BrightSpace666 said:
The Astral Temple is a very precious place where you can be free and independent from what is happening in the physical world. My Astral Temple contains objects and valuables that I consider sufficiently useful and important. A Meditation in this place can work wonders, just because of the Air Circle itself.
It can work psychologically when one is new, a child, etc. But more than this is only contained in a conditioned experience, which can take place without regardless.
Being so much dependent on a certain creation to have a meditation, to have a specific experience can take away from the more realistic aspects of meditation, being that your mind will be conditioned to a limited "safe" space.
Your astral space can contain symbolism to a certain web of thoughts, feelings, and concepts. But not real objects or meaningful to that extent that is of a material substance.
When the Pineal vibrates with light, all of the astral imprints are conjoined into one beautiful experience. Things are not so separated or need to be so, but only for the mental directions and structuring of oneself.