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Asurya said:
I started my moon square tonight but may have ran into a problem

what happened was I ended realizing a counting error after doing the affirmation.
So the total reps are correct but 2 more were done a minute after the affirmation.

My energy was in a risen state and I didn't utter any other words in that minute or so that elapsed...
so is it ruined or not?

What matters with squares is that the correct number of reps is programmed for that day. If you were 2 short before you programmed it, then I believe it would violate this rule.

If you had recognized this error right before affirming, then it would have been fine, but since you programmed that specific amount of energy, I believe it violated the numerological basis for the square.

Maybe others can chime in here, but I am pretty certain about this. You can ask the Gods as well and hopefully get an answer in time.

As far as your options, you can instead restart a normal 40 day working with the same lunar energy. Pick a number of reps that is ok for you to do daily and continue this for 40 or 80 days. In January, there is an opportunity to do another Moon Square, on the Cancer Esbat.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Asurya said:
So the total reps are correct but 2 more were done a minute after the affirmation.
You are fine.

I think this statement definitely makes it questionable. If I understand it correctly, he did something like this:

Instead of doing 20 reps for the day, he did 18 then did his affirmation. 1 minute passed before he realized what was wrong, then he did 2 more reps.

From my understanding of squares, he added the wrong number of reps into his square, thereby violating it.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=404123 time=1670301780 user_id=21286]
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Asurya said:
So the total reps are correct but 2 more were done a minute after the affirmation.
You are fine.

I think this statement definitely makes it questionable. If I understand it correctly, he did something like this:

Instead of doing 20 reps for the day, he did 18 then did his affirmation. 1 minute passed before he realized what was wrong, then he did 2 more reps.

From my understanding of squares, he added the wrong number of reps into his square, thereby violating it.

If he kept his focus and his feeling of the energy for that minute, then it most likely is fine. Would have been good if he also did more affirmations at the end.

I have made similar kinds of small mistakes before with squares, and the square still worked in the end. As long as the total number ends up being correct, and the focus is kept the whole time.
Asurya said:
Yes you have your understanding correct. I was feeling very confident in that moment that it was still valid but I am a beginner and my astral communication isn't very developed as far as I know...

So I think the safe thing to do is to call it a wash and say "tonight wasn't my night" and wait for the opportunity next month to get it right instead of risking those months of effort for nothing.
I don't even have a stable living situation presently so a square like that is quite an undertaking ....

I'd ask more about a 40 day working with the lunar energy (which I do need to ask about) but wont that overlap with the next Suitable day in January to begin a Moon square?

You can still get signs from the Gods without "true" astral communication, so don't be afraid to ask. Nonetheless, if you are a beginner with other problems, it may be best to focus on other priorities. You can ask about this, or just move on. Don't worry, I messed up my first squares as well, so there is nothing to feel bad about.

It would be useful to accomplish a moon square, but this is not exactly easy as a beginner. Yes, the lunar mantra working might overlap, but since you are not doing two Squares at the same time, it is possible to keep the energy separate.
However, this might be difficult if your mind is not training.

Besides the official lunar mantra, Berkano can also be used here. This would avoid the overlapping problem.

While lunar energies and our moon placement is useful for a stable living situation, this is more towards the calmness and stability aspect of a residence. I would bet that most people are limited likely by money here, not by the lunar side.
Since the moon is in Taurus, you could instead switch to a wealth working.

Fehu gives "initial" wealth, luck, and opportunity. Sowilo gives pure wealth and sustenance. Odhal gives rooted property.

If your home situation is a major obstacle to you, then it would be worth doing something here. If not, then just keep focusing on the beginner advancement activities.

Lastly, because you listed some astrological info, I'm going to report your post for removal. This might sound strict, but you really don't want the enemy knowing any of this stuff, just to be safe.

Thankfully I am still able to reply to you now. I will merely edit out what you wrote, so you are still quoted properly.
Asurya said:
I started my moon square tonight but may have ran into a problem

what happened was I ended realizing a counting error after doing the affirmation.
So the total reps are correct but 2 more were done a minute after the affirmation.

My energy was in a risen state and I didn't utter any other words in that minute or so that elapsed...
so is it ruined or not?
You don't need to use a square.

I too am in a similar situation regarding the Moon and I am about four weeks into reciting the mantra and programming the energy. By staying strong and consistent I noticed a strong health benefit around three week mark. Since the Moon is in very unfavorable position I will continue for 120 days. By doing so I make sure that possible small mistakes do not hinder the overall result and I change the course for the better permanently.

IMO more important that using square is that you find the most optimal rising sign for the Moon which is the Cancer, but Taurus would do as well and begin then. With the Moon in Capricorn you don't want half assed results and uncertainties. Plus you did say you have unstable living conditions.
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=404155 time=1670309384 user_id=21286]
Lastly, because you listed some astrological info, I'm going to report your post for removal. This might sound strict, but you really don't want the enemy knowing any of this stuff, just to be safe.

Thankfully I am still able to reply to you now. I will merely edit out what you wrote, so you are still quoted properly.

Okay thanks for looking out. Maybe Henu's post can be fixed, too.

With Odthal are there any particularly effective repetition amounts?

Henu the Great said:
I too am in a similar situation regarding the Moon and I am about four weeks into reciting the mantra and programming the energy. By staying strong and consistent I noticed a strong health benefit around three week mark. Since the Moon is in very unfavorable position I will continue for 120 days. By doing so I make sure that possible small mistakes do not hinder the overall result and I change the course for the better permanently.

IMO more important that using square is that you find the most optimal rising sign for the Moon which is the Cancer, but Taurus would do as well and begin then.

So you are doing a Lunar working similar to what Blitzkrieg said I could do?
Does that work by picking a fixed amount of the Lunar mantra and sticking to it for 40 days? Could I start that tomorrow night (Tuesday) in moon hours?
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=403838 time=1670221396 user_id=21286]
The chanting of the runes creates the energy which you then direct and program into an AOP. When you vibrate a mantra, the vibration generates that energy through your soul. Focus on this fact, and the rune itself, while you vibrate and you should feel it in the same way as when you do energy breathing or other methods for raising energy.

Doing an AOP before does not prevent the curses from being removed. This is where it is important to use your intention. If someone thinks an AOP somehow blocks negative energy within them, then it would. However, then this energy field cannot be called an AOP if it is actually damaging you. Remember to always think positive about these things.

The most that could happen is if you tire yourself by doing these three activities one after another, but this is dependent on the individual. All this would require is to do some sort of empowerment in between, such as a breathing exercise.

Message received; you completely cleared this up for me. I'll do more AoPs before and after my RTR workings.

This was a very good comment. I'm finding that a positive mindset has been proven to manifest in our environment, even in our water. (There were so many fascinating scientific experiments done here.) As well (can't remember the name) there was a story of one man who was imprisoned during the inquisition who was given rotten food and putrid water. He gained vitality, and after further torture he admitted that he gave positive prayers/affirmations to them, which purified them.
Another case happened where men lost to sea came to land after several days. On the brink of death imagined pure water around their ship. Upon drinking it the water was pure and they survived.

I need to stop questioning my workings so much and listen to my intuition more. Thank you again!
Ol argedco luciftias said:
But please other people also share your experience about the squares. Have you done a similar mistake as this, and what result did it have?

Repeat 24, after the first repeat I was distracted, concentrating on the energy to hold it. It was about 1 minute.

Then I decided to let go of the energy mainly by willful awareness that the energy was dissipating but I added a weak affirmation.
I waited for half a minute and immediately started the 24 repetitions and after a few weeks I put the square in.
I did a material square and it was successful.
Asurya said:
So you are doing a Lunar working similar to what Blitzkrieg said I could do?
Does that work by picking a fixed amount of the Lunar mantra and sticking to it for 40 days? Could I start that tomorrow night (Tuesday) in moon hours?
The difference between the Moon square and using the Moon mantra without a square is that there would be no numerological potentiator as an add-on. Otherwise, it's the same.

To reiterate, I am using the Moon mantra for a number of days, so it's "a Moon working". I think I already explained why I chose it this way. This would also leave open an option to continue working longer if I wanted to and because I started it on a very good date I do not have to wait for the next very good date. This option is also more beginner friendly.

I forgot to mention in my previous post that choosing the best weekday (in this case Monday) on top of the precise excellent placement (Cancer or Taurus) when the Moon is waxing will give you the best result and should be seriously considered. We are talking about a poor situation that can be raised to the next level with a single potent working. But yes, you can start tomorrow, but it's not something I would do or recommend. I would also continue for longer than 40 days, but it really depends on what specifically you are targeting and how much intensity the challenge requires.
For planetary squares you can use playing cards to count.

Especially cards with unique features such as a gaming TCG ex: Pokemon or Yugioh or some other different looking cards per card.

You pick say 22 for the day, pick 22 different cards. Count them 1, 2, 3 etc.etc. on your right or left hand you hold the deck of 22 cards. Then you hold the card with your other hand. Vibrate the Square mantra; short or long version, preferably long. Then after your done vibrating place the card on the desk. Then begin with the next card, after vibrating the sentence, place the card on top of the next card and so forth. If the card has a back like pokemon; you see the monster on the front then the back you see a generic base image. That way you don't get confused and know your not being tricked.

Squares are very important to be precise. You don't need to vibrate on the hour of the Square nor do we expect every day to go smoothly like this. You do have two and in some cases three vibration period of time. Squares are void if you go past the astrological date. Say 10 minutes before you hit the next day astrologically you vibrate. You started on the prior day and can carry on. Most if not all numbers are two so you have a day morning/noon and a night evening/night period. In rare occasions it is quite possible to have three vibration dates. Albeit I believe the third date falls in line with the start of a new astrological vibration.

Consider downloading ChronosXP program check the date. If you feel uncomfortable doing it on the precise hour you might want to wait 10-15 minutes into time to vibrate. Not sure if it's like an astrological surge for example when 2:a.m. struck the Founding Fathers waited 15 minutes at 2:15 a.m. to sign the constitution. I'm not sure if it affects squares or maybe squares are so precise and the shift occurs right away that it works. I usually give myself like 10-15 minutes into the hour to do it.

As for square or moon squares or any square for that matter. You don't need to do the square you can vibrate the mantra sentence short or long. And do a 40/90 day working; 80 double 40 but if you do 10 more days you fall into 90.

I don't know exactly what is the point perhaps a consistent effect say you do 40 vibrations for 90 days. Every day is 40 vibrations or maybe like 20+ minutes of vibration. But the squares are very powerful even just one or two squares affects your life. For example many emphasize the Sun Square as it's the most Benefic, Jupiter might be very good or very bad depending on how you use it even if the Greater Benefic, Jupiter is a double edge sword of expanding/expansion for good or ill.

But like I said one or two squares and it's all you need. I think it's easier just to do a 40/90 day working than the Square but the Squares potentiality is a effect of reality. So it's very powerful the numbers aren't random nor pointless but has to do with reality.
I have another question on chakras. As I never really worked much if at all on them nor for long. As I'm starting to get back into meditation and whatnot.

We vibrate mantras top to bottom. At what point do chakras activate and open?

And when they open and activate we switch to vibrate bottom to top. As the crown is open and the upper pathways and there isn't blockages or surges of energy being blocked.

My second question is when do we stop meditating on chakras? Is chakra work forever do the Gods still pump into their chakras every day?

I mean for me doing chakra work 7 main, Pineal, 3rd eye so total of 9. Yeah I know about the shoulders but I'm avoiding the watchtowers for now.

Do we meditate on our chakras forever only instead of top to bottom from bottom to top when the organs are operating normally?

What should I feel or what occurs with open, working chakras? Is it life changing is my life going to change or whatever. Right now I'm in the process of working on them. I'm doing 10 vibrations per sector 9 areas of meditation. A chakra working session is like nearly 40minutes or so. I don't really know what I'm doing my mind is so wavering that yeah I vibrate yeah I visualize the chakra both breathing in color energy of that chakra and vibrating out after the breathing exercise of FCM.

But at what point can I stop working on chakras and focus on other things like hatha/kundalini yoga even if physical exercise and the monotony of working everyday with meditation gets old and boring fast.

I WANT to advance but it would be nice if the Gods were around specifically mentioning what to do, how long to do it, and working on the soul properly.

Don't people get annoyed their working on their soul with imperfect knowledge for example what if a being of higher power mentions do a freeing the soul on this issue and everything will fall in line for other things. Or clean properly with vibration and focus on cleaning before working on your soul in a deeper manner.

What am I supposed to expect with chakra work? How long does chakra work supposed to last? how do people spend 30-40-50 minutes working on chakras and then do other things are people meditating nearly 2 hours like for example clean/protect <10 minutes, chakra work ~40 minutes, hatha ~15, kundalini ~12 minutes plus corpse pose and whatnot. It seems like yeah nearly if not out right two hours. Are people dedicating this much time to meditation? How do they cope with burn out and fatigue even as a discipline doing it whether you like it or not it seems like people need lots of free time to advance.
Gear88 said:
I don't know exactly what is the point perhaps a consistent effect say you do 40 vibrations for 90 days. Every day is 40 vibrations or maybe like 20+ minutes of vibration. But the squares are very powerful even just one or two squares affects your life. For example many emphasize the Sun Square as it's the most Benefic, Jupiter might be very good or very bad depending on how you use it even if the Greater Benefic, Jupiter is a double edge sword of expanding/expansion for good or ill.
Square or no square. When the mind and power are applied one can change the course of their life with one working, even noticing changes midway before finishing.

Gear88 said:
We vibrate mantras top to bottom. At what point do chakras activate and open?
They open when they open. Don't stress about timeframe too much. It's better to stay focused on the task at hand come what may.

My second question is when do we stop meditating on chakras? Is chakra work forever do the Gods still pump into their chakras every day?
Chakras will be stimulated in one way or another every day.

What should I feel or what occurs with open, working chakras?
You should feel them. I don't think it's realistic to expect full-blown psychedelic experiences, but one should keep their mind open regardless.

But at what point can I stop working on chakras and focus on other things like hatha/kundalini yoga even if physical exercise and the monotony of working everyday with meditation gets old and boring fast.
Ideally, these should be done simultaneously, ie, both activities daily.

I WANT to advance but it would be nice if the Gods were around specifically mentioning what to do, how long to do it, and working on the soul properly.
They ARE around. You are pretty hung up on them literally holding your hand, but they do guide us if we harken our ears.

Don't people get annoyed their working on their soul with imperfect knowledge for example what if a being of higher power mentions do a freeing the soul on this issue and everything will fall in line for other things. Or clean properly with vibration and focus on cleaning before working on your soul in a deeper manner.
It would help if you did not worry about every minute detail and focused on the bigger picture. Eventually smaller details would be clearer to you as well.

What am I supposed to expect with chakra work? How long does chakra work supposed to last? how do people spend 30-40-50 minutes working on chakras and then do other things are people meditating nearly 2 hours like for example clean/protect <10 minutes, chakra work ~40 minutes, hatha ~15, kundalini ~12 minutes plus corpse pose and whatnot. It seems like yeah nearly if not out right two hours. Are people dedicating this much time to meditation? How do they cope with burn out and fatigue even as a discipline doing it whether you like it or not it seems like people need lots of free time to advance.
2 hours per day is nothing... Just gets the bare minimum done and not much else. So yes, those of us who are keen on advancing do spend at least that much, or more time per day. Sometimes more, sometimes less as there is variation between people and variation during different points of the process per individual.
GoldenxChild1 said:
Asurya said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Yes. Affirmation is needed for everything.

What affirmation could I use for a moon spiritual square? I don't know what the results are going to be but it's for my chart.
"My natal chart's moon placement is perfectly resolved in all ways" would that work?

Yep, as long as you understand the language and intent. For me, even though I know what resolved means, I use extremely simple language in affirmations, I.E., My natal moon now manifests in the most positive, healthy, and beneficial way for me, now and permanently.

Could the same affirmation be used with the planet Saturn? And with using a sun square? Anyone know when to start a sun square I'm trying to figure it out.
Alright thanks Henu.

BTW one more thing: Minor Chakras it says on the site a few sessions of meditation before they open. Are they stubborn like the main chakras that requires long periods of time to activate and open.

Or do they open up and then your good? As it says "permanently open".

There seems to be so many minor chakras I assume clair- audience/voyance are the main ones to work with. I assume minor chakras open up quicker than main ones.

I do recall a few years ago working on minor chakras and pumping Aum into them but I never worked much on the main ones. I guess there is a compounding effect whereby the main ones bring in major things but the minors are assistive. I think I spent like a month breathing in energy into them particularly voyance/audience.


BTW is it okay to perform drawing energy? willing energy. All the years I've spent meditating I breath in energy but rarely willed it in like drawing energy. Breathing can be cumbersome for me.

I notice breathing doesn't give me a chance to visualize the energy coming in. I breath in so quickly even if it's a full lungful that I don't have time to synchronize my thoughts to the action. It seems either I think too slowly or think too quickly or both there is no middle ground to visualize properly.
Primal said:
Henu the Great said:
Gear88 said:
You have got to be shitting me.

Thing is he makes a point. Eventually at some point your life revolves around meditation being a long term endeavor. Sheer fact is even people who do simple mindfulness. I recall running into a Taoist group who do some yogic work and some power meditations nothing serious like us most stick to mindfulness or breath/sensation awareness. And one guy was like I neared 8 hours until I decided it was time to stop. Some other was like my longest sessions was 3 hours, 50 minutes. Others were more conservative but the 8 hour guy peeked my curiosity.

There's one women that is very interesting. I wonder if her astrological aspect and her commitment is incredible. She would perform simple mindfulness sometimes mindfulness turns to void some people notice periods of times whereby thought is suspended. It ain't direct void but it can be useful for some people even HP.Cobra would agree like he said a few years ago if people did some meditation even just a little work a little cleaning many would improve and help shape their reality better.

But this lady she would spend 15 hours a day mindfulness. Except bathroom break, drinking, eating periods she got to the point she couldn't handle real life as she was overly developed to that form. But her astro chart and commitment is extraordinary to commit to a discipline like that imagine if she lived in a better World and entities of higher power would help her out. If she would balance out her life with exercise and other activities like yoga i.e. grounding/centering. I'd dare say she'd make a fearsome spiritualist I wouldn't be surprised if she has entered multiple deep trances like alpha or deeper alpha or even theta states.

But yeah Henu makes a point eventually some people need to dedicate large chunks. It's one of the reasons why we got the National Socialist walkway mountain. The top and the stairs in the middle allow you to skip everything and go straight to the top to visit the spiritualist to climb the difficult rope of spirituality and become a being of higher power. Everyone else at their own time they'll eventually move up.

We've had people go I meditate 4 hours or 3 hours or some maybe more. All in all if meditation works and does things for the user then all the more power to you. It's not just a discipline but a love of commitment. I figure the people who do this have a strong penchant for meditation; astrological and disciplinarian wise.

It's not unlike a job really. Only you exercise your soul.
DarkDan666 said:
GoldenxChild1 said:
Asurya said:
What affirmation could I use for a moon spiritual square? I don't know what the results are going to be but it's for my chart.
"My natal chart's moon placement is perfectly resolved in all ways" would that work?

Yep, as long as you understand the language and intent. For me, even though I know what resolved means, I use extremely simple language in affirmations, I.E., My natal moon now manifests in the most positive, healthy, and beneficial way for me, now and permanently.

Could the same affirmation be used with the planet Saturn? And with using a sun square? Anyone know when to start a sun square I'm trying to figure it out.

I wouldn't worry about a Saturn square right now, if you want to work with Saturnian qualities, use Nauthiz. Yes, that affirmation could work with the Sun. You can start a Sun square on Sundays during the hour of the Sun while it is in a positive sign for it, like current Sagittarius.
Primal said:
Henu the Great said:
Gear88 said:
You have got to be shitting me.

2 hours per day is not literally nothing, but as one advances and learns, they will see that there is much to be done and many avenues for growth.

There are always ways to be more efficient, but yes Henu is right that 2 hours can get used up very easily.
Henu the Great said:
Primal said:
You have got to be shitting me.
You'll find it out yourself if you are serious enough.

I am missing a like button here on the forums tbh lmao
Henu the Great said:
Primal said:
You have got to be shitting me.
You'll find it out yourself if you are serious enough.

Yea my typical daily routine is 3-4 hours, but spread out in 24 hours, sometimes more. I am in a two week gap where I am waiting for some dates to arrive so I am currently doing maybe 2 - 2.5. The more the better.
I have another question as I've never really fully done a 40 day working besides Lydia's 2017 health working. Furthest I've gone is 14 days with a Munka working.

If I have absolutely no idea what to free from my soul. I think hard and numerous thoughts pop up.

Can I perform for 40 or better yet 90 or maybe even go further or allow some time to pass through and perform another 40/90 working.

Can I perform a Munka working in general? Instead of something specific. Can I go "I am now totally and completely free from any and all negative karma"?

Or do I have to be specific to pin point an issue? Is it like a schwerepunket(main center of attack) if I strike something specific other things can pop out or dealt with.

If something specific well can I potentially use it to deal with my lackluster meditation or constant chattering mind or just lack luster desire to meditate. I like JoS and everything but meditation is something that's never worked for me. I'm doing 10 x 9 vibrations of sanskrit AUM for the 7, 3E, pineal. But it's like ugh what if meditation is fake and I spend the following year doing it only for nothing to work. At the same time it's like I'm thinking maybe meditation only works for a select few or maybe meditation only works if your able to void your mind and enter a trance deep alpha or theta state or further down.

Are anti-karmic workings specific or can I just blast through everything out. Is it dangerous to remove so much karma at once would I have to deal with certain stuff to sublimate it or deal with it to rip it off like a band-aid?


The other day I spent some time doing some color meditation. I breath in and drawed in energy I'm starting to prefer to draw in rather than breath in. As breathing in I can't coordinate my imagination with breathing in. For example when breathing in energy I can visualize nicely when typing this stuff as I'm not paying attention to my visualization but the second I sit down and focus on visualization my visualization disappears it just fades out. I've had times when thinking and walking and processing myself sometimes I have flashes of thoughts or visions of thoughts flash through my eyes sometimes remaining for a solid 1/4th of a second or so.

If I breath/draw in Yellow energy for a good few breaths/draw time like for example a solid minute. Then affirm "The yellow energy is positively giving me extreme logic, cognition, and intellect, now and forever." x6

Then does that count as a working to do for 40 or 90 days? Are workings only good if they are 40/90 or other days or multiple cycles.

I don't understand magick. Are magickal workings only vibration and color energy for many days up to 40/90 for most people. And that is it? Are we only hindered by 40/90 day cycles?

Is anything we do MUST be 40/90 days or can I do less? What exactly constitutes a working that requires 40 or 90 days or more?

I see all this magick and then I'm stunlocked mentally going. What is the point of doing all this stuff if it requires 40/90 days to work or UNLESS you do 40/90 days or more days it doesn't work. At what point does doing something for a few minutes or a day or two does something?

I've done everyday magick such as shield myself from others using a aura of fear(white reflective aura) and it doesn't work. Is it that UNLESS my soul is empowered with chakra work and pumped up it only works like that?

Sometimes I wonder what is the point of all these meditations or doing meditation if it takes months if not solid years just to gain enough power just to do something or one thing. It seems like either meditation is pointless and certain people are correct that it never meant to do anything just like religion a life-long preoccupation. Or UNLESS I enter a trance UNLESS I'm experiencing a myriad of sensations and energy blasts not in beta mode like normal or light alpha eyes closed. UNLESS I'm in deeper/deep alpha or passed to theta or some meditational level it doesn't work.

If that is the point then do RTRs not work unless I'm in an altered state? IF I do Lilith's VVV meditation and SATANAS is it pointless cause it does nothing. UNLESS you do it perfectly it's pointless it's just a mental exercise.

So is it pointless to do anything but a 40/90 day working?
Gear88 said:
I have another question as I've never really fully done a 40 day working besides Lydia's 2017 health working. Furthest I've gone is 14 days with a Munka working.

If I have absolutely no idea what to free from my soul. I think hard and numerous thoughts pop up.

Can I perform for 40 or better yet 90 or maybe even go further or allow some time to pass through and perform another 40/90 working.

Can I perform a Munka working in general? Instead of something specific. Can I go "I am now totally and completely free from any and all negative karma"?

Or do I have to be specific to pin point an issue? Is it like a schwerepunket(main center of attack) if I strike something specific other things can pop out or dealt with.
When you do not know what to target your options are to not target anything and focus on other areas, such as learning about yourself (you would learn what to target eventually), developing skills for meditaiton or to do a general working targeting whole array of issues. The problem with general working done for maximum of three months is that you will not make that much overall progress in the large scheme.

Your affirmation sounds okay. Another one could be "All obstacles for spiritual advancement are removed now and forever".

With such general working instead of doing it for mere 40 days or three months, it's better to make it a permanent commitment for a full year to enable true and permanent transformation. It would mean an actual transformation not a mere nudge in the right direction. Done even for 180 would be a sizeable chunk and a good effort. If this intimidates you, perhaps you could focus on something else, or simply get the 40 days done. Even if the 40 days do not bring many results it would be a moral victory.

With workings of any sort, it's good to keep in mind how you handle workings, ie, your level of skill which plays a role in how and when you get results. Another thing to take into account is the actual time spent in meditation. For example, you spend 15 minutes per day (rising of the energy, programming, and direction) for 365 days which totals 5475 minutes. That equals roughly 3,8 days spent doing that meditation that year. If that time is of medium to high quality you can expect real changes. And even if it's low-quality meditation it's still better than 40 days of low-quality meditation. Done for 40 days that would translate to 0.41 days. There is a large difference.

If something specific well can I potentially use it to deal with my lackluster meditation or constant chattering mind or just lack luster desire to meditate. I like JoS and everything but meditation is something that's never worked for me. I'm doing 10 x 9 vibrations of sanskrit AUM for the 7, 3E, pineal. But it's like ugh what if meditation is fake and I spend the following year doing it only for nothing to work. At the same time it's like I'm thinking maybe meditation only works for a select few or maybe meditation only works if your able to void your mind and enter a trance deep alpha or theta state or further down.
Aside from the controlling of ones mind one also has to have adquate power to manifest their spiritual goal. If you haven't done daily chakra meditation and yoga (or other forms of chi cultivation) that would be a major role why you do not see workings manifest.

And of course, not staying consistent and applying energy for at least 40 days plays a role as well, but if you do not have skills and power to begin with it does not matter if you fire off for 40 or more days. No power and skill, no result, unfortuantely. When we talk about 40 days, we talk about something permanent. Results can be gained with less amount of time as well, but those would be (comparatively) small gains and nothing permanent.

Are anti-karmic workings specific or can I just blast through everything out. Is it dangerous to remove so much karma at once would I have to deal with certain stuff to sublimate it or deal with it to rip it off like a band-aid?
Specific or general, depending on how you apply the raised energy.

The other day I spent some time doing some color meditation. I breath in and drawed in energy I'm starting to prefer to draw in rather than breath in. As breathing in I can't coordinate my imagination with breathing in. For example when breathing in energy I can visualize nicely when typing this stuff as I'm not paying attention to my visualization but the second I sit down and focus on visualization my visualization disappears it just fades out. I've had times when thinking and walking and processing myself sometimes I have flashes of thoughts or visions of thoughts flash through my eyes sometimes remaining for a solid 1/4th of a second or so.
A beginner-tier meditation would include feeling and directing energy without properties of color or otherwise. Start there.

If I breath/draw in Yellow energy for a good few breaths/draw time like for example a solid minute. Then affirm "The yellow energy is positively giving me extreme logic, cognition, and intellect, now and forever." x6

Then does that count as a working to do for 40 or 90 days? Are workings only good if they are 40/90 or other days or multiple cycles.

I don't understand magick. Are magickal workings only vibration and color energy for many days up to 40/90 for most people. And that is it? Are we only hindered by 40/90 day cycles?

Is anything we do MUST be 40/90 days or can I do less? What exactly constitutes a working that requires 40 or 90 days or more?

I see all this magick and then I'm stunlocked mentally going. What is the point of doing all this stuff if it requires 40/90 days to work or UNLESS you do 40/90 days or more days it doesn't work. At what point does doing something for a few minutes or a day or two does something?
40 days is a cycle. Universe operates on cycles. We are not restricted to 40 or 90 days as there are more cycles than that, plus the combinations of the above, like 180 and so on.

I've done everyday magick such as shield myself from others using a aura of fear(white reflective aura) and it doesn't work. Is it that UNLESS my soul is empowered with chakra work and pumped up it only works like that?
Refer to above.

Sometimes I wonder what is the point of all these meditations or doing meditation if it takes months if not solid years just to gain enough power just to do something or one thing. It seems like either meditation is pointless and certain people are correct that it never meant to do anything just like religion a life-long preoccupation. Or UNLESS I enter a trance UNLESS I'm experiencing a myriad of sensations and energy blasts not in beta mode like normal or light alpha eyes closed. UNLESS I'm in deeper/deep alpha or passed to theta or some meditational level it doesn't work.
The point is to advance your soul in the same manner one goes to gym to train, or plants and cultivates flowers, etc. Look at nature. The point is to live and to evolve.

If that is the point then do RTRs not work unless I'm in an altered state? IF I do Lilith's VVV meditation and SATANAS is it pointless cause it does nothing. UNLESS you do it perfectly it's pointless it's just a mental exercise.
They do work even done with alpha state, but the thing with you personally is that you should focus on something else (mastering the basics and gaining control over yourself).

So is it pointless to do anything but a 40/90 day working?
No, it depends on what and how you want to achieve.
Gear88 said:

You should not be concerned about workings right now, without any empowerment of the soul you are wasting your time. If you cannot concentrate while vibrating runes or mantras then this should be worked on first through void meditation. Along with this you can spam ISA x11 into your brain affirming the energy has calmed your mind in a positive way. As others have advised you do breathing exercises and physical activities such as yoga for now that don't require such concentration. Once you have done these things consistently and you have learned about yourself(weaknesses and things you need to free yourself from) then you can do a freeing working if done now it will be completely useless and will demoralize you.

Goblock said:
source? "i make it up" lol

Source is the data of registrations on all of our various websites, then subtracting the jews and bots. Correlated with number of visits on our instructional websites which don't have registrations. Number of visits on JOS is in the hundreds of thousands.

Many people have done the math before me. Including Cobra and other trusted people.

But I recognize the obvious jew who in every single comment is working to try to fill people with doubt. You even admitted to being an agent of jews by saying you want to burn down civilization because the o9a kikes told you to.
Goblock said:
then send me source instead of just saying you did math when i see nothing to prove you cant just make statement then expect me to believe. i see i get the jew treatment even though i support idea from neo nazi group of occult nature, do you think it will be peacful transfer of power when whites wake up? no we cant win using the jews system we have to make our own only way to do that is to tear down old system and replace like demolish house to build better one, this is accelerating you never heard?
The source is not a singular data file so it could not be sent to the to you the way you expect. And all things considered no one owes you any further explanation anyway. Take it or leave it.
Primal said:
I'm not gonna lie man, this is one of those rare times in my life in which I actually feel sorry for certain people. In this case, HP Cobra and the others who maintain the purity of this forum. Usually I believe I can do better than most people, but even I can recognize how frustrating it is to deal with these dumbass kikes.
What I am about to say, I am not talking about Go Block. I think he is not one of the trolls who has been here many times before.

This is why some of the people here do not always have an endless supply of patience.

Another important thing to realize is that there are some bad people with bad intentions who have been coming back here for multiple years. And every time the account gets banned for trying to destroy people by spreading very dangerous and damaging advice, the person immediately comes back with a new account. There are a couple of these who have had something close to 50 accounts before, with some lasting for several months and some only lasting for a couple weeks, but all of the accounts are the same rat.

So a few of these failed infiltrators, I am very good at recognizing them because I have been reading their comments and responding to them for like 3 or 4 or 5 years so I can tell when it is the same person writing. Everybody talks differently, everybody uses different words and puts sentences together with a different structure. So it is sometimes very easy to see when it is the same voice. Especially when you combine this with the same voice is also doing the same action of trying to promote the same extremely damaging and dangerous things.

Then some people don't like me because they click on the account name of who I respond to and see it is new and say that I am being mean to new people. Ok the account name is new but the person is not, the person has been jewing for years. And I always tried to respond to trolls and jews and hold them accountable, and say what lies and what mistakes they are telling because I do not want anybody else to get hurt by copying what the troll said when it ended up being some dangerous advice.
Hello, what are the symptoms of a overstimulated chakra ? I might have done too much kundalini Yoga for my level yesterday and I almost do not sense my solar chakra anymore. What should I do ?
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
what if someone accidentally started doing power mediations on moon void course? It will makes these mediations useless, less effective or it doesn't matter?
I noticed that AoP and Returning Curses part 2 both involve surrounding yourself in white gold light.
Doing the foundational meditation the way it's said to in the 40 day program also does.

Is there a point where your aura is programmed enough that just breathing and visualizing the light will replace the need for the affirmations of the other two meditations?
Hi, this will probably be the right place for me to ask my questions.

The first is about the 40 day meditation plan. About two weeks after starting the program, hatha yoga comes up.

I've never practiced it more before, and I'm wondering how to approach it - the postures I perform are bound to be severely inaccurate. Should I repeat the day it starts until I get to a decent level of performance?

The second question is about the Satan's ritual.

In one passage we see:

Vibrate SAT x10 times, then
Vibrate SATYA x10 times, then
Vibrate SATANAMA x10 times, then
Vibrate SATANAS x10 times

My second question is how we should vibrate these words, because if I remember correctly, SATANAS should be vibrated using the hissing letter S, should we do the same with the other words?
Every time I try to meditate on myself for example doing the aura of protection or aura cleaning I always see my brother and not myself this has been happening for a long time now I don't know how to stop it or what to do, what should I do?
Bean123 said:
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
what if someone accidentally started doing power mediations on moon void course? It will makes these mediations useless, less effective or it doesn't matter?

Stop doing it for at least 1 or 2 days, then you can start again on a time when the moon is not void.

If you do something every day, you only need to worry about the moon not being void the first day that you do it. Because it is one larger work being continued. Void is important when you first start something, less important when you are continuing something.
How do the Japanese divine connect to the Goetic Gods and our understanding of Truth? what part do they play and if one has a fondness or familiarity with this culture, how would I go about exploring it? I have always had respect for the Japanese people and have had an unexpectedly genuine yearning toward understanding their history and my place in it.

" Behold our Majestic Father Satan and all His Greatness. With the Blessing of the Teachers Gracing our Family, we the individual Childeren of Truth. Toward our Godhood we must reach, so to Honor our Father for all He has made us with the potential to be ".
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Bean123 said:
Hello Brothers and Sisters,
what if someone accidentally started doing power mediations on moon void course? It will makes these mediations useless, less effective or it doesn't matter?

Stop doing it for at least 1 or 2 days, then you can start again on a time when the moon is not void.

If you do something every day, you only need to worry about the moon not being void the first day that you do it. Because it is one larger work being continued. Void is important when you first start something, less important when you are continuing something.

Dang. Back then i was newbie, so i didn't check that, but now, is see that there was. I just don't remember what hour was that.

It's kinda shitty situation. Because if there was void moon course and if i stop doing meditations for some days - it will be good, but when if i don't stop - it will be bad. However, if there wasn't void moon course and if i stop - it will be bad, but if i continue - it will be good.

I guess i will just continue meditations, because maybe i just overthink that.
Bean123 said:
Dang. Back then i was newbie, so i didn't check that, but now, is see that there was. I just don't remember what hour was that.

It's kinda shitty situation. Because if there was void moon course and if i stop doing meditations for some days - it will be good, but when if i don't stop - it will be bad. However, if there wasn't void moon course and if i stop - it will be bad, but if i continue - it will be good.

I guess i will just continue meditations, because maybe i just overthink that.
This is why you need to record what you do by writing it down. You can check planetary hours online or by using ChronosXP software and check the signs of the Moon from Satanic Calendar available from JoS Astro to stay on track with timings.
666Adam said:
Hi, this will probably be the right place for me to ask my questions.

The first is about the 40 day meditation plan. About two weeks after starting the program, hatha yoga comes up.

I've never practiced it more before, and I'm wondering how to approach it - the postures I perform are bound to be severely inaccurate. Should I repeat the day it starts until I get to a decent level of performance?

The second question is about the Satan's ritual.

In one passage we see:

Vibrate SAT x10 times, then
Vibrate SATYA x10 times, then
Vibrate SATANAMA x10 times, then
Vibrate SATANAS x10 times

My second question is how we should vibrate these words, because if I remember correctly, SATANAS should be vibrated using the hissing letter S, should we do the same with the other words?
You can repeat the day, but you can also move on
Since you will be continuing you will learn yoga later on as well.

Name of Satan is repeated only once (unlike runes) and it can even be simply said, as long as it is out loud it's okay in this case.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
