I have a question about AC. I remember reading once that it is bad for children and animals to be around when you do the aura cleansing because the dirt expelled is impregnated to them, so, does the same thing happen to the objects? It worries me.
Personally I have never noticed dross from my soul to attach on other living being or static object, If this is a worry of yours you can do a round of cleaning to whatever you think needs cleaning, whether it's a pet or an object.
I have a question about AC. I remember reading once that it is bad for children and animals to be around when you do the aura cleansing because the dirt expelled is impregnated to them, so, does the same thing happen to the objects? It worries me.
As JacobSS suggested you need to vizualize the "dross" going far away from you, either direct it mentally to someone or something specifically. Sometimes after cleaning I send the negative energy to Israel to get rid of it (sounds weird but for me Israel is a dumping ground for day to day negative energy and curses), you can also affirm and vizualize that it goes back to the senders (you don't need to know who the senders are necessarily) or as described in Aura or Protection meditation you can also call upon your Demon Guardian to take it away, but you definitely don't need to worry about any objects in the room as long as you focus on the negative energy leaving your room and sending it far away.
I have a question about AC. I remember reading once that it is bad for children and animals to be around when you do the aura cleansing because the dirt expelled is impregnated to them, so, does the same thing happen to the objects? It worries me.
Hello OP,
- I think you are confusing cleaning with a warning to not breathe in energy when children and animals are in the same room. As they are smaller and more vulnerable to having their life-forced drained.
- I've never had an issue with negative energy sticking around or to other people/ objects after cleaning. If this is of concern to you, be sure to clean and air your room. Open your windows and curtains to let the sunlight in.
- Instead of pushing the negative energy out of you, you can always visualize yourself engulfed in intense golden fire and that this fire is burning up all the negative energy inside and outside of your body. As you do this, the negative energy turns into harmless white steam/ vapor that evaporates from your body.
- These methods work well. Your visualization and focus are what makes these workings effective.