Bangla ( বাংলা ) Final Reverse Torah Ritual+ Killing Tetragrammaton RTR + Shattering Jewish Soul Protection RTR: (White Version) (Black Version)
Bengali/ Bangla Language is 6th largest spoken language and there are 27,26,17,254 people speak in Bengali language . Now they can do our Bangla Final Reverse Torah Ritual. Now, 27,26,17,254 Bengali people and more future Bengali generation people will fight with Jews until they are finished totally in the world and others world.
While translating all RTR into Bangla language (before and after), I faced many problems and diseases like Appendix operation, Bad dreams (Someone killing my dad and mom), Specially physic attacks dreams such as: "A green aura deity is staring at me at 1am/2:15am beside me ", "When I was talking with my cousin , I saw that on the head of my cousin a black aura deity with red tongue is staring me". I also faced physical attacks. When I was asleep, on 3am my washroom suddenly caught fire. Now I afraid to sleep at night. I am doing AOP+ Returning Curses. These all happening but not regularly, but still happening. I have changed my place and I am living at town . I hope All will be fine. Pray for me please.
Specially thanks to Soaring Eagle 666 [JG] for creating pages . I salute you.
And, My lion The Alchemist7,telephatically I thought about you then suddenly you reply me today. It is satanic brotherhood connection. I am free now. I will post translation from now.
Joy Bangla!!!!!
Hail SATANAS !!! (White Version) (Black Version)
Bengali/ Bangla Language is 6th largest spoken language and there are 27,26,17,254 people speak in Bengali language . Now they can do our Bangla Final Reverse Torah Ritual. Now, 27,26,17,254 Bengali people and more future Bengali generation people will fight with Jews until they are finished totally in the world and others world.
While translating all RTR into Bangla language (before and after), I faced many problems and diseases like Appendix operation, Bad dreams (Someone killing my dad and mom), Specially physic attacks dreams such as: "A green aura deity is staring at me at 1am/2:15am beside me ", "When I was talking with my cousin , I saw that on the head of my cousin a black aura deity with red tongue is staring me". I also faced physical attacks. When I was asleep, on 3am my washroom suddenly caught fire. Now I afraid to sleep at night. I am doing AOP+ Returning Curses. These all happening but not regularly, but still happening. I have changed my place and I am living at town . I hope All will be fine. Pray for me please.
Specially thanks to Soaring Eagle 666 [JG] for creating pages . I salute you.
And, My lion The Alchemist7,telephatically I thought about you then suddenly you reply me today. It is satanic brotherhood connection. I am free now. I will post translation from now.
Joy Bangla!!!!!
Hail SATANAS !!!