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स त न म said:
Hi, I just wanted to ask about the confusion regarding the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the 6th chakra. But on JoS the middle/chest chakra has been called the heart chakra in some places. While in some other places, the heart chakra is correctly identified as the 6th chakra.

This has thoroughly confused me. I was translating the necronomicon meditations and there is a meditation for "heart" chakra. Which chakra is this meditation for? The chest or the 6th?

Now here's what confuses me the most, The chant for the meditation for the "heart" chakra is Inanna. This is a divine name of goddess Astarte who rules the "heart" chakra as in the 6th chakra. This has clearly been stated here - https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/King_Queen.html

"Now, as we know Inanna aka Astaroth, Ishtar and her other names, rules the heart chakra. The heart chakra is in the head, not on the chest, as the enemy has corrupted this..."

So the "heart" chakra that Inanna rules is in the head, but the necronomicon meditation for the "heart" chakra asks to do the Jalandhara Bandha (Chin Lock) which suggests that the meditation is about the chest chakra.

I am confused. Depending on which chakra this chant is for, I might need to change the translations in the "Opening the Chakras" pages as well as the "Full Chakra Meditation" pages and possibly some other pages.

Lady Maxine's statement refers to the heart being in the head. This is the pineal gland not the 6th chakra. This is an update that came a few years ago, and this was not changed everywhere and it will need to be uniformed at some point or not. It doesn't really matter in strictly technical terms but it does matter when it comes to logic and consistency. What matters is to have a consistent terminology over the website, so either every page should show the fourth chakra as chest/middle chakra or as heart chakra. In this case, heart would be more of a reference to the physical organ that is ruled by this chakra, not to the spiritual heart which is in the head as discussed.

See the difference:
:arrow: physical heart - fourth/middle/chest chakra
:arrow: spiritual heart - pineal gland

For how to change/uniform the translations, you should discuss this exclusively with HP Hooded Cobra or the project leader for your language, if there is any. I cannot answer this question.

For the Necronomicon Meditations, a recent statement by HP Hooded Cobra came saying that the throat and the chest chakra are co-ruled by Venus and Mercury. Co-ruled means 'ruled together'. If he had to decide a primary ruler for each, he said he would revert to Venus primarily ruling the chest chakra and Mercury primarily ruling the throat. I disagree with this for reason I have explained in other topic (mythological, symbolical, alchemical, etc.), not to mention the fact that glands are more important when it comes to chakra, compared to misaligned organs like the heart. That being said, please stick to HP Hooded Cobra's statements as he is the authority and he has more experience than I do. He also stated you can use either Mercury-related vibrations or Venus-related vibrations for it, and all will be fine no matter what.

So, you can leave things as they are in the Necronomicon page or you can switch the mantra around in different ways. Just the mantra. Do not alter the meditation in a similar fashion as in Woden's file. The middle chakra meditation requires 2 parts.

Aside from this, I am not sure of how to help you. Again, HP Hooded Cobra will be better suited for this.
Stormblood said:
स त न म said:
Hi, I just wanted to ask about the confusion regarding the heart chakra. The heart chakra is the 6th chakra. But on JoS the middle/chest chakra has been called the heart chakra in some places. While in some other places, the heart chakra is correctly identified as the 6th chakra.

This has thoroughly confused me. I was translating the necronomicon meditations and there is a meditation for "heart" chakra. Which chakra is this meditation for? The chest or the 6th?

Now here's what confuses me the most, The chant for the meditation for the "heart" chakra is Inanna. This is a divine name of goddess Astarte who rules the "heart" chakra as in the 6th chakra. This has clearly been stated here - https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/King_Queen.html

"Now, as we know Inanna aka Astaroth, Ishtar and her other names, rules the heart chakra. The heart chakra is in the head, not on the chest, as the enemy has corrupted this..."

So the "heart" chakra that Inanna rules is in the head, but the necronomicon meditation for the "heart" chakra asks to do the Jalandhara Bandha (Chin Lock) which suggests that the meditation is about the chest chakra.

I am confused. Depending on which chakra this chant is for, I might need to change the translations in the "Opening the Chakras" pages as well as the "Full Chakra Meditation" pages and possibly some other pages.

Lady Maxine's statement refers to the heart being in the head. This is the pineal gland not the 6th chakra. This is an update that came a few years ago, and this was not changed everywhere and it will need to be uniformed at some point or not. It doesn't really matter in strictly technical terms but it does matter when it comes to logic and consistency. What matters is to have a consistent terminology over the website, so either every page should show the fourth chakra as chest/middle chakra or as heart chakra. In this case, heart would be more of a reference to the physical organ that is ruled by this chakra, not to the spiritual heart which is in the head as discussed.

See the difference:
:arrow: physical heart - fourth/middle/chest chakra
:arrow: spiritual heart - pineal gland

For how to change/uniform the translations, you should discuss this exclusively with HP Hooded Cobra or the project leader for your language, if there is any. I cannot answer this question.

For the Necronomicon Meditations, a recent statement by HP Hooded Cobra came saying that the throat and the chest chakra are co-ruled by Venus and Mercury. Co-ruled means 'ruled together'. If he had to decide a primary ruler for each, he said he would revert to Venus primarily ruling the chest chakra and Mercury primarily ruling the throat. I disagree with this for reason I have explained in other topic (mythological, symbolical, alchemical, etc.), not to mention the fact that glands are more important when it comes to chakra, compared to misaligned organs like the heart. That being said, please stick to HP Hooded Cobra's statements as he is the authority and he has more experience than I do. He also stated you can use either Mercury-related vibrations or Venus-related vibrations for it, and all will be fine no matter what.

So, you can leave things as they are in the Necronomicon page or you can switch the mantra around in different ways. Just the mantra. Do not alter the meditation in a similar fashion as in Woden's file. The middle chakra meditation requires 2 parts.

Aside from this, I am not sure of how to help you. Again, HP Hooded Cobra will be better suited for this.

I would also say the seat of emotion is the Moon chakra, not the throat. This is because the Moon rules over emotions in astrology. Not Venus and, even more certainly, not Mercury.
स त न म said:
Yes this is confusing. Also this sentence just says that the heart chakra is in the head which suggests that the 6th chakra is the heart chakra : "Now, as we know Inanna aka Astaroth, Ishtar and her other names, rules the heart chakra. The heart chakra is in the head, not on the chest, as the enemy has corrupted this..."

I have seen stormblood talk about this somewhere so I am going to ping him to see if he has something to say about this
Stormblood said:

Hi, I have seen you write about the heart chakra somewhere, can you please look at what I asked below and maybe give some info? Thanks

What can be done is either put that article aside and translate when the English page will be updated with the correct information, either translate it as it is and update it when the English page will be updated.
Stormblood said:
Aside from this, I am not sure of how to help you. Again, HP Hooded Cobra will be better suited for this.

Thanks for replying. I just wanted to know what the "heart" chakra is as I saw you talking about it somewhere. I'm not sure about making any changes to the Necronomicon page and leaving it as it is seems wrong because the Inanna chant is suggested for the the chest chakra but Goddess Inanna rules the spiritual "heart" though. So I have just left it aside for now.

For how to change/uniform the translations, you should discuss this exclusively with HP Hooded Cobra or the project leader for your language, if there is any. I cannot answer this question.
Unfortunately it's just me doing the project in my language now so I will try and bring this to HPHC's attention.

The Alchemist7 said:
What can be done is either put that article aside and translate when the English page will be updated with the correct information, either translate it as it is and update it when the English page will be updated.

I have translated the rest of it leaving the hearth chakra part and have moved onto other pages. Because it will be quite some time before I am able to finish the website, I'm hoping the heart chakra confusion will be sorted across all JoS pages by then. And I'll translate the heart part then. Because it seems I will also have to update every page that talks about the heart chakra. Some other pages also list Inanna as the mantra for the chest chakra which is probably incorrect. And terminology will have to be consistent for the chakra name.

I will try and contact HPHC to see what he prefers and when can there be a potential update regarding the heart chakra.
The Alchemist7 said:
Aren't `....❤️` or Jack translating with you? I am not sure about Jack but once you said `....❤️` is still helping you out.

No, Jack handed over the project to me months ago.

I did initially get some help from ....❤️ but he is weird and is definitely not an SS. I haven't taken his help since mid August. He is not an SS and cannot be trusted. He just pulled a complete 180 u-turn and tried hard for me to reveal my identity, my real name etc, then when I did not budge he tried some weird stuff like name calling, cyber bullying etc so that I reveal my identity. Very weird stuff. I wouldn't trust him if he returns to the forums. He also has serious "I'm not from earth" type delusions. I still have my email correspondence with him saved so I can share with you over email if you wish.

It's just been me since then.
स त न म said:
I did initially get some help from ....❤️ but he is weird and is definitely not an SS. I haven't taken his help since mid August. He is not an SS and cannot be trusted. He just pulled a complete 180 u-turn and tried hard for me to reveal my identity, my real name etc, then when I did not budge he tried some weird stuff like name calling, cyber bullying etc so that I reveal my identity. Very weird stuff. I wouldn't trust him if he returns to the forums. He also has serious "I'm not from earth" type delusions. I still have my email correspondence with him saved so I can share with you over email if you wish.

It's just been me since then.
That's a strong reason why HP adviced against working over emails, to prevent such infiltrators to damage our activity. Maybe you should have told us when the weird stuff happened, eventually HP Cobra could have decided to ban him as well we generally we would have been aware of this.
The Alchemist7 said:
That's a strong reason why HP adviced against working over emails, to prevent such infiltrators to damage our activity. Maybe you should have told us when the weird stuff happened, eventually HP Cobra could have decided to ban him as well we generally we would have been aware of this.

Yes, I understand now. The only reason we conversed with emails is that emails don't need to be approved and are instant. So we could reply instantly and share JoS material instantly. Made the process faster. But that was clearly a mistake. Will not use email for this anymore unless it's with established members.

Can you help me with info about the Ur rune? So on this runes page there is some info about the Ur rune. It reads

"When using Fa with another rune, it works to increase the power of any rune it is used with for good or ill. Adepts can combine the forces of Fa with the forces of Isa (fire and ice), but this could prove disastrous for the uninitiated."

My question is, what is Fa? Is it the Fehu rune? It's just mentioned out of nowhere and I'm not sure what it is. Thanks...

I think the info about the runes given below each rune is a little jumbled in a couple of places. For example the one I said about Fa appearing in Ur out of nowhere. Then some info about Ur is given under Thurisaz. Can you help me sort this out please?

Also, Thurisaz is described in parenthesis as "Thorn." Is it supposed to be "thorn" or "Thorr" because in the info section it is referred to as "Thorr" and not "thorn"
स त न म said:
My question is, what is Fa? Is it the Fehu rune? It's just mentioned out of nowhere and I'm not sure what it is. Thanks...
I think is most likely Fehu as Fa is unrelated to Uruz or any variant but related to the Gothic `Faihu`.

स त न म said:
I think the info about the runes given below each rune is a little jumbled in a couple of places. For example the one I said about Fa appearing in Ur out of nowhere. Then some info about Ur is given under Thurisaz. Can you help me sort this out please?

Also, Thurisaz is described in parenthesis as "Thorn." Is it supposed to be "thorn" or "Thorr" because in the info section it is referred to as "Thorr" and not "thorn"
Most likely the sentence „When using Fa with another rune, it works to increase the power of any rune it is used with for good or ill. Adepts can combine the forces of Fa with the forces of Isa (fire and ice), but this could prove disastrous for the uninitiated.” should be included under Fehu.
And the sentence „Ur assists the energy of other runes it is used with to manifest in reality” should be included under Uruz.
I read down the page a little bit and these two seem to be the only errors.

I think Thorn is correct there as a variation of the rune, which is similar to the Anglo-Saxon `þorn`
Maybe in the description, `Thorr` specifically is used for destruction. I actually used `Thurisaz` before for destruction and there was an effect indeed but not great (it also depends on the power of the person using it). Also it says above that Thorr brings energies that should be used in war and attack, which are energy of destruction.
Greetings, fellow brother Alchemist7!
I am a novice SS and I would like to put in some work for the spread of The JoS Ministries by helping with the translation of the sites. As I have just found these forums, I don’t know if someone should accept a registration of some kind before I start translating or if I start just like that, nor which files I should download or what links I should access so I am virtually able to change the text. Can someone shine a light for me on this topic?
I am a native Romanian speaker so I think I could help with “Death of communism” or “White Death of Islam” , as I’ve seen in the Translation Record table of 27 Jun that theirs are still ongoing. Is it still relevant? I could as well check an already translated piece of text for any errors.
Tell me what you think please.
Hail Satan!
The Alchemist7 said:
As overseer of the translation projects would you happen to have an idea of whom i can add to the dutch translation team? I am looking for someone that can keep up some form of consistency as two have fallen out and one will be way too busy for sometime but i need some help with proofreading as i translate using the software. Any ideas or solutions will be appreciated. I have downtime from work right now and am going to start again. Rignt now it is only me.
Shadowcat said:
As overseer of the translation projects would you happen to have an idea of whom i can add to the dutch translation team? I am looking for someone that can keep up some form of consistency as two have fallen out and one will be way too busy for sometime but i need some help with proofreading as i translate using the software. Any ideas or solutions will be appreciated. I have downtime from work right now and am going to start again. Rignt now it is only me.
I don't know anybody but I might be able to help, if I translate using software and you can proofread, it depends how good you speak Dutch since you was saying is your second language. Alternatively you can ask the same question in the main Joy of Satan 666 forum as most members are visiting that one so there is the possibility that a Dutch speaker will see your question and join in. Chances are small but it worth asking, if not as said I can translate with software if you can proofread, let me know.
Hi. I opened this thread where everybody can ask me whatever questions they have and I will try to help as much as I can.
Some things to consider.
-- As Hooded Cobra asked, people would ideally self-organize and willingly translate or correct websites according to their own deeds and preferences, I am not telling anybody what to do and I don't assign things to anybody, just helping with my opinion/advice where they are not sure what to translate or correct or anything related.
-- I will be translating as well so if you want me to translate websites in your language so you can proofread/correct them you can request it by asking me either here, either quote me in the relevant language thread. Personally I am more opened towards languages where there is only one speaker, such as Mongolian, Hungarian, Swahili, French etc. as there is a real need for more translators. I will simply bulk translate with a translator (Deepl or if is not possible, Bing or google translate or other online translators), group the articles into an archived folder and the available member would take the text and eliminate all errors. The member @NishaWillow offered to do this as well.
Greetings, respected Guardian, are there any plans to translate the forum interface into foreign languages?

If such a project exists, is it possible to join and help?
Greetings, respected Guardian, are there any plans to translate the forum interface into foreign languages?

If such a project exists, is it possible to join and help?
Greetings. This forum is mostly English but most languages that JoS is being translated into will have individual subforums where all the content will be in those languages exclusively. But if you refer to forum features and settings I don't think these will be translated though
Greetings. This forum is mostly English but most languages that JoS is being translated into will have individual subforums where all the content will be in those languages exclusively. But if you refer to forum features and settings I don't think these will be translated though
Perhaps we should just set the direction, open up the opportunity and people will take over on their own, there are many enterprising and experienced members here who can pass on the necessary data to translate the interface.

Incidentally, about JoSWiki, are they planning to translate it? There is rather more editorial work there, as many basic articles are already translated.

In any case, you make the decision. Thank you for your labor and attention to this issue.
Perhaps we should just set the direction, open up the opportunity and people will take over on their own, there are many enterprising and experienced members here who can pass on the necessary data to translate the interface.

Incidentally, about JoSWiki, are they planning to translate it? There is rather more editorial work there, as many basic articles are already translated.

In any case, you make the decision. Thank you for your labor and attention to this issue.
Hello. @Blitzkreig [JG] is in charge of JoS Wiki and might answer this better than me. In my opinion it could be translated as time goes after most of the JoS content and sites have been translated.
Greetings, Guardian. I hope I'm in the right place. I just read HPHC post on main concerning translators. I'm a native English speaker but if I read it properly (power in numbers) I have a solid computer and aside from Spiritual Warfare, plenty of time on my hands. I'd like to help if I can be of any assistance. I'm just not sure where to start so I need a bit of guidance, thank you.

Hail Satan!
Hi. I opened this thread where everybody can ask me whatever questions they have and I will try to help as much as I can.
Some things to consider.
-- As Hooded Cobra asked, people would ideally self-organize and willingly translate or correct websites according to their own deeds and preferences, I am not telling anybody what to do and I don't assign things to anybody, just helping with my opinion/advice where they are not sure what to translate or correct or anything related.
-- I will be translating as well so if you want me to translate websites in your language so you can proofread/correct them you can request it by asking me either here, either quote me in the relevant language thread. Personally I am more opened towards languages where there is only one speaker, such as Mongolian, Hungarian, Swahili, French etc. as there is a real need for more translators. I will simply bulk translate with a translator (Deepl or if is not possible, Bing or google translate or other online translators), group the articles into an archived folder and the available member would take the text and eliminate all errors. The member @NishaWillow offered to do this as well.
How does one who's, been brought back from death deal with life on earth after the enjoyment of Hell and meeting the God's and Goddess of Hell? Everyone is so wrong in so many ways on earth. I love the Demons they stay with me every day. Anubis, Marchosias , Verine and Marchosias protect me.
How does one who's, been brought back from death deal with life on earth after the enjoyment of Hell and meeting the God's and Goddess of Hell? Everyone is so wrong in so many ways on earth. I love the Demons they stay with me every day. Anubis, Marchosias , Verine and Marchosias protect me.
You need to focus on what is important instead of what is unimportant. Yes, the world is a mess, and we need to correct the course and keep the course for better things ahead. All of this starts from our personal choices all the way out to the wide world.
This is why it is so important for us to fix all of the problems in the world and make this planet a perfect home for humanity. And work to rebuild the Golden Age Civilization of the Gods. Every thing you do to make this world a better place, means that in the next lifetime there will be a better life for yourself and the people you love.
Can we create a JoS site for Albanian language:unsure:, I will work on this, I know I can do it.🫡
Hello. As discussed this can be done but since you are the only one able to do this at this moment as far as I know, it would be better to finish off JoS Macedonia first as to not overload yourself with having to translate between 2 separate sites. Let me know if there are any updates on JoS Macedonia or if you need help with anything.
Hello. As discussed this can be done but since you are the only one able to do this at this moment as far as I know, it would be better to finish off JoS Macedonia first as to not overload yourself with having to translate between 2 separate sites. Let me know if there are any updates on JoS Macedonia or if you need help with anything.
Ok, the Exposing Christianity will be added soon in MK site, the Satanic Ethics is redy(the 36 virtues) and I will start traslating Sermons of Satan.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
