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Cosmic6999 said:
What’s the difference between magick and psychic abilities

Magick involves programming energies to manifest your desires. Many psychic abilities involve the senses, like a counterpart to the 5 physical senses (telepathy - speaking and hearing, clairvoyance - sight, psychic smell, psychic taste, psychic touch and feeling), manipulating and moving in the astral body like the physical body, empathy, intuition, and then there's complex Siddhis like pyrokinesis which is your psychic connection to and manipulation of the fire element, etc...

I hope this explanation is sufficient.
jrvan said:
TranscendTheSun said:
jrvan said:
I took your advice and started a Venus square, looked at my chart, and my Venus is debilitated. The only worry I'm having, is I'm still stuck on my ex. Will that effect it? She came back to talk to me after starting the square, she started dealing with schizophrenia, and she said she heard a voice in her head that sounded like mine when she talked to me, that told her to leave, to kill herself, and she was terrified. She said she loves me a lot, and she really wishes she could be with me, but the voice gets loud when we talk and it terrifies her.

It sounds like the Square might be digging back up the karma patterns to replay out with your ex as the most available catalyst. Think of how it ended before, the pattern you played into which might be relevant to your negative Venus karma of your placement, and how it could play out differently this time if you deal with it and learn from it.

I don't know what your pattern is exactly, but one possibility could be, for example, a need to help or fix broken women who don't know how to get better - so the lesson could be not taking the responsibility on yourself believing you can save someone who for whatever reason might not be willing to help themselves. Walking away and finding a woman who doesn't fit the pattern would start a new healthier karmic pattern after the old negative karma is released and overcome.

That's just one possibility. I hope that helps in figuring it out. Letting go of the attachment to your ex isn't necessarily required, but look for any lessons from the karma and negative things which need to be overcome. If you love her then you love her, and feelings are complicated, but be careful with the entanglement as much as you can help it.

By the way, it's a good idea to clean thoroughly with a Sun mantra after doing the Square each day. You can clean the center chakra and throat chakra for good measure if you like, as these are related to Venus strongly.

The Venus square is working perfectly. Got a new job now, my ex and I figured out the entanglement, we're just friends now, and we're happier that way. She got together with an Australian girl who really loves her. It's all kind of working out on its own. Ive been using visshuddi after the square to really clean myself. I feel very at peace, like my soul gained something it's been lacking for a long time.
Cosmic6999 said:
What’s the difference between magick and psychic abilities

Magick is the art and science of causing change according to your will (according to the popular definition by Aleister Crowley). When you have a goal where you want to change something and you take action to change it, usually using non-ordinary means like vibrating mantras and directing energy, you are using magick. Note that Crowley's definition also includes normal acts as magick (like working out in order to get stronger).

Psychic abilities are faculties that can't be explained by natural laws and available to only a few people.
jrvan said:
Breathe in white light like the Sun. White light reflects and repels.
“My aura is repelling, [inspire fear/dread] in _______, and keeping ________ far away from me at all times.”

I was wondering Jrvan, what if one is trying to attract people, what color helps with that?
TranscendTheSun said:
jrvan said:
TranscendTheSun said:
I took your advice and started a Venus square, looked at my chart, and my Venus is debilitated. The only worry I'm having, is I'm still stuck on my ex. Will that effect it? She came back to talk to me after starting the square, she started dealing with schizophrenia, and she said she heard a voice in her head that sounded like mine when she talked to me, that told her to leave, to kill herself, and she was terrified. She said she loves me a lot, and she really wishes she could be with me, but the voice gets loud when we talk and it terrifies her.

It sounds like the Square might be digging back up the karma patterns to replay out with your ex as the most available catalyst. Think of how it ended before, the pattern you played into which might be relevant to your negative Venus karma of your placement, and how it could play out differently this time if you deal with it and learn from it.

I don't know what your pattern is exactly, but one possibility could be, for example, a need to help or fix broken women who don't know how to get better - so the lesson could be not taking the responsibility on yourself believing you can save someone who for whatever reason might not be willing to help themselves. Walking away and finding a woman who doesn't fit the pattern would start a new healthier karmic pattern after the old negative karma is released and overcome.

That's just one possibility. I hope that helps in figuring it out. Letting go of the attachment to your ex isn't necessarily required, but look for any lessons from the karma and negative things which need to be overcome. If you love her then you love her, and feelings are complicated, but be careful with the entanglement as much as you can help it.

By the way, it's a good idea to clean thoroughly with a Sun mantra after doing the Square each day. You can clean the center chakra and throat chakra for good measure if you like, as these are related to Venus strongly.

The Venus square is working perfectly. Got a new job now, my ex and I figured out the entanglement, we're just friends now, and we're happier that way. She got together with an Australian girl who really loves her. It's all kind of working out on its own. Ive been using visshuddi after the square to really clean myself. I feel very at peace, like my soul gained something it's been lacking for a long time.

Congrats! That's really awesome to hear. Keep going with it, I'm really happy for you. Life will keep improving for you, better and better, the more you work on your soul. We all reap the rewards of spiritual work, like the gifts under the Yule tree.

Visuddhi was a wise choice. You're going to be okay, and the Gods are there for you too, always.
Darkspirit said:
jrvan said:
Breathe in white light like the Sun. White light reflects and repels.
“My aura is repelling, [inspire fear/dread] in _______, and keeping ________ far away from me at all times.”

I was wondering Jrvan, what if one is trying to attract people, what color helps with that?

According to the page on colors, yellow is really good for friendships so one could program the aura using yellow. Green is also good for both attraction and friendships. Aside from color, Venus rules relationships so it could be helpful to work with Venus in some ways depending on the desire, and the Sun rules your social gravity, charisma, etc... I would say empowering the solar chakra is the number one thing you could do for being more socially magnetic in general. Harnessing any Leo placements is also a potentially good idea.
jrvan said:
Darkspirit said:
jrvan said:
Breathe in white light like the Sun. White light reflects and repels.
“My aura is repelling, [inspire fear/dread] in _______, and keeping ________ far away from me at all times.”

I was wondering Jrvan, what if one is trying to attract people, what color helps with that?

According to the page on colors, yellow is really good for friendships so one could program the aura using yellow. Green is also good for both attraction and friendships. Aside from color, Venus rules relationships so it could be helpful to work with Venus in some ways depending on the desire, and the Sun rules your social gravity, charisma, etc... I would say empowering the solar chakra is the number one thing you could do for being more socially magnetic in general. Harnessing any Leo placements is also a potentially good idea.

Thank you. I will take notes. This will be one work for the near future.
sola said:

See this post: https://www.ancient-forums.com/viewtopic.php?p=367271#p367271

In this case, 10 pertains to a perfected material manifestation of a spell. Since multiple runes are used in these rituals, this would be a better number to follow, rather than the number of the rune itself.
sola said:
For example, it tells us that Gebo must be vibrated 7 times (or a multiple of 7) because its the 7th letter of the runic alphabet.
No, there is a suggestion to use it for a multiple of 7. However, there are many other numbers to choose from.
jrvan said:
Cosmic6999 said:
What’s the difference between magick and psychic abilities

Magick involves programming energies to manifest your desires. Many psychic abilities involve the senses, like a counterpart to the 5 physical senses (telepathy - speaking and hearing, clairvoyance - sight, psychic smell, psychic taste, psychic touch and feeling), manipulating and moving in the astral body like the physical body, empathy, intuition, and then there's complex Siddhis like pyrokinesis which is your psychic connection to and manipulation of the fire element, etc...

I hope this explanation is sufficient.

Yah see I have clairvoyance and clairaudiance
And I am a fire sigh and what do you meaning manipulating and moving the astral body do you mean manipulating the aura or some?
Intuition I have that empathy I have that
See this the thing I came on this path for power at first but now I’m here for something more building a connection to the gods I’m here to develop my psychic side see magick I can work on it but I feel more connected to the psychic side of things and does it have anything to do with the electromagnetic field
Sokar said:
Cosmic6999 said:
What’s the difference between magick and psychic abilities

Magick is the art and science of causing change according to your will (according to the popular definition by Aleister Crowley). When you have a goal where you want to change something and you take action to change it, usually using non-ordinary means like vibrating mantras and directing energy, you are using magick. Note that Crowley's definition also includes normal acts as magick (like working out in order to get stronger).

Psychic abilities are faculties that can't be explained by natural laws and available to only a few people.

Well I have psychic abilities empathy clairvoyance & clairaudiance
Henu the Great said:
sola said:
For example, it tells us that Gebo must be vibrated 7 times (or a multiple of 7) because its the 7th letter of the runic alphabet.
No, there is a suggestion to use it for a multiple of 7. However, there are many other numbers to choose from.

How does one know what number(s) to choose for a given rune or set of runes?
I read that a lot the gods are bi sexual and that being bi sexual is being balanced, if you only want to be with your own gender does this mean you are unbalanced?
Hesffcs115 said:
I read that a lot the gods are bi sexual and that being bi sexual is being balanced, if you only want to be with your own gender does this mean you are unbalanced?

Where did you hear this?

It is a mistake to bring the Gods into human sexuality. That said, being heterosexual is the norm, only a small percentage of people are truly bisexual or homosexual.

For the Gods, although I cannot speak for them, it appears to be the same.

You will see that most Gods have wives and most Goddesses have husbands. Bisexuality as a beings true orientation is rare.

Humans may experienced phases where their sexuality leans differently either way, it is not as strict as people believe, however heterosexuality is always the vast majority.

Hail Satan!
sola said:
How does one know what number(s) to choose for a given rune or set of runes?
By expanding your knowledge through personal experience and what others relay. Blitzkreig already linked one valuable resource. Using the search will give you more information on this topic.
Hesffcs115 said:
I read that a lot the gods are bi sexual and that being bi sexual is being balanced, if you only want to be with your own gender does this mean you are unbalanced?

Whoever told you this was most likely lying.

Were you reading things from Jake Carlson? You shouldn't read things from him. He told a lot of strange lies.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Hesffcs115 said:
I read that a lot the gods are bi sexual and that being bi sexual is being balanced, if you only want to be with your own gender does this mean you are unbalanced?

Whoever told you this was most likely lying.

Were you reading things from Jake Carlson? You shouldn't read things from him. He told a lot of strange lies.

yeah was reading his stuff didnt know he was a liar, his stuff should be removed from the JOS then
VoiceofEnki said:
Hesffcs115 said:
I read that a lot the gods are bi sexual and that being bi sexual is being balanced, if you only want to be with your own gender does this mean you are unbalanced?

Where did you hear this?

It is a mistake to bring the Gods into human sexuality. That said, being heterosexual is the norm, only a small percentage of people are truly bisexual or homosexual.

For the Gods, although I cannot speak for them, it appears to be the same.

You will see that most Gods have wives and most Goddesses have husbands. Bisexuality as a beings true orientation is rare.

Humans may experienced phases where their sexuality leans differently either way, it is not as strict as people believe, however heterosexuality is always the vast majority.

Hail Satan!

the link where i read that is now shut down already funny enough but here is around the place i found it http://web.archive.org/web/20150718134948/http://thirdsex666.weebly.com/sermon-on-homosexuality.html http://web.archive.org/web/20150520205905/http://thirdsex666.weebly.com/special-place-of-third-sex-and-twin-soul-people-in-satanism.html Ol argedco luciftias did just tell me that Jake Carlson was a liar though so yeah
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Hesffcs115 said:
I read that a lot the gods are bi sexual and that being bi sexual is being balanced, if you only want to be with your own gender does this mean you are unbalanced?

Whoever told you this was most likely lying.

Were you reading things from Jake Carlson? You shouldn't read things from him. He told a lot of strange lies.
since Jake Carlson is a liar, is there an up to date sermon on homosexuality?
Do the planets that the gods rule have anything to do with chakras, or what the planet rules in astrology?
Hesffcs115 said:
since Jake Carlson is a liar, is there an up to date sermon on homosexuality?

There doesn't need to be any sermon about homosexuality because it absolutely does not matter. None of the gods care if you are gay or straight, it makes no difference. There is nothing wrong with gay people. But you should also know that gay people are not special and it doesn't make them better than anyone else either. Some of the gods might be gay, but I don't know about any that are. And most of them are not.

Jake had all kinds of problems with his ego, and about feeling inferior. So he tried to make up for this by pretending that gay people are special, or are better than everyone else, but all of that was just lies. His worst lie was all the bullshit about "third sex," there is no third sex that's just some nonsense that he invented. There is male and female. A gay man is still a man, and a gay woman is still a woman, neither of them are anything different.

You don't see straight men making such a big deal about being attracted to women. They don't act like it is the most important thing in the world that every single person knows who they are attracted to. But many gay people are so obsessive about this, "Everybody look at me, everybody in the entire universe needs to know how special I am because I am gay." But nobody cares. We don't care, and the gods don't care, because it is not important.
I have a question. About the sushumna channel going up the spine where the energy goes. WHAT IF a person has scoliosis where the spine has some crooked places side to side approximately behind the heart area. Its not severe and barely visible is it still safe to raise the kundalini in someone like that where the sushumna channel is not straight?? If so what issues might arise in that case? Thanks.
The Raven said:
I have a question. About the sushumna channel going up the spine where the energy goes. WHAT IF a person has scoliosis where the spine has some crooked places side to side approximately behind the heart area. Its not severe and barely visible is it still safe to raise the kundalini in someone like that where the sushumna channel is not straight?? If so what issues might arise in that case? Thanks.

Ideally, this would be fixed with a combination of healing workings and treatment from professionals. TCM has successfully fixed scoliosis through the direction of healing energy into spine, as well as supporting organs. Any responsible negative karma on one's solar energies would also need to be cleared beforehand.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=426106 time=1676952029 user_id=21286]
The Raven said:
I have a question. About the sushumna channel going up the spine where the energy goes. WHAT IF a person has scoliosis where the spine has some crooked places side to side approximately behind the heart area. Its not severe and barely visible is it still safe to raise the kundalini in someone like that where the sushumna channel is not straight?? If so what issues might arise in that case? Thanks.

Ideally, this would be fixed with a combination of healing workings and treatment from professionals. TCM has successfully fixed scoliosis through the direction of healing energy into spine, as well as supporting organs. Any responsible negative karma on one's solar energies would also need to be cleared beforehand.
Great thanks for your answer. Much appreciated, I am familiar with many healing modalities. But not sure what TCM stands for. Is it Traditional Chinese Medicine ? Should one try to raise the energy before hand what effects might manifest? I am trying to weigh risk vs benefit. I am not asking for my self but my life partner.
Hesffcs115 said:
I read that a lot the gods are bi sexual and that being bi sexual is being balanced, if you only want to be with your own gender does this mean you are unbalanced?

Polarities in the soul have nothing to do with sexual orientation. So go with whomever you feel attracted to. As for the Gods, just ask them yourself. Unless it's important for personal growth, I doubt they'd be answering such a question though. It's like asking them what colour you should wear today or what should you have for lunch. Irrelevant.

As for the distribution of sexuality among mankind, I agree with VoE that is not as strict as people think, which is why there was no psychotic over-labelling before the enemy came into the picture, but I also disagree that the majority is heterosexual. In fact, I believe the majority is bisexual which doesn't preclude them from marrying the opposite gender to preserve the race. I think full homosexuals and full heterosexuals were originally quite niche, while today we have many brainwashed non-heterosexual people and many repressed heterosexual people.
The Raven said:
I have a question. About the sushumna channel going up the spine where the energy goes. WHAT IF a person has scoliosis where the spine has some crooked places side to side approximately behind the heart area. Its not severe and barely visible is it still safe to raise the kundalini in someone like that where the sushumna channel is not straight?? If so what issues might arise in that case? Thanks.

Aside from what Blitz says, kundalini yoga also helps fix postural problems. I know people with kyphosis who fixed it within 2 weeks of the basic spinal series from kundalini yoga.
I was wondering if the wimhof breathing method is safe to do, if it wasn't one of the "fake spiritual" that the Jews created.

Do you thing shifting is real? I was reading a book about astral projection and it said that in the Astral Dimension it was possible to create everything with our subconscious mind, even a fake scenario that looks very real and etc. Would this be shifting?
Forgive me if this has been answered, I haven't been able to find this question answered previous.

I'm curious about karma, I understand that energy works better if it's laser focused. I kind of want to tackle Saturn Karma, is this dangerous? If not, how would I go about getting rid of Saturnalian Karma? What's the best way to free myself of the Karma of a specific planet? I was also thinking of freeing myself from the Karma of each chakra, one chakra at a time, one working at a time. Is this ideal? I know chakras are connected to planets, would clearing the chakras of Karma be sufficient enough to also take care of planetary Karma? Thank you in advance.
TranscendTheSun said:
Forgive me if this has been answered, I haven't been able to find this question answered previous.

I'm curious about karma, I understand that energy works better if it's laser focused. I kind of want to tackle Saturn Karma, is this dangerous? If not, how would I go about getting rid of Saturnalian Karma? What's the best way to free myself of the Karma of a specific planet? I was also thinking of freeing myself from the Karma of each chakra, one chakra at a time, one working at a time. Is this ideal? I know chakras are connected to planets, would clearing the chakras of Karma be sufficient enough to also take care of planetary Karma? Thank you in advance.

When you remove karma, you may experience dirt associated with that issue being resolved. This can attract similar situations, albeit it will still resolve in the end. For example, you may have a heightened emotional reaction, but feel better after.

Regardless of the karma you focus on, it is important to do lots of cleaning, including cleaning the chakras, aura, and deep cleaning methods. Keep in mind that soul cleanliness is any ongoing process that takes years for true purification. Being at a higher degree of purity will help avoid negativity of all kinds, yet undergoing karma removal will result in more dirt that needs to be cleaned on a daily basis.

In general, no you should not consider removing Saturn karma as dangerous, but that is with the above in mind. Cleanliness is what allows someone to undergo Saturn squares themselves without as much trauma, let alone preexisting karma.

Yes, you can focus on chakras, with the common motivation being to aid a chakra that feels blocked or weakened in some way. However, most people plan around their astrological data, as this can give something more tangible to judge their soul with. Someone may not understand that their behavior is abnormal, for example, whereas the natal chart will show that it is.
Chakras do not translate 1:1 with a single planet, and can even be ruled by multiple, but they are still related.

Beyond planets or chakras, it is usually better to focus on specifically identified obstacles within your life, or what you believe the Gods may be guiding you to do. Again, this can span multiple planets and chakras.


As far as how to go about any of this, you simple raise the freeing energy of your choice, then direct it to remove the negative influence of Saturn on your life. It helps to read about Saturn and its qualities so you have a mental picture of this in your head.

For example, I visualize the Saturnine energies in my soul as like black steel, or other rigid material. After applying Munka, I envision all the negativity aspects of this falling off and leaving me with only positivity coming from this energy. Also envision the process of removal going well and in a manner that is ultimately positive.

Keep in mind that the karma associated with a planet includes negativity coming from the sign, the house, as well as all the aspects as well. It can take a long time to totally clear a planet of negative karma, such as 180 days, depending on what karma is present and the energy applied to the solution. It is not always practical to do all of this before addressing other areas of your life; perhaps 80 or 120 days is sufficient for a period of time.
in april I will have to attend the memorial of christs death and if I dont i might get kicked out, and the another problem is that my asshole cousin (a subhuman) might be there and he was a creep the last time I met him at that kingdom hall before I stopped going there.

but if I go I will just go through the motions and get out while I can and I forget what happened in there (if he isn't there or is dead)

I asked satan to kill him so he wont bother me but I heard my mom say hi to him on zoom so that means he is still alive.

and my mom had a dream about my father (a nigger) reaching his hand out from the shadows to grab me and that scared my mom a little even though he is more lazy than anything else.

I don't want niggers are any other subhuman from going near me and I really want both of them dead

someone please help me
aaaacording to scientists, the universe will end. sure it may be 99999999999999999999 years later but, it will end (apparently).

unless what ive been told is only symbolic and not literally true; ive been told that the gods have colonies within the physical universe, such as the one in Orion.

if the universe will end, that means our gods' colonies will too.
does that mean the gods themselves will end/perish too?
or can our gods still exist even when the universe ends? if so; how?

or are scientist wrong about the idea of the universe ending?
Sokar said:
Curious666 said:
So Enki Never existed?
Odin Never existed?
I feel like you are the one on the wrong.
Satan has had a life where he evolved to being a powerful God too. His existence might have been different but he lived a life of advancement.

No, that's a strawman. What he said is Enki and Odin are just different names of Satan, much like a man can be called Robert, Bob and crazykilla666, but all refer to the same man. They depicted him differently according to their cultures after they lost contact with him, but all names referred to the same being. Moreover, the depictions are mostly allegorical and not how he literally looked like.

Curious666 said:
The example was not to be taken literally. And NO, YOU ARE WRONG. The soul is the same, PHYSICAL FORMS are different. I think the myths had a certain depiction of reality and so physical forms of Satan might have been different through different civilizations. Enki of Sumerian was a real being. And he was is who we call satan. The Being has always been the same.

No, the different forms are merely different mostly allegorical depictions. The form of his physical body is the same. Enki of Sumerians was a real being, he was who we call Satan, but he didn't look like as the Sumerians depicted him because the depiction is allegorical (a serpent-goat thing is obvious an allegory).

Curious666 said:
The Gods are just more powerful and can take whatever physical form they desire. (I tend to believe the gods will incarnate among men when they come back. I doubt they will manifest in their Whole Godly form, like come with alien spaceships and such. That doesn't mean they are mortal. I just believe would be the easiest ways to influence the energies of the world.

No, they can't take any physical form. No being can do that, it's against the laws of the universe. There's no "manifesting" because they are not energies. They have to come in a sort of spaceship or something because they live light years away.

I still believe what i believe. And I believe what i believe is true. Not every story is a myth/allegory. Some of them are Facts.

I believe the Gods once had physical forms and took different forms through different civilizations. Just like Hitler who was pharaoh. Hitler never had the same physical forms. Although he was the same soul.

My point was physical appearance is not fixed for eternal.
Clayface said:

Just ignore them, unless they post some sort of major threat to you. Killing them or getting yourself kicked out is making this situation way more complicated than it needs to be. Clean yourself from both the memorial event and from interaction with negative people and you will be fine.
sola said:
aaaacording to scientists, the universe will end. sure it may be 99999999999999999999 years later but, it will end (apparently).

unless what ive been told is only symbolic and not literally true; ive been told that the gods have colonies within the physical universe, such as the one in Orion.

if the universe will end, that means our gods' colonies will too.
does that mean the gods themselves will end/perish too?
or can our gods still exist even when the universe ends? if so; how?

or are scientist wrong about the idea of the universe ending?

They are wrong and they are very wrong, the universe will not end because some people like it that way or because some people always want to put a beginning and an end.
It is a characteristic of humans in general to put a limit or a border to find security and certainty of how things will go. It is very similar to death, scientists in most cases but even if anyone follows this logic and that's it, they will say that after death there is nothing left. They just want to create a certainty to have security. I have nothing against scientists, in fact I admire them for what they do and what they have done, but for the moment, with this level of humanity, they don't give a correct answer to this question.
I think HPHC should write a post about this is a good topic to cover.
Curious666 said:
Sokar said:
Curious666 said:
So Enki Never existed?
Odin Never existed?
I feel like you are the one on the wrong.
Satan has had a life where he evolved to being a powerful God too. His existence might have been different but he lived a life of advancement.

No, that's a strawman. What he said is Enki and Odin are just different names of Satan, much like a man can be called Robert, Bob and crazykilla666, but all refer to the same man. They depicted him differently according to their cultures after they lost contact with him, but all names referred to the same being. Moreover, the depictions are mostly allegorical and not how he literally looked like.

Curious666 said:
The example was not to be taken literally. And NO, YOU ARE WRONG. The soul is the same, PHYSICAL FORMS are different. I think the myths had a certain depiction of reality and so physical forms of Satan might have been different through different civilizations. Enki of Sumerian was a real being. And he was is who we call satan. The Being has always been the same.

No, the different forms are merely different mostly allegorical depictions. The form of his physical body is the same. Enki of Sumerians was a real being, he was who we call Satan, but he didn't look like as the Sumerians depicted him because the depiction is allegorical (a serpent-goat thing is obvious an allegory).

Curious666 said:
The Gods are just more powerful and can take whatever physical form they desire. (I tend to believe the gods will incarnate among men when they come back. I doubt they will manifest in their Whole Godly form, like come with alien spaceships and such. That doesn't mean they are mortal. I just believe would be the easiest ways to influence the energies of the world.

No, they can't take any physical form. No being can do that, it's against the laws of the universe. There's no "manifesting" because they are not energies. They have to come in a sort of spaceship or something because they live light years away.

I still believe what i believe. And I believe what i believe is true. Not every story is a myth/allegory. Some of them are Facts.

I believe the Gods once had physical forms and took different forms through different civilizations. Just like Hitler who was pharaoh. Hitler never had the same physical forms. Although he was the same soul.

My point was physical appearance is not fixed for eternal.

But sorry where did you read this, what is it based on? Or is it your fantasy?
Darkspirit said:
sola said:
aaaacording to scientists, the universe will end. sure it may be 99999999999999999999 years later but, it will end (apparently).

unless what ive been told is only symbolic and not literally true; ive been told that the gods have colonies within the physical universe, such as the one in Orion.

if the universe will end, that means our gods' colonies will too.
does that mean the gods themselves will end/perish too?
or can our gods still exist even when the universe ends? if so; how?

or are scientist wrong about the idea of the universe ending?

They are wrong and they are very wrong, the universe will not end because some people like it that way or because some people always want to put a beginning and an end.
It is a characteristic of humans in general to put a limit or a border to find security and certainty of how things will go. It is very similar to death, scientists in most cases but even if anyone follows this logic and that's it, they will say that after death there is nothing left. They just want to create a certainty to have security. I have nothing against scientists, in fact I admire them for what they do and what they have done, but for the moment, with this level of humanity, they don't give a correct answer to this question.
I think HPHC should write a post about this is a good topic to cover.

Excellent. Thank you, Darkspirit.

Long live us.
sola said:
aaaacording to scientists, the universe will end. sure it may be 99999999999999999999 years later but, it will end (apparently).

unless what ive been told is only symbolic and not literally true; ive been told that the gods have colonies within the physical universe, such as the one in Orion.

if the universe will end, that means our gods' colonies will too.
does that mean the gods themselves will end/perish too?
or can our gods still exist even when the universe ends? if so; how?

or are scientist wrong about the idea of the universe ending?

That is just a theory they have. Nothing substantial. They have no facts about how the universe "started", how it works and so on, let alone how it will "end". SOmething eternal and infinite cannot end or begin

The universe is infinite, with no beginning nor end. This concept is closely tied to the idea of 'Brahman', the supreme cosmic force that pervades all of existence. All aspects of the universe are manifestations of Brahman's infinite power. This means that the universe is not something that was created at a certain point in time, but rather it has always existed, and will continue to exist forever.

The universe is constantly being renewed and regenerated, ensuring that it will continue to exist indefinitely. The concept of an infinite universe therefore represents the eternal nature of the cosmos, and the idea that all aspects of existence are interconnected and interdependent.

In addition, modern scientific investigations into the grand architecture of the universe have provided further evidence suggesting the notion of an infinite cosmos.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
