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Attack? Help?


Apr 13, 2006
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
I need some help.
Yesterday, I relapsed into pot, I hate myself for it, I cannot believe that I would do that, when I KNEW the consequences!
I don't know what this is, if it's an attack, or the pot messing with my aura, or what, but I have just lost all will to fight.
I sound like a fucking coward, a loser.
But I cannot seem to get out of this pit. I feel physically weak, i feel like a weakling for saying this, but it was a struggle to do a reverse torah ritual. Any goals that I have seem so pointless now, so futile. It's like I want to do something, to do anything, but my body just says it can't. I can't even feel emotion, except for the hatred for myself, and how much of an idiot I was. Even writing this, I can feel that little shit in my head telling me to give up, to not send this message because this will make my Brothers and Sisters in Satan reject me. Alienate me.
Now I'm just complaining, excuse me for that.
To the point, does anyone know of any speeches, meditations, poetry, anything that can help me climb out of this pit?
The best thing you should do is throw away any pot you have. I was sorta in the same situation as you where I almost felt like giving up but in the end I knew that wasn't the kind of person I am, you should realize that too that your not the kind of person who would give up so easily.
The greys/jews are definitely up to something right now and we should not fall into despair in these coming times.Seek the aid of Satan or the gods and hear them out :)
For inspiration idk but you gotta get back up on your feet as your brethren need you, like HP Cobra said we're all in this together.Try watching some inspirational movies or clips of Hitlers speeches, some music or anime to get your mind off of things for a while.
Not sure about motivational things but try listening to this song I was listening just now, sounds like it can help people who are in despair.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dj4VoPO-2pE

Hail Satan!Never forget the golden age we're fighting for ;)

On Sunday, December 13, 2015 8:17 PM, "Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  Hello Brothers and Sisters,
I need some help.
Yesterday, I relapsed into pot, I hate myself for it, I cannot believe that I would do that, when I KNEW the consequences!
I don't know what this is, if it's an attack, or the pot messing with my aura, or what, but I have just lost all will to fight.
I sound like a fucking coward, a loser.
But I cannot seem to get out of this pit. I feel physically weak, i feel like a weakling for saying this, but it was a struggle to do a reverse torah ritual. Any goals that I have seem so pointless now, so futile. It's like I want to do something, to do anything, but my body just says it can't. I can't even feel emotion, except for the hatred for myself, and how much of an idiot I was. Even writing this, I can feel that little shit in my head telling me to give up, to not send this message because this will make my Brothers and Sisters in Satan reject me. Alienate me.
Now I'm just complaining, excuse me for that.
To the point, does anyone know of any speeches, meditations, poetry, anything that can help me climb out of this pit?

If I was feeling down I would use a golden white aura from the sun and program It to increase my confidence and positivity Or if your advanced you could invoke fire to increase your confidence You should definitely clean your aura and chakrasIf you need something inspirational to read HP hoodedcobra always inspires me. This is a good one: http://josministries.prophpbb.com/topic12075.htmlI'm sorry about your experience and stay strong keep fighting and never for get that Satan has your back! If things get to bad for you HE will always be there!Good luck and be well:)Hail Satan 

On Dec 13, 2015, at 8:16 PM, Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666] <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Hello Brothers and Sisters,
I need some help.
Yesterday, I relapsed into pot, I hate myself for it, I cannot believe that I would do that, when I KNEW the consequences!
I don't know what this is, if it's an attack, or the pot messing with my aura, or what, but I have just lost all will to fight.
I sound like a fucking coward, a loser.
But I cannot seem to get out of this pit. I feel physically weak, i feel like a weakling for saying this, but it was a struggle to do a reverse torah ritual. Any goals that I have seem so pointless now, so futile. It's like I want to do something, to do anything, but my body just says it can't. I can't even feel emotion, except for the hatred for myself, and how much of an idiot I was. Even writing this, I can feel that little shit in my head telling me to give up, to not send this message because this will make my Brothers and Sisters in Satan reject me. Alienate me.
Now I'm just complaining, excuse me for that.
To the point, does anyone know of any speeches, meditations, poetry, anything that can help me climb out of this pit?
Sam, Father Satan does not condemn us for our actions those are jewish lies and any being that tries to drag you down is of the enemy collective. We all make mistakes because we are all human, however what separates us from the rest of the world is that we know the truth. We can choose to learn from our mistakes and learning from our mistakes makes us stronger. I would recommend completely cleaning your aura, building a massive aura of protection, doing a lot of void meditation to control your thoughts and help you focus, and I would recommend using positive affirmations to resolve your problems. Remember to do power meditations daily. Even if they seem difficult at first, they get easier as you do them daily. Last but not least, sit down and respectfully ask Father or your Guardian Demon for assistance. Sometimes I don't feel like doing them either, but I do them anyways because I know in the long run it will pay off. When I first came to SS I had very weak bioelectricity. I always felt drained and tired. Since I have started meditating daily I feel much stronger and my bioelectrical energy levels have improved drastically over the past few months. Best of luck!
                                                                                                                                      Hail Satan!
I have always enjoyed Peace be Unto Him. It calms the nerves.

Try to find the real reason you relapsed back into pot. Something in your life may be out of balance and this is just a wake up call. In our subconscious mind there are tells in behavior when we are not being healthy or treating ourselves the right way. They are different for each person. They start as small things, small feelings, small changes in action that we can miss in how hectic life can get. If ignored, at least in my experience, it can come out in other and more obvious ways. For me if I get withdrawn and sour I know I've been over worked and haven't indulged in proper ways, sleep, diet, rest, relaxation, fun, personal growth, exercise, etc. And this build up doesn't happen over night. Know yourself and your needs.

Also with power meditation you can stir up feelings and emotions that may cause that urge. This happened in the early stages for me. This could also be physical manifestation of a blockage you're trying to get rid of. You may need to work through why you've used in the past and what its covering up.

It could be self sabotaging behavior. I have been guilty of that in this life.

I am throwing a myriad of ideas at you in hopes something sticks out and helps.

You are completely right to be angry at yourself but I hope it becomes a lesson learned. Be absolutely selfish in the best way possible. Make sure you're 100% because you aren't good when you aren't well. Be good to you. Those probably are the four most loaded words someone can tell anyone else but I mean it. Be good to you.

Hail Satan!
Woah woah, calm down.
If you feel like you are getting attacked do the banishing ritual. I felt stupid sometimes even asking why some stuff was happening to me when in plain sight I knew. You would know if you're being attacked, if you have doubts just do the ritual anyway. One time I've had doubts but I preformed it anyway and BABAM! The hideous thoughts that plagued me are now gone.
Other than that, do not feel low for having a slip up.
I will admit, I have run into the same problems. The closest one was actually a few days ago where I received a pack of cigarettes from my neighbor. I had agonizing thoughts for HOURS demanding myself to smoke one at least. At the very end, I decided whats better for me in the long run and for now is to not ruin my meditation. I crushed it up with anger and destroyed the pack and threw it in the garbage where it belonged. So much relief after that moment, a little bit of regret but I surely do not regret it now.

My opinion is to throw away the habit of smoking pot. Do not worry about Satan rejecting you, as many say he is understanding and forgiving.

Continue on-wards with your meditations. As long as you haven't lost sight what is truly right you can overrun an obstacle including drugs.

Now don't let those negative thoughts bother you, think positively! Negative thought forms feed off of negative thoughts, whilst positive thoughts cancel it out and create bliss.

Do what you feel is right.

---In [email protected], <sam.hinkley17@... wrote :

Hello Brothers and Sisters,
I need some help.
Yesterday, I relapsed into pot, I hate myself for it, I cannot believe that I would do that, when I KNEW the consequences!
I don't know what this is, if it's an attack, or the pot messing with my aura, or what, but I have just lost all will to fight.
I sound like a fucking coward, a loser.
But I cannot seem to get out of this pit. I feel physically weak, i feel like a weakling for saying this, but it was a struggle to do a reverse torah ritual. Any goals that I have seem so pointless now, so futile. It's like I want to do something, to do anything, but my body just says it can't. I can't even feel emotion, except for the hatred for myself, and how much of an idiot I was. Even writing this, I can feel that little shit in my head telling me to give up, to not send this message because this will make my Brothers and Sisters in Satan reject me. Alienate me.
Now I'm just complaining, excuse me for that.
To the point, does anyone know of any speeches, meditations, poetry, anything that can help me climb out of this pit?
Sits next to Sam. Hey buddy. :)
 You forget the enemy is on the warpath. They are pissed at the damage we are doing. I just felt a major shift happen too. Which I didn't expect to see this soon. It's all dependent on how much work we do. We have all been doing our part more then ever. 
  So they attacked you. It's not the pot they got you with either. They got you with guilt and self pity. It's time for a good aura of protection. Do 108x Surayes. Keep breathing in white golden light, exhale and brighten your aura. Affirmations.
  I am breathing in powerful protective energy, this energy is building an aura of protection around me this aura protects. At all times in every way. At least 10 times. Use the sun. Do it 100 times if necessary. Then follow up with 10 minutes of void. 
   We all make mistakes. Now you choose right now, right here what you want to be. I've made mistakes. I don't dare let the enemy hold that over me. Instead I laugh. I am a warrior of Satan!! I don't give a rats ass what I have done! Destiny awaits us! We will spit in the face of the enemy!! You are a child of the almighty Satan Lucifer Himself!! We shall be known as one thing and one thing only. 
  That We Gave are all for Satan!!! I care not about being better then others! About being the best! I have fallen down! I have tasted the dirt!! But I get back up!! laugh Sam!! Laugh with a gleam in your eye!! For the enemy thinks they can so easily defeat you!! Hahahahaha!! Now you will dust yourself off and you fight harder! 
  Show them Sam! Show them what happens when they mess with Satans own! Do a Reverse ritual and as you do it don't expect it to be easy no, fight through it! Yell as you do it! Release every bit of pent up emotion you are feeling and directed it all to the enemy!!!! This is not YOUR fault!! This is theirs!!! 
  Now you get up and you make them pay!!!!
Hey, i will be completely honest, the same type of thing happened to me too. Not 100% because it was with alcohol and not a relapse, but more like i went a bit overboard and it got in the way of my getting things done. I was too fucked up to do rituals and even clean my aura or anything. I woke up feeling shitty in more ways than one, knowing that i had just done something stupid. I realize that yes, maybe some fellow brothers and sisters may look down upon me for that type of thing, but really there is no reason to care what others think. Even though we are all like family, we are individual and we all have our own struggles. One should not judge another just because they made a mistake. I am not judging you because you relapsed and are in this pit. Instead, i feel for you. It is not enjoyable and it is definitely not just you and your own thoughts. When you think about it, the enemy takes every chance they can to mess with you and break you down and beat yourself up. They will try to turn you against family, friends, and even yourself. They work to drive you insane to the point you don't know what is what anymore. I know from experience and i am glad i have learned from it and i know you will too. It is a psychological challenge especially when you know what you did was wrong and was a mistake. But know this, there is a good chance that you may have been a little out of control when you decided to smoke again. The enemy can put thoughts into you head and even influence you. Sometimes they try to influence me to not meditate and do rituals but i began to notice their pattern. They may have been noticing that you were getting stronger and they wanted to stop you in your tracks. One thing i know for sure is that when you are under the influence, you are vulnerable. They used it against you and were able to break through any barrier you built up and attacked you. They will do things like this especially in this time of war. Through doing the rituals, we are making impact, so they will do everything in their power to tear you apart in any way possible. It seems that they got to you on a matter that goes deep for you. Even though you did smoke, and you are angry about it, it is best to just let it go. Forgive yourself because that was in the past. No matter how long ago it was even if you did something 5 minutes ago you weren't proud of, you can always change what you are doing in the present so you can change your future. It is not the end, and you are NOT weak!! Weed has that effect that will make you unmotivated, feel weak and unable to act, and can weaken your will. So it is not you that is weak, but it is a false feeling instilled by the drug and the enemy who used this as an opportunity. They can get into your head and go deep and personal and use anything against you. Its hardest at first, but then over time it becomes easier to counter it and not be effected. I've had some very fucked up dreams and thoughts and images in my head and i know they weren't mine. They were put there by the enemy to try and weaken me. But i never gave in and accepted defeat. Take control!! This is your life and your mind and it is not for anybody else to claim and take control of. Tell that shit voice in your head to fuck off!! I do it all the time because i am constantly under attack. Focus on void and whenever you feel that hatred for yourself, remember that it is not you that is fucking up, but the enemy influencing you to do so. Most of the time that a mistake like that is made is not because of you, but because of enemy influence. They got to you at some point and they wish to stop you. So fuck them! Take that anger at yourself and direct it to the enemy. Even if it was a struggle to do a ritual, at least you did it! It doesn't make you weak to struggle to do something important. I'm sorry this is so long, but i can relate and even in different ways, so i've learned to not dwell on such things. So what, you made a mistake. We all make mistakes, but it doesn't mean we're weak or worthless or losers. It just means that somewhere along the lines something went wrong. But even though that happened, you've gotta move on. Love yourself no matter what and know that Father Satan is very understanding. He may have expectations for us, but failure is all a part of success. I know you will get through this and get stronger. This is just a learning experience and it will pass. Do some void meditation to block out unwanted thoughts and feelings and when things seem really bad, do something you love and get your mind off everything. Then go back and face what you do not wish to face, and analyze the situation. What went wrong? What can i do next time? What will i do now that will impact what is to come later? Have faith in yourself and in Satan and know that this is not an easy path. Life is already hard enough, but we see things for what they are so it can make it even more difficult. But no matter what, through hard times and struggle, we can learn. Learn from our mistakes, and get stronger. Over time, you will build a tolerance to enemy attacks and bullshit, and you will be able to mentally handle anything. Its not easy, but Satan shows us that anything is possible. So there is no need to worry about feeling alienated or resented by your own brothers and sisters. We all may have our own things we are struggling with, and this is just something you are having a problem with. It is understandable and i know how you feel. We are here for you and we should all just unite, no matter what. It shouldn't matter that a mistake was made or that someone has certain flaws, because we are still learning. We are growing and advancing and everyone has negative experiences. Its about picking ourselves back up and moving forward. These feelings you have will pass. Through going through this and the fact that even though you wanted to stop yourself from posting this, you still did, will bring you strength. You showed that even though your mind told you no, you had the willpower to post it anyway. Now apply that to your situation. You can will yourself to stop beating yourself up. Take those negative feelings and vent them however you see fit. I personally like to workout, train in martial arts, and do rituals to relieve rage anger and sadness. The more you push yourself to do something and to keep moving forward, the more you will get the ball rolling and get it all together. I believe in you no matter what it is you did. I know that no matter what, you have what it takes to act in the present so that you can change your future. Manifest what you wish and brush this off. It is not the end of the world because you made a mistake. You must be strong, never give up, persuvere , have an indomitable spirit. The strength is there, you just have to see it in yourself. Look deep, and you will find that you are so much better than you give yourself credit for. You will forever be changing and growing and this is just a short amount of time compared to your whole lifetime. As long as you are alive and breathing, there is still time to change. You can do anything, even if you need to use your powers to enhance yourself, go for it. Use the runes and program them to help benefit you. It will help you, and through helping yourself, you will become even more of a help to Father Satan because when you are stable and strong, you can fight back even harder and better the universe. Life is about bettering yourself and the universe, so don't beat yourself up. You can still get better and still get stronger, this is just a learning experience. Again i apologize for the length of this, but i honestly feel where you are coming from.and i just want you to know that things will get better, i've had a lot of negative experiences due to the enemy, but now i am seeing their patterns and have learned and gotten stronger to the point where i can tell when something is up and i can pinpoint exactly what is going on and what i can do to fight back and reverse what is being done to me in order to keep moving on and stay strong in this and continue living my life and fighting for a big cause. I know you can do this too! This is just one slip up, but you can get past it and keep living life to the fullest and become the best version of yourself possible! You shape who you wish to be so do it and never give up!!

Thank all of you so very much!I am taking what all you said to heart, and now I will make the enemy pay!It really helps to know that Satan understands, and that he shall help and guide us forever. And to all of you, thank you, words cannot say how helpful this is to hear from all of you. HAIL SATAN!!

On Dec 13, 2015, at 22:26, "aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Sits next to Sam. Hey buddy. :)
 You forget the enemy is on the warpath. They are pissed at the damage we are doing. I just felt a major shift happen too. Which I didn't expect to see this soon. It's all dependent on how much work we do. We have all been doing our part more then ever. 
  So they attacked you. It's not the pot they got you with either. They got you with guilt and self pity. It's time for a good aura of protection. Do 108x Surayes. Keep breathing in white golden light, exhale and brighten your aura. Affirmations.
  I am breathing in powerful protective energy, this energy is building an aura of protection around me this aura protects. At all times in every way. At least 10 times. Use the sun. Do it 100 times if necessary. Then follow up with 10 minutes of void. 
   We all make mistakes. Now you choose right now, right here what you want to be. I've made mistakes. I don't dare let the enemy hold that over me. Instead I laugh. I am a warrior of Satan!! I don't give a rats ass what I have done! Destiny awaits us! We will spit in the face of the enemy!! You are a child of the almighty Satan Lucifer Himself!! We shall be known as one thing and one thing only. 
  That We Gave are all for Satan!!! I care not about being better then others! About being the best! I have fallen down! I have tasted the dirt!! But I get back up!! laugh Sam!! Laugh with a gleam in your eye!! For the enemy thinks they can so easily defeat you!! Hahahahaha!! Now you will dust yourself off and you fight harder! 
  Show them Sam! Show them what happens when they mess with Satans own! Do a Reverse ritual and as you do it don't expect it to be easy no, fight through it! Yell as you do it! Release every bit of pent up emotion you are feeling and directed it all to the enemy!!!! This is not YOUR fault!! This is theirs!!! 
  Now you get up and you make them pay!!!!
I have no experience with pot by luck, but I would have a look to your Neptune (as it's the planet of addiction and mind altering substances) in case you have some transits to it right now.
Transiting Pluto or also Saturn to your Neptune might help to remove addictions (Pluto at the soul's level, permanent change).
If Pluto is involved (also  in Solar Revolution maybe), and old problem might be emerging again to let you fix it definetely - This is my contribution!

From: [email protected]
To: [email protected]
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2015 01:29:16 -0500
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Attack? Help?

I have always enjoyed Peace be Unto Him. It calms the nerves.

Try to find the real reason you relapsed back into pot. Something in your life may be out of balance and this is just a wake up call. In our subconscious mind there are tells in behavior when we are not being healthy or treating ourselves the right way. They are different for each person. They start as small things, small feelings, small changes in action that we can miss in how hectic life can get. If ignored, at least in my experience, it can come out in other and more obvious ways. For me if I get withdrawn and sour I know I've been over worked and haven't indulged in proper ways, sleep, diet, rest, relaxation, fun, personal growth, exercise, etc. And this build up doesn't happen over night. Know yourself and your needs.

Also with power meditation you can stir up feelings and emotions that may cause that urge. This happened in the early stages for me. This could also be physical manifestation of a blockage you're trying to get rid of. You may need to work through why you've used in the past and what its covering up.

It could be self sabotaging behavior. I have been guilty of that in this life.

I am throwing a myriad of ideas at you in hopes something sticks out and helps.

You are completely right to be angry at yourself but I hope it becomes a lesson learned. Be absolutely selfish in the best way possible. Make sure you're 100% because you aren't good when you aren't well. Be good to you. Those probably are the four most loaded words someone can tell anyone else but I mean it. Be good to you.

Hail Satan!
Wonderful Sam! Don't let the enemy make you feel bad for any of this! The strongest get hit the hardest! We are a Family! Anytime you have a problem, we are all there for each other! Even if we have problems with each other, in the end Fmaily Remains! 
 If I need help I know my family has my back! I am not perfect! I make mistakes! I get back up and I say thank you for your understanding Satanic Family. Now watch me as I give my all!!! As I show you what I have turned into!! As I show you what I am going to do for our people! 
  Building strength in others. So that when others like you start to get taken down. You know that I am standing strong and have your back. I am always there for those in need. Now you can do the same. When another who flanks you begins to fall, you stand strong for them. Because our Satanic Family is the most precious thing we have in this world. To be all together in unity. Watching the horizon as the swastika Sun Rises to a new and better day. 

Ugh I know firsthand right now being attacked. Its so bad that I can barely bring myself to do the aura of protection ritual. As I am easily and constantly distracted and forgetful. And it wasn't like that before.
Yes Aldric, we are all one glorious Satanic family. We have our ups and downs, but we have each other's backs. We trust each other, and will protect our family at any, and all cost. You know what? I've learned something after this attack, something quite valuable. It's that we shouldn't wish for an easy life, we should wish for a hard one, and that we can gain the strength to overcome it, and improve ourselves.HAIL SATAN!!!
On Dec 14, 2015, at 12:59, "aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  Wonderful Sam! Don't let the enemy make you feel bad for any of this! The strongest get hit the hardest! We are a Family! Anytime you have a problem, we are all there for each other! Even if we have problems with each other, in the end Fmaily Remains! 
 If I need help I know my family has my back! I am not perfect! I make mistakes! I get back up and I say thank you for your understanding Satanic Family. Now watch me as I give my all!!! As I show you what I have turned into!! As I show you what I am going to do for our people! 
  Building strength in others. So that when others like you start to get taken down. You know that I am standing strong and have your back. I am always there for those in need. Now you can do the same. When another who flanks you begins to fall, you stand strong for them. Because our Satanic Family is the most precious thing we have in this world. To be all together in unity. Watching the horizon as the swastika Sun Rises to a new and better day. 
For me personally, the moment I want it easier, I want it all easy. I have to keep it hard and keep my self in a warrior mentality. To keep the strength to fight on. I will do these rituals and add as much power to them as I can. This gives me purpose to fight, enemy attack means nothing to me. Oh I'm what? A jew? A traitor? A fill in the fucking blank. I DONT CARE. Obviously the enemy has a problem with me doing these, eh? So they will get done, that is all that is important. 

Thanks S.S, it was really because I was forced to do it. It is completely hated in my mind now, so I can't even think about it without disgust. HAIL SATAN!!!

Sent from my iPhone
On Dec 14, 2015, at 5:26, "'S.S. 666' s.s.666@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
  I have no experience with pot by luck, but I would have a look to your Neptune (as it's the planet of addiction and mind altering substances) in case you have some transits to it right now.
Transiting Pluto or also Saturn to your Neptune might help to remove addictions (Pluto at the soul's level, permanent change).
If Pluto is involved (also  in Solar Revolution maybe), and old problem might be emerging again to let you fix it definetely - This is my contribution!

From: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2015 01:29:16 -0500
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Attack? Help?

I have always enjoyed Peace be Unto Him. It calms the nerves.

Try to find the real reason you relapsed back into pot. Something in your life may be out of balance and this is just a wake up call. In our subconscious mind there are tells in behavior when we are not being healthy or treating ourselves the right way. They are different for each person. They start as small things, small feelings, small changes in action that we can miss in how hectic life can get. If ignored, at least in my experience, it can come out in other and more obvious ways. For me if I get withdrawn and sour I know I've been over worked and haven't indulged in proper ways, sleep, diet, rest, relaxation, fun, personal growth, exercise, etc. And this build up doesn't happen over night. Know yourself and your needs.

Also with power meditation you can stir up feelings and emotions that may cause that urge. This happened in the early stages for me. This could also be physical manifestation of a blockage you're trying to get rid of. You may need to work through why you've used in the past and what its covering up.

It could be self sabotaging behavior. I have been guilty of that in this life.

I am throwing a myriad of ideas at you in hopes something sticks out and helps.

You are completely right to be angry at yourself but I hope it becomes a lesson learned. Be absolutely selfish in the best way possible. Make sure you're 100% because you aren't good when you aren't well. Be good to you. Those probably are the four most loaded words someone can tell anyone else but I mean it. Be good to you.

Hail Satan!
Be strong my Brother! Satan understands;he loves you, and so do we!
Never surrender! We shall prevail, regardless of what comes, because
our true Father, Satan, is on our side! ^

On 12/15/15, Sam sam.hinkley17@... [JoyofSatan666]
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:
Thanks S.S, it was really because I was forced to do it. It is completely
hated in my mind now, so I can't even think about it without disgust.

Sent from my iPhone

On Dec 14, 2015, at 5:26, "'S.S. 666' s.s.666@... [JoyofSatan666]"
<[url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url] wrote:

I have no experience with pot by luck, but I would have a look to your
Neptune (as it's the planet of addiction and mind altering substances) in
case you have some transits to it right now.
Transiting Pluto or also Saturn to your Neptune might help to remove
addictions (Pluto at the soul's level, permanent change).
If Pluto is involved (also in Solar Revolution maybe), and old problem
might be emerging again to let you fix it definetely - This is my

From: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
To: [url=mailto:[email protected]][email protected][/url]
Date: Mon, 14 Dec 2015 01:29:16 -0500
Subject: [JoyofSatan666] Re: Attack? Help?

I have always enjoyed Peace be Unto Him. It calms the nerves.

Try to find the real reason you relapsed back into pot. Something in your
life may be out of balance and this is just a wake up call. In our
subconscious mind there are tells in behavior when we are not being
healthy or treating ourselves the right way. They are different for each
person. They start as small things, small feelings, small changes in
action that we can miss in how hectic life can get. If ignored, at least
in my experience, it can come out in other and more obvious ways. For me
if I get withdrawn and sour I know I've been over worked and haven't
indulged in proper ways, sleep, diet, rest, relaxation, fun, personal
growth, exercise, etc. And this build up doesn't happen over night. Know
yourself and your needs.

Also with power meditation you can stir up feelings and emotions that may
cause that urge. This happened in the early stages for me. This could also
be physical manifestation of a blockage you're trying to get rid of. You
may need to work through why you've used in the past and what its covering

It could be self sabotaging behavior. I have been guilty of that in this

I am throwing a myriad of ideas at you in hopes something sticks out and

You are completely right to be angry at yourself but I hope it becomes a
lesson learned. Be absolutely selfish in the best way possible. Make sure
you're 100% because you aren't good when you aren't well. Be good to you.
Those probably are the four most loaded words someone can tell anyone else
but I mean it. Be good to you.

Hail Satan!
Hello Sam,
I feel like I have experienced similar things in my journey. I was told once that the enemy will do anything within their power to destroy you. This has been proven correct in my personal experiences many times.
KNOW THIS!! They would not attack you unless YOU were a threat to them! You are obviously on the right path. DO NOT let these pathetic disgusting creatures affect you in ANY way!
I've dealt with entities and from what I've experienced they COWER at the name of Satan! The 'THING' telling you to give up is the enemy. They want you to believe that you are pathetic BUT THROUGH THEIR ACTIONS they have already shown otherwise!
The people here wont turn their backs on you! Satan wont either.
You all are amazing and DO have a purpose here.

I feel this post even helped me in a way. :)


On Tuesday, December 15, 2015 1:01 PM, "aldric.strickland88@... [JoyofSatan666]" <[email protected] wrote:

  For me personally, the moment I want it easier, I want it all easy. I have to keep it hard and keep my self in a warrior mentality. To keep the strength to fight on. I will do these rituals and add as much power to them as I can. This gives me purpose to fight, enemy attack means nothing to me. Oh I'm what? A jew? A traitor? A fill in the fucking blank. I DONT CARE. Obviously the enemy has a problem with me doing these, eh? So they will get done, that is all that is important. 

I myself relapsed on marijuana and i feel
weak and very disappointed in myself for i have failed father satan.
It seems the enemy is attacking us like never before, i feel like the enemy is stopping me from opening all of my chackras.
because i was planning on opening my crown chackra and activating my pineal gland very soon, and instantly i relapsed back on weed so i never did.
I know im vulnerable to any kind of attack from the enemy at this moment im in a hole and ill try my hardest to dig myself out so should you sam.
the enemy did attack us but their sadly mistaken if we wont retaliate and attack 10× worse.
Better stop the pot and keep empowering your self. Because these actions will decide the state of your future. . . 

---In [email protected], <sam.hinkley17@... wrote :

Hello Brothers and Sisters,
I need some help.
Yesterday, I relapsed into pot, I hate myself for it, I cannot believe that I would do that, when I KNEW the consequences!
I don't know what this is, if it's an attack, or the pot messing with my aura, or what, but I have just lost all will to fight.
I sound like a fucking coward, a loser.
But I cannot seem to get out of this pit. I feel physically weak, i feel like a weakling for saying this, but it was a struggle to do a reverse torah ritual. Any goals that I have seem so pointless now, so futile. It's like I want to do something, to do anything, but my body just says it can't. I can't even feel emotion, except for the hatred for myself, and how much of an idiot I was. Even writing this, I can feel that little shit in my head telling me to give up, to not send this message because this will make my Brothers and Sisters in Satan reject me. Alienate me.
Now I'm just complaining, excuse me for that.
To the point, does anyone know of any speeches, meditations, poetry, anything that can help me climb out of this pit?

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
