), I've only seen it once before, but it works. I will post when the time is right. As for 7th, HPS Maxine posted a method that I will re-post when I get to writing for that chakra. Headstand, breath of fire (she wrote 54x but perhaps another number would be better), inhale fully, then vibrate "THTHTHTH" full exhale into the crown, come down into childs pose to rest, then repeat a few times.

Thanks for that, I haven't been using the headstand lately, just handstand vibrating TH and V sounds but I need to take it to the next level. Looking forward for more information on the female chakras, but I must say I feel this Base chakra post was the most needed for me at the moment.

Ever since the first days of the last offensive (doing the RTR concerning the Serpent) I started feeling an almost constant physical vibration. At first just in my perineum, around the base chakra, but now (that I've been focusing on it more perhaps and I started doing some of those RTRs daily again, to keep it up) I begun feeling the same vibration down my legs. Like 'everything is suddenly activating' after a long slumber. This isn't something common for me, so I intend to improve as much as I can on this basis.

I'll also treasure your hint about absorbing Earth from the feet. I feel I've been missing on grounding myself a lot, and that now is the right time to get my training more 'hardcore'.

So truly thank you for this post. I immensely appreciate it.

Wotanwarrior said:
Ninja 666 said:
This is the stuff, Lydia! Thank you so much!

I've been having reoccurring problems with burning feet and sometimes even toes, when I wake up at night or when I go to bed. I'll be applying this routine ASAP!

I'll be following your series here. It's much appreciated.

I've had the same problem for years, if you have a lot of accumulated traumas like repressed fury can cause plugs and blockages in the chakras and if you add to that a premature awakening of your kundalini as happened to me, the energy will get stuck in your legs causing swelling and feeling warm and burning,
Apart from cleaning the traumas and scum of the chakras it is also being helpful for me, to use the water element in my sacral chakra and quintessence in my chakras to balance the excess of fire.

Thank you for this tip, Wotanwarrior. I'll be testing the use of the Water element and quintessence. I had a hard time falling asleep tonight, due to the burning, so I'll be applying these tricks ASAP!
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Thank you very much,this will be my first time doing yoga.

Can i instead of doing laying down yoga,do handstands on my lawn. My back hurts when i lie down,my tailbone sticks out a bit and it hurts when i ly on my mat. I tried i pillow before but my buttocks get hot and its very uncomfortable..

Can a ask a question not related to this topic,
When i am in the bath lying on my back in hot water for a very long time
My fingers go old but i can feel my hand Chakra tingling,and after a long while focusing on them makes my fingers go stiff but in a strange way asif they doent open and close smoothly,and i can even hear them go k k k k k when i hold them close to my ear.. Asif they need grease. Hahah this sound funny but its not a joke does this also happen to other people??
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Nice to hear of your progress :) Stay open to guidance on anything else that may help you, such as other online (if not in person) yoga classes that may be of benefit.

One Wire Phenomenon said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Thank you very much,this will be my first time doing yoga.

Can i instead of doing laying down yoga,do handstands on my lawn. My back hurts when i lie down,my tailbone sticks out a bit and it hurts when i ly on my mat. I tried i pillow before but my buttocks get hot and its very uncomfortable..

Can a ask a question not related to this topic,
When i am in the bath lying on my back in hot water for a very long time
My fingers go old but i can feel my hand Chakra tingling,and after a long while focusing on them makes my fingers go stiff but in a strange way asif they doent open and close smoothly,and i can even hear them go k k k k k when i hold them close to my ear.. Asif they need grease. Hahah this sound funny but its not a joke does this also happen to other people??

If you are more comfortable on your lawn then yes, go for it. I used to have a carpet on a floor with my mat on that, it was softer, that might be an idea for you. Like an area rug, or a blanket under the mat, but be careful that it can slip a bit which can result in injury. All depends on the yoga you are doing.

Look up the Sun Salutations and/or Moon Salutations on youtube, they are a good start to yoga and help loosen up the body a bit.

As for the bath, I remember noticing that when I was a young child. No idea what it is, could just be from the water itself and nothing important.
Lydia said:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Nice to hear of your progress :) Stay open to guidance on anything else that may help you, such as other online (if not in person) yoga classes that may be of benefit.

One Wire Phenomenon said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Thank you very much,this will be my first time doing yoga.

Can i instead of doing laying down yoga,do handstands on my lawn. My back hurts when i lie down,my tailbone sticks out a bit and it hurts when i ly on my mat. I tried i pillow before but my buttocks get hot and its very uncomfortable..

Can a ask a question not related to this topic,
When i am in the bath lying on my back in hot water for a very long time
My fingers go old but i can feel my hand Chakra tingling,and after a long while focusing on them makes my fingers go stiff but in a strange way asif they doent open and close smoothly,and i can even hear them go k k k k k when i hold them close to my ear.. Asif they need grease. Hahah this sound funny but its not a joke does this also happen to other people??

If you are more comfortable on your lawn then yes, go for it. I used to have a carpet on a floor with my mat on that, it was softer, that might be an idea for you. Like an area rug, or a blanket under the mat, but be careful that it can slip a bit which can result in injury. All depends on the yoga you are doing.

Look up the Sun Salutations and/or Moon Salutations on youtube, they are a good start to yoga and help loosen up the body a bit.

As for the bath, I remember noticing that when I was a young child. No idea what it is, could just be from the water itself and nothing important.

I appreciate it thank you Lydia. You have a very nice name,are you the one who made some of the Audio mp3's?
I love the owl ! We had two baby's that we hand raised,they both live and are roaming freely. Do you live in America?
I never thought you will reply to me.
Is Lilith you Gardian Demoness. Did she tell you somthing about me because everybody is very helpful and supportive suddenly that is why im asking.
Im honored. Im saving this post.

Much love
Lydia said:
Satan_is_our_Father666 said:
Nice to hear of your progress :) Stay open to guidance on anything else that may help you, such as other online (if not in person) yoga classes that may be of benefit.

One Wire Phenomenon said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Thank you very much,this will be my first time doing yoga.

Can i instead of doing laying down yoga,do handstands on my lawn. My back hurts when i lie down,my tailbone sticks out a bit and it hurts when i ly on my mat. I tried i pillow before but my buttocks get hot and its very uncomfortable..

Can a ask a question not related to this topic,
When i am in the bath lying on my back in hot water for a very long time
My fingers go old but i can feel my hand Chakra tingling,and after a long while focusing on them makes my fingers go stiff but in a strange way asif they doent open and close smoothly,and i can even hear them go k k k k k when i hold them close to my ear.. Asif they need grease. Hahah this sound funny but its not a joke does this also happen to other people??

If you are more comfortable on your lawn then yes, go for it. I used to have a carpet on a floor with my mat on that, it was softer, that might be an idea for you. Like an area rug, or a blanket under the mat, but be careful that it can slip a bit which can result in injury. All depends on the yoga you are doing.

Look up the Sun Salutations and/or Moon Salutations on youtube, they are a good start to yoga and help loosen up the body a bit.

As for the bath, I remember noticing that when I was a young child. No idea what it is, could just be from the water itself and nothing important.

I think the new SS south Africa members are here for me,see i did not know they were jew funded,i tried to join and gave my personal information and to my surprise they were rude jew loving Atheists who also promote race mixing. That is why i hate that fake new church and desided to give jos web links so the members will see what real Satanism it all about. If my information gets out to you guys it fine,i doen't mind. They are probably going to try and get back at me or something.
Lydia said:
Aunoir said:
Working on the asanas here will help you a lot. Anger is from the base, so having a strong base will allow you to get the anger needed (survival response). This guide is for working on the base chakra through yoga, as well as removing repressed anger if needed, so those who just want to strengthen their base and work on grounding will benefit from the asanas here. Removing repressed anger will not make one more passive overall, it will help them to be balanced, and utilize anger when needed, instead of having it as an automatic response.

Oh thank you, thank you, thank you! This really helps a lot, you don't even know how much this is a huge help to me!
Lydia said:
I'm happy this was helpful :) From a reply below, I wanted to post here so it gets seen: You can even draw in Earth energy through your feet chakras as you do these asanas, for extra grounding.

Is that actually safe? And is it just the feet/feet chakras or is it 'inhaled' up to the base?
Thanks for this! I need to get back into meditation. For my physicall and mental health... I never betrayed satan. But I have become irresponsible with my satanic meditation.
Ghost in the Machine said:
Lydia said:
I'm happy this was helpful :) From a reply below, I wanted to post here so it gets seen: You can even draw in Earth energy through your feet chakras as you do these asanas, for extra grounding.

Is that actually safe? And is it just the feet/feet chakras or is it 'inhaled' up to the base?
This (drawing up energy from the earth through the feet chakras) is on the JoS, so yes it's safe. Unless you thought I wrote draw earth energy into the feet, I wrote through the feet. Meaning, into the soul or the base, wherever the person needs it. I should have clarified further.

One Wire Phenomenon said:
No, I never made any audio things. To my knowledge there are 2 other SS with my name that they use for their email usernames but have different usernames for the forums. I'm Lydia Orion in one email address, another SS is Lydia Strong but I think she changed it to something else to avoid confusion.

Very nice that you have owl babies :) This is common, people helping others inadvertently, so perhaps I was guided to help you, but not consciously.
Lydia said:
Ghost in the Machine said:
Lydia said:
I'm happy this was helpful :) From a reply below, I wanted to post here so it gets seen: You can even draw in Earth energy through your feet chakras as you do these asanas, for extra grounding.

Is that actually safe? And is it just the feet/feet chakras or is it 'inhaled' up to the base?
This (drawing up energy from the earth through the feet chakras) is on the JoS, so yes it's safe. Unless you thought I wrote draw earth energy into the feet, I wrote through the feet. Meaning, into the soul or the base, wherever the person needs it. I should have clarified further.

One Wire Phenomenon said:
No, I never made any audio things. To my knowledge there are 2 other SS with my name that they use for their email usernames but have different usernames for the forums. I'm Lydia Orion in one email address, another SS is Lydia Strong but I think she changed it to something else to avoid confusion.

Very nice that you have owl babies :) This is common, people helping others inadvertently, so perhaps I was guided to help you, but not consciously.

Yes perhaps :)
Back again after following this for a few days and I can't tell you how amazing it's been working out for me already. I had no idea how much of a release my hips and lower body needed like this and had no idea how blocked and stiff the energies and energy flow were around there and my base chakra. Doing this while listening to some nice deep thunder ambience (thunder being the sound the base chakra makes) is definitely something else.

That kind of free stability it gives while doing this is absolutely amazing, it's so centering in a way I can't describe, but I wish I easily held fast onto that perception and stability well after the exercises, perhaps with consistency though and some other related workings of fluidity it could very well be. Thank you again so very much for this Lydia, it's proving a huge help to me in the current matters I've been dealing with, and especially in trying to find means to seriously centre myself a week or so ago after finally deciding to entirely tune out of the psychic chaos I'd been dealing with for far too many years on this path.

Much appreciated. I see you'll also be going with these in succession to the chakras, I will be waiting patiently for your yoga posts that help with the heart and throat chakra. Such a seemingly 'simple' contribution is actually quite a huge deal to me here and I'm sure others here as well.
I've been meaning to ask a question about this! :?
I seem to have a lot of repressed anger within me. However, I've been wanting to release all this anger in the RTRs (which unfortunately I'm having a difficulty to do so).

Will these asanas "extinguish" the anger completely, or will they help me to be able to easily release this anger in the RTRs?
Lydia said:
I'm happy this was helpful :) From a reply below, I wanted to post here so it gets seen: You can even draw in Earth energy through your feet chakras as you do these asanas, for extra grounding.

Specter said:
Grounding with yoga is so incredibly important, especially for those of us who meditate and do RTR's. The physical is needed, focusing on the material body. You can even draw in Earth energy through your feet chakras as you do these asanas for extra grounding.

Thank you for that info I will put it to great use. I usually take the opportunity to do the feet empowering meditation whenever I'm at forests/reserve areas and it helps me become in tune with nature. The energy there is really pure as well as its grounding effect, and helps to get away from lots of stress from work.

Question regarding physical healing, my sacrum area(the part that sticks out along your spine) is a bit tilted inwards to the left, I noticed this a few months ago and think I remember the injury that must've caused it to be like this long time ago when I was small. It doesn't hurt or anything unless I try manually altering it but will this effect potential kundalini awakening in a major way?

If so, could you please recommend me some methods to correct this. The last exercise, reclined twist, actually showed a little improvement for awhile, so would it be okay to do it for one side only?
People also Get angry when their desires are not realised. I think things will flow naturally when the kikes are defeated. RTR!
Yagami Light said:
I've been meaning to ask a question about this! :?
I seem to have a lot of repressed anger within me. However, I've been wanting to release all this anger in the RTRs (which unfortunately I'm having a difficulty to do so).

Will these asanas "extinguish" the anger completely, or will they help me to be able to easily release this anger in the RTRs?

I'm glad you asked this as there may be others who aren't sure. Basically, a healthy and purified soul (including chakras) operates optimally and fully accesses the attributes of the chakras etc. What this means, is someone who is spiritually strong and pure, can have very strong anger to use for magick etc, and use it in the healthiest way under their control. Someone with repressed anger cannot use anger under their control, and it can remain "blocked".

Doing these asanas and a working will not extinguish the ability to feel and use anger. It will remove the repressed anger and any psychological issues or automatic negative reactions relating to it, and allow the person to "call upon" and use anger when they need it.

Specter said:
Question regarding physical healing, my sacrum area(the part that sticks out along your spine) is a bit tilted inwards to the left, I noticed this a few months ago and think I remember the injury that must've caused it to be like this long time ago when I was small. It doesn't hurt or anything unless I try manually altering it but will this effect potential kundalini awakening in a major way?

If so, could you please recommend me some methods to correct this. The last exercise, reclined twist, actually showed a little improvement for awhile, so would it be okay to do it for one side only?

I really can't advise or recommend anything, you would need to consult someone trained in this area. The muscle anatomy would also need to be taken into consideration. What I can say is that twisting asanas are generally to be performed on both sides, but perhaps in your case it is fine to do it on one side, or both sides but different lengths of time, but this is just theory. If it feels good to you for now then it might be fine.

As for kundalini, keep in mind that as we advance, the body heals itself. Physical healing is indeed a major part
of advancing. The Sun rules the spine, so perhaps a working with the Sun square when Sun enters Aries or Leo will be of benefit to you.
Finally got to try this. I have a lot of emotions I've repressed over the years and this actually really helped and I feel like a weight has been lifted. Thank you

Hail Satan
I had refrained from posting about this until I actually did it for a number of days.

Yoga has been one thing I always struggled being consistent with. Whenever I excitedly started a yoga routine, the next day I would somehow lose my motivation or drive to continue it, despite knowing how important Yoga is for SS.

That was until I tried this :) I’ve not missed any day and am looking forward to it each morning to continue this.

Feels like my base chakra was so stuck up it got in the way of my ability to practice yoga, and to fix that I had start from the base, which I didn’t know before, nor did I know how exactly to go about that since yoga was never my strong point.

Now working on the base first, this seems to slowly resolve and I can finally advance on the path of Yoga as well.

This is a life changer for me Lydia, and for others as well. Thank you so much for sharing your expertise on Yoga here with us.

I’m greatly looking forward to the day you have written on yoga for all major chakra’s, perhaps then it’s possible to make a yoga routine with asanas working on each chakra in ascending order, feels like that would be magnificent.

You are bringing us true spiritual satanic yoga, combining the knowledge of the soul with the knowledge of yoga seamlessly.

Once again thank you! You are an awesome SS!

Hail Satan!

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
