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1- In the aura cleansing and protection meditation, should I visualize myself basically like a drawing 2d or 3d?

2- Chakra rotation meditation is not very good in terms of imagery, should I do it anyway, should I make them shine in their own colors as they rotate, which direction should I rotate the chakras?

3- Since the day I did the devotion ritual, my psychology has been terrible, bad thoughts come to my mind, I have sudden depressions, it takes me a long time to recover, now I am focusing on making use of my free time and doing rtr, frankly, it makes me feel better, are these the effects of the enemy?

4- I was confused by the first visual on the Clairaudience points, is it exactly behind the head or on the head https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Psychic_Centers.html

5- Will the Clairaudience points be enough for me to hear and see the gods, will visualizing the appendages as a bright white light open them, of course I do all the other meditations to open my soul.

Thank you very much for your answers, sorry for my bad English and complicated questions.
ss2222 said:
(I have linked a 3D visual of the Human soul at the end of this post.)

1- In the aura cleansing and protection meditation, should I visualize myself basically like a drawing 2d or 3d?

2- Chakra rotation meditation is not very good in terms of imagery, should I do it anyway, should I make them shine in their own colors as they rotate, which direction should I rotate the chakras?

3- Since the day I did the devotion ritual, my psychology has been terrible, bad thoughts come to my mind, I have sudden depressions, it takes me a long time to recover, now I am focusing on making use of my free time and doing rtr, frankly, it makes me feel better, are these the effects of the enemy?

4- I was confused by the first visual on the Clairaudience points, is it exactly behind the head or on the head https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.com/empire/serpentis666/Psychic_Centers.html

5- Will the Clairaudience points be enough for me to hear and see the gods, will visualizing the appendages as a bright white light open them, of course I do all the other meditations to open my soul.

Thank you very much for your answers, sorry for my bad English and complicated questions.

1. As you can, possibly in 3D, As if your eyes would be somewhere else. Like you try to imagine what would you see if your eyes would be at the sun chakra, if you are cleaning your sun chakra for example.

2. Practice makes perfect. You can imagine them in their own color. As it spins very fast, you can turn it white gold. You can spin it in the direction that feels right, or else, you can spin all of them clockwise which would be right to left for the upper ones, if you look it from behind, and left to right for the pointing upwards.

3. You should not be doing RTRs right after dedication, as hostiles entities will notice you, and you will be an easy pray. If you noticed these bad occurring after you started doing RTRs, than stop, and start a strong Aura of Protection.
Regardless, you should start a very good, strong AoP, and cleaning.
They go all out these days to deceive newcomers.
You should ask for help/guidance from the Gods. RTR is good to keep evil away, but if your soul isn't powerful enough, you are just calling for more problem.

4. Its where it shows it is.

5. It's more complex. You will hear, see, and be able to talk face to face with a God when you are ready for this. It take years.

To answer most of your concerns, here is a 3D visual of the Human soul:
ss2222 said:
1- In the aura cleansing and protection meditation, should I visualize myself basically like a drawing 2d or 3d?

No. You don't see yourself as someone else like when you're looking at a picture of yourself, but feel yourself as you are now. It's done in the first person perspective, just like when you're playing Doom or any other first-person shooter game or Elder Scrolls games where you can't see your character as someone else but it appears as an extension of yourself. You feel yourself as you are sitting or standing or lying down at the time you're doing the meditation, only imagining you are charging your aura and breathing in energy.

ss2222 said:
2- Chakra rotation meditation is not very good in terms of imagery, should I do it anyway, should I make them shine in their own colors as they rotate, which direction should I rotate the chakras?

It's nothing complicated, just visualize them as spinning vortexes reaching out from the center of your body and spin them in any direction you like. Here's an image to help you:

ss2222 said:
3- Since the day I did the devotion ritual, my psychology has been terrible, bad thoughts come to my mind, I have sudden depressions, it takes me a long time to recover, now I am focusing on making use of my free time and doing rtr, frankly, it makes me feel better, are these the effects of the enemy?

Yes. But don't do RTRs, they cause more enemy attacks. Just focus more on doing the Aura of Protection and empowering yourself, and even doing banishing rituals if it gets bad.

ss2222 said:
4- I was confused by the first visual on the Clairaudience points, is it exactly behind the head or on the head https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.co ... nters.html

Top back of the head, as it shows.

ss2222 said:
5- Will the Clairaudience points be enough for me to hear and see the gods, will visualizing the appendages as a bright white light open them, of course I do all the other meditations to open my soul.

The Clairaudience points are for hearing, the clairvoyance points are for seeing. These are different.
recently I noticed that my feet chakras appear to get really warm when laying down in bed. I touched my feet and they are neither hot or cold.
Does anybody know what this is signifying?
Hi everyone,
Does pact of richess exist in satanism? because so many people claim to know that in the social medias.

If it exists, can you please explain me and give me a clue how to perform the ritual.

Thank you in advance
Shemsu said:

can anyone tell me how to reset the password ? I considered making a new profile but decided against it. Thing is, I had to get a new phone (this one is almost unusable and about to die) and realized that I can't log in from there. Thought I knew the password but...

Thank you

HP. Hoodedcobra666 said:
NinRick said:
recently I noticed that my feet chakras appear to get really warm when laying down in bed. I touched my feet and they are neither hot or cold.
Does anybody know what this is signifying?

If I remember correctly somebody said, that HPS Maxine said that it isn't a good thing. Maybe try more HATHA yoga, and stretch your legs. Your feet and your whole legs too, so that energy can flow better. Maybe also try to direct that energy up on your back to your top/above of your head or simply somewhere in your body, for example in the sacral chakra (as it is connected to the feet chakras).

Try to search for that when HPS Maxine mentioned that. Or when somebody mentioned that on the forums because maybe they linked Maxine"s answer on this.
AFODO said:
NinRick said:
recently I noticed that my feet chakras appear to get really warm when laying down in bed. I touched my feet and they are neither hot or cold.
Does anybody know what this is signifying?

If I remember correctly somebody said, that HPS Maxine said that it isn't a good thing. Maybe try more HATHA yoga, and stretch your legs. Your feet and your whole legs too, so that energy can flow better. Maybe also try to direct that energy up on your back to your top/above of your head or simply somewhere in your body, for example in the sacral chakra (as it is connected to the feet chakras).

Try to search for that when HPS Maxine mentioned that. Or when somebody mentioned that on the forums because maybe they linked Maxine"s answer on this.

it stopped 😂 phew
NinRick said:
AFODO said:
NinRick said:
recently I noticed that my feet chakras appear to get really warm when laying down in bed. I touched my feet and they are neither hot or cold.
Does anybody know what this is signifying?

If I remember correctly somebody said, that HPS Maxine said that it isn't a good thing. Maybe try more HATHA yoga, and stretch your legs. Your feet and your whole legs too, so that energy can flow better. Maybe also try to direct that energy up on your back to your top/above of your head or simply somewhere in your body, for example in the sacral chakra (as it is connected to the feet chakras).

Try to search for that when HPS Maxine mentioned that. Or when somebody mentioned that on the forums because maybe they linked Maxine"s answer on this.

it stopped 😂 phew

You should consider working with the lower chakras, not just the male chakras(Manipura, Svadisthana, Mulhadara). But also work on your minor chakras try and work with the hip, legs, feet chakras. Breath in white-gold energy from the Earth itself and work on the minor feet chakras.

You should also consider Azazel's Ascending meditation. When your having sex or masturbating focus on breathing and drawing the energy up through your spine and up the Vyapini Chakra(Sun disk of Ra; Gold above the head) then descend it down to your feet and up and down up and down. Even though it's Vyapini I believe you should also work with Vyomanga, Ananta, Anatha. Even though those are high range chakras it's nice to work on them. I don't know if people are gonna like this suggestion but there isn't anything wrong with working with these chakras.

Try working with some sexual energies the feet are very important. They also boost self-esteem and grounds the person further unlike Corrupted Yogis and New Agers who focus on the Heaven rather than also on the Earth. Remember Satan's statement "FOOLS! are draining the Earth". Why do you think these people say stupid shit and non-sense. You gotta be grounded as Stormblood pointedly said, "It's better to be overgrounded than overcharged".


Also not to alarm you but maybe it's a sign an entity is wanting you to work on your lower chakras. Maybe your not having enough masculinity in your life to better guide you.

Remember the upper power the lower if the lower are weak and not working well your imbalancing. All you need to do is spend 3-5 minutes breathing in energy. Use your smartphone timer and synchronize with it, this will help the Manipura chakra i.e. timings.

Anyways good that it left and your fine. But it seems like maybe someone wants you to better ground yourself.
I have a lot of free time between the morning meditations and the evening meditations, and I spend a large amount of time between the morning meditations and the evening meditations. Can you suggest meditations that I can practice during this time? During this time I would like to do their power rituals to improve my relationship with the gods, but I don't know exactly what these power rituals do.

I also have one more question, I am trying to understand the natal chart, what does the lucky point mean, what does it mean when they intersect with a red line with neptune just below it, what does lilith and the node signs mean, what does the natal chart mean?

I use Deepl, sorry for the English, thank you very much for your answers
ss2222 said:
I have a lot of free time between the morning meditations and the evening meditations, and I spend a large amount of time between the morning meditations and the evening meditations. Can you suggest meditations that I can practice during this time? During this time I would like to do their power rituals to improve my relationship with the gods, but I don't know exactly what these power rituals do.

practice Hatha yoga and Kundalini yoga in this time.
The power rituals is good to empower the Gods, their presence on Earth. It's also good to advance different part of yourself, and to connect to them.

I can't answer your astrology questions.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
There's a lot of new people here, even more quests now than registered users! And each one of you has questions. In the past, when people had questions here, they would usually start a new topic just for that one question. So there was a lot of repetition of the same topics being made to ask the same questions, and it's hard to look through them all. Searching for topics to see if a question was already asked doesn't always work, and it's too much work than it should be. We're trying to teach as many people as possible whatever they need to know to succeed, so we need a system that's the easiest it can be. Since most of you are new here, we can't expect you to have the time to read through all the years of posts that you weren't here for. It's our job here to give you whatever you need to know in the simplest most effective way.

So everybody ask your questions here so we can answer them. New people come here to learn. And if you don't see your question here yet, then you ask it and it gets answered. We will do our best to give everyone the most perfect answers. This topic becomes like an encyclopedia of all the information in one easy place for everyone to find. You'll find answers to questions that you didn't even think of asking. This is the most perfect way to teach the biggest amount of people everything they need to know.

Start by reading http://www.joyofsatan.org and http://www.kabbalahexposed.com these will answer many of your questions before needing to be asked. Then if you need more information or explaination you can come here. We have to concentrate the most important information in the easiest way for the most amount of people to learn.

Get everyone going on their own Satanic path as quickly and easily as possible. Because as a new member, it can take some people months or even years to figure out the foundation they need before they are even at a level where they are secure and confident on their path. So all of us who have already gone through this are here to give you the answers to get you set up and running. No wasted time, let the work that many of us have already personally done be the new foundation for all new people to start at! :D Our population is about growth! We take the resources from those who have worked hard before us and continue their work so those who come after us have an even easier time! Satanism is a very difficult path, but in many ways it doesn't have to be and shouldn't be. Make the whole system here perfectly efficient for training our family! Because the sooner you are set up and over the troubles of being a beginner, you are now sooner able to help everyone else!

We love answering questions here, let us help you!

Do you know exactly how to vibrate SA TA NA MA???is it vibrated like normal SA TA NA MA or should S be hissing as one says SSS in case of Satanas or Surya ??
I want to perform the power rituals of the gods regularly every day, Is it required to bathe before the ritual ? otherwise would I be disrespecting them?
Satanic Avenger 666 said:
ss2222 said:
1- In the aura cleansing and protection meditation, should I visualize myself basically like a drawing 2d or 3d?

No. You don't see yourself as someone else like when you're looking at a picture of yourself, but feel yourself as you are now. It's done in the first person perspective, just like when you're playing Doom or any other first-person shooter game or Elder Scrolls games where you can't see your character as someone else but it appears as an extension of yourself. You feel yourself as you are sitting or standing or lying down at the time you're doing the meditation, only imagining you are charging your aura and breathing in energy.

ss2222 said:
2- Chakra rotation meditation is not very good in terms of imagery, should I do it anyway, should I make them shine in their own colors as they rotate, which direction should I rotate the chakras?

It's nothing complicated, just visualize them as spinning vortexes reaching out from the center of your body and spin them in any direction you like. Here's an image to help you:

ss2222 said:
3- Since the day I did the devotion ritual, my psychology has been terrible, bad thoughts come to my mind, I have sudden depressions, it takes me a long time to recover, now I am focusing on making use of my free time and doing rtr, frankly, it makes me feel better, are these the effects of the enemy?

Yes. But don't do RTRs, they cause more enemy attacks. Just focus more on doing the Aura of Protection and empowering yourself, and even doing banishing rituals if it gets bad.

ss2222 said:
4- I was confused by the first visual on the Clairaudience points, is it exactly behind the head or on the head https://satanisgod.org/www.angelfire.co ... nters.html

Top back of the head, as it shows.

ss2222 said:
5- Will the Clairaudience points be enough for me to hear and see the gods, will visualizing the appendages as a bright white light open them, of course I do all the other meditations to open my soul.

The Clairaudience points are for hearing, the clairvoyance points are for seeing. These are different.

When u do aura cleansing meditation should not you imagine yourself as a second person sitting inside a sun,like you know how you look ,but imagining that the you is away from you and being cleansed by the sun ??now is this a wrong method of visualising ??
I posted a question here lastely but until now i haven t got the answer to my question about satanic pact

Please can someone give me an answer? Thanks in advance!
litabon666 said:
Hi everyone,
Does pact of richess exist in satanism? because so many people claim to know that in the social medias.

If it exists, can you please explain me and give me a clue how to perform the ritual.

Thank you in advance

If you are asking about something that you heard about in social media, then this is not likely to be a true representation of Satanism.

Wealth is a part of reality and should be improved upon and sought after, however this also means that some people are not as good with managing or obtaining wealth as others, as shown by the astrological placements of the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter, among other elements of the chart.

With this in mind, this is one reason why the Gods won't necessarily just dump a bunch of money on your head, however they are interested in helping us, and can guide you in ways to do become wealthy on your own.

You can find the sigil of a God associated with wealth, meditate on it, and respectfully ask them for guidance on the matter.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Moonshine said:
Is father satan powerful Enough to reverse time??

Just curious
Time does not go backwards.

You know I like Rational Satanist because he was right. People should look into this his posts, they are perfectly in line with Maxine's teachings.

Here's what HPS Maxine said about Time:

I'll have much more on this forthcoming.
In closing, Lilith once told me that "Time is not all linear."
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=474323 time=1700870882 user_id=21286]
litabon666 said:
Hi everyone,
Does pact of richess exist in satanism? because so many people claim to know that in the social medias.

If it exists, can you please explain me and give me a clue how to perform the ritual.

Thank you in advance

If you are asking about something that you heard about in social media, then this is not likely to be a true representation of Satanism.

Wealth is a part of reality and should be improved upon and sought after, however this also means that some people are not as good with managing or obtaining wealth as others, as shown by the astrological placements of the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter, among other elements of the chart.

With this in mind, this is one reason why the Gods won't necessarily just dump a bunch of money on your head, however they are interested in helping us, and can guide you in ways to do become wealthy on your own.

You can find the sigil of a God associated with wealth, meditate on it, and respectfully ask them for guidance on the matter.

brother I have asked some very important questions to you in proton mail ..when you are free please do answer
The Phantom Stranger said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Moonshine said:
Is father satan powerful Enough to reverse time??

Just curious
Time does not go backwards.

You know I like Rational Satanist because he was right. People should look into this his posts, they are perfectly in line with Maxine's teachings.

Here's what HPS Maxine said about Time:

I'll have much more on this forthcoming.
In closing, Lilith once told me that "Time is not all linear."

Time is not all linear but it does not go backwards. It goes forwards but can be felt differently.

No, Rational Satanist weren't right all the time and sometimes had the same misunderstanding, and not understanding as you.

There are many Satanist here who has better understanding over things than Rational Satanist. Please read HPHC sermons and meditate on Satan's sigil daily as these better your understanding.

You can also do Satan's ritual which in this case is a better, extended version of meditating on his sigil.
The Phantom Stranger said:

You are misinterpreting things because you simply do not yet have the ability to understand or to feel what is the truth in various different situations. You need to increase and improve both your intuition and your overall knowledge, and these will work together to provide you with the truth.

Time not being perfectly linear is one thing, the idea that time goes backwards is absolutely seperate and different idea with no relation to the first idea. And you are claiming there is a false relation between these ideas because you don't understand what is being said.

Linear is a mathematical term. It means that for one variable, there will only be one possible solution. Time does not follow this because there are many possibilities of what could happen in the future, not just one predetermined result. The speed that time passes may also change to be faster or slower, so the flow of time can not be described by one constant linear function.
The Phantom Stranger said:

Energies from the higher dimensions of the Aether flow downward into lower dimensions. The potential energies of the higher dimensions flow down and become a material change and material influence in the world. A thing you can compare this with is thoughts and actions; first you think of the idea to do an action, then this leads you to physically move and do this action. You can not go backward because the action has already been done, there is no way to undo this action.

This movement of energy collapsing from the aetherial to the material is the flow of time. This is what time is, the action of all things becoming more complex, more different, and more specialized as time goes forward. Entropy is also the same thing as the flow of time.
phi3.14infinity said:
Sa Ta Na Ma

There is no reason for you to ask this. Because you can try it both ways and you will see for yourself which way feels better. Just like most of your questions which you could answer yourself by spending a little bit of time experimenting or by searching and reading the information that is already available to you.
I seen someone post this on the forms once.

Base Chakra: Laum, vibrated as LLAHHH – UUU – MMM*
Sacral Chakra: Vaum, vibrated as VAHHH – UUU – MMM
Solar Plexus '666' Chakra: Raum, vibrated as RAHHH – UUU – MMM**
Heart Chakra: Aum, vibrated as AHHH – UUU – MMM
Throat Chakra: Haum, vibrated as HAHHH – UUU – MMM
Sixth Chakra: Yaum, vibrated as YYAHHH – UUU – MMM
Third Eye: "TH-TH-AH-AH-AH-U-U-U-U-M-M-M-M"
Pienal Gland: “G-G-A-A-U-U-M-M”
Seventh Chakra: Maum, vibrated as MMAHHH – UUU – MMM

But here's where I'm confused.

Here says TH-TH-AH-AH-AH-U-U-U-U-M-M-M-M for sixth

Here says Y-Y-Y-AH-AH-AH-U-U-U-U-M-M-M-M for heart

But Here says:
Yaum, vibrated as YYAHHH – UUU – MMM for sixth
Aum, vibrated as AHHH – UUU – MMM for heart

Can Y-Y-Y-AH-AH-AH-U-U-U-U-M-M-M-M be used for both heart and sixth?

There is more evidence that time-travel is in-fact real because there are advanced members who have seen this.

Syt has in fact observed this. Why do I believe him? Because he has actually seen it. He can astral project. He has astral vision. He can see things in real time in the spiritual world. Its also one more reason I give Karnonnos credit. He's smart too.


One of the strangest things i've seen on a lower plane is a little boy that "fell in" & got stuck in it somehow. The place he was in looked a lot like a hot, stinking, primordial swamp filled with modern day garbage (old car tires, household junk etc.). There were other beings, some quite extraordinarily technologically advance that were picking on and taking advantage of him for their own purpose. He got older, became a mature man, and his future self was trying to find away to stop his "boy self" from falling in. Both versions of himself existed at the same time. The passage of time seemed irrelevant here.

Most people here don't have astral vision or psychic senses well developed. Even some so called "advanced-members". So they make assumptions about how reality works based on some loose understanding. In fact none of this confusion would exist, if people simply ask Father Satan and get answers and not just assume shit. No more debate.
phi3.14infinity said:
Do you know exactly how to vibrate SA TA NA MA???is it vibrated like normal SA TA NA MA or should S be hissing as one says SSS in case of Satanas or Surya ??

Satanama is rather not hissed like in Satanas or Surya. It's like in "Saturn". In my experiences, the S in Satanas and Surya can also be spelled like in "Saturn", but HPS Maxine spelled hissed.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The Phantom Stranger said:

You are misinterpreting things because you simply do not yet have the ability to understand or to feel what is the truth in various different situations. You need to increase and improve both your intuition and your overall knowledge, and these will work together to provide you with the truth.

Time not being perfectly linear is one thing, the idea that time goes backwards is absolutely seperate and different idea with no relation to the first idea. And you are claiming there is a false relation between these ideas because you don't understand what is being said.

Linear is a mathematical term. It means that for one variable, there will only be one possible solution. Time does not follow this because there are many possibilities of what could happen in the future, not just one predetermined result. The speed that time passes may also change to be faster or slower, so the flow of time can not be described by one constant linear function.

To refute this point of yours, allow me to tell you something : The sky is blue. It turns dark at night.

Wait, what? You already knew that? Its obvious?

Exactly. That's the same thing going on here. Why would I tell you something obvious? There is no point to that.

Why would Lilith tell HPS Maxine that there are many different possibilities of thr future? Literally, the average person already knows that.

No, Lilith was trying to convey something different. That time is in fact not linear ie it doesn't flow in a single direction only or in more colloquial terms : Time-travel is in fact real.
Hello all,

I found this website a few days ago, and it correlates to the beliefs that I have had for a long time, this place has done a great job at putting the information into step by step guides, and collecting everything in one place.

I appreciate all the work everyone have put into this, making it easier to navigate the murky, corrupted waters.

According to everything that I have read on the matter, available on this site, increase in bioelectricity and therefore healing, and miracles, are possible through dedication to true Satanism.

With that stated, limb regrowth should be possible, as that would count as a miracle, or am I wrong?

Does anyone know or can recommend a step by step guide on this, specifically?

I do apologize, if the question has been asked before, but I did not find it through the websites search engine.
And I have started the 40 day program for initiates, and dearly hope to be visited by one of the Demons.

Hail Satan.
The Phantom Stranger said:
There is more evidence that time-travel is in-fact real because there are advanced members who have seen this.

Syt has in fact observed this. Why do I believe him? Because he has actually seen it. He can astral project. He has astral vision. He can see things in real time in the spiritual world. Its also one more reason I give Karnonnos credit. He's smart too.

You believe that?
That was the most nonsensical story I ever read. Somebody could have a strange dream with any kind of story in it, but that does not mean that it is true or important. I have dreams every night that I could write down for you, but it would not be helpful.

You are the one who is assuming all kinds of strange and fictional things. Based on no truth, no evidence, and no logic. But that one person told you a strange story and you believed it had some meaning that it did not.

I suggest for you to invest real effort and practice into improving your intuition, improving your knowledge, improving your ability to feel and understand the energy currents of the world and the connections between everything. Because you are honestly talking like a child. You are telling me childish nonsense that myself and many other people can plainly see is nonsense.
The Phantom Stranger said:
No, Lilith was trying to convey something different. That time is in fact not linear ie it doesn't flow in a single direction only or in more colloquial terms : Time-travel is in fact real.

Again, all that you say is your assumption. Which an assumption based on no facts is worth almost nothing.

Do not block yourself from learning or from receiving the truth by stubbornly holding onto assumptions that you wish to be true, and ignorning all evidence of actual truth.
The Phantom Stranger said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
The Phantom Stranger said:

You are misinterpreting things because you simply do not yet have the ability to understand or to feel what is the truth in various different situations. You need to increase and improve both your intuition and your overall knowledge, and these will work together to provide you with the truth.

Time not being perfectly linear is one thing, the idea that time goes backwards is absolutely seperate and different idea with no relation to the first idea. And you are claiming there is a false relation between these ideas because you don't understand what is being said.

Linear is a mathematical term. It means that for one variable, there will only be one possible solution. Time does not follow this because there are many possibilities of what could happen in the future, not just one predetermined result. The speed that time passes may also change to be faster or slower, so the flow of time can not be described by one constant linear function.

To refute this point of yours, allow me to tell you something : The sky is blue. It turns dark at night.

Wait, what? You already knew that? Its obvious?

Exactly. That's the same thing going on here. Why would I tell you something obvious? There is no point to that.

Why would Lilith tell HPS Maxine that there are many different possibilities of thr future? Literally, the average person already knows that.

No, Lilith was trying to convey something different. That time is in fact not linear ie it doesn't flow in a single direction only or in more colloquial terms : Time-travel is in fact real.

Brother, if you do not understand basic mathematics, you would be better of not playing cleaver here.
TIME FLOWS IN ONE DIRECTION, but it flows faster and sometimes slower.
If time were linear, it would flow with the same "speed" but this is not the case. In fact modern science knows this.
With that, TIME IS NOT LINEAR, it flows in different speed, but never with a negative speed.

Seeing the past is possible in the astral, but you cannot interact with it, as it would simply "break the system".
It is sort of like that the astral record everything, and you can review it. Our soul also stores every memory, so this is probably something similar.

There is no parallel timelines, neither parallel universes. There is one time, one universe, but different levels which are one place, but on a different vibration.

What I say here is not said by me, but by advanced members.

Please try to observe the newest information from the most advanced members here.
You should also not think that something is true because someone is denying it to be true.
Hi everyone,
I would like to develop clairaudience to the point of hearing our gods. Is working on the clairaudience chakra points the only thing I can do for this matter, or is there some other thing that can make it faster?
Is it disrespectful if I very often try to invoke a demon or Satan to check my clairaudience progress?
ss2222 said:
I want to perform the power rituals of the gods regularly every day, Is it required to bathe before the ritual ? otherwise would I be disrespecting them?

No, bathing is not essential beforehand, especially considering that the power ritual itself raises the standing of the God within our planet, among other effects.

Maybe I misunderstood HP on this one, and I can't find that sermon, so that I could re-check.

HPHC now is more advanced than HPS Maxine 10-20 years ago. HPS Maxine was a beginner/intermediate in 2001 and close to advanced in 2005, but today's "nearly" advanced people is way more knowledgeable due to the fact that the knowledge that was available back than was close to zero compared to nowadays.

Even in 2010, there was way less information than today, let alone the JoS was full of infiltrators.

There are a lot of outdated information on the JoS:

Humanity was created by extra-terrestrials who needed slave laborers in the mines. By taking the ovum from a Cro-Magnon primate and using artificial insemination with a sperm from one of the Nephilim, we were created.

The one known as Satan created us and designed us. He intended to bring us knowledge and make us as the Gods, but he was prevented from doing so and cursed by some of the other Gods. We did not evolve naturally, as opposed to animals who have overall better health and immunity. Satan wished to bring us to perfection, but some of the other Gods wanted for us to be destroyed after the mission was over and since we were becoming an issue, they attempted to let us all drown in the flood.

Satan went against the other Gods and gave us more advanced genetics.

Humanity weren't created to be slaves and no God from us would wanted to destroy us. The Demon's God is Satan, and they have very high understanding, non of them would wanted to destroy humanity.

With that, it is better to read HPHC's sermons that are more recent.
Achemedai said:
Hi everyone,
I would like to develop clairaudience to the point of hearing our gods. Is working on the clairaudience chakra points the only thing I can do for this matter, or is there some other thing that can make it faster?
Is it disrespectful if I very often try to invoke a demon or Satan to check my clairaudience progress?

Hello. It is a long way to actually hear the Gods. To have clairaudience you firs want to empower and CLEAN your chakras as well as minor chakras that relates to clairaudience. As for practicing it, here is a good way:

Outdated? Really?

I don't know how to say this, but that statement of HPHC makes zero logical sense.

You said that HPHC said that Satan was #1 and that the universe was infinite. This makes no logical sense at all.

In an infinite universe, there would be infinite beings, it would be impossible to even know if there was a #1 most powerful person.

And this continues many times with HPHC.

It doesn't matter how advanced you are, logic cannot be thrown out the window.
The Phantom Stranger said:

Outdated? Really?

I don't know how to say this, but that statement of HPHC makes zero logical sense.

You said that HPHC said that Satan was #1 and that the universe was infinite. This makes no logical sense at all.

In an infinite universe, there would be infinite beings, it would be impossible to even know if there was a #1 most powerful person.

And this continues many times with HPHC.

It doesn't matter how advanced you are, logic cannot be thrown out the window.

Why would an infinite universe necessarily need to have infinite beings?
As a side note, I do not mean to be rude or to look down on you, but you are pretending to be very knowledgeable, when you really are not. I would refrain for making such comments about High Priest HoodedCobra, who is way more advanced than you are, if I were you.
The Phantom Stranger said:

Outdated? Really?

I don't know how to say this, but that statement of HPHC makes zero logical sense.

You said that HPHC said that Satan was #1 and that the universe was infinite. This makes no logical sense at all.

In an infinite universe, there would be infinite beings, it would be impossible to even know if there was a #1 most powerful person.

And this continues many times with HPHC.

It doesn't matter how advanced you are, logic cannot be thrown out the window.

You are assuming that the Universe is infinite. I don't know how it works exactly but there is apparently a known "end" or "boundaries." Thoth teaches that the universe is triangular in shape.

I personally find this amusing more than anything and also pointless to ponder as the answer would be of no immediate benefit to me. Is the universe infinite? Will it end in a million years or tomorrow? I cannot possibly know. And in what way will the knowledge improve my life today?

I suggest you do what you know how to do (meditate) rather than ponder things that contribute nothing to your advancement.

Do not ponder on this one thing because as I said, I'm not sure if he really meant that Satan is the most powerful, and I can't check it because I can't find that sermon.

If the universe is infinite, which Maxine said it is (I haven't find HPHC saying it) than probably Satan isn't the most powerful.

To say at least, there are probably larger non-alive forces than Satan, but maybe Satan is the most powerful Alive 'force'.

Anyways, you are free to ask these from the Gods when you developed claudiance. You can than also ask if you should listen to HPHC, and read his sermons.

Maybe we could also ask HP if he wants to say something about this.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
