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Primal said:
Clayface said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
Black people are not subhuman, at least they were not designed to be and most of them are not. They were created by Satan just like white people were, and they have the same ability to become gods as white people do.

If they have bad morals, then stay far away from them. But if they are good people with good morals, then there is nothing wrong with them and no reason why you can't talk to them.

From everything you said before, it seems like you are very shy about people you don't know. The way to fix shyness is by talking to many different types of people, different ages, and people with different jobs. And you will get used to it an not be nervous anymore.

I don't believe you, I have seen my dad and i can tell you he is retarded (but not enough to end up in a facility) and his family is also retarded and interacting with any subhuman (those really racially lower like retarded) is a waste of time

from what i have seen from the black part of my family, maybe genocide isn't so bad and the racism against blacks was for a good reason, even seeing my not so bad parts of my family still make me think that segregation has a good point

I want to make sure I will never see the black parts of my family ever again, if i ever see blacks again they better be strangers that only care to look into their phones and do nothing else
I hope some one can help me get them off me

I will still listen for proof that blacks are not subhuman (i have seen good blacks somtimes but it's rare)

Bro which planet do you live in? What do you mean retarded? I have met medical doctors who were blacks. I have had black friends who successfully earned Bachelor's in scientific fields. Neil Degrasse Tyson is black.

Dude, get real. There are bad white families and bad black families. It doesn't mean all blacks are bad.

Stop this agony please.
Also many white dumb people are everywhere . i have seen they doing stupid things. We are slaved by the jews. Dont forget this.
Henu the Great said:
Primal said:
Is void meditation supposed to be ridiculously difficult? It's my first time doing it today and I was never, at any point, able to still my mind. Like holy hell, Disney songs are stuck in my head.
Try this: http://www.pinklotus.org/-%20KY%20meditation%20for%20insanity.htm

Henu do you advice practicing other meditations on this webpage.??
Wasn't "Satanism" created by a jew? Is this different than traditional Satanism? An honest question, not meant to attack this belief.
Sorry if this pops up as a double post, but as I was waiting for my original post to go through I thought of more contradictions.
The bible says the jews are of the synagogue of Satan. The jews love to use the number 6(66). They also use "CC" or "33" very often as well. Credit cards, crypto-currency, climate change, etc. On top of a jew starting "Satanism".
So what's with all the connection of Satan/Satanism to jews?
I'm an open minded person which is why I'm here, but I definitely need this weird connection answered.
thompsin88 said:
The bible says the jews are of the synagogue of Satan.

It does not say such thing. If you read the verses in context, they say this:

Revelation 2:9 said:
I know thy works, and tribulation, and poverty, (but thou art rich) and I know the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are the synagogue of Satan.

Revelation 3:9 said:
Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

See the underlined part? It makes all the difference. Historically, the word "Synagogue of Satan" was used as an insult between jews, in a lot of other instances outside the bible. It was never used by a gentile against jews. Jesus was a jew (assuming he existed), obviously, so that phrase in context means that he was insulting those jews who didn't believe in him. It wasn't an insult against jews in general. He was a jew (assuming he existed) and the first Christians were all jews.

Something relevant here is that we define jews differently than Christians do. For us, jews are an ethnicity, regardless of religion, in the same way jews define themselves. So, Jesus, if he existed (spoiler alert:he didn't) he would be a jew.

See a previous post of mine for more details:


thompsin88 said:
The jews love to use the number 6(66).

6 is not the same as 666. The sum of 666 is 9, a Satanic number. Jews love using the number 6 but not 666.

thompsin88 said:
They also use "CC" or "33" very often as well.

CC is not 33 either. 33 is LG (Lamed Gimel) on Hebrew Gematria and Greek Gematria (ΛΓ) as well. Even if it were, it just means they abuse occult knowledge and symbols, and nobody of us denies that they do. Did you know that the "Star of David" was actually the Star of Vishnu (which corresponds to the heart chakra) and they stole it? Most of their bible is stolen from previous religions, in the same way. The number 33 is the number of vertebrae that the kundalini ascends through.

thompsin88 said:
On top of a jew starting "Satanism".

Anton Lavey was a jew in body, but he didn't have a jewish soul. He was incarnated as a jew by Satan because he wouldn't promote Satanism in a jewish-controlled world in a positive way if he was born as a Gentile. Again this has been explained before:


He also didn't "start" Satanism, he merely popularized it and made it mainstream. Traditional Satanism existed long before Lavey, but it was mostly underground and initiatory. Stephen E. Flowers for example explains in his books the procedures of a Satanic Fraternity in Weimar Germany called Fraternitas Saturni. Franz Bardon also mentioned a Satanic Lodge in Weimar Germany called Lodge 99, from where he took most of his teachings from as his uncle was a member of that lodge. Both of these predated Anton Lavey.

Anton Lavey's book Satanic Rituals actually contains some rituals inspired by those German Satanic lodges, as well as a lot of Nazi symbolism. Lavey's writings were not even original, he copied them from many previous sources and merely put them together.

thompsin88 said:
So what's with all the connection of Satan/Satanism to jews?

A couple of misunderstood bible verses, bad numerology and a Gentile born as a jew is barely a connection. On the other hand, many jewish rabbis say that Satan is the author of anti-semitism (which is true):

thompsin88 said:
Wasn't "Satanism" created by a jew? Is this different than traditional Satanism? An honest question, not meant to attack this belief.

I already answered that in my other reply, I will add:

  • Christianity is a jewish hoax
  • Satan means "enemy" or "adversary" in the language that the jews speak (he is therefore their mortal enemy)
  • The fake character Jesus would be a jew if he existed
  • Satanism is just a name for the ancient pre-jewish pre-Christian esoteric practices/teachings/religions whom the jewish lie of Christianity destroyed their temples, mass murdered their people and destroyed their libraries (like the Library of Alexandria).
  • Having blind faith in a crucified magical jew and being a humble, meek slave who turns the other cheek doesn't save you, nor does it help defeat the jews. It only helps the jews take over.
  • On the other hand, being a proud warrior who doesn't take shit from anyone, empowering your soul with practices like power meditation and using black magick against the jews does save you and does help defeat them. That's why the hoax of christinsanity worked to remove that knowledge, to spiritually disarm the Gentiles. It's like how the jews are working to take your guns in the US. But they already took your spiritual "guns" first so they are free to use them against you while they convinced you that this knowledge is "evil" and condemned by their fake jewish god "Yahweh" who will supposedly send you to a lake of fire if you used it. Spiritual terrorism, anyone?

See more in this website:


And these posts by HP Hoodedcobra and HP Maxine:


There's also this:

Hello there, I am new also and I need serius guidance and help !!! I am sahring my experiences with you, although still being confused not knowing how to start (actually, I have started the 40 days meditation program and have helped me a lot, especially with the Aura Protection and Cleaning and Void Meditation. Now, I've started third eye opening about two days). Yet I can't sense Our Father. I want to find my Guardian Demon to be sure that I pray to him/her. Also, dedicated but living with my fanatic christian mom still can't stand her beliefs sometimes. I am sharing my experiences with you:
a.) I did some basic yoga breathings for beginners (basic breathing, Anuloma Viloma, Brahmachari and Kappalabhati and finally, a Void meditation for closing). I think that the last one (Kappalabhati) I did it right because my body's temperature heated up a little bit and as a result, I sweated a little bit. I always start with a prayer in Father Satan to help me. Also, the problem is that my astral senses as a beginner aren't open yet and as a result, I can't yet see, hear or sense our Father. What can I do for it ?
b.)I thought about to do a Tratak meditation after falling in trance of course to be mentally focused (flame one with staring of a candle). I felt really weird, like I have a connection with the flame. Firstly, with my eyes open I could see faintly the aura of the flame, and with some manner I focused in the different colours of the flame and I realized that I could change the colour of the flame in my eyes, like one time being a faint pink, the other one a goldish white that goes all around the flame. Now, here comes the one: as I tried to focus mentally the image in my third eye with the eyes closed suddenly, I saw within it a shape, I didn't expect it (because until now all I could see is only darkness) !!! It was a little red diamond in my mind's eye. I don't know what it is, but I think it's an astral print of the flame or its aura I don't know how to explain it. And I found that yes, it is because when I imagined to just close my third eye and don't use it anymore, I stopped seeing the image in my brain and here we go again, darkness.
Also, I need curses towards YHWH and his fucking Jews
Fellow brothers, I need your advice and guidance.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Clayface said:
I officially hate my own race

Yesterday, my mom just began to move stuff around our home for three hours only to do just a few things (she wanted to makes things a little nicer where we live)

that wasn't the only thing that made me finally hate my own race, but the three hours she wasted made me snap (mentally, but I hid my anger) to where I hate my race, she told me that it was the journey that counts but for such a big journey just to accomplish some small things makes me think that my subhuman (but not black part of my family) are stupid (but not retarded like blacks)

I think genocide is a good thing when it comes to subhumans, I never saw white people being known for their stupidity like those brown skins

I know that she was given offers (she told me things about her past) but never accepted them because she couldn't "use people like that", so stupid she couldn't even give me a better life than she ever had, If I was white i wouldn't be so stupid so ugly and poor or have to face trouble from more subhumans near where i live and I wouldn't be in such a bad spot in life personally

I believe hate groups are justified in what they do against non-whites
I will forever have a grudge against subhumans (not all of them but you know what i mean)

If anyone is wondering, i'm actually subhuman (I might sound like a nazi since I hate my race but if I were white i can actually become SS like it is said on this forum since only aryans can be the real SS)

there are times that I feel so horrible when i'm being astrally touched by some form of subhuman heritage
I want to detach from my own race completely and never be affected by any and all subhuman heritage ever again
any workings i can do to detach from my race completely?

Even though I am not Black, I feel like I need to answer this post as I saw very hateful stuff about a race created by Father Satan.

You see, Blacks are created by Satan, and just because it unluckily happened for you to have a mother and father who were "retarded" as you said, though I wouldn't call them like that, doesn't mean that the members of the Black Race are totally dumb or stupid.

We have Black people in America like certain trappers, sadly controlled by jewish rap influences, that are very good and promote very useful messages sometimes, Black people gave me very good times in Great Britain when I was with my mom there, very very funny times with dances, learning about certain traditions of the Black people. It was very nice :)

I see that you are self-hating :( .
Self-hating my friend is only a xian (christian) concept, which only leads a certain individual, either from racial, intelectual, physiological or psychological aspects to imminent and certain failure. We need to stay united spiritually in order to help each other.

Start doing the RTRs and remove the jewish courses that have been thrown against you and your family. And perhaps, some work to better understand your family members, maybe discuss with them and tell them how you feel about it would really help, as I am sometimes saying to myself: words are better than stones and hatred when it comes to family, and also, words are very good when well-chosen.

You can talk to your family members about what you think they are doing wrong and tell them this in a nice manner, not starting a very useless argument session by insulting them and telling them cuss words, because then it will go nowhere.

Plus, as a final note, as I don't want to make a tedious reply here and I want to give you reply space, you need to stop thinking about genocide for the Black, Aryan or Asian (Oriental) race, because this is going nowhere. First because Satan always protects his Creation and secondly, because it is a jewish concept, just like race mixing or transgenderism.

Hail Satan and I hope that you will solve certain manners in your life :)

I suppose you are not an infiltrator, perhaps a misguided individual. And that is why I am here to help :)

I'm not full black but both sides of my family are subhuman but one is worse than the other

If Satan made the black race then why are they so stupid?

You don't understand what it's like to have subhuman family, some of it is good but most of it is bad and one way or the other all of it is stupid.

why would Satan even make subhumans?

And I would love to know what workings i can do detach from my own race, i am sick and tired of being subhuman. i want to be part of a better race
I know you don't want me to hate my own race but i have experienced too much not to hate them

i am not an infiltrator but i hope you can understand where i'm coming from
AryanPriest666 said:
Henu the Great said:
Cosmic6999 said:
What specific meditation

You also need to learn to learn. We can't hold your hand forever.

This is something I see a lot of, and something I've struggled with myself quite a bit. Those of us who were raised in contemporary western society (sooo I'm guessing about 99.9% of us here) were taught "learned helplessness". I'm not going to lecture about what it is, there is plenty of info at your fingertips by searching for it; but, in a nutshell it's being conditioned to believe that you can't do anything on your own... that you always need an "authority" figure (mommy, daddy, teacher, government, etc.) telling you what to do otherwise you're wrong if you think for yourself. If you attended public schools (or even private, xtian schools) you were conditioned to behave this way. It's also conditioned self-doubt, insecurity and disbelief in onesself. All of these things Satan can help us overcome! But yes... he's not going to hold your hand forever, either. At some point, he'll demand you help yourself.

Copy that
Hello there, to all fellow SS, and especially to new members. I'm a newly dedicated SS myself but I wanted to openly express some feelings that just need let out, if that's not an issue. 😁

When I peruse the forums and find others on this path, who aren't getting the results they wanted, I'm disheartened and wish I could do more to help.

Once, I had a dream long long ago. It's one of the first I can remember from a time I could remember anything at all, and it wasn't pretty. I was much older, older than I am now. I lived alone in some shack of an apartment, spending my nights checking through the blinds every few minutes, locking my door, and sitting in the corner with used needles beside me and curled up like a child in the dark. Nothing worked no matter how hard I didn't try. I was searching for a fastrack way to solve all my problems without much effort, using meditations, yoga, excercise, anything really to make me *feel* like I was doing something while I stuck needles in my arms. Eventually, in that dream, I told myself it was too much. I apologized, repeatedly, to someone or myself. I told myself I had to go back, to retry, to do it all over again, and I made promises. The promise to get a good job, a promise to raise my kids well, and promises to even do something as simple as clean my room as I cried. I grabbed a gun.. and just stared at this weird blue light with tears in my eyes.. put it to my head.. and just pulled the trigger. Then I woke up.

Bear in mind, I'm still just a child. I had seemingly just witnessed my own suicide, and the events leading to it. My first ever introduction to the concept of failure, hopelessness, and futility due to laziness and weakness. I would question it until recently, always throughout my life, but it set the tone for what's important to me today.

Now, I dedicated a year ago. And like so many others I notice, I didn't do too much work until a few months after my dedication, but after a bit of application and consistency, things are slowly but surely getting clearer. The more I continue to remain consistent in my meditations, workings, and reading through Satan's Library as well as the forums, the clearer my path becomes. I feel as though albeit slow and steady, my path becomes clearer and clearer.

It hasn't been very long, but I do my best to focus all my attention and intent into what I want. (Of course I'm not going to doubt my workings either, that doesn't do it any good) A cleaner soul, cleaner and empowered soul, and positive changes in all areas of my life. Of course, knowledge is also key, so I do my studying as well, and I try to apply myself physically as I do spiritually. No matter how small, the little changes I notice are enough to fill me with happiness and I feel proud of it! With every little step comes the progress with it.

Of course, it won't be easy, and often it's not. But when I think about who I was in that dream, I welcome the challenge. You only grow through those challenges.

It seems that most want more material things, and I get that, I do too. The new job is very nice, it's not grand but it does make much more than the last and will serve as a stepping stone to something bigger (this one provides college reimbursement). The new car is very nice, it's a 2022 Mustang GT, and the new experiences I've had open my eyes to world. But it took physical application too. The world we live in is physical, and effort needs to be applied. Be smart about it. Perhaps it was simply physical work in the end, but raising my energies surely helps.

I just keep moving forward, and there is always room to improve either one area or another. There's an endless list of things to focus on, and I'm at a good pace. The work of our Gods isn't nearly finished, and I'm not the best version of myself. I welcome that endless list with enthusiasm and confidence in knowing there's always a direction to *keep moving forward*.

With that, I promise. I'll be well and strong to serve Satan against our enemies, as it is his knowledge that elevates us to greater and greater heights.

Hail Satan! 😁
I haven’t ask this but do these meditations help learn ourselves and also have y’all herd of shadow work?
Hello my brothers, i have a question that i can’t answer myself, today i opened my Shoulder chakras, right after i was done i continued to meditate and i started feeling very positive energy, after 1 minute i felt a very warm felling from my lower back to the top of my back it was very hot it felt like it was climbing up, like very hot water going up my back, that was like 10 minutes ago and i can still feel it it’s not going away my whole body is starting to feel very hot, do somebody know what that is ?
Hello,I have a question about some christian testimonies.

in these testimonies,they claim that the satan who is samael and his 'demons'try to destroy christianity,and that some ex-'satanists'couldn't kill believing christians with the mirror where you strike the image in the mirror and the person will die.

they also in these testimonies claim that Jeebus saved them from these 'demons'and this'satan',and that these 'demons'do everything to keep people away from Jeebus and aloso that they meet with elites in astral world,and that islam and catholcism are ruled by these 'demons'as the western and eastern bloc of the 'antichrist'in occult texts.

tgheres also fantastical stories about heaven and hell,and seeing even the pharisaical jews of old in 'hell'for rejecting 'rabbi jeebus'though even christians have said this particular testimony is fabricated with a fake person(robert atsushi of sweden)created by a writer.

alot of these testimonies come from africa,and they speak of' demons' as mermaids and sirens of the sea etc and that Satanic systems like voodoo are ineffectiver against 'true christians'and 'rabbi 'jeebus'.

are these testimonies all fabricated and if some of them are true experiences how do we explain them from a satanic pov?

do the rabbis control both this 'samael'and rabbi jeebus'egregore and create good cop bad cop theatre?

also what is the point of bringing muslims out of islam if they're both enemy creations?or seeing all muslims in this 'hell'?

I know the bible is bs and full of errors and incoherent crap,but these testimonies made me fear and leave satanism to join the christians a few times,my satanic soul always comes back though,I just feel uneasy with christendom and worshipping rabbi jeebus because my soul is satanic.

I have a special relationship with my patron demon or ishta devata astaroth,or should I say she has a special relationship with me always guiding me and protecting me and she defended me against these'demons'attacking me at night before.
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Clayface said:
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Even though I am not Black, I feel like I need to answer this post as I saw very hateful stuff about a race created by Father Satan.

You see, Blacks are created by Satan, and just because it unluckily happened for you to have a mother and father who were "retarded" as you said, though I wouldn't call them like that, doesn't mean that the members of the Black Race are totally dumb or stupid.

We have Black people in America like certain trappers, sadly controlled by jewish rap influences, that are very good and promote very useful messages sometimes, Black people gave me very good times in Great Britain when I was with my mom there, very very funny times with dances, learning about certain traditions of the Black people. It was very nice :)

I see that you are self-hating :( .
Self-hating my friend is only a xian (christian) concept, which only leads a certain individual, either from racial, intelectual, physiological or psychological aspects to imminent and certain failure. We need to stay united spiritually in order to help each other.

Start doing the RTRs and remove the jewish courses that have been thrown against you and your family. And perhaps, some work to better understand your family members, maybe discuss with them and tell them how you feel about it would really help, as I am sometimes saying to myself: words are better than stones and hatred when it comes to family, and also, words are very good when well-chosen.

You can talk to your family members about what you think they are doing wrong and tell them this in a nice manner, not starting a very useless argument session by insulting them and telling them cuss words, because then it will go nowhere.

Plus, as a final note, as I don't want to make a tedious reply here and I want to give you reply space, you need to stop thinking about genocide for the Black, Aryan or Asian (Oriental) race, because this is going nowhere. First because Satan always protects his Creation and secondly, because it is a jewish concept, just like race mixing or transgenderism.

Hail Satan and I hope that you will solve certain manners in your life :)

I suppose you are not an infiltrator, perhaps a misguided individual. And that is why I am here to help :)

I'm not full black but both sides of my family are subhuman but one is worse than the other

If Satan made the black race then why are they so stupid?

You don't understand what it's like to have subhuman family, some of it is good but most of it is bad and one way or the other all of it is stupid.

why would Satan even make subhumans?

And I would love to know what workings i can do detach from my own race, i am sick and tired of being subhuman. i want to be part of a better race
I know you don't want me to hate my own race but i have experienced too much not to hate them

i am not an infiltrator but i hope you can understand where i'm coming from

First, thabk you for telling me you are halfblack, not fully black.

Secondly, even though those from your family are "subhuman" as you call them, that shouldn't be a moral, psychological nor physiological influence to you.

Instead of doing the workings for detaching your aura from them, because that is the working for detaching from the blacks, in your cade, I suffest you should do the Black Awakening Ritual as it is also available for this month's ritual schedule.

I will link the topic here:

You need to scroll down until you find the rituals that should be done on this month. Though, I suggest you read the whole topic as pur HP (High Priest) says very interesting thingd about the xian (christian) churches and how they have s very bad influence on people.

If you directly want to do just the Black Awakening ritual, you can do it from the link that I inserted:


As for why did Satan create the Black Race, this is very conplicated to say as the Gods and Father Satan himself have more knowledge on this matter.

You can start meditating on Father Satan's sigil and ask him certain questions.

Feel fre to also ask questions on the forums if you need help.

And, final answer to your question... your father and mother may be "subhuman" because of xian programming. But don't worry! If you do the Black Awakening ritual, everything will be fine.

Waiting for your reply :)

Hail Satan
Why can't I detach from subhumans?

I want a better life for myself but i don't care about the rest of my own kind i would like to be part of a race that is smarter and better looks

why the black awakening ritual instead? will bad things happen to me if I escape the subhumans?

being subhuman is because of race but xian stuff makes it much worse

I do not want anything to do with them

I feel like i would have a better life if i was white and i would also be so much smarter and look normal for a change

I know you want good things for me but I'm done with being a nigger

I would love to do the group ritual but my time is not enough i can only do daily meditations and rtr once a week and I dont know how I can get more free time

please tell me why i shouldn't detach from my own race (if I have time i will do the black awakening ritual)

I feel like i have been under attack this week because of all the things that have been happening
Have y’all herd of shadow work what is the easy way to do detach unwanted people and entites onto your soul
Could someone explain to me what's happening today with Jupiter and direct motion into Pisces? What does it mean?
Ol argedco luciftias said:
sola said:
hi family.

on one of JoS' youtube channels, it says that:
- beezlebub and satan are half-
- satan's son is azazel.
- azazel's grandad is beezlebub.

if that's all true then it means satan had sex with his half-bro's daughter to make azazel. isn't that some form of incest?

maybe im wrong about something here. may someone shed light on this?

<the JoS Magenta 666 youtube channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UClDkn1cOs7_LkA30wZNmZ_w/videos>

Astarte and Azazel are Satan's children. Baal Enlil is Satan's brother, and he is Astarte and Azazel's uncle.
that makes sense. i was thrown off when the video posted by an SS said enlil is azazel's grandad. mustve been a typo in the video.
hi siblings.

regarding magickal squares of the sun;
if one wants to attract wealth, should they use the material square or spiritual square? (or both?)

i reckon this has been asked many times already. i haven't found an answer, because i haven't looked at all the posts on this thread.

i don't want to sound like a scrub looool. its been made clear that RTRs are important. i perform RTRs (& the periodic ones whenever they're announced, such as 22nd - 30th november). so its not like I'm being greedy for money & disregarding the will of our gods.

i perform spiritual warfare as per the gods' will. i also want to attract wealth now, so answers are gratefully requested.
sola said:

Both will work, but the material is better. If you feel competent, you can do both spiritual and material versions at the same time, but my advice would be to program them separately so you don't confuse them. Starting them on separate days will also help separate them, at least in your mind.

For example, start a spiritual square (such as the upcoming Sun in Sag.) and program it for a general improvement to the solar energies of your soul. As you may know from the JoS Sites, our solar energies cover many aspects of life, of which one is our wealth potential.

On the next Sunday, start a material square and program it for increasing your wealth and prosperity, in the best way for you. If you recall from the "Overcoming Obstacles: Free time" thread, it might make sense for you to push for wealth which gives you more time.

Use the Lilith's Master Square app to help keep track. Try your best to keep them apart. I would say at least 1 hour minimum. Also make sure to visualize them well and as separate workings. Remember that you can always nullify the energy if you raise the improper amount for that day or that square. As long as you don't program it with this incorrect amount of energy, then the square is still ok.


No, there is nothing wrong with wanting wealth, power, dominance, etc. Like all things in life, we seek to both advance and balance them with other areas of our soul. Humanity is also deprived of wealth, as well. Similarly, there are not many great things to actually purchase, in regards to luxuries. This can all warp someone's view of wealth within life.

Obtaining wealth does not at all offend the Gods or anything, especially for someone who also puts in effort into their advancement and warfare efforts.

Anyway, good luck to you.
thank you henu. thank you blitz. (and thank other ss for providing insight to rest of us)

2 generic questions:

- will using 'shortcut' mantras make a working less potent?

- is it worth doing the squares for
saturn? seems like doing them activates sum fuck shit :lol: x_x . but im thinking maybe the benefit of completeing the square substantially outweighs the detriment¿ (or is it only a tiny gain & not a necessary square to do?)

can a soul create negative karma for theirself if they commit suicide? what are the consequences of commiting suicide, if any. (other than being put in the astral & possibly reincarnating)
hi, soon-to-be deities.

random thought: on the JoS website theres a webpage for money spells. the webpage instructs us to have an affirmation. the default one is "I am attracting large amounts of money to myself. This money is my own to keep and to spend as I choose".

the webpage says we can modify affirmations to suit ourself. what if one keeps the same affirmation, and only replaces 'large amounts of money' with 'a trillion dollars'? will it actually attract a trillion bucks to the mage? :idea:
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Clayface said:
NitrateOsfatate666 said:
Even though I am not Black, I feel like I need to answer this post as I saw very hateful stuff about a race created by Father Satan.

You see, Blacks are created by Satan, and just because it unluckily happened for you to have a mother and father who were "retarded" as you said, though I wouldn't call them like that, doesn't mean that the members of the Black Race are totally dumb or stupid.

We have Black people in America like certain trappers, sadly controlled by jewish rap influences, that are very good and promote very useful messages sometimes, Black people gave me very good times in Great Britain when I was with my mom there, very very funny times with dances, learning about certain traditions of the Black people. It was very nice :)

I see that you are self-hating :( .
Self-hating my friend is only a xian (christian) concept, which only leads a certain individual, either from racial, intelectual, physiological or psychological aspects to imminent and certain failure. We need to stay united spiritually in order to help each other.

Start doing the RTRs and remove the jewish courses that have been thrown against you and your family. And perhaps, some work to better understand your family members, maybe discuss with them and tell them how you feel about it would really help, as I am sometimes saying to myself: words are better than stones and hatred when it comes to family, and also, words are very good when well-chosen.

You can talk to your family members about what you think they are doing wrong and tell them this in a nice manner, not starting a very useless argument session by insulting them and telling them cuss words, because then it will go nowhere.

Plus, as a final note, as I don't want to make a tedious reply here and I want to give you reply space, you need to stop thinking about genocide for the Black, Aryan or Asian (Oriental) race, because this is going nowhere. First because Satan always protects his Creation and secondly, because it is a jewish concept, just like race mixing or transgenderism.

Hail Satan and I hope that you will solve certain manners in your life :)

I suppose you are not an infiltrator, perhaps a misguided individual. And that is why I am here to help :)

I'm not full black but both sides of my family are subhuman but one is worse than the other

If Satan made the black race then why are they so stupid?

You don't understand what it's like to have subhuman family, some of it is good but most of it is bad and one way or the other all of it is stupid.

why would Satan even make subhumans?

And I would love to know what workings i can do detach from my own race, i am sick and tired of being subhuman. i want to be part of a better race
I know you don't want me to hate my own race but i have experienced too much not to hate them

i am not an infiltrator but i hope you can understand where i'm coming from

First, thabk you for telling me you are halfblack, not fully black.

Secondly, even though those from your family are "subhuman" as you call them, that shouldn't be a moral, psychological nor physiological influence to you.

Instead of doing the workings for detaching your aura from them, because that is the working for detaching from the blacks, in your cade, I suffest you should do the Black Awakening Ritual as it is also available for this month's ritual schedule.

I will link the topic here:

You need to scroll down until you find the rituals that should be done on this month. Though, I suggest you read the whole topic as pur HP (High Priest) says very interesting thingd about the xian (christian) churches and how they have s very bad influence on people.

If you directly want to do just the Black Awakening ritual, you can do it from the link that I inserted:


As for why did Satan create the Black Race, this is very conplicated to say as the Gods and Father Satan himself have more knowledge on this matter.

You can start meditating on Father Satan's sigil and ask him certain questions.

Feel fre to also ask questions on the forums if you need help.

And, final answer to your question... your father and mother may be "subhuman" because of xian programming. But don't worry! If you do the Black Awakening ritual, everything will be fine.

Waiting for your reply :)

Hail Satan

First stop with the insults. You may have a subhuman family, but that doesn't make your Race subhuman. Father created Blacks for a reason, and rightly so. Elevated Blacks are admirable beings. Subhumans aren't Black, aren't White, aren't Asian in my opinion, they're barely even Humans, hence the name, so don't compare whatever specimens you may see at home to genuinely educated people of worth . These words are coming from a White Sister. If even other Races say this what makes you insult your own Race? That's a disgrace. The Black Race like any other Race is amazing if awakened, and that's why you should be doing your Black Race Awakening Ritual instead of complaining over fallen individuals, and maybe that will help you understand the beauty of your own people too. And do not attempt to hurt other Black SS out of hate towards the Black Race, our Gods despise infighting and their punishments are great. I really hope you meet or become a Risen Black so you see it's possible.
Why I can’t feel energy I can’t feel my chakras I can’t feel vibes at all what the fuck is wrong with me
Cosmic6999 said:
Why I can’t feel energy I can’t feel my chakras I can’t feel vibes at all what the fuck is wrong with me

After I opened my chakras there were 2 months when I felt nothing.
Maybe your body gets used to the amount of energy and you don't feel any more.
Be careful not to overload yourself.
Could you make me understand how the Final RIV, Killing the Tetragrammaton and Destroying the Jewish defenses works? I do them daily. Just that I don't know if what I'm doing is working and I'm afraid that I'm wasting my time and that I'm not actually doing anything. I can't meditate because I don't think I have that right. So I have no power to offer the rituals. I can only offer psychic energy to them. This make me to feel tired. I can't raise my energies... I read the pronunciation in every day, but I can't out loud because people around me might hear me. I read them in a whisper and try to imagine how they burn or how they are enveloped by a flame full of blue energy until they disappear.
I pronounce them many times as needed for each one. Does this work? Should I continue or I am doing nothing? I make them as in the posted explanatory video. If I don't vibrate them, does it work? Just to read them? I think that the video is just an example of how we should pronounce them and that they should actually be vibrated? I don't know how to do them, it's hard for me to understand.
I want to remind you of the new icon of the site, there is a circle around the Baphomet star. I hope you correct it
I did the ritual today but my makeshift candle (a colored black crayon) burned out while I was trying to burn the paper? Is my dedication valid?

Also, If I create a Google Chat room to hang out with people and make friends, would anyone be interested?
GhaiphisBlackBird said:
I did the ritual today but my makeshift candle (a colored black crayon) burned out while I was trying to burn the paper? Is my dedication valid?

Also, If I create a Google Chat room to hang out with people and make friends, would anyone be interested?

Your dedication ritual is valid. There is no problem. The most important thing is the intention of your soul, and the gods know that your intentions are good. Any kind of props like colored candles or silver bowls are not required.

It is very important for you to protect your privacy. Do not tell anyone you know that you are Satanist. And do not try to meet people either in person, on google, on discord, or anything else like that.

Any real and honest Satanist would talk to you here on this website and answer your questions. Any other seperate groups like on twitch or discord are almost entirely dishonest and evil people who have bad intentions. Most are jews or muslims who would want to kill a Satanist if they saw you in person. And nearly all of them are focused on trying to make people insane. Trying to curse everyone. Telling people to chant death curses into themselves and saying it is a money spell or something like that. Or trying to blackmail people or take money from people.

I'm not saying you would do any of these things. I just want to warn you that these are the kinds of evil people who join into those kinds of groups. And if you start a group, this is most likely what you would get joining it.
Misikeksz666 said:
Cosmic6999 said:
Why I can’t feel energy I can’t feel my chakras I can’t feel vibes at all what the fuck is wrong with me

After I opened my chakras there were 2 months when I felt nothing.
Maybe your body gets used to the amount of energy and you don't feel any more.
Be careful not to overload yourself.

When I focus on them I feel nothing

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
