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Feb 27, 2019
Hello brothers and sisters.
An update.

I made up with my family, they missed me and also I wasn’t approached by the company I wanted to work with. (Inactive HR department) I also can’t work beside this Uni’s semester as I’m in a critical position to flunk and repeat the year. I have nothing to gain being away from home anymore.

Family is nice, mom quit some of her most stressful work and is feeling better and more positive. Made up with brother and sister they missed me.

Now on the positive side of being home:
-Back on track with translations.
-Back on track with meditations and yoga.
-Getting back in the gym and having more nutritious and healthy food.

It seems this Solar Return year is showing crazy instability in residence situation. But I’m growing exponentially and I’m safe so I’m glad.
I'm glad you're back home safe and everything is alright!
Hello brothers and sisters.
An update.

I made up with my family, they missed me and also I wasn’t approached by the company I wanted to work with. (Inactive HR department) I also can’t work beside this Uni’s semester as I’m in a critical position to flunk and repeat the year. I have nothing to gain being away from home anymore.

Family is nice, mom quit some of her most stressful work and is feeling better and more positive. Made up with brother and sister they missed me.

Now on the positive side of being home:
-Back on track with translations.
-Back on track with meditations and yoga.
-Getting back in the gym and having more nutritious and healthy food.

It seems this Solar Return year is showing crazy instability in residence situation. But I’m growing exponentially and I’m safe so I’m glad.

People underestimate how nice it can be to live with family. There's always this immense pressure to move out and be independent, but I honestly think it's overrated.

I much prefer contributing to my household and giving my money to my mother rather than some idiot landlord that barely offers living conditions and asks for 300 euros for a glorified cupboard.

Family isn't perfect but I only started to realise how much mine helps and cares for me until I was away for over a year. I'm glad that your familial situation is better now! 🤍
People underestimate how nice it can be to live with family. There's always this immense pressure to move out and be independent, but I honestly think it's overrated.

I much prefer contributing to my household and giving my money to my mother rather than some idiot landlord that barely offers living conditions and asks for 300 euros for a glorified cupboard.

Family isn't perfect but I only started to realise how much mine helps and cares for me until I was away for over a year. I'm glad that your familial situation is better now! 🤍
Unfortunately not everyone has such a luxury. Some peoples families are abusive or worse, so it is both better for them, their mental well being and their growth in spirituality to move out. I can attest to that.
Unfortunately not everyone has such a luxury. Some peoples families are abusive or worse, so it is both better for them, their mental well being and their growth in spirituality to move out. I can attest to that.

My father and uncle were like that, but at the moment I live with just my mother and another sibling. Of course, one should break away from abusive family — but if they're understanding and loving, I see no reason to distance yourself.

I saw a lot of SS hold resentment or distance themselves solely based on differences. I think that people who do have good families should be grateful and nurture the bond with them, as not everyone gets the opportunity to do that.
It seems this Solar Return year is showing crazy instability in residence situation. But I’m growing exponentially and I’m safe so I’m glad.

I really wanted to take a moment to respond to you. Obviously I am really very happy that you are well, you are a great person and an excellent Satanist. You deserve it.

But what I wanted to say is this: I saw some of your other threads. I never responded precisely because I knew where this bad story was going to go, and now I'm glad I can take you as an example for something like this, I think it can help a lot of people.

You went through a really horrendous time, it seemed like there was no solution and you were apparently destined to suffer. And instead you're okay now. It's ALWAYS THAT way even for the threads that people usually open where "what a bad situation, so suicide!"

Bad things always seem like final condemnations, but they never are. They are just times when someone can grow with a good excuse to make the best of it. By exalting the negativity of a situation, you will have to exalt your strength and positivity. It will make you grow.

There is really no exception to this... there is really no problem that a Satanist cannot solve and that is a "death sentence without due process." Did you think you were like this when you weren't? And are you now as you were when you were like this? No. Here, let new members remember this well before they think of suicide or accept the defeat of their lives...
I really wanted to take a moment to respond to you. Obviously I am really very happy that you are well, you are a great person and an excellent Satanist. You deserve it.

But what I wanted to say is this: I saw some of your other threads. I never responded precisely because I knew where this bad story was going to go, and now I'm glad I can take you as an example for something like this, I think it can help a lot of people.

You went through a really horrendous time, it seemed like there was no solution and you were apparently destined to suffer. And instead you're okay now. It's ALWAYS THAT way even for the threads that people usually open where "what a bad situation, so suicide!"

Bad things always seem like final condemnations, but they never are. They are just times when someone can grow with a good excuse to make the best of it. By exalting the negativity of a situation, you will have to exalt your strength and positivity. It will make you grow.

There is really no exception to this... there is really no problem that a Satanist cannot solve and that is a "death sentence without due process." Did you think you were like this when you weren't? And are you now as you were when you were like this? No. Here, let new members remember this well before they think of suicide or accept the defeat of their lives...
Yes brother! Everything happens for a reason, life can be chaotic and complex but I’m glad I had the community and the Gods.♥️
My father and uncle were like that, but at the moment I live with just my mother and another sibling. Of course, one should break away from abusive family — but if they're understanding and loving, I see no reason to distance yourself.

I saw a lot of SS hold resentment or distance themselves solely based on differences. I think that people who do have good families should be grateful and nurture the bond with them, as not everyone gets the opportunity to do that.
I'm sorry your uncle and father are like that.

And I agree with you. They should.
I had the misfortune of having both bad planetary placements for family and being born into a family that never wanted me and abused me since I was a baby, while my siblings were the "golden children".
Brother.. honestly... I am truly and very glad and happy that your situation in your life has settled down for the better, you're a good guy from what I've seen and I wish and send you all of my positive energies , whatever your name is , wherever you are. You're also doing a great work, not only with yourself but by helping others, keep it up and stay strong!

It's good that company didn’t reach out to you, as the circumstances weren’t meant for them to do so. Maybe if they had, you wouldn’t be with your family now. As for what I told you last time, if you remember, sometimes—and in most cases—it’s not wise to react impulsively and emotionally. Sometimes, it’s better to give time its time.

I was alone for 18 years since I was born, and even then, I didn’t do anything against them. I thought that maybe time would sort things out, and now, here I am, living with my family, and we are all happy. Of course, arguments and conflicts will still arise, but family is family—no one truly wishes harm upon another. Remember that.
And also.. fuck that company , their loss.
It's more important that you're safe and with your family and happy, this helps you more towards your spiritual journey than a job ever could.
I really wanted to take a moment to respond to you. Obviously I am really very happy that you are well, you are a great person and an excellent Satanist. You deserve it.

But what I wanted to say is this: I saw some of your other threads. I never responded precisely because I knew where this bad story was going to go, and now I'm glad I can take you as an example for something like this, I think it can help a lot of people.

You went through a really horrendous time, it seemed like there was no solution and you were apparently destined to suffer. And instead you're okay now. It's ALWAYS THAT way even for the threads that people usually open where "what a bad situation, so suicide!"

Bad things always seem like final condemnations, but they never are. They are just times when someone can grow with a good excuse to make the best of it. By exalting the negativity of a situation, you will have to exalt your strength and positivity. It will make you grow.

There is really no exception to this... there is really no problem that a Satanist cannot solve and that is a "death sentence without due process." Did you think you were like this when you weren't? And are you now as you were when you were like this? No. Here, let new members remember this well before they think of suicide or accept the defeat of their lives...

I want to second this, there has been so many times I have been on the edge, heavily considering suicide, not a single dollar in my pocket and various abysmal circumstances, then what occurs is the Gods often will guide us promptly and we quickly exit these situations. I have stepped away from literal death and came back from this alive. Father Satanas and the Gods are very beautiful and amazing beings, they care so deeply for us and will be there when we need them the most.

Every time we reach a point where we feel there is no way out, there they are.. our beloved Daemons and our Creator God who is giving and loving beyond words.

It is exactly as you say here. I have experienced this first hand on many occasions.
While it can be hard being back with ones family, sometimes this is what is best for the time being. The Gods guide us in the best direction and resolution for us that we need, and often progress takes time.

Keep working strongly on your schooling and this will pay off a thousand fold, you can do this and you will exit this transitional period of your life a hundred times more strengthened and elevated from everything you have experienced.
My father and uncle were like that, but at the moment I live with just my mother and another sibling. Of course, one should break away from abusive family — but if they're understanding and loving, I see no reason to distance yourself.

I saw a lot of SS hold resentment or distance themselves solely based on differences. I think that people who do have good families should be grateful and nurture the bond with them, as not everyone gets the opportunity to do that.

What you said is true. Exactly the way you said it. And a lot of people miss years with relatives who then never return just because "Jesus Christ gets in the way," but that if we could just exclude him 10 seconds of the equation and understand that Jesus Christ present or Jesus Christ absent, Jesus Christ doesn't count for shit like any other Jewish asshole who has no right to ruin our families, we would be thankful for any grandpa or uncle even ultra-Catholic who nevertheless loves us.

About that:
Brother.. honestly... I am truly and very glad and happy that your situation in your life has settled down for the better, you're a good guy from what I've seen and I wish and send you all of my positive energies , whatever your name is , wherever you are. You're also doing a great work, not only with yourself but by helping others, keep it up and stay strong!

It's good that company didn’t reach out to you, as the circumstances weren’t meant for them to do so. Maybe if they had, you wouldn’t be with your family now. As for what I told you last time, if you remember, sometimes—and in most cases—it’s not wise to react impulsively and emotionally. Sometimes, it’s better to give time its time.

I was alone for 18 years since I was born, and even then, I didn’t do anything against them. I thought that maybe time would sort things out, and now, here I am, living with my family, and we are all happy. Of course, arguments and conflicts will still arise, but family is family—no one truly wishes harm upon another. Remember that.
Thank you!
And also.. fuck that company , their loss.
It's more important that you're safe and with your family and happy, this helps you more towards your spiritual journey than a job ever could.
It’s not that I wouldn’t be accepted, their HR department is just incredibly slow and lazy. I applied for a competitor in December and was accepted 2 days later, HRs were basically fighting for me because they earn a commission for each person they onboard. So I’m not bothered by this company not reaching out.
I am happy your Satanic routine starts again and you feel safe and stable, that is very needed.
However, one day you will leave family, this is a fact for most people. I would seriously consider why you seems constantly in a fight-reconcile pattern with them, when times will be more favorable for your to break free. I may be wrong and over-critic about family, for my own negative experience, but my feeling about your previous posts is the same, striving for freedom seems coming from the inside of you. I also spent months/years during the attempt of breaking free, in a quiet and stable situation with my family. How wrong was that (for me), but was the only choice possible at time.
Anyway good luck !
Glad you're getting back on track! It must be scary getting into a fight with the parent that clearly the "more caring one" and then having to leave, I been there. The Arabs need folks like you!
Hello brothers and sisters.
An update.

I made up with my family, they missed me and also I wasn’t approached by the company I wanted to work with. (Inactive HR department) I also can’t work beside this Uni’s semester as I’m in a critical position to flunk and repeat the year. I have nothing to gain being away from home anymore.

Family is nice, mom quit some of her most stressful work and is feeling better and more positive. Made up with brother and sister they missed me.

Now on the positive side of being home:
-Back on track with translations.
-Back on track with meditations and yoga.
-Getting back in the gym and having more nutritious and healthy food.

It seems this Solar Return year is showing crazy instability in residence situation. But I’m growing exponentially and I’m safe so I’m glad.
Your progress is traceable.Am truly happy for you.
May blessings keep flowing for you hopefully on all of us
هههههههههه لقد اصبحنا شبه البوذين منكتر مبنكرس جزاء كبير من حياتنا للتامل

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
