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Ask All Questions Here! New members

Ol argedco luciftias

Well-known member
Dec 4, 2017
Duat, Orion
There's a lot of new people here, even more quests now than registered users! And each one of you has questions. In the past, when people had questions here, they would usually start a new topic just for that one question. So there was a lot of repetition of the same topics being made to ask the same questions, and it's hard to look through them all. Searching for topics to see if a question was already asked doesn't always work, and it's too much work than it should be. We're trying to teach as many people as possible whatever they need to know to succeed, so we need a system that's the easiest it can be. Since most of you are new here, we can't expect you to have the time to read through all the years of posts that you weren't here for. It's our job here to give you whatever you need to know in the simplest most effective way.

So everybody ask your questions here so we can answer them. New people come here to learn. And if you don't see your question here yet, then you ask it and it gets answered. We will do our best to give everyone the most perfect answers. This topic becomes like an encyclopedia of all the information in one easy place for everyone to find. You'll find answers to questions that you didn't even think of asking. This is the most perfect way to teach the biggest amount of people everything they need to know.

Start by reading http://www.joyofsatan.org and http://www.kabbalahexposed.com these will answer many of your questions before needing to be asked. Then if you need more information or explaination you can come here. We have to concentrate the most important information in the easiest way for the most amount of people to learn.

Get everyone going on their own Satanic path as quickly and easily as possible. Because as a new member, it can take some people months or even years to figure out the foundation they need before they are even at a level where they are secure and confident on their path. So all of us who have already gone through this are here to give you the answers to get you set up and running. No wasted time, let the work that many of us have already personally done be the new foundation for all new people to start at! :D Our population is about growth! We take the resources from those who have worked hard before us and continue their work so those who come after us have an even easier time! Satanism is a very difficult path, but in many ways it doesn't have to be and shouldn't be. Make the whole system here perfectly efficient for training our family! Because the sooner you are set up and over the troubles of being a beginner, you are now sooner able to help everyone else!

We love answering questions here, let us help you!
Welcome everyone of our new members.

This post is now a Sticky Topic so that people can ask their questions.

Below I post also two important things to start with.

40 Days of Power - A meditation program designed for absolute beginners in Spiritual Satanism to get you started easily:


SATANIC FAQ's by Johnson Akemi:

This article, The House of Satan, shows what we are all about here :D

Here is a 6 month meditation program, similar to the 40 day one

Here is a PDF version of the Joy of Satan website. To make it easier to read the whole thing. But this pdf is old, there is more information on the website that has been updated

Here is a copy of the page for doing the Final RTR

Here is instructions for Kundalini Yoga
And instructions for Hatha Yoga

Here is the Chronos XP Planetary Hours program. So you accurately know when to plan your workings according to planet influences.

:D :D :D
This can be ignored (as it is not a question), but due to ongoing efforts, I may have had a part in this influx of new people. None the less, the memetics department shall produce more potent memes and anti memes as time progresses :)

Spread the truth, wake as many as possible, and Hail Satan!!
I look forward to answering any questions anyone may have. Truth and knowledge are the foundation of this path of which I relentlessly enforce.
A few important questions is it possible that you are to unadvanced to get visions? Because once I got one of a hawk from horus or amon. Then after a time I asked for one and did 50rtrs for this because this Vision is important for me. Simply I just want a Picture/Vision of a specific unkown Person (my succubus). Scd what fcks you more up to have sex with a prostitute of your race, who have had sex with more People for example 100 different men than a prostitute with just 10 men but is from a different race. Third If you did race mixing once with a condom what are the spiritul sideffect?
Forth If I am biding a Person who isn't an SS, do I ban him for ever to be one? So I am biding sbd who is no SS but probaly after years he would like to be one, but then he cant because is binded. This is a real rare case but It's important to know. Fifth I once evoked a god over our normal methods and putted my cat into the room, everything was clean and I asked him to invoke into my cat so we can talk. For example yes means the right paw and no the left paw. But nothing happend. Arent higher gods like khnum amon, horus are able to invoke into cats? Or was I to unimportant for them to invoke into my cat to talk to me? And the last and importants I can see gods like khnum he is my gd with his mask and asked him who is my succubus and I say a Name and he should do a specific Hand gesture so he did, also I evoked my succubus and I felt her over the Name khnum said she would be. But when I evoked her or asked horus and satan on his birthday to say to me who she is no one is willing to give me a clear sign like a big shake of the candle flame. Im sure the Person with the signs is khnum because I said to him when I see someone who Looks like him I tell him that ther is someone who Looks like hime and if he isnt that Person he should kill it. At the End I want to say dont search for Connections between the questions or Freak out everyone has his Problems, so dont judge thank you.
Very interesting questions I wrote, hope I get smart awnsers.
May satan be with you.
I thought I'll post this: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12233

Look through the list of painted True Gods and see to who you feel a connection with,perhaps you'll find your GD :)
Morgenröte said:
A few important questions is it possible that you are to unadvanced to get visions? Because once I got one of a hawk from horus or amon. Then after a time I asked for one and did 50rtrs for this because this Vision is important for me. Simply I just want a Picture/Vision of a specific unkown Person (my succubus).
Yes, if you are not advanced enough then many things are much harder to do. Many psychic senses are usually closed in beginners and you have to work to open them. First, open your chakras.
If you want help with visions, you can work on your 3rd eye and clairvoyance points.
Also doing meditations, yoga, and RTR cleans your soul and makes everything easier.

Morgenröte said:
Scd what fcks you more up to have sex with a prostitute of your race, who have had sex with more People for example 100 different men than a prostitute with just 10 men but is from a different race. Third If you did race mixing once with a condom what are the spiritul sideffect?
Both of those prostitutes sounds like a very bad idea. Do you want to get a disease? Either way it sounds very unhealthy, both physically and spiritually. Condoms don't stop anything spiritually. When you have sex with someone, there are connections between your souls that are made that you have to remove. Stay away from prostitutes, and just try to find a normal person like yourself to have a real relationship with.

Morgenröte said:
Forth If I am biding a Person who isn't an SS, do I ban him for ever to be one? So I am biding sbd who is no SS but probaly after years he would like to be one, but then he cant because is binded. This is a real rare case but It's important to know.
If Satan wants them, they will be brought back to Satan. Any binding you might do will not prevent that if it is meant to happen. You are allowed to bind somebody if you really need to if they are NOT a Satanist.

But you can NOT ever do a binding against any other dedicated Satanist! If you try to bind any Satanist, Baal Enlil will punish you so bad for it. We aren't allowed to fight each other because it would effect our whole family. Everybody who is dedicated to Satan by blood, we are a family together and our souls are connected.

Morgenröte said:
Fifth I once evoked a god over our normal methods and putted my cat into the room, everything was clean and I asked him to invoke into my cat so we can talk. For example yes means the right paw and no the left paw. But nothing happend. Arent higher gods like khnum amon, horus are able to invoke into cats? Or was I to unimportant for them to invoke into my cat to talk to me?
It doesn't really work that way. The gods are so very busy, the high level gods are usually too busy to spend much time dealing with beginners, except for Satan and your Guardian. They are fighting to save the world, they don't have the time to sit and play with some beginner's cat to talk about something that isn't really important. And they don't possess into cats either. When you are open enough to hear, they will speak to you into your mind. But before this if you can't hear yet, they will guide you with your feelings and intuition. They will make you have a strong feeling of something, like it would be a very good idea for you to do this. Then when you do what they told you to, you will see how it helped you become better.

Morgenröte said:
And the last and importants I can see gods like khnum he is my gd with his mask and asked him who is my succubus and I say a Name and he should do a specific Hand gesture so he did, also I evoked my succubus and I felt her over the Name khnum said she would be. But when I evoked her or asked horus and satan on his birthday to say to me who she is no one is willing to give me a clear sign like a big shake of the candle flame. Im sure the Person with the signs is khnum because I said to him when I see someone who Looks like him I tell him that ther is someone who Looks like hime and if he isnt that Person he should kill it.
The gods are just too busy to care much about your succubus it does not matter to them. And if you haven't yet worked to open up your senses and make your soul stronger and clear, then do you even deserve them to answer you? You can get basically anything you want, but you have to work for it and earn it. Nobody gets anything for free. If your soul is not open or strong enough to sense the sign that they try to give you, that is your fault not theirs. You need to open and clean your soul with the meditations and RTRs, and this will make everything easier. There are no shortcuts you have to work on yourself. Maybe they don't move your candle because that would be a waste of their energy, but they try to give your soul another kind of sign that you can feel. Just relax and be open and listen to your intuition. After you ask a god something, if you later get some kind of feeling or urge about something, this could be part of their answer. And it sounds like you already did get their answer and you didn't even pay attention to it. You got the name you were asking for of the Succubus.

And if you ever feel like an enemy might try to impersonate one of our gods, just call to Satan and tell him about it. Even if you can't yet feel Satan, he can feel you and he is listening. When you are a beginner and you start feeling the gods, it's a good habit to ask them "Are you one of Satan's Gods?" If they are enemy Satan will destroy them, and if they are a god they will say "Yes I work for Satan!"
If i bind someone who isn´t SS (ISA Rune 108 reps 40 day working). If he becomes a SS, is the binding still active as long as i´m stronger (aura) then the person who is bound?

(Binding/Black magig against fellow SS is forbidden)
Morgenröte said:

It is possible that one who has weaker astral senses and has not worked to strengthen them will find it very difficult to get any visions of a sort. For those who are not yet astrally open, the gods will often communicate with us via other means such as dreams, coincidences or events.

The gods will not bend to your every demand and are not your slaves. You must learn to respect them and build a good relationship and do work on their behalf. Learning who your succubus is is something you have a long ways to go when it comes to earning. Demon lovers are gifts from Satan and if your soul is not cleaned enough of enemy filth, you will not receive one. Sex, even spiritually, involves the mingling and mixing of the individuals energies and it's a terrible idea to desire a succubus/incubus purely for the pleasure of sex itself as though they were merely objects to you.

As for the prostitutes, both are terrible. We do not race mix under any circumstances whatsoever and the amount of negative energies the prostitutes of today have clinging to their souls, you would be doing yourself ugly spiritual harm to have sex with one. Sex is something that is meant to be sacred, not something to be thrown around.

Race mixing even with a condom is 100% unacceptable. Like I said, no matter what, we do not race mix. The spiritual side of interracial sex is just as devastating as the physical side as the energies during sex will still combine to influence both individuals genetics into mixing, both on the physical plane and the astral.

As far as my knowledge goes with binding, you are inhibiting the individual from acting against you and have essentially placed them in a suspension. My own knowledge is limited on this subject for the time being and someone experienced with poppits would be more befitting to answer this.

You forced your cat into a room and tried to get one of the gods to possess it so they could answer your questions.... there are way better methods than this. Chances are the idea was ridiculous and the god refused. Not to mention you never knew if the god was actually a god and not an enemy disguised as one. They could've brought great harm to both you and your cat. I suggest you research and ask around here for advice before you decide to do something drastic on a whim.

Your descriptions of communicating with Khnum feels... off. Regardless like I said, you will be given a Succubus when the time calls upon it. Do not be impatient.
MayIAsk said:
If i bind someone who isn´t SS (ISA Rune 108 reps 40 day working). If he becomes a SS, is the binding still active as long as i´m stronger (aura) then the person who is bound?

(Binding/Black magig against fellow SS is forbidden)
You wouldn't have any problem from them. Everything would be worked out in a way where you both grow and develop without having any negativity against each other. In most cases, conflict is caused by being at a low level soul energy. And when the soul is made stronger, conflict naturally dissolves because there just isn't any need for it. Dumb conflicts over nothing don't help anyone. If someone has been bound and then they dedicate, the gods work with them to overcome and remove these binds. The souls of Satan's children are Satan's we are only able to do magic work that he agrees with.
FlamingRedRose666 said:
I thought I'll post this: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=12233

Look through the list of painted True Gods and see to who you feel a connection with,perhaps you'll find your GD :)

had made one in Pt … with the images of her and some, summarinho
portraits :p
My name is Adam and I was a member of the jos for almost 3 years back in the days. I did the 72 name RTR everyday for months in a row and everything went fine. But then I fell for a jewish trap. It is called “anticosmic satanism 218 / TOTBL “. This left me vulnerable to the enemy and made me end up with spiritual emptiness and apathy. My soul has been much damaged during the time that I left. I have now decided to rejoin the joy of Satan and I have asked father Enki to forgive me and to take me back. I started my first Final Rtr rituals last week in the hope of mending my soul from the enemy attacks. Now, I have a question about the final Rtr. I feel like I properly protected myself but still I felt no significant benefits from the final RTR. Rather I felt real bad psychic attacks that made my stomach turn around. I also felt slowed down. Does this mean that Enki is no longer protecting me? Has he forgiven me? And is he still with me ? Or does it mean that I was too lazy with auric protection? As I understand it, once a psychic attack gets through, no amount of aftercleansing can remove its effect? Thank you.
So I was actually brought to satan, guided my my guardian, at least im guessing so.

I began studying the pineal gland, i was atheist then my friend introduced me to it and we watched this video that said to meditate on the pineal gland. Within minutes I felt the bulge and started seeing sparks of some kind of neon blue/violet in my closed eyes.

This started it. I was immediately obsessed, reading 9 hours a day for a year studying everything and anything I could occult. I had always hated christianity, but I was atheist and lumped Satanism with christianity at that point.

I have always had dreams and hid under the covers , I knew someone was there but I was terrified. After my extensive studies and indulging in Satanism, I found the meditation I had created for myself and taught to my Catholic friend(tried but they couldnt do it) was eerily similar to the first part of the magnum opus. I can now open my third eye within seconds, tho I'm not sure what to do with it. I mostly see sacred geometry, hear weird tones in my ears, sometimes I hear buzzing. Othertimes I smell frankincense. Idk I think my guardian is finding ways to communicate with me at a level I can understand. I have heard them speak but it was indecipherable kind of like robotic.

My point is when my senses opened (about a week or 2 after I started seeing 444 LITERALLY FUCKING EVERYWHERE) to the point it was noticed by my friends. I got terrified, thinking "oh shit I summoned a demon hes here to take me". Being raised by my catholic parents this was a normal reaponse so dont judge. So I asked it to leave me alone, just protect my love and protect me if it is of good intent. It listened and she would later call me because she was afraid of noises and stuff in her room.

When I was born, my dad was in prison so we were separated. I turned 18 and he came back into my life. I found out he was wiccan( I'm thinking he was satanist but used wiccan to cover) and that I'm of purblood German descent on my fathers side.

I believe I was of satan from the beginning. My mom used to tell me a story; "when you were born our family friend, lynda, happened to br at the hospital on her death bed. She had been acting weird and when i brought you to show her, she said 'oh my I can go now' and then she died.

I was born march 12th, 9 pm under a full moon. So even birth was a weird circumstance.

All I want to know is, can someone who is close to satan ask if this is my purpose, who is following me who is protecting me? Why am I thr only one who is untouched by my roommates demon(his family makes sacrifices to an entity named Jacob) . the entity has attacked my girlfriend, my roommate, but not me. It hates me, it claimed on the board I am protected and his actions prove his words true.

I have been given a vision of a hawk flying to my arm, then I wake. Another vision is of my past life, my uncle(me) died in a car accident. I was reincarnated in the same family. I live on a ley line, this all flooded into my awareness over thr past year.....IT IS AN OBSESSION I AM GOING MAD.

Can anyone offer me guidance? I am a lone satanist amongst many Mormons, I live in Washington state and I need a teacher.
Axaru said:
My name is Adam and I was a member of the jos for almost 3 years back in the days. I did the 72 name RTR everyday for months in a row and everything went fine. But then I fell for a jewish trap. It is called “anticosmic satanism 218 / TOTBL “. This left me vulnerable to the enemy and made me end up with spiritual emptiness and apathy. My soul has been much damaged during the time that I left. I have now decided to rejoin the joy of Satan and I have asked father Enki to forgive me and to take me back. I started my first Final Rtr rituals last week in the hope of mending my soul from the enemy attacks. Now, I have a question about the final Rtr. I feel like I properly protected myself but still I felt no significant benefits from the final RTR. Rather I felt real bad psychic attacks that made my stomach turn around. I also felt slowed down. Does this mean that Enki is no longer protecting me? Has he forgiven me? And is he still with me ? Or does it mean that I was too lazy with auric protection? As I understand it, once a psychic attack gets through, no amount of aftercleansing can remove its effect? Thank you.

Gotta start from square one again. This means fighting the same challenges you had to when you initially started out the first time in order to strengthen your soul again. Anti-Cosmic Satanism is a trap much like the Illuminati was and you can blatantly see in their works jewish symbols and mentions of leviathan (the jewish soul) and all their other related filth.

Satan is not, nor will he ever be, some 'awl fergiving jewsus'. If you made a mistake in your path then you damn well better correct it and make it right, because saying you're sorry and doing nothing more will get you no where.

The sickness you feel when doing the RTR is likely not a psychic attack but instead the amount of filth you've allowed in your soul from the enemy being cleaned out. When we purify our souls of filth and negativity within, as it is leaving us it manifests in a variety of ways depending on how deep-seated the garbage is. These manifestations include but are not limited to: doubt, fear, sudden depression, dread, sickness, the feeling of something 'wrong', etc.

This is a good sign in that the RTR is working to free you. Some members that have allowed enemy filth to affect them too much will find that whenever they are doing RTRs or a working that attacks the enemy, they feel like they are being attacked themselves. This is because the enemy energy they have allowed into themselves is being destroyed by the workings, because the workings destroy the enemy and such energy is of the enemy thus it is affected and you feel it.

I encourage you to continue doing the RTRs regardless of how it makes you feel, and know that any negativity that occurs while doing it is just the working cleaning the filth out of you. Don't try to get rid of everything in one day by doing like 30 RTRs as this could result in a violent reaction. Just do 1 or 2 daily for now and keep going. In addition you are in no state to be half-assing your protection and aura cleaning since you are likely much worse off now than you were before you first started out. It's not impossible to get back up on your feet and we've had members recover completely from far worse, but this requires you to make a consistent effort.

As for your relationship with Satan, I suggest you begin mending it as soon as possible while you continue to pick yourself back up. Dedicate a number of workings on yourself for a day to him to show that you are still going to fight for your personal growth to finish his work. Create or send him gifts, poems, art, crafts, something that is genuine and sincere from your love and affection. Do not expect any forgiveness as this must be earned. Satan does not want to hear you apologizing and pleading for forgiveness like mindless xtians do for their false jewish 'savior'. I don't know the story of your situation but if you have made a genuine mistake and understand that it was a mistake, then Satan will understand as well, but you must make amends.

Also as a side note, do not share any personal information about yourself whatsoever such as your name, actual location, etc. It's for your safety.
I have a newbie level question that I habe been wanting to ask but would always forget to the point I feel shy asking now after all this time,

How small should we visualize our Aura of Protection?

I used to think it should be huge and get bigger but then I was told that's not necessary. But now I don't know how small it should be.

I can see my regular aura and it goes as far as a few inches from my body. I know the AoP is like another layer on over us but how big or better yet how small should this layer be? A few feet? Like 7 feet in circumference fine?

Every time I do the AoP I visualize it getting brighter and thus stronger but I'm not sure about what should be the correct size to visualize it.
Axaru said:
My name is Adam and I was a member of the jos for almost 3 years back in the days. I did the 72 name RTR everyday for months in a row and everything went fine. But then I fell for a jewish trap. It is called “anticosmic satanism 218 / TOTBL “. This left me vulnerable to the enemy and made me end up with spiritual emptiness and apathy. My soul has been much damaged during the time that I left. I have now decided to rejoin the joy of Satan and I have asked father Enki to forgive me and to take me back. I started my first Final Rtr rituals last week in the hope of mending my soul from the enemy attacks. Now, I have a question about the final Rtr. I feel like I properly protected myself but still I felt no significant benefits from the final RTR. Rather I felt real bad psychic attacks that made my stomach turn around. I also felt slowed down. Does this mean that Enki is no longer protecting me? Has he forgiven me? And is he still with me ? Or does it mean that I was too lazy with auric protection? As I understand it, once a psychic attack gets through, no amount of aftercleansing can remove its effect? Thank you.
Read these topics I link to to learn more. You have done such horrible damage to your soul with all that Qlippothic stuff you were doing, it will take a lot of work to recover from it. You have injected some of the most destructive jewish energies into your soul. You have basically replaced parts of your human soul with curses from a broken jewish soul. This is what Qlippothic Goetia type jewish "magic" does.

This is why it feels strange for you to do the Final RTR. Final RTR erases all jewish energy, and there is jewish energy incorporated into your soul, so there is a powerful and deep transformation happening inside you. The jewish soul inside you is violently reacting against the Final RTR, which must not feel good but it's a good sign. You have to comepletely erase every drop of that negative energy in you. You aren't going to imediately feel some kind of great blessing and gift, you are in recovery. You have to fix all the damage before you start to feel any extra blessings on top. Your only hope of recovery is by extreme use of the Final RTR and the Returning Curses rituals. You have to powerfully undo all the damage you did.

Don't be surprised that you are so much weaker than before. You were tying yourself into some of the worst possible energies. Just because you say that you are with Satan again and you are back here, this doesn't automatically fix all the damage you did to your soul. You have to do hard work now to actually fix everything and get back to the level you were before. Focus on deep cleanings and advancements, you will grow and all the problems will be removed from you.

Satanism and Goetia http://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=10657 

Goetic Enns? Fake and Disrespectful, or Legit? http://Www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=3&t=5688 

The Qlippothic Kabbalah   http://Www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=3089&p=17839

Qlippoth  http://Www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?f=24&t=1695 

This is a good lesson for all the new people. Stay here! Never try to do any "magic" from any other website because nearly 100% of that information from other sources has been corrupted in the most dangerous ways. The Joy of Satan website and connected websites like this one were directly created by Satan and the Gods by their directions.

If you think about trying some spiritual advice from some other source, you see above what can happen from that. You need to be careful.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
thx for the information Ol argedco luciftias

I have two other questions:

Could a jew or mixed jew vibrate Satanas or Satanama and have a good experience with it ?

How many generations does it take until the offspring of a mixed jew is gentile again (jewish father)?
(I know the females jews give the full cohen gene to thear children)
It looks like in the end this topic will be filled with many questions, to the point, replying from someone to someone will turn into chaos, so, if you have many questions, just keep them as a regular topic, to avoid confusion. You can simply open a new topic.
Today I tried for the first time to contact my guardian demon through an ouija board (I made it myself.) This did not seem to work. I made the ouija board myself and used a steel ring as a planchette. I am extremely curious about who my guardian demon is, and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Hail Satan

I have a question maybe someone can help me about.

I try to summon a demon a couple of times. The demon sallos. I feel his power and see him in the mirror I want to make a pact with him. But when I feel his energie and I think the pact is done nothing happend the energie is gone. I think I do something wrong. I use the element water 4 red candles a mirror his Sigel. And I say wordst like satan your my only father my only God I want to ask to let sallos come over to make a pact with me satan your my only God hail satan.

I also make a pact with normal inkt (red).

And sign my name with blood also I make 3 drops of blood on the sigel and 3 drops of blood in the glas of water. Afther when I make the pact sallos said drink the water with blood and I did it. And I felt strange like someone want to possess me but nothing happend and than I end the ritual to thank them and I put the candle out with my finger not blowing.

Has someone has experience? And does someone know what I do wrong?

Greets brian

Hail satan!
SatanIsKnowledge said:
Today I tried for the first time to contact my guardian demon through an ouija board (I made it myself.) This did not seem to work. I made the ouija board myself and used a steel ring as a planchette. I am extremely curious about who my guardian demon is, and any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Hail Satan
Ouija boards often don't work right. I never had a ouija board work for me. It takes a lot of energy to use one. A beginner who thinks they can just use a ouija board to easily talk to a god is only going to be disappointed. And it could be some enemy creature talking through the board, you don't know if it's really a god, even if it does look like it's working.

You have to work on opening all your psychic senses and your chakras. There aren't any shortcuts with this. And focus on your intuition. You will be guided through your intuition to do things which help you. So trust your instincts and keep working on improving yourself. Look for all the little coincidences and signs, pay attention to your feelings and urges of what actions to take. This is the way the gods will guide you until you are psychically open enough to hear them. They have their ways to tell you what to do even without speaking.

You have to advance yourself, there is no other option. If you want any kind of advancements or rewards, you have to put in the work and make it happen. If you want to hear the gods, you have to open your chakras and psychic centers to open up your ability to hear them.
hailourtruegod said:
I have a newbie level question that I habe been wanting to ask but would always forget to the point I feel shy asking now after all this time,

How small should we visualize our Aura of Protection?

I used to think it should be huge and get bigger but then I was told that's not necessary. But now I don't know how small it should be.

I can see my regular aura and it goes as far as a few inches from my body. I know the AoP is like another layer on over us but how big or better yet how small should this layer be? A few feet? Like 7 feet in circumference fine?

Every time I do the AoP I visualize it getting brighter and thus stronger but I'm not sure about what should be the correct size to visualize it.

Do not feel any shame. We all have simple questions we never had cleared.

Focus on the feeling of it being compact, the size is indifferent really. If you think size is necessary for you to feel it working, go for that visualization.

If one obsesses about the sizes, the size of one's palm should be fine. But it has to be clear and compact.
Ripper1994 said:

I have a question maybe someone can help me about.

I try to summon a demon a couple of times. The demon sallos. I feel his power and see him in the mirror I want to make a pact with him. But when I feel his energie and I think the pact is done nothing happend the energie is gone. I think I do something wrong. I use the element water 4 red candles a mirror his Sigel. And I say wordst like satan your my only father my only God I want to ask to let sallos come over to make a pact with me satan your my only God hail satan.

I also make a pact with normal inkt (red).

And sign my name with blood also I make 3 drops of blood on the sigel and 3 drops of blood in the glas of water. Afther when I make the pact sallos said drink the water with blood and I did it. And I felt strange like someone want to possess me but nothing happend and than I end the ritual to thank them and I put the candle out with my finger not blowing.

Has someone has experience? And does someone know what I do wrong?

Greets brian

Hail satan!

Read my comment above about Qlippoth and Goetia. You have done this very wrong.
we do not use any blood in our rituals
The only time we ever use blood is only 1 drop only 1 time when we do our dedication to connect our souls to Satan. Because our soul is connected into this drop.

If there is a "God" who asks you to use blood, that is probably an enemy. Satan's gods do not ask for this.

Also we don't want you to burn your finger, if you put a candle out blow it out.

It seems to me like you have had some Qlippothic type energy influencing this. It could be from past lives, any negative energy or curses from past lives could still be on you influencing you.
I know Salleos I'm sure he would never ask you to do what you've done. We do NOT use blood We do NOT burn ourselves and we DO NOT do anything harmful to ourselves or anyone else.

And the gods are not bound to any kind of contract, they are free to do or not do whatever they want. Nobody can force any god to do anything. And if you would act in such a disrespectful and negative way like you have, this would make the gods less likely to want to give you some kind of favor.

Read www.joyofsatan.org
Guys if you want to be with us you will have to follow our Satanic Path here, not useless mumbo jumbo, and you need to move away from these destructive things in order to advance.
@ Ol argedco luciftias You are super helpful, Ive noticed your helpful posts lately.

I think it is so wonderful that members like you, Ghost in the Machine, and others are taking the time to answer questions and guide the new members. You guys are doing a great service to the satanic community here. Thanks so much.
SeekerofK said:
All I want to know is, can someone who is close to satan ask if this is my purpose, who is following me who is protecting me? Why am I thr only one who is untouched by my roommates demon(his family makes sacrifices to an entity named Jacob) . the entity has attacked my girlfriend, my roommate, but not me. It hates me, it claimed on the board I am protected and his actions prove his words true.

I have been given a vision of a hawk flying to my arm, then I wake. Another vision is of my past life, my uncle(me) died in a car accident. I was reincarnated in the same family. I live on a ley line, this all flooded into my awareness over thr past year.....IT IS AN OBSESSION I AM GOING MAD.

Can anyone offer me guidance? I am a lone satanist amongst many Mormons, I live in Washington state and I need a teacher.

#1 Your roommate does NOT have a demon. That is not a demon, whatever it is is the exact opposite of Satan. It is either a Christian Jewish thought-form like an angel. Or the world's top rabbis admit that the seraphim of the bible are actual aliens the Greys and Reptilians, could be a grey. Who are pure evil and love nothing more than to psychically torture people. Christianity leaves people open to these attacks. The reason you are safe is because you are a Satanist and we are protected. By the way, Jacob is a jewish bible name so that proves its some evil jewish bible entity. These creatures prefer to act near lay lines because they draw the power from it.

The vision of the hawk makes me think of God Amon Ra. Amon Ra has a pet hawk. This could be a possible sign that he is your guardian. But he also might not be, don't take this only from me.

The Mormons I've met are an especially dead-soul broken people. You get the deep feeling with them that they are an alien trying desperately to impersonate how an actual person would act. Because their soul has literally been suppressed and replaced by the jewish biblical programming. I'm sorry you have to be near them. But do not give information of where you live or what your name is. We want you to be safe.
HPS Shannon said:
@ Ol argedco luciftias You are super helpful, Ive noticed your helpful posts lately.

I think it is so wonderful that members like you, Ghost in the Machine, and others are taking the time to answer questions and guide the new members. You guys are doing a great service to the satanic community here. Thanks so much.
Thank you :p
When I was last in Duat and the gods were planning how this life would be, they told me about the internet getting invented and this website being made and they told me how they predicted that I would be here supporting and teaching everyone. They could see in the akasha the influence I was about to make. Me helping here is basically 1 out of 2 of the important things about my life, I was made specifically for this. :D
MayIAsk said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
thx for the information Ol argedco luciftias

I have two other questions:

Could a jew or mixed jew vibrate Satanas or Satanama and have a good experience with it ?

How many generations does it take until the offspring of a mixed jew is gentile again (jewish father)?
(I know the females jews give the full cohen gene to thear children)

They can vibrate it, as for a 'good' experience, no, Satanic things will not be able to stick on them in anyway. They will, sooner or later, turn as Gentiles who do jewish shit, which is in the trash can.

Jew is both from the mother and from the father, grandpa and grandma, and there are no divisions here. The whole "Cohen only from the mother" is a fallacy, as the jews from the father are still jews, just rejected from their tribe due to reasons of racial hygiene and occultistic reasons. This doesn't invalidate the jewishness of jews from the father as many idiots and even "NS" erroneously claim, because indeed, they are totally jewish, but they consider them spiritually unfit, and that's all about them.

They do not want them to Israel as they consider them polluted. They are however used abroad in jew operations all the same in Gentile countries, as such hybrid has another use, and not to live in Israel. They are also jewish, as much as the other jew. There is no 'jew from the mother' only jew. This is a huge fallacy.

There is no set amount of generations it takes to cleanse 'jewishness' as it cannot be cleansed or removed out of a bloodline.

The Nuremberg are also sometimes cited, as laws said at least 4 generations, but the situation here, is that this number was given for pseudo-political processes, as in reality, one is always jewish, and the removal of these stains was systematic. No reasonable person in Germany would ever engage in this cleansing by intermarrying them either, due to education on the fact, which leaves us with one logical outcome: the half jews and many others would perish on their own accord within a maximum of 2 generations, or way sooner.

So to all who say the "only the mommy is jew" things, or the lie that "they can be cleaned", we do not need to 'clean' them, as they cannot be by default.

Innocents do not have to be used as breeding waste material to clean the Chosen people of their Choseness and be put to death in the process of assimilation to the inferior jews, because some jews need 'saving'.

None of our own race has to also engage into this destructive and ruining reality also, to purify the living alien sewer which is the jew.
Hi im brian.

I have a question maybe someone can help me about. 

I try to summon a demon a couple of times. The demon sallos. I feel his power and see him in the mirror I want to make a pact with him. But when I feel his energie and I think the pact is done nothing happend the energie is gone. I think I do something wrong. I use the element water 4 red candles a mirror his Sigel. And I say wordst like satan your my only father my only God I want to ask to let sallos come over to make a pact with me satan your my only God hail satan. 

I also make a pact with normal inkt (red). 

And sign my name with blood also I make 3 drops of blood on the sigel and 3 drops of blood in the glas of water. Afther when I make the pact sallos said drink the water with blood and I did it. And I felt strange like someone want to possess me but nothing happend and than I end the ritual to thank them and I put the candle out with my finger not blowing. 

Has someone has experience? And does someone know what I do wrong? 

Greets brian 

Hail satan!
HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
It looks like in the end this topic will be filled with many questions, to the point, replying from someone to someone will turn into chaos, so, if you have many questions, just keep them as a regular topic, to avoid confusion. You can simply open a new topic.

you should calculate the number of posts with questions plus the number of answers from the posts with open questions that you receive per day and ... "Voi là"

I think you should select the most pertinent ones to you ...
It would seem this topic has given confidence for our silent guests into making accounts to ask questions.

I strongly encourage you all to take into account everything mentioned below as quoted from our website, as there is no doubt that there are plenty of you who think we are 'evil' or have many false assumptions regarding who we are and what we do.

"There are different sects of Satanism. Joy of Satan Ministries is Spiritual Satanism.

Satanism is not a "Christian invention."

Satanism predates Christianity and all other religions.

Satanism is not about spooks, goblins, vampires, Halloween monsters or other related entities.

Satanism is not about "evil."

Satanism is not a "reaction to Christianity."

Satanism is not about death.

True Satanism is about elevating and empowering humanity, which was our True Creator (Satan's) intention.

We know Satan/Lucifer as a real being.

We know Satan to be the True Father and Creator God of humanity.

We know "Yaweh/Jehova" of the bible to be a fictitious entity, and the people behind coercing this lie, to be the true deceivers of humanity and the masters of lies. This is evident in the many contradictions within the Judeo/Christian Bible, revealing this text to be the work of human beings who had occult knowledge and infused it with power to make it credible, and to incite fear in order to control.

We are law abiding.

We DO NOT advocate or participate in any blood or living sacrifice. This act is Judeo/Christian, as stated in their Bible- Deuteronomy 12:27:
"And thou shalt offer thy burnt offerings, the flesh and the blood, upon the altar of the LORD thy God: and the blood of thy sacrifices shall be poured out upon the altar of the LORD thy God, and thou shalt eat the flesh."

We have found Satanism is the original religion of humanity. We have done our research. Satanism is based upon the ancient religions that predated Judaism and Christianity from hundreds to thousands of years.

Christianity was a reaction to the original Pagan religions, labeled as "Satanism" meaning "enemy/adversary" in Hebrew. If you read through the information contained within this website, we prove this.

Christianity was invented to remove spiritual and occult knowledge (the powers of the mind) from the populace and place this power in the hands of a "chosen" few to the detriment of all humanity. The powers of the mind and soul are very real. People who are unaware of or who do not believe in these powers are easy to control and manipulate by those who are skilled in using these energies.

The Original Gods [Demons] were unjustly labeled as monsters and branded as "evil" to keep humanity from spiritual knowledge. Because of this, the human race has drastically degenerated both spiritually and intellectually.

Spiritual Satanism strongly advocates all learning, knowledge, inquiry, and free thought.

Spiritual Satanism supports the separation of church and state. Satanists do not push Satanism or prosyletize.

Spiritual Satanists acknowledge science and believe everything of the occult/supernatural to have a rational scientific explanation. We believe humanity has been held back dangerously in this area due to the hoax of Judeo/Christianity and its relentless attacks upon science for centuries.

We practice power meditation to advance spiritually and to elevate ourselves. Power meditation is as essential for the human soul as food is essential for the human body. The serpent, a symbol of Satan represents the firey kundalini force coiled at the base of the spine, which upon ascending, transforms the human mind and soul to a much higher level of understanding and ability. This is the true meaning of "Raising the Devil." The Serpent symbol of Satan also represents the DNA helix of life.

We work directly with Satan. We believe each and every person who is willing and respectful can have a personal relationship with Satan. There are no mediators in Spiritual Satanism; the Ministry is here only for guidance and support.

We take our tenets and practices directly from Satan himself. For far too long, enemies of Satan such as the Christian churches have been at liberty to dictate lies concerning Satan and Satanism. These lies have been the foundation of occult crimes and other heinous acts that they indirectly promote. True Satanism has been actively and zealously suppressed for centuries and many out of ignorance believe lies about Satan and react accordingly.

Spiritual Satanism is a life loving religion. Satan accepts us as we are, but guides us to advance ourselves to where we evolve to a higher level. Spiritual Satanists are free to live their lives as they choose- responsibility to the responsible. We live by natural law and encourage everyone to develop themselves to their fullest extent.

We know we “save” our own souls as opposed to claims of the Nazarene saving anyone. Satanism is based upon the true transformation of the soul through power meditation. The Nazarene is a fictitious entity, whose identity was stolen form some 18+ crucified Pagan Gods, such as Odin, who hung from a tree and is nothing more than a tool to keep humanity under the control of a chosen few. The Nazarene has been used in Christian masses and services as a substitute for a human living blood sacrifice, revealing their true purpose.

The Judeo/Christian religion is a vicious hoax on humanity of catastrophic proportions. For a hoax to succeed there has to be a lack of knowledge on the part of the victim. The Christian religion and its cohorts actively suppress knowledge and free thought, encourage people to be slaves, and never advocate or teach anything for the betterment or advancement of humanity. As opposed to the stories of how the Nazarene healed people; Satan shows us how we can heal ourselves and perform so-called miracles, using our minds and the powers of our own souls.

Through empowering ourselves, we have confidence, self-respect and achieve spiritual advancement and independence.

Spiritual Satanism places no limits on developing the powers of the mind- known as "witchcraft" or "magick." We believe in justice and just as martial artists are versed in the uses of Dim Mak and other aspects of physical combat, Spiritual Satanists are versed in the Black Arts of "magick" should they ever need them. People who are unaware of these powers are defenseless against them, and the powers that be know this all too well. Satan does not tolerate injustice.

Spiritual Satanism does not in any way condone spirit abuse as taught in the classical grimoires. The Demons who were bound and compelled to do the bidding of the sorcerers are now free and anyone using the nine-foot circle methods and "Jehova" names is inviting personal disaster. The Demons are our friends and with respect and reverence in summoning through Satan, we seek to establish mutually beneficial relationships with them.

Spiritual Satanism advocates individuality, liberty, and independence.

It is obvious that Satan is not the "deceiver of humanity." His followers have been few in number and he doesn't need copious amounts of wealth, power and control to keep his followers."
Ripper1994 said:
Hi im brian.

I have a question maybe someone can help me about. 

I try to summon a demon a couple of times. The demon sallos. I feel his power and see him in the mirror I want to make a pact with him. But when I feel his energie and I think the pact is done nothing happend the energie is gone. I think I do something wrong. I use the element water 4 red candles a mirror his Sigel. And I say wordst like satan your my only father my only God I want to ask to let sallos come over to make a pact with me satan your my only God hail satan. 

I also make a pact with normal inkt (red). 

And sign my name with blood also I make 3 drops of blood on the sigel and 3 drops of blood in the glas of water. Afther when I make the pact sallos said drink the water with blood and I did it. And I felt strange like someone want to possess me but nothing happend and than I end the ritual to thank them and I put the candle out with my finger not blowing. 

Has someone has experience? And does someone know what I do wrong? 

Greets brian 

Hail satan!

We do not make 'pacts with Demons'. You are reading some weird material it looks like.

You need to read the Joy of Satan.

Hi everyone.
I've been reading about Joy of Satan for about a week now,and i've got just a single question.
This might be a bit stupid but can you still do the Power Meditations and the Witchcraft stuff even if you're not Satanist? I'm still having weird feelings about my religious choice and i'm not fully sure if i want to become a Satanist yet.
And if you can't do them if you're not Satanist can someone please explain why.

(Haven't read much about the topic,sorry)
Lykia said:
Hi everyone.
I've been reading about Joy of Satan for about a week now,and i've got just a single question.
This might be a bit stupid but can you still do the Power Meditations and the Witchcraft stuff even if you're not Satanist? I'm still having weird feelings about my religious choice and i'm not fully sure if i want to become a Satanist yet.
And if you can't do them if you're not Satanist can someone please explain why.

(Haven't read much about the topic,sorry)

Doing power meditations without being dedicated (dedication is being protected by the True Gods while you advance to the point of being able to defend yourself) invites for the enemy to attack you and in worse cases you would end up dead if not worse..
Lykia said:
Hi everyone.
I've been reading about Joy of Satan for about a week now,and i've got just a single question.
This might be a bit stupid but can you still do the Power Meditations and the Witchcraft stuff even if you're not Satanist? I'm still having weird feelings about my religious choice and i'm not fully sure if i want to become a Satanist yet.
And if you can't do them if you're not Satanist can someone please explain why.

(Haven't read much about the topic,sorry)
The enemy tries to curse people. They don't want anyone to advance. When we dedicate, we are connected into a protection that keeps us safe. Many people throughout history have tried to use meditations to advance without dedicating, and maybe it works for a while, but at some level once their soul is bright and powerful enough it draws attention to them. And if they aren't protected, bad things can happen to them. A lot of these people go crazy, and have all kinds of bad luck. But Satan protects everyone who dedicates so they won't have these problems.

The other reason is it makes your advancement much faster. We are all connected as a family. Like a basic template that all our souls are part of. So when individual people in the family grow, that added strength helps the rest of the family grow too. So with everyone growing together, it is always becoming easier for everybody in the family to grow much faster and bigger.

I don't think you should do the meditations before dedicating, that could be an unnecessary risk. I suggest you read everything on the http://www.joyofsatan.org website. You can read http://www.exposingchristianity.com too to learn more. And then make a decision once you know more about it.
Lykia said:

Every gentile (non-jew) has the potential within them to advance their soul. Being a 'Satanist' for us is just an identity or label as the direct followers of Satan himself where we work and learn on his behalf. We do not force people onto this path and neither does Satan as those-who-are-without will face their own fate upon their own decisions.

You can practice all of the meditations and magical workings, but doing so without Satan's protection or even being one of us has you dealing with enemy attacks on your own. We only help our own and those who are loyal to the real Satan that we know and love.

Enemy attacks consist of sudden dread, depression, anxiety, fear, doubt, hopelessness, a draining of your mental energy, and similarities. Many of us including myself were very afraid and lost when we first discovered the Joy of Satan ministries, some such as myself pushed through that fear to discover things hidden for so long and how much the world we came to know was a lie. I've been part of this ministries for 8 years and nobody forced me or told me to join, I chose to do so myself and do not regret it one bit.

The decision is entirely yours in the end.
FlamingRedRose666 said:
Lykia said:
Hi everyone.
I've been reading about Joy of Satan for about a week now,and i've got just a single question.
This might be a bit stupid but can you still do the Power Meditations and the Witchcraft stuff even if you're not Satanist? I'm still having weird feelings about my religious choice and i'm not fully sure if i want to become a Satanist yet.
And if you can't do them if you're not Satanist can someone please explain why.

(Haven't read much about the topic,sorry)

Doing power meditations without being dedicated (dedication is being protected by the True Gods while you advance to the point of being able to defend yourself) invites for the enemy to attack you and in worse cases you would end up dead if not worse..

Forgot to add one important detail!

Dedication is also protection for safely ascending your serpent or in other words doing and completing the Magnum Opus working.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
