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Bad Karma.


New member
Apr 28, 2022
Hello. A question to ponder fellow satanists. What is Karma? I hear this word alot; yet it contradicts itself. Is karma the reaction to the action caused?

Like when you do bad then it comes back to you? What of karma from workings? Why would working a money spell produce karma yet you are hurting no one? Coz it is clearly stated in the JoS that workings always produce karma as the spell starts working.

@Lydia; Once commented that some powerful souls have a hard time since its easy for them to accumulate so much bad karma. What does that even mean? Why would a powerful soul have such a hard life? It seems unfair.

It is oftenly said that nature doesnt care. Meaning that doing evil wont mean evil comes back to you. So then what is karma? Is it not a way of nature saying I care. Will jews face bad karma?

If you kill someone deserving from a death spell or something will you face karma?

Deep clear Satanic answers please.
Hail Satan.
Karma is not retribution or punishment. That is just a meme and a corruption - "instant karma".

Basically, karma is the momentum one goes in, in a direction. In life, we work towards this, that or the other. The more effort and time and energy we put into that thing and that direction, whether good or bad, the more momentum builds-up behind it, pushing us into that thing more and more - for better or worse. See Child prodigies who can master music or art; see druggies who can... not master, but be enslaved by poison. The more one goes into a direction, good or bad, the more that builds up more and more momentum - and the so much more and more harder and harder it is to smash the brakes on and try to come to a loud and painful screeching halt...then to attempt to try to change direction.

I think it's worth thinking about karma as being the momentum driving us, then pushing us, then forcing us into a direction, a way. Like attracts like; what we do, that increases. What we think about consumes us; thoughts become things; where the Mind goes, Energy flows. We take actions and do things. The energies of emotion are very powerful to help us to be better or to help us be worse, in our actions. If we set-off into a good or a bad direction, then the more we go there, the more we go there, and the ever-increasingly-more we are there, whether good or bad.

I think of karma as freight and momentum. Karma is a lorry full of product. Karma is a freight train full of resources. It can be very heavy and the momentum carries the vehicle (of one's life). We can change our karma, by starting a new thing - but the previous karma might outweigh and overshadow this new karma; thus, it is so effing difficult to improve or change. We might overshoot the train station or miss a turning on the motorway, because we're going too quickly and the momentum and weight we are carrying (burdens on our shoulders, etc.) are too heavy. We might derail while going too quickly around a bend...

This can also be from past lives. Any thing or things we have done, or things which have been done to or against us, all adds in to our karma. Sometimes, karma 'seeds' are planted. It has to start somewhere, then increase. After a karma seed is planted, later in life, or in a future life, these seeds sprout and grow and do good or bad things. Part of the meditations is to burn these seeds, so that they cannot begin to grow, so that we are not left to fate or destiny; that we can make our World our World - both our own individual personal Worlds, and also the Planet Earth and further afield.
I think there is also Racial karma and Familial karma. A Child born into their first life/incarnation, while a fresh slate, has things that inevitably cause actions and directions in their young life, then older life, then reincarnated lives. Where the person lives, environment, upbringing, their Racial blood... all have influence upon them. Their Astrology also can help or hinder them; thus, creating and installing, over time, karma and directions for, or against, them.
Think of karma like a vector, there is a direction and there is a speed. Everything that you ever do, it is going in some direction. Every time you do something, you are going in that direction. If you always go the same way, you end up very far in that direction and it becomes more permanent. And in your next life, you will also have a tendency to keep going in that same direction.

This is for everything. Good things, and bad things, and neutral things. For example, drinking alcohol is going in the direction of alcohol. It may be relatively safe at first if it is only a small amount, but every time you do it you are going in that direction. Eventually, when the person has gone far enough in that direction, an addiction would have a higher chance of forming and they may become an alcoholic. This would also make it more likely for them to also be an alcoholic in their next life time.

But it also works for good things. If you are always practicing a certain skill or talent, you are going in the direction of making that skill stronger. Eventually, when you have gone very far in that direction, you have built up a very strong talent. Examples of this can be being a musician or an athlete, or anything else that requires a very large amount of skill and practice. Then in your next life time, this same skill will be easier for you than it would be for other people, because in your soul you have already done much of the work. This is why, for example, there are some very young children like 8 years old who can play piano at the highest level, and can perfectly play complicated songs like they are in an orchestra. They have the highest level of talent. This is because they surely have practiced that piano every day for multiple different life times in a row. They have practiced for hundreds of years in past lives, and this practice stays in their soul. So in this life, they have remembered and they have kept that level of skill. And they got back up to that highest level of skill after only practicing for a couple years at a young age.

This is also for personality. If you have a certain personality trait, and this is a big part of who you are, then you are going far in this direction. In next lives, you will be born with this same personality trait, and you will continue having this kind of personality. There may be small changes, if you choose to practice other different personality traits than you will go some amount towards those other traits. But you will mostly stay in whatever way you have spent the most time being.

Somebody who is always very nice and caring, they will always be this way. Someone who is always mean and hateful, they will always be that way. But a nice person can become mean if they spend enough time practicing being mean. And a hateful person can become nice and caring, if they spend enough time practicing being a nicer person.

Anything that you do every day, that is the direction you are going. If you always go the same direction, you will eventually become so far in that direction that it will become permanent and it will become very hard to ever change it. An example of bad karma would be somebody who has addictions. If someone has an entire lifetime where they are addicted to drugs, it will be very high chance of them being addicted to drugs in the next life time. And this will be a very strong force that is much harder to act against, because this force has been building up for a long time. If they spend another entire lifetime of being addicted to drugs, then it is basically permanent. The force keeps building stronger all the time, and after enough lifetimes of that force, it would be very difficult to go against it.
FancyMancy said:
Karma is not retribution or punishment. That is just a meme and a corruption - "instant karma".

Basically, karma is the momentum one goes in, in a direction. In life, we work towards this, that or the other. The more effort and time and energy we put into that thing and that direction, whether good or bad, the more momentum builds-up behind it, pushing us into that thing more and more - for better or worse. See Child prodigies who can master music or art; see druggies who can... not master, but be enslaved by poison. The more one goes into a direction, good or bad, the more that builds up more and more momentum - and the so much more and more harder and harder it is to smash the brakes on and try to come to a loud and painful screeching halt...then to attempt to try to change direction.

I think it's worth thinking about karma as being the momentum driving us, then pushing us, then forcing us into a direction, a way. Like attracts like; what we do, that increases. What we think about consumes us; thoughts become things; where the Mind goes, Energy flows. We take actions and do things. The energies of emotion are very powerful to help us to be better or to help us be worse, in our actions. If we set-off into a good or a bad direction, then the more we go there, the more we go there, and the ever-increasingly-more we are there, whether good or bad.

I think of karma as freight and momentum. Karma is a lorry full of product. Karma is a freight train full of resources. It can be very heavy and the momentum carries the vehicle (of one's life). We can change our karma, by starting a new thing - but the previous karma might outweigh and overshadow this new karma; thus, it is so effing difficult to improve or change. We might overshoot the train station or miss a turning on the motorway, because we're going too quickly and the momentum and weight we are carrying (burdens on our shoulders, etc.) are too heavy. We might derail while going too quickly around a bend...

This can also be from past lives. Any thing or things we have done, or things which have been done to or against us, all adds in to our karma. Sometimes, karma 'seeds' are planted. It has to start somewhere, then increase. After a karma seed is planted, later in life, or in a future life, these seeds sprout and grow and do good or bad things. Part of the meditations is to burn these seeds, so that they cannot begin to grow, so that we are not left to fate or destiny; that we can make our World our World - both our own individual personal Worlds, and also the Planet Earth and further afield.

Thanks for your good and understandable answer. Very nice.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Think of karma like a vector, there is a direction and there is a speed. Everything that you ever do, it is going in some direction. Every time you do something, you are going in that direction. If you always go the same way, you end up very far in that direction and it becomes more permanent. And in your next life, you will also have a tendency to keep going in that same direction.

This is for everything. Good things, and bad things, and neutral things. For example, drinking alcohol is going in the direction of alcohol. It may be relatively safe at first if it is only a small amount, but every time you do it you are going in that direction. Eventually, when the person has gone far enough in that direction, an addiction would have a higher chance of forming and they may become an alcoholic. This would also make it more likely for them to also be an alcoholic in their next life time.

But it also works for good things. If you are always practicing a certain skill or talent, you are going in the direction of making that skill stronger. Eventually, when you have gone very far in that direction, you have built up a very strong talent. Examples of this can be being a musician or an athlete, or anything else that requires a very large amount of skill and practice. Then in your next life time, this same skill will be easier for you than it would be for other people, because in your soul you have already done much of the work. This is why, for example, there are some very young children like 8 years old who can play piano at the highest level, and can perfectly play complicated songs like they are in an orchestra. They have the highest level of talent. This is because they surely have practiced that piano every day for multiple different life times in a row. They have practiced for hundreds of years in past lives, and this practice stays in their soul. So in this life, they have remembered and they have kept that level of skill. And they got back up to that highest level of skill after only practicing for a couple years at a young age.

This is also for personality. If you have a certain personality trait, and this is a big part of who you are, then you are going far in this direction. In next lives, you will be born with this same personality trait, and you will continue having this kind of personality. There may be small changes, if you choose to practice other different personality traits than you will go some amount towards those other traits. But you will mostly stay in whatever way you have spent the most time being.

Somebody who is always very nice and caring, they will always be this way. Someone who is always mean and hateful, they will always be that way. But a nice person can become mean if they spend enough time practicing being mean. And a hateful person can become nice and caring, if they spend enough time practicing being a nicer person.

Anything that you do every day, that is the direction you are going. If you always go the same direction, you will eventually become so far in that direction that it will become permanent and it will become very hard to ever change it. An example of bad karma would be somebody who has addictions. If someone has an entire lifetime where they are addicted to drugs, it will be very high chance of them being addicted to drugs in the next life time. And this will be a very strong force that is much harder to act against, because this force has been building up for a long time. If they spend another entire lifetime of being addicted to drugs, then it is basically permanent. The force keeps building stronger all the time, and after enough lifetimes of that force, it would be very difficult to go against it.

Thank you for such a good Explanation. Very well put. Thank you.
If karma being twisted the way it has to mean life itself takes rewards/punishments into its own hands; then what would be a more proper word for that? Example: was working and one of the guys was making fun of the boss for getting splattered in milk, not even an hour later he got splattered even worse then the boss did(was hilarious).

If this isn't karma in the traditional sense, what would the word for it be?

Positive example: You give a homeless person the last of your pocket cash and end up finding 4x that not long later.
Curious666 said:
@Lydia; Once commented that some powerful souls have a hard time since its easy for them to accumulate so much bad karma. What does that even mean? Why would a powerful soul have such a hard life? It seems unfair.

I'm pretty sure I would have said old souls, not "powerful" souls....
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=348975 time=1651211157 user_id=57]
Curious666 said:
@Lydia; Once commented that some powerful souls have a hard time since its easy for them to accumulate so much bad karma. What does that even mean? Why would a powerful soul have such a hard life? It seems unfair.

I'm pretty sure I would have said old souls, not "powerful" souls....

Yes, since powerful souls would be able to defy their karma better because they are, well, more powerful. But the old souls means they have went through many many lifetimes but that does not necessarily mean they have any more power because of that. Many deluded people who have been muslims or xians have been so for many lifetimes, and each lifetime their soul get weaker and weaker until they cant reincarnate and their soul literally ceases to exist due to the complete absence of bioelectricty in their soul...
FancyMancy said:
I think there is also Racial karma and Familial karma. A Child born into their first life/incarnation, while a fresh slate, has things that inevitably cause actions and directions in their young life, then older life, then reincarnated lives. Where the person lives, environment, upbringing, their Racial blood... all have influence upon them. Their Astrology also can help or hinder them; thus, creating and installing, over time, karma and directions for, or against, them.

like a Race becoming another Race or making more Races right?
FancyMancy said:
That should be instilling, but I suppose installing works.

FYI - I read previously what Ol argedco luciftias said about karma. He mentioned direction, and this is what helped me form my own understanding about karma. That's probably why his and my answers sound both very similar!

<o> said:
If karma being twisted the way it has to mean life itself takes rewards/punishments into its own hands; then what would be a more proper word for that? Example: was working and one of the guys was making fun of the boss for getting splattered in milk, not even an hour later he got splattered even worse then the boss did(was hilarious).

If this isn't karma in the traditional sense, what would the word for it be?

Positive example: You give a homeless person the last of your pocket cash and end up finding 4x that not long later.
Payback, retribution, tit-for-tat, prank... Good or bad luck. Chance, coincidence,happenstance. Not all things have to be divine and spiritual, you know? Lol.
FancyMancy said:
Payback, retribution, tit-for-tat, prank... Good or bad luck. Chance, coincidence,happenstance. Not all things have to be divine and spiritual, you know? Lol.

Never viewd karma in a spiritual sense due to the new age version of it being retribution/reward; 2 words of which I'll use in place now.
<o> said:
Positive example: You give a homeless person the last of your pocket cash and end up finding 4x that not long later.

Actually no. That's the hindu corrupted version of karma.

Giving the last of your money to a homeless person, would result in you potentially not having much money in your next life. Certainly some homeless people are decent people who just had some bad luck and deserve help (especially if they have children), but many are druggies and/or too lazy to get a job. So, giving your money to such a person, who will probably not spend it on anything worthwhile, will generate bad financial karma for you, as it shows a lack of responsibility and wisdom regarding money.

Now, on the other hand, doing something to create jobs for people, to build them up to where they can build their own wealth, this would create a lot of positive karma for you. Helping others to help themselves, is one of the highest and most noble things we can do.

Having sound financial wisdom and being responsible with it, and generating more wealth, will build good financial karma for you, and you will likely have wealth in your next life. That's how karma works. The same goes for karma regarding love, friendship, everything in life. What you work at and put your energy into, you reap what you sow. That's karma.
Lydia [JG said:
" post_id=349306 time=1651297069 user_id=57]
<o> said:
Positive example: You give a homeless person the last of your pocket cash and end up finding 4x that not long later.

Actually no. That's the hindu corrupted version of karma.

Giving the last of your money to a homeless person, would result in you potentially not having much money in your next life. Certainly some homeless people are decent people who just had some bad luck and deserve help (especially if they have children), but many are druggies and/or too lazy to get a job. So, giving your money to such a person, who will probably not spend it on anything worthwhile, will generate bad financial karma for you, as it shows a lack of responsibility and wisdom regarding money.

Now, on the other hand, doing something to create jobs for people, to build them up to where they can build their own wealth, this would create a lot of positive karma for you. Helping others to help themselves, is one of the highest and most noble things we can do.

Having sound financial wisdom and being responsible with it, and generating more wealth, will build good financial karma for you, and you will likely have wealth in your next life. That's how karma works. The same goes for karma regarding love, friendship, everything in life. What you work at and put your energy into, you reap what you sow. That's karma.

Wow. I am scared alittle bit after reading this. Damn. So Basically everything my Birthchart shows about mylife is all the directions i took in my past life. Like if i am poor, i was poor? If i dont have many friends i was not having friends in the past? Whatever issue i have in my love life, i had it in the past?

What about curses from the enemy in this lifetime? For example there sometimes bad things happen to me and i clearly know that this is not who i am, i struggle but nothing. Then i come to understand its curses. So my main question is how do you basically get to separate curses from karma? How do you get to know whatever it is that is happening to you, you have had this shit for a longtime? And then these stuffs happening are from the enemy himself?

What about physical properties? If i was A tall white Gentile in past life, will i be a short one in the next? Or vice versa? Beauty? Strength? And the list goes on?

So powerful souls would easily be flexible and fix whatever is happening in their life. Which is a good thing.
Crystallized Mushroom said:
FancyMancy said:
I think there is also Racial karma and Familial karma. A Child born into their first life/incarnation, while a fresh slate, has things that inevitably cause actions and directions in their young life, then older life, then reincarnated lives. Where the person lives, environment, upbringing, their Racial blood... all have influence upon them. Their Astrology also can help or hinder them; thus, creating and installing, over time, karma and directions for, or against, them.

like a Race becoming another Race or making more Races right?
We can't change Races.
FancyMancy said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
FancyMancy said:
I think there is also Racial karma and Familial karma. A Child born into their first life/incarnation, while a fresh slate, has things that inevitably cause actions and directions in their young life, then older life, then reincarnated lives. Where the person lives, environment, upbringing, their Racial blood... all have influence upon them. Their Astrology also can help or hinder them; thus, creating and installing, over time, karma and directions for, or against, them.

like a Race becoming another Race or making more Races right?
We can't change Races.
i was told that Arabs can turn into another Race if they choose to over time and that you can make a Race
Karma is information. It is everything about everything, because everything has it’s own information, otherwise it wouldn’t exist. So the the same information causes things to happen and to react, according to the type of information accordingly object will behave and affect others. But karma is on countless levels, even information of green color of a leaf is it’s karma, because for example color will affects how interacting animals with it behaves, and in simple words, that what it makes a leaf to look like that. If one is doing something, no matter what where and with whom, it is his karma also, because it is the same information about that action, but that karma is his karma because it is he who is doing, it means he acts his karma. You will act accordingly to information that you have gathered, that is your karma. There is a lot of layers of karma, starting from karma that you are creating for yourself now and gathered throughout your past lives, and ending at karma where existence of single cell started, every cell have its own karma otherwise it wouldn’t interact to each other to make you live.

Now for the powerful souls it’s easy to create bad karma is because these souls are interacting with life so intensely and vibrant, that alot of astral shit will want to benefit from it. It means that countless negative entities will try to get your attention, to make their role happen by your energy. That’s why we need to advance ourselves, so that in these situations we should not give in for negative karma, this is why strong control of yourself, thoughts and emotions has to be established, because when you are strong soul, it is question of time when you will get nice idea to act upon it, and later it will turn out into what is bad karma for you or others, for this awareness is needed also, but this is only one of countless examples only. For next example if you are spiritually dirty, not clean, but you are powerful, it will be more easy to make yourself bad karma, because that shit will try to act it out when it gets favourable situation.
FancyMancy said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
FancyMancy said:
I think there is also Racial karma and Familial karma. A Child born into their first life/incarnation, while a fresh slate, has things that inevitably cause actions and directions in their young life, then older life, then reincarnated lives. Where the person lives, environment, upbringing, their Racial blood... all have influence upon them. Their Astrology also can help or hinder them; thus, creating and installing, over time, karma and directions for, or against, them.

like a Race becoming another Race or making more Races right?
We can't change Races.
i remember being told on certain sermons here that new races have been made over time by mixing and environment and such
Crystallized Mushroom said:
FancyMancy said:
Crystallized Mushroom said:
like a Race becoming another Race or making more Races right?
We can't change Races.
i remember being told on certain sermons here that new races have been made over time by mixing and environment and such
People say "Human Race" when 1) there clearly is more than one Human Race, and 2) when they mean "Human Species". One can put chalk and cheese together, pound them both down to fine parts, and mix them together and cook them to form a cake of some sort... but it is still not a new proper thing. Maybe mix oil and water together enough so that they look like one continuous thing - they still aren't. Cleaning out the individuals' Souls of this new "race" will clean them up and help them be of whichever their dominant Soul Energies are, as per Race. i.e. the dominant Race will take precedence, and the individual will realise that they are of that respective Race.

If, for example, middle Americans are "a new race" or "a [new] sub-race", while being mixed of different things, then that chalk and cheese or oil and water mixture doesn't work. Mixtures don't make things better, necessarily; each Race has its strength; chalk is for one thing; cheese is for another; oil is for another; water is for another. It has also been said that such differences don't build-up; they bring down. I am thinking that the sermons stating that these "races" are 1) "new" and 2) "races" is trying to be sensitive, so as not to offend any mixed persons or people; a lot of people can't handle the truth, so the sermon, I expect, is being sensitive.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
