The same way you build an aura of protection around yourself, you can do to anyone. Just visualize the energy on them instead of yourself and program it the same way.
Thank You for the information. Let me give some examples then. I would be grateful if anyone could answer my questions as these seem important, and I hope the information given is going to be useful to other SS with children. Or those who plan to have children in the future.
So if I use an ALGIZ rune for my own protection, can I do the same for my children? For instance, if my child's name is Alice, then I can do the following working every day, can't I?
1. ALGIZ x 40. At the same time, visualize ALGIZ rune protecting my daughter, and visualize generic AoP around her as a white-gold powerful impenetrable barrier. Stronger than concrete, stronger than steel and any other material or (and) not material.
2. Affirm the following 9 times: "My daughter Alice is safe, secure, protected, powerful, strong and healthy in the most positive way for her. Her aura is constantly and continuously deflecting and repelling any and all negative energies, curses, bindings, hatred, ill will, thoughtforms, and destructive energy directed at her and is immediately returning those directly right back to the senders".
Would it be enough for her protection given it is done twice a day (in the morning and in the evening)?
Then, what about Aura Cleaning? Can it be done with proper visualization done for children, either? And more importantly, should it be done? Like this:
1. SURYA x 40. Visualize any dirt getting out from her aura and disappearing into absolute nothingness. Visualize aura becoming brighter and brighter of white-gold color.
2. Affirm the following 10 times: "My daughter's Alice's entire being and existence are completely cleansed from absolutely any impurity and blockages".