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astrology: legitimate or not?


Active member
Jan 12, 2019
I have heard that the 'fixed stars' have somehow moved out of alignment as they were known in eg. Egypt etc. Please refute the claim that astrology now is illegitimate given the alleged movement or change of the astrological constellations as they are seen from and/or impinge upon earth. Hope you can help.

Why did you come back? You've never been anything but a christian troll coming here to promote your christian insanity and nonsense dangerous retarded ideas. There are only 2 options; either you are one of the most confused and stupid people we have ever seen here, or you are purposefully maliciously trying to tear everything apart and spread confusion and insanity. Since you came back, 4 comments and they're all garbage. One that's just ridiculous baseless homophobia, one that's the same nonsense fake medical advice you always try to push, one promoting one of the most worthless christian jewish-kabbalist drug addict losers who ever lived, who lost his entire family's fortune on drugs and court fines and died a worthless insane christian hobo with a brain totally rotted away by drugs and christian curses, and now trying to go against proven science. You may as well be Crowley's reincarnation, you basically do the same as him anyway.

Is there anything about you that is not just maliciously spreading lies and insanity as an attempt to harm all of us? Or are you really so rotten that you don't see that this is what you're doing? You don't need to pretend anything.
Ol argedco luciftias said:

Why did you come back? You've never been anything but a christian troll coming here to promote your christian insanity and nonsense dangerous retarded ideas. There are only 2 options; either you are one of the most confused and stupid people we have ever seen here, or you are purposefully maliciously trying to tear everything apart and spread confusion and insanity. Since you came back, 4 comments and they're all garbage. One that's just ridiculous baseless homophobia, one that's the same nonsense fake medical advice you always try to push, one promoting one of the most worthless christian jewish-kabbalist drug addict losers who ever lived, who lost his entire family's fortune on drugs and court fines and died a worthless insane christian hobo with a brain totally rotted away by drugs and christian curses, and now trying to go against proven science. You may as well be Crowley's reincarnation, you basically do the same as him anyway.

Is there anything about you that is not just maliciously spreading lies and insanity as an attempt to harm all of us? Or are you really so rotten that you don't see that this is what you're doing? You don't need to pretend anything.
Do you remember the coffee enemas? Lmao
Aquarius said:
Do you remember the coffee enemas? Lmao
"A gallon a day keeps the monsters away"
He was just trying to wake up his kundalini in the morning, he thought it needed coffee to have energy, and thought it lived inside his ass. This is the most innocent of what he's done, so I don't want to make fun of him for that. I wish he stuck to this, instead of doing some of his other actions.

The rest of his time is all spent reading and promoting the works of communist agents, and jesuits, and jewish/christian kabbalists, and any random guy with a christian blog, and priests, and any other enemy of humanity. Anybody who spends their life working for the enemy in everything they do, working to destroy the world and ruin everybody in it, you can be sure this loki guy is reading all their books, connecting himself with all their cursed and insane energies, then coming here to try to promote it all to us. Always coming in here to brag about another evil degenerate high-level enemy agent who he read all their writings and life's work, and wanting all of us to also connect into the same toxic anti-human energies that all of these high level enemy agents are created from and are full of.

I tried to warn him about this a hundred times, across the whole spectrum of politely warning and explaining, to being rude and harsh to try to shock him into listening to reason. And still doing the same destructive actions after all this time. This is not someone who wants to improve themself, they want to keep ingesting the enemy's works and writings. From communists, from jesuits, from christians, from rabbis, from random christian hobo blogs, from new-age rats and death cults, to communist death cults, to christian death cults. This is someone who purposefully seeks out writings written by our enemy, which were carefully and intelligently created with the main goal and plan of making anyone who would read and try to understand these garbage writings to go totally insane and be ruined and destroyed. Writings full of curses and twisted communist lies meant to turn the reader's brain into slime. I tried to warn him a hundred times, but he does what he what wants and I can't stop it.
loki88 said:
I have heard that the 'fixed stars' have somehow moved out of alignment as they were known in eg. Egypt etc. Please refute the claim that astrology now is illegitimate given the alleged movement or change of the astrological constellations as they are seen from and/or impinge upon earth. Hope you can help.

You make the false claim so you need to refute it yourself, on why this would mean anything affecting a craft you have no clue about. Instead you begin from the negative side of the argument, while you have no clue about Astrology in itself.

Astrology is not Astronomy, it's a quantum based science. The movements of the stars on the heavens do not as directly affect astrology or it's viability. Degrees off in the planetary bodies are not defined like this.

Astrology is largely metaphysical and deals with metaphysical relationships, not the gross relation to the luminary directly. The consciousness aspect is higher than the astronomy aspect, therefore any such changes do not invalidate anything.

Any such change may even have to be initiated every 12000 years or even 20000 years, or not at all. In Astronomy we casually update as this is totally necessary and the basis of the Astronomical science. The human time spectrum and the human soul are tied into the world in a more profound, unaffected by time type of way.
Thanks for the response. I am simply seeking answers here as it is confusing.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Shaitan
