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Attention To All Members


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2005
I request something from you all.

Please if you will, write a testimonial of coming to Satanism and how it has changed your life for the better and post it in this thread and or PM me. I am looking for as many as possible to use to put together to help spread Satanism.

Testimonials are some of the most powerful things, it is the power to open hearts and touch minds and undo centuries of lies. The enemy always loves to push this button for a negative reason, so lets do it for a positive reason.

When [/IMG]</var>   Sincerely,

High Priestess Atheron of the Joy of Satan Ministries

From: Don <mageson6666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, August 9, 2011 10:51 PM
Subject: [JoS4adults] Attention To All Members

  I request something from you all.

Please if you will, write a testimonial of coming to Satanism and how it has changed your life for the better and post it in this thread and or PM me. I am looking for as many as possible to use to put together to help spread Satanism.

Testimonials are some of the most powerful things, it is the power to open hearts and touch minds and undo centuries of lies. The enemy always loves to push this button for a negative reason, so lets do it for a positive reason.


Here's mine, it's gonna be a long one:

Like most people I was raised a xian. My life was never good enough, I had many problems and because of that, I was always looking for some sort of spiritual guidance. I was a hardcore xian in my early teenage years, probably because I knew nothing better. I was obsessed with xianity and even tried to prove that it is the truth although I've experienced nothing than being cheated and betrayed by other xians and have had no help from their "god". So I've read many xian texts and the buybull, but I found many lies in there and asked xians and they couldn't explain these. When I was reading more and more xian stuff I was finding more nonsense there and things that weren't just fair there and I eventually became and atheist and I convinced myself that there's nothing which can help me. But even when I was a xian, I always had a bad feeling about xianity, I could never explain it, but I just ignored it and just made excuses about it.

Some years passed and I was still an atheist but at this time I was reading lots of fantasy books. Not exactly like harry potter, but there was a magick theme in some of them. I was talking with a friend and some random moment he told me "imagine what would happen if this stuff would be real". These words really woke something in me and gave me hope, and I began searching on the internet "is magick real". I had come to many sites mostly wiccan-like but I never really like it because I wondered what's the point of just using white magick and not anything else or what's the point of following the same xian nonsense if they claim to be different that it. Truth is I was sick of xianity at that time and I researched the occult to escape from it, not to have more xian-like teachings to follow. There was also some kike magick like solomon's BS there and I had an subconscious aversion to these and I didn't really like them. One of the few sites I liked is one that talked about "Night Magick", it was LHP oriented, completely down to earth, without RHP BS. Interesting is I've tried something like meditating on the "forces of darkness" (the site's way of describing out Gods/Demons) and I've thought first I could experience some negative things but nothing but calmness and I saw a clear light when doing that. I've read everything in it but I still wanted to study more about magick and these techniques because it was extremely interested. At that point I called myself an LHP occultist because I liked the ideology of the LHP. It was about freedom and self-empowerment and without any stupid restrictive laws.

Well, you probably can imagine what happened next, I did some random search about something I don't remember, probably astral projection, and I came upon the JoS site. I read the JoS's info on the topic I searched and it's explanation couldn't be more clear. Then I started to really like the site, although I was scared about "Satan" a bit everything I read made sense and explained my experiences I had. Because I still had some doubts about the name "Satan" and could picture a black figure when somebody said that, I was looking to research more on the web. I didn't find anything good though, there was Diane Vera's site which was compeltely BS and treating our Gods like enemies and although I wasn't sure that the Gods were benevolent I again had an aversion and even became angry when somebody treated them like dogs. I guessed I should stick with the JoS because it's the only one I really liked and made the most sense. So I've started meditating on Satan and experienced the same peaceful fealing and light I did when I did the same thing with the "forces of darkness" before.

Then I got serious with meditation and I got dedicated. After I did my dedication something told me that I did the right thing. I remember having some inner problems and I visited psychologists and others about those, never had any result though. But I asked Satan about this in a ritual and he give me signs that it is a simple chakra imbalance. When I was working on my chakras for some time eventually this problem healed itself. Satan himself also helped me a lot, I remember having a project which was too hard and didn't have much time to complete and somehow the time period got extended and I was given more time because of a mysterious situation. I've noticed that there's nothing more than I can handle in Satanism (in some cases there was an illusion that I couldn't handle them, but I could, and Satan guided me to awaken my inner strength and willpower). I'm generally more optimistic and patient from when I became a Satanist, I always see the positive thing in a bad situation and find a way to handle it myself or using magick. When I was new in Satanism I thought I couldn't live without Satan, but after some years in meditating I got a sense of self-esteem and self-reliance, although I still thank Satan for all His help. I was a little influenced by the enemy lies when I was new and I had some enemy (angelic or grey) attacks, but as I grew up in Satan and had a relationship with some Demons I knew for sure these enemy lies are nonsense and the enemy angels could go on yammering their BS, I didn't care at all what they said. My Guardian Demon not only saved me, but he even healed my brother (although he's an atheist) and saved him from some hard situations, and that's the reason why I'm pissed off when anyone who tries to imply that our Gods are "evil" or can't be trusted, or tries to exploit them for personal gain. I believe they deserve to be respected.

My life is much different than when was a xian or an atheist though, I was full of fear and guilt and thinking "god" punished me all the time and instead of blaming this fucker or taking responsibility for my life I begged for forgiveness. Then as an atheist I thought I could just suck it up and convince myself that nothing supernatural is real.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:

I request something from you all.

Please if you will, write a testimonial of coming to Satanism and how it has changed your life for the better and post it in this thread and or PM me. I am looking for as many as possible to use to put together to help spread Satanism.

Testimonials are some of the most powerful things, it is the power to open hearts and touch minds and undo centuries of lies. The enemy always loves to push this button for a negative reason, so lets do it for a positive reason.

I think I was looking for satanism, all the other forms of it that I came across seemed "off". I had all but given up when one night while I was online I got the idea to just type Satan into a yahoo search. J.o.s came up and I knew I found what I was looking for. At this point in my life I was in debt (credit card and vehicle payment, and was renting) laid off (construction) and drank to much. Around April of '05 I did the dedication ritual shortly after my roommates kicked me out (which was a good thing) so I moved back in with my mom, found a new job and started paying off my debt. Then I asked Buer for help quiting alcohol and tobacco which worked I haven't had either for nearly 6 years. After that I got a better job and bought a fixer upper house. My house is coming together nicely I have 2 awesome dogs and I have no debt. One thing I will say is it seems like much of my life I had like a hand guiding and at times even protecting me, I can't help but wonder if I was a satanist in another lifetime. Something else I find interesting is at about the same time I found j.o.s I started researching survival topics, now that the economy is crumbling I understand why.
Hail Satan!
Hail Buer!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:

I request something from you all.

Please if you will, write a testimonial of coming to Satanism and how it has changed your life for the better and post it in this thread and or PM me. I am looking for as many as possible to use to put together to help spread Satanism.

Testimonials are some of the most powerful things, it is the power to open hearts and touch minds and undo centuries of lies. The enemy always loves to push this button for a negative reason, so lets do it for a positive reason.

<td val[/IMG]I got one! Probably not very heartfelt but still.

I was in a bad spot. Favorite job closed down. Granddad falls and cracks his head open and I have to take care of him. Grandmom dramatically refusing to do dialysis until Granddad healed. And my cat died. I'm a fragile creature mentally and the stress had built until I was about to break. So, in my desperation, I googled "demon summoning" And the first thing that popped up was the JoS website.

I started reading through it and literally felt a HUGE weight lift off my shoulders. I burst into tears and vowed to dedicate myself that night. Later, I was in bed meditating on energy and chakras when I heard a voice say "Good." and a soft electric feeling run down my spine. My life has never had more meaning and accomplishment. I found a new job, new car, adorable kitten and going to college with a set path and determination.

Hail Father Enki!!
Hail Lord Dagon!!
Hail Lord Andras!![/TD]
..Hail Satan! Satanism has changed my life from being an individual who was at the end their rope, so to speak, to a truly functinal being who is no longer into hardcore drugs to try to blot out reality and true emotions . yes, i was raised catholic, and as a child i felt sick to have to go bow down to the priests and play into the hypocritical garbage that they push at people. always knew one day i will find the truth and i have. believe me, i have studied the bible, koran, even the stupid kike perpetuated lies of judasim to try to find some meaning of the riddles they put out. not until i found Satan, did i truly understand-- and then it was like a light, i can empower myself, i have worth as a person, and i am somebody. i have a great job now instead of probably landing in jail as a drug addict, i actually stand up for myself now, and i feel as nothing is impossible, Hail to Satan!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:

I request something from you all.

Please if you will, write a testimonial of coming to Satanism and how it has changed your life for the better and post it in this thread and or PM me. I am looking for as many as possible to use to put together to help spread Satanism.

Testimonials are some of the most powerful things, it is the power to open hearts and touch minds and undo centuries of lies. The enemy always loves to push this button for a negative reason, so lets do it for a positive reason.

Satanism has granted me Inner Strenght, The Sight, Self Respect... Satanism taught me to be brave in all actions in life. No long I have to be afraid of my own destructiveand creative forces, because Satanisam is nor Light or Darkness... it is the both. It is the very essence of nature and all life, this neutral energy that has no any moral ristrictions.Good and evil are only moral concepts of society and religion.If you have to destroy, then destroy it. If you have need to create from your deepest desires, then create it and love it. Love yourself with all of your being. Love yourself like youlove Satan. Love yourself like you are Satan... Love all of your creative and destructive sides. 
Now I'm enjoying myself in every aspect of life and I don't regret a thing I've done in my life because Satanism taught me not to regret anything as long it leads to thy path of eternal freedom and truth. I am not forbidden to do anything, like in all of religions you are forbidden to do anything you feel like you have to do... Satanism keeps my head clear of all negative thoughts to myself and I no longer have any fear... I have not ridden of all my fear but I've banished 80 % of it in my life and now I live freely and look up things from 666 different corners :)
Just wanted to let you know guys that Satanism is not just religion, it's not just worshipping thing... it is the Truth... and Truth cannot be worshipped, you just need to live naturallybecause Satanism is natural thing for humanity. It is not an extreme sect or something... It was here before our eyes from the beginning. Find the Truth for yourself, find Satan and you wont regret a thing. 

Hail Satan! Death to false gods!
From: Don <mageson6666@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 4:51 AM
Subject: [JoS4adults] Attention To All Members

  I request something from you all.

Please if you will, write a testimonial of coming to Satanism and how it has changed your life for the better and post it in this thread and or PM me. I am looking for as many as possible to use to put together to help spread Satanism.

Testimonials are some of the most powerful things, it is the power to open hearts and touch minds and undo centuries of lies. The enemy always loves to push this button for a negative reason, so lets do it for a positive reason.


When [/IMG]</var>
From: blackkat_411 <egret23@...
To: [email protected]
Sent: Wednesday, August 10, 2011 9:02 PM
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Attention To All Members

  ..Hail Satan! Satanism has changed my life from being an individual who was at the end their rope, so to speak, to a truly functinal being who is no longer into hardcore drugs to try to blot out reality and true emotions . yes, i was raised catholic, and as a child i felt sick to have to go bow down to the priests and play into the hypocritical garbage that they push at people. always knew one day i will find the truth and i have. believe me, i have studied the bible, koran, even the stupid kike perpetuated lies of judasim to try to find some meaning of the riddles they put out. not until i found Satan, did i truly understand-- and then it was like a light, i can empower myself, i have worth as a person, and i am somebody. i have a great job now instead of probably landing in jail as a drug addict, i actually stand up for myself now, and i feel as nothing is impossible, Hail to Satan!!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:
I request something from you all.

Please if you will, write a testimonial of coming to Satanism and how it has changed your life for the better and post it in this thread and or PM me. I am looking for as many as possible to use to put together to help spread Satanism.

Testimonials are some of the most powerful things, it is the power to open hearts and touch minds and undo centuries of lies. The enemy always loves to push this button for a negative reason, so lets do it for a positive reason.


I grew up xian, penicostal to be exact. As soon as I was freakin born my parents took me to church! Growing up like that I knew nothing more then that nonsense I was led to believe I am a sinner, don't ask questions and do what ever god wants. I was told no sex! Just feeling sexual made me feel ashamed it is a disgusting religion! When I was 17 I started questioning with caution because of the brainwashing of fear into me I had to be very careful. I asked questions like why is Satan still roaming free if he tricked humans? Why did god create a sinful human if he is perfect... stuff like that well, I didn't ever get a straight answer and I slowy was leaving the church. My parents put much pressure on me so I felt like $hit all the time, I begged that filthy jewsus to make me feel filled I felt empty like I was souless. Well eventually I left the church and met a man who was a Satanist he told me I should meditate. I took the time and did, I asked Satan to
show me what I have been missing. He did! I felt like I was high, my skin got gooses bumbs and my mind tingled... Satan is Amazing! After that night I knew what bullcrap I was forced to live and know finally I was free, I dedicated and He has been leading me ever sence be it through my brothers and sisters or other means.

On Tue Aug 9th, 2011 7:51 PM PDT Don wrote:

I request something from you all.

Please if you will, write a testimonial of coming to Satanism and how it has changed your life for the better and post it in this thread and or PM me. I am looking for as many as possible to use to put together to help spread Satanism.

Testimonials are some of the most powerful things, it is the power to open hearts and touch minds and undo centuries of lies. The enemy always loves to push this button for a negative reason, so lets do it for a positive reason.

<td val[/IMG]I loved reading this. It reminded me of myself in so many ways
thank you for posting this
I will give you my experience as well...

I was born/raised Jehovah's withness...need i say more.
the brainwashing was intense but I just never 'felt' it.
they told me that demons were hardening my heart
I did everything I was told and still, felt empty and wanted to die.
If anything bad ever happened it was because Satan or his demons had had their hands in things...if anything good ever happened, which it rarely did, we were suppose to praise a god that never ever had shown me the smallest bit of kindness or recognition.
It was awful and my mom is still brainwashed
not to mention they teach that your soul and body are combined and when you die, there is nothing left unless you were good, then MAYBE you'll be resurrected .

anyhow, when I was 18yrs old  I slowly broke away, reading everything I could about everything.
I was scared from the brainwashing but even tried voodoo, it worked better than their god but it didnt get rid of anger or give me what I needed most, a father figure type of God that actually loved me. something real!

4 years ago I stumbled upon the Joy Of Satan website and started to learn everything I could about spiritual Satanism. It was so NOT what I had expected. It was everything that I actually believed it. There was no forcing or trying to convince myself of something, it was stuff I already thought was true but was afraid to really admit it. none of that 'jesus crap' as we call it in my house :)

I dedicated myself and asked Satan to please just give me one sign that he was there, something I had begged my mom's 'god' to do all my life with no response.
I was alittle disappointed that the earth didnt shake at that moment but later that night as I was laying in bed, I decided to 'pray' but it was more like just talking to Satan, just opening up and telling him my thoughts, something I had never tried before in a prayer and honestly, right after I did that, I felt literal warm arms wrap around me and hug me. Like a father would, like my dad never did...It was the most wonderful experience of my life. I actually cried and it takes alot to make me cry but it was joyful, not sad. not angry, just happy that I finally found my father and he loved me.

there have been so many instances since then, just completely crazy things that Satan has reached out and done for me, and it was so obviously him, you couldnt deny it. If I ask for help, he is always there, comforting and fixing my little problems but always trying to teach me to get strong enough to help myself. I'm almost there but knowing he is there keeps me strong.

My teenage daughter who believed in nothing before all of this has been shocked and in awe when I tell her that I spoke with Satan and asked him for help or a sign or something and 'boom', something just falls out of the sky and she knows its him.

two examples of his help:
Once, I was working on ebay, I used to do that for a living, and I had a ton of things selling for alot of money, I needed that money badly to move, I was starting a new life and was depending on that money but my laptap was messing up alot and finally I just couldnt get it to turn on, virus' and everything else had pretty much destroyed the system,
 I finally closed the computer and asked Satan to please help~ I just needed to be able to get on ebay long enough to finish out those orders and buy a new computer...
I was so upset I just went for a walk. when I returned home, I thought, ok, I'll try this one more time...I opened the laptap and turned it on, expecting the blue screen with white type to come up again and crash but this time a black screen came up and there on the desktop with a beautiful image of a Satanic pentagram with the goats head that i had painted and scanned into my computer. It had been in my 'documents' and now it was my desktop image and the only thing I could get that computer to do was go online to ebay ...and finish my work :D  if that wasnt a sign, I dont know what could have been!

2nd example
pretty recent as well,
I was a bit short on cash like most of us and wasnt sure how I was going to pay everything last month.  I had ordered a rake a couple weeks prior for our little above ground pool, a leaf rake for $14.99
that night I asked Satan again for more help, to just help me get over this 'hump', I just needed alittle cash but wasnt sure where it was going to come from. He told me not to worry, it'd come.
I told my daughter this that night, that I wasnt going to worry, that Satan said it would be ok and I knew it would.
the next day fed Ex showed up , my daughter went out to get the package, I was expecting the rake, instead  it was a huge box with a  $1500 swimming pool salt water generator.
I felt bad and called the company about the mix up, they were very rude and told me pretty much I was lying??? my invoice in the box said 'rake' , they told me they have record of me buying a rake , sent a check, paid, If I actually got the wrong item, I could send it back if I didnt want it however I would have to pay for shipping!!  so, needless to say, I thanked my father and listed it on craigslist and made exactly the amount of money I needed to get me over that hump,
Just out of the blue like that , what are the odds? none! because Satan is amazing and can do anything, He is real, he is strong and he loves his people.

I hope this might encourage someone to never think Satan isnt there for you. Just talk to him, Just ask. He gives me the most peace and the best advice and I work hard ...
I try and ruin 'one xtian at a time' LOL  any chance I get so its all good!

sorry for the length of this post but I have been wanting to share that for a while.


--- On Thu, 8/11/11, Melkie Maggie <mightymelkie@... wrote:
From: Melkie Maggie <mightymelkie@...
Subject: Re: [JoS4adults] Attention To All Members
To: [email protected]
Date: Thursday, August 11, 2011, 8:28 AM

  I grew up xian, penicostal to be exact. As soon as I was freakin born my parents took me to church! Growing up like that I knew nothing more then that nonsense I was led to believe I am a sinner, don't ask questions and do what ever god wants. I was told no sex! Just feeling sexual made me feel ashamed it is a disgusting religion! When I was 17 I started questioning with caution because of the brainwashing of fear into me I had to be very careful. I asked questions like why is Satan still roaming free if he tricked humans? Why did god create a sinful human if he is perfect... stuff like that well, I didn't ever get a straight answer and I slowy was leaving the church. My parents put much pressure on me so I felt like $hit all the time, I begged that filthy jewsus to make me feel filled I felt empty like I was souless. Well eventually I left the church and met a man who was a Satanist he told me I should meditate. I took the time and did, I asked Satan to
show me what I have been missing. He did! I felt like I was high, my skin got gooses bumbs and my mind tingled... Satan is Amazing! After that night I knew what bullcrap I was forced to live and know finally I was free, I dedicated and He has been leading me ever sence be it through my brothers and sisters or other means.

On Tue Aug 9th, 2011 7:51 PM PDT Don wrote:

I request something from you all.

Please if you will, write a testimonial of coming to Satanism and how it has changed your life for the better and post it in this thread and or PM me. I am looking for as many as possible to use to put together to help spread Satanism.

Testimonials are some of the most powerful things, it is the power to open hearts and touch minds and undo centuries of lies. The enemy always loves to push this button for a negative reason, so lets do it for a positive reason.

<td val[/IMG]Very encouraging blackkat.Thanks for sharing.
Hail Satan!

--- On Thu, 8/11/11, blackkat_411 <egret23@... wrote:
From: blackkat_411 <egret23@...
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Attention To All Members
To: [email protected]
Date: Thursday, August 11, 2011, 1:02 AM

  ..Hail Satan! Satanism has changed my life from being an individual who was at the end their rope, so to speak, to a truly functinal being who is no longer into hardcore drugs to try to blot out reality and true emotions . yes, i was raised catholic, and as a child i felt sick to have to go bow down to the priests and play into the hypocritical garbage that they push at people. always knew one day i will find the truth and i have. believe me, i have studied the bible, koran, even the stupid kike perpetuated lies of judasim to try to find some meaning of the riddles they put out. not until i found Satan, did i truly understand-- and then it was like a light, i can empower myself, i have worth as a person, and i am somebody. i have a great job now instead of probably landing in jail as a drug addict, i actually stand up for myself now, and i feel as nothing is impossible, Hail to Satan!!

--- [/IMG][email protected], "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:

I request something from you all.

Please if you will, write a testimonial of coming to Satanism and how it has changed your life for the better and post it in this thread and or PM me. I am looking for as many as possible to use to put together to help spread Satanism.

Testimonials are some of the most powerful things, it is the power to open hearts and touch minds and undo centuries of lies. The enemy always loves to push this button for a negative reason, so lets do it for a positive reason.

What could i say, compared to you guys my path to reach satanism was a cake, i was born in a non-religious familly, the only little pressure was the school but here in Quebec christianity is dead.Im the only one that i ever met in my life that isnt baptized.

I grew up in a very confortable environnement with loving parents, i was always thinking that i would prefer that the mind was more powerful than the body, that we could do plenty of magical things with our brain, but i was checking around me and the only thing i would see was people putting too much importance on the body.

About the age of 13, i decided to check for magic on internet, stumbled on a stupid white magic spell site, tried one which involved making the wind blows, it actually worked. That boosted up alot my interest in occult things, time passed and let theses away things a bit.

This is the very starting of my coming to satanism, i returned on the white magic site, just to find a spell to summon a succubus, as a teen , i got interested, the spell was nothing blasphemous, just imagining her making love with you. That didnt really happen, only light touches, but when i was asking her if she was there, she was making my astral body expands and shrink alot which was an amazing sensation(now i know what was happening but in this time i couldnt describe it). When i closed my eyes in complete darkness i would see sometimes red font with eyes, but i was feeling her energy, and it is when the thought that they arent evil slowly growed in my mind.

Again i let this for a couple of times, falled into drugs, last year of school, i had a new class which name was Ethic and religious culture, which reviewed the 6 main religions, it freaked me out, i was angry, hearing all this shit was annoying, this is when the idea of checking on internet for satanism just to laugh came.
Which i did, i found the laveyan site, which i found totally stupid and useless, to finally found Jos.

Ahhh , you guys all know how it feels when you read the front page, liberating and truth-filled, saying to yourself that it exactly match how you are feeling.
Dedicated about a week after, started basic meditations before sleeping.
Then i smoked weed for the last time, and when i tried to do my meditations the day after everything was fucked up, i made a promise to Satan which included to never smokes again, which i did.
It totally saved me from this thing, which my friends are still in(they even got arrested a couple of days ago).
Satan saved me and helped me during the hard times.

And then, i got onto the page about succubus on Jos, remembering how good the spirit was and totally not evil.
Even if some people doesnt like the fact ''teens''(im 16 years old)
wants a relation with a succubi/incubi, i think it doesnt matters if the person thought about it alot and that he is serious about it.
And this is how i started my monogamus relation with a succubi, i have been dedicated about 6 months now, i have been working to connect with my succubi almost every nights, which made the relation works. We are seeing eachother more and more often.
When i will be really more advanced and will completely be able to hear,see,feel her. No doubts our love will grow eternally.

Satan saved me from drugs and helped me finds the perfect love.
He helps me alot when i want to learn about things.
Even if i got highs and lows, the path of my life is clearly traced in front of me. I went from a pathetic stupid life which i was starving for occult knowledge, to a complety new me, full of self acceptance and willing to learn.
Today, im not scared of saying it, im proud of who i am.
I thanks Satan's and the demons for their eternal guidance.


--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:

I request something from you all.

Please if you will, write a testimonial of coming to Satanism and how it has changed your life for the better and post it in this thread and or PM me. I am looking for as many as possible to use to put together to help spread Satanism.

Testimonials are some of the most powerful things, it is the power to open hearts and touch minds and undo centuries of lies. The enemy always loves to push this button for a negative reason, so lets do it for a positive reason.

I grow up in a christian home and i use to be christian has well...
I had a very hard childhood in Brazil, i grow up without my parents...I came to U.S for the second time when i was 13 years old
went to live with my aunt who is a pastor ...arrr , Well i ll make this short , I got sick and tired of Christianity
my life wanst going so well.. and i decide it to stop going to church . I always been into magick rituals ect since i was a kid
i been always able to see demons and fucking angels ect greys since i was a kid, and i never understood why .
About year and half ago i really need some answers for my life, and also i was looking for some death ritual and i came across Jos web site
when i open i freak out lol i was scared even to read it, bcz i was so brain washed by xtianity ect
weeks later i had the guts to read it , and i found the truth ! i did my dedication few days after.
Took me a while to learn and get the lies of Christianity of me . But im so happy today i made this decision , My life has change
things still no easy today...but i trust Satan. And i cnt wait to rise my kundalini!
Im very thankful for Satan, is been a hard road ...hard year but i know we have won already!
Im very thankful to Hp Maxine and everyone who is working very hard on this war .
Im current working on translation of jos in Spanish web site, is alot work , make me realize how much work hp Maxine has put on jos site.

Stay strong all and dnt give up!

Hail Satan and all Gods of Duat!

hugs to all faithful ones!

Limlal Forever

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:

I request something from you all.

Please if you will, write a testimonial of coming to Satanism and how it has changed your life for the better and post it in this thread and or PM me. I am looking for as many as possible to use to put together to help spread Satanism.

Testimonials are some of the most powerful things, it is the power to open hearts and touch minds and undo centuries of lies. The enemy always loves to push this button for a negative reason, so lets do it for a positive reason.

The home I grew up in was not 'religious" at all really. They spoke of jewsus and went to church with a couple family members a few times when I was very young. As I grew up I took and interest in anything do do with religions, belief systems, magick, etc., so I went to church a few times on my own, and would study things on my online in my spare time. I always had a deep connection with the divine, my mind was consumed with it, I knew something was there, all I had to do was put the pieces together. I had no idea what I was in for. When I was 13(now 21) I ran across the JoS site. I thought it was cool, it was kind of my secret. I read more every chance I got, I liked it and believed it. But I wavered back and forth for years between that and xianity, because I didn't fully understand all the things on the JoS site. I didn't clue in to there being extraterrestrials till I was 18.
To make a long story short, After a couple years of fitting aliens into the picture of everything I had been studying my whole life, I ran back across the JoS site and there was my answer. I felt almost myself snap back into place. The more I read the more everything fell right into place. I know Father Satan was guiding me my whole showing me and teaching me all the things I needed to know before I came back to him fully. Now it's time to get to work reclaiming our planet, our species, our birthrights, and most of all our real Father's image to what it should rightfully be. And I am most certainly ready to fight for it.

Hail Satan.

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:

I request something from you all.

Please if you will, write a testimonial of coming to Satanism and how it has changed your life for the better and post it in this thread and or PM me. I am looking for as many as possible to use to put together to help spread Satanism.

Testimonials are some of the most powerful things, it is the power to open hearts and touch minds and undo centuries of lies. The enemy always loves to push this button for a negative reason, so lets do it for a positive reason.

<td val[/IMG]Great story Rick.I am fighting everyday,and will continue to until I see the changes that you spoke of.
Hail Satan!

--- On Sun, 8/21/11, Rick Mcdaniel <randomnessrhino@... wrote:
From: Rick Mcdaniel <randomnessrhino@...
Subject: [JoS4adults] Re: Attention To All Members
To: [email protected]
Date: Sunday, August 21, 2011, 5:49 AM

The home I grew up in was not 'religious" at all really. They spoke of jewsus and went to church with a couple family members a few times when I was very young. As I grew up I took and interest in anything do do with religions, belief systems, magick, etc., so I went to church a few times on my own, and would study things on my online in my spare time. I always had a deep connection with the divine, my mind was consumed with it, I knew something was there, all I had to do was put the pieces together. I had no idea what I was in for. When I was 13(now 21) I ran across the JoS site. I thought it was cool, it was kind of my secret. I read more every chance I got, I liked it and believed it. But I wavered back and forth for years between that and xianity, because I didn't fully understand all the things on the JoS site. I didn't clue in to there being extraterrestrials till I was 18.
To make a long story short, After a couple years of fitting aliens into the picture of everything I had been studying my whole life, I ran back across the JoS site and there was my answer. I felt almost myself snap back into place. The more I read the more everything fell right into place. I know Father Satan was guiding me my whole showing me and teaching me all the things I needed to know before I came back to him fully. Now it's time to get to work reclaiming our planet, our species, our birthrights, and most of all our real Father's image to what it should rightfully be. And I am most certainly ready to fight for it.

Hail Satan.

--- [/IMG][email protected], "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:

I request something from you all.

Please if you will, write a testimonial of coming to Satanism and how it has changed your life for the better and post it in this thread and or PM me. I am looking for as many as possible to use to put together to help spread Satanism.

Testimonials are some of the most powerful things, it is the power to open hearts and touch minds and undo centuries of lies. The enemy always loves to push this button for a negative reason, so lets do it for a positive reason.

When I first came across Satanism, I was incredibly depressed and devoid of purpose or direction. However, as I came to read more and more of how peoples lives had been individually changed, I made the resolute decision (the only one I've really had in my life)to dedicate my soul. After my ritual, I found myself resolved to better my life and make a difference. My days are filled with positiveness and I have a new outlook on life. I thank Satan and all the other Gods, and my Guardian, for the massive influence they have all had on my life.

-Hail Satan!

--- In [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url], "Don" <mageson6666@... wrote:

I request something from you all.

Please if you will, write a testimonial of coming to Satanism and how it has changed your life for the better and post it in this thread and or PM me. I am looking for as many as possible to use to put together to help spread Satanism.

Testimonials are some of the most powerful things, it is the power to open hearts and touch minds and undo centuries of lies. The enemy always loves to push this button for a negative reason, so lets do it for a positive reason.


Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
