The progression of the outer planets that complete loose radical aspects can contain significant and explosive events.
Jupiter and Saturn have a maximum orb of 8 minutes of arc.
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the Lunar Node have an orb of 2 or 3 minutes of arc.
Here are some examples:
Diana, Princess of Wales.
July 1, 1961. 17:23:49 (UT). Rectified by Isaac Starkman.
Sandringham, ENG (UK). 52°n50 — 0°e30.
Event: Engagement to Prince Charles (February 24, 1981).
Ur (p) 90° natal Venus. Orb:2′.
Charles Chaplin. (This example is taken from Juan Estadella's book "Predictive Astrology")
April 16, 1889. 19:40:40 (UT).
0°w06' — 51°n31'.
Event: Death of father (May 9, 1901, 12:00 PM).
Saturn (p) 90° natal Mars. Orb: 2’.
Francisco Franco.
December 4, 1892. 00:43:08 (UT). Rectified by Isaac Starkman.
43° 29’ N - 8° 14’ W.
Event: Death (November 20, 1975).
Neptune (p) 150° natal Ur. Orb:2'.
Queen Elizabeth II:
April 21, 1926. 1:38:12 (UT). 51N31 - 0W07.
Rectified by Isaac Starkman.
Event: Death of father (February 6, 1952).
Saturn (p) 90° natal Jupiter. Orb:4'.
John F. Kennedy.
May 29, 1917. 19:51:26 (UT).
Brookline, Massachusetts. 71w08 — 42n20.
Event: Pulitzer Prize (May 15, 1957).
Ur (p) 90° natal Juipiter. Orb:2'.
Event: Birth of daughter Caroline (November 27, 1957).
Ur (p) 90° natal Jupiter. Orb:1'.
Bush, George H. W.
June 12, 1924. 15:31:06 (UT). Rectified by Alexander Marr.
Milton, MA (USA). 42º15’ N - 71º05’ W.
Event: Birth of son Marvin (October 22, 1956).
Ur (p) 90° natal Sun. Orb:1'.
*Aspects that form and mature between the slower moving planets, but are not natally present are also valid, but weaker. As is in the case of George H.W. Bush and the death of his brother Prescott.
Saturn (p) 150° natal Mercury. Orb:6'. (June 23, 2010).
Jupiter and Saturn have a maximum orb of 8 minutes of arc.
Uranus, Neptune, Pluto and the Lunar Node have an orb of 2 or 3 minutes of arc.
Here are some examples:
Diana, Princess of Wales.
July 1, 1961. 17:23:49 (UT). Rectified by Isaac Starkman.
Sandringham, ENG (UK). 52°n50 — 0°e30.
Event: Engagement to Prince Charles (February 24, 1981).
Ur (p) 90° natal Venus. Orb:2′.
Charles Chaplin. (This example is taken from Juan Estadella's book "Predictive Astrology")
April 16, 1889. 19:40:40 (UT).
0°w06' — 51°n31'.
Event: Death of father (May 9, 1901, 12:00 PM).
Saturn (p) 90° natal Mars. Orb: 2’.
Francisco Franco.
December 4, 1892. 00:43:08 (UT). Rectified by Isaac Starkman.
43° 29’ N - 8° 14’ W.
Event: Death (November 20, 1975).
Neptune (p) 150° natal Ur. Orb:2'.
Queen Elizabeth II:
April 21, 1926. 1:38:12 (UT). 51N31 - 0W07.
Rectified by Isaac Starkman.
Event: Death of father (February 6, 1952).
Saturn (p) 90° natal Jupiter. Orb:4'.
John F. Kennedy.
May 29, 1917. 19:51:26 (UT).
Brookline, Massachusetts. 71w08 — 42n20.
Event: Pulitzer Prize (May 15, 1957).
Ur (p) 90° natal Juipiter. Orb:2'.
Event: Birth of daughter Caroline (November 27, 1957).
Ur (p) 90° natal Jupiter. Orb:1'.
Bush, George H. W.
June 12, 1924. 15:31:06 (UT). Rectified by Alexander Marr.
Milton, MA (USA). 42º15’ N - 71º05’ W.
Event: Birth of son Marvin (October 22, 1956).
Ur (p) 90° natal Sun. Orb:1'.
*Aspects that form and mature between the slower moving planets, but are not natally present are also valid, but weaker. As is in the case of George H.W. Bush and the death of his brother Prescott.
Saturn (p) 150° natal Mercury. Orb:6'. (June 23, 2010).