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Ayn Rand (plus a conversation with Thoth)

Pierce Talanski

New member
Mar 2, 2014
I've read quite a few of her excerpts, saw a couple interviews, and I must say that the thought that kept repeating in my head was "this is a horrible person". Her philosphy is called "objectivism", which is basically capitalism on steroids, which had a huge role to play in creating the shitstorm we're in now. While I do agree with her on one thing, too much alrtuism can in fact make one jaded over and insensitive to life, I don't think it's right to portray the disaster-relief workers as the bad guys, or to call altruism in general "evil".

Not only does she do this, she also promotes the philosophy of unrestricted greed, in other words, "I got what I want, fuck everyone else". Maybe it's just me, but at first I confused this for a Jewish mantra, even though Rand was the daughter or a Russian aristocrat that nearly, and should've, gotten his head blown off in the Russian Revolution. My point being, I personally see this bitch as disgusting and, Jewish or not, she undoubtedly laid the foundation for the Jews to come to power in the U.S., among other places, and we can see what a great job they're doing now that they have a stranglehold on basically the entire world [sarcasm].

However, this is just my personal opinion, and I have yet to find any evidence saying she was a Jew, however, I can't say I'd be surprised if she were. Anyway, after managing to control my anger, I looked at her philosophy of "objectivism" well... objectively. I came to the conclusion, that I reached through a bit of common sense, research, and observations of society in general, that her bullshit goes far beyond economics, it can be applied to just about every imaginable aspect of life. Just look at the music industry, it's all about essentially whoring yourself to the record companies and singing about bitches, money, rims, etc.

Same thing goes for politics; we elected a bunch of populist assholes (they all claimed to be 'men of the people') who have only self-interest at heart, and aren't going to change jack shit unless their corporate sponsors benefit from it. I personally see this as the worst area to apply Rand's philosophy, and there's a word for a government that doesn't serve the people themselves but only the people at the top, the "elite": dictatorship. Actually, 'plutocracy'/'kleptocracy', a government run by the rich/thieves, would be a better word for describing the governments in the U.S. and abroad.

I've also reached the conclusion that our degeneration of society, i.e. it's filled with greedy selfish assholes who wouldn't know spirituality if it kicked them in the face then took a shit on them, and while every society has people like this, it has become increasingly popular, and even expected to a large extent, to act this way, can be traced back to, you guessed it, Ayn Rand and her philosophy that would, and does, make the Jewish elite proud.
And yes, while the Jews have endorsed this philosphy and others like it for millenia, Rand made it so everybody can be a selfish elitist asshole, Jewish or not, just look at the agenda of the Tea-baggers (Tea Party), it's completely idiotic and counterproductive to anybody that isn't in the ruling elite. I mean, look at the 'trickle down theory', the idea that you should give money to the rich in hopes that they'll spend it and it'll boost the economy. Not only is this completely illogical, but it's also completely ineffective, as we could see when we look at Obama's bailout and stimulus attempts; what we're doing is actively participating in, well, fucking ourselves, while the Jewish and Xian elite laugh in our faces, yet most people are too sedated by reality t.v., music, etc. that pushes this very agenda through subliminal messaging to wake up and realize that there's a big dick in their ass, much less care; most people don't give a shit as long as Jersey Shore, a show about getting drunk, fighting, getting money, and fucking anything that can't get away fast enough, doesn't get cancelled.

Now it may seem that I'm essentially blaiming Ayn Rand for all the woes of the world. To be honest, I'm not; she wasn't the first one to come up with this outlook on life, however, she did make it widely popular, and it corrupted our system and systems around the world so much that it doesn't matter which party you vote for, the only thing that'll change it the corporate logo. In other words, the system is so fucked, it would take a man like Napoleon or his predecessors, who despised the Jewish elite and essentially booted them out of France before destroying what was left of the Vatican's empire, this is better known in the history books as 'The Reign of Terror', when average citizens executed the people who've fucked them over for centuries, and basically did the world a favor, well, not according to the Jewish propaganda-I mean 'history' books, to even begin to fix this situation. Until then, there's little we can do other than hope for another French Revolution, but on a global scale, where we rid the Jewish and Xian elites of their miserable existences, either through a firing squad or a jail cell; or better yet, we can actively bring about this revolution, which is already happening elsewhere in the world, i.e. Iceland. Also, for those of you who think this seems like some far-off fringe scheme, look around you; the seeds of rebellion have already been sewn, and dissention is rapidly increasing as more and more people are waking up to reality and the illusion that the elites have propped up are beginning to collapse on their heads. Thoth was right when he appeared to me in a dream, in which I had a brief conversation with him, as he actually managed to find some down-time, which is pretty rare seeing as how he's one of the busiest demons I've ever met, his answers are usually extremely brief and straightforward, and never more than a few sentences to a paragraph, the bare minimum to get his point across, "The question isn't 'if' the people are going to wake up and realize their opression by their Jewish and Xian overlords, it's 'when'; it's only a matter of time before the fictional reality that was created for the masses falls to shambles and they see what really goes on behind the curtain, and it's only a matter of time before we can officially claim victory over Jehovah; we've already won, we've got Jehovah in checkmate and he doesn't even know it, and it's only a matter of time before we finish him off, and that's when you guys play your part and oust the Xians and their cancerous religions for good." I asked him why they were taking so long.

He replied, "Patience my friend, it's a virtue, after all. The concept of time has little meaning in the astral, which is primarily where we're fighting Jehovah. Besides, you guys, humans in general, tend to live life in 'the fast lane' nowadays; most of you don't pay attention to anything for more than a few minutes, if it's a topic of interest, that is, and until you all grasp this concept, that results take time to manifest and that the Universe isn't a fast food restaraunt, you'll have a lot of trouble advancing spiritually, unlike your ancestors, who actually got the message; you too are struggling with this very issue, you're too impatient, which is why 'Dero' as you call him, the lesser demon that often times fills in for me whenever Seshat or someone else can't, or when it's an issue that doesn't require my immediate undivided attention, and I are helping you in the first place; it's an extremely valuable lesson that you, and virtually all of humanity, needs to learn."
I went on to ask him what his opinion was of Ayn Rand, as I heard the history channel make a reference to her; in fact, I'll just put up the dialogue.
Thoth (in response to my question): Well, let me put it this way, I can see why people would mistake her for a stereotypical Jew.
Me: What do you mean?
Thoth: Look her up, there's a plethora of information on her. Ironically, most people don't agree with her philosophy, or at least don't want to admit it, yet often times follow it down to the letter. In fact, I'm kind of glad you've mentioned her, because it involves yet another lesson humanity needs to learn: there's more to life than money, like, for example, spiritualism, and, the very antithesis to Ayn's philosophy, altruism. To clarify, look at Duat, the place you've gone to several times when you were high, which, by the way, I don't condone or recommend.
Me (interrupting): Right, but if I'm having out of body experiences, doesn't that mean that weed helps with spiritual advancement, at least to an extent?
Thoth: Seeing as how I like you, I'm going to be nice; don't interrupt me again, it's very impolite. And yes, you do have a point I must admit, although I've heard that one many times before. The high is only temporary, so when it wears off, you're right back at where you started, with little more than seeing a preview of what lies ahead and what you can achieve spiritually. All in all, putting in the extra effort to spiritually advance when you're not under the influence of some sort of drug pays off in the long run, mainly because a) you don't need that drug, or any for that matter, to achieve that level of spirituality and b) because you'll know what you're doing, and you'll be strong enough to repell any unwanted guests, like that one enemy servant that tried to possess you, and almost did because you were so out of it.
Me: Yeah, how did I manage to kick his ass again?
Thoth: Mainly by luck, he wasn't expecting you to go on the offensive and you caught him off guard. That's not to say you're completely helpless from a spiritual perspective, more often than not you can hold your own against Jehovah's lesser servants without me or anybody else having to lift a finger; unfortunately for you, your stoned misadventures have actually started to attract some attention from the higher echelons of Jehovah's forces, mainly because they notice the spike in energy that occurs and they see that you don't have a very good grasp on it, in other words, they think you're an easy target, and now they know you'll actually fight back, so next time you run into one of them, they'll likely be stronger than anything you've previously encountered, and prepared for a fight on top of that.
Me: So I guess that means I'm screwed, aren't I?
Thoth: Not exactly, you can still meditate and whatnot when you're sober, that way you have a fighting chance, and besides, I'm one of the most powerful 'demons' on Duat, which is why I'm not very big on physical intervention. Also, you have 'Dero' and even Azazel, on occasion, looking out for you. In other words, if we really needed to, we could help you out.
Me: Hold on, I have all of you guys looking out for me? Why am I so important?
Thoth: You're important to me for the same reasons Maxine is important to the big man (Lucifer), or why you 'Spiritual Satanists' are important to any of us: not only are you emissaries advocating the spiritual renewal and advancement of humanity, but you can also have a profound impact in the physical realm where, normally, our impact would be minimal. For example, we can steer you in the direction of ousting the Xian opressors, but you guys, humans, are the ones that have to do it. Basically, we can show you the door, and even show you how to open it, but it's ultimately you that has to go through it. Do you get my point? You're important because you, and everybody else for that matter, has a role to play in the near future, whether it's being a catalyst for change on a physical level, or whether it's waking people up on a spiritual one.
Me: That makes sense. Anyway, to change the subject, what's your opinion on the Illuminati?
Thoth: Which Illuminati? There's dozens of groups that use that name, all with differing agendas.
Me: The original one.
Thoth: Oh, the Bavarian Illuminati; for the most part, the history books are right, they're pretty much dead. There have been a few attempts at reviving the group, which were met varied success. Technically, it's still around, but extremely small and, for lack of a better term, useless.
Me: What about the guys the conspiracy theorists are always ranting about; you know, the New World Order guys?
Thoth: Those are our enemies, and they're mostly Xians, they're 'the ruling elite' as many of you call them; they're the super-rich who are selling you out to Jehovah in return for material gains; their goal is to have as much fun as possible, and control as many resources as possible, at the expense of you and anybody that isn't one of them. Granted, they don't call themselves 'Illuminati', and usually scoff at those who describe them with that name. As for the 'New World Order', this might be a bit of a shocker, there's really nothing new about it. It's basically the system we currently have, but extremely amplified; think something along the lines of feudalism during the Middle Ages, but much worse. A good portion of them also know about Jehovah and his agenda, and are actively trying to fulfill it, in hopes that they'll be even further rewarded when Jehovah claims your planet, although, truth be told, he'll screw them over in the end, the way he always does. Also, to finally get back to the original subject, they do support Ayn Rand, in fact, she was one of them, hence where she got her mentality from.
Me: Wait, you just said 'when Jehovah claims your planet', I thought we were winning.
Thoth: We are, just look around you. What I meant was that that's what happens in their ideal reality, something that's pretty much completely out of their grasp right now and has been for quite a while; Jehovah's just too stupid to realize he's already lost.
Me: Oh ok, you had me worried for a second. So to sum it all up, be patient, don't be a selfish prick, don't meditate under the influence, and death to the Illuminati.
Thoth: Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, I've enjoyed our little chat, but my break's over and I need to get back to work.
Me: You work too much, you know that?
Thoth: *laughs* I really do, don't I? But hey, it's like Confucius said 'If you have a job you love, you'll never work a whole day in your life." Quite frankly, I like writing, and apparently so do you from what I hear. Maybe you should make that your career choice, you know, become an author; you'd probably be fairly good at it. Besides, the pen, or nowadays the computer, is a great way to spread our message. Anyway, I'll see you around, maybe I'll even drop by the next time I have an actual break.
I really thank you for posting this- especially the part of your conversation with Thoth. This has helped me personally. I have been working on an important spiritual warfare project for quite some time now. Lilith basically stated the very same thing to me about humans helping humans and this earth. Everything she said to me makes much more sense now. There are times when we get to a very advanced level, we can feel alone in a sense, as the percentage of people who have similar experiences is very, very low. The vast majority of people do not experience what we experience and at an advanced level, this goes much further. I can't reveal any details, but thank you so much. You cleared up a lot for me with this post.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@... wrote:

I've read quite a few of her excerpts, saw a couple interviews, and I must say that the thought that kept repeating in my head was "this is a horrible person". Her philosphy is called "objectivism", which is basically capitalism on steroids, which had a huge role to play in creating the shitstorm we're in now. While I do agree with her on one thing, too much alrtuism can in fact make one jaded over and insensitive to life, I don't think it's right to portray the disaster-relief workers as the bad guys, or to call altruism in general "evil".

Not only does she do this, she also promotes the philosophy of unrestricted greed, in other words, "I got what I want, fuck everyone else". Maybe it's just me, but at first I confused this for a Jewish mantra, even though Rand was the daughter or a Russian aristocrat that nearly, and should've, gotten his head blown off in the Russian Revolution. My point being, I personally see this bitch as disgusting and, Jewish or not, she undoubtedly laid the foundation for the Jews to come to power in the U.S., among other places, and we can see what a great job they're doing now that they have a stranglehold on basically the entire world [sarcasm].

However, this is just my personal opinion, and I have yet to find any evidence saying she was a Jew, however, I can't say I'd be surprised if she were. Anyway, after managing to control my anger, I looked at her philosophy of "objectivism" well... objectively. I came to the conclusion, that I reached through a bit of common sense, research, and observations of society in general, that her bullshit goes far beyond economics, it can be applied to just about every imaginable aspect of life. Just look at the music industry, it's all about essentially whoring yourself to the record companies and singing about bitches, money, rims, etc.

Same thing goes for politics; we elected a bunch of populist assholes (they all claimed to be 'men of the people') who have only self-interest at heart, and aren't going to change jack shit unless their corporate sponsors benefit from it. I personally see this as the worst area to apply Rand's philosophy, and there's a word for a government that doesn't serve the people themselves but only the people at the top, the "elite": dictatorship. Actually, 'plutocracy'/'kleptocracy', a government run by the rich/thieves, would be a better word for describing the governments in the U.S. and abroad.

I've also reached the conclusion that our degeneration of society, i.e. it's filled with greedy selfish assholes who wouldn't know spirituality if it kicked them in the face then took a shit on them, and while every society has people like this, it has become increasingly popular, and even expected to a large extent, to act this way, can be traced back to, you guessed it, Ayn Rand and her philosophy that would, and does, make the Jewish elite proud.
And yes, while the Jews have endorsed this philosphy and others like it for millenia, Rand made it so everybody can be a selfish elitist asshole, Jewish or not, just look at the agenda of the Tea-baggers (Tea Party), it's completely idiotic and counterproductive to anybody that isn't in the ruling elite. I mean, look at the 'trickle down theory', the idea that you should give money to the rich in hopes that they'll spend it and it'll boost the economy. Not only is this completely illogical, but it's also completely ineffective, as we could see when we look at Obama's bailout and stimulus attempts; what we're doing is actively participating in, well, fucking ourselves, while the Jewish and Xian elite laugh in our faces, yet most people are too sedated by reality t.v., music, etc. that pushes this very agenda through subliminal messaging to wake up and realize that there's a big dick in their ass, much less care; most people don't give a shit as long
as Jersey Shore, a show about getting drunk, fighting, getting money, and fucking anything that can't get away fast enough, doesn't get cancelled.

Now it may seem that I'm essentially blaiming Ayn Rand for all the woes of the world. To be honest, I'm not; she wasn't the first one to come up with this outlook on life, however, she did make it widely popular, and it corrupted our system and systems around the world so much that it doesn't matter which party you vote for, the only thing that'll change it the corporate logo. In other words, the system is so fucked, it would take a man like Napoleon or his predecessors, who despised the Jewish elite and essentially booted them out of France before destroying what was left of the Vatican's empire, this is better known in the history books as 'The Reign of Terror', when average citizens executed the people who've fucked them over for centuries, and basically did the world a favor, well, not according to the Jewish propaganda-I mean 'history' books, to even begin to fix this situation. Until then, there's little we can do other than hope for another
French Revolution, but on a global scale, where we rid the Jewish and Xian elites of their miserable existences, either through a firing squad or a jail cell; or better yet, we can actively bring about this revolution, which is already happening elsewhere in the world, i.e. Iceland. Also, for those of you who think this seems like some far-off fringe scheme, look around you; the seeds of rebellion have already been sewn, and dissention is rapidly increasing as more and more people are waking up to reality and the illusion that the elites have propped up are beginning to collapse on their heads. Thoth was right when he appeared to me in a dream, in which I had a brief conversation with him, as he actually managed to find some down-time, which is pretty rare seeing as how he's one of the busiest demons I've ever met, his answers are usually extremely brief and straightforward, and never more than a few sentences to a paragraph, the bare minimum to get his
point across, "The question isn't 'if' the people are going to wake up and realize their opression by their Jewish and Xian overlords, it's 'when'; it's only a matter of time before the fictional reality that was created for the masses falls to shambles and they see what really goes on behind the curtain, and it's only a matter of time before we can officially claim victory over Jehovah; we've already won, we've got Jehovah in checkmate and he doesn't even know it, and it's only a matter of time before we finish him off, and that's when you guys play your part and oust the Xians and their cancerous religions for good." I asked him why they were taking so long.

He replied, "Patience my friend, it's a virtue, after all. The concept of time has little meaning in the astral, which is primarily where we're fighting Jehovah. Besides, you guys, humans in general, tend to live life in 'the fast lane' nowadays; most of you don't pay attention to anything for more than a few minutes, if it's a topic of interest, that is, and until you all grasp this concept, that results take time to manifest and that the Universe isn't a fast food restaraunt, you'll have a lot of trouble advancing spiritually, unlike your ancestors, who actually got the message; you too are struggling with this very issue, you're too impatient, which is why 'Dero' as you call him, the lesser demon that often times fills in for me whenever Seshat or someone else can't, or when it's an issue that doesn't require my immediate undivided attention, and I are helping you in the first place; it's an extremely valuable lesson that you, and virtually all of
humanity, needs to learn."
I went on to ask him what his opinion was of Ayn Rand, as I heard the history channel make a reference to her; in fact, I'll just put up the dialogue.
Thoth (in response to my question): Well, let me put it this way, I can see why people would mistake her for a stereotypical Jew.
Me: What do you mean?
Thoth: Look her up, there's a plethora of information on her. Ironically, most people don't agree with her philosophy, or at least don't want to admit it, yet often times follow it down to the letter. In fact, I'm kind of glad you've mentioned her, because it involves yet another lesson humanity needs to learn: there's more to life than money, like, for example, spiritualism, and, the very antithesis to Ayn's philosophy, altruism. To clarify, look at Duat, the place you've gone to several times when you were high, which, by the way, I don't condone or recommend.
Me (interrupting): Right, but if I'm having out of body experiences, doesn't that mean that weed helps with spiritual advancement, at least to an extent?
Thoth: Seeing as how I like you, I'm going to be nice; don't interrupt me again, it's very impolite. And yes, you do have a point I must admit, although I've heard that one many times before. The high is only temporary, so when it wears off, you're right back at where you started, with little more than seeing a preview of what lies ahead and what you can achieve spiritually. All in all, putting in the extra effort to spiritually advance when you're not under the influence of some sort of drug pays off in the long run, mainly because a) you don't need that drug, or any for that matter, to achieve that level of spirituality and b) because you'll know what you're doing, and you'll be strong enough to repell any unwanted guests, like that one enemy servant that tried to possess you, and almost did because you were so out of it.
Me: Yeah, how did I manage to kick his ass again?
Thoth: Mainly by luck, he wasn't expecting you to go on the offensive and you caught him off guard. That's not to say you're completely helpless from a spiritual perspective, more often than not you can hold your own against Jehovah's lesser servants without me or anybody else having to lift a finger; unfortunately for you, your stoned misadventures have actually started to attract some attention from the higher echelons of Jehovah's forces, mainly because they notice the spike in energy that occurs and they see that you don't have a very good grasp on it, in other words, they think you're an easy target, and now they know you'll actually fight back, so next time you run into one of them, they'll likely be stronger than anything you've previously encountered, and prepared for a fight on top of that.
Me: So I guess that means I'm screwed, aren't I?
Thoth: Not exactly, you can still meditate and whatnot when you're sober, that way you have a fighting chance, and besides, I'm one of the most powerful 'demons' on Duat, which is why I'm not very big on physical intervention. Also, you have 'Dero' and even Azazel, on occasion, looking out for you. In other words, if we really needed to, we could help you out.
Me: Hold on, I have all of you guys looking out for me? Why am I so important?
Thoth: You're important to me for the same reasons Maxine is important to the big man (Lucifer), or why you 'Spiritual Satanists' are important to any of us: not only are you emissaries advocating the spiritual renewal and advancement of humanity, but you can also have a profound impact in the physical realm where, normally, our impact would be minimal. For example, we can steer you in the direction of ousting the Xian opressors, but you guys, humans, are the ones that have to do it. Basically, we can show you the door, and even show you how to open it, but it's ultimately you that has to go through it. Do you get my point? You're important because you, and everybody else for that matter, has a role to play in the near future, whether it's being a catalyst for change on a physical level, or whether it's waking people up on a spiritual one.
Me: That makes sense. Anyway, to change the subject, what's your opinion on the Illuminati?
Thoth: Which Illuminati? There's dozens of groups that use that name, all with differing agendas.
Me: The original one.
Thoth: Oh, the Bavarian Illuminati; for the most part, the history books are right, they're pretty much dead. There have been a few attempts at reviving the group, which were met varied success. Technically, it's still around, but extremely small and, for lack of a better term, useless.
Me: What about the guys the conspiracy theorists are always ranting about; you know, the New World Order guys?
Thoth: Those are our enemies, and they're mostly Xians, they're 'the ruling elite' as many of you call them; they're the super-rich who are selling you out to Jehovah in return for material gains; their goal is to have as much fun as possible, and control as many resources as possible, at the expense of you and anybody that isn't one of them. Granted, they don't call themselves 'Illuminati', and usually scoff at those who describe them with that name. As for the 'New World Order', this might be a bit of a shocker, there's really nothing new about it. It's basically the system we currently have, but extremely amplified; think something along the lines of feudalism during the Middle Ages, but much worse. A good portion of them also know about Jehovah and his agenda, and are actively trying to fulfill it, in hopes that they'll be even further rewarded when Jehovah claims your planet, although, truth be told, he'll screw them over in the end, the way he
always does. Also, to finally get back to the original subject, they do support Ayn Rand, in fact, she was one of them, hence where she got her mentality from.
Me: Wait, you just said 'when Jehovah claims your planet', I thought we were winning.
Thoth: We are, just look around you. What I meant was that that's what happens in their ideal reality, something that's pretty much completely out of their grasp right now and has been for quite a while; Jehovah's just too stupid to realize he's already lost.
Me: Oh ok, you had me worried for a second. So to sum it all up, be patient, don't be a selfish prick, don't meditate under the influence, and death to the Illuminati.
Thoth: Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, I've enjoyed our little chat, but my break's over and I need to get back to work.
Me: You work too much, you know that?
Thoth: *laughs* I really do, don't I? But hey, it's like Confucius said 'If you have a job you love, you'll never work a whole day in your life." Quite frankly, I like writing, and apparently so do you from what I hear. Maybe you should make that your career choice, you know, become an author; you'd probably be fairly good at it. Besides, the pen, or nowadays the computer, is a great way to spread our message. Anyway, I'll see you around, maybe I'll even drop by the next time I have an actual break.
Here is part of an aritcle on Rand:
Rand" was born Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum in St. Petersburg, Russia.
 Ron Paul, like Alan Greenspan, was heavily influenced by the Russian Jewess "Ayn Rand". "Rand" was born Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1905. I became acquainted with Rosenbaum's subversive activities while battling against one of the most ardent modern proponents of her philosophies, a radical Zionist Jew who many years ago proposed the nuclear annihilation of Iran, and who defended Einstein's reputation with falsehoods and smears.
"Ayn Rand" came to America from Russia presenting herself as if a radical anti-Communist. Hers was the typical modus operandi of Bolshevik operatives working for an official Soviet organization known as  The Trust. These agents, many of them crypto-Jews, came to the West in search of anti-Communists and infiltrated anti-Communist organizations and Western intelligence agencies. Their objective was to forward the interests of Communism by creating a controlled opposition to Communism which would serve the interests of the Communists while pretending to fight them. They also subverted all authentic anti-Communist movements.
Rand promoted negative stereotypes of women, attacked homosexuals, advocated laissez faire Capitalism, and taught selfishness and disregard for humanity. She opposed charity and objected to any governmental assistance for those without means. She wanted to place America on the ruinous Gold Standard.
Rosenbaum's "good advice" to the blacks only held them back by preventing them from using the political process to forward their interests. Her good advice to the Goyim only held the Gentiles back, by making them selfish and irresponsible, and also by preventing them from using their government to better themselves and their neighbors. She taught the Gentiles to hate the poor, undermine the middle class and concentrate wealth in the hands of the wealthiest Jews, all in the name of "fighting Communism". Her "good advice" pitted Goys against one another at the time when they should have been helping one another to become successful. She taught Gentiles to shun any efforts to cooperate in their communities and improve the lot of one another.
While Jews famously provided communal support and charitable assistance for their own, Rosenbaum helped to create the destructive "me generation" attitudes in Americans,  weakened communities and inhibited the advancement of the poor and middle class. Her beliefs also fostered the drug culture, pornography and the destruction of public education. While Jews promoted strong community ties, Rosenbaum taught the Goyim to be selfish and "independent", meaning without any sense of social responsibility or communal cohesion.
While Jews wisely took from the public schools all they could, Frederick T. Gates, an agent of World Jewry, used Rockefeller/Rothschild money to finance institutions of higher learning which benefitted Jews, while promoting the idea that Gentile students should be readied for factory work and work as field hands and farmers. While World Jewry took the monies they stole from Gentiles and distributed them charitably to their own, Rosenbaum taught Gentiles to abandon all social responsibility, obsessively focus on themselves, and destroy all government institutions which better the lot of the American middle class and poor.
Alisa Rosenbaum's "anti-Communist" philosophies weakened Americans opening the door for Communism. I suspect she was an agent of "The Trust"..........

From: Pierce Talanski <ptalanski@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 1:50:30 AM
Subject: [Advanced_Meditation] Ayn Rand (plus a conversation with Thoth)

I've read quite a few of her excerpts, saw a couple interviews, and I must say that the thought that kept repeating in my head was "this is a horrible person". Her philosphy is called "objectivism", which is basically capitalism on steroids, which had a huge role to play in creating the shitstorm we're in now. While I do agree with her on one thing, too much alrtuism can in fact make one jaded over and insensitive to life, I don't think it's right to portray the disaster-relief workers as the bad guys, or to call altruism in general "evil".

Not only does she do this, she also promotes the philosophy of unrestricted greed, in other words, "I got what I want, fuck everyone else". Maybe it's just me, but at first I confused this for a Jewish mantra, even though Rand was the daughter or a Russian aristocrat that nearly, and should've, gotten his head blown off in the Russian Revolution. My point being, I personally see this bitch as disgusting and, Jewish or not, she undoubtedly laid the foundation for the Jews to come to power in the U.S., among other places, and we can see what a great job they're doing now that they have a stranglehold on basically the entire world [sarcasm].

However, this is just my personal opinion, and I have yet to find any evidence saying she was a Jew, however, I can't say I'd be surprised if she were. Anyway, after managing to control my anger, I looked at her philosophy of "objectivism" well... objectively. I came to the conclusion, that I reached through a bit of common sense, research, and observations of society in general, that her bullshit goes far beyond economics, it can be applied to just about every imaginable aspect of life. Just look at the music industry, it's all about essentially whoring yourself to the record companies and singing about bitches, money, rims, etc.

Same thing goes for politics; we elected a bunch of populist assholes (they all claimed to be 'men of the people') who have only self-interest at heart, and aren't going to change jack shit unless their corporate sponsors benefit from it. I personally see this as the worst area to apply Rand's philosophy, and there's a word for a government that doesn't serve the people themselves but only the people at the top, the "elite": dictatorship. Actually, 'plutocracy'/'kleptocracy', a government run by the rich/thieves, would be a better word for describing the governments in the U.S. and abroad.

I've also reached the conclusion that our degeneration of society, i.e. it's filled with greedy selfish assholes who wouldn't know spirituality if it kicked them in the face then took a shit on them, and while every society has people like this, it has become increasingly popular, and even expected to a large extent, to act this way, can be traced back to, you guessed it, Ayn Rand and her philosophy that would, and does, make the Jewish elite proud.
And yes, while the Jews have endorsed this philosphy and others like it for millenia, Rand made it so everybody can be a selfish elitist asshole, Jewish or not, just look at the agenda of the Tea-baggers (Tea Party), it's completely idiotic and counterproductive to anybody that isn't in the ruling elite. I mean, look at the 'trickle down theory', the idea that you should give money to the rich in hopes that they'll spend it and it'll boost the economy. Not only is this completely illogical, but it's also completely ineffective, as we could see when we look at Obama's bailout and stimulus attempts; what we're doing is actively participating in, well, fucking ourselves, while the Jewish and Xian elite laugh in our faces, yet most people are too sedated by reality t.v., music, etc. that pushes this very agenda through subliminal messaging to wake up and realize that there's a big dick in their ass, much less care; most people don't give a shit as long as
Jersey Shore, a show about getting drunk, fighting, getting money, and fucking anything that can't get away fast enough, doesn't get cancelled.

Now it may seem that I'm essentially blaiming Ayn Rand for all the woes of the world. To be honest, I'm not; she wasn't the first one to come up with this outlook on life, however, she did make it widely popular, and it corrupted our system and systems around the world so much that it doesn't matter which party you vote for, the only thing that'll change it the corporate logo. In other words, the system is so fucked, it would take a man like Napoleon or his predecessors, who despised the Jewish elite and essentially booted them out of France before destroying what was left of the Vatican's empire, this is better known in the history books as 'The Reign of Terror', when average citizens executed the people who've fucked them over for centuries, and basically did the world a favor, well, not according to the Jewish propaganda-I mean 'history' books, to even begin to fix this situation. Until then, there's little we can do other than hope for another French
Revolution, but on a global scale, where we rid the Jewish and Xian elites of their miserable existences, either through a firing squad or a jail cell; or better yet, we can actively bring about this revolution, which is already happening elsewhere in the world, i.e. Iceland. Also, for those of you who think this seems like some far-off fringe scheme, look around you; the seeds of rebellion have already been sewn, and dissention is rapidly increasing as more and more people are waking up to reality and the illusion that the elites have propped up are beginning to collapse on their heads. Thoth was right when he appeared to me in a dream, in which I had a brief conversation with him, as he actually managed to find some down-time, which is pretty rare seeing as how he's one of the busiest demons I've ever met, his answers are usually extremely brief and straightforward, and never more than a few sentences to a paragraph, the bare minimum to get his point
across, "The question isn't 'if' the people are going to wake up and realize their opression by their Jewish and Xian overlords, it's 'when'; it's only a matter of time before the fictional reality that was created for the masses falls to shambles and they see what really goes on behind the curtain, and it's only a matter of time before we can officially claim victory over Jehovah; we've already won, we've got Jehovah in checkmate and he doesn't even know it, and it's only a matter of time before we finish him off, and that's when you guys play your part and oust the Xians and their cancerous religions for good." I asked him why they were taking so long.

He replied, "Patience my friend, it's a virtue, after all. The concept of time has little meaning in the astral, which is primarily where we're fighting Jehovah. Besides, you guys, humans in general, tend to live life in 'the fast lane' nowadays; most of you don't pay attention to anything for more than a few minutes, if it's a topic of interest, that is, and until you all grasp this concept, that results take time to manifest and that the Universe isn't a fast food restaraunt, you'll have a lot of trouble advancing spiritually, unlike your ancestors, who actually got the message; you too are struggling with this very issue, you're too impatient, which is why 'Dero' as you call him, the lesser demon that often times fills in for me whenever Seshat or someone else can't, or when it's an issue that doesn't require my immediate undivided attention, and I are helping you in the first place; it's an extremely valuable lesson that you, and virtually all of
humanity, needs to learn."
I went on to ask him what his opinion was of Ayn Rand, as I heard the history channel make a reference to her; in fact, I'll just put up the dialogue.
Thoth (in response to my question): Well, let me put it this way, I can see why people would mistake her for a stereotypical Jew.
Me: What do you mean?
Thoth: Look her up, there's a plethora of information on her. Ironically, most people don't agree with her philosophy, or at least don't want to admit it, yet often times follow it down to the letter. In fact, I'm kind of glad you've mentioned her, because it involves yet another lesson humanity needs to learn: there's more to life than money, like, for example, spiritualism, and, the very antithesis to Ayn's philosophy, altruism. To clarify, look at Duat, the place you've gone to several times when you were high, which, by the way, I don't condone or recommend.
Me (interrupting): Right, but if I'm having out of body experiences, doesn't that mean that weed helps with spiritual advancement, at least to an extent?
Thoth: Seeing as how I like you, I'm going to be nice; don't interrupt me again, it's very impolite. And yes, you do have a point I must admit, although I've heard that one many times before. The high is only temporary, so when it wears off, you're right back at where you started, with little more than seeing a preview of what lies ahead and what you can achieve spiritually. All in all, putting in the extra effort to spiritually advance when you're not under the influence of some sort of drug pays off in the long run, mainly because a) you don't need that drug, or any for that matter, to achieve that level of spirituality and b) because you'll know what you're doing, and you'll be strong enough to repell any unwanted guests, like that one enemy servant that tried to possess you, and almost did because you were so out of it.
Me: Yeah, how did I manage to kick his ass again?
Thoth: Mainly by luck, he wasn't expecting you to go on the offensive and you caught him off guard. That's not to say you're completely helpless from a spiritual perspective, more often than not you can hold your own against Jehovah's lesser servants without me or anybody else having to lift a finger; unfortunately for you, your stoned misadventures have actually started to attract some attention from the higher echelons of Jehovah's forces, mainly because they notice the spike in energy that occurs and they see that you don't have a very good grasp on it, in other words, they think you're an easy target, and now they know you'll actually fight back, so next time you run into one of them, they'll likely be stronger than anything you've previously encountered, and prepared for a fight on top of that.
Me: So I guess that means I'm screwed, aren't I?
Thoth: Not exactly, you can still meditate and whatnot when you're sober, that way you have a fighting chance, and besides, I'm one of the most powerful 'demons' on Duat, which is why I'm not very big on physical intervention. Also, you have 'Dero' and even Azazel, on occasion, looking out for you. In other words, if we really needed to, we could help you out.
Me: Hold on, I have all of you guys looking out for me? Why am I so important?
Thoth: You're important to me for the same reasons Maxine is important to the big man (Lucifer), or why you 'Spiritual Satanists' are important to any of us: not only are you emissaries advocating the spiritual renewal and advancement of humanity, but you can also have a profound impact in the physical realm where, normally, our impact would be minimal. For example, we can steer you in the direction of ousting the Xian opressors, but you guys, humans, are the ones that have to do it. Basically, we can show you the door, and even show you how to open it, but it's ultimately you that has to go through it. Do you get my point? You're important because you, and everybody else for that matter, has a role to play in the near future, whether it's being a catalyst for change on a physical level, or whether it's waking people up on a spiritual one.
Me: That makes sense. Anyway, to change the subject, what's your opinion on the Illuminati?
Thoth: Which Illuminati? There's dozens of groups that use that name, all with differing agendas.
Me: The original one.
Thoth: Oh, the Bavarian Illuminati; for the most part, the history books are right, they're pretty much dead. There have been a few attempts at reviving the group, which were met varied success. Technically, it's still around, but extremely small and, for lack of a better term, useless.
Me: What about the guys the conspiracy theorists are always ranting about; you know, the New World Order guys?
Thoth: Those are our enemies, and they're mostly Xians, they're 'the ruling elite' as many of you call them; they're the super-rich who are selling you out to Jehovah in return for material gains; their goal is to have as much fun as possible, and control as many resources as possible, at the expense of you and anybody that isn't one of them. Granted, they don't call themselves 'Illuminati', and usually scoff at those who describe them with that name. As for the 'New World Order', this might be a bit of a shocker, there's really nothing new about it. It's basically the system we currently have, but extremely amplified; think something along the lines of feudalism during the Middle Ages, but much worse. A good portion of them also know about Jehovah and his agenda, and are actively trying to fulfill it, in hopes that they'll be even further rewarded when Jehovah claims your planet, although, truth be told, he'll screw them over in the end, the way he
always does. Also, to finally get back to the original subject, they do support Ayn Rand, in fact, she was one of them, hence where she got her mentality from.
Me: Wait, you just said 'when Jehovah claims your planet', I thought we were winning.
Thoth: We are, just look around you. What I meant was that that's what happens in their ideal reality, something that's pretty much completely out of their grasp right now and has been for quite a while; Jehovah's just too stupid to realize he's already lost.
Me: Oh ok, you had me worried for a second. So to sum it all up, be patient, don't be a selfish prick, don't meditate under the influence, and death to the Illuminati.
Thoth: Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, I've enjoyed our little chat, but my break's over and I need to get back to work.
Me: You work too much, you know that?
Thoth: *laughs* I really do, don't I? But hey, it's like Confucius said 'If you have a job you love, you'll never work a whole day in your life." Quite frankly, I like writing, and apparently so do you from what I hear. Maybe you should make that your career choice, you know, become an author; you'd probably be fairly good at it. Besides, the pen, or nowadays the computer, is a great way to spread our message. Anyway, I'll see you around, maybe I'll even drop by the next time I have an actual break.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
I'm happy to have helped. I mean I do talk to him whenever I get the chance, which isn't often, but still, I can post any other conversations I have with him if you want. I must admit, Thoth is a great guy and I really do enjoy working with him. However, I'm a little curious, what exactly did I clear up?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

I really thank you for posting this- especially the part of your conversation with Thoth. This has helped me personally. I have been working on an important spiritual warfare project for quite some time now. Lilith basically stated the very same thing to me about humans helping humans and this earth. Everything she said to me makes much more sense now. There are times when we get to a very advanced level, we can feel alone in a sense, as the percentage of people who have similar experiences is very, very low. The vast majority of people do not experience what we experience and at an advanced level, this goes much further. I can't reveal any details, but thank you so much. You cleared up a lot for me with this post.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@ wrote:

I've read quite a few of her excerpts, saw a couple interviews, and I must say that the thought that kept repeating in my head was "this is a horrible person". Her philosphy is called "objectivism", which is basically capitalism on steroids, which had a huge role to play in creating the shitstorm we're in now. While I do agree with her on one thing, too much alrtuism can in fact make one jaded over and insensitive to life, I don't think it's right to portray the disaster-relief workers as the bad guys, or to call altruism in general "evil".

Not only does she do this, she also promotes the philosophy of unrestricted greed, in other words, "I got what I want, fuck everyone else". Maybe it's just me, but at first I confused this for a Jewish mantra, even though Rand was the daughter or a Russian aristocrat that nearly, and should've, gotten his head blown off in the Russian Revolution. My point being, I personally see this bitch as disgusting and, Jewish or not, she undoubtedly laid the foundation for the Jews to come to power in the U.S., among other places, and we can see what a great job they're doing now that they have a stranglehold on basically the entire world [sarcasm].

However, this is just my personal opinion, and I have yet to find any evidence saying she was a Jew, however, I can't say I'd be surprised if she were. Anyway, after managing to control my anger, I looked at her philosophy of "objectivism" well... objectively. I came to the conclusion, that I reached through a bit of common sense, research, and observations of society in general, that her bullshit goes far beyond economics, it can be applied to just about every imaginable aspect of life. Just look at the music industry, it's all about essentially whoring yourself to the record companies and singing about bitches, money, rims, etc.

Same thing goes for politics; we elected a bunch of populist assholes (they all claimed to be 'men of the people') who have only self-interest at heart, and aren't going to change jack shit unless their corporate sponsors benefit from it. I personally see this as the worst area to apply Rand's philosophy, and there's a word for a government that doesn't serve the people themselves but only the people at the top, the "elite": dictatorship. Actually, 'plutocracy'/'kleptocracy', a government run by the rich/thieves, would be a better word for describing the governments in the U.S. and abroad.

I've also reached the conclusion that our degeneration of society, i.e. it's filled with greedy selfish assholes who wouldn't know spirituality if it kicked them in the face then took a shit on them, and while every society has people like this, it has become increasingly popular, and even expected to a large extent, to act this way, can be traced back to, you guessed it, Ayn Rand and her philosophy that would, and does, make the Jewish elite proud.
And yes, while the Jews have endorsed this philosphy and others like it for millenia, Rand made it so everybody can be a selfish elitist asshole, Jewish or not, just look at the agenda of the Tea-baggers (Tea Party), it's completely idiotic and counterproductive to anybody that isn't in the ruling elite. I mean, look at the 'trickle down theory', the idea that you should give money to the rich in hopes that they'll spend it and it'll boost the economy. Not only is this completely illogical, but it's also completely ineffective, as we could see when we look at Obama's bailout and stimulus attempts; what we're doing is actively participating in, well, fucking ourselves, while the Jewish and Xian elite laugh in our faces, yet most people are too sedated by reality t.v., music, etc. that pushes this very agenda through subliminal messaging to wake up and realize that there's a big dick in their ass, much less care; most people don't give a shit as long
as Jersey Shore, a show about getting drunk, fighting, getting money, and fucking anything that can't get away fast enough, doesn't get cancelled.

Now it may seem that I'm essentially blaiming Ayn Rand for all the woes of the world. To be honest, I'm not; she wasn't the first one to come up with this outlook on life, however, she did make it widely popular, and it corrupted our system and systems around the world so much that it doesn't matter which party you vote for, the only thing that'll change it the corporate logo. In other words, the system is so fucked, it would take a man like Napoleon or his predecessors, who despised the Jewish elite and essentially booted them out of France before destroying what was left of the Vatican's empire, this is better known in the history books as 'The Reign of Terror', when average citizens executed the people who've fucked them over for centuries, and basically did the world a favor, well, not according to the Jewish propaganda-I mean 'history' books, to even begin to fix this situation. Until then, there's little we can do other than hope for another
French Revolution, but on a global scale, where we rid the Jewish and Xian elites of their miserable existences, either through a firing squad or a jail cell; or better yet, we can actively bring about this revolution, which is already happening elsewhere in the world, i.e. Iceland. Also, for those of you who think this seems like some far-off fringe scheme, look around you; the seeds of rebellion have already been sewn, and dissention is rapidly increasing as more and more people are waking up to reality and the illusion that the elites have propped up are beginning to collapse on their heads. Thoth was right when he appeared to me in a dream, in which I had a brief conversation with him, as he actually managed to find some down-time, which is pretty rare seeing as how he's one of the busiest demons I've ever met, his answers are usually extremely brief and straightforward, and never more than a few sentences to a paragraph, the bare minimum to get his
point across, "The question isn't 'if' the people are going to wake up and realize their opression by their Jewish and Xian overlords, it's 'when'; it's only a matter of time before the fictional reality that was created for the masses falls to shambles and they see what really goes on behind the curtain, and it's only a matter of time before we can officially claim victory over Jehovah; we've already won, we've got Jehovah in checkmate and he doesn't even know it, and it's only a matter of time before we finish him off, and that's when you guys play your part and oust the Xians and their cancerous religions for good." I asked him why they were taking so long.

He replied, "Patience my friend, it's a virtue, after all. The concept of time has little meaning in the astral, which is primarily where we're fighting Jehovah. Besides, you guys, humans in general, tend to live life in 'the fast lane' nowadays; most of you don't pay attention to anything for more than a few minutes, if it's a topic of interest, that is, and until you all grasp this concept, that results take time to manifest and that the Universe isn't a fast food restaraunt, you'll have a lot of trouble advancing spiritually, unlike your ancestors, who actually got the message; you too are struggling with this very issue, you're too impatient, which is why 'Dero' as you call him, the lesser demon that often times fills in for me whenever Seshat or someone else can't, or when it's an issue that doesn't require my immediate undivided attention, and I are helping you in the first place; it's an extremely valuable lesson that you, and virtually all of
humanity, needs to learn."
I went on to ask him what his opinion was of Ayn Rand, as I heard the history channel make a reference to her; in fact, I'll just put up the dialogue.
Thoth (in response to my question): Well, let me put it this way, I can see why people would mistake her for a stereotypical Jew.
Me: What do you mean?
Thoth: Look her up, there's a plethora of information on her. Ironically, most people don't agree with her philosophy, or at least don't want to admit it, yet often times follow it down to the letter. In fact, I'm kind of glad you've mentioned her, because it involves yet another lesson humanity needs to learn: there's more to life than money, like, for example, spiritualism, and, the very antithesis to Ayn's philosophy, altruism. To clarify, look at Duat, the place you've gone to several times when you were high, which, by the way, I don't condone or recommend.
Me (interrupting): Right, but if I'm having out of body experiences, doesn't that mean that weed helps with spiritual advancement, at least to an extent?
Thoth: Seeing as how I like you, I'm going to be nice; don't interrupt me again, it's very impolite. And yes, you do have a point I must admit, although I've heard that one many times before. The high is only temporary, so when it wears off, you're right back at where you started, with little more than seeing a preview of what lies ahead and what you can achieve spiritually. All in all, putting in the extra effort to spiritually advance when you're not under the influence of some sort of drug pays off in the long run, mainly because a) you don't need that drug, or any for that matter, to achieve that level of spirituality and b) because you'll know what you're doing, and you'll be strong enough to repell any unwanted guests, like that one enemy servant that tried to possess you, and almost did because you were so out of it.
Me: Yeah, how did I manage to kick his ass again?
Thoth: Mainly by luck, he wasn't expecting you to go on the offensive and you caught him off guard. That's not to say you're completely helpless from a spiritual perspective, more often than not you can hold your own against Jehovah's lesser servants without me or anybody else having to lift a finger; unfortunately for you, your stoned misadventures have actually started to attract some attention from the higher echelons of Jehovah's forces, mainly because they notice the spike in energy that occurs and they see that you don't have a very good grasp on it, in other words, they think you're an easy target, and now they know you'll actually fight back, so next time you run into one of them, they'll likely be stronger than anything you've previously encountered, and prepared for a fight on top of that.
Me: So I guess that means I'm screwed, aren't I?
Thoth: Not exactly, you can still meditate and whatnot when you're sober, that way you have a fighting chance, and besides, I'm one of the most powerful 'demons' on Duat, which is why I'm not very big on physical intervention. Also, you have 'Dero' and even Azazel, on occasion, looking out for you. In other words, if we really needed to, we could help you out.
Me: Hold on, I have all of you guys looking out for me? Why am I so important?
Thoth: You're important to me for the same reasons Maxine is important to the big man (Lucifer), or why you 'Spiritual Satanists' are important to any of us: not only are you emissaries advocating the spiritual renewal and advancement of humanity, but you can also have a profound impact in the physical realm where, normally, our impact would be minimal. For example, we can steer you in the direction of ousting the Xian opressors, but you guys, humans, are the ones that have to do it. Basically, we can show you the door, and even show you how to open it, but it's ultimately you that has to go through it. Do you get my point? You're important because you, and everybody else for that matter, has a role to play in the near future, whether it's being a catalyst for change on a physical level, or whether it's waking people up on a spiritual one.
Me: That makes sense. Anyway, to change the subject, what's your opinion on the Illuminati?
Thoth: Which Illuminati? There's dozens of groups that use that name, all with differing agendas.
Me: The original one.
Thoth: Oh, the Bavarian Illuminati; for the most part, the history books are right, they're pretty much dead. There have been a few attempts at reviving the group, which were met varied success. Technically, it's still around, but extremely small and, for lack of a better term, useless.
Me: What about the guys the conspiracy theorists are always ranting about; you know, the New World Order guys?
Thoth: Those are our enemies, and they're mostly Xians, they're 'the ruling elite' as many of you call them; they're the super-rich who are selling you out to Jehovah in return for material gains; their goal is to have as much fun as possible, and control as many resources as possible, at the expense of you and anybody that isn't one of them. Granted, they don't call themselves 'Illuminati', and usually scoff at those who describe them with that name. As for the 'New World Order', this might be a bit of a shocker, there's really nothing new about it. It's basically the system we currently have, but extremely amplified; think something along the lines of feudalism during the Middle Ages, but much worse. A good portion of them also know about Jehovah and his agenda, and are actively trying to fulfill it, in hopes that they'll be even further rewarded when Jehovah claims your planet, although, truth be told, he'll screw them over in the end, the way he
always does. Also, to finally get back to the original subject, they do support Ayn Rand, in fact, she was one of them, hence where she got her mentality from.
Me: Wait, you just said 'when Jehovah claims your planet', I thought we were winning.
Thoth: We are, just look around you. What I meant was that that's what happens in their ideal reality, something that's pretty much completely out of their grasp right now and has been for quite a while; Jehovah's just too stupid to realize he's already lost.
Me: Oh ok, you had me worried for a second. So to sum it all up, be patient, don't be a selfish prick, don't meditate under the influence, and death to the Illuminati.
Thoth: Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, I've enjoyed our little chat, but my break's over and I need to get back to work.
Me: You work too much, you know that?
Thoth: *laughs* I really do, don't I? But hey, it's like Confucius said 'If you have a job you love, you'll never work a whole day in your life." Quite frankly, I like writing, and apparently so do you from what I hear. Maybe you should make that your career choice, you know, become an author; you'd probably be fairly good at it. Besides, the pen, or nowadays the computer, is a great way to spread our message. Anyway, I'll see you around, maybe I'll even drop by the next time I have an actual break.
Wow, from what I've gathered thru my research on Rand and her impact, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. With people like Rand promoting anti-communism, one can see why people would side with the USSR. As far as my views on communism go, I have mixed feelings about it. I've read the Communist Manifesto, and I can see why people would like with it; it's the antithesis to laisez faire capitalism and, perhaps in a utopian society, it might work to a degree. Unfortunately, seeing as how neither extreme capitalism aka Rand's objectivism aka secular Judaism nor communism seem to work when put onto anything but paper, it does beg the question, what form of government doesn't screw us over?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Here is part of an aritcle on Rand:
Rand" was born Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum in St. Petersburg, Russia.
 Ron Paul, like Alan Greenspan, was heavily influenced by the Russian Jewess "Ayn Rand". "Rand" was born Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1905. I became acquainted with Rosenbaum's subversive activities while battling against one of the most ardent modern proponents of her philosophies, a radical Zionist Jew who many years ago proposed the nuclear annihilation of Iran, and who defended Einstein's reputation with falsehoods and smears.
"Ayn Rand" came to America from Russia presenting herself as if a radical anti-Communist. Hers was the typical modus operandi of Bolshevik operatives working for an official Soviet organization known as  The Trust. These agents, many of them crypto-Jews, came to the West in search of anti-Communists and infiltrated anti-Communist organizations and Western intelligence agencies. Their objective was to forward the interests of Communism by creating a controlled opposition to Communism which would serve the interests of the Communists while pretending to fight them. They also subverted all authentic anti-Communist movements.
Rand promoted negative stereotypes of women, attacked homosexuals, advocated laissez faire Capitalism, and taught selfishness and disregard for humanity. She opposed charity and objected to any governmental assistance for those without means. She wanted to place America on the ruinous Gold Standard.
Rosenbaum's "good advice" to the blacks only held them back by preventing them from using the political process to forward their interests. Her good advice to the Goyim only held the Gentiles back, by making them selfish and irresponsible, and also by preventing them from using their government to better themselves and their neighbors. She taught the Gentiles to hate the poor, undermine the middle class and concentrate wealth in the hands of the wealthiest Jews, all in the name of "fighting Communism". Her "good advice" pitted Goys against one another at the time when they should have been helping one another to become successful. She taught Gentiles to shun any efforts to cooperate in their communities and improve the lot of one another.
While Jews famously provided communal support and charitable assistance for their own, Rosenbaum helped to create the destructive "me generation" attitudes in Americans,  weakened communities and inhibited the advancement of the poor and middle class. Her beliefs also fostered the drug culture, pornography and the destruction of public education. While Jews promoted strong community ties, Rosenbaum taught the Goyim to be selfish and "independent", meaning without any sense of social responsibility or communal cohesion.
While Jews wisely took from the public schools all they could, Frederick T. Gates, an agent of World Jewry, used Rockefeller/Rothschild money to finance institutions of higher learning which benefitted Jews, while promoting the idea that Gentile students should be readied for factory work and work as field hands and farmers. While World Jewry took the monies they stole from Gentiles and distributed them charitably to their own, Rosenbaum taught Gentiles to abandon all social responsibility, obsessively focus on themselves, and destroy all government institutions which better the lot of the American middle class and poor.
Alisa Rosenbaum's "anti-Communist" philosophies weakened Americans opening the door for Communism. I suspect she was an agent of "The Trust"..........

From: Pierce Talanski <ptalanski@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 1:50:30 AM
Subject: [Advanced_Meditation] Ayn Rand (plus a conversation with Thoth)

I've read quite a few of her excerpts, saw a couple interviews, and I must say that the thought that kept repeating in my head was "this is a horrible person". Her philosphy is called "objectivism", which is basically capitalism on steroids, which had a huge role to play in creating the shitstorm we're in now. While I do agree with her on one thing, too much alrtuism can in fact make one jaded over and insensitive to life, I don't think it's right to portray the disaster-relief workers as the bad guys, or to call altruism in general "evil".

Not only does she do this, she also promotes the philosophy of unrestricted greed, in other words, "I got what I want, fuck everyone else". Maybe it's just me, but at first I confused this for a Jewish mantra, even though Rand was the daughter or a Russian aristocrat that nearly, and should've, gotten his head blown off in the Russian Revolution. My point being, I personally see this bitch as disgusting and, Jewish or not, she undoubtedly laid the foundation for the Jews to come to power in the U.S., among other places, and we can see what a great job they're doing now that they have a stranglehold on basically the entire world [sarcasm].

However, this is just my personal opinion, and I have yet to find any evidence saying she was a Jew, however, I can't say I'd be surprised if she were. Anyway, after managing to control my anger, I looked at her philosophy of "objectivism" well... objectively. I came to the conclusion, that I reached through a bit of common sense, research, and observations of society in general, that her bullshit goes far beyond economics, it can be applied to just about every imaginable aspect of life. Just look at the music industry, it's all about essentially whoring yourself to the record companies and singing about bitches, money, rims, etc.

Same thing goes for politics; we elected a bunch of populist assholes (they all claimed to be 'men of the people') who have only self-interest at heart, and aren't going to change jack shit unless their corporate sponsors benefit from it. I personally see this as the worst area to apply Rand's philosophy, and there's a word for a government that doesn't serve the people themselves but only the people at the top, the "elite": dictatorship. Actually, 'plutocracy'/'kleptocracy', a government run by the rich/thieves, would be a better word for describing the governments in the U.S. and abroad.

I've also reached the conclusion that our degeneration of society, i.e. it's filled with greedy selfish assholes who wouldn't know spirituality if it kicked them in the face then took a shit on them, and while every society has people like this, it has become increasingly popular, and even expected to a large extent, to act this way, can be traced back to, you guessed it, Ayn Rand and her philosophy that would, and does, make the Jewish elite proud.
And yes, while the Jews have endorsed this philosphy and others like it for millenia, Rand made it so everybody can be a selfish elitist asshole, Jewish or not, just look at the agenda of the Tea-baggers (Tea Party), it's completely idiotic and counterproductive to anybody that isn't in the ruling elite. I mean, look at the 'trickle down theory', the idea that you should give money to the rich in hopes that they'll spend it and it'll boost the economy. Not only is this completely illogical, but it's also completely ineffective, as we could see when we look at Obama's bailout and stimulus attempts; what we're doing is actively participating in, well, fucking ourselves, while the Jewish and Xian elite laugh in our faces, yet most people are too sedated by reality t.v., music, etc. that pushes this very agenda through subliminal messaging to wake up and realize that there's a big dick in their ass, much less care; most people don't give a shit as long as
Jersey Shore, a show about getting drunk, fighting, getting money, and fucking anything that can't get away fast enough, doesn't get cancelled.

Now it may seem that I'm essentially blaiming Ayn Rand for all the woes of the world. To be honest, I'm not; she wasn't the first one to come up with this outlook on life, however, she did make it widely popular, and it corrupted our system and systems around the world so much that it doesn't matter which party you vote for, the only thing that'll change it the corporate logo. In other words, the system is so fucked, it would take a man like Napoleon or his predecessors, who despised the Jewish elite and essentially booted them out of France before destroying what was left of the Vatican's empire, this is better known in the history books as 'The Reign of Terror', when average citizens executed the people who've fucked them over for centuries, and basically did the world a favor, well, not according to the Jewish propaganda-I mean 'history' books, to even begin to fix this situation. Until then, there's little we can do other than hope for another French
Revolution, but on a global scale, where we rid the Jewish and Xian elites of their miserable existences, either through a firing squad or a jail cell; or better yet, we can actively bring about this revolution, which is already happening elsewhere in the world, i.e. Iceland. Also, for those of you who think this seems like some far-off fringe scheme, look around you; the seeds of rebellion have already been sewn, and dissention is rapidly increasing as more and more people are waking up to reality and the illusion that the elites have propped up are beginning to collapse on their heads. Thoth was right when he appeared to me in a dream, in which I had a brief conversation with him, as he actually managed to find some down-time, which is pretty rare seeing as how he's one of the busiest demons I've ever met, his answers are usually extremely brief and straightforward, and never more than a few sentences to a paragraph, the bare minimum to get his point
across, "The question isn't 'if' the people are going to wake up and realize their opression by their Jewish and Xian overlords, it's 'when'; it's only a matter of time before the fictional reality that was created for the masses falls to shambles and they see what really goes on behind the curtain, and it's only a matter of time before we can officially claim victory over Jehovah; we've already won, we've got Jehovah in checkmate and he doesn't even know it, and it's only a matter of time before we finish him off, and that's when you guys play your part and oust the Xians and their cancerous religions for good." I asked him why they were taking so long.

He replied, "Patience my friend, it's a virtue, after all. The concept of time has little meaning in the astral, which is primarily where we're fighting Jehovah. Besides, you guys, humans in general, tend to live life in 'the fast lane' nowadays; most of you don't pay attention to anything for more than a few minutes, if it's a topic of interest, that is, and until you all grasp this concept, that results take time to manifest and that the Universe isn't a fast food restaraunt, you'll have a lot of trouble advancing spiritually, unlike your ancestors, who actually got the message; you too are struggling with this very issue, you're too impatient, which is why 'Dero' as you call him, the lesser demon that often times fills in for me whenever Seshat or someone else can't, or when it's an issue that doesn't require my immediate undivided attention, and I are helping you in the first place; it's an extremely valuable lesson that you, and virtually all of
humanity, needs to learn."
I went on to ask him what his opinion was of Ayn Rand, as I heard the history channel make a reference to her; in fact, I'll just put up the dialogue.
Thoth (in response to my question): Well, let me put it this way, I can see why people would mistake her for a stereotypical Jew.
Me: What do you mean?
Thoth: Look her up, there's a plethora of information on her. Ironically, most people don't agree with her philosophy, or at least don't want to admit it, yet often times follow it down to the letter. In fact, I'm kind of glad you've mentioned her, because it involves yet another lesson humanity needs to learn: there's more to life than money, like, for example, spiritualism, and, the very antithesis to Ayn's philosophy, altruism. To clarify, look at Duat, the place you've gone to several times when you were high, which, by the way, I don't condone or recommend.
Me (interrupting): Right, but if I'm having out of body experiences, doesn't that mean that weed helps with spiritual advancement, at least to an extent?
Thoth: Seeing as how I like you, I'm going to be nice; don't interrupt me again, it's very impolite. And yes, you do have a point I must admit, although I've heard that one many times before. The high is only temporary, so when it wears off, you're right back at where you started, with little more than seeing a preview of what lies ahead and what you can achieve spiritually. All in all, putting in the extra effort to spiritually advance when you're not under the influence of some sort of drug pays off in the long run, mainly because a) you don't need that drug, or any for that matter, to achieve that level of spirituality and b) because you'll know what you're doing, and you'll be strong enough to repell any unwanted guests, like that one enemy servant that tried to possess you, and almost did because you were so out of it.
Me: Yeah, how did I manage to kick his ass again?
Thoth: Mainly by luck, he wasn't expecting you to go on the offensive and you caught him off guard. That's not to say you're completely helpless from a spiritual perspective, more often than not you can hold your own against Jehovah's lesser servants without me or anybody else having to lift a finger; unfortunately for you, your stoned misadventures have actually started to attract some attention from the higher echelons of Jehovah's forces, mainly because they notice the spike in energy that occurs and they see that you don't have a very good grasp on it, in other words, they think you're an easy target, and now they know you'll actually fight back, so next time you run into one of them, they'll likely be stronger than anything you've previously encountered, and prepared for a fight on top of that.
Me: So I guess that means I'm screwed, aren't I?
Thoth: Not exactly, you can still meditate and whatnot when you're sober, that way you have a fighting chance, and besides, I'm one of the most powerful 'demons' on Duat, which is why I'm not very big on physical intervention. Also, you have 'Dero' and even Azazel, on occasion, looking out for you. In other words, if we really needed to, we could help you out.
Me: Hold on, I have all of you guys looking out for me? Why am I so important?
Thoth: You're important to me for the same reasons Maxine is important to the big man (Lucifer), or why you 'Spiritual Satanists' are important to any of us: not only are you emissaries advocating the spiritual renewal and advancement of humanity, but you can also have a profound impact in the physical realm where, normally, our impact would be minimal. For example, we can steer you in the direction of ousting the Xian opressors, but you guys, humans, are the ones that have to do it. Basically, we can show you the door, and even show you how to open it, but it's ultimately you that has to go through it. Do you get my point? You're important because you, and everybody else for that matter, has a role to play in the near future, whether it's being a catalyst for change on a physical level, or whether it's waking people up on a spiritual one.
Me: That makes sense. Anyway, to change the subject, what's your opinion on the Illuminati?
Thoth: Which Illuminati? There's dozens of groups that use that name, all with differing agendas.
Me: The original one.
Thoth: Oh, the Bavarian Illuminati; for the most part, the history books are right, they're pretty much dead. There have been a few attempts at reviving the group, which were met varied success. Technically, it's still around, but extremely small and, for lack of a better term, useless.
Me: What about the guys the conspiracy theorists are always ranting about; you know, the New World Order guys?
Thoth: Those are our enemies, and they're mostly Xians, they're 'the ruling elite' as many of you call them; they're the super-rich who are selling you out to Jehovah in return for material gains; their goal is to have as much fun as possible, and control as many resources as possible, at the expense of you and anybody that isn't one of them. Granted, they don't call themselves 'Illuminati', and usually scoff at those who describe them with that name. As for the 'New World Order', this might be a bit of a shocker, there's really nothing new about it. It's basically the system we currently have, but extremely amplified; think something along the lines of feudalism during the Middle Ages, but much worse. A good portion of them also know about Jehovah and his agenda, and are actively trying to fulfill it, in hopes that they'll be even further rewarded when Jehovah claims your planet, although, truth be told, he'll screw them over in the end, the way he
always does. Also, to finally get back to the original subject, they do support Ayn Rand, in fact, she was one of them, hence where she got her mentality from.
Me: Wait, you just said 'when Jehovah claims your planet', I thought we were winning.
Thoth: We are, just look around you. What I meant was that that's what happens in their ideal reality, something that's pretty much completely out of their grasp right now and has been for quite a while; Jehovah's just too stupid to realize he's already lost.
Me: Oh ok, you had me worried for a second. So to sum it all up, be patient, don't be a selfish prick, don't meditate under the influence, and death to the Illuminati.
Thoth: Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, I've enjoyed our little chat, but my break's over and I need to get back to work.
Me: You work too much, you know that?
Thoth: *laughs* I really do, don't I? But hey, it's like Confucius said 'If you have a job you love, you'll never work a whole day in your life." Quite frankly, I like writing, and apparently so do you from what I hear. Maybe you should make that your career choice, you know, become an author; you'd probably be fairly good at it. Besides, the pen, or nowadays the computer, is a great way to spread our message. Anyway, I'll see you around, maybe I'll even drop by the next time I have an actual break.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
    One plays offf the other the Jews used the excess of their capitalism to gain power and cause the problem in society to then get the peoples reaction and offer then their solution with Communism.
Most people in the East did not  side with the USSR, infact the Communists where a tiny minority in the Duma. So they kicked started a revolution to grab power and terrorized the populace into submission killing on mass or driving out those who still opposed them. The Reds just came into a town grabbed all the men and simply told them if they did not fight in the Reds they would kill their wives, mothers, and children if they refused to fight for Communism. The only reason the Jews won the Russia Revolution which lasted longer then the 2nd war was due to these tactics and massive funding from the Jew bankers that allowed them to equip the Red Army with massive amounts of the lastest and most advanced tech. And the Whites simply lacked a the leadership needed.
The other hidden hand is the Jews where working massive amounts of black magic against the Whites even before the war. It came out during the police investigation and trail of a  ritual murder case in Russia:
"It was stated the puncher marks done to the side of the child's head where done specifically for a special part of the ritual as a sacrifice so the Jews could overthrow the Czar."

Communism was never ment to work as stated that is just pandering to pain with promise of castles in the sky. To get the masses marching inline for the Jews to topple the Gentile power structures and elites. Leaving only the Jews in charge and a herd of dumb working masses, as the elites and middle classes are all killed in every sector, cutting the head off society and replacing it with a Jewish one.
It's a Talmudic political weapon to enact the "Promise of the Torah" just the same as xianity is. Jews lie what is new.
The USSR was simply the same old system as xianity was in its darkages, just in a more advanced program as they cut out the Gentile middle men and took the cross down and put up the hammer and sickle. And presented the people with a new line of Jews as holy icons. Instead of all the fiction Jews in xianity, they got all the living and once living Jews of the Party from Levi[marx] to Lenin and on.
Beyond acting as either a weaking agent or a power taking agent as the real and hidden function, all the social-economic-political systems that are popular will not work as claimed, they are built on a foundation of sand, they are fantasies. In the true sense they work as they where quietly intended to. Which is the opposite of the open claims.
What form of government does not screw us over? The fact is we have only had  Jewburment for the most part of the last thousand years. With the brief sparkle of the Founders which the Jews jumped into the mix to corrupt from the literal start and the 3rd Reich, to oppose the general rule of thumb.
The eternal law of life/nature is the magnetic or truth north to place as the locus of all systems. The ancient called this by different names but with the same understanding. This foundation where the roots which gave life to civilization for thousands of years till the enemy programs started to infest the planet. And hacked away at them.

From: Pierce Talanski <ptalanski@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Friday, August 12, 2011 1:55:10 AM
Subject: [Advanced_Meditation] Re: Ayn Rand (plus a conversation with Thoth)

Wow, from what I've gathered thru my research on Rand and her impact, you pretty much hit the nail on the head. With people like Rand promoting anti-communism, one can see why people would side with the USSR. As far as my views on communism go, I have mixed feelings about it. I've read the Communist Manifesto, and I can see why people would like with it; it's the antithesis to laisez faire capitalism and, perhaps in a utopian society, it might work to a degree. Unfortunately, seeing as how neither extreme capitalism aka Rand's objectivism aka secular Judaism nor communism seem to work when put onto anything but paper, it does beg the question, what form of government doesn't screw us over?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], Don Danko <mageson6666@... wrote:

Here is part of an aritcle on Rand:
Rand" was born Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum in St. Petersburg, Russia.
 Ron Paul, like Alan Greenspan, was heavily influenced by the Russian Jewess "Ayn Rand". "Rand" was born Alisa Zinov'yevna Rosenbaum in St. Petersburg, Russia, in 1905. I became acquainted with Rosenbaum's subversive activities while battling against one of the most ardent modern proponents of her philosophies, a radical Zionist Jew who many years ago proposed the nuclear annihilation of Iran, and who defended Einstein's reputation with falsehoods and smears.
"Ayn Rand" came to America from Russia presenting herself as if a radical anti-Communist. Hers was the typical modus operandi of Bolshevik operatives working for an official Soviet organization known as  The Trust. These agents, many of them crypto-Jews, came to the West in search of anti-Communists and infiltrated anti-Communist organizations and Western intelligence agencies. Their objective was to forward the interests of Communism by creating a controlled opposition to Communism which would serve the interests of the Communists while pretending to fight them. They also subverted all authentic anti-Communist movements.
Rand promoted negative stereotypes of women, attacked homosexuals, advocated laissez faire Capitalism, and taught selfishness and disregard for humanity. She opposed charity and objected to any governmental assistance for those without means. She wanted to place America on the ruinous Gold Standard.
Rosenbaum's "good advice" to the blacks only held them back by preventing them from using the political process to forward their interests. Her good advice to the Goyim only held the Gentiles back, by making them selfish and irresponsible, and also by preventing them from using their government to better themselves and their neighbors. She taught the Gentiles to hate the poor, undermine the middle class and concentrate wealth in the hands of the wealthiest Jews, all in the name of "fighting Communism". Her "good advice" pitted Goys against one another at the time when they should have been helping one another to become successful. She taught Gentiles to shun any efforts to cooperate in their communities and improve the lot of one another.
While Jews famously provided communal support and charitable assistance for their own, Rosenbaum helped to create the destructive "me generation" attitudes in Americans,  weakened communities and inhibited the advancement of the poor and middle class. Her beliefs also fostered the drug culture, pornography and the destruction of public education. While Jews promoted strong community ties, Rosenbaum taught the Goyim to be selfish and "independent", meaning without any sense of social responsibility or communal cohesion.
While Jews wisely took from the public schools all they could, Frederick T. Gates, an agent of World Jewry, used Rockefeller/Rothschild money to finance institutions of higher learning which benefitted Jews, while promoting the idea that Gentile students should be readied for factory work and work as field hands and farmers. While World Jewry took the monies they stole from Gentiles and distributed them charitably to their own, Rosenbaum taught Gentiles to abandon all social responsibility, obsessively focus on themselves, and destroy all government institutions which better the lot of the American middle class and poor.
Alisa Rosenbaum's "anti-Communist" philosophies weakened Americans opening the door for Communism. I suspect she was an agent of "The Trust"..........

From: Pierce Talanski <ptalanski@...
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Sent: Thursday, August 11, 2011 1:50:30 AM
Subject: [Advanced_Meditation] Ayn Rand (plus a conversation with Thoth)

I've read quite a few of her excerpts, saw a couple interviews, and I must say that the thought that kept repeating in my head was "this is a horrible person". Her philosphy is called "objectivism", which is basically capitalism on steroids, which had a huge role to play in creating the shitstorm we're in now. While I do agree with her on one thing, too much alrtuism can in fact make one jaded over and insensitive to life, I don't think it's right to portray the disaster-relief workers as the bad guys, or to call altruism in general "evil".

Not only does she do this, she also promotes the philosophy of unrestricted greed, in other words, "I got what I want, fuck everyone else". Maybe it's just me, but at first I confused this for a Jewish mantra, even though Rand was the daughter or a Russian aristocrat that nearly, and should've, gotten his head blown off in the Russian Revolution. My point being, I personally see this bitch as disgusting and, Jewish or not, she undoubtedly laid the foundation for the Jews to come to power in the U.S., among other places, and we can see what a great job they're doing now that they have a stranglehold on basically the entire world [sarcasm].

However, this is just my personal opinion, and I have yet to find any evidence saying she was a Jew, however, I can't say I'd be surprised if she were. Anyway, after managing to control my anger, I looked at her philosophy of "objectivism" well... objectively. I came to the conclusion, that I reached through a bit of common sense, research, and observations of society in general, that her bullshit goes far beyond economics, it can be applied to just about every imaginable aspect of life. Just look at the music industry, it's all about essentially whoring yourself to the record companies and singing about bitches, money, rims, etc.

Same thing goes for politics; we elected a bunch of populist assholes (they all claimed to be 'men of the people') who have only self-interest at heart, and aren't going to change jack shit unless their corporate sponsors benefit from it. I personally see this as the worst area to apply Rand's philosophy, and there's a word for a government that doesn't serve the people themselves but only the people at the top, the "elite": dictatorship. Actually, 'plutocracy'/'kleptocracy', a government run by the rich/thieves, would be a better word for describing the governments in the U.S. and abroad.

I've also reached the conclusion that our degeneration of society, i.e. it's filled with greedy selfish assholes who wouldn't know spirituality if it kicked them in the face then took a shit on them, and while every society has people like this, it has become increasingly popular, and even expected to a large extent, to act this way, can be traced back to, you guessed it, Ayn Rand and her philosophy that would, and does, make the Jewish elite proud.
And yes, while the Jews have endorsed this philosphy and others like it for millenia, Rand made it so everybody can be a selfish elitist asshole, Jewish or not, just look at the agenda of the Tea-baggers (Tea Party), it's completely idiotic and counterproductive to anybody that isn't in the ruling elite. I mean, look at the 'trickle down theory', the idea that you should give money to the rich in hopes that they'll spend it and it'll boost the economy. Not only is this completely illogical, but it's also completely ineffective, as we could see when we look at Obama's bailout and stimulus attempts; what we're doing is actively participating in, well, fucking ourselves, while the Jewish and Xian elite laugh in our faces, yet most people are too sedated by reality t.v., music, etc. that pushes this very agenda through subliminal messaging to wake up and realize that there's a big dick in their ass, much less care; most people don't give a shit as long as
Jersey Shore, a show about getting drunk, fighting, getting money, and fucking anything that can't get away fast enough, doesn't get cancelled.

Now it may seem that I'm essentially blaiming Ayn Rand for all the woes of the world. To be honest, I'm not; she wasn't the first one to come up with this outlook on life, however, she did make it widely popular, and it corrupted our system and systems around the world so much that it doesn't matter which party you vote for, the only thing that'll change it the corporate logo. In other words, the system is so fucked, it would take a man like Napoleon or his predecessors, who despised the Jewish elite and essentially booted them out of France before destroying what was left of the Vatican's empire, this is better known in the history books as 'The Reign of Terror', when average citizens executed the people who've fucked them over for centuries, and basically did the world a favor, well, not according to the Jewish propaganda-I mean 'history' books, to even begin to fix this situation. Until then, there's little we can do other than hope for another
Revolution, but on a global scale, where we rid the Jewish and Xian elites of their miserable existences, either through a firing squad or a jail cell; or better yet, we can actively bring about this revolution, which is already happening elsewhere in the world, i.e. Iceland. Also, for those of you who think this seems like some far-off fringe scheme, look around you; the seeds of rebellion have already been sewn, and dissention is rapidly increasing as more and more people are waking up to reality and the illusion that the elites have propped up are beginning to collapse on their heads. Thoth was right when he appeared to me in a dream, in which I had a brief conversation with him, as he actually managed to find some down-time, which is pretty rare seeing as how he's one of the busiest demons I've ever met, his answers are usually extremely brief and straightforward, and never more than a few sentences to a paragraph, the bare minimum to get his point
across, "The question isn't 'if' the people are going to wake up and realize their opression by their Jewish and Xian overlords, it's 'when'; it's only a matter of time before the fictional reality that was created for the masses falls to shambles and they see what really goes on behind the curtain, and it's only a matter of time before we can officially claim victory over Jehovah; we've already won, we've got Jehovah in checkmate and he doesn't even know it, and it's only a matter of time before we finish him off, and that's when you guys play your part and oust the Xians and their cancerous religions for good." I asked him why they were taking so long.

He replied, "Patience my friend, it's a virtue, after all. The concept of time has little meaning in the astral, which is primarily where we're fighting Jehovah. Besides, you guys, humans in general, tend to live life in 'the fast lane' nowadays; most of you don't pay attention to anything for more than a few minutes, if it's a topic of interest, that is, and until you all grasp this concept, that results take time to manifest and that the Universe isn't a fast food restaraunt, you'll have a lot of trouble advancing spiritually, unlike your ancestors, who actually got the message; you too are struggling with this very issue, you're too impatient, which is why 'Dero' as you call him, the lesser demon that often times fills in for me whenever Seshat or someone else can't, or when it's an issue that doesn't require my immediate undivided attention, and I are helping you in the first place; it's an extremely valuable lesson that you, and virtually all of
humanity, needs to learn."
I went on to ask him what his opinion was of Ayn Rand, as I heard the history channel make a reference to her; in fact, I'll just put up the dialogue.
Thoth (in response to my question): Well, let me put it this way, I can see why people would mistake her for a stereotypical Jew.
Me: What do you mean?
Thoth: Look her up, there's a plethora of information on her. Ironically, most people don't agree with her philosophy, or at least don't want to admit it, yet often times follow it down to the letter. In fact, I'm kind of glad you've mentioned her, because it involves yet another lesson humanity needs to learn: there's more to life than money, like, for example, spiritualism, and, the very antithesis to Ayn's philosophy, altruism. To clarify, look at Duat, the place you've gone to several times when you were high, which, by the way, I don't condone or recommend.
Me (interrupting): Right, but if I'm having out of body experiences, doesn't that mean that weed helps with spiritual advancement, at least to an extent?
Thoth: Seeing as how I like you, I'm going to be nice; don't interrupt me again, it's very impolite. And yes, you do have a point I must admit, although I've heard that one many times before. The high is only temporary, so when it wears off, you're right back at where you started, with little more than seeing a preview of what lies ahead and what you can achieve spiritually. All in all, putting in the extra effort to spiritually advance when you're not under the influence of some sort of drug pays off in the long run, mainly because a) you don't need that drug, or any for that matter, to achieve that level of spirituality and b) because you'll know what you're doing, and you'll be strong enough to repell any unwanted guests, like that one enemy servant that tried to possess you, and almost did because you were so out of it.
Me: Yeah, how did I manage to kick his ass again?
Thoth: Mainly by luck, he wasn't expecting you to go on the offensive and you caught him off guard. That's not to say you're completely helpless from a spiritual perspective, more often than not you can hold your own against Jehovah's lesser servants without me or anybody else having to lift a finger; unfortunately for you, your stoned misadventures have actually started to attract some attention from the higher echelons of Jehovah's forces, mainly because they notice the spike in energy that occurs and they see that you don't have a very good grasp on it, in other words, they think you're an easy target, and now they know you'll actually fight back, so next time you run into one of them, they'll likely be stronger than anything you've previously encountered, and prepared for a fight on top of that.
Me: So I guess that means I'm screwed, aren't I?
Thoth: Not exactly, you can still meditate and whatnot when you're sober, that way you have a fighting chance, and besides, I'm one of the most powerful 'demons' on Duat, which is why I'm not very big on physical intervention. Also, you have 'Dero' and even Azazel, on occasion, looking out for you. In other words, if we really needed to, we could help you out.
Me: Hold on, I have all of you guys looking out for me? Why am I so important?
Thoth: You're important to me for the same reasons Maxine is important to the big man (Lucifer), or why you 'Spiritual Satanists' are important to any of us: not only are you emissaries advocating the spiritual renewal and advancement of humanity, but you can also have a profound impact in the physical realm where, normally, our impact would be minimal. For example, we can steer you in the direction of ousting the Xian opressors, but you guys, humans, are the ones that have to do it. Basically, we can show you the door, and even show you how to open it, but it's ultimately you that has to go through it. Do you get my point? You're important because you, and everybody else for that matter, has a role to play in the near future, whether it's being a catalyst for change on a physical level, or whether it's waking people up on a spiritual one.
Me: That makes sense. Anyway, to change the subject, what's your opinion on the Illuminati?
Thoth: Which Illuminati? There's dozens of groups that use that name, all with differing agendas.
Me: The original one.
Thoth: Oh, the Bavarian Illuminati; for the most part, the history books are right, they're pretty much dead. There have been a few attempts at reviving the group, which were met varied success. Technically, it's still around, but extremely small and, for lack of a better term, useless.
Me: What about the guys the conspiracy theorists are always ranting about; you know, the New World Order guys?
Thoth: Those are our enemies, and they're mostly Xians, they're 'the ruling elite' as many of you call them; they're the super-rich who are selling you out to Jehovah in return for material gains; their goal is to have as much fun as possible, and control as many resources as possible, at the expense of you and anybody that isn't one of them. Granted, they don't call themselves 'Illuminati', and usually scoff at those who describe them with that name. As for the 'New World Order', this might be a bit of a shocker, there's really nothing new about it. It's basically the system we currently have, but extremely amplified; think something along the lines of feudalism during the Middle Ages, but much worse. A good portion of them also know about Jehovah and his agenda, and are actively trying to fulfill it, in hopes that they'll be even further rewarded when Jehovah claims your planet, although, truth be told, he'll screw them over in the end, the way he
always does. Also, to finally get back to the original subject, they do support Ayn Rand, in fact, she was one of them, hence where she got her mentality from.
Me: Wait, you just said 'when Jehovah claims your planet', I thought we were winning.
Thoth: We are, just look around you. What I meant was that that's what happens in their ideal reality, something that's pretty much completely out of their grasp right now and has been for quite a while; Jehovah's just too stupid to realize he's already lost.
Me: Oh ok, you had me worried for a second. So to sum it all up, be patient, don't be a selfish prick, don't meditate under the influence, and death to the Illuminati.
Thoth: Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, I've enjoyed our little chat, but my break's over and I need to get back to work.
Me: You work too much, you know that?
Thoth: *laughs* I really do, don't I? But hey, it's like Confucius said 'If you have a job you love, you'll never work a whole day in your life." Quite frankly, I like writing, and apparently so do you from what I hear. Maybe you should make that your career choice, you know, become an author; you'd probably be fairly good at it. Besides, the pen, or nowadays the computer, is a great way to spread our message. Anyway, I'll see you around, maybe I'll even drop by the next time I have an actual break.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Pierce, that conversation with Thoth was amazing--I would love to hear any others you have with him, that you are willing to share...HS!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@... wrote:

I'm happy to have helped. I mean I do talk to him whenever I get the chance, which isn't often, but still, I can post any other conversations I have with him if you want. I must admit, Thoth is a great guy and I really do enjoy working with him. However, I'm a little curious, what exactly did I clear up?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I really thank you for posting this- especially the part of your conversation with Thoth. This has helped me personally. I have been working on an important spiritual warfare project for quite some time now. Lilith basically stated the very same thing to me about humans helping humans and this earth. Everything she said to me makes much more sense now. There are times when we get to a very advanced level, we can feel alone in a sense, as the percentage of people who have similar experiences is very, very low. The vast majority of people do not experience what we experience and at an advanced level, this goes much further. I can't reveal any details, but thank you so much. You cleared up a lot for me with this post.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@ wrote:

I've read quite a few of her excerpts, saw a couple interviews, and I must say that the thought that kept repeating in my head was "this is a horrible person". Her philosphy is called "objectivism", which is basically capitalism on steroids, which had a huge role to play in creating the shitstorm we're in now. While I do agree with her on one thing, too much alrtuism can in fact make one jaded over and insensitive to life, I don't think it's right to portray the disaster-relief workers as the bad guys, or to call altruism in general "evil".

Not only does she do this, she also promotes the philosophy of unrestricted greed, in other words, "I got what I want, fuck everyone else". Maybe it's just me, but at first I confused this for a Jewish mantra, even though Rand was the daughter or a Russian aristocrat that nearly, and should've, gotten his head blown off in the Russian Revolution. My point being, I personally see this bitch as disgusting and, Jewish or not, she undoubtedly laid the foundation for the Jews to come to power in the U.S., among other places, and we can see what a great job they're doing now that they have a stranglehold on basically the entire world [sarcasm].

However, this is just my personal opinion, and I have yet to find any evidence saying she was a Jew, however, I can't say I'd be surprised if she were. Anyway, after managing to control my anger, I looked at her philosophy of "objectivism" well... objectively. I came to the conclusion, that I reached through a bit of common sense, research, and observations of society in general, that her bullshit goes far beyond economics, it can be applied to just about every imaginable aspect of life. Just look at the music industry, it's all about essentially whoring yourself to the record companies and singing about bitches, money, rims, etc.

Same thing goes for politics; we elected a bunch of populist assholes (they all claimed to be 'men of the people') who have only self-interest at heart, and aren't going to change jack shit unless their corporate sponsors benefit from it. I personally see this as the worst area to apply Rand's philosophy, and there's a word for a government that doesn't serve the people themselves but only the people at the top, the "elite": dictatorship. Actually, 'plutocracy'/'kleptocracy', a government run by the rich/thieves, would be a better word for describing the governments in the U.S. and abroad.

I've also reached the conclusion that our degeneration of society, i.e. it's filled with greedy selfish assholes who wouldn't know spirituality if it kicked them in the face then took a shit on them, and while every society has people like this, it has become increasingly popular, and even expected to a large extent, to act this way, can be traced back to, you guessed it, Ayn Rand and her philosophy that would, and does, make the Jewish elite proud.
And yes, while the Jews have endorsed this philosphy and others like it for millenia, Rand made it so everybody can be a selfish elitist asshole, Jewish or not, just look at the agenda of the Tea-baggers (Tea Party), it's completely idiotic and counterproductive to anybody that isn't in the ruling elite. I mean, look at the 'trickle down theory', the idea that you should give money to the rich in hopes that they'll spend it and it'll boost the economy. Not only is this completely illogical, but it's also completely ineffective, as we could see when we look at Obama's bailout and stimulus attempts; what we're doing is actively participating in, well, fucking ourselves, while the Jewish and Xian elite laugh in our faces, yet most people are too sedated by reality t.v., music, etc. that pushes this very agenda through subliminal messaging to wake up and realize that there's a big dick in their ass, much less care; most people don't give a shit as long
as Jersey Shore, a show about getting drunk, fighting, getting money, and fucking anything that can't get away fast enough, doesn't get cancelled.

Now it may seem that I'm essentially blaiming Ayn Rand for all the woes of the world. To be honest, I'm not; she wasn't the first one to come up with this outlook on life, however, she did make it widely popular, and it corrupted our system and systems around the world so much that it doesn't matter which party you vote for, the only thing that'll change it the corporate logo. In other words, the system is so fucked, it would take a man like Napoleon or his predecessors, who despised the Jewish elite and essentially booted them out of France before destroying what was left of the Vatican's empire, this is better known in the history books as 'The Reign of Terror', when average citizens executed the people who've fucked them over for centuries, and basically did the world a favor, well, not according to the Jewish propaganda-I mean 'history' books, to even begin to fix this situation. Until then, there's little we can do other than hope for another
French Revolution, but on a global scale, where we rid the Jewish and Xian elites of their miserable existences, either through a firing squad or a jail cell; or better yet, we can actively bring about this revolution, which is already happening elsewhere in the world, i.e. Iceland. Also, for those of you who think this seems like some far-off fringe scheme, look around you; the seeds of rebellion have already been sewn, and dissention is rapidly increasing as more and more people are waking up to reality and the illusion that the elites have propped up are beginning to collapse on their heads. Thoth was right when he appeared to me in a dream, in which I had a brief conversation with him, as he actually managed to find some down-time, which is pretty rare seeing as how he's one of the busiest demons I've ever met, his answers are usually extremely brief and straightforward, and never more than a few sentences to a paragraph, the bare minimum to get his
point across, "The question isn't 'if' the people are going to wake up and realize their opression by their Jewish and Xian overlords, it's 'when'; it's only a matter of time before the fictional reality that was created for the masses falls to shambles and they see what really goes on behind the curtain, and it's only a matter of time before we can officially claim victory over Jehovah; we've already won, we've got Jehovah in checkmate and he doesn't even know it, and it's only a matter of time before we finish him off, and that's when you guys play your part and oust the Xians and their cancerous religions for good." I asked him why they were taking so long.

He replied, "Patience my friend, it's a virtue, after all. The concept of time has little meaning in the astral, which is primarily where we're fighting Jehovah. Besides, you guys, humans in general, tend to live life in 'the fast lane' nowadays; most of you don't pay attention to anything for more than a few minutes, if it's a topic of interest, that is, and until you all grasp this concept, that results take time to manifest and that the Universe isn't a fast food restaraunt, you'll have a lot of trouble advancing spiritually, unlike your ancestors, who actually got the message; you too are struggling with this very issue, you're too impatient, which is why 'Dero' as you call him, the lesser demon that often times fills in for me whenever Seshat or someone else can't, or when it's an issue that doesn't require my immediate undivided attention, and I are helping you in the first place; it's an extremely valuable lesson that you, and virtually all of
humanity, needs to learn."
I went on to ask him what his opinion was of Ayn Rand, as I heard the history channel make a reference to her; in fact, I'll just put up the dialogue.
Thoth (in response to my question): Well, let me put it this way, I can see why people would mistake her for a stereotypical Jew.
Me: What do you mean?
Thoth: Look her up, there's a plethora of information on her. Ironically, most people don't agree with her philosophy, or at least don't want to admit it, yet often times follow it down to the letter. In fact, I'm kind of glad you've mentioned her, because it involves yet another lesson humanity needs to learn: there's more to life than money, like, for example, spiritualism, and, the very antithesis to Ayn's philosophy, altruism. To clarify, look at Duat, the place you've gone to several times when you were high, which, by the way, I don't condone or recommend.
Me (interrupting): Right, but if I'm having out of body experiences, doesn't that mean that weed helps with spiritual advancement, at least to an extent?
Thoth: Seeing as how I like you, I'm going to be nice; don't interrupt me again, it's very impolite. And yes, you do have a point I must admit, although I've heard that one many times before. The high is only temporary, so when it wears off, you're right back at where you started, with little more than seeing a preview of what lies ahead and what you can achieve spiritually. All in all, putting in the extra effort to spiritually advance when you're not under the influence of some sort of drug pays off in the long run, mainly because a) you don't need that drug, or any for that matter, to achieve that level of spirituality and b) because you'll know what you're doing, and you'll be strong enough to repell any unwanted guests, like that one enemy servant that tried to possess you, and almost did because you were so out of it.
Me: Yeah, how did I manage to kick his ass again?
Thoth: Mainly by luck, he wasn't expecting you to go on the offensive and you caught him off guard. That's not to say you're completely helpless from a spiritual perspective, more often than not you can hold your own against Jehovah's lesser servants without me or anybody else having to lift a finger; unfortunately for you, your stoned misadventures have actually started to attract some attention from the higher echelons of Jehovah's forces, mainly because they notice the spike in energy that occurs and they see that you don't have a very good grasp on it, in other words, they think you're an easy target, and now they know you'll actually fight back, so next time you run into one of them, they'll likely be stronger than anything you've previously encountered, and prepared for a fight on top of that.
Me: So I guess that means I'm screwed, aren't I?
Thoth: Not exactly, you can still meditate and whatnot when you're sober, that way you have a fighting chance, and besides, I'm one of the most powerful 'demons' on Duat, which is why I'm not very big on physical intervention. Also, you have 'Dero' and even Azazel, on occasion, looking out for you. In other words, if we really needed to, we could help you out.
Me: Hold on, I have all of you guys looking out for me? Why am I so important?
Thoth: You're important to me for the same reasons Maxine is important to the big man (Lucifer), or why you 'Spiritual Satanists' are important to any of us: not only are you emissaries advocating the spiritual renewal and advancement of humanity, but you can also have a profound impact in the physical realm where, normally, our impact would be minimal. For example, we can steer you in the direction of ousting the Xian opressors, but you guys, humans, are the ones that have to do it. Basically, we can show you the door, and even show you how to open it, but it's ultimately you that has to go through it. Do you get my point? You're important because you, and everybody else for that matter, has a role to play in the near future, whether it's being a catalyst for change on a physical level, or whether it's waking people up on a spiritual one.
Me: That makes sense. Anyway, to change the subject, what's your opinion on the Illuminati?
Thoth: Which Illuminati? There's dozens of groups that use that name, all with differing agendas.
Me: The original one.
Thoth: Oh, the Bavarian Illuminati; for the most part, the history books are right, they're pretty much dead. There have been a few attempts at reviving the group, which were met varied success. Technically, it's still around, but extremely small and, for lack of a better term, useless.
Me: What about the guys the conspiracy theorists are always ranting about; you know, the New World Order guys?
Thoth: Those are our enemies, and they're mostly Xians, they're 'the ruling elite' as many of you call them; they're the super-rich who are selling you out to Jehovah in return for material gains; their goal is to have as much fun as possible, and control as many resources as possible, at the expense of you and anybody that isn't one of them. Granted, they don't call themselves 'Illuminati', and usually scoff at those who describe them with that name. As for the 'New World Order', this might be a bit of a shocker, there's really nothing new about it. It's basically the system we currently have, but extremely amplified; think something along the lines of feudalism during the Middle Ages, but much worse. A good portion of them also know about Jehovah and his agenda, and are actively trying to fulfill it, in hopes that they'll be even further rewarded when Jehovah claims your planet, although, truth be told, he'll screw them over in the end, the way he
always does. Also, to finally get back to the original subject, they do support Ayn Rand, in fact, she was one of them, hence where she got her mentality from.
Me: Wait, you just said 'when Jehovah claims your planet', I thought we were winning.
Thoth: We are, just look around you. What I meant was that that's what happens in their ideal reality, something that's pretty much completely out of their grasp right now and has been for quite a while; Jehovah's just too stupid to realize he's already lost.
Me: Oh ok, you had me worried for a second. So to sum it all up, be patient, don't be a selfish prick, don't meditate under the influence, and death to the Illuminati.
Thoth: Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, I've enjoyed our little chat, but my break's over and I need to get back to work.
Me: You work too much, you know that?
Thoth: *laughs* I really do, don't I? But hey, it's like Confucius said 'If you have a job you love, you'll never work a whole day in your life." Quite frankly, I like writing, and apparently so do you from what I hear. Maybe you should make that your career choice, you know, become an author; you'd probably be fairly good at it. Besides, the pen, or nowadays the computer, is a great way to spread our message. Anyway, I'll see you around, maybe I'll even drop by the next time I have an actual break.
Trust me, I will. The hardest part is getting him stop and talk; he's practically the epitome of the word 'workaholic'. However, if I can catch him when he's on a break, which is pretty rare, most of the time Seshat or Dero fills in for him, I'll share whatever conversations we might have. HS!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@... wrote:

Pierce, that conversation with Thoth was amazing--I would love to hear any others you have with him, that you are willing to share...HS!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@ wrote:

I'm happy to have helped. I mean I do talk to him whenever I get the chance, which isn't often, but still, I can post any other conversations I have with him if you want. I must admit, Thoth is a great guy and I really do enjoy working with him. However, I'm a little curious, what exactly did I clear up?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I really thank you for posting this- especially the part of your conversation with Thoth. This has helped me personally. I have been working on an important spiritual warfare project for quite some time now. Lilith basically stated the very same thing to me about humans helping humans and this earth. Everything she said to me makes much more sense now. There are times when we get to a very advanced level, we can feel alone in a sense, as the percentage of people who have similar experiences is very, very low. The vast majority of people do not experience what we experience and at an advanced level, this goes much further. I can't reveal any details, but thank you so much. You cleared up a lot for me with this post.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@ wrote:

I've read quite a few of her excerpts, saw a couple interviews, and I must say that the thought that kept repeating in my head was "this is a horrible person". Her philosphy is called "objectivism", which is basically capitalism on steroids, which had a huge role to play in creating the shitstorm we're in now. While I do agree with her on one thing, too much alrtuism can in fact make one jaded over and insensitive to life, I don't think it's right to portray the disaster-relief workers as the bad guys, or to call altruism in general "evil".

Not only does she do this, she also promotes the philosophy of unrestricted greed, in other words, "I got what I want, fuck everyone else". Maybe it's just me, but at first I confused this for a Jewish mantra, even though Rand was the daughter or a Russian aristocrat that nearly, and should've, gotten his head blown off in the Russian Revolution. My point being, I personally see this bitch as disgusting and, Jewish or not, she undoubtedly laid the foundation for the Jews to come to power in the U.S., among other places, and we can see what a great job they're doing now that they have a stranglehold on basically the entire world [sarcasm].

However, this is just my personal opinion, and I have yet to find any evidence saying she was a Jew, however, I can't say I'd be surprised if she were. Anyway, after managing to control my anger, I looked at her philosophy of "objectivism" well... objectively. I came to the conclusion, that I reached through a bit of common sense, research, and observations of society in general, that her bullshit goes far beyond economics, it can be applied to just about every imaginable aspect of life. Just look at the music industry, it's all about essentially whoring yourself to the record companies and singing about bitches, money, rims, etc.

Same thing goes for politics; we elected a bunch of populist assholes (they all claimed to be 'men of the people') who have only self-interest at heart, and aren't going to change jack shit unless their corporate sponsors benefit from it. I personally see this as the worst area to apply Rand's philosophy, and there's a word for a government that doesn't serve the people themselves but only the people at the top, the "elite": dictatorship. Actually, 'plutocracy'/'kleptocracy', a government run by the rich/thieves, would be a better word for describing the governments in the U.S. and abroad.

I've also reached the conclusion that our degeneration of society, i.e. it's filled with greedy selfish assholes who wouldn't know spirituality if it kicked them in the face then took a shit on them, and while every society has people like this, it has become increasingly popular, and even expected to a large extent, to act this way, can be traced back to, you guessed it, Ayn Rand and her philosophy that would, and does, make the Jewish elite proud.
And yes, while the Jews have endorsed this philosphy and others like it for millenia, Rand made it so everybody can be a selfish elitist asshole, Jewish or not, just look at the agenda of the Tea-baggers (Tea Party), it's completely idiotic and counterproductive to anybody that isn't in the ruling elite. I mean, look at the 'trickle down theory', the idea that you should give money to the rich in hopes that they'll spend it and it'll boost the economy. Not only is this completely illogical, but it's also completely ineffective, as we could see when we look at Obama's bailout and stimulus attempts; what we're doing is actively participating in, well, fucking ourselves, while the Jewish and Xian elite laugh in our faces, yet most people are too sedated by reality t.v., music, etc. that pushes this very agenda through subliminal messaging to wake up and realize that there's a big dick in their ass, much less care; most people don't give a shit as long
as Jersey Shore, a show about getting drunk, fighting, getting money, and fucking anything that can't get away fast enough, doesn't get cancelled.

Now it may seem that I'm essentially blaiming Ayn Rand for all the woes of the world. To be honest, I'm not; she wasn't the first one to come up with this outlook on life, however, she did make it widely popular, and it corrupted our system and systems around the world so much that it doesn't matter which party you vote for, the only thing that'll change it the corporate logo. In other words, the system is so fucked, it would take a man like Napoleon or his predecessors, who despised the Jewish elite and essentially booted them out of France before destroying what was left of the Vatican's empire, this is better known in the history books as 'The Reign of Terror', when average citizens executed the people who've fucked them over for centuries, and basically did the world a favor, well, not according to the Jewish propaganda-I mean 'history' books, to even begin to fix this situation. Until then, there's little we can do other than hope for another
French Revolution, but on a global scale, where we rid the Jewish and Xian elites of their miserable existences, either through a firing squad or a jail cell; or better yet, we can actively bring about this revolution, which is already happening elsewhere in the world, i.e. Iceland. Also, for those of you who think this seems like some far-off fringe scheme, look around you; the seeds of rebellion have already been sewn, and dissention is rapidly increasing as more and more people are waking up to reality and the illusion that the elites have propped up are beginning to collapse on their heads. Thoth was right when he appeared to me in a dream, in which I had a brief conversation with him, as he actually managed to find some down-time, which is pretty rare seeing as how he's one of the busiest demons I've ever met, his answers are usually extremely brief and straightforward, and never more than a few sentences to a paragraph, the bare minimum to get his
point across, "The question isn't 'if' the people are going to wake up and realize their opression by their Jewish and Xian overlords, it's 'when'; it's only a matter of time before the fictional reality that was created for the masses falls to shambles and they see what really goes on behind the curtain, and it's only a matter of time before we can officially claim victory over Jehovah; we've already won, we've got Jehovah in checkmate and he doesn't even know it, and it's only a matter of time before we finish him off, and that's when you guys play your part and oust the Xians and their cancerous religions for good." I asked him why they were taking so long.

He replied, "Patience my friend, it's a virtue, after all. The concept of time has little meaning in the astral, which is primarily where we're fighting Jehovah. Besides, you guys, humans in general, tend to live life in 'the fast lane' nowadays; most of you don't pay attention to anything for more than a few minutes, if it's a topic of interest, that is, and until you all grasp this concept, that results take time to manifest and that the Universe isn't a fast food restaraunt, you'll have a lot of trouble advancing spiritually, unlike your ancestors, who actually got the message; you too are struggling with this very issue, you're too impatient, which is why 'Dero' as you call him, the lesser demon that often times fills in for me whenever Seshat or someone else can't, or when it's an issue that doesn't require my immediate undivided attention, and I are helping you in the first place; it's an extremely valuable lesson that you, and virtually all of
humanity, needs to learn."
I went on to ask him what his opinion was of Ayn Rand, as I heard the history channel make a reference to her; in fact, I'll just put up the dialogue.
Thoth (in response to my question): Well, let me put it this way, I can see why people would mistake her for a stereotypical Jew.
Me: What do you mean?
Thoth: Look her up, there's a plethora of information on her. Ironically, most people don't agree with her philosophy, or at least don't want to admit it, yet often times follow it down to the letter. In fact, I'm kind of glad you've mentioned her, because it involves yet another lesson humanity needs to learn: there's more to life than money, like, for example, spiritualism, and, the very antithesis to Ayn's philosophy, altruism. To clarify, look at Duat, the place you've gone to several times when you were high, which, by the way, I don't condone or recommend.
Me (interrupting): Right, but if I'm having out of body experiences, doesn't that mean that weed helps with spiritual advancement, at least to an extent?
Thoth: Seeing as how I like you, I'm going to be nice; don't interrupt me again, it's very impolite. And yes, you do have a point I must admit, although I've heard that one many times before. The high is only temporary, so when it wears off, you're right back at where you started, with little more than seeing a preview of what lies ahead and what you can achieve spiritually. All in all, putting in the extra effort to spiritually advance when you're not under the influence of some sort of drug pays off in the long run, mainly because a) you don't need that drug, or any for that matter, to achieve that level of spirituality and b) because you'll know what you're doing, and you'll be strong enough to repell any unwanted guests, like that one enemy servant that tried to possess you, and almost did because you were so out of it.
Me: Yeah, how did I manage to kick his ass again?
Thoth: Mainly by luck, he wasn't expecting you to go on the offensive and you caught him off guard. That's not to say you're completely helpless from a spiritual perspective, more often than not you can hold your own against Jehovah's lesser servants without me or anybody else having to lift a finger; unfortunately for you, your stoned misadventures have actually started to attract some attention from the higher echelons of Jehovah's forces, mainly because they notice the spike in energy that occurs and they see that you don't have a very good grasp on it, in other words, they think you're an easy target, and now they know you'll actually fight back, so next time you run into one of them, they'll likely be stronger than anything you've previously encountered, and prepared for a fight on top of that.
Me: So I guess that means I'm screwed, aren't I?
Thoth: Not exactly, you can still meditate and whatnot when you're sober, that way you have a fighting chance, and besides, I'm one of the most powerful 'demons' on Duat, which is why I'm not very big on physical intervention. Also, you have 'Dero' and even Azazel, on occasion, looking out for you. In other words, if we really needed to, we could help you out.
Me: Hold on, I have all of you guys looking out for me? Why am I so important?
Thoth: You're important to me for the same reasons Maxine is important to the big man (Lucifer), or why you 'Spiritual Satanists' are important to any of us: not only are you emissaries advocating the spiritual renewal and advancement of humanity, but you can also have a profound impact in the physical realm where, normally, our impact would be minimal. For example, we can steer you in the direction of ousting the Xian opressors, but you guys, humans, are the ones that have to do it. Basically, we can show you the door, and even show you how to open it, but it's ultimately you that has to go through it. Do you get my point? You're important because you, and everybody else for that matter, has a role to play in the near future, whether it's being a catalyst for change on a physical level, or whether it's waking people up on a spiritual one.
Me: That makes sense. Anyway, to change the subject, what's your opinion on the Illuminati?
Thoth: Which Illuminati? There's dozens of groups that use that name, all with differing agendas.
Me: The original one.
Thoth: Oh, the Bavarian Illuminati; for the most part, the history books are right, they're pretty much dead. There have been a few attempts at reviving the group, which were met varied success. Technically, it's still around, but extremely small and, for lack of a better term, useless.
Me: What about the guys the conspiracy theorists are always ranting about; you know, the New World Order guys?
Thoth: Those are our enemies, and they're mostly Xians, they're 'the ruling elite' as many of you call them; they're the super-rich who are selling you out to Jehovah in return for material gains; their goal is to have as much fun as possible, and control as many resources as possible, at the expense of you and anybody that isn't one of them. Granted, they don't call themselves 'Illuminati', and usually scoff at those who describe them with that name. As for the 'New World Order', this might be a bit of a shocker, there's really nothing new about it. It's basically the system we currently have, but extremely amplified; think something along the lines of feudalism during the Middle Ages, but much worse. A good portion of them also know about Jehovah and his agenda, and are actively trying to fulfill it, in hopes that they'll be even further rewarded when Jehovah claims your planet, although, truth be told, he'll screw them over in the end, the way he
always does. Also, to finally get back to the original subject, they do support Ayn Rand, in fact, she was one of them, hence where she got her mentality from.
Me: Wait, you just said 'when Jehovah claims your planet', I thought we were winning.
Thoth: We are, just look around you. What I meant was that that's what happens in their ideal reality, something that's pretty much completely out of their grasp right now and has been for quite a while; Jehovah's just too stupid to realize he's already lost.
Me: Oh ok, you had me worried for a second. So to sum it all up, be patient, don't be a selfish prick, don't meditate under the influence, and death to the Illuminati.
Thoth: Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, I've enjoyed our little chat, but my break's over and I need to get back to work.
Me: You work too much, you know that?
Thoth: *laughs* I really do, don't I? But hey, it's like Confucius said 'If you have a job you love, you'll never work a whole day in your life." Quite frankly, I like writing, and apparently so do you from what I hear. Maybe you should make that your career choice, you know, become an author; you'd probably be fairly good at it. Besides, the pen, or nowadays the computer, is a great way to spread our message. Anyway, I'll see you around, maybe I'll even drop by the next time I have an actual break.
Thanks Pierce,real informative stuff man.
Hail Satan!

--- On Sat, 8/13/11, Pierce Talanski <ptalanski@... wrote:

From: Pierce Talanski <ptalanski@...
Subject: [Advanced_Meditation] Re: Ayn Rand (plus a conversation with Thoth)
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, August 13, 2011, 12:17 AM


Trust me, I will. The hardest part is getting him stop and talk; he's practically the epitome of the word 'workaholic'. However, if I can catch him when he's on a break, which is pretty rare, most of the time Seshat or Dero fills in for him, I'll share whatever conversations we might have. HS!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@... wrote:

Pierce, that conversation with Thoth was amazing--I would love to hear any others you have with him, that you are willing to share...HS!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@ wrote:

I'm happy to have helped. I mean I do talk to him whenever I get the chance, which isn't often, but still, I can post any other conversations I have with him if you want. I must admit, Thoth is a great guy and I really do enjoy working with him. However, I'm a little curious, what exactly did I clear up?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I really thank you for posting this- especially the part of your conversation with Thoth. This has helped me personally. I have been working on an important spiritual warfare project for quite some time now. Lilith basically stated the very same thing to me about humans helping humans and this earth. Everything she said to me makes much more sense now. There are times when we get to a very advanced level, we can feel alone in a sense, as the percentage of people who have similar experiences is very, very low. The vast majority of people do not experience what we experience and at an advanced level, this goes much further. I can't reveal any details, but thank you so much. You cleared up a lot for me with this post.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@ wrote:

I've read quite a few of her excerpts, saw a couple interviews, and I must say that the thought that kept repeating in my head was "this is a horrible person". Her philosphy is called "objectivism", which is basically capitalism on steroids, which had a huge role to play in creating the shitstorm we're in now. While I do agree with her on one thing, too much alrtuism can in fact make one jaded over and insensitive to life, I don't think it's right to portray the disaster-relief workers as the bad guys, or to call altruism in general "evil".

Not only does she do this, she also promotes the philosophy of unrestricted greed, in other words, "I got what I want, fuck everyone else". Maybe it's just me, but at first I confused this for a Jewish mantra, even though Rand was the daughter or a Russian aristocrat that nearly, and should've, gotten his head blown off in the Russian Revolution. My point being, I personally see this bitch as disgusting and, Jewish or not, she undoubtedly laid the foundation for the Jews to come to power in the U.S., among other places, and we can see what a great job they're doing now that they have a stranglehold on basically the entire world [sarcasm].

However, this is just my personal opinion, and I have yet to find any evidence saying she was a Jew, however, I can't say I'd be surprised if she were. Anyway, after managing to control my anger, I looked at her philosophy of "objectivism" well... objectively. I came to the conclusion, that I reached through a bit of common sense, research, and observations of society in general, that her bullshit goes far beyond economics, it can be applied to just about every imaginable aspect of life. Just look at the music industry, it's all about essentially whoring yourself to the record companies and singing about bitches, money, rims, etc.

Same thing goes for politics; we elected a bunch of populist assholes (they all claimed to be 'men of the people') who have only self-interest at heart, and aren't going to change jack shit unless their corporate sponsors benefit from it. I personally see this as the worst area to apply Rand's philosophy, and there's a word for a government that doesn't serve the people themselves but only the people at the top, the "elite": dictatorship. Actually, 'plutocracy'/'kleptocracy', a government run by the rich/thieves, would be a better word for describing the governments in the U.S. and abroad.

I've also reached the conclusion that our degeneration of society, i.e. it's filled with greedy selfish assholes who wouldn't know spirituality if it kicked them in the face then took a shit on them, and while every society has people like this, it has become increasingly popular, and even expected to a large extent, to act this way, can be traced back to, you guessed it, Ayn Rand and her philosophy that would, and does, make the Jewish elite proud.

And yes, while the Jews have endorsed this philosphy and others like it for millenia, Rand made it so everybody can be a selfish elitist asshole, Jewish or not, just look at the agenda of the Tea-baggers (Tea Party), it's completely idiotic and counterproductive to anybody that isn't in the ruling elite. I mean, look at the 'trickle down theory', the idea that you should give money to the rich in hopes that they'll spend it and it'll boost the economy. Not only is this completely illogical, but it's also completely ineffective, as we could see when we look at Obama's bailout and stimulus attempts; what we're doing is actively participating in, well, fucking ourselves, while the Jewish and Xian elite laugh in our faces, yet most people are too sedated by reality t.v., music, etc. that pushes this very agenda through subliminal messaging to wake up and realize that there's a big dick in their ass, much less care; most people don't give a shit as

as Jersey Shore, a show about getting drunk, fighting, getting money, and fucking anything that can't get away fast enough, doesn't get cancelled.

Now it may seem that I'm essentially blaiming Ayn Rand for all the woes of the world. To be honest, I'm not; she wasn't the first one to come up with this outlook on life, however, she did make it widely popular, and it corrupted our system and systems around the world so much that it doesn't matter which party you vote for, the only thing that'll change it the corporate logo. In other words, the system is so fucked, it would take a man like Napoleon or his predecessors, who despised the Jewish elite and essentially booted them out of France before destroying what was left of the Vatican's empire, this is better known in the history books as 'The Reign of Terror', when average citizens executed the people who've fucked them over for centuries, and basically did the world a favor, well, not according to the Jewish propaganda-I mean 'history' books, to even begin to fix this situation. Until then, there's little we can do other than hope for

French Revolution, but on a global scale, where we rid the Jewish and Xian elites of their miserable existences, either through a firing squad or a jail cell; or better yet, we can actively bring about this revolution, which is already happening elsewhere in the world, i.e. Iceland. Also, for those of you who think this seems like some far-off fringe scheme, look around you; the seeds of rebellion have already been sewn, and dissention is rapidly increasing as more and more people are waking up to reality and the illusion that the elites have propped up are beginning to collapse on their heads. Thoth was right when he appeared to me in a dream, in which I had a brief conversation with him, as he actually managed to find some down-time, which is pretty rare seeing as how he's one of the busiest demons I've ever met, his answers are usually extremely brief and straightforward, and never more than a few sentences to a paragraph, the bare minimum to
get his

point across, "The question isn't 'if' the people are going to wake up and realize their opression by their Jewish and Xian overlords, it's 'when'; it's only a matter of time before the fictional reality that was created for the masses falls to shambles and they see what really goes on behind the curtain, and it's only a matter of time before we can officially claim victory over Jehovah; we've already won, we've got Jehovah in checkmate and he doesn't even know it, and it's only a matter of time before we finish him off, and that's when you guys play your part and oust the Xians and their cancerous religions for good." I asked him why they were taking so long.

He replied, "Patience my friend, it's a virtue, after all. The concept of time has little meaning in the astral, which is primarily where we're fighting Jehovah. Besides, you guys, humans in general, tend to live life in 'the fast lane' nowadays; most of you don't pay attention to anything for more than a few minutes, if it's a topic of interest, that is, and until you all grasp this concept, that results take time to manifest and that the Universe isn't a fast food restaraunt, you'll have a lot of trouble advancing spiritually, unlike your ancestors, who actually got the message; you too are struggling with this very issue, you're too impatient, which is why 'Dero' as you call him, the lesser demon that often times fills in for me whenever Seshat or someone else can't, or when it's an issue that doesn't require my immediate undivided attention, and I are helping you in the first place; it's an extremely valuable lesson that you, and virtually
all of

humanity, needs to learn."

I went on to ask him what his opinion was of Ayn Rand, as I heard the history channel make a reference to her; in fact, I'll just put up the dialogue.

Thoth (in response to my question): Well, let me put it this way, I can see why people would mistake her for a stereotypical Jew.

Me: What do you mean?

Thoth: Look her up, there's a plethora of information on her. Ironically, most people don't agree with her philosophy, or at least don't want to admit it, yet often times follow it down to the letter. In fact, I'm kind of glad you've mentioned her, because it involves yet another lesson humanity needs to learn: there's more to life than money, like, for example, spiritualism, and, the very antithesis to Ayn's philosophy, altruism. To clarify, look at Duat, the place you've gone to several times when you were high, which, by the way, I don't condone or recommend.

Me (interrupting): Right, but if I'm having out of body experiences, doesn't that mean that weed helps with spiritual advancement, at least to an extent?

Thoth: Seeing as how I like you, I'm going to be nice; don't interrupt me again, it's very impolite. And yes, you do have a point I must admit, although I've heard that one many times before. The high is only temporary, so when it wears off, you're right back at where you started, with little more than seeing a preview of what lies ahead and what you can achieve spiritually. All in all, putting in the extra effort to spiritually advance when you're not under the influence of some sort of drug pays off in the long run, mainly because a) you don't need that drug, or any for that matter, to achieve that level of spirituality and b) because you'll know what you're doing, and you'll be strong enough to repell any unwanted guests, like that one enemy servant that tried to possess you, and almost did because you were so out of it.

Me: Yeah, how did I manage to kick his ass again?

Thoth: Mainly by luck, he wasn't expecting you to go on the offensive and you caught him off guard. That's not to say you're completely helpless from a spiritual perspective, more often than not you can hold your own against Jehovah's lesser servants without me or anybody else having to lift a finger; unfortunately for you, your stoned misadventures have actually started to attract some attention from the higher echelons of Jehovah's forces, mainly because they notice the spike in energy that occurs and they see that you don't have a very good grasp on it, in other words, they think you're an easy target, and now they know you'll actually fight back, so next time you run into one of them, they'll likely be stronger than anything you've previously encountered, and prepared for a fight on top of that.

Me: So I guess that means I'm screwed, aren't I?

Thoth: Not exactly, you can still meditate and whatnot when you're sober, that way you have a fighting chance, and besides, I'm one of the most powerful 'demons' on Duat, which is why I'm not very big on physical intervention. Also, you have 'Dero' and even Azazel, on occasion, looking out for you. In other words, if we really needed to, we could help you out.

Me: Hold on, I have all of you guys looking out for me? Why am I so important?

Thoth: You're important to me for the same reasons Maxine is important to the big man (Lucifer), or why you 'Spiritual Satanists' are important to any of us: not only are you emissaries advocating the spiritual renewal and advancement of humanity, but you can also have a profound impact in the physical realm where, normally, our impact would be minimal. For example, we can steer you in the direction of ousting the Xian opressors, but you guys, humans, are the ones that have to do it. Basically, we can show you the door, and even show you how to open it, but it's ultimately you that has to go through it. Do you get my point? You're important because you, and everybody else for that matter, has a role to play in the near future, whether it's being a catalyst for change on a physical level, or whether it's waking people up on a spiritual one.

Me: That makes sense. Anyway, to change the subject, what's your opinion on the Illuminati?

Thoth: Which Illuminati? There's dozens of groups that use that name, all with differing agendas.

Me: The original one.

Thoth: Oh, the Bavarian Illuminati; for the most part, the history books are right, they're pretty much dead. There have been a few attempts at reviving the group, which were met varied success. Technically, it's still around, but extremely small and, for lack of a better term, useless.

Me: What about the guys the conspiracy theorists are always ranting about; you know, the New World Order guys?

Thoth: Those are our enemies, and they're mostly Xians, they're 'the ruling elite' as many of you call them; they're the super-rich who are selling you out to Jehovah in return for material gains; their goal is to have as much fun as possible, and control as many resources as possible, at the expense of you and anybody that isn't one of them. Granted, they don't call themselves 'Illuminati', and usually scoff at those who describe them with that name. As for the 'New World Order', this might be a bit of a shocker, there's really nothing new about it. It's basically the system we currently have, but extremely amplified; think something along the lines of feudalism during the Middle Ages, but much worse. A good portion of them also know about Jehovah and his agenda, and are actively trying to fulfill it, in hopes that they'll be even further rewarded when Jehovah claims your planet, although, truth be told, he'll screw them over in the end, the way

always does. Also, to finally get back to the original subject, they do support Ayn Rand, in fact, she was one of them, hence where she got her mentality from.

Me: Wait, you just said 'when Jehovah claims your planet', I thought we were winning.

Thoth: We are, just look around you. What I meant was that that's what happens in their ideal reality, something that's pretty much completely out of their grasp right now and has been for quite a while; Jehovah's just too stupid to realize he's already lost.

Me: Oh ok, you had me worried for a second. So to sum it all up, be patient, don't be a selfish prick, don't meditate under the influence, and death to the Illuminati.

Thoth: Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, I've enjoyed our little chat, but my break's over and I need to get back to work.

Me: You work too much, you know that?

Thoth: *laughs* I really do, don't I? But hey, it's like Confucius said 'If you have a job you love, you'll never work a whole day in your life." Quite frankly, I like writing, and apparently so do you from what I hear. Maybe you should make that your career choice, you know, become an author; you'd probably be fairly good at it. Besides, the pen, or nowadays the computer, is a great way to spread our message. Anyway, I'll see you around, maybe I'll even drop by the next time I have an actual break.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]
Thanks, I love to hear conversations other brothers and sisters have with the Gods. I learn some new info and about Thoth.

Hail Satan! Hail Azazel! Hail Zeus! Hail the Gods of Duat!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@... wrote:

Trust me, I will. The hardest part is getting him stop and talk; he's practically the epitome of the word 'workaholic'. However, if I can catch him when he's on a break, which is pretty rare, most of the time Seshat or Dero fills in for him, I'll share whatever conversations we might have. HS!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@ wrote:

Pierce, that conversation with Thoth was amazing--I would love to hear any others you have with him, that you are willing to share...HS!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@ wrote:

I'm happy to have helped. I mean I do talk to him whenever I get the chance, which isn't often, but still, I can post any other conversations I have with him if you want. I must admit, Thoth is a great guy and I really do enjoy working with him. However, I'm a little curious, what exactly did I clear up?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I really thank you for posting this- especially the part of your conversation with Thoth. This has helped me personally. I have been working on an important spiritual warfare project for quite some time now. Lilith basically stated the very same thing to me about humans helping humans and this earth. Everything she said to me makes much more sense now. There are times when we get to a very advanced level, we can feel alone in a sense, as the percentage of people who have similar experiences is very, very low. The vast majority of people do not experience what we experience and at an advanced level, this goes much further. I can't reveal any details, but thank you so much. You cleared up a lot for me with this post.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@ wrote:

I've read quite a few of her excerpts, saw a couple interviews, and I must say that the thought that kept repeating in my head was "this is a horrible person". Her philosphy is called "objectivism", which is basically capitalism on steroids, which had a huge role to play in creating the shitstorm we're in now. While I do agree with her on one thing, too much alrtuism can in fact make one jaded over and insensitive to life, I don't think it's right to portray the disaster-relief workers as the bad guys, or to call altruism in general "evil".

Not only does she do this, she also promotes the philosophy of unrestricted greed, in other words, "I got what I want, fuck everyone else". Maybe it's just me, but at first I confused this for a Jewish mantra, even though Rand was the daughter or a Russian aristocrat that nearly, and should've, gotten his head blown off in the Russian Revolution. My point being, I personally see this bitch as disgusting and, Jewish or not, she undoubtedly laid the foundation for the Jews to come to power in the U.S., among other places, and we can see what a great job they're doing now that they have a stranglehold on basically the entire world [sarcasm].

However, this is just my personal opinion, and I have yet to find any evidence saying she was a Jew, however, I can't say I'd be surprised if she were. Anyway, after managing to control my anger, I looked at her philosophy of "objectivism" well... objectively. I came to the conclusion, that I reached through a bit of common sense, research, and observations of society in general, that her bullshit goes far beyond economics, it can be applied to just about every imaginable aspect of life. Just look at the music industry, it's all about essentially whoring yourself to the record companies and singing about bitches, money, rims, etc.

Same thing goes for politics; we elected a bunch of populist assholes (they all claimed to be 'men of the people') who have only self-interest at heart, and aren't going to change jack shit unless their corporate sponsors benefit from it. I personally see this as the worst area to apply Rand's philosophy, and there's a word for a government that doesn't serve the people themselves but only the people at the top, the "elite": dictatorship. Actually, 'plutocracy'/'kleptocracy', a government run by the rich/thieves, would be a better word for describing the governments in the U.S. and abroad.

I've also reached the conclusion that our degeneration of society, i.e. it's filled with greedy selfish assholes who wouldn't know spirituality if it kicked them in the face then took a shit on them, and while every society has people like this, it has become increasingly popular, and even expected to a large extent, to act this way, can be traced back to, you guessed it, Ayn Rand and her philosophy that would, and does, make the Jewish elite proud.
And yes, while the Jews have endorsed this philosphy and others like it for millenia, Rand made it so everybody can be a selfish elitist asshole, Jewish or not, just look at the agenda of the Tea-baggers (Tea Party), it's completely idiotic and counterproductive to anybody that isn't in the ruling elite. I mean, look at the 'trickle down theory', the idea that you should give money to the rich in hopes that they'll spend it and it'll boost the economy. Not only is this completely illogical, but it's also completely ineffective, as we could see when we look at Obama's bailout and stimulus attempts; what we're doing is actively participating in, well, fucking ourselves, while the Jewish and Xian elite laugh in our faces, yet most people are too sedated by reality t.v., music, etc. that pushes this very agenda through subliminal messaging to wake up and realize that there's a big dick in their ass, much less care; most people don't give a shit as long
as Jersey Shore, a show about getting drunk, fighting, getting money, and fucking anything that can't get away fast enough, doesn't get cancelled.

Now it may seem that I'm essentially blaiming Ayn Rand for all the woes of the world. To be honest, I'm not; she wasn't the first one to come up with this outlook on life, however, she did make it widely popular, and it corrupted our system and systems around the world so much that it doesn't matter which party you vote for, the only thing that'll change it the corporate logo. In other words, the system is so fucked, it would take a man like Napoleon or his predecessors, who despised the Jewish elite and essentially booted them out of France before destroying what was left of the Vatican's empire, this is better known in the history books as 'The Reign of Terror', when average citizens executed the people who've fucked them over for centuries, and basically did the world a favor, well, not according to the Jewish propaganda-I mean 'history' books, to even begin to fix this situation. Until then, there's little we can do other than hope for another
French Revolution, but on a global scale, where we rid the Jewish and Xian elites of their miserable existences, either through a firing squad or a jail cell; or better yet, we can actively bring about this revolution, which is already happening elsewhere in the world, i.e. Iceland. Also, for those of you who think this seems like some far-off fringe scheme, look around you; the seeds of rebellion have already been sewn, and dissention is rapidly increasing as more and more people are waking up to reality and the illusion that the elites have propped up are beginning to collapse on their heads. Thoth was right when he appeared to me in a dream, in which I had a brief conversation with him, as he actually managed to find some down-time, which is pretty rare seeing as how he's one of the busiest demons I've ever met, his answers are usually extremely brief and straightforward, and never more than a few sentences to a paragraph, the bare minimum to get his
point across, "The question isn't 'if' the people are going to wake up and realize their opression by their Jewish and Xian overlords, it's 'when'; it's only a matter of time before the fictional reality that was created for the masses falls to shambles and they see what really goes on behind the curtain, and it's only a matter of time before we can officially claim victory over Jehovah; we've already won, we've got Jehovah in checkmate and he doesn't even know it, and it's only a matter of time before we finish him off, and that's when you guys play your part and oust the Xians and their cancerous religions for good." I asked him why they were taking so long.

He replied, "Patience my friend, it's a virtue, after all. The concept of time has little meaning in the astral, which is primarily where we're fighting Jehovah. Besides, you guys, humans in general, tend to live life in 'the fast lane' nowadays; most of you don't pay attention to anything for more than a few minutes, if it's a topic of interest, that is, and until you all grasp this concept, that results take time to manifest and that the Universe isn't a fast food restaraunt, you'll have a lot of trouble advancing spiritually, unlike your ancestors, who actually got the message; you too are struggling with this very issue, you're too impatient, which is why 'Dero' as you call him, the lesser demon that often times fills in for me whenever Seshat or someone else can't, or when it's an issue that doesn't require my immediate undivided attention, and I are helping you in the first place; it's an extremely valuable lesson that you, and virtually all of
humanity, needs to learn."
I went on to ask him what his opinion was of Ayn Rand, as I heard the history channel make a reference to her; in fact, I'll just put up the dialogue.
Thoth (in response to my question): Well, let me put it this way, I can see why people would mistake her for a stereotypical Jew.
Me: What do you mean?
Thoth: Look her up, there's a plethora of information on her. Ironically, most people don't agree with her philosophy, or at least don't want to admit it, yet often times follow it down to the letter. In fact, I'm kind of glad you've mentioned her, because it involves yet another lesson humanity needs to learn: there's more to life than money, like, for example, spiritualism, and, the very antithesis to Ayn's philosophy, altruism. To clarify, look at Duat, the place you've gone to several times when you were high, which, by the way, I don't condone or recommend.
Me (interrupting): Right, but if I'm having out of body experiences, doesn't that mean that weed helps with spiritual advancement, at least to an extent?
Thoth: Seeing as how I like you, I'm going to be nice; don't interrupt me again, it's very impolite. And yes, you do have a point I must admit, although I've heard that one many times before. The high is only temporary, so when it wears off, you're right back at where you started, with little more than seeing a preview of what lies ahead and what you can achieve spiritually. All in all, putting in the extra effort to spiritually advance when you're not under the influence of some sort of drug pays off in the long run, mainly because a) you don't need that drug, or any for that matter, to achieve that level of spirituality and b) because you'll know what you're doing, and you'll be strong enough to repell any unwanted guests, like that one enemy servant that tried to possess you, and almost did because you were so out of it.
Me: Yeah, how did I manage to kick his ass again?
Thoth: Mainly by luck, he wasn't expecting you to go on the offensive and you caught him off guard. That's not to say you're completely helpless from a spiritual perspective, more often than not you can hold your own against Jehovah's lesser servants without me or anybody else having to lift a finger; unfortunately for you, your stoned misadventures have actually started to attract some attention from the higher echelons of Jehovah's forces, mainly because they notice the spike in energy that occurs and they see that you don't have a very good grasp on it, in other words, they think you're an easy target, and now they know you'll actually fight back, so next time you run into one of them, they'll likely be stronger than anything you've previously encountered, and prepared for a fight on top of that.
Me: So I guess that means I'm screwed, aren't I?
Thoth: Not exactly, you can still meditate and whatnot when you're sober, that way you have a fighting chance, and besides, I'm one of the most powerful 'demons' on Duat, which is why I'm not very big on physical intervention. Also, you have 'Dero' and even Azazel, on occasion, looking out for you. In other words, if we really needed to, we could help you out.
Me: Hold on, I have all of you guys looking out for me? Why am I so important?
Thoth: You're important to me for the same reasons Maxine is important to the big man (Lucifer), or why you 'Spiritual Satanists' are important to any of us: not only are you emissaries advocating the spiritual renewal and advancement of humanity, but you can also have a profound impact in the physical realm where, normally, our impact would be minimal. For example, we can steer you in the direction of ousting the Xian opressors, but you guys, humans, are the ones that have to do it. Basically, we can show you the door, and even show you how to open it, but it's ultimately you that has to go through it. Do you get my point? You're important because you, and everybody else for that matter, has a role to play in the near future, whether it's being a catalyst for change on a physical level, or whether it's waking people up on a spiritual one.
Me: That makes sense. Anyway, to change the subject, what's your opinion on the Illuminati?
Thoth: Which Illuminati? There's dozens of groups that use that name, all with differing agendas.
Me: The original one.
Thoth: Oh, the Bavarian Illuminati; for the most part, the history books are right, they're pretty much dead. There have been a few attempts at reviving the group, which were met varied success. Technically, it's still around, but extremely small and, for lack of a better term, useless.
Me: What about the guys the conspiracy theorists are always ranting about; you know, the New World Order guys?
Thoth: Those are our enemies, and they're mostly Xians, they're 'the ruling elite' as many of you call them; they're the super-rich who are selling you out to Jehovah in return for material gains; their goal is to have as much fun as possible, and control as many resources as possible, at the expense of you and anybody that isn't one of them. Granted, they don't call themselves 'Illuminati', and usually scoff at those who describe them with that name. As for the 'New World Order', this might be a bit of a shocker, there's really nothing new about it. It's basically the system we currently have, but extremely amplified; think something along the lines of feudalism during the Middle Ages, but much worse. A good portion of them also know about Jehovah and his agenda, and are actively trying to fulfill it, in hopes that they'll be even further rewarded when Jehovah claims your planet, although, truth be told, he'll screw them over in the end, the way he
always does. Also, to finally get back to the original subject, they do support Ayn Rand, in fact, she was one of them, hence where she got her mentality from.
Me: Wait, you just said 'when Jehovah claims your planet', I thought we were winning.
Thoth: We are, just look around you. What I meant was that that's what happens in their ideal reality, something that's pretty much completely out of their grasp right now and has been for quite a while; Jehovah's just too stupid to realize he's already lost.
Me: Oh ok, you had me worried for a second. So to sum it all up, be patient, don't be a selfish prick, don't meditate under the influence, and death to the Illuminati.
Thoth: Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, I've enjoyed our little chat, but my break's over and I need to get back to work.
Me: You work too much, you know that?
Thoth: *laughs* I really do, don't I? But hey, it's like Confucius said 'If you have a job you love, you'll never work a whole day in your life." Quite frankly, I like writing, and apparently so do you from what I hear. Maybe you should make that your career choice, you know, become an author; you'd probably be fairly good at it. Besides, the pen, or nowadays the computer, is a great way to spread our message. Anyway, I'll see you around, maybe I'll even drop by the next time I have an actual break.
I'm not at my computer.

Sent from AT&T's Wireless network using Yahoo! Mail

------Original Message------
From: Brian Gibbons <briangibbons20@...
To: <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, August 13, 2011 6:12:42 AM GMT-0700
Subject: Re: [Advanced_Meditation] Re: Ayn Rand (plus a conversation with Thoth)

Thanks Pierce,real informative stuff man.
Hail Satan!

--- On Sat, 8/13/11, Pierce Talanski <ptalanski@... wrote:

From: Pierce Talanski <ptalanski@...
Subject: [Advanced_Meditation] Re: Ayn Rand (plus a conversation with Thoth)
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Saturday, August 13, 2011, 12:17 AM


Trust me, I will. The hardest part is getting him stop and talk; he's practically the epitome of the word 'workaholic'. However, if I can catch him when he's on a break, which is pretty rare, most of the time Seshat or Dero fills in for him, I'll share whatever conversations we might have. HS!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "kokabiel24" <moonshadow48@... wrote:

Pierce, that conversation with Thoth was amazing--I would love to hear any others you have with him, that you are willing to share...HS!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@ wrote:

I'm happy to have helped. I mean I do talk to him whenever I get the chance, which isn't often, but still, I can post any other conversations I have with him if you want. I must admit, Thoth is a great guy and I really do enjoy working with him. However, I'm a little curious, what exactly did I clear up?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I really thank you for posting this- especially the part of your conversation with Thoth. This has helped me personally. I have been working on an important spiritual warfare project for quite some time now. Lilith basically stated the very same thing to me about humans helping humans and this earth. Everything she said to me makes much more sense now. There are times when we get to a very advanced level, we can feel alone in a sense, as the percentage of people who have similar experiences is very, very low. The vast majority of people do not experience what we experience and at an advanced level, this goes much further. I can't reveal any details, but thank you so much. You cleared up a lot for me with this post.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@ wrote:

I've read quite a few of her excerpts, saw a couple interviews, and I must say that the thought that kept repeating in my head was "this is a horrible person". Her philosphy is called "objectivism", which is basically capitalism on steroids, which had a huge role to play in creating the shitstorm we're in now. While I do agree with her on one thing, too much alrtuism can in fact make one jaded over and insensitive to life, I don't think it's right to portray the disaster-relief workers as the bad guys, or to call altruism in general "evil".

Not only does she do this, she also promotes the philosophy of unrestricted greed, in other words, "I got what I want, fuck everyone else". Maybe it's just me, but at first I confused this for a Jewish mantra, even though Rand was the daughter or a Russian aristocrat that nearly, and should've, gotten his head blown off in the Russian Revolution. My point being, I personally see this bitch as disgusting and, Jewish or not, she undoubtedly laid the foundation for the Jews to come to power in the U.S., among other places, and we can see what a great job they're doing now that they have a stranglehold on basically the entire world [sarcasm].

However, this is just my personal opinion, and I have yet to find any evidence saying she was a Jew, however, I can't say I'd be surprised if she were. Anyway, after managing to control my anger, I looked at her philosophy of "objectivism" well... objectively. I came to the conclusion, that I reached through a bit of common sense, research, and observations of society in general, that her bullshit goes far beyond economics, it can be applied to just about every imaginable aspect of life. Just look at the music industry, it's all about essentially whoring yourself to the record companies and singing about bitches, money, rims, etc.

Same thing goes for politics; we elected a bunch of populist assholes (they all claimed to be 'men of the people') who have only self-interest at heart, and aren't going to change jack shit unless their corporate sponsors benefit from it. I personally see this as the worst area to apply Rand's philosophy, and there's a word for a government that doesn't serve the people themselves but only the people at the top, the "elite": dictatorship. Actually, 'plutocracy'/'kleptocracy', a government run by the rich/thieves, would be a better word for describing the governments in the U.S. and abroad.

I've also reached the conclusion that our degeneration of society, i.e. it's filled with greedy selfish assholes who wouldn't know spirituality if it kicked them in the face then took a shit on them, and while every society has people like this, it has become increasingly popular, and even expected to a large extent, to act this way, can be traced back to, you guessed it, Ayn Rand and her philosophy that would, and does, make the Jewish elite proud.

And yes, while the Jews have endorsed this philosphy and others like it for millenia, Rand made it so everybody can be a selfish elitist asshole, Jewish or not, just look at the agenda of the Tea-baggers (Tea Party), it's completely idiotic and counterproductive to anybody that isn't in the ruling elite. I mean, look at the 'trickle down theory', the idea that you should give money to the rich in hopes that they'll spend it and it'll boost the economy. Not only is this completely illogical, but it's also completely ineffective, as we could see when we look at Obama's bailout and stimulus attempts; what we're doing is actively participating in, well, fucking ourselves, while the Jewish and Xian elite laugh in our faces, yet most people are too sedated by reality t.v., music, etc. that pushes this very agenda through subliminal messaging to wake up and realize that there's a big dick in their ass, much less care; most people don't give a shit as

as Jersey Shore, a show about getting drunk, fighting, getting money, and fucking anything that can't get away fast enough, doesn't get cancelled.

Now it may seem that I'm essentially blaiming Ayn Rand for all the woes of the world. To be honest, I'm not; she wasn't the first one to come up with this outlook on life, however, she did make it widely popular, and it corrupted our system and systems around the world so much that it doesn't matter which party you vote for, the only thing that'll change it the corporate logo. In other words, the system is so fucked, it would take a man like Napoleon or his predecessors, who despised the Jewish elite and essentially booted them out of France before destroying what was left of the Vatican's empire, this is better known in the history books as 'The Reign of Terror', when average citizens executed the people who've fucked them over for centuries, and basically did the world a favor, well, not according to the Jewish propaganda-I mean 'history' books, to even begin to fix this situation. Until then, there's little we can do other than hope for

French Revolution, but on a global scale, where we rid the Jewish and Xian elites of their miserable existences, either through a firing squad or a jail cell; or better yet, we can actively bring about this revolution, which is already happening elsewhere in the world, i.e. Iceland. Also, for those of you who think this seems like some far-off fringe scheme, look around you; the seeds of rebellion have already been sewn, and dissention is rapidly increasing as more and more people are waking up to reality and the illusion that the elites have propped up are beginning to collapse on their heads. Thoth was right when he appeared to me in a dream, in which I had a brief conversation with him, as he actually managed to find some down-time, which is pretty rare seeing as how he's one of the busiest demons I've ever met, his answers are usually extremely brief and straightforward, and never more than a few sentences to a paragraph, the bare minimum to
get his

point across, "The question isn't 'if' the people are going to wake up and realize their opression by their Jewish and Xian overlords, it's 'when'; it's only a matter of time before the fictional reality that was created for the masses falls to shambles and they see what really goes on behind the curtain, and it's only a matter of time before we can officially claim victory over Jehovah; we've already won, we've got Jehovah in checkmate and he doesn't even know it, and it's only a matter of time before we finish him off, and that's when you guys play your part and oust the Xians and their cancerous religions for good." I asked him why they were taking so long.

He replied, "Patience my friend, it's a virtue, after all. The concept of time has little meaning in the astral, which is primarily where we're fighting Jehovah. Besides, you guys, humans in general, tend to live life in 'the fast lane' nowadays; most of you don't pay attention to anything for more than a few minutes, if it's a topic of interest, that is, and until you all grasp this concept, that results take time to manifest and that the Universe isn't a fast food restaraunt, you'll have a lot of trouble advancing spiritually, unlike your ancestors, who actually got the message; you too are struggling with this very issue, you're too impatient, which is why 'Dero' as you call him, the lesser demon that often times fills in for me whenever Seshat or someone else can't, or when it's an issue that doesn't require my immediate undivided attention, and I are helping you in the first place; it's an extremely valuable lesson that you, and virtually
all of

humanity, needs to learn."

I went on to ask him what his opinion was of Ayn Rand, as I heard the history channel make a reference to her; in fact, I'll just put up the dialogue.

Thoth (in response to my question): Well, let me put it this way, I can see why people would mistake her for a stereotypical Jew.

Me: What do you mean?

Thoth: Look her up, there's a plethora of information on her. Ironically, most people don't agree with her philosophy, or at least don't want to admit it, yet often times follow it down to the letter. In fact, I'm kind of glad you've mentioned her, because it involves yet another lesson humanity needs to learn: there's more to life than money, like, for example, spiritualism, and, the very antithesis to Ayn's philosophy, altruism. To clarify, look at Duat, the place you've gone to several times when you were high, which, by the way, I don't condone or recommend.

Me (interrupting): Right, but if I'm having out of body experiences, doesn't that mean that weed helps with spiritual advancement, at least to an extent?

Thoth: Seeing as how I like you, I'm going to be nice; don't interrupt me again, it's very impolite. And yes, you do have a point I must admit, although I've heard that one many times before. The high is only temporary, so when it wears off, you're right back at where you started, with little more than seeing a preview of what lies ahead and what you can achieve spiritually. All in all, putting in the extra effort to spiritually advance when you're not under the influence of some sort of drug pays off in the long run, mainly because a) you don't need that drug, or any for that matter, to achieve that level of spirituality and b) because you'll know what you're doing, and you'll be strong enough to repell any unwanted guests, like that one enemy servant that tried to possess you, and almost did because you were so out of it.

Me: Yeah, how did I manage to kick his ass again?

Thoth: Mainly by luck, he wasn't expecting you to go on the offensive and you caught him off guard. That's not to say you're completely helpless from a spiritual perspective, more often than not you can hold your own against Jehovah's lesser servants without me or anybody else having to lift a finger; unfortunately for you, your stoned misadventures have actually started to attract some attention from the higher echelons of Jehovah's forces, mainly because they notice the spike in energy that occurs and they see that you don't have a very good grasp on it, in other words, they think you're an easy target, and now they know you'll actually fight back, so next time you run into one of them, they'll likely be stronger than anything you've previously encountered, and prepared for a fight on top of that.

Me: So I guess that means I'm screwed, aren't I?

Thoth: Not exactly, you can still meditate and whatnot when you're sober, that way you have a fighting chance, and besides, I'm one of the most powerful 'demons' on Duat, which is why I'm not very big on physical intervention. Also, you have 'Dero' and even Azazel, on occasion, looking out for you. In other words, if we really needed to, we could help you out.

Me: Hold on, I have all of you guys looking out for me? Why am I so important?

Thoth: You're important to me for the same reasons Maxine is important to the big man (Lucifer), or why you 'Spiritual Satanists' are important to any of us: not only are you emissaries advocating the spiritual renewal and advancement of humanity, but you can also have a profound impact in the physical realm where, normally, our impact would be minimal. For example, we can steer you in the direction of ousting the Xian opressors, but you guys, humans, are the ones that have to do it. Basically, we can show you the door, and even show you how to open it, but it's ultimately you that has to go through it. Do you get my point? You're important because you, and everybody else for that matter, has a role to play in the near future, whether it's being a catalyst for change on a physical level, or whether it's waking people up on a spiritual one.

Me: That makes sense. Anyway, to change the subject, what's your opinion on the Illuminati?

Thoth: Which Illuminati? There's dozens of groups that use that name, all with differing agendas.

Me: The original one.

Thoth: Oh, the Bavarian Illuminati; for the most part, the history books are right, they're pretty much dead. There have been a few attempts at reviving the group, which were met varied success. Technically, it's still around, but extremely small and, for lack of a better term, useless.

Me: What about the guys the conspiracy theorists are always ranting about; you know, the New World Order guys?

Thoth: Those are our enemies, and they're mostly Xians, they're 'the ruling elite' as many of you call them; they're the super-rich who are selling you out to Jehovah in return for material gains; their goal is to have as much fun as possible, and control as many resources as possible, at the expense of you and anybody that isn't one of them. Granted, they don't call themselves 'Illuminati', and usually scoff at those who describe them with that name. As for the 'New World Order', this might be a bit of a shocker, there's really nothing new about it. It's basically the system we currently have, but extremely amplified; think something along the lines of feudalism during the Middle Ages, but much worse. A good portion of them also know about Jehovah and his agenda, and are actively trying to fulfill it, in hopes that they'll be even further rewarded when Jehovah claims your planet, although, truth be told, he'll screw them over in the end, the way

always does. Also, to finally get back to the original subject, they do support Ayn Rand, in fact, she was one of them, hence where she got her mentality from.

Me: Wait, you just said 'when Jehovah claims your planet', I thought we were winning.

Thoth: We are, just look around you. What I meant was that that's what happens in their ideal reality, something that's pretty much completely out of their grasp right now and has been for quite a while; Jehovah's just too stupid to realize he's already lost.

Me: Oh ok, you had me worried for a second. So to sum it all up, be patient, don't be a selfish prick, don't meditate under the influence, and death to the Illuminati.

Thoth: Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, I've enjoyed our little chat, but my break's over and I need to get back to work.

Me: You work too much, you know that?

Thoth: *laughs* I really do, don't I? But hey, it's like Confucius said 'If you have a job you love, you'll never work a whole day in your life." Quite frankly, I like writing, and apparently so do you from what I hear. Maybe you should make that your career choice, you know, become an author; you'd probably be fairly good at it. Besides, the pen, or nowadays the computer, is a great way to spread our message. Anyway, I'll see you around, maybe I'll even drop by the next time I have an actual break.

[Non-text portions of this message have been removed]


Yahoo! Groups Links
agreed, that conversation with Thoth was enspiring. It realy helped me understand my own problem better. It reminds me of the quit talks I have with Hties my bro from time to time. Hties has been helping me learn necromansy and using the rune eo and feo;. I agree with Thoth, that money sin't everything it's only half of the need. You hear that money can't buy happiness, but the fact is money can only buy you the tools to happiness, a home, food, whatever and however youchoose to live. After you ahve all that you have a place to meditate, indulge and enjoy your choice of life. Material and spiritual are both needed. Lol it's true that Thoth is hard toe get a hold of. I rarely hear from him. I do however hear from Haties a lot wich is good.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

I really thank you for posting this- especially the part of your conversation with Thoth. This has helped me personally. I have been working on an important spiritual warfare project for quite some time now. Lilith basically stated the very same thing to me about humans helping humans and this earth. Everything she said to me makes much more sense now. There are times when we get to a very advanced level, we can feel alone in a sense, as the percentage of people who have similar experiences is very, very low. The vast majority of people do not experience what we experience and at an advanced level, this goes much further. I can't reveal any details, but thank you so much. You cleared up a lot for me with this post.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@ wrote:

I've read quite a few of her excerpts, saw a couple interviews, and I must say that the thought that kept repeating in my head was "this is a horrible person". Her philosphy is called "objectivism", which is basically capitalism on steroids, which had a huge role to play in creating the shitstorm we're in now. While I do agree with her on one thing, too much alrtuism can in fact make one jaded over and insensitive to life, I don't think it's right to portray the disaster-relief workers as the bad guys, or to call altruism in general "evil".

Not only does she do this, she also promotes the philosophy of unrestricted greed, in other words, "I got what I want, fuck everyone else". Maybe it's just me, but at first I confused this for a Jewish mantra, even though Rand was the daughter or a Russian aristocrat that nearly, and should've, gotten his head blown off in the Russian Revolution. My point being, I personally see this bitch as disgusting and, Jewish or not, she undoubtedly laid the foundation for the Jews to come to power in the U.S., among other places, and we can see what a great job they're doing now that they have a stranglehold on basically the entire world [sarcasm].

However, this is just my personal opinion, and I have yet to find any evidence saying she was a Jew, however, I can't say I'd be surprised if she were. Anyway, after managing to control my anger, I looked at her philosophy of "objectivism" well... objectively. I came to the conclusion, that I reached through a bit of common sense, research, and observations of society in general, that her bullshit goes far beyond economics, it can be applied to just about every imaginable aspect of life. Just look at the music industry, it's all about essentially whoring yourself to the record companies and singing about bitches, money, rims, etc.

Same thing goes for politics; we elected a bunch of populist assholes (they all claimed to be 'men of the people') who have only self-interest at heart, and aren't going to change jack shit unless their corporate sponsors benefit from it. I personally see this as the worst area to apply Rand's philosophy, and there's a word for a government that doesn't serve the people themselves but only the people at the top, the "elite": dictatorship. Actually, 'plutocracy'/'kleptocracy', a government run by the rich/thieves, would be a better word for describing the governments in the U.S. and abroad.

I've also reached the conclusion that our degeneration of society, i.e. it's filled with greedy selfish assholes who wouldn't know spirituality if it kicked them in the face then took a shit on them, and while every society has people like this, it has become increasingly popular, and even expected to a large extent, to act this way, can be traced back to, you guessed it, Ayn Rand and her philosophy that would, and does, make the Jewish elite proud.
And yes, while the Jews have endorsed this philosphy and others like it for millenia, Rand made it so everybody can be a selfish elitist asshole, Jewish or not, just look at the agenda of the Tea-baggers (Tea Party), it's completely idiotic and counterproductive to anybody that isn't in the ruling elite. I mean, look at the 'trickle down theory', the idea that you should give money to the rich in hopes that they'll spend it and it'll boost the economy. Not only is this completely illogical, but it's also completely ineffective, as we could see when we look at Obama's bailout and stimulus attempts; what we're doing is actively participating in, well, fucking ourselves, while the Jewish and Xian elite laugh in our faces, yet most people are too sedated by reality t.v., music, etc. that pushes this very agenda through subliminal messaging to wake up and realize that there's a big dick in their ass, much less care; most people don't give a shit as long
as Jersey Shore, a show about getting drunk, fighting, getting money, and fucking anything that can't get away fast enough, doesn't get cancelled.

Now it may seem that I'm essentially blaiming Ayn Rand for all the woes of the world. To be honest, I'm not; she wasn't the first one to come up with this outlook on life, however, she did make it widely popular, and it corrupted our system and systems around the world so much that it doesn't matter which party you vote for, the only thing that'll change it the corporate logo. In other words, the system is so fucked, it would take a man like Napoleon or his predecessors, who despised the Jewish elite and essentially booted them out of France before destroying what was left of the Vatican's empire, this is better known in the history books as 'The Reign of Terror', when average citizens executed the people who've fucked them over for centuries, and basically did the world a favor, well, not according to the Jewish propaganda-I mean 'history' books, to even begin to fix this situation. Until then, there's little we can do other than hope for another
French Revolution, but on a global scale, where we rid the Jewish and Xian elites of their miserable existences, either through a firing squad or a jail cell; or better yet, we can actively bring about this revolution, which is already happening elsewhere in the world, i.e. Iceland. Also, for those of you who think this seems like some far-off fringe scheme, look around you; the seeds of rebellion have already been sewn, and dissention is rapidly increasing as more and more people are waking up to reality and the illusion that the elites have propped up are beginning to collapse on their heads. Thoth was right when he appeared to me in a dream, in which I had a brief conversation with him, as he actually managed to find some down-time, which is pretty rare seeing as how he's one of the busiest demons I've ever met, his answers are usually extremely brief and straightforward, and never more than a few sentences to a paragraph, the bare minimum to get his
point across, "The question isn't 'if' the people are going to wake up and realize their opression by their Jewish and Xian overlords, it's 'when'; it's only a matter of time before the fictional reality that was created for the masses falls to shambles and they see what really goes on behind the curtain, and it's only a matter of time before we can officially claim victory over Jehovah; we've already won, we've got Jehovah in checkmate and he doesn't even know it, and it's only a matter of time before we finish him off, and that's when you guys play your part and oust the Xians and their cancerous religions for good." I asked him why they were taking so long.

He replied, "Patience my friend, it's a virtue, after all. The concept of time has little meaning in the astral, which is primarily where we're fighting Jehovah. Besides, you guys, humans in general, tend to live life in 'the fast lane' nowadays; most of you don't pay attention to anything for more than a few minutes, if it's a topic of interest, that is, and until you all grasp this concept, that results take time to manifest and that the Universe isn't a fast food restaraunt, you'll have a lot of trouble advancing spiritually, unlike your ancestors, who actually got the message; you too are struggling with this very issue, you're too impatient, which is why 'Dero' as you call him, the lesser demon that often times fills in for me whenever Seshat or someone else can't, or when it's an issue that doesn't require my immediate undivided attention, and I are helping you in the first place; it's an extremely valuable lesson that you, and virtually all of
humanity, needs to learn."
I went on to ask him what his opinion was of Ayn Rand, as I heard the history channel make a reference to her; in fact, I'll just put up the dialogue.
Thoth (in response to my question): Well, let me put it this way, I can see why people would mistake her for a stereotypical Jew.
Me: What do you mean?
Thoth: Look her up, there's a plethora of information on her. Ironically, most people don't agree with her philosophy, or at least don't want to admit it, yet often times follow it down to the letter. In fact, I'm kind of glad you've mentioned her, because it involves yet another lesson humanity needs to learn: there's more to life than money, like, for example, spiritualism, and, the very antithesis to Ayn's philosophy, altruism. To clarify, look at Duat, the place you've gone to several times when you were high, which, by the way, I don't condone or recommend.
Me (interrupting): Right, but if I'm having out of body experiences, doesn't that mean that weed helps with spiritual advancement, at least to an extent?
Thoth: Seeing as how I like you, I'm going to be nice; don't interrupt me again, it's very impolite. And yes, you do have a point I must admit, although I've heard that one many times before. The high is only temporary, so when it wears off, you're right back at where you started, with little more than seeing a preview of what lies ahead and what you can achieve spiritually. All in all, putting in the extra effort to spiritually advance when you're not under the influence of some sort of drug pays off in the long run, mainly because a) you don't need that drug, or any for that matter, to achieve that level of spirituality and b) because you'll know what you're doing, and you'll be strong enough to repell any unwanted guests, like that one enemy servant that tried to possess you, and almost did because you were so out of it.
Me: Yeah, how did I manage to kick his ass again?
Thoth: Mainly by luck, he wasn't expecting you to go on the offensive and you caught him off guard. That's not to say you're completely helpless from a spiritual perspective, more often than not you can hold your own against Jehovah's lesser servants without me or anybody else having to lift a finger; unfortunately for you, your stoned misadventures have actually started to attract some attention from the higher echelons of Jehovah's forces, mainly because they notice the spike in energy that occurs and they see that you don't have a very good grasp on it, in other words, they think you're an easy target, and now they know you'll actually fight back, so next time you run into one of them, they'll likely be stronger than anything you've previously encountered, and prepared for a fight on top of that.
Me: So I guess that means I'm screwed, aren't I?
Thoth: Not exactly, you can still meditate and whatnot when you're sober, that way you have a fighting chance, and besides, I'm one of the most powerful 'demons' on Duat, which is why I'm not very big on physical intervention. Also, you have 'Dero' and even Azazel, on occasion, looking out for you. In other words, if we really needed to, we could help you out.
Me: Hold on, I have all of you guys looking out for me? Why am I so important?
Thoth: You're important to me for the same reasons Maxine is important to the big man (Lucifer), or why you 'Spiritual Satanists' are important to any of us: not only are you emissaries advocating the spiritual renewal and advancement of humanity, but you can also have a profound impact in the physical realm where, normally, our impact would be minimal. For example, we can steer you in the direction of ousting the Xian opressors, but you guys, humans, are the ones that have to do it. Basically, we can show you the door, and even show you how to open it, but it's ultimately you that has to go through it. Do you get my point? You're important because you, and everybody else for that matter, has a role to play in the near future, whether it's being a catalyst for change on a physical level, or whether it's waking people up on a spiritual one.
Me: That makes sense. Anyway, to change the subject, what's your opinion on the Illuminati?
Thoth: Which Illuminati? There's dozens of groups that use that name, all with differing agendas.
Me: The original one.
Thoth: Oh, the Bavarian Illuminati; for the most part, the history books are right, they're pretty much dead. There have been a few attempts at reviving the group, which were met varied success. Technically, it's still around, but extremely small and, for lack of a better term, useless.
Me: What about the guys the conspiracy theorists are always ranting about; you know, the New World Order guys?
Thoth: Those are our enemies, and they're mostly Xians, they're 'the ruling elite' as many of you call them; they're the super-rich who are selling you out to Jehovah in return for material gains; their goal is to have as much fun as possible, and control as many resources as possible, at the expense of you and anybody that isn't one of them. Granted, they don't call themselves 'Illuminati', and usually scoff at those who describe them with that name. As for the 'New World Order', this might be a bit of a shocker, there's really nothing new about it. It's basically the system we currently have, but extremely amplified; think something along the lines of feudalism during the Middle Ages, but much worse. A good portion of them also know about Jehovah and his agenda, and are actively trying to fulfill it, in hopes that they'll be even further rewarded when Jehovah claims your planet, although, truth be told, he'll screw them over in the end, the way he
always does. Also, to finally get back to the original subject, they do support Ayn Rand, in fact, she was one of them, hence where she got her mentality from.
Me: Wait, you just said 'when Jehovah claims your planet', I thought we were winning.
Thoth: We are, just look around you. What I meant was that that's what happens in their ideal reality, something that's pretty much completely out of their grasp right now and has been for quite a while; Jehovah's just too stupid to realize he's already lost.
Me: Oh ok, you had me worried for a second. So to sum it all up, be patient, don't be a selfish prick, don't meditate under the influence, and death to the Illuminati.
Thoth: Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, I've enjoyed our little chat, but my break's over and I need to get back to work.
Me: You work too much, you know that?
Thoth: *laughs* I really do, don't I? But hey, it's like Confucius said 'If you have a job you love, you'll never work a whole day in your life." Quite frankly, I like writing, and apparently so do you from what I hear. Maybe you should make that your career choice, you know, become an author; you'd probably be fairly good at it. Besides, the pen, or nowadays the computer, is a great way to spread our message. Anyway, I'll see you around, maybe I'll even drop by the next time I have an actual break.
That the Gods are here to help us humans help ourselves. Also that we humans need to work with each other in many different ways [spiritually], not depending upon the Gods, except for their direction and guidance, and in some cases, supervision. There are things the Gods cannot do, that we can, in the way of working with other humans.

I don't know if this makes much sense, but one example is our working with each other in the way of these groups and the websites. The Gods show us the way to freedom and give us knowledge. We are the ones who use the knowledge to help and guide other humans.

The Gods are friends who are helping us. There are many things the Gods can do that we humans cannot and also there are things only we humans can do that the Gods cannot. The foundation of it all is that we are to work to help ourselves- this includes helping others on a spiritual level.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@... wrote:

I'm happy to have helped. I mean I do talk to him whenever I get the chance, which isn't often, but still, I can post any other conversations I have with him if you want. I must admit, Thoth is a great guy and I really do enjoy working with him. However, I'm a little curious, what exactly did I clear up?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I really thank you for posting this- especially the part of your conversation with Thoth. This has helped me personally. I have been working on an important spiritual warfare project for quite some time now. Lilith basically stated the very same thing to me about humans helping humans and this earth. Everything she said to me makes much more sense now. There are times when we get to a very advanced level, we can feel alone in a sense, as the percentage of people who have similar experiences is very, very low. The vast majority of people do not experience what we experience and at an advanced level, this goes much further. I can't reveal any details, but thank you so much. You cleared up a lot for me with this post.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@ wrote:

I've read quite a few of her excerpts, saw a couple interviews, and I must say that the thought that kept repeating in my head was "this is a horrible person". Her philosphy is called "objectivism", which is basically capitalism on steroids, which had a huge role to play in creating the shitstorm we're in now. While I do agree with her on one thing, too much alrtuism can in fact make one jaded over and insensitive to life, I don't think it's right to portray the disaster-relief workers as the bad guys, or to call altruism in general "evil".

Not only does she do this, she also promotes the philosophy of unrestricted greed, in other words, "I got what I want, fuck everyone else". Maybe it's just me, but at first I confused this for a Jewish mantra, even though Rand was the daughter or a Russian aristocrat that nearly, and should've, gotten his head blown off in the Russian Revolution. My point being, I personally see this bitch as disgusting and, Jewish or not, she undoubtedly laid the foundation for the Jews to come to power in the U.S., among other places, and we can see what a great job they're doing now that they have a stranglehold on basically the entire world [sarcasm].

However, this is just my personal opinion, and I have yet to find any evidence saying she was a Jew, however, I can't say I'd be surprised if she were. Anyway, after managing to control my anger, I looked at her philosophy of "objectivism" well... objectively. I came to the conclusion, that I reached through a bit of common sense, research, and observations of society in general, that her bullshit goes far beyond economics, it can be applied to just about every imaginable aspect of life. Just look at the music industry, it's all about essentially whoring yourself to the record companies and singing about bitches, money, rims, etc.

Same thing goes for politics; we elected a bunch of populist assholes (they all claimed to be 'men of the people') who have only self-interest at heart, and aren't going to change jack shit unless their corporate sponsors benefit from it. I personally see this as the worst area to apply Rand's philosophy, and there's a word for a government that doesn't serve the people themselves but only the people at the top, the "elite": dictatorship. Actually, 'plutocracy'/'kleptocracy', a government run by the rich/thieves, would be a better word for describing the governments in the U.S. and abroad.

I've also reached the conclusion that our degeneration of society, i.e. it's filled with greedy selfish assholes who wouldn't know spirituality if it kicked them in the face then took a shit on them, and while every society has people like this, it has become increasingly popular, and even expected to a large extent, to act this way, can be traced back to, you guessed it, Ayn Rand and her philosophy that would, and does, make the Jewish elite proud.
And yes, while the Jews have endorsed this philosphy and others like it for millenia, Rand made it so everybody can be a selfish elitist asshole, Jewish or not, just look at the agenda of the Tea-baggers (Tea Party), it's completely idiotic and counterproductive to anybody that isn't in the ruling elite. I mean, look at the 'trickle down theory', the idea that you should give money to the rich in hopes that they'll spend it and it'll boost the economy. Not only is this completely illogical, but it's also completely ineffective, as we could see when we look at Obama's bailout and stimulus attempts; what we're doing is actively participating in, well, fucking ourselves, while the Jewish and Xian elite laugh in our faces, yet most people are too sedated by reality t.v., music, etc. that pushes this very agenda through subliminal messaging to wake up and realize that there's a big dick in their ass, much less care; most people don't give a shit as
as Jersey Shore, a show about getting drunk, fighting, getting money, and fucking anything that can't get away fast enough, doesn't get cancelled.

Now it may seem that I'm essentially blaiming Ayn Rand for all the woes of the world. To be honest, I'm not; she wasn't the first one to come up with this outlook on life, however, she did make it widely popular, and it corrupted our system and systems around the world so much that it doesn't matter which party you vote for, the only thing that'll change it the corporate logo. In other words, the system is so fucked, it would take a man like Napoleon or his predecessors, who despised the Jewish elite and essentially booted them out of France before destroying what was left of the Vatican's empire, this is better known in the history books as 'The Reign of Terror', when average citizens executed the people who've fucked them over for centuries, and basically did the world a favor, well, not according to the Jewish propaganda-I mean 'history' books, to even begin to fix this situation. Until then, there's little we can do other than hope for another
French Revolution, but on a global scale, where we rid the Jewish and Xian elites of their miserable existences, either through a firing squad or a jail cell; or better yet, we can actively bring about this revolution, which is already happening elsewhere in the world, i.e. Iceland. Also, for those of you who think this seems like some far-off fringe scheme, look around you; the seeds of rebellion have already been sewn, and dissention is rapidly increasing as more and more people are waking up to reality and the illusion that the elites have propped up are beginning to collapse on their heads. Thoth was right when he appeared to me in a dream, in which I had a brief conversation with him, as he actually managed to find some down-time, which is pretty rare seeing as how he's one of the busiest demons I've ever met, his answers are usually extremely brief and straightforward, and never more than a few sentences to a paragraph, the bare minimum to get
point across, "The question isn't 'if' the people are going to wake up and realize their opression by their Jewish and Xian overlords, it's 'when'; it's only a matter of time before the fictional reality that was created for the masses falls to shambles and they see what really goes on behind the curtain, and it's only a matter of time before we can officially claim victory over Jehovah; we've already won, we've got Jehovah in checkmate and he doesn't even know it, and it's only a matter of time before we finish him off, and that's when you guys play your part and oust the Xians and their cancerous religions for good." I asked him why they were taking so long.

He replied, "Patience my friend, it's a virtue, after all. The concept of time has little meaning in the astral, which is primarily where we're fighting Jehovah. Besides, you guys, humans in general, tend to live life in 'the fast lane' nowadays; most of you don't pay attention to anything for more than a few minutes, if it's a topic of interest, that is, and until you all grasp this concept, that results take time to manifest and that the Universe isn't a fast food restaraunt, you'll have a lot of trouble advancing spiritually, unlike your ancestors, who actually got the message; you too are struggling with this very issue, you're too impatient, which is why 'Dero' as you call him, the lesser demon that often times fills in for me whenever Seshat or someone else can't, or when it's an issue that doesn't require my immediate undivided attention, and I are helping you in the first place; it's an extremely valuable lesson that you, and virtually all
humanity, needs to learn."
I went on to ask him what his opinion was of Ayn Rand, as I heard the history channel make a reference to her; in fact, I'll just put up the dialogue.
Thoth (in response to my question): Well, let me put it this way, I can see why people would mistake her for a stereotypical Jew.
Me: What do you mean?
Thoth: Look her up, there's a plethora of information on her. Ironically, most people don't agree with her philosophy, or at least don't want to admit it, yet often times follow it down to the letter. In fact, I'm kind of glad you've mentioned her, because it involves yet another lesson humanity needs to learn: there's more to life than money, like, for example, spiritualism, and, the very antithesis to Ayn's philosophy, altruism. To clarify, look at Duat, the place you've gone to several times when you were high, which, by the way, I don't condone or recommend.
Me (interrupting): Right, but if I'm having out of body experiences, doesn't that mean that weed helps with spiritual advancement, at least to an extent?
Thoth: Seeing as how I like you, I'm going to be nice; don't interrupt me again, it's very impolite. And yes, you do have a point I must admit, although I've heard that one many times before. The high is only temporary, so when it wears off, you're right back at where you started, with little more than seeing a preview of what lies ahead and what you can achieve spiritually. All in all, putting in the extra effort to spiritually advance when you're not under the influence of some sort of drug pays off in the long run, mainly because a) you don't need that drug, or any for that matter, to achieve that level of spirituality and b) because you'll know what you're doing, and you'll be strong enough to repell any unwanted guests, like that one enemy servant that tried to possess you, and almost did because you were so out of it.
Me: Yeah, how did I manage to kick his ass again?
Thoth: Mainly by luck, he wasn't expecting you to go on the offensive and you caught him off guard. That's not to say you're completely helpless from a spiritual perspective, more often than not you can hold your own against Jehovah's lesser servants without me or anybody else having to lift a finger; unfortunately for you, your stoned misadventures have actually started to attract some attention from the higher echelons of Jehovah's forces, mainly because they notice the spike in energy that occurs and they see that you don't have a very good grasp on it, in other words, they think you're an easy target, and now they know you'll actually fight back, so next time you run into one of them, they'll likely be stronger than anything you've previously encountered, and prepared for a fight on top of that.
Me: So I guess that means I'm screwed, aren't I?
Thoth: Not exactly, you can still meditate and whatnot when you're sober, that way you have a fighting chance, and besides, I'm one of the most powerful 'demons' on Duat, which is why I'm not very big on physical intervention. Also, you have 'Dero' and even Azazel, on occasion, looking out for you. In other words, if we really needed to, we could help you out.
Me: Hold on, I have all of you guys looking out for me? Why am I so important?
Thoth: You're important to me for the same reasons Maxine is important to the big man (Lucifer), or why you 'Spiritual Satanists' are important to any of us: not only are you emissaries advocating the spiritual renewal and advancement of humanity, but you can also have a profound impact in the physical realm where, normally, our impact would be minimal. For example, we can steer you in the direction of ousting the Xian opressors, but you guys, humans, are the ones that have to do it. Basically, we can show you the door, and even show you how to open it, but it's ultimately you that has to go through it. Do you get my point? You're important because you, and everybody else for that matter, has a role to play in the near future, whether it's being a catalyst for change on a physical level, or whether it's waking people up on a spiritual one.
Me: That makes sense. Anyway, to change the subject, what's your opinion on the Illuminati?
Thoth: Which Illuminati? There's dozens of groups that use that name, all with differing agendas.
Me: The original one.
Thoth: Oh, the Bavarian Illuminati; for the most part, the history books are right, they're pretty much dead. There have been a few attempts at reviving the group, which were met varied success. Technically, it's still around, but extremely small and, for lack of a better term, useless.
Me: What about the guys the conspiracy theorists are always ranting about; you know, the New World Order guys?
Thoth: Those are our enemies, and they're mostly Xians, they're 'the ruling elite' as many of you call them; they're the super-rich who are selling you out to Jehovah in return for material gains; their goal is to have as much fun as possible, and control as many resources as possible, at the expense of you and anybody that isn't one of them. Granted, they don't call themselves 'Illuminati', and usually scoff at those who describe them with that name. As for the 'New World Order', this might be a bit of a shocker, there's really nothing new about it. It's basically the system we currently have, but extremely amplified; think something along the lines of feudalism during the Middle Ages, but much worse. A good portion of them also know about Jehovah and his agenda, and are actively trying to fulfill it, in hopes that they'll be even further rewarded when Jehovah claims your planet, although, truth be told, he'll screw them over in the end, the way
always does. Also, to finally get back to the original subject, they do support Ayn Rand, in fact, she was one of them, hence where she got her mentality from.
Me: Wait, you just said 'when Jehovah claims your planet', I thought we were winning.
Thoth: We are, just look around you. What I meant was that that's what happens in their ideal reality, something that's pretty much completely out of their grasp right now and has been for quite a while; Jehovah's just too stupid to realize he's already lost.
Me: Oh ok, you had me worried for a second. So to sum it all up, be patient, don't be a selfish prick, don't meditate under the influence, and death to the Illuminati.
Thoth: Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, I've enjoyed our little chat, but my break's over and I need to get back to work.
Me: You work too much, you know that?
Thoth: *laughs* I really do, don't I? But hey, it's like Confucius said 'If you have a job you love, you'll never work a whole day in your life." Quite frankly, I like writing, and apparently so do you from what I hear. Maybe you should make that your career choice, you know, become an author; you'd probably be fairly good at it. Besides, the pen, or nowadays the computer, is a great way to spread our message. Anyway, I'll see you around, maybe I'll even drop by the next time I have an actual break.
Thank you so much for sharing this
i really need it

Hail Satan and All Gods of Duat !

Limlal Forever

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@... wrote:

That the Gods are here to help us humans help ourselves. Also that we humans need to work with each other in many different ways [spiritually], not depending upon the Gods, except for their direction and guidance, and in some cases, supervision. There are things the Gods cannot do, that we can, in the way of working with other humans.

I don't know if this makes much sense, but one example is our working with each other in the way of these groups and the websites. The Gods show us the way to freedom and give us knowledge. We are the ones who use the knowledge to help and guide other humans.

The Gods are friends who are helping us. There are many things the Gods can do that we humans cannot and also there are things only we humans can do that the Gods cannot. The foundation of it all is that we are to work to help ourselves- this includes helping others on a spiritual level.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@ wrote:

I'm happy to have helped. I mean I do talk to him whenever I get the chance, which isn't often, but still, I can post any other conversations I have with him if you want. I must admit, Thoth is a great guy and I really do enjoy working with him. However, I'm a little curious, what exactly did I clear up?

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], High Priestess Maxine Dietrich <maxine.dietrich@ wrote:

I really thank you for posting this- especially the part of your conversation with Thoth. This has helped me personally. I have been working on an important spiritual warfare project for quite some time now. Lilith basically stated the very same thing to me about humans helping humans and this earth. Everything she said to me makes much more sense now. There are times when we get to a very advanced level, we can feel alone in a sense, as the percentage of people who have similar experiences is very, very low. The vast majority of people do not experience what we experience and at an advanced level, this goes much further. I can't reveal any details, but thank you so much. You cleared up a lot for me with this post.

High Priestess Maxine Dietrich

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Pierce Talanski" <ptalanski@ wrote:

I've read quite a few of her excerpts, saw a couple interviews, and I must say that the thought that kept repeating in my head was "this is a horrible person". Her philosphy is called "objectivism", which is basically capitalism on steroids, which had a huge role to play in creating the shitstorm we're in now. While I do agree with her on one thing, too much alrtuism can in fact make one jaded over and insensitive to life, I don't think it's right to portray the disaster-relief workers as the bad guys, or to call altruism in general "evil".

Not only does she do this, she also promotes the philosophy of unrestricted greed, in other words, "I got what I want, fuck everyone else". Maybe it's just me, but at first I confused this for a Jewish mantra, even though Rand was the daughter or a Russian aristocrat that nearly, and should've, gotten his head blown off in the Russian Revolution. My point being, I personally see this bitch as disgusting and, Jewish or not, she undoubtedly laid the foundation for the Jews to come to power in the U.S., among other places, and we can see what a great job they're doing now that they have a stranglehold on basically the entire world [sarcasm].

However, this is just my personal opinion, and I have yet to find any evidence saying she was a Jew, however, I can't say I'd be surprised if she were. Anyway, after managing to control my anger, I looked at her philosophy of "objectivism" well... objectively. I came to the conclusion, that I reached through a bit of common sense, research, and observations of society in general, that her bullshit goes far beyond economics, it can be applied to just about every imaginable aspect of life. Just look at the music industry, it's all about essentially whoring yourself to the record companies and singing about bitches, money, rims, etc.

Same thing goes for politics; we elected a bunch of populist assholes (they all claimed to be 'men of the people') who have only self-interest at heart, and aren't going to change jack shit unless their corporate sponsors benefit from it. I personally see this as the worst area to apply Rand's philosophy, and there's a word for a government that doesn't serve the people themselves but only the people at the top, the "elite": dictatorship. Actually, 'plutocracy'/'kleptocracy', a government run by the rich/thieves, would be a better word for describing the governments in the U.S. and abroad.

I've also reached the conclusion that our degeneration of society, i.e. it's filled with greedy selfish assholes who wouldn't know spirituality if it kicked them in the face then took a shit on them, and while every society has people like this, it has become increasingly popular, and even expected to a large extent, to act this way, can be traced back to, you guessed it, Ayn Rand and her philosophy that would, and does, make the Jewish elite proud.
And yes, while the Jews have endorsed this philosphy and others like it for millenia, Rand made it so everybody can be a selfish elitist asshole, Jewish or not, just look at the agenda of the Tea-baggers (Tea Party), it's completely idiotic and counterproductive to anybody that isn't in the ruling elite. I mean, look at the 'trickle down theory', the idea that you should give money to the rich in hopes that they'll spend it and it'll boost the economy. Not only is this completely illogical, but it's also completely ineffective, as we could see when we look at Obama's bailout and stimulus attempts; what we're doing is actively participating in, well, fucking ourselves, while the Jewish and Xian elite laugh in our faces, yet most people are too sedated by reality t.v., music, etc. that pushes this very agenda through subliminal messaging to wake up and realize that there's a big dick in their ass, much less care; most people don't give a shit as
as Jersey Shore, a show about getting drunk, fighting, getting money, and fucking anything that can't get away fast enough, doesn't get cancelled.

Now it may seem that I'm essentially blaiming Ayn Rand for all the woes of the world. To be honest, I'm not; she wasn't the first one to come up with this outlook on life, however, she did make it widely popular, and it corrupted our system and systems around the world so much that it doesn't matter which party you vote for, the only thing that'll change it the corporate logo. In other words, the system is so fucked, it would take a man like Napoleon or his predecessors, who despised the Jewish elite and essentially booted them out of France before destroying what was left of the Vatican's empire, this is better known in the history books as 'The Reign of Terror', when average citizens executed the people who've fucked them over for centuries, and basically did the world a favor, well, not according to the Jewish propaganda-I mean 'history' books, to even begin to fix this situation. Until then, there's little we can do other than hope for another
French Revolution, but on a global scale, where we rid the Jewish and Xian elites of their miserable existences, either through a firing squad or a jail cell; or better yet, we can actively bring about this revolution, which is already happening elsewhere in the world, i.e. Iceland. Also, for those of you who think this seems like some far-off fringe scheme, look around you; the seeds of rebellion have already been sewn, and dissention is rapidly increasing as more and more people are waking up to reality and the illusion that the elites have propped up are beginning to collapse on their heads. Thoth was right when he appeared to me in a dream, in which I had a brief conversation with him, as he actually managed to find some down-time, which is pretty rare seeing as how he's one of the busiest demons I've ever met, his answers are usually extremely brief and straightforward, and never more than a few sentences to a paragraph, the bare minimum to get
point across, "The question isn't 'if' the people are going to wake up and realize their opression by their Jewish and Xian overlords, it's 'when'; it's only a matter of time before the fictional reality that was created for the masses falls to shambles and they see what really goes on behind the curtain, and it's only a matter of time before we can officially claim victory over Jehovah; we've already won, we've got Jehovah in checkmate and he doesn't even know it, and it's only a matter of time before we finish him off, and that's when you guys play your part and oust the Xians and their cancerous religions for good." I asked him why they were taking so long.

He replied, "Patience my friend, it's a virtue, after all. The concept of time has little meaning in the astral, which is primarily where we're fighting Jehovah. Besides, you guys, humans in general, tend to live life in 'the fast lane' nowadays; most of you don't pay attention to anything for more than a few minutes, if it's a topic of interest, that is, and until you all grasp this concept, that results take time to manifest and that the Universe isn't a fast food restaraunt, you'll have a lot of trouble advancing spiritually, unlike your ancestors, who actually got the message; you too are struggling with this very issue, you're too impatient, which is why 'Dero' as you call him, the lesser demon that often times fills in for me whenever Seshat or someone else can't, or when it's an issue that doesn't require my immediate undivided attention, and I are helping you in the first place; it's an extremely valuable lesson that you, and virtually all
humanity, needs to learn."
I went on to ask him what his opinion was of Ayn Rand, as I heard the history channel make a reference to her; in fact, I'll just put up the dialogue.
Thoth (in response to my question): Well, let me put it this way, I can see why people would mistake her for a stereotypical Jew.
Me: What do you mean?
Thoth: Look her up, there's a plethora of information on her. Ironically, most people don't agree with her philosophy, or at least don't want to admit it, yet often times follow it down to the letter. In fact, I'm kind of glad you've mentioned her, because it involves yet another lesson humanity needs to learn: there's more to life than money, like, for example, spiritualism, and, the very antithesis to Ayn's philosophy, altruism. To clarify, look at Duat, the place you've gone to several times when you were high, which, by the way, I don't condone or recommend.
Me (interrupting): Right, but if I'm having out of body experiences, doesn't that mean that weed helps with spiritual advancement, at least to an extent?
Thoth: Seeing as how I like you, I'm going to be nice; don't interrupt me again, it's very impolite. And yes, you do have a point I must admit, although I've heard that one many times before. The high is only temporary, so when it wears off, you're right back at where you started, with little more than seeing a preview of what lies ahead and what you can achieve spiritually. All in all, putting in the extra effort to spiritually advance when you're not under the influence of some sort of drug pays off in the long run, mainly because a) you don't need that drug, or any for that matter, to achieve that level of spirituality and b) because you'll know what you're doing, and you'll be strong enough to repell any unwanted guests, like that one enemy servant that tried to possess you, and almost did because you were so out of it.
Me: Yeah, how did I manage to kick his ass again?
Thoth: Mainly by luck, he wasn't expecting you to go on the offensive and you caught him off guard. That's not to say you're completely helpless from a spiritual perspective, more often than not you can hold your own against Jehovah's lesser servants without me or anybody else having to lift a finger; unfortunately for you, your stoned misadventures have actually started to attract some attention from the higher echelons of Jehovah's forces, mainly because they notice the spike in energy that occurs and they see that you don't have a very good grasp on it, in other words, they think you're an easy target, and now they know you'll actually fight back, so next time you run into one of them, they'll likely be stronger than anything you've previously encountered, and prepared for a fight on top of that.
Me: So I guess that means I'm screwed, aren't I?
Thoth: Not exactly, you can still meditate and whatnot when you're sober, that way you have a fighting chance, and besides, I'm one of the most powerful 'demons' on Duat, which is why I'm not very big on physical intervention. Also, you have 'Dero' and even Azazel, on occasion, looking out for you. In other words, if we really needed to, we could help you out.
Me: Hold on, I have all of you guys looking out for me? Why am I so important?
Thoth: You're important to me for the same reasons Maxine is important to the big man (Lucifer), or why you 'Spiritual Satanists' are important to any of us: not only are you emissaries advocating the spiritual renewal and advancement of humanity, but you can also have a profound impact in the physical realm where, normally, our impact would be minimal. For example, we can steer you in the direction of ousting the Xian opressors, but you guys, humans, are the ones that have to do it. Basically, we can show you the door, and even show you how to open it, but it's ultimately you that has to go through it. Do you get my point? You're important because you, and everybody else for that matter, has a role to play in the near future, whether it's being a catalyst for change on a physical level, or whether it's waking people up on a spiritual one.
Me: That makes sense. Anyway, to change the subject, what's your opinion on the Illuminati?
Thoth: Which Illuminati? There's dozens of groups that use that name, all with differing agendas.
Me: The original one.
Thoth: Oh, the Bavarian Illuminati; for the most part, the history books are right, they're pretty much dead. There have been a few attempts at reviving the group, which were met varied success. Technically, it's still around, but extremely small and, for lack of a better term, useless.
Me: What about the guys the conspiracy theorists are always ranting about; you know, the New World Order guys?
Thoth: Those are our enemies, and they're mostly Xians, they're 'the ruling elite' as many of you call them; they're the super-rich who are selling you out to Jehovah in return for material gains; their goal is to have as much fun as possible, and control as many resources as possible, at the expense of you and anybody that isn't one of them. Granted, they don't call themselves 'Illuminati', and usually scoff at those who describe them with that name. As for the 'New World Order', this might be a bit of a shocker, there's really nothing new about it. It's basically the system we currently have, but extremely amplified; think something along the lines of feudalism during the Middle Ages, but much worse. A good portion of them also know about Jehovah and his agenda, and are actively trying to fulfill it, in hopes that they'll be even further rewarded when Jehovah claims your planet, although, truth be told, he'll screw them over in the end, the way
always does. Also, to finally get back to the original subject, they do support Ayn Rand, in fact, she was one of them, hence where she got her mentality from.
Me: Wait, you just said 'when Jehovah claims your planet', I thought we were winning.
Thoth: We are, just look around you. What I meant was that that's what happens in their ideal reality, something that's pretty much completely out of their grasp right now and has been for quite a while; Jehovah's just too stupid to realize he's already lost.
Me: Oh ok, you had me worried for a second. So to sum it all up, be patient, don't be a selfish prick, don't meditate under the influence, and death to the Illuminati.
Thoth: Yeah, pretty much. Anyway, I've enjoyed our little chat, but my break's over and I need to get back to work.
Me: You work too much, you know that?
Thoth: *laughs* I really do, don't I? But hey, it's like Confucius said 'If you have a job you love, you'll never work a whole day in your life." Quite frankly, I like writing, and apparently so do you from what I hear. Maybe you should make that your career choice, you know, become an author; you'd probably be fairly good at it. Besides, the pen, or nowadays the computer, is a great way to spread our message. Anyway, I'll see you around, maybe I'll even drop by the next time I have an actual break.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
