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Ol argedco luciftias said:
SerenaMousse said:

The part that is a lie, and what really disgusts me, is that they use the names of real people as the characters in the movie. So if you don't know who these people are, to you it will just seem like a regular fiction movie and then there is really nothing wrong with it. But to anybody who recognizes any of the names, it is lying about their lives, lying about their personalities and motivations, and worst of all lying about their actions. And it is a horrible form of slandering these people. And creating completely fictional events too.

Oh I see. That would be incredibly rude for them to do so. That would be defamation wouldn't it? A deplorable act that happens too often in Hollywood and politics but I digress. Care to elaborate on who these people were? were they Satanists as we are or something similar? And what significance were they that warranted the Jews to make such a hit piece against them? Must've been an influential bunch to get a whole movie made about them.
Greetings all friends,

I have a numerology question;

My birthday, my wife's birthday and my 3 children birthday equal to 8.

1981-10-06 = 19-1-6= 26=8
1991-04-11= 20-4-2=26=8
2016-06-29=9-6-11=26= 8
2019-01-04= 12-1-4=17= 8
2022-02-09= 6-2-9=17= 8

Does it means something?
When I add the number up before my third child wad born, I made the prediction to my wife that she would be giving birth to our child on february 9th.
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TheJewtrix said:

You can get it from anywhere else on your body. It does not matter where you get it from, and there are many other safe and easy places.

It really is unnecessarily dangerous to try to get it from the finger anyway because there are so many tendons so close to the skin. There is no spot on the finger where there is no tendon. And if you go deep enough to hit that, you're fucked.

Thank you so much, I was searching so long for this answer. I only have one more thing to ask.. Do you recommend any spots? And what equipment used to draw the blood? Needle, ect. Because my fingers literally won’t draw blood man.
SerenaMousse said:
I feel an absolute hatred for Christianity and It genuinely hurts me when I can't get my own life partner to believe half of what I know. At least they listened to me about the vaccines and didn't take it no matter how bad their government tried to force it. When nobody listens to your words and you know what you have to say is important it's easy to lose yourself in maddened rage.
Greetings, maybe offtopic but : remember we don't persuade anyone here simply because if someone isn't drawn to this already their place is not here, and they could never be one of us and do what we do regularly, even if they did enter they simply wouldn't be fit for the job. As others have said before we are an Elite - we need few, but strong SS. And we can use our energies much more usefully than turning others to our side, because they would turn themselves, upon seeing the link, if they were meant to be here.
The concern here wouldn't be convincing them, but make sure your relationship doesn't hinder your SS duties, I know I wouldn't be compatible with someone who isn't SS.
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
SerenaMousse said:
I feel an absolute hatred for Christianity and It genuinely hurts me when I can't get my own life partner to believe half of what I know. At least they listened to me about the vaccines and didn't take it no matter how bad their government tried to force it. When nobody listens to your words and you know what you have to say is important it's easy to lose yourself in maddened rage.
Greetings, maybe offtopic but : remember we don't persuade anyone here simply because if someone isn't drawn to this already their place is not here, and they could never be one of us and do what we do regularly, even if they did enter they simply wouldn't be fit for the job. As others have said before we are an Elite - we need few, but strong SS. And we can use our energies much more usefully than turning others to our side, because they would turn themselves, upon seeing the link, if they were meant to be here.
The concern here wouldn't be convincing them, but make sure your relationship doesn't hinder your SS duties, I know I wouldn't be compatible with someone who isn't SS.

My apologies but our views must differ. I do not believe we are an elite. And I do believe there is a great truth in what JoS has to offer. It's my highest belief that Satans goal is for all Humanity to advance to higher states of being. Isn't free knowledge not one of the most regarded morals of SS? Thus I'd say Satan intends for all to benefit. Not just an elite. The truth is to be shared with all those who'd listen.
Thinking we are superior to any other is an absolute turn off for me. Reminds of me Christians judging Non-Christians.
Or how Jews consider all other races cattle just there to be slaves and livestock for them.
But maybe that's not exactly you meant. If not care to elaborate?
SerenaMousse said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
SerenaMousse said:
I feel an absolute hatred for Christianity and It genuinely hurts me when I can't get my own life partner to believe half of what I know. At least they listened to me about the vaccines and didn't take it no matter how bad their government tried to force it. When nobody listens to your words and you know what you have to say is important it's easy to lose yourself in maddened rage.
Greetings, maybe offtopic but : remember we don't persuade anyone here simply because if someone isn't drawn to this already their place is not here, and they could never be one of us and do what we do regularly, even if they did enter they simply wouldn't be fit for the job. As others have said before we are an Elite - we need few, but strong SS. And we can use our energies much more usefully than turning others to our side, because they would turn themselves, upon seeing the link, if they were meant to be here.
The concern here wouldn't be convincing them, but make sure your relationship doesn't hinder your SS duties, I know I wouldn't be compatible with someone who isn't SS.

My apologies but our views must differ. I do not believe we are an elite. And I do believe there is a great truth in what JoS has to offer. It's my highest belief that Satans goal is for all Humanity to advance to higher states of being. Isn't free knowledge not one of the most regarded morals of SS? Thus I'd say Satan intends for all to benefit. Not just an elite. The truth is to be shared with all those who'd listen.
Thinking we are superior to any other is an absolute turn off for me. Reminds of me Christians judging Non-Christians.
Or how Jews consider all other races cattle just there to be slaves and livestock for them.
But maybe that's not exactly you meant. If not care to elaborate?
You are right that the door is open for all, but only certain kind of souls are open to this Path and willing to stick through come hell or high water. That is what is meant by that Spiritual Satanism is for the elite.

There certainly is hierarchy here, and likewise in Nature. This is normal. We have people who are more advanced and those who are inferior. Much like in army you have ranks based on skill and merit, or at least that is the original idea. All of us are people at the end of the day.
Henu the Great said:
SerenaMousse said:
AsraArdwulfLeberecht said:
Greetings, maybe offtopic but : remember we don't persuade anyone here simply because if someone isn't drawn to this already their place is not here, and they could never be one of us and do what we do regularly, even if they did enter they simply wouldn't be fit for the job. As others have said before we are an Elite - we need few, but strong SS. And we can use our energies much more usefully than turning others to our side, because they would turn themselves, upon seeing the link, if they were meant to be here.
The concern here wouldn't be convincing them, but make sure your relationship doesn't hinder your SS duties, I know I wouldn't be compatible with someone who isn't SS.

My apologies but our views must differ. I do not believe we are an elite. And I do believe there is a great truth in what JoS has to offer. It's my highest belief that Satans goal is for all Humanity to advance to higher states of being. Isn't free knowledge not one of the most regarded morals of SS? Thus I'd say Satan intends for all to benefit. Not just an elite. The truth is to be shared with all those who'd listen.
Thinking we are superior to any other is an absolute turn off for me. Reminds of me Christians judging Non-Christians.
Or how Jews consider all other races cattle just there to be slaves and livestock for them.
But maybe that's not exactly you meant. If not care to elaborate?
You are right that the door is open for all, but only certain kind of souls are open to this Path and willing to stick through come hell or high water. That is what is meant by that Spiritual Satanism is for the elite.

There certainly is hierarchy here, and likewise in Nature. This is normal. We have people who are more advanced and those who are inferior. Much like in army you have ranks based on skill and merit, or at least that is the original idea. All of us are people at the end of the day.

Fair assessment I can understand to a degree. But is really seeing a link to a website enough to make aware any like minded individuals? It took me years before I finally decided that oddball site "JoS" I found years ago was worth another go. I might've taken my dedication in early adulthood but now only in my 30s do I genuinely find it to be the closest belief to what I feel is the truth. No others give us a path to greatness as this one does. I do not feel there's bootlicking to bullshit gods in Spiritual Satanism. It's about becoming equal to the gods is it not. We respect and value the work of the gods but the rituals meditations and practices that are done are not done merely out of worship but to better ourselves.

One major thing I hate about the Christian belief is that if you are not saved you are simply doomed to burn in hell. How fair is that for civilizations or countries where Christianity is forbidden and they are never even taught about god? They'd have no chance to be saved. What an unfair and stupid belief that is.
I believe we've all got the same potentials. Some are just more blessed than others. Your only inferior if you've given up on evolving past your limitations. You've only failed when you've quit trying.
I would be more than glad if everyone would presently benefit. But only a minority understands, accepts and focuses on improving themselves and doing spiritual warfare. Even if we spread the Truth, not every person will take it. And it's not a bad thing because a group of people that possess spiritual force can topple a majority that is devoid of any soul and will. Like the 300 Spartans. Those who have proved loyal, are an Elite. We accept everyone if they lift themselves to the standards of the SS duties, our ranks are open for any Gentile deemed worthy who wants to advance but we do not need everyone and we do not undermine the merits of the few thousands who struggle just so we do not hurt the feelings of the masses. That's communism. Because you want it or not, the regular SS here is of higher quality than the average person you see on the street. We do spiritual things better, and are more aware - that doesn't make us entitled to their rights, nor do we act like a different species, nor treat them with arrogance, nor demand worship, nor play with their lives for entertainment (like kikes do) but what's fair is fair.
Like Gods are superior to us, and they don't have bad intentions towards us, we are also superior to the normies and the simpletons, and we hope to elevate them in the future. It's an objective, measurable fact.
The ideal political organizations as written in a pdf by HPHC, are monarchy, aristocracy and polity, not democracy. We are not equal. That's a blessing.
Hello Everybody
I am very new here. Dont know exactly how to manage my page .
I am originally russian.
Just discovered your web. I am totally agree about all your posts but I was never thinking that Satan is a good thing:)) That's why I have a question that is not clear for me:
If the Jews Agenda of NWO and other stuff is not Satan , why they are showing Satan simbols (politics, singers, actors etc) everywhere? Including Clintons&Co
Why they celebrate Satan events and doing terrible things on these days?
I would thankful if you explain me.
Also another question - I have read that Prometheus is a Satan.
Thanks a lot!
SerenaMousse said:
Fair assessment I can understand to a degree. But is really seeing a link to a website enough to make aware any like minded individuals? It took me years before I finally decided that oddball site "JoS" I found years ago was worth another go. I might've taken my dedication in early adulthood but now only in my 30s do I genuinely find it to be the closest belief to what I feel is the truth. No others give us a path to greatness as this one does. I do not feel there's bootlicking to bullshit gods in Spiritual Satanism. It's about becoming equal to the gods is it not. We respect and value the work of the gods but the rituals meditations and practices that are done are not done merely out of worship but to better ourselves.

One major thing I hate about the Christian belief is that if you are not saved you are simply doomed to burn in hell. How fair is that for civilizations or countries where Christianity is forbidden and they are never even taught about god? They'd have no chance to be saved. What an unfair and stupid belief that is.
I believe we've all got the same potentials. Some are just more blessed than others. Your only inferior if you've given up on evolving past your limitations. You've only failed when you've quit trying.
First I must correct my earlier wording. I should have used the word subordinate rather than inferior. That is what I meant. Although having less skill than others can be seen as being inferior, in practice.

Each comes to JoS from different background. For me it was instant match when I found it given all my past exploring. Further, sometimes just having a glance at truth can plant a seed that will sprout later on life, or in next lifetime so it's not so simple really.

And no, there is no equality. Yes, we can become Gods in our own right, but how are you equal with someone more capable and expierenced than you? It just does not compute.

I never thought that practicing 8 fold path was anything else than self improvement. Did someone here state otherwise that I missed?

Btw, saying that we all have the same potential and some are more blessed than others can be seen as oxymoron. Maybe when we talk about personal efforts combined with blessings fron higher ups we can say it like that, but otherwise it does not make sense to me right now.

I think it is best to leave Christianity out of the discussion as it is rife with fallacies of many sorts.
I am not a Satanist at all yet:) Because of programming from the day of birth. But I have always had a doubt about religions. It was inside me. Only past 2 years I start to open my mind and investigate things.
I remember from my childhood that my father always were telling that the Juws are evil. Is back to 1980s... in Soviet Union:))) In this time I was thinking he is out of the mind:)))
And about the bible I think - or they change it or they really invented... Still not sure
I was thinking today, that perhaps anger isn’t a negative emotion… it's positive. Whereas fear, guilt, shame, grief are all negative….

What are you thoughts about Anger?
I've just thought about this recently. My mom as mentioned quite a few times about that when some people are close to death that they see men standing near them somewhere before they die. This happened to her mother before she passed away as well.

I saw on the JoS site how Satan sends his demons to guide those who have Satanic souls to Hell to be protected from the light.

My family has generally been christian in this life but is this still an affect of their past lives and are they being guarded by Satan in the afterlife?
oxocat said:
Also another question: Why Jews are injecting they own people?

Because if you look at the reports of what it's been doing to the dna. It breaks it down and makes it programmable by them.

It wouldn't matter if one of their own got the shot sense it is filled with their own energy and will.
oxocat said:
I am not a Satanist at all yet:) Because of programming from the day of birth. But I have always had a doubt about religions. It was inside me. Only past 2 years I start to open my mind and investigate things.
I remember from my childhood that my father always were telling that the Juws are evil. Is back to 1980s... in Soviet Union:))) In this time I was thinking he is out of the mind:)))
And about the bible I think - or they change it or they really invented... Still not sure

There is plenty of sorces provided here and on the JoS site. But it does take time to go through each one and doing one's on research to connect the dots and see how things were stolen from each true old religion and marketed for their agenda.

I will go ahead and say it here since I don't believe I've seen it mentioned much but one prime example in their bible is how it mentions the Serpent as a beast of the "Garden of Eden" and the "Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil" their god then proceeds to strike the Serpent to the ground and is mentioned with hate at many other points throughout the bible.

That to me is a good red flag when you see how many times in the old religions starting from Sumerian about how the Serpent brings life and teaches humanity and is also a part of the human soul.
Greetings! I read today a post about xian baptism and how the priest literally closes the infant's third eye in the ceremony, when "denouncing Satan" and that is why, in the Dedication Ritual, we renounce with such hate the disgusting energy of the enemy. It's written somewhere that the Dedication outdoes the influence of the baptism and cancels it.
But back when I did my Dedication, I was so ignorant, and I didnt' know in depth about the slaughterhouse xianity is, and I changed 1 word or so (Don't ask me, now I'd never do that again) in regards to this part about renouncing the matrix. Does it still count as valid? Could it be that if I performed it improperly, the influence of the baptism is still active?
Should I Dedicate myself again?
Or like any other curses against Satan, it will in time?
TheJewtrix said:
Darkspirit said:
Guys when I focus on my third eye the energy also flows on the second and first, but sometimes it also goes on the nose (I know it's funny but it's true), if anyone knows more it would be nice to explain to me?

Hello I am 15, 2 days ago I made a commitment to Satan/Lucifer through the initiation ritual, reciting the text, following every step of the ritual, and don't forget. Keeping Satan in my heart throughout the process with love. I tried over 10 times to prick my finger, I tried it soft, hard, deep, EVERYTHING. I wasn't able to bleed.. I have made my intentions clear to Lucifer and that I request to be loved and looked after by him and stay committed. But the only thing holding me back is the fact I couldn't use blood to sign my name, instead I had to substitute blood with a red pen..

Somebody please inform me on this, because I want an eternal bond between me and Satan, and I am confused as if it has taken place..

First I hope you are not the one who says your name for obvious reasons and for future complications. Then to talk about the ritual do the best you can with the means you have, then what matters most is what you feel inside yourself really I hope you understand.
Artoria Pendragon said:
I was thinking today, that perhaps anger isn’t a negative emotion… it's positive. Whereas fear, guilt, shame, grief are all negative….

What are you thoughts about Anger?

Anger is useful when directed at a cause. Black magic, RTRs, and such. Repressed and residual anger can be debilitating though.

I would say shame and grief are useless, but guilt is not necessarily negative, it can be a way of showing you what is right and wrong. Say your overweight and you try and lose weight but you have a day of eating like shit, you feel guilty after and that is a good thing.
Thinking about using THAUR and URUZ together on my sacral chakra. URUZ for freedom and THAUR for breaking through obstacles/blockages. Anyone have any experience with this combo? Is it a bad idea to use THAUR?

I have started the Kundalini Yoga 4 days ago. I struggle when I have to sit on my heels since my knees and ankles are not that flexible. Does someone have a way to increase my flexibility in my knees and ankles beside the Kundalini yoga?

Thank you
Star wars codes which one apply to us Ss?
Also is the force and the aura the same thing?
Is this movie based off anicent teachings and true satanic occult knowledge.?
Help me understand this so I can train.
The force, I would say is the creative/destructive energy of all the universes. The female principle. The Aura is an energetic field of living beings.


Here is a good place to read ^^

Cosmic6999 said:
Star wars codes which one apply to us Ss?
Also is the force and the aura the same thing?
Is this movie based off anicent teachings and true satanic occult knowledge.?
Help me understand this so I can train.
Cosmic6999 said:
Star wars codes which one apply to us Ss?
Also is the force and the aura the same thing?
Is this movie based off anicent teachings and true satanic occult knowledge.?
Help me understand this so I can train.
BabySatan said:
Blitzkreig [JG said:
" post_id=364144 time=1654689073 user_id=21286]
BabySatan said:

Can we do multiple squares at a specific time?I am doing a sun square right now


Yes. As far as how much this impacts the quality of each working, I cannot say for sure. I always raise my energies before each working, and seem to get good enough results.

Sometimes it is useful to fix or address multiple problems at once. However, you should also be efficient with your time. Ask the Gods what you should be working on, don't just do whatever you think is cool or something.
Hello BK,

How should I contact the Gods?I am not able to perform the standard ritual because of living with my parents and also my astral senses are not open.


Hi BK,

Yesterday I fell and hurt my hand due to which I only could do my sun square mantra after midnight.Does this mean I need to restart the square again from scratch?

Hi, not sure if I posted this on the wrong thread, but I'm reposting it since this new members thread cake up.

I'm quite new to Spiritual Satanism so please forgive my randomness...but I have a question and would appreciate some meditations and thoughts, if possible, to help me better understand and deal. So before I actually became a SS I always had super strong intuitions and considered myself clairvoyant based on experiences but suppressed my gift to a degree and thought I was "sinning" for even being curious of my own gift since "Catholics" frown upon 6th senses, clairvoyance, etc. I noticed the clairvoyance around 14 or 15 and always thought I was weird and different since nobody could relate to me nor did I feel that certain energy amongst anyone, as I have in recent years. Now fast forward to my mid 20's, still not a SS and knew absolutely nothing about it either, but I started noticing everywhere I went if I'd plug something into an electrical outlet it would spark, I could feel it, and a handful of times I saw a blue spark as well. About 10 years ago a friend was having issues with his car battery and one day I happened to be riding with him in the car when it lost the juice, so he was fiddling trying to get it on...i decided to get out and see if I could help. I grabbed it and moved it and immediately the car sparked and started. That day he said to me "wow you are grounded" and the next day called to tell me he couldn't believe the car started again. He's of Chinese descent and another interesting comment his mother (who didn't speak a lick of English) made to him about me, she told him I had something special with animals because I was the only person their chow chow dog didn't bark at and would hang around me. Now present day I'm 37 going on a year of being a Spiritual Satanist, and recently came across the bioelectricity section and then extraordinary abilities which definitely weighed on me. So my question is, how can I tone down the electricity or control it so I don't damage something or cause myself harm? Is there a meditation for redirection of my electric field? Any meditations in that general area would be of great help. Thank you any insights are appreciated and welcomed!

oxocat said:
Also another question: Why Jews are injecting they own people?

Saline. The jews are injecting saline into themselves.

To answer your question about the elite jews using our symbols, they use the symbols of our gods and their names to create a wild goose chase for the christian/muslim conspiracy theorist, and to also shift the blame to Satan and the gods. An common example the conspiracy theorist blame are Osiris cults, Mitra cults, Innana cults, Dionysus cult, etc.
TheJewtrix said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
TheJewtrix said:

You can get it from anywhere else on your body. It does not matter where you get it from, and there are many other safe and easy places.

It really is unnecessarily dangerous to try to get it from the finger anyway because there are so many tendons so close to the skin. There is no spot on the finger where there is no tendon. And if you go deep enough to hit that, you're fucked.

Thank you so much, I was searching so long for this answer. I only have one more thing to ask.. Do you recommend any spots? And what equipment used to draw the blood? Needle, ect. Because my fingers literally won’t draw blood man.

It would have save you time to look for the answer at the bottom of the dedication page. I linked it for reference.


erick_erick said:
hi i have a question. seth is one of satans son. so why seth have dark skin?

He doesn't. It's allegorical because he's the God of Darkness among things. He obviously doesn't have a dog's head either, just in case you ask next.

Cosmic6999 said:
Star wars codes which one apply to us Ss?
Also is the force and the aura the same thing?
Is this movie based off anicent teachings and true satanic occult knowledge.?
Help me understand this so I can train.
1. The Sith code is mostly good. The Jedi code is partially good.

2. The Force is just the akasha. The infinite, eternal energy that is everything. Call it whatever you want.

3. Sith is from Siddha in India which is Sidhe in Ireland and Celtic culture in general. Jedi is from Djedhi in India. Both were ancient priestly castes specialised in spiritual alchemy. None of them was as retarded as depicted in the film. The problem is that George Lucas is a xtard, so he had the corrupt everything. The grain of truth in them is the focus on spiritual advancement, and all the special abilities you see (and read of in other Star Wars material) are siddhis which can be worked upon and developed.

Yin and yang obviously exist but it's not like in SW. Neither of them is evil and yang is not the "natural" state of the Force. Both are natural, both coexist. The "Force" itself (Akasha) is one, meaning it contains everything within it, the electromagnetic medium. Neither form of government represented also has anything to do with SS societies, as they are both tyrannies. Only true aristocracy is SS, as the word originally means "Aryan rule/government" aka "noble rule/government". In other words, a government where the wisest - that committed the noblest deeds in society - rule over the rest, with varying titles based on their positive contribution. Democracy, oligarchy, republic, etc... don't work as they are of the enemy. Plato literally says that a true aristocracy is ruled by a philosopher king aka the priest-king/Pendragon of eras past. Father Satan is like that.

If you want to "train", you have the option of doing the 40-day programme and the spiritual warfare training programme, both of which are excellent resources for beginners. Then you can build your own programme...
Masterj810610 said:

I have started the Kundalini Yoga 4 days ago. I struggle when I have to sit on my heels since my knees and ankles are not that flexible. Does someone have a way to increase my flexibility in my knees and ankles beside the Kundalini yoga?

Thank you

In time, that will come easy to you. Even just by doing kundalini yoga. You can put a pillow or something else soft in between your bum and your feet, to make the position more comfortable.

Myofascial Release
Something else you could do is use a lacrosse ball (or similar in shape, size and consistency) and roll it below your feet for a few minutes a day (as little as 30 second is fine but no longer than 5 minutes). Then do the same at the back of your ankle. Overdoing this can cause your ankles to become too soft which is very dangerous and has a very high risk of resulting in injury while doing regular daily activities. When you roll you need with a lacrosse ball, you need to find the painful spots, and focus on them.

You can also get a foam roller and roll it under your hamstrings. Once you've done your hamstrings, you can do your calves, then your quads and, finally, your Achilles STM. Again, do not overdo it for the same reasons listed above. Have patience!

Vibrating "Zzzzzz" in your joint before or after your flexibility session speeds up the acquisition of flexibility, even without affirmations. Just be sure to focus on the joint you are interested in and feel the vibration there. Doing this also in minor chakras in those areas helps. In the chakra diagram on the opening the soul page, you can find out where the knee and ankle chakras are located.

Some "complete" guides
Here are some guides from a gymnastics coach. You can find other videos on his channel.

Ankle Mobility

Hamstrings Flexibility

Disclaimer: when in doubt, always consult a medical practitioner, not random people online.
Greetings! Do you know a good occult online shop that ships overseas? In my country, they're all infected with xianity.
Greetings. Why it the link to these... Hell headbangers on the Links page on the JoS website..? It seems the average heavy metal, full of gore thing. I mean, we're not some emo ghouls. And in the opening video the Demon is literally presented as a red monster who beats a human.
I also heard that listening to such music makes you violent and less inteligent.
Greetings! Are there any active JoS youtube channels? I found JoSMinistries (with HPS Maxine) and Magenta666, but they haven't posted in a while, meanwhile all HPHC's yt accounts have been closed as far as I know. (btw Odysee is much better in my opinion)
Stormblood said:
Masterj810610 said:

I have started the Kundalini Yoga 4 days ago. I struggle when I have to sit on my heels since my knees and ankles are not that flexible. Does someone have a way to increase my flexibility in my knees and ankles beside the Kundalini yoga?

Thank you

In time, that will come easy to you. Even just by doing kundalini yoga. You can put a pillow or something else soft in between your bum and your feet, to make the position more comfortable.

Myofascial Release
Something else you could do is use a lacrosse ball (or similar in shape, size and consistency) and roll it below your feet for a few minutes a day (as little as 30 second is fine but no longer than 5 minutes). Then do the same at the back of your ankle. Overdoing this can cause your ankles to become too soft which is very dangerous and has a very high risk of resulting in injury while doing regular daily activities. When you roll you need with a lacrosse ball, you need to find the painful spots, and focus on them.

You can also get a foam roller and roll it under your hamstrings. Once you've done your hamstrings, you can do your calves, then your quads and, finally, your Achilles STM. Again, do not overdo it for the same reasons listed above. Have patience!

Vibrating "Zzzzzz" in your joint before or after your flexibility session speeds up the acquisition of flexibility, even without affirmations. Just be sure to focus on the joint you are interested in and feel the vibration there. Doing this also in minor chakras in those areas helps. In the chakra diagram on the opening the soul page, you can find out where the knee and ankle chakras are located.

Some "complete" guides
Here are some guides from a gymnastics coach. You can find other videos on his channel.

Ankle Mobility

Hamstrings Flexibility

Disclaimer: when in doubt, always consult a medical practitioner, not random people online.

Thanks, I will apply the vibration advice but I will wait with practice since I know time is the best to correct this problem (and practice).
Greetings. I've heard we had a shop, Satan's supply back in the day (I joined earlier), is it still open?
erick_erick said:
hi i have a question. seth is one of satans son. so why seth have dark skin?

He doesn't. He is white.
Stormblood said:
TheJewtrix said:
Ol argedco luciftias said:
You can get it from anywhere else on your body. It does not matter where you get it from, and there are many other safe and easy places.

It really is unnecessarily dangerous to try to get it from the finger anyway because there are so many tendons so close to the skin. There is no spot on the finger where there is no tendon. And if you go deep enough to hit that, you're fucked.

Thank you so much, I was searching so long for this answer. I only have one more thing to ask.. Do you recommend any spots? And what equipment used to draw the blood? Needle, ect. Because my fingers literally won’t draw blood man.

It would have save you time to look for the answer at the bottom of the dedication page. I linked it for reference.


erick_erick said:
hi i have a question. seth is one of satans son. so why seth have dark skin?

He doesn't. It's allegorical because he's the God of Darkness among things. He obviously doesn't have a dog's head either, just in case you ask next.

Cosmic6999 said:
Star wars codes which one apply to us Ss?
Also is the force and the aura the same thing?
Is this movie based off anicent teachings and true satanic occult knowledge.?
Help me understand this so I can train.
1. The Sith code is mostly good. The Jedi code is partially good.

2. The Force is just the akasha. The infinite, eternal energy that is everything. Call it whatever you want.

3. Sith is from Siddha in India which is Sidhe in Ireland and Celtic culture in general. Jedi is from Djedhi in India. Both were ancient priestly castes specialised in spiritual alchemy. None of them was as retarded as depicted in the film. The problem is that George Lucas is a xtard, so he had the corrupt everything. The grain of truth in them is the focus on spiritual advancement, and all the special abilities you see (and read of in other Star Wars material) are siddhis which can be worked upon and developed.

Yin and yang obviously exist but it's not like in SW. Neither of them is evil and yang is not the "natural" state of the Force. Both are natural, both coexist. The "Force" itself (Akasha) is one, meaning it contains everything within it, the electromagnetic medium. Neither form of government represented also has anything to do with SS societies, as they are both tyrannies. Only true aristocracy is SS, as the word originally means "Aryan rule/government" aka "noble rule/government". In other words, a government where the wisest - that committed the noblest deeds in society - rule over the rest, with varying titles based on their positive contribution. Democracy, oligarchy, republic, etc... don't work as they are of the enemy. Plato literally says that a true aristocracy is ruled by a philosopher king aka the priest-king/Pendragon of eras past. Father Satan is like that.

If you want to "train", you have the option of doing the 40-day programme and the spiritual warfare training programme, both of which are excellent resources for beginners. Then you can build your own programme...

I see so why the light saber don't Satan n the gods know martial arts?
Long time friend obsessed with the WW's gagging on Jewish lies and believes Nationalists groups want segregation so that they can exterminate certain races. I like them as a friend but. Sheesh. Tolerate or kick them to the curb? I've done tried to share my viewpoints and got more than enough ire simply stating his dumb story about some Jewish bitch giving a dead baby to a British soldier was probably entirely made up.

Al Jilwah: Chapter IV

"It is my desire that all my followers unite in a bond of unity, lest those who are without prevail against them." - Satan
