Maya said:
One Wire Phenomenon said:
Does astrology also count for animals? Like a dog or cat? I see some peoples cats have a aggressive personally. I have a very loving cat he has never been aggressive towards me or anybody els could this be because of the time he was born?
Think of it like a child. When a child is born, the natal chart shows specific qualities, though the parents help shape the character. Same is with pets. If a cat for example has a significant gemini, will probably speak a lot. If it has a significant taurus will like to be petted and will be a foodie, and so on.
If the owner mistreats the cat, then the cat will use defence and could shape a more aggressive character. There are some cats that are aggressive by nature, and this could be cause of their natal chart traits, how domesticated the cat is, plus how the owner behaves.
I second this. It’s most apparent when the animal has a strong stellium or other type of strong emphasis on one sign in a chart. Example, my dog is a Libra stellium. You’d never see a more beautiful dog, he’s a crowd pleaser I swear. We go out and he just knows how beautiful he is. He acts like a cat in a dogs body, even in the way he flicks his tail.
I knew a strong Pisces horse, and she was so unique in her character compared to other horses. She had a very self sacrificing personality, soft motherly qualities. She would take on any small animal that would come her way as a child. She had a really dainty face, glossy coat, and it seemed like a wrong look could just kill her. She was indeed empathetic and even learned how to kiss like a person, and would hug back by wrapping her neck around your body.
It is a lot like children, especially when the signs are emphasized. I ran a small preschool for a short while and there were two strong sag and a Pisces that would group together. The Pisces was always sulking in a corner and had strong self victimizing qualities, and would even make issues up. Would’ve rather colored. He was also sweet and considerate, always bringing things to the adults and trying to take care of them. The Sagittarius’s ran all over him unintentionally and wouldn’t make any effort to include him and those boys together were fire on fire. The stronger sag of the saggs was always getting hurt.